12/20/1993-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY CUUNCIL AGENDA DECEMBER 20, 1993 01 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 7000 P.M. 1. Call to Order, InvacatlaTl and Pledge to the Flag 2. CONSENfi AGENDA a). Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements Llra... i.s 3. Citizen's Input 4. Consider and Passible Action Regarding Bolivar Street Median 5. Consider and Passible Action Regarding Financing Options Far Future Projects - Library, Street, Water/Wastewater 6. Consider and Passible Action Regarding the Contract For Solid Waste Disposal Services Between Texas Waste Ma a ement and the City of Sanger - (1/2/94-12/31/98) PASSED 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Adopting Ordinance Amending Solid Waste Collection 0-�3 PASSED 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Authorization To Advertise For A 1994 Utility Personnel Vehicle - Fire DepartinngfPASSED 9. Executive Session Pursuant to Article 6252-17, Vernon's Civil ire Statutes, 2 (g}, Personnel -FMarshall 10. Consider and Passible Action Regarding Executive Session Pursuant to V.A.fi.S., Article 6252-17, 2{g}, Personnel -Fire Marshall 11. City Administration Report PASSED 12. Any Other Such Matters 13. Adjournment la�i��93 MINUTES: City Council Meeting December 6, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, and Councilman Jack Richardson MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Jerry Jenkins rya PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, Administrative Assistant Etta Stogsdill, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Mr. & Mrs. Glen Ervin & son, John Mears - Hunter Associates, Dwain Pomykal - Texas Waste Management, Jeff Danutis, and Delania Trigg - Sanger Courier 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Councilman Madden gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: a}. Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Richardson that the Consent Agenda be approved. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input: None 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Bolivar Street Median Garland Thornton made a presentation regarding the Bolivar Street Median at I-35 with cost estimates listed below as recommendations from the Bolivar Street Median Committee which consists of Joe Skiles, Terry Jones and himself: CC Minutes 12/6/93, page 2 Item a). One 35' Bronze Flag Installation b). One 500 Watt Lights for Flag c). Landscaping d). Irrigation System e) PavP.fitnne or Similar f). Monument Type Sign Concrete/Plaster Ins Welcome to Sanger Established 1886 Total Estimated Cost Pale M aterial �, Brick Trim, rt Worded - Estimated Cast $1,160.00 $ 300.00" $1,200.00 $39960400 "City personnel, equipment and materials may reduce these costs. Sources of Funding. 1). City of Sanger 3). Sanger Bank 2). Sanger Lions Club 4). Other Private Contributors Terry Jones spoke briefly that their intent with this is to enhance the entry into Bolivar Street. Mayor Armstrong mentioned she would like for the signs to have the same theme, possibly the same color, size, etc. and to eventually have the three flags like we have downtown placed on the median. Mayor Armstrong thanked the committee for the work they've done aILd the time they've spent working on this project. Item tabled and to be placed on the December 20th agenda for further discussion and possibly take action at that meeting. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Drainage -Roberts Subdivision John Mears with Hunter Engineers spoke regarding drainage problems in Roberts Subdivision. Mr. Mears mentioned the following courses of action that can be taken to improve drainage in the subject area: 1). Check tributary for blockages at Clear Creek and any upstream locatIon.minimal) CC Minutes 12/6/93, page 3 2}. Grade open lot south of Brook Glen Drive. (cost: minimal) 3). Clear and grade channel north of Keaton Road to Fairfield Circle. (Cost: minimal to significant). 4}. Replace drainage structure at Keaton Road. (cast: significant). Note: Though cost significant, this improvement is recommended. 5}. Concrete line critical portions of the channel to increase capacity. (cost: prohibitive). 6}. Approve all plats/lot grading plans with relation to local drainage patterns and prohibit development which increases downstream flow rates from high runoff coefficients. (cost: minimal). Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Madden that the City do recommendations 1, 2, and 3 from Hunter Associates regarding the drainage ditch on Keaton Road. Motion carried. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Contract Far Solid V(7aste Disposal Services Between Texas Waste Management and the City of Sanger an (1/2/94 - 12/31/96) After much discussion regarding the contract noting that 2B-with due clause insertion, 2(C), page 2 under B, item G, and on page 3 item d, needed further consideration. Agenda item tabled and to be placed on the next City Council Agenda with corrected changes. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Nuisance Bird Remedy Plan Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast mentioned the problems that some citizens in Sanger are experiencing with migratory birds especially on the east side of town. The following items were mentioned that the City could do to help with this problem: a}. Colored Streamers d}. b). Thinning Trees e). c) . Using Fireworks CC Minutes 12J6j93, page 4 After discussion, it was the concensus of Council to begin the remedy pIan of thinning the trees as mentioned by the Electric Superintendent and to keep the City Council informed of this situation. 8. City Administration Report City Administrator reported on the fallowing items: a). As a reminder, the Christmas and New Year's Holidays, in accordance with personnel policies, will be observed on December 23rd, 24th and 31st respectively. b}. As of today, a total of 24 single family residence building permits, valued at $1,516,250 have been issued for the calendar year. c}. Started today on the water line development extension on Selz Road. 9. Any Other Such Matters a}. Mayor Armstrong inquired about the signs located on Willow and loth regarding the flashing lights. b}. Councilman Richardson mentioned there was a drainage problem on Jackilu between the Garland'0 and Mr. Tipton's house. It was mentioned that one of the neighbors has wood placed high on their fence which is causing a drainage problem. c}. Mayor Armstrong suggested an the food inspection reports that they be placed in the local paper. d}. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that three applicants will be interviewed for the Fire Marshall Position. She mentioned that a committee has been appointed to meet with them. Mayor Armstrong noted that this committee will consist of herself, Councilwoman Margie Braxton and Councilman Jerry Jenkins. e}. Councilman Kincaid inquired as to any further developments on the police radios. 10. Meeting adjourned. CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 12/11/93 PAGE 1 08:50 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 256 AL.TEC INDUSTRIES, INC. DRAWER 0414 P.G. BOX 11407 WORK ON DIGGER T 14406 12/06/93 13240 12/21/93 249.79 .00 419.0800 249.79 TOTAL 249.79 .00 575 ALL ANERICAN LI8 PREUIEW BOOKS 2225729 12/14/93 475, 0200 257. 04 TOTAL. 1275 DEN-TEX EI�UIPMENT WORK ON ICE MACH 44310 12/03/93 421.0600 150.16 TOTAL 1501 ARM COMMUNIt;ATIONS P.O. 8OX 50324 MIC. CORD 5055 12/02/93 419.0300 22.00 TOTAL 3327 BEARD'S MOTORS DOOR LATCH/ACCES 7361 12/13/93 419.1700 155.85 TOTAL 3786 BO►IVAR SPECIALTY PRODUCT ANTIFREEZE 1964 419.0300 419.1100 419.1200 419. 2000 419.1700 419.0500 419.0600 419.0700 419.0800 TOTAL 3188 BOUND TREE/NORTH AMERICAN RESUSCITATOR/BF' 041080 4*77. 1100 424.1100 OXYGEN MASKS O43583 424.1100 TOTAL 4230 CflSCO INDUSTRIES INCOR. FIRE AF'F'AREL 136605 416.1100 HELMET REPAIR/MI 136925 424.1100 4111100 NOZZLE 137617 424.1100 TOTAL. 