07/05/1994-CC-Minutes-RegularCouncil's consensus to wait on any decision until they see how much money will be left. 3. Meeting adjourned. ,-, f. / City Secretary %,s MINUTES: City Council Meeting July .5, 1994 . Maycar ' y. • •• Gam. : ` `f' ivo.. 'EX As..a MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Jae Bell, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins ar, d Councilman Tommy Kincaid PRESENT: City Administrator John Harriilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Larry iToast, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier, Police Chief :Penny Erwin, Dan Almon - Southwest Securities, Public Works Foreman Eddie Branham, Public tTorks Employee -Randy Hazzard, and Debbie Spindle -Chamber of Commerce 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CUNSENT AGENDA a}. Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve Consent Agenda Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input: None 4. Consider and Possible Action Awarding Library Bid Mayor Armstrong advised that there were no bids that were received for the Library. No action taken. 5. Presentation -Chamber of Commerce Debbie Spindle addressed City Council regarding the Sanger Sellabration which will be held Friday, September 9th and Saturday, September 1Qth. The same streets they requested last year to be closed will be closed this year. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Annual Sanger Sellebration No action taken. Council took no further action since they agreed that the same program used last year will be used this year. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #08-94 - Sale of Certificates of Obligation .... Series 1994 Dan Almon addressed Gity Council regarding the sale of Certificates of Obligation for $1,900,000 and other legal documents relating to the Ordinance #08-94. Mr. Almon summarized the circumstances that led Council to proceed with unrated Certificates of Obligations. He stated only three bids were received which were the following: Rauscher Pierce Refsnes, Inc. Dallas, Texas Southwest Securities Dallas, Texas Masterson Moreland Sauer Whisman, Inc. Houston, Texas Discussion. 6.063 Interest Rate 6.128 Interest Rate Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to adopt Ordinance #08-94 which states: ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1994IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $17900,000. , and to accept bid of Rauscher Pierce Refs nes, Inc. at a 6.063 interest rate over a 15 year period. Seconded by Councilman Bell. Motion carried. * There was a "Goad Faith" check of $38,000,000 to be kept in safe keeping and not be cashed. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Capital Improvements Projects -Streets No action taken until City Council actually decides what streets will be sent out for bid. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Street Name -Change -Austin Street/Duck Creek Road Councilman Bell had requested this item to be placed on the agenda in orAer to eliminate confusion on the west side of I-35 since Austin Street and Duek Creek are the same street. Councilman Bell suggested to Council that the name of Austin Street be changed to Duck Creek Road from the west access road to the City limit. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to change the name of Austin Street, west of service road to where it ends, into Duck Creek Road. Seconded by Councilman Be1L Motion carried. �. a �.� � �_ l�. Consider and Possible Action Regarding :Limb Collection Policy Mayor again stated if the residents could cut limbs to about 3° ft in length, bundle them, Texas Waste will pick them up. Mayor stated that some of the piles of limbs that are set out to be picked up are just too big. Mayor stated it is costing the citizens of this town clot of money who don't use these services. Discussion followed. Staff instructed to bring a draft resolution for next City Council Meeting. 11. Executive Session Pursuant to Article 6252-17, Vernon's Civil Statutes, 2{g}, Personnel - Appointments: Council did not find it necessary to convene into executive session. 12. Consider and Possible Action Regarding 1!:xecutive Session Pursuant to V.A.T.S. Article 6252-17, 2{g}, Personnel -Appointments Mayor Armstrong stated this item was placed on the agenda for appointments for City Judge, Health Offic:er, Fire, Chief and Court Clerk. Motion was made by Councilwoman Braxton to reappoint Danny Spindle as Municipal Court Judge for a term of two years. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to reappoint Bill Murrell as Fire Chief for another term of two years. