06/06/1994-CC-Minutes-Work SessionR ' '' ' Qn the 4th WHEREAS, delete -Library improvement projects and insert - General Fund improvements, On #2). Insert -General Fund improvements and delete - and new Library Facility. Also, any other changes as staff deems necessary. Motion carried. 3. Consider and Possible Action Awarding the Keaton Road F.M. 455 to Duck Creek Road)/Willow Street (Loop 1 38 to Jones Street) Paving & Drainage Improvement Bid Discussion. Councilman Jenkins made the motion to award Willow Street Paving and Drainage Impro, emen Construction with the changes made by t:he en CounGilrx an Bell. Motion carried. 4. Meeting adjourned. City Secretary MINUTES: City Council Workshop June G, 1994 MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: the Keaton Road and t Bid to XIT Paving & gineer. Seconded by Mayor Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, and Councilman Jae Bell City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast and Glenn Ervin 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Discussion Regarding Capital Improvements Program Financing Lengthy discussion concerning an alternative for financing for the proposed street and library projects. Mayor Armstrong advised that Dan Almon, John and herself had discussed passing a Resolution with the intention to retire the 1 86 Street Improvement Certificates of Obligations. The funding for this early payment would be secured through ashort-term loan through GNB, Sanger's Depositary Bank. �,-,ut �..' r :. Mayor Armstrong further discussed the issuance of the Certificates of Obligatians for $1,90Q,QC30. Mayor Armstrong proceeded by stating that the plan involves the early retirement of the 1986 Certificates of Obligations issued which is rated Baa by Moody's, would allow the City to proceed with the issuance of new unrested Certificates of Obligations which would be fixed at less than 7%, 15 year term in th:e amount of $1,90Q,(J(3Q for the proposed street and library projects. Mayor Armstrong continued to state that GNB is willing to work with the City in any way to possibly help the debt structure of the City's Capital Improvement Program. Discussion continued as to the debt service the City would have at the next fiscal budget year. The proposed debt schedule far the $1,9�0(},OQQ was discussed at length. Mayor Armstrong also stated that Dan Almon has talked to her and John and has expressed the need for a reserve to be started in the General Fund. Staff also recommended that a debt service of $425,QQQ to $450,OQ0 for next fiscal year would not be such a sixain on the funds. Mayor, Armstrong stated that with this type debt service, the City could put at;least $5Q,®Ci0 into a Reserve Fund each year and once the City establishes a Reserve in the General Fund, the City would not have a problem.'wth getting a rating at Moodys. Discussion. continued with the priority o f the street projects. Mayor furthcr'�stated that there was not any way Keaton Road would be finished this year before school started. 'With this in mind, Keaton would be started next year, as soon as school was out. Further discussion continued on the proposed street projects. Councilman Kincaid's concern was if the City issued these unrested Certificates of Obligations, can they go back to Moody's and get a rating to borrow more; where does the City legally stand in this type of circumstances? Staff to get an answer from Dan Almon. Mayor Armstrong also stressed that Dan Almon has stated that once a Reserve is in the General Fund, there will be no problem with getting a rating at Moody's. Consensus of Council to proceed with the passing of the resolution at the regular scheduled meeting to retire t:he 1986 Certificates of Obligations and to proceed with the intent to issue Tax Certificates of Obligation Series 1994 for $1,90Q,QQ0. Council also instructed staff to advise the bidders that all bids submitted were rejected. i+Vorkshop meeting adjourned. City Secretary