11/09f93 19.38 19.38 19.38 19.38 % 9.38 19.38 19.38 19238 19.41 7317 WEST GREEN iREE RD. 14443 12/21/94 257m04 .00 257.04 6f1 FORT WORTH DR 13285 12/21/93 150.16 150.i6 116 MAPLE ST 1322,E 12/21/93 22.00 RT. 1 8OX 412u" 13364 12/21/93 155.85 155.85 P.O. BOX 288 13207 12/21/93 174.45 174.45 .00 15 CENTERVALE ROAD P.O. BOX 926 1it24/93 13251 %2/2i/9:�. 895.15 .00 850.00 45.15 12/13/93 13414 12/21/93 31.15 .00 31.15 926.30 .00 607 WEST 62ND ST. P.O. BOX 8007 il/24/9y3(J(ry 13249 12/21/93 307.00 .00 30(vVLl 12/06/93 13257 12/21/93 117.75 .00 37v30 80.45 12/13/93 13415 12/21/93 111.00 .00 ! ° 111.00 53175 .00 CIfY OF SANGER UENDOR AF' OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 12/17/93 PAGE 2 INU NO INV Ulm Pq NUM DUE DfE 08:50 PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 6500 C�H JANITORIAL SUF'F'LIES P.O. BOX 1104 JANITORIAL SUPPL 6950 11/29/93 13 15 12/21/93 40.90 .00 442.0100 8.18 442.1600 8.18 442.0300 8.18 442,0800 8.18 442o lOOO 8.18 TOTAL 40.90 ,00 7575 GgNTINENTAL RESEARCH GORP P.O, BOX 8428 CHEMICAL SUPPLIE 86055 12/16/93 13291 12/21/93 19136.40 .00 415, 2200 11136.40 TOTAL 11136,40 .00 12000 DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL 3911 MORSE ST. F'. O. BOX 2816 TAX SERVICES -PRO 1155/95 12/15/93 13483 12/21/93 19682.61 .00 447.0000 11682.61 TOTAL 19 68e', 61 , 00 13000 CIfY qF DENTgN, AGG. MUNiGIPAL BUILDIN�a 215 EAST MGKINNEY WATER TESTING, 13482 12/15/93 13482 12/21/93 60.00 .00 456.0600 60.00 TOTAL 60.00 .00 16:�00 ENDERBY GAS COMPANY WEST HIGHWAY 82 P.O. BOX 7i7 FUEL 57856 1i/01/93 13409 12/21/93 29.75 .00 414.1200 2175 FUEL 57897 11/10/93 13209 12/21/93 1170 .00 414.1200 18. 70 FUEL 57936 11/17/93 13218 12/21/93 20,64 ,00 414.1200 20.64 TOTAL 69.09 .00 16526 ELLTOT EI_EG""TRIG SUPPLY P.O, BOX E30610 NAGOGDOGHES, TX 75963 MISG. F'UC`ELEGT. 05061-01 11/11/93 13c.1 1L/21/93 735,10 .00 470.0800 735.10 TOTAL 735. 10 .00 17700 CALL'S INC, 2470 PALUMBq DRIVE F'.O. BOX 55268 TELEPHONE -AWARD 5617277 11/24/93 13252 12/21l93 66.49 .00 421,1100 66.49 TOTAL 66,49 .00 17750 GARREff EDUCATIONAL GORF', P.O. BOX 1588 ROOKS/PRGiCE55 KI 167224 12/14/93 13441 12/21/93 131,20 .00 475.0200 131.20 TOTAL 131.20 ,00 18700 GOHLKE POI]I_ SUPPLY P.O. BOX 31 CWLORINE 51110 11/12/93 13331 12I21/93 122.17 .00 415.1300 122.17 TOTAL 122.17 .00,y {� 18180 GOODYEAR TIRE 7301 AMBASSADOR ROW TIRES40LICE/SIR 043554 11/11/93 13212 12/21/93 168.86 ,00 419.0300 99,72 CITY OF SANGER VENDOR INV NO 419.0500 TOTAL 22000 HiLZ-SNI�)ER CHEU., INC. SAFETY INSPECTIO 24520 4190 lOOO PARTS_STREET DEP 103540 419.0500 PARTS -ANIMAL CON 24632 419.2600 SAFETY INSPECTIO 13484 419.0300 TOTAL 4632 JE56J�1�]D OIL GOMPRNY NOV. FUEL PURCHA 13480 414.0300 414.0500 414o lOOO 414.1100 414w 2600 414.0a00 414.0600 414.0700 TOTAL AF' OPE:N ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 12/17/93 PAGE 3 ItdV DTE PO NUM DIJE DTE 69.14 08;50 PLlRCH AMT DISC. AMT P. O. 80X 88 11/05/93 13270 12/21/93 10.50 10.50 li/05/93 13313 12/21/93 5.70 5.70 11 /29/93 1.355 12/21/93 123.92 12192 12/15/93 13484 12/21/93 10.50 i 0.50 150.6L P. ��. 80X 2026 i2/15/93 13480 12/21/93 15421.15 439.18 311.15 100.02 85.53 57.56 231.L5 1 15. 52' 40.94 1, 421.15 25300 JAGOE-PfJBLIC COMPANY P.17. BrIX 250 ASPHALT/HOT NIX 4130A 12115193 134a6 12/21/93 431. 0500 131.1 5 TOTAL 27490 f_AFJ EN1=0RGEMENT E[IUIF'. GO MAG-LIGHT BULBS 3a509 1112c/93 456.0300 17.40 TOTAL i31.25 131.25 2520 SUMMIT SJL73 SLILSI93 i7.40 27500 LAFd ENFORCEMENT SYSTEMS MS F'.O. BOX 1835 ARREST REPORTS 49271 12109/93 13275 12I21193 411.0300 94.10 TOTAL 27550 LA4d511N PRODUCTS INC. MISG. NUTS/BOLTS 201932 419.0300 419.1100 419.1200 419.2000 419.0500 419= 0600 419.0700 419.0800 419.2600 CONTROL CABLE4EL. 7497891 419.0800 TOTAL. P O BOX 300012 11/30i93 1335a 12/^c1/93 16.74 16.73 16.73 16.73 16.73 16.73 16.73 16.73 16.78 12/16/93 13493 12/21/93 43.99 17.40 94.10 150.63 43.99 194.62 .00 .00 .00 Ri! CIIY OF SAN13ER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 lit/ 17/93 PAGE 4 VENDOR INV NO INu DIE 28275 LIBRARY STORE FILES/LABELS/CAS 199227 12/08/93 442.0200 96.93 TOTAL 08e50 PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT P.O. BOX 964 13394 12/21/93 96e93 .00 96.93 .00 30000 ,IEEE MCNEILL P.OeBOX 358 HOT MIX/FLEX BAS 349 12/14/93 13288 12/21/93 19726.85 .00 431.0500 11726.85 TOTAL 11 726e 85 e 00 31059 METRO/QUIP, INC. 2312 MICHIGAN COURT CHLORINE KIT -SEW 0000645 12/03/93 13286 12/21/93 72.00 .00 425.0700 72eOO TOTAL 72.00 .00 31`580 Se A. Ve Ee P. Oe BOX 30 BOOKS 13442 12/14/93 13442 12/21/93 27.48 .00 415e 0* 00 273e 48 T014AL 273e 48 .00 31610 MURRAY LIGHTING R APPLIAN 520 LOOP 288 P. Oe BOX 1544 BULBS-COMM. CENT 28412/13 11/29/93 13323 12/21/93 52e60 e00 421e 2100 52e 60 TOTAL 52.60 .00 33000 PAYI_ESS CASHWAYS, INC. PeOe BOX 660333 MISCe ELECT. SUP 080458 10/26/93 13177 12/21/93 119.66 e00 4704 0800 119066 MISCe FOR CHRIST 081187 11/01/93 13317 12/21/93 59.80 .00 470e0800 59.80 CEILING TILES 081710 11/08/93 13333 12/21/93 63e84 e00 423e1800 6184 CONCRETE CAULK/F 083734 11/24/93 13321 12/21/93 17.98 .00 4210100 8. 99 423.1600 8.99 TOTAL 261.28 .00 34000 PItNEY BOWES P.O. BOX 5107 MAINT. AGREEMENT 584383 12/15/93 447.1900 227e 00 TOTAL ,34050 PLANT SYSTEMS, INC. FLOW METER/SURGE 001520 12/15I93 421 a 0600 17 687. 32 T014AL .3`�000 RAI}IO SHACK 410 BOLIVAR DOWER STRIP-GC1R7 13101 10/01/93 424e 0300 8.95 PHONE -LANDFILL 32750009 10/07/93 447e0400 P9e99 CASSETTE TAPE 32870005 10/14/93 424.0300 1e29 9V CHARGER/HAND 32920008 10/19/93 421e0600 10.99 1a48/ 12IC1I9J Lc.7.00 .00 227e 00 .00 9848 MONROE DR. 13290 12/21/93 11687e 3 too 1,687x32 moo P.O. BOX 297 13101 12/21/93 8e 95 .00 12915 12/21/93 29e99 .00 13157 12/21/93 1.29 e 00' 13244 12/21/93 10.99 e00 CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 12/17/93 PAGE 5 08:50 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PORCH AMT DISC, AMT MIC./CIRCUIT JAC 33000022 10/28/93 13299 12/21/93 17.49 .00 412.0800 17.49 PHONE/PL.UG 33000011 10/28/93 13264 12/21/93 45.98 .00 425.0700 45.98 TOTAL 114.69 .00 35280 DISPLAY SALES 6365 CARLSON DR. CHRISIMAS LIGHTS 8967 11/23/93 13330 12/21/93 548.27 .00 4410900 548.27 CHRISTMAS LIGHT 9155 11/30/93 13170 12/21/93 14689.49 .00 443.0900 19689.49 TOTAL AL 21237. 76 .O0 35300 Rir&WELD SUPPLY INC. P.i]. BOX 1597 OXYGEN 142274 11/16/93 13215 12/21/93 37.92 .00 424.12@0 37.92 OXYGEN 149120 12/06/93 13256 12/21/93 20.60 .00 424.1100 20.60 TOTAL 58.52 .0O 37777 SANGER OFFICE SUPPLY 303 BOLIVAR P.O. BOX 958 OFFICE SUPPLIES- 1401/02 10/29/93 13297 12/21/93 137.36 .00 441 a 1900 104. 60 411.0300 21.52 411.1400 11.24 MINUTE BOOK-M/CC 1410 11/10/93 13259 12/21/93 66.92 .00 411.1400 33.46 411.1500 33.46 KEY RACK -POLICE 1412 11/18/93 13317 12/21/93 5.94 .O0 411.0300 5.94 OFFICE SUPPLIES 414 11/18/93 13319 12/21/93 .80 .00 411.1900 .80 OFFICE SUPPLIE8- 408 11/24/93 13338 12/21/93 93.50 .0O 411.0200 9i.50 TREE LIGHTING SO 141G 11/30/93 13380 12/21/93 11.80 .00 410.0900 11.80 TOTAL, 316.32 .O0 38500 SANGER DRUG STORE P.O. BOX 958 FILM 13274 11/19/93 13274 12/21/93 25.24 .00 442.0300 25.24 TOTAL 25.24 .00 38585 SANGER RADIATOR P.O. BOX 461 TUBE -STREET DEPT 13363 12/14/93 13363 12/21/93 8.00 .00 419.0500 8.00 TOTAL. 8.00 .00 42000 SMITH'S COUNTRY STORE P.O. BOX 928 MISC. PARTS-SEWE 30227 10/02/93 13124 12/21/93 2.18 . 00 421.0700 2. 18 lkj TEE/BUSHING 30573 11/08/93 13228 12/21/93 2.78 .00 421.0600 2.78 UTILITY KNIFE 30585 11/09/93 13258 12/21/93 12.77 .00 421.0500 12.77 BELT -STREET DEPT 30592 11/10/93 13262 12/21/93 7.49 .00 CITY OF BANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST CUMPANY 100 1cal 17/93 PAGE 6 08*50 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 421.0500 7.49 COLLAR/CHAIN-ANI 30780 11/19/93 13323 12/21/93 12.37 .00 412.e600 12„3/ GLOVES -STREET DE 30811 11/23/93 13344 12/21/93 6.99 .00 418.0500 6.99 TOTAL. 44.58 , 00 42515 SOLOMON CORPORATION BOX 245 TRANSFORMERS 41336 12/15/93 13489 12/21/93 41273.00 .00 427.0800 41273.00 TOTAL 4127100 .00 42800 SOUTHEAS ERN TESTINi3 LAB. w'.O, BOX 96 EQUIPMENT TESTIN 16939 11/03/93 13490 12/21/93 180.00 ,00 419, 0800 180, 00 TOTAL. 