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. Motion was made by Councilman Joe Bell to reappoint Dr. Richard Perry as Health officer far the next two years. Seconded by Councilman Jack Richardson. Motion carried. Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to appoint the City Secretary Rase Chavez as Court Clerk and that she be allowed to appoint deputies as needed. Seconded bjt Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. Council asked if the Court would please provide the Court Reports concerning fines issued and amounts coL'lected since it has been several months since they have not received this information. 13. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Board/Commission Appointments Mayor Armstrong stated Len Sanders and Rowdy Patterson have been contacted and have agreed to serve on the Park Board. Mayor Armstrong made the two appointrrients with the consensus of the Council. 14. City Administration Report City Administrator reported on the following: a}. Army Corps. of Engineers annaunce:d that repairs on Ray Roberts Dam will be completed on or about July 11, 1994. b}. Texas Waste Management has notifiied that the City that a federally mandated increase on Sub -Title D {federal law requirements far solid waste dispo;sal} will be presented to the City as required by contract. tUhen the exact amount is calculated, it will be forwarded to them. c}. Centel Sprint is currently reviewing over 40 EAS requests in their Kansas City home office. Mr. Rick Brown of Centel/Sprint will keep the City informed as the review process proceeds. d}. Cn Saturday, 25th %J June, the City is water system delivered 845,000 gallons of water to City customers without any problem. e}. Memorandum on Brazos increase will be 3.75% which staff recommends it to be passed on to the customers on the September 1st Billing. The 3.75% will be added to energy charge. 15. Any Cther Such Matters a}. -Mayor Armstrong stated that she received Chief Erwin's copy of his memo regarding speed checks on Willow. b}. Councilman Richardson asked Larry Yoast regarding the status of street lights. Larry Yoast, Electric Superintendent, stated that the gentleman who is to be giving him prices on the poles has not gotten back with him; however, he estimates the cost at $700 for each pole. c}. Mayor Armstrong stated that regarding speed limit signs on Railroad Avenue, they have been ordered. City Administrator stated the signs are already up. d). Mayor Armstrong complimented Officer Curtis Amyx in his excellent job for code enforcement of city ordinances. Mayor Armstrong also stated that Curtis had mentioned that there was a strip of land between 9th and 455 off of Plum where the grass is real high Mayor stated that Curtis had mentioned that he couldn't get this property mowed since the residents living there claims it belongs to the City. Mayor Armstrong stated that this property was given back to John Coker and Willie Keith Fate. The City abandoned the easement. Rose will pull the minute order to reflect this change. The responsibility to mow this strip belongs to the property owners. e}. Mayor also stated the City does not have City Limit Signs on 455 north The State has also been asked to move City Limit Signs south which is down on access road to highway. f}. Councilman Jenkins asked if Curtis Amyx was no longer a Lieutenant. Mayor Armstrong stated he wasn't; however, he had requested to step down and lie is really pleased with his decision. g}. Councilman Jenkins stated light bulb is out at the hater Tower. h}. Councilman Jenkins stated that there is a water leak in front of -Burl Bourland's Floor Covering. - Mayor Armstrong stated it has already been repaired. l6. Meeting; adjourned.;` tszu4a.zaaS 1),41 ^. o i •pauznoCpuuT�aal/�I •sa.zn�Tpuadxa acl� �o autos pug sanuana.z uTPsu as JOIR.4sTuluzpy I1To Aq aPRuz saAi Amuzuins ppq V -saz�.�g uzo-r� �soo alusaloclm LI$nOJLP Passed %9L-S aLIJ anoqu paludToT}uu sT saltas Dialoala UT aspa.�ouT IaTq; ml au Istp paIRIS iaLl; mj iolealsTuTulpv A4TD •suollL'� pu�snoLl� .tad ep•$ asua.zouT pTnorn sa�u.� .zaa�rna�,su� •suollu� puusnoua .tad ;�•$ asua.zouT pTnann sa�.z�Llo aaE.z .zaau� •sa�.E.z .zTaLl� uT as�a.�ouT u� zoouT�Ts� aq IITm �SaLI� z�ra� aLl�uT.mp auzT4auzos 4L' Iuauzas5uuulAT aIsuM sRxay UJOIJ SPLI aLI uoTiTauT-ojuT of anp stern saaj aIsRn+s pTlos aLl4 UT qPuouz sad QSPOJouT OUT $ aLP -IOJ uosual OLl4 pa��Ts IO4R.I4STuTuzpy A4Ta •sanuana.z .zoo suoT�oaCozd Puy suoT�upuauiLaooaz sTLI aP�uz AllaTzq zo��z�sTUTuipy �1T� oa /I�F�.d �.a$png �u.zQ - uoTssnosTQ .S •.zapso as aauz aLlI. 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