04/04/1994-CC-Minutes-Regular :a - '£ sin *,y ",• '", Richard Muir also stated in regards to growth, that about a year ago there was talk about a connecting road between McReynolds Road and 455; and since the City has the water tower located in that area, improvement of Willow Street could encourage development in that area. Discussion followed concerning direction of growth and what streets to do this summer. Mayor Armstrong alp>o stated that there is a drainage problem on Willow and there are three houses that floods most of the time whenever it rains and it needs to be addressed. In repairing that street, it will take care of the drainage problem. Mayor hopes that maybe both streets, Willow anal Keaton can be done this summer. Discussion followed concerning financing of the projects with Certificates of Obligation versus a Bond EClection. Mayor Armstrong continued to address any other concerns citizens might have. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. 3. Meeting adjourned. / Mayor City Secretary MINUTES: City Council Meeting April 4, 1994 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins anti Councilman Jack Richardson _; PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Sally Stratso-Sanger Courier, Garland Thornton, Fire Chief Bill Murrell, Fire Marshall Bob Hagemann, Joe ;Bell and Glenn Ervin 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Councilman Richardson gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. . CONSENT AGENDA a}. Approve Minutes -Workshop Meeting & Regular Meeting b}. Disbursements c}. Proclamation #P2-94-Texas Archeology Awareness Week, April 9-16th Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve Consent Agenda Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 3. Citizen°s Input -None 4. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding Capital Improvements Program Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open. No one was present to speak for or against this item. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R3-94 -Notice of Intent to Issue $2,850,000 Combination Tax and Utility System Junior Lien Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 1994 Motion was made by Councilman Madden to adopt Resolution #R3-94 which states: RESOLUTION #R3-94 DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE TAX AND UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1994 9=749MM We . Discussion Regarding Multi -Family Zoned, {Triplex}, 1002 Church Street, Sherry Lewis Sherry Lewis was not present to speak regarding this item. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Arson Reward Program -Fire Chief Bill Murrell, Fire Department Bob Hageman, Fire Marshall, addressed City Council regarding fire department's recommendation that the reward for arson be increased from $250 to $1,000 which would be payable for information leading to the arrest and conviction of person or persons committing an act of arson within the city limits. Fire Department also would like to post four metal 24°° X 36" signs at the entrance to the City and four additional 8" X 8°' plastic signs would be posted in high pedestrian traffic areas. ,ost for the signs would be approximately $250.00. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to amend current ordinance and increase the arson reward ordinance to change the amount to $1,000.00 and also to purchase the needed signs to implement this program. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. $• Consider and Possible Action Awarding Police Vehicle Bid The following bid was received on 4J4/94 at 2:3Q p•m•: COMPANY NA_MF A�N_T BID Hilz-Snider Chevrolet Sanger, Texas C 1994 4 Dr., Caprice Classic} $14,356.15 Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to accept the bid from Hilz- Snider Chevrolet on a 1994 Caprice Clas;,ic Police Car in the amount o $14,386.15. Seconded by Councilman Richardson, f Motion carried. g• Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #U2-94 - Avera Billing Option -Electric ge Discussion. Item tabled to allow staff to calculate same bills usin the different options on average billing. g 1�• Consider and Possible Action Regarding Denton County's Re Tonal Thoroughfare Plan g Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins that staff write a Ietter to NTCOG Regional Transportation Committee, a strong letter of protest in regards to 455 from the split east of Sanger all the way to Bolivar, that it should be a major thoroughfare. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Nlotian carried. 11. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Upper Trinity Regional Water District Contract Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins that the City of Sanger affirms Revised Exhibit B for 50Q,gpp mgcl from the Upper Trinity Regional Water District as contracted and �appraved on May 7, 1992. Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. Motion carried. 1 �• Ciiy Administration Report City Administrator reported on the following items: a}. City Administrator John Hamilton reported that the Easter E Hunt was held on Saturday morning. gg Mayor Armstrong mentioned that there were slot of kids there at the park. She also publicly thanked Peggy Sanford for the excellent job of coordinating the Easter Egg Hunt. b}. The Annual Rabies Clinic is scheduled for April 9, 9:�t3 a.m. to 3:t�a p.rn. at the park. c}. Within the next couple of weeks the Lions Club will be using the downtown park, for a broom and map sale. 13. Any Other Such Matters a}. Councilwoman Braxton reported about a problem on East Willow regarding a iaridge not being repaired. City Administrator stated that when th.e contractors put that water line in, they failed to repair it; Y.�owever, they have been notified. Councilwoman Braxton advised to please let that property owner know the City was not at fault. b). Mayor Armstrong referred to a letter regarding the closure of the landfill. She advised that itt has been taken care of. Mayor Armstrong summarized some of the actions taken by the Legislative Policy Committee regarding community and economic development in relation to alcohol on City property, weedy lots, and dilapidated structures. Councilman Jenkins asked the Fire Marshall a question regarding condemnation proceedings on burned out structures. " • - - • ! - hat had to be followed in order to avoid a lawsuit. M d}. Councilman Jenkins asked regarding Mrs. Shaw's problem on Diane Drive, i comesroblem when Phase III s •through is property •.allowi draini the street, e). Councilman Jenkins asked if there was a possible water leak somewhere around Bill Enlow's House. Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker advised he would look into it I• - 9i11%, 11 111.11 LIM 110le Mat was locarecii i1iso 1,51 Chuck Tucker advised he has started to patch streets and he will take care of it. g). Councilman Madden asked City Administrator status of water leak at Fatty Falls. City Administrator advised he had talked to Eddie Branham, Public Works Foreman, about the leak and he had located it; however, he could not report whether it was repaired or not City Secretary