180.00 .00 42925 STATE FIREMAN & MARSHALL P.O. BOX 13326 DUES FOR FIRE DE 13411 12/07/93 13411 12/21/93 132.00 .00 439.1100 132.00 TOTAL 132,00 .00 43701 TECHLItdE, INC. �'.O. BOX 9249 ARM-CCiMM. CENTER 24038 li/VD/ 93 13494 12/21/93 52.00 .00 470.0800 52.00 TOTAL 52.00 .00 45000 TEXAS METER & SEWER CO. HWY. 380 EAST P. O. BOX 1040 MISC. WATER DEPT 50419 12/16/93 13292 12/21/93 11893.05 .00 4Pl,O600 1189105 WATER DEPT SUPPL 50690 12/16/93 13294 12/21/93 81258,30 .00 427.0F,00 81258,30 TOTAL 101151.35 .00 46706 JOE TIMS 2005 PAISLEY ST, HEALTH INSPEC1410 10204 12/15/93 13491 12/21/93 350.00 .00 447. 2300 35+0.00 TOTAL. 350,00 .00 50200 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS P. O, BOX 819064 OFFICE: SUPPLIES 455654 12l08/93 13439 12/21/93 15.72 .00 4i1.1900 5.99 411.0800 9.73 OFFICE SUPPLIE9- 460288 12/10/93 1.3451 12/21/93 14.58 .00 411, 1000 5.00 442,1200 9.58 TOTAL 30.30 .00 50305 WESfERN AUTO C/O NATIONSBANK, N.A. P.O, BOX 15146 GAS CAP -ELECT. D 900904 11/23/93 13223 12/21/93 11.99 .00 419.0800 11.99 o d 3 TOTAL 11.99 .00 U 53000 WATSON ELECTRIC SUPPLY P.O. BOX 840735 FUSES/BREAKFR-PA 15072700 12/03/93 13345 12/21/93 149,64 .00 443.0900 149.64 CITY OF SANC,ER AC' OPEN ITEN LIS1 COMPANY 1WW 12/17/93 PAGE 7 08d50 VENDOR INV NO INV OTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMi TOTAL 149.64 .00 53265 WEBB AUTO FARTS P.O.8OX 355 FILTERS/THERMSTA 2426 11/03/93 13311 12/21/93 24.15 .00 419.1100 5.90 419.0500 8.30 419.0300 1.99 419.0500 1.99 419.0600 1.99 419.0700 1.99 4110800 1.99 TOTAL 24.15 .00 �3455 TERRiI_L WHEELER 821 NOR`iH ELM EMS FORMS 2034 12/08/93 13412 12/21/93 102.00 .00 411.11W0 102.00 TOTAL 102.00 .00 54000 WII_LSAMS TESTING LAB 2106 JAMES S`iREET SEWER ANALYSIS 3288 12/15/93 13289 12/21/93 180.00 .00 415.0700 180.00 TOTAL 180.00 .00 54025 WORLD ALMANAC EDUCATION CHURCH ST. STATION P.O. BOX 9575 ALMANAC 50115460 12/07/93 13393 12/21/93 8.36 .00 4 75. 0200 8. 36 TOTAL 8.36 .00 54060 DENTON CO.8UILDERS SUPPLY P.O. BOX 733 KEYLOCKS 4169 10/22/93 12823 12/21/93 2100 .W0 423. 1600 1 m 50 423.0100 12.50 STAPLE GUN/STAPL 4286 11/04/93 13329 12/21/93 19.99 .00 412.0800 19.99 BLDG. SUPPLIES 4315-16 11/11/93 13335 12/21/93 60.98 .00 421.2100 60.98 SACKCRET&ELECT. 4401 11/15/93 13320 12/621/93 37.50 .00 470, 0800 37. 50 SNAPS -ELECT. DEP 4412 11/16/93 13214 12/21/93 4.14 .00 412.0800 4.14 CONCRET&ELECT D 4468 11/19/93 13324 12/21/93 12.50 .00 470.0800 12.50 NAILS 13342 11/19/93 1342 12/21/93 7.12 .00 421.2100 7.12 WEATHERSTRIP 4513 11/23/93 13226 12/21/93 3.98 .WO 419.1700 3.98 ANCHORS/BITS/BOL 4539 11/30/93 13283 12/21/93 20.57 .00 421. 2100 20. 57 TOTAL 191.78 .00 311732.44 .00 TOTAL DUE WITH DISCOUNTS 319732.44 TOTAL. DUE- NO DISCOUNTS 31,732.44 G/L DEPARTMENTS CITY OF SANGER AP UPE111 ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 12/I7/93 PAGE 8 08e50 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE OTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT F'ULICE 3 792.13 SANITATION 4 29.99 STREETS 5 2,325.74 WATER 6 12, 256. 22 WASTEWATER 7 379.20 ELECTRIC 8 6,104.24 PARKS 9 2,399.20 PUBLIC WORKS 10 123.70 FIRE 11 1591OU 68 VEHICLE MAINT—GF 12 152.70 �WIMMINU PUUL-BF 13 12LJ4 1 T MAYOR & COUNCIL-GF 14 44.70 MAYOR & COUNCIL-EF 15 33.46 AOMINISTRATION-EF 16 29.67 PUBLIC WORKS4F 17 179.21 SULL'IVAN CENTER 18 63.84 DATA PROCESSING 19 338.39 VEHICLE MAINT-CF 20 36.11 COMM. CENTER-GF 21 141.27 WAST&WTR COLL-EF 22 15136.40 ADMINISTRATIOI`T-GF 1 29.67 LIBRARY-GF 2 860.51 TAX M VICE-GF 00 1,682.61 HEALTH SERVICES-GF 23 350.00 ADMAL CONTROL-GF 26 210.63 GEiv'ERAL F[7ND 11,239.54 CITE OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2399 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrato DATE: December 17, 1993 SUBJECT: Bolivar Street Median Mr. James Clav of East Texas Sign Comnanv was contacted re�ardin� the v V cost of a sign similar to the "Welcome" signhiscompany donated at Loop 138 and I-35 for the Bolivar Street median. Mr. Clay stated that the cost is $900 and that East Texas Sign would donate $600 of the cost to the City. Garland Thornton will contact Sanger Bank regarding their possible $500 donation, as well as the Noon Lions Club and any individuals that might contribute. Staff would recommend proceeding with the project with the $3,060 cost charged as follows: Flagpole, installation, light - Street Maintenance, Acct. #431.05 Landscaping, irrigation, pavestone - Parks - Landscape - Acct. #409.09 Community Center - Landscape - Acct. #409.21 Sign - Street -Sign - Acct. #432.05 $3,060 Any contributions would be applied to reduce these account charges. The sign and flagpole related charges total $2,060. landscaping and pavestone charges are flexible. JH:es Enclosures The irrigation, 1 i • _ _. .... ...... . . , .........• , u.vu ur-,.vva:.n vrr a LG per, Mollumm llecemY.�r.r 6 , 19 9 3 Memo to Mayor anc� Council City of Sanger From Bolivar Street Median Colt�mi t.tce Thornton, syxiPs, Jones, Hamilton Suhjer.t RPr.ommenc7ations for Bolivar Street Median at IH 35 Item Fstimatec� Cost 1. One 35' Bronze Flag Pole Installation 2. One 500 Watt Fights for Flag 3. Lan�35caping 4. Irrigation System 5. Pavestone or Similar Material 6. Monument Type Siclt�, Brick Trim, Concrete/Plaster Insert. Worded Welcome to Sanger Establ i shed 1491 Total. Fsti.mated Cost. �I,1G0.00 300.00 * 300.00 500.00 250.00 250.00 1,200.00 $3,9b0.00 * City personnel, equipment` and matPr.ial.s may r.cduc;e these costs. .Sources of Ftindtnq; 1. City of Sanger 2. Sanger Li.on� Club 3. Sanger. Bank 4. Other. Private Contributors 100 Excli�nOc� Eilvd. °1 � 1'.O, BUx i28 "An lrtcleJ��nrlt+rt! t�:rrtk" hentnn (R17) 301-107.? Shnpor, '1 X 76266 facsimile (817) 450 3516 CITY OF SANUER P. O. BOX 578 SANUER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2386 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrato DATE: December 17, 1993 SUBJECT: Report on Financing Options By Southwest Securities - Dan Almon Mr. Almon will be present to discuss financing options and costs for future street, library and water/wastewater projects. Factors to consider are: 1}. Term of issue. 2}. Related costs of issue. 3}. Both long and short term goals in the areas of streets, library and water/wastewater. 4}. Annual debt service cost as a total and as a percentage of budget. 5). Certificates of Obligation cannot be refunded by new certificates. 6}. Will funds be used within three (3) years? 7). Certcates of Obligation do not require an election. Staff has identified several possible street improvement projects in na particular order: Street Street Construction Estimated Costs Only_ 12/ 1Q 3 Width 31' 1}. Austin Street - 2200' @ $130 = $286,000 (Denton to Church, Walnut Ln.} 31' 2). Tenth Street - 2200' @ $130 = $286,000 (From Bolivar N) 27' 3). Wood Street - 1000' @ $115 = $1 15,000 (10th to 7th & Willow) #23860 12/ 17/93, page 2 27' 27' 31' 31' 4}. Brook Glen (extension) 400 @ $115 + culvert (If ROW donated) 5 ). Keaton Road (N. From Brook Glen) 6). Marshall Street - 700' @ $115 (5th E. to 2nd) 7). Sixth Street - 6Q0' @ $130 (Cherry N to Elm) 8). 