05/10/1994-CC-Minutes-Special�; Season Passes are on sale - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $75.i�Q for Family and $25.t�f1 for Seasonal Admission will continue to he $1.4�. e}. Chief Erwin reported on the new police radio system. This is a new system that has been installed due to problems they were experiencing awhile back with their radios. �'he committee will be meeting tonight to give recommendations to City Council $- Any t7ther Such Matters a)- Councilman Richardson asked what would the cost be to install a blinking red light on the corner of [�7illow and 2nd. Staff stated they would get him a price on cost. Councilwoman Braxton advised there is a problem. She stated that the Police cannot sit there and'. watch that intersection all the time for people who fail to stop. 9. Meeting adjourned. Mayor City Secretary ,c't _. _ �'i�. MINUTES: Special Called City Council Meeting May 1(J, 1994 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstr-ong, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Tammy Kincaid, and Councilman Joe Bell MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Jerry Jenkins and t�ouncilwoman Margie Braxton 1 • Mayor Armstrong called the meeting of May 10, 1994 to order. 2. Canvass Votes Regarding City Election Held on May 7, 1994 Mayor Armstrong canvassed the votes of the General Election of May 7, 1994: MINUTES: Special Called City Council Meeting May la, 1994 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Tammy Kincaid, and Councilman Joe Bell MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Jerry Jenkins and Councilwoman Margie Braxton 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting of May 10, 1994 to order. 2. Canvass Votes Regarding City Election Held on May 7, 1994 Mayor Armstrong canvassed the votes of the General Election of May 7, 19945 NQ. QF VQTE S Nel Armstrong 141 Joe L. Bell 125 Glenn R. Ervin 52 Margie Cole Braxton 146 PQSITIQN Mayor City Council, Place 2 City Council, Place 2 City Council, Place 4 Madan was made by Councilman Madden to accept the canvass of the votes. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 3. Pre -oaths Sworn By Newly Elected Mayor and City Council Members - May 7, 1994 City Secretary Rosalie Chavez proceeded in administering the oath of office for Mayor Nel Armstrong and Councilman Joe Bell. Councilwoman Braxton to be sworn in at the next regular meeting. 4. Meeting adjourned.