07/05/1994-CC-Minutes-Work SessionLg `. S, a' - k f MINUTES: City Council Workshop Meeting July 5, 1994, 6:{7C3 p.m MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Joe Bell, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, arld Councilwoman Margie :Braxton OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jahn Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Larry Yaast and Glenn Ervin 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Discussion Regarding Capital Improvements -Street Improvements Council again discussed: Willow Street - :5th Street, East to City Limits, Austin - I-35 East to Denton/Diane, loth -Bolivar north, Keaton - FM 455 -South -Duck Creek. Other issues discussed were the following;: Council also discussed the estimated reirr. bursement for Keaton by the County. There was again discussion on the additional funds that might be available for additional street reconstruction. Councilman Jenkins again stated his concern in doing Keaton at this time since he felt there were other streets that should have mare priority aver Keaton. Councilman Jenkins stated his opposition in doing Keaton since there were like Wood, Marshall, and Pecan that needed mare consideration. City Administrator Hamilton stated that if Council could identify a short list of possible streets they wanted to consider, then staff can provide an accurate cost of how much it will cost Mayor Armstrong exprressed her concern in doing Keaton at this time since it is one of the most traveled streets in town. She also expressed her concern as to whether the t ounty will continue helping to maintain that road in the future. The debt again was discussed concerning the interest that will be paid during the duration of the debt Mayor Armstrong stated this workshop was scheduled to discuss what will be done with the money from bonds that will be sold tonight since Council had more or less obligated themselves at the last City Council Meeting. If Council wants to unobligate themselves then they will need to decide tonight so the bids can be worked up properly. City Administrator was also instructed to bring a plan on how many years it will take to curb and gutter every street in town and also ;get difference between asphalt and concrete. Mayor Armstrong re-emphasized that the workshop tonight was to decide what was to be done with the money that would be left over, after the four streets projects} had been completed which had been designated already by Council to be done. Annexations were discussed briefly and sta:Pf is waiting to proceed with the paperwork, until the County decides what they will da regarding Keaton. aq 01 .IsaA 4ssl pajsanba.z Aag4 SIQ;)JIs auzss 0111 wglol .zaquzajdaS sP.TnjsS Pu*e IP6 .iagtuajdaS 'AspijZ PIaLI aq Him TIoiLIm uopujgsllaS .Iaiuss alp iuip.Is a.i ITounoo ts.To possaipps alpuidS axggaQ ao Iauzuzo� �o zaqulsLl� - uoi�s�uasa zd •c; •ua}Ls+ uoi+as aINI •�S.Tszgla acl+ Wj pantaoa.z a.Tam Imp spiq ou a.zam a.zaLlj Isua pasinps $ua.IIsUIJV .IOKPI/q pIg 1LislgtQ $utpzsm� ual�oy algissod pus zaplsuo� •� auo�I :�ndul s,uazl�I� •S •pall.Tso uot�olAl •pisaut}I usulliouna� �q papuooaS •spua V Iuasuo:) ano zdds ol smiquap usulllounoD Aq apsuI ssm uoIlol/l s�uauzas.IngsiQ •(q sa�nutlq ano zdd"V •(s FTQRI��� ,L1�IgSRtC?� '� •�sl� aLI�, a�. a�pald aT.l� �Sq pamollo� ssm TIoILIm uaT;soanu.zap.Ia 01 T Qq4 OAS? '�uiJaaul aLIJ Pallso s`�uo ;SUI.IV JOAR q I ao.zauzuzo� ;lo aaquzsLl� - alpuidS alggaQ pus 'p IszzsH �ipusg - aa�olduz� s�lza� oiIgnd 'um4us.zg aippS usuza.zoq sNjoAA oilgnd 'saijunoaS jsaimpnoS - uauITV uuQ 'TITmI2 Auuag JQTT40 aoTjod 'JOTMOD .I0 usS - APmH sstq `IssoA h.I.Isq juapuajut.zadnS oi.IIoQIS 'zansLlo allssou tsMp loas A410 'UOjJTUmH uLlop .Iols. 4sTLTTuIPV l4I3 :INSS2Ud plsoulx �TIITIIa1, usulltouna� pus sut�ILTa� 1S..uar usuzltouno� 'uosp zsLlotg �Ios� usulliouna�j `flag aa� usuzliouno� 'UOIXs.Ig ai?.Mlq usuzamlt:ounOD '?uo.IIsul.Iy I;Dlq IOAspq OINSSSUd sasglqsyq i�r �iAI `c, Amp �ui�aal/1I laouno� ��I� :Sg.L17AIIUII ;����v'`�'"cad X�.� •"'l�ii,,,�s o, r /Ves. :10 I Llonul moll aas �aLI� Ii�.un uotstoap bus ua ism oa ter` •pau.znofps �ut�aalAl •�aI aq Ilim �auouz snsuasuoo s,liounoo .S Y