9). Seventh Street - 225' @ 130 (Bolivar to Elm) Drainage -Keaton Roadj�tTillow St. Willow Street - 120Q' @ $130 RR - East Total 302000 $ 76,OQ0 $182,00Q fff _ � 156,Qaa $1,368,750 As you all are aware, there are many residential streets in the older sections of town that are candidates for renovation. The cost estimates listed do not include engineer or utility improvements/relocation. Four of the ten listed; Austin, Tenth, Keaton and Willow are main traffic arteries; Wood St. is primarily for drainage improvements; Brook Glen is to improve accessibility and for public safety; Marshall is for drainage and its general bad repair; Sixth Street is for drainage and safety around the Post Office and proposed library; Seventh Street is for drainage and access to the Middle School; and the drainage improvements were discussed to prevent possible flooding. The water/sewer improvements would be to improve/expand the system for both fire protection and delivery capability (water} and make sewer available for every current resident and/or business in the community. The library portion of this $350,000, could be reduced if the City is successful in securing a $100,OQ0 state grant. This discussion does not require action, but is intended as a preliminary discussion; however, if Council wants a street improvement program for the summer of 1994, some plan of action will need to be adopted as early as possible in 1994. JH:es, Enclosures NDV-15-199� 1 � � C�6 FROM SCILITHI�tEST ,SECU� I T I ES � 0 TO 7181'�4584180 ' P. �� -TY of SANGER, TEXAS ,_350,000 COMBINATION TAX ANA UTILITY SYSTEMS JUN3oR LIEN REVENUE CERTIFIGAT�S OF' OBLIGATIt�N, SERIES 1994 FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9--30 1995 1996 1997 l�yt� 1999 2000 z001 2002 2003 2DD4 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 10 2 t11 7 20�.2 2013 201C THE PROPOSED SERIES 1994 CERTIFIGAT,'s (a) PI�iNCIPA2. $S,Daa.ao 7o,00a.DD 75,000.00 aO,Ovv.Ov" 85,000.DO 90,D00.00 95,0OO.OD 100,Doo.oa 105,000.00 llo,000.aa 120,000,00 125,000.DO 13D,000.00 140,000.00 145,000.00 155,o00.OD 165,000.DD 175,000.00 185,000,00 145,b00.00 $2,350,OOO.DO $ONDS DATER: FT�ST INTEREST PAYMENTa MATURITIES: AVERAGE LIFE: (a) $1,000,000.OD 1,QQ0,000.00 350,D00.00 ,S2,350,p00.00 INTEREST (b} $202,6$7.50 �.34, 837 . SD 130,812.50 12D,7DV.VU 121,900.00 117,012.50 111., 83? . 50 106,375.00 100,625.04 94,5g7.50 $8,262.50 81,362.50 74,175,00 66,700,00 $8,650.00 50,312,50 41,400.00 31,912,50 21,850,00 11,212.50 $1,773,012.&0 �. � � �-------'3 S� TQ"'RL $207rE87.50 204�837.50 2D5`.slz.5o .-nn nn 2vo�avv.vW 2D6,�900.00 2D7:012.50 206.837.50 206375.OD 205�625.00 2041587.50 2D8>26z.5o 206�362.5D 204;,175.00 206;700.00 203, 650.OD 205�312,5D 206''400.00 206912,50 206', 850. QO 206,212,5D $4,123,012.50 ..-T-- r--`3��5� MARCH 1, �.994 MARCH 1, 1995 SEPTEMSER 1, 1995-2014 13.1212 YEARS EATER AND STREETS LISRARX SFWEi�. SYSTEM 1MPROVEMIaNTS 42.55� O.F TOTAL ATTR18UTABLE TO sYSTBM $88,371.03 87,158,36 87,573.22 o" estr nr o,,ocaa, ♦:� 8$,035,95 88,0$3.82 88,GD9.36 $7,812.56 87,493,44 87,051.98 88,615.59 87,807.24 86,876.46 87,950,85 86,653.08 s7,36D.47 87,823.20 88,041,27 88,014.68 87,743.42 $1,754,341.82 (b) INTEREST FiAs iiEFiN G'A-LCULATED AT b.?5� F•C]r`2 pti SE ' �:%F' II+LUSTRATI4N QNT•IC 1 J`MHER 25, 1993 }} Tf�TGI D r� CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #246a TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE: December 17, 1993 SUBJECT: Solid Waste Contract -Texas Waste Management The enclosed is the draft contract with Texas Waste Management as previously discussed, for your consideration. The City's Attorney and TWM's Attorney are still working on the agreement. At the time your packet was prepared, this is their latest communication. I telephoned Dwain Pomykal, Friday, a.m., and told him this had to be worked out, that the Council, in my opinion, would never accept automatic rate increases, other than CPI, without an explanation and mutual discussion with TWM. If there is further development, it will be included in your packet without altering this memorandum. JH:es Enclosures CONTRACT FOR SERVICEg THIS AGREEMENT made this day of by and between Texas Waste Management, a division of Waste Management of Texas, Inc., a Texas Corporation ("Contractor") and THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ("City"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Contractor is engaged in the business of providing commercial and residential solid waste removal, and WHEREAS, the City desires to have the Contractor perform such solid waste removal services to the residents and businesses within its legal boundaries, NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements and considerations herein contained, the City and the Contractor hereby agree as follows: 1. Exclusive Right. The City hereby grants to the Contractor the exclusive right and obligation to provide solid waste collection services within the City's legal boundaries as they exist as of the date hereof and as may be extended during the term of this agreement. 2. Term. A. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of five (5) years commencing on Jar}uary 2, 1994, and terminating on December 31, 1998, subject to prior termination as described in Paragraphs 2 (B) below and subject to annual review as provided in Paragraph 2 (C) below. B. Notwithstanding the provisions in Paragraph 2 (A) aboveI either party may terminate this Agreement, during the term hereof, after giving ninety (90) days written notice to the other party; provided, such early termination shall not relieve either party of its obligations hereunder that have accrued prior to the effective date o ::>: ".>;.::>:>:'::' f such termination.::::,a�Id.:::�u�t,hc��...t�rt�xr.:i,c��c3:.:.i�h�..t�.:...�h�. C. The provisions reviewed annually by the City the mutual agreement of both p Contractor >{gig»>€' presented to the "Sanger City December review. CONTRACT FOR SERVICES -- Pape 1 3. Covenants of Contractor. The Contractor covenants and agrees to the following: A. Residential Collection. Residential collection shall be twice weekly on Monday and Thursday of each week except for Christmas Day and other holidays as authorized by the Sanger City Council. Hours of collection shall commence not earlier than 8:00 a.m., and conclude not later than 4:00 p.m. on each collection day. Contractor shall be required to pick-up only solid waste that is in plastic bags (not to exceed 30 gallons), acceptable containers or bundles (not to exceed 40 pounds and 3 feet in length each), or such other containers as may be approved by the Sanger City Council, B. Commercial Collection. Commercial collection iit�autA i ng lllul t iple dwellings of foul' ( 4 ) or more units and all businesses (commercial and/or industrial establishments) are to be serviced on an "As -Needed" basis. The type of solid waste receptacle used by any commercial customer shall be used at the sole expense of such commercial customer. Hand pick-up customers shall use a 30 gallon container. The hours of collection for commercial services shall commence not prior to 6:00 a.m. and conclude not later than 9:00 p.m. on each Monday and Thursday, except for Christmas Day and other holidays as authorized by the Sanger City Council. Apartments and/or multi -family residences will be collected between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on each collection day. The Contractor will place in the City, at no cost to the City for placement or collection pull, 10 gallon receptacles for trash collection at all parks within the City and in the downtown area. In addition, the Contractor will provide temporary placement of trash containers for special events sponsored by the City and located within the City upon the request of the Sanger City Council, Further, Contractor will provide two 30 yard roll -off containers in both Spring & Fall, to be pulled one time each at no charge to the City for Annual clean up. Additional collection Pulls will cost $235.00 each. Also, Contractor will provide one 3 yard container for the Sanger Cemetery at no cost to the City. C. Compliance with Laws. All solid waste collected by the Contractor will be disposed of in a landfill other than that owned or operated by the City. The Contractor will comply with all applicable State and Federal laws regarding collection and transportation of solid waste material. D. Due Care. The Contractor shall exercise due care and caution to protect and preserve public and private property including City streets and parking areas while performing its obligations hereunder. Vehicles used by the Contractor in performing its residential services hereunder shall not zigzag from one side of the street to the other. COiJTRACT FOR SERVICES -- Page 2 E. Franchise Fee. The Contractor will pay monthly to the City a Franchise Fee of Six Percent (6%) of its monthly gross receipts for its residential and commercial collections. This Franchise Fee represents a charge for use of the City's streets. F. Liability Insurance. The Contractor shall maintain general liability insurance in the amount of $3,000,000.00 in the aggregate; provided, however, that the amount may be raised if the City is required to raise its liability coverage above amounts presently required by Federal or State laws. The City shall be named as an additional insured on such policy and such policy will contain a provision that the insurer will not cancel the policy without giving the City thirty (30) days' written notice. U. ttecycling. contractor will provide a container and hauling services for a recycle drop off center for aluminum and newspaper at a site to be determined by City. Such site shall be secured and staffed to prevent contamination as determined solely by City. Back charges for contamination will be paid by City. H. