12/20/1993-CC-Minutes-Regular. :. _ a.. b}. As of today, a total of 24 single family residence building permits, valued at $1,51C,250 have been issued for the calendar year. c}. Started today on the water line development extension on Belz Road. . Any Other Such Matters a}. Mayor Armstrong inquired about tree signs located on Willow and lt3th regarding the flashing lights. b}. Councilman Richardson mentioned there was a drainage problem on Jackilu between the Garland's and Mr. Tipton's house. It was mentioned that one caf the neighbors has wood placed high on their fence which is causing a drainage problem. c}. Mayor Armstrong suggested on the food inspection reports that they be placed in the local paper. d}. Mayor Armstrong mept oned that three applicants will be interviewed for the Fire 1Vlarshall Position. She mentioned that a committee has been appointed to meet with them. Mayor Armstrong noted that this. committee will consist of herself, Councilwomen 1Vlargie Braxton and Councilman Jerry Jenkins. e}. Couneilln.an Kincaid inquired as to any further developments on the police radios. 14. Meeting adjourned. n _. ty Secretary P ` , q4 e .;• ® r s ®i t 'o e '••. MEMBERS PRESENT`: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Caunci.lwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, axed Councilman Tommy Kincaid � j3'`�C t'" � ¢' # .. � � • ■ • � •• a• a- a- s. `. - � �• .. ,- � ' . .� . . s• • .sa- After brief discussion regarding disburs�:ments, {Gall`s Inc., telephone Award- Fire Dept. and Jeswood Oil Company -fuel purchase}, motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilman Richardson that the items an the Consent Agenda be approved. Motion carried. 3. Citizen°s Input -None 4. { �}. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Financing Options For Future Projects -Library, Street, Water/'�G'astewater Mr. Dan Almon, City of Banger`s Financial': Advisor, explained several financing options the City Council might want to consider relating to future projects. Consensus of City Council to schedule a workshop for the second meeting in January, 1994. 5. {6}. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Contract For Solid Waste Disposal Services Between Texas V��aste Management and the City of Sanger { 1�'2/94 - 12j`31j98) Motion was made by Councilman Richardson and seconded by Councilman Kincaid to adopt the contract with Texas Vi�aste Management for Solid 'Waste Disposal Services for the City of Sanger. Motion carried. �. {7}. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Adopting Ordinance #417-93, Amending Solid '�,7aste Collection CITY OF BANGER, TE��S •' �, . � �lN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEAS, AMENDING SOLID t�TASTE COLLECTION, SECTION 6.314, OF THE BANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES; P]�OVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Jenkins for the City Council to adopt Ordinance #�J17-93. Motion carried. 7. {S). Consider and Possible Action Regarding Authorization To Advertise For A 1994 Utility Personnel Vehicle -Fire Department Vlotion was made by Councilman. 't by ouncilwoman Braxton to authorize advertising for bids for a new Allity personnel vehicle for the Fire Depa♦ •' Zichardson to proceed finishing the construction on Bolivar Street #ian at I�35. Motioncarried. 31st for the Christmas Eve/Day # holiday. t tt • i E •.. • • s ! t 1 meetingthe audit to Council as soon as completed, possibly the first in February. • Personnel Mayer r'�rmstrong eonvened the pity �ouneil into executive session at 7:O0 pam. Mayor .Armstrong reconvened the pity council from executive session at 3:Q0 p.m. Councilhe City # appoint Bob Hagemann as City Fire Marshall. vlotion carried. 13. Meeting adjourned. i ' Mayor �lty �eCretary ;rJ)