03/07/1994-CC-Minutes-Regular '.' s i (t4vi. w?. e}. City Administrator advised that the City has gotten the trees cut across the east side of town so the birds don't have a place to roost. Hopefully, this will eliminate the problem this year. 12. Any Other Such Matters a}. Councilman Madden asked if there will be a Community Garden again this year. b}. Councilman Richardson asked why the new police car hasn't been purchased. City Administrator advised the new' police car has not been purchased due to cash flow. 13. Meeting adjourned. Mayor Secretary MINUTES: City Council Meeting 3 7/94 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Tammy Kincaid, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jack Richardson, and Councilwoman Margie Braxton MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Jerry Jenkins PRESENT: City Administrator Jahn Hamilton, Administrative Assistant Etta Stogsdill, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Glenn Shaw, Sherry Muir, Helen Bounds, Glenn Ervin, Deborah Hilliard, Brenda Nixon, Esta Ashcraft, Mary Bell Sims, Esta Morgan, Jack Biggerstaff, Sally Stratso-Sanger Courier, Joe Skiles, Gregg Little - Metroplex, and Betty Robinson 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Kincaid gave the invocation which was followed flag. 2. CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Tommy by the pledge to the a}. Approve Minutes -Workshop Meeting &Regular Meeting b}. Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Madden and seconded by Gounciiman Richardson to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried. "Mayor Armstrong mentioned that Councilman Jenkins was not present due to he had to attend a workshop in Austin relating to his business. 3. Citizen's Input: a). Brenda 1Vixan, 1Q5 Southpark, spa]{e regarding the average billing option which is presently being reviewed by City Council She also request for them to also consider low income and senior citizens. Ms. Nixon mentioned a questionnaire she had sent to the City Council 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding ��itizens Advisory Committee Recommendations For Capital Improvement Projects Chairperson Glenn Shaw, 7Q 1 Cherry, presented the Citizens Advisory Committee`s recommendations regarding; Capital Improvement Projects -Library, Street, Water and Wastewater to the City Council Agenda item was tabled for further reviev�r to be discussed in a City Council Workshop and a Public Hearing for March 21st for citizen comments:. Mayor Armstrong st�.ted that on April lst, the City Council will call a Special Public .Fl:earing- in girder to give tl�e citizens twa opportunities regarding Capital`. -Improvements. 5. Conduct Public Hearing_ -to Consider Request for Dorwin Sargent, Final Plat on Sargent ..Subdivision, Phase II, Four Residential Lots -Located on Freese Drive at David Drive Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open. Gregg Little with Metroplex Engineering was present on Dorwin Sargent's behalf far Sargent Subdivision F� final Plat. Mr. Little mentioned that they had made changes City Staff and Planning & Zoning had requested and was requestin€; a waiver on the sidewalks. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding :Request for Dorwin Sargent, Final Plat on Sargent Subdivision, Phase l:I, Four Residential Lots - Located on Freese Drive at David Drive Chuck Tucker, Building Clfficial, mentioned after reviewing the construction plans, for them to place the: fire hydrants on Freese Dr. rather than at the back of the cul-de-sac where it would be accessible to the Fire Department. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilwoman Braxton that the City Cour.�cil approve the Final Plat and Construction Plans on Sargent Subdivision, Phase II, Four Residential Lots -Located on Freese Drive at David Drive with two exceptions, waiver on the sidewalks, the alley easement and the fire hydrant be moved to the location of the Fire Department's request. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding (ordinance #42-94 -Average Billing Option -Electric Agenda item tabled for next City Council Meeting. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Awarding Jet Sprayer Bid The following bid was received on 3-7-Q9: at 2:Qk3 P.M.: Texas Underground 13311 Garden Road Pearland, _Texas 77581 AMUUNT BID FfJR PRaJECT $21,349.Oq 6.54% 64/94 Day Delivery bout 24 mo.-$89®.€10 3 mo.-$613.aQ 48 mo.-$474.i7C3 6Q mo.-$391.49 Motion. was made by Councilwoman Braxton and seconded by Councilman:.Richardson that the City Council accepts the bid from Texas Underground far a Jet Sprayer Machine at a cost of $21,34C1.®Q on a 4S month pay -out at a interest of 6.5%, $474.a9. Motion carried. 9. Consider and Passible Action Regarding Appointments to the Public Safety Radio Equipment Committee Mayor Armstrong appointed two Councilmembers, Jerry Jenkins and Jack Richardson, Benny Erwin for the Police Department, upon request of Chief Bill Murrell, Craig Waggoner be appointed to represent the Fire Department, and City Administrator John Hamilton be appointed as ex-officio. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that much research has already been done regarding the Public Safety Radio Equipment She noted that Mr. Hamilton would schedule meetings} to review this further and make recommendations to the City Council. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Animal Control Shelter Plans After brief discussion, motion was made by Councilman Madden and seconded by Councilwoman Braxton to approve the plans as presented by Hunter Associates for the proposed animal shelter and that we proceed to apply to the Marguerite Doe Foundation for $59,d90 grant funding. Motion carried. 11. City Administration Report City Administrator John Hamilton reported on the following items: a}. The water pressure concern voiced by Ken Sanders and $en Weatherall has been corrected by the extension of a six ( } inch water line along Wood Street from Tenth to Denton. b}. The Bolivar Street Median now has a new 35 ft. flagpole insta_ lied and the "Welcome°° sign should be delivered this week. Chuck and Larry are aware of the electric and sprinkler system requirements for the median. 12. Any tither Such Matters a}. Mayor Armstrong mentioned the questionnaire presented by Ms. Nixon. She stated that this had been done within the last few years with less than 10% response to the questionnaire. b}. Councilman Kincaid mentioned Oak Street needed work done on this street. City Administrator Hamilton stated this street is still under further review. 13. Meeting adjourned. �� ., �, � � ,, s �_ (� 'rR in��r' a 3�`@7 City Secretary MINUTES: City Council Workshop March 21, 1994, 6:Ot� p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Jack Richardson OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Harriilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez and Electric Superintendent Larry Yaast 1. Mayor Armstrong called the workshop meeting to order. 2. Discussion Regarding Capital Improvements Mr. Hamilton addressed City Council reg<�rding the Advisory Committee's recommendations on Capit��l Improvements regarding Streets, New Library, Water and Wastewater Improvements. Council discussed the Committee°s priority list concerning the street projects. There were some streets they felt should be moved up to the priority list. The Water and Sewer Improvement would be to improve or expand the system for both fire protection and delivery of water capability and sewer for every current resident or business in the City. Options for financing were discussed as 'to whether to consider a Band Election or Certificates of Obligation Council felt if they considered Certificates of Obligations would not require election and work could begin sooner. The mayor requested that staff advertise for another Public Hearing to be held next Tuesday on the 29th. Council also requested that notice of Public Hearing be posted at Post Office, at the Banks, Burros Supermarket and the Library. 3. Any Other Such Matters -None 4. Meeting adjourned.