05/23/1994-CC-Minutes-Regular(( t v City Secretary MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: City Council Meeting May 23, 1994 ,,1Y '.4r `1ifd, d '. ik• ' . ''i 'jr. r As Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, C auncilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Joe Bell and Councilman Jack Richardson City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Public t Vorks Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Electric Superintendent Larry iToast, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Sally Stratso-Sanger Courier, Russell Madden, Glenn Ervin, and Craig t G'aggoner 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Councilman gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the 2. Oath of Office Joe Bell flag. Mayor Armstrong administered the oath of office to Councilwoman Braxton. 3. Appointment of Mayor Pro-Tem Councilman Kincaid made the motion to elect Councilman Jerry Jenkins as Mayor Pro-Tem by accla -nation. Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. Motion carried. 4. CONSENT AGENDA a}. Approve Minutes b). Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins too approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. Motion carried. 5. Citizen's Input -None . Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R4-94 -General Fund Reserve Mayor Armstrong advised that the City did not get good news concerning the Resolution that Council wanted to pass that would satisfy Moody's Investors Service. City Administrator also stated that the intent of the Resolution was to satisfy Moody's; however, Moody's informed: Mr. Almon that not only did the City need to raise taxes, the City also needs to raise all the utility rates. Discussion continued. No action taken on this resolution. 7. Consider and Possible Action Awarding the Street Improvement Program Bid City Council tabled the awarding of the bid until their Special Called Meeting, Monday night, until Council decided on financing. Mayor Armstrong asked John Mears to explain Councs decision to the bidders and they would be notified as soon as they decide on awarding the bid. 8. Briefing on Emission Testing on Vehicles -Craig Waggoner Craig Waggoner, Vehicle Maintenance, addressed City Council regarding the required fleet vehicle emissions testing program as mandated by the Clean Air Act of 1990. Craig continued to explain the conversion of the City vehicles to propane. He also stated he would not recommend the conversion of the police vehicles. Discussion. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Designation of Voting Representative to North Central Texas Council of Governments Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the Mayor be nominated as the Representative to North Central Texas Council of Governments. Motion carried. 10. City Administration Report City Administrator John Hamilton reported on the following issues: a}. City Administrator advised Council that if they were interested in receiving a copy of Denton Central Appraisal Districts Audited Financial Statement, to please let Etta know. b}. Monday, May 39th, City Hall will be closed for Memorial Day. c}. City Secretary Rosalie Chavez advised that Kellie and herself would be attending a two day workshop in Austin concerning the Rental Housing Assistance, Section VIII. This will give Kellie the training to be authorized to work as a backup to Rose on this program. 11. Any Other Such Matters a}. Councilman Richardson asked if staff had ever gotten the cost on a stop light City Administrator stated they hadn't been able to find a vendor to give a cost estimate yet; however, they are still looking. Councilman Richardson stated that Mr. Tipton and Eddie Garland had a problem regarding the drainage behind their property on Jaekilu. .► •• -r . r • r r No awsmi .r r r • r b}. Councilman Jenkins stated that the Christmas lights at the Park were still on. Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast stated they were not supposed to be on end he would check into it. c}. Councilman Jenkins also asked if the flooding we had recently if it did any damage to Brook Glen. Electric Superintendent Larry �o��s't �t��ed it did not. 12. Meeting adjourned. �� �� .� ,' ` _ �� ,,` Mayor City Secretary � �� `n� �"� `��,��;'" ,,;. `psi,,. TEX AS_...o0��� MINUTES: Special Called City Council 14leeting May 25, 1994 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Joe Bell, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Tommy Kineaid MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilwoman Margie Braxton OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Harriilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Consider and Possible Action Regarding :Resolution #R5-94 -Short Term Financing Council discussed financing Keaton and Willow Street Improvement Project and the Library with afive-year note from GNB. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to adopt #R5-94 and seconded by Councilman Bell: CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS #R5-94 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE FINANCING OF STREET RECONSTRUCTION AND OTHER GENERAL FUND IMPROVEMENTS. Also, the fallowing changes: Delete: first paragraph, delete names of the streets and insert - for immediate renovation of certain designal:ed streets. Delete: second "WHEREAS'°