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents against any and all claims, including attorney fees, relating to injury to persons, property, employees or anyone else under the control of the Contractor whose performance or failure to perform causes a claim to be made against the City. I. General Conditions. a. The Contractor shall not deny employment to any person for reasons of race, creed, national origin or religion, or any other reason in violation of State or Federal Law. Each employee of the Contractor shall at all times carry a valid Texas Operator's Driver's License applicable to the type of vehicle that such employee is operating. b. Wages of all employees of the Contractor will equal or exceed the minimum wage requirements as established by Local,, state and federal agencies. In addition, the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Acts. c. The Contractor shall not litter any residential or commercial dwelling in the process of performing its services hereunder; provided, however, that the Contractor shall not be required to collect any solid waste material that has not been placed in plastic trash bags, approved containers, or is bundled (as described above). In the event of spillage by the Contractor, the Contractor shall properly clean up any and all litter. d. Hazardous waste, body CONTRACT FOR SERVICES -- Page 3 waste, dead animals, thereto will not be required to be collected by the Contractor, e. The Contractor shall have on hand at all times in good working order, such equipment that shall permit the Contractor to adequately and efficiently perform its duties hereunder. Solid waste collection equipment shall be of the enclosed load packer type and all equipment shall be kept in good repair and appearance and in a sanitary, clean and run ready l:U11ull.1U11 at all Limes. The contractor shall have available to it at all times reserve equipment which can be put into service and operation in case of any breakdown of its equipment. f. The Contractor shall have vested title to all solid waste materials generated within the Municipal Area of the City. 4. Covenants of the City. The City covenants and agrees as follows: A. To remit all amounts due to the Contractor by the tenth (10th) day of each month commencing in the month of February, 1994. B. Provide the Contractor with confirmation of the residential and commercial customers on a monthly basis. C. To collect all state and local taxes due on the services provided by the Contractor hereunder and to remit all such amounts due to the appropriate authorities. D. To grant to the Contractor the right to pursue any cause of action the Contractor may have against any third party for interfering with the Contractor's exclusive right and obligation to provide solid waste collection services hereunder. In granting such rights, the Contractor shall be entitled to pursue its remedies without notice to the City. 5. Payment for Services Rendered The City shall pay to the Contractor for its services rendered pursuant to Paragraph 3 above, an amount based upon the following structure: A. Residential Services - $7.75 per month (hand pick-up) per individual residence CONTRACT FOR SERVICES -- Pafle 4 B. Commercial Customers (hand pick-up, 3 containers maximum) i. Two pick-ups per week - $15.00/month C. Container Services 1. Three (3) yd. containers a. One pick-up per week b. Two pick-ups per week c. Three pick-ups per week 2. Four (4) ydo containers a. One pick-up per week b. Two pick-ups per week c. Three pick-ups per week 3. Six (6) yd. containers a. One pick-up per week b. Two pick-ups per week c. Three pick-ups per week 4. Eight (8) yd. containers a. One pick-up per week b. Two pick-ups per week c. Three pick-ups per week 5. Thirty (30) yd. containers a. Commercial user 1. Rent 2. Delivery 3. Pickup CONTRACT FOR SERVICES -- Page 5 - $32.00/month $55.00/month - $77.00/month - $40.00/month $69.00/month - $90.00/month - $55.00/month $110.00/month - $155.00/month - $69.00/month $125.00/month - $206.00/month - $60.00/month $75.00/month $290.00/each b. City Convenience Center 1. Rent - N/C 2. Delivery - N/C 3. Pickup - $235.00/each 6. Recycling container service - $275.00/p up D. Payment of Taxes. The amounts represented in Paragraph 5 (A) through (C) above do not include state and local taxes. The amounts of any local or state taxes shall be added to 1-hc amn�ini-c r7oc..v� L,e.a r, n , .,L. c i a- ...... . A%tvw... "%d %A 1Ax 4L "LCiyLQrJ11&7 :J `AM) 1.11LUU911 1.GUJUVC CLIJU collected by the City; provided, however, that all solid waste disposal or other landfill or disposal fees charged by the state is is in the amount shown in Paragraph 5 (A) through (C) above and shall be paid by the Contractor. 6. Payment. For services rendered pursuant to Paragraph 3 above and pursuant to the fee schedules provided in Paragraphs 5 (A) through (D) above, the City shall pay the Contractor within ten (10) days after the end of each calendar month. 7. General Provisions A. Modification. This Agreement constitutes the entire CONTRACT FOR SERVICES -- Page 6 agreement and understanding between the parties hereto, and shall not be considered modified, altered, changed or amended in any respect unless in writing and signed by both parties hereto. B. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. Co Binding Effect, This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties successors and assigns. D. Assignment. This Agreement shall not be assigned by the Contractor without the written consent of the City' provided, however, that the assignment by the Contractor to an affiliated or related entity or party shall not be unreasonably withheld. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Contractor have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS By: Nel Armstrong, Mayor ATTEST: By: City Secretary TEXAS WASTE MANAGEMENT, a division of Waste Management of Texas, Inc. By: Nick Dowd General Manag CONTRACT FOR SERVICES -- Page T Ronald J. Neiman Margaret E. Barnes Neiman & Barnes a professional corporation Attorneys At Law 386 W. Main / P.O. Box 777 Lewisville, Texas 75067 December 16, 1993 VIA FACSIMILE (214) 714-0596 Mr. Stephen D. Bigelow, Counsel WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. - SOUTH Irving Satellite Office 1320 Greenway Drive, Suite 1000 Irving, Texas 75038 RE: Sanger - Waste Management Contract Dear Steve: Ph.: 214/436-1558 Fax: 214/436-1349 With respect to the further changes made to the contract and faxed to me yesterday, I have the following comments: Paragraph 2.B. I cannot recommend your newest change, as the initial change requires "cause" to terminate, but the addition allows Waste Management to terminate if any rate request is denied. Paragraph 2.C. I cannot recommend striking the date by which rate changes must be submitted. Last minute submittals of incomplete information will not be tolerated, as the City would have inadequate time to review rate adjustment requests. Paragraph 3.E., 3.G. and 3.I.f. - ok. Paragraph S.D. provides a pass through they are in fact taxes. any increased expenses justification for rate I cannot recommend your changes. This of fees that may be disputed as to whether Normal ratemaking procedure requires that be incurred and then later included as adjustment. Paragraph 5.E. third paragraph. The City needs a date certain when CPI figures will be presented. What is the objection to using December published CPI for implementation of January change in rates? Your notes at the bottom of page 6 did not clearly transmit on the fax; however, I think the thrust is that Waste Management wants to have the ability to petition at any time for additional increases it feels are necessary. While I don't disagree with Mr. Stephen D. Bigelow, Counsel WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. - SOUTH December 16, 1993 Page 2 petitioning, such rate changes must be by mutual agreement and not be a ground for terminating the contract. I cannot imagine such increases that would be so large that your company could not endure until the annual review of rates. Our clients may need to discuss these issues on Monday, December 20, and authorize the ones mutually agreed upon to be included in the contract. Sincerely, Ronald J. Neiman RJN:dan (w/o enclosures) cc: Mr. John Hamilton, City Manager (w/enclosures) Waste Management, Irroc.