03/29/1994-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council Meeting (Public Hearing March 29, 1994 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Cauncilman Tammy Kincaid MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilwoman Margie Braxton OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, City Administrator Jahn Hamilton, Electric Superintendent Larry Yaast, Public Works Superintendent Chuck: Tucker, Evelyn Shaw, Joe Bell, Jack Armstrong, L. L. Browning, Sally Stratso-Sanger Courier, Mary Bucklew, Mary B. Sims, Eunice Gray, Helen Kirby, Francile Sullivan, Deborah Hilliard, Betty Robinson, Esta Lou Morgan, Laura McNeill, Willard and Helen Bounds, Glenn and Wanda Ervin, Richard and Sherry Muir, Lisa Glenn, Kate Richardson, Lois Gann, Doraldine Beteiro, Shelly Ruland, Sandra and Holland Crozier, and Vicky Elieson 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding Capital Improvements Program - New Library, Improvements for Street, tree Water Distribution System, and the Wastewater Collection System Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open. Mayor Armstrong addressed the citizens of Sanger by giving an explanation of the projects Council felt needed to be done in Sanger. Mayor Armstrong explained that there are so many streets that need to be repaired or to be redone. A traffic count was done on same these streets to give Council an idea of which street were traveled the most. The Council's intentions are to have a major plan for street constructions. A committee was appointed to review the Capital Improvements Program and to make suggestions on projects that needed to be done. Citizens were provided with written material regarding improvements on streets and what has been done in the last few years. A debt schedule was also provided that had beers prepared by Dan Almon, City's financial advisor, indicating that if the City borrowed this kind of money (2,85 , JQQ} what the payments would be. Councilman Jenkins also addressed citizens regarding the street improvements. City Administrator John Hamilton provided several maps that indicated the streets that would be redone. Mayor Armstrong also explained the financing options. The mayor also indicated that Council was more in favor of Certificates of Obligation, not because they don't want to give the citizens a chance to vote an it, but work can laegin. as soon as six weeks. Mayor Armstrong then.,opened the Public Hearing for citizen discussion. Esta Lou Morgan, Library Board Chairperson, spoke of the need for Sanger to have a new Library. Mrs. Morgan also read some newspaper articles regarding the importance of libraries. She also stated that anyone in the community can make contributions whether its $5, $20, $25 or donate books as memorials. The contributions that have already been made has totalled to $20,000.00. Mrs. Morgan asked if anyone in attendance had any doubt that Sanger does not need a new Library; she would be glad to talk to them. Mayor Armstrong also addressed the importance %J the Library. She also stated they will apply for a State grant and they also are going to apply to private foundations, like the Meadows Foundation, to see if they qualify. If the City does get these grants, then the money that is allotted in the package for the Library can be transferred elsewhere to possibly to do more streets. Citizens who addressed the City Council were the following: Evelyn Shaw stated a complaint regarding the cut-out on Diane Drive regarding the ditch. She has been having a problem and for seventeen (17) years she has been told it would be corrected. John Hamilton stated when Phase III of the Sargent Addition comes in, it will be addressed at that time. Mayor Armstrong advised that she will instruct the City Engineer to take. a look at the problem. 1Vlayor Armstrong and Council went over the maps that indicated street construction; the water and sewer line development or repairs. Mayor Armstrong advised that the Committee had prioritized the street repairs in the following order: Tier I -first which would be Keaton, Brook Glen, Bolivar, Berry, Holt, and Bolivar Street Tier II on 7th, 6th, & 9th Tier lOth &Austin, and Willow Tier IV - 7th, llth, 12th, 13th, and Railroad Ave. Council has discussed this and felt that the two streets that could be done right away without relocating utilities this summer is Keaton Road and Willow Street. Council indicated that Willow should be given priority over Keaton since Keaton was chip -sealed just last year Council felt it could last another year. Mary Bucklew felt Austin Street should be priority since it is in such a baA shape. Mayor Armstrong advised Austin is on the list; but, if it was done this summer, it would hurt the,: pool this year. Glenn Shaw and Laura McNeill also felt Keaton should be considered as first priority. Glenn Shaw stated that building permits indicate growth will be going west and that is why he emphasized Keaton should be considered first. Richard Muir also stated in regards to growth, that about a year ago there was talk about a connecting road 'between McReynolds Road and 455; and since the City has the water tower located in that area, improvement of �+Villow Street eauld encourage dev 1 area. e opment in that Discussion followed concerning direction of growth and what streets to do this summer. Mayor Armstrong also stated that there is a drainage problem on t�Villow and there ar•e three houses that floods most of the time whenever it rains and it needs to be addressed. In repairing that street, it will take care of the drainage problem. Mayor hopes that maybe both streets, �+Villow and Keaton can be done this summer. Discussion followed concerning financin€; of the projects with Certificates of Obligation versus a Bond Election. Mayor Armstrong continued to address any other concerns citizens might have. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. 3. Meeting adjourned. City Secretary MINUTES: City Council Meeting April 4, 1994 °f) ...----- � �4... Mayor `����`�"•• QF Sq�``���i��� v. :9 �•. :' �����sio.,.TEX As...e������ MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins anci Councilman Jack Richardson OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker•, Sally Stratso-Sanger Courier, Garland Thornton, Fire Chief Bill Murrell, Fire Marshall Bob Hagemann, Joe Bell and Glenn Ervin