-Sou#�S Irving Satellite r7ffice 1324 rreenway Drive •Suite 1000 Irving, Texas 7503$ 214/550-i77a December 15, � 993 $ENT VIA FACSiMIL1= 43fi-1349 Ran Neiman Neiman &Barnes Attorneys at Law 386 W. Main Street Lewisville, Texas 75�6� RE: Agreement by and between Waste Manac,�ement of Texas„�lnc anti itX,of Sanaer, Texas Dear Ron: I caught a few more ambiguities on the attached agreement, which sht�uld come out of this final. We remain very concerned about the "I*andfill Fee.° TNRCC has imposed and modified the fee without much input from the regulated community. It is in fact a tax and should be passed through as a tax to the Waste Generator's. I will discuss further with my client. Very truly yours, Stephen D. Bigelow Counsel SDB/kc �nciosure cc: Bruce Adams Nick Dowd n n (:.�� Bptj/T00(�] '�I2I,L�) .LI4`.)Id 3ZSF,11 ;)ti5tj ['Tl f TZ.Qi Ltj � PT G(i,��iii;T ��i�,�. Neiman & Barnes �.�-�-�.�---�...�. a profQ,rsioraczl cvrporatio�a Attorneys At l_aw 386 W. Main 1 P.O. Box 777 t_ewisville, Texas 75067 Ronald J. Neiman Ph,: 214/436-155$ Margaret E, Barnes Fax: 2141436-1349 December 9, 1993 tvrr Ci-or�han ri_ R;trPlow. Counsel .��.. ....-_.L...__.. - - --- 1 -- - WA.STE MANAGEMENT, INC. - SOUTH Irving satellite Office 1320 Greenway Drive, Suite 1000 Irving, Texas 75038 R�: Sanger Ca�stract for Services Dear Steve: it is my understandXng that the city Council was in agreement with the ideas of all of your proposed changes except the. third one about Section 5. b as stated in your Dr~cembex �, 1993, letter. 2 have made the changes and enclosed a }� rt~d 1 fined" copy of the Contract for your convenienoe. Please revie it is satisfactory br not. This will go to December 20, and I request sufficient time to That Council meeting is the last scheduled proposed commencement date. w this and advise i�' the city Council on review any changes. meeting before the Sincerely, �. Ronald o". Neiman RJN:dan cc: Mx. Jahn Hamilton, Czty Manager ,,,,M1r f.-:-�.:....,. CITX C7F BANGER ,`-.. � '' `"� ,.-��:��. (w/o enclosures) �'�.° /�, i �:�` -:, Mr- Nick Dowd, General Manager 'I;,� DEG 1993 `,�;; TEXAS WASTE MANAGEMENT � ' FiG'+C�i�l'E'.C� .�' (w/enclosures) t.agal Qept. �� ��/ -: �� _�, �� ����� E30U�ZOt.i(�j 'I2is\:i ,Ltd`�I�t 3.LSF,1t 9tiSU fiTL fiTZ.S� 80�fiT Ct3-•�'T%Zi CONTRACT FpR SER�TICES THIS AGREEMENT made this day of , 199 by and between Texas waste Management, a division of Waste Management of Texas, Tnc., a Texas Corpara-rian ("Contractor") and THE CITY �F SANGER, TEXAS ("City"}. i:'�-�i`i:� -tea �ii WIiEREAS, the Contractor is engaged in the business of providing commercial and residential solid waste removal, and WHEREAS, the City desires to have the Contractor perform such cril i r'i �.r�ei-a ramner� l cot*eri noc to i-l�o roc i rlc�t�f-� arri 1-�i�c i r�t�c�n� T.ri •1-•iti � n V Yi1M \. V. f.� .+w .v tiryNv t u M.--.+- r .a v�.+..•r err ��.Y + �r+r rw �...+-a r.r N..4.. a�btV �.ii�-.�-'.✓�V it i .+Ai 1J♦ its legal boundaries; Nt)W THEREFQRE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements and considerations herein contained, the City and the Contractor hereby agree as follows: 1, Exclusive R aht. The City hereby grants to the Contractor the exclusive right and obligation to provide solid waste collection services within the City's legaJ� boundaries as they exist as of the date hereof and as may be extended during the term of this agreement. 2. Term. A. The term of this Agreement shall be fcr a period of five (5} years commencing an January 2, 7.�g4, and terminating' on December 31, 19�8, Subject to prior termination as described in Paragraphs 2 (B) below and subject to annual review as provided in Paragraph 2 (C) below. B. Notwithstanding the provisions in Paragraph 2 (A) above, either party may terminate th�.s Agreement, during the term hereof, after giving ninety (90) days written notice to the other party; provided, such early termination shall not relieve either party of its obligations hereunder that have accrued prior to the effective date of such terminations"��"`t��>'�>q�r�"t��i�����;'"�; C. The provisions reviewed annually by the City the mutual agreement of bath p Gontractox �-��,`'"�.: �''t�'`;�'��'1 presented to`Y"the', "��aiger'� �'C•ty December review. t�iTt2ACT FOR SERviCES -� Page 1 of Paragraph in December and art].�'s _ AriV re 5 below shall be may be changed upon nested increases by :•:> >��K< 11 --� prior to (� '�' 6t1t1iGtit)(� 'I2I.i�:=> ,LIQ`>ti 3.LSPst 9EiSci i'TL PTZ� 3. Cove�nanta of Gontraatc+r. The Contractor covenants and agrees to the following: A. Residential Cc►lleation. Residential collection shall be twice weekly on Monday and Thursday of each week. except for Christmas Day and other holidays as authorized by the Sanger City Council. Hours of collection shall commence not earlier than s:00 a.m., and conclude not later than 4:00 p.m. on each collection day. Contractor shall be required to pick-up only solid waste that is in plastic bags (not to exceed 30 gallons), acceptable containers or bundles (not to exceed 40 pounds and 3 feet in length each), or such other containers as may be approved by the Sanger city counca�l. $. CommE3rcial Collection. Commercial collection i nt±l 17ci i ncY m_ u 1 t' i n'L e dwell inns of four ( 4 ) or more units and all businesses (commercial and/ar industrial establishments) are to be serviced on an "As -Needed" basis. The type of solid waste receptacle used by any commercial customer shall be used at the sole expanse of such commercial customer. Hand pick-up customers shall use a 30 gallon container. The hours of collection for commercial services shall commence not prior to 6:00 a.m. and conclude not later than 9:00 p.m. an each Monday and Thursday, except for Christmas Day and ether holidays as authorized key the Sanger city Council. Apaz�tments and/or multi -family residences will be collected between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on each collection day. The Contractor will place in the City, at no cost to the City far placement oar collection pull, �.0 gallon receptacles far trash collect�.on at all parks within the City and in the. downtown area. Tn addition, the Contractor will provide temporary placement of trash containers far special events sponsored by the city and located within the City upon the request of the Sanger City Council. Further, Contractor will provide two 30 yard roll�off containers in both spring � Fall, to be pulled one dine each at no charge to the City for Annual clean up. Additional collection pulls will cost $235.00 each. Also, Contractor will provide one 3 yard container for the Sanger Cemetery at no cast to the City. C. Compliance w�.th L�.ws. All solid waste collected by the Contractor will be disposed of in a �.andfil�. other than that owned or operated by the City. The Contractor will comply with all applicable state and Federal lags regarding collection and transportation of solid waste material. D. Due Care. The Contractor shall exercise due care and caution to protect and preserve public and private property including Czty streets and parking areas while performing its obligations hereunder. Vehicles used by the Contractor in performing its residential services hereunder shall not zigzag from one side of the street to the other, CONTRACT FOR SERVICES -� Page 2 .)���� �� tiO�)ifi0p� "I2I.L�.:� .Li+f`>IE 3,L5F�.0 �u50 fiTL i'T�.& ti�i�fiT �ti-�ST;�T-. the city receipts Franchise ��4 �� �. E. Frana}lise Fee. The Contractoz will pay mon ly to a Franchise Fee of six Percent (6�) of its monthl gross for its resentsna lcharge fo � sec oft the 1Ci y' s streets�s Fee rep F, Liab�. it Insurance. The Contractor shall maintain general liability insurance in the amount of $3,od0,0o0.00 in the aggregate; provided, however, that the amount may be raised if the City is required to raise its liability coverage above amounts presently required by Federal ar State laws. The. city sha7�1 be named as an additional insured on such policy and such policy will contain a provision that the insurer will not cancel the policy without giving the Gity th��(30) days' written notice. G. R,eo cli Gontr�ctor will provide a container and hauling services for recycle drop off �:ati`-� Such site ushallTbe newspaper at a site a be determined by City. secured and staffed to prevent contamination as determined solely by City. Sack charges for contamination will be paid by City. H. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents against any and all claims, including' attorney fees, relating to injuxy to persons, property, employeancerornfailure to perform causes oa claim to be madeoagainst perform the City. _ , Gerzera3 Conditions. a. The Contractor shall not deny employment to any person fc�r reasons of race, creed, national origin or religion, ar any other reason in violation of State or Federal Law. Each emplo�or'sfDriver�stLicense applicable to the type of vehic eTthat Opera such employee is operating. b, Wages of all employees of the Contractor will equal or exceed the minimum wage requirements as established by lacal,c�mt le w t theeprovisions Qf thenFai r Labor t nda dsrActs� shall p Y c. The contractor shall not litter any residential ar commercial dwelling in the process of performing its services hereunder; provided, however, that the Contractor shall not be required to collect any solid waste material that has not b+aen placed in plastic trash bags, approved containers, or is bundled (as.described above). Zn the event of spillage by the contractor, the Contractor shall properly clean up any and all litter. d. Hazardous �raste, body waste, dead animals, abandoned vehicles, vehicles parked, large equipment and parts CONTRACT fOR SERVICES -- Page 3 6iip�Stlii f�j 'I2I.I.�> ,LId`�Id 3ZSi�,tt 9G5f1 fiTL i'Ti:.�, qT � fiT tit3%ST. �T thereto unless not be required to be collec�Ged Contractor agrees to collect ,suc by the Contractor e. The Contractor shall have an hand at all times in good working order, such equipment that shall permit the Ct�ntractor to adequately and efficiently perform its duties hereunder. Solid waste collection equipment shall be of the enclosed load packer type and all equipment shall be kept in good repair and appearance and in a sanitary, clean and run ready .-...,,a; �; ,,,, ��- a i i t; m�s . The Contractor Shall have available to it t. V11�Ai �..i va. .,a .. .w.rr--._..--_. _. at all times reserve equipment which can be put into service �tnd operation in case of any breakdown of its equipment. f . T�ra �•,. +.,-�,�t�,Y—�; ; ,,.�.,T� �„���.a itle to all solid waste materials generated�3ai� in the Municipal Area of the City .�-,��s.' � r 4 �4 covenants of the City. The�City covenants and agrees as fellows: A. To remit all amounts due to the. Contractor by the tenth {loth) day of each month commencing in the month of February, 19�4. B. Provide the Contractor with confirmation of the residential and commercial customers an a monthly basis. C. To collect al.l state and local taxes due on the services provided by tk�e Contractor hereunder and to remit all such amounts due to the appropriate authorities. D. 7Co grant to the Contractor the right to pursue any cause of action the Contractor may have against any third party for interfering with the Contractors exclusive right and obligation to provide solid waste collection services hereunder. In granting such rights, the Contractor shall be entit�.ed to pursue its remedies without notice to the City. 5. payment for services Rendered. The Gity shall pay to the Contractor for its services rendered pursuant to Paragraph 3 above, an amount based upon the following structure; A. Residential Services - $7.75 per month (hand pick-ups per individual residence GO►iTRAt:i FaR SERvtCES -- Puge 4 l .i � � Q ti t) p/ 4 t) o (�J 'I2I,L�t;� ,LI1`> ik 3,l S t',ii 9 G S it T T L � T Z$ O T� f T C ti S S T- Z T B. Commercial Customers (hand pick-up, 3 containers maximum) i. Two pick-ups per week - $15.oq/month C, Container Services 7.. Three ( 3 ) yd. cantaa�ners a, one pick-up par week - $32.00/month b. Two pick-ups per week - $55.00/month c, Throe pick-ups per week - $77.00/month 2. Four (4) yd. cvntainers a, one pick --up per week - $�0,00/month b. Two pick-ups per week - $69.00/month c. Throe pick --ups per week - $90.04/month 3. Six (6) yd. containers a. tine pick-up per week - $55,00/month b. Two pick-ups p�:r week - $110.00/month c. Three pick-ups per week - $].55.o0/month 4. Eight (8) yd. containers a. One pickup per week � $69.00/month b, Two pick-ups per week - $125.o0/month c. Three pick-ups ger week - $206.00/month 5. Thirty (30) Xd. containers a. Commercial user 1. Rent - $60.00/month 2, tielivcz`y - $75.o0/month 3. Pickup -- $Z9d.0o/each CONTRACT FOR SERVICES -- Fie 5 6U0/LUf)[� 'I2I,Li�i:� .I,I1I`>Id 3.LSF,11 �JEi�U fiT1 fiT�$ TT�fiT L'ti-4T%ZT Co; .c b. City Convenience Center l . Rent ! N/ C 2. Delivery N/C 3. Pickup - $235.OQ/each 5. Recycling container service - $275.00/pick- up D. Payment of 000000000Taxes,totttIoo The amounts represented in Paragraph 5 (A) through (C) above do not include state and local taxes, The amounts of any local or state taxes shall be added to in tia_rarrrAnh� r% (A) t_hronah (M above and l+iX1= QIUV"AA L.7 µCS. r74i i+��� +w� +,'"—`�re�w— � ��—/16 IF collected by the City, provided, however, thatallsolid waste disposal or other landfill or disposal fees charged by the state cAAmo included in the amount shown in Paragra h 5 (A) through (C) 6. Payment. For services rendered ,pursuant to paragraph 3 above and pursuant to the fee schedules provided in Paragraphs 5 (A) through (D) above, the City shall pay the Contractor within ten (10)r days after the end of each calendar month. 7. General Provisions A. Modification. This Agreement constitutes the entire0 t CONTRACT I FOR._.S.E��tVICESP�ag_e b ( cs,s.�.\cS:"' � ""'� �+.�.7�.. "t4..+� v�.'C�►►�.�1 �;"1 � l�a..�4_.�— - c+...� rT�C�a .t crX" '�' r"a, 5 � � 0 .._ 60(11'RIjliz 96&() P[L PT 7 $ �I IT L'6%Slrr%T agreement and understanding between the parties hereto, and shall not be considered modified, altered, changed or amended in any respect unless in writing and signed by bath parties hereto. $. Covernin Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in acaQrdanGe with the laws t�f the State a£ Texas. C. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties successors and assigns. �. Assi�ent. Thzs Agreement shall not be assigned by the CantractAr without the written consent of the City' provided, however, that the assignment by the contractor to an affiliated or related entity car party shall ;nr�t be unreasonably W y yyyiic l{.i YN WITNESS WHEREOF, the C�.ty and the Contractor have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. THE CITX OF BANGER, TEXAS Hy: Nel Armstrong, Mayer ATTEST: BY= City Secretary TEXAS WASTE MANAGEMENT, a division of Waste Management of Texas, znc. By: Nick Dowd �„ General Manag�r CONTRACT Ft1R SERVICES -� Pege 7 r ������� � o a i � �a �:, � �xs.�;� zr�l�r� ass��,u s u � ti r � % � � � � �T�i�i �t3/9iii;T MEMORANDUM #2402 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the Ci Council John Hamilton, City Administrator December 17, 1993 Ordinance #017-93 - Solid 'Waste Collection Fees This ordinance establishes the contracted rate structure far 1994 as provided by Texas Waste Management. Enclosures CITY OF SANDER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. #017-93 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANDER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING SOLID WASTE COLLECTION, SECTION 6.314, OF THE SANDER CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Rfii. TT t1RT'�ATNF.1� RV THE C"TTY Ct7TTNCTT, ()F THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS: SECTION I Section 6.314 - Solid Waste Collection Fees. (1). Residential Services (hand pick-up) Twice Weekly Commercial Customers (hand pick-up, 3 containers maximum) pick-ups per week (3). Container Services (a}. Three {3) yd. containers {1}. One pick-up per week { �). fiwo pick-ups per week (3). Three pick-ups per week {b). Four (4) yd. containers (1). One pick-up per week (�). Two pick-ups per week (3). Three pick-ups per week (c). Six (6) yd. containers (1). One pick-up per week (2}. Two pick-ups per week (3). Three pick-ups per week - $7.75 per month per individual residence - $15.00jmonth - $32.00/month - $55.00/month - $77.00/month - $40.00/month - $69.00/month - $90.00/month - $55.00jmonth - $110.00/month $155.00/month Ordinance #017-93 12/20/93, page 2 { d}. Eight (8} yd, containers { 1). One pick-up per week ( 2). Two pick-ups per week (3). Three pick-ups per week (e). Thirty (30) yd. containers (1). Commercial user (a}. Rent (b}. Delivery { c). Pickup (f). City Convenience Center (1). Rent (2). Delivery (3) Pickup (g). Recycling container service SECTION II $69.00/month $125.00/month $206.00/month - $60.00/month $75.00/month $290.00/ each - N/C - N/C $235.00/ each - $275.00/pickup Failure to comply with any section or provision is prohibited or is declared to be unlawful or a whenever in this Ordinance, the commission of the omission thereof is prohibited, the violation shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed One {$1,000.00); provided however, that no penalty than the penalty provided under the laws of the day any violation of this Ordinance shall continue separate offense. of this Ordinance that misdemeanor, or an act is required or of such provision Thousand Dollars shall be greater or less State of Texas. Each shall constitute a All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Ordinance *017493 12/20/93, page 3 SECTION III It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of rmmnPtPnt i>>risdintinn_ such unconstitutionality shall not affect anv of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or secti uon. SECTION IV This Ordinance will take effect immediately and the publication of the caption as the la PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez City Secretary w in from and after its passage such cases provides. APPROVED: y Nel Armstrong Maor 1993, CITY OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2401 TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrato DATE: December 17, 1993 SUBJECT: Authorization To Advertise Far New Utility Personnel Vehicle - Fire Department -- I Budget Allocation: $600 per month Estimate at 8% For 48 months, purchase price - $24,000 Enclosed are the specifications prepared by Craig Waggoner for this lease purchase of a Suburban Type, Utility Personnel Vehicle for the Fire Department to replace a 1974 Model Chevrolet Van. If Council approves, the advertisements will be and the bid opening and Council consideration second meeting in January, Tuesday, 1/ 18/94, King Jr. Holiday. JH:es Enclosures placed in the Sanger Courier will be scheduled for the following the Martin Luther Legal Notice The City of Sanger will accept bids for the lease purchase of a 1994 Utility Personnel Vehicle for the Fire Department until 2 p.m., Tuesday, January 18, 1994. All bids must be on City of Sanger Bid Specification Forms which may be secured from the Office of the City Secretary, 201 Bolivar Street, during normal business hours. All returned bids must be received prior to the scheduled opening in sealed envelopes clearly marked "Fire Department Vehicle." All bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Hall Conference Room, 201 Bolivar Street at 2 p.m., Tuesday, JCAILLiary IU, 1:%J"I, ai1L1 prUC)C11LGu LU L11C %.ILy <.UUt1L11 UL Li1Clr rCgUIUI 111CCLMg A 7 p.m. the same date. The City of Sanger reserves the right to reject any and all bids and in any case accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Sanger. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary RUN IN SANDER COURIER: �J�3/�►3 & �,,2/3�/9� AFFIDAVIT REQUESTED WITH TEAR SHEETS CITY OF SAN(IER SPECIFICATION FOR VEIIIC,LI THE CITY OF 'ANGER IS ACCEPTING BIDS FOR A SUBURBAN TYPE VEHICLE BE USED BY 7111E FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR PERSONNEL TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY REOPONSE. THE SPECIFIt:AT TONS AI:E IN THE FOLLOWING PAGES, PLEASE, CONTACT M ANY ASSI:S`i'ANCE OR (.:LARIF.T.CATlON. THANK YOU FOR YOU12 IN'L'ERES'1', CRAIG WAGGONL1R VEHICLE MAIN':T'.DIRECTO R CITY OF SANGER 517-458-472.1 TO AND E >OR LEASL; PURCIIl\SP 1:NL,ORM71T7ON. TIIIS UNIT.' SHALL BV'o rill<C1Ii\��I� THIS COMPANY IS' l�tl.t�f�1 CITY OFShNCiL SANGER. y l S CITY OF SANGE).t SPECIFICATIONS 1_ . 0 INTENT # IT' :I ti 'I'11[; INTENT OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS TO SECURE A 4X2 VEI-11CLE W:I'.I'II IN';IDE .SEATING FOR FIRE PERSONELL TO WITHSTAND THE SEVERE AND CONTINUOUS USE 'ENCOUNTERED IN EMERGENCY FIRE DEPART'I`1tNT RL `r PONSF, o'PHE VEHICLE BID SHALL BE A STANDARD ASSEMBLY UNIT EQUII?P1:7D Wa'1'11 ALL STANDARD EQUIPMENT NORMALLY FURNISHED TO THE GENEERAL I U13L I:C . 2.0 REQUIREMEN`['.1: .['I11; VI;1fICLE BID IN THIS SPECIFICATION SI[ALL BE A NEW MODEL (1999) UNUSED AND DESIGNED FOR HEAVY DUTY SERVICE. ALL STANDARI:),)PTIONAL AND/OR SPECIAL EQUIPMENT ITEMIZED WITHIN THESE SPECTFICATIONS SL[ALL 13E INSTALLED AT THE 'PRODUCTION LINE OR ELIS 'EMIERC, WIT:'11 ACC'EPT:'ABLE EQUIVALENT QUALITY STANDARDS. NON - UUMPLIANUL ['0 1'_;I'1-SC;IF'lCA'1'IUN8 WILL 13L JUST vCAUSE FOR DISQUALIFICATION OF '.['HE BID. 3.0 EXCEPTIONS: If,XCEPTIONS TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE NOTED DIRECTLY FOLLOWING THE ITEM IN QUESTION. 4.0 SAFETY: 7111L UNIT WELL SUPPILIED WITH ALL SAFETY, EMISSION AND NOISE EQUIPMFNT REQUIRED BY FEDERAL LAW AND THE STATE OF TEXAS FOR THESE TYPT41 VRJITCLES INCLUDING SEATBELTS FOR EACH PASSENGER. 5.0 GENERAL: TfIESL; `;PIi;CIFICA`I'IONS ARE INTENDED TO BE GENERAL IN NATURE TO GIVE ALL SUPPILIERS EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. 6. DESIGN: VL;II:ICI_,E WILL BE A SURBURBAN TYPE THREE QUARTER TON 4X2 1994 MODEL & 7.EXTERIOR: YES. 1_. 6 INCH X 9 INCH MINIMUM, LEFT AND RIGHT NO LOW MOUNT,OLITSIDE MIRRORS. YES 2. CHROME FRONT AND REAR BUMPERS" NO YES 3. HUB CAPS NO YES 4. TIN`IED GLASS THROUGHOUT. NO YES 5. TWO LEFT AND TWO RIGHT DOORS WITH ROLL NO DOWN DOWN GLASS. YES 6. LEFT AND RIGHT SIDE REAR QUARTER PANELS NO 14ITI-1 FIXED GLASS. YES 7. TWO V14,RT'ICALLY HINGED REAR DOORS WITH NO FIXED GLASS, YES 13 0 SOLED BRIt Ii`:P RED COLOR: NO 8. INTERIOR: YES 1. DAY/NIGHT INSIDE REAR VIEW MIRROR NO YES 2. CIGARETTE LIGHTER NO ' "YES 3 . DOME, LIG11T NO YES 4. LEFT AND RIGHT SUN VISORS NO YES 5. LEFT ;:AND RIGHT ARM RESTS NO YES 6. BUCKET STYLE VINYL FRONT SEATS NO YES 7. BENCI SEAT.' DIRECTLY BEHIND FRONT SEATS NO YES 8. FULL COVER VINYL FLOOR MAT NO f� YES 9. FACTORY IN;;`I'ALLED AIR CONDIT:T:ONER WITH INTEGRAL IJEA'I'ER AND DEFROSTER NO YES 10.REAR AIR CONDITIONER NO YES 1l.. FULL f:NS':I'I�UMIaNTA7.'IUN ( GUAGES ) NO YES I.2 . STANDARD CONSOLE BETWEEN FRONT SEA'L'S INTERIOR COLOR I)IIAI,L, BF, TILE MANUFACTURERS STANDARD MATCHING THE BRIGHT RED EXTERIOR . 9. WHEELBASE: 1.29 INCH MINI:MUM WHEELBASE INCH 10.GVWR: 8600 POUNDS MINIMUM UVWK POUNDS 11.ENGINE: FUEL INJECTED (TBI/EFI)GASOLINE, 5.7 LITER MINIMUM 8 11 CYLINDER MAKE MODEL CID AND RATED HP AT RPM 12. ENGINE COOLING: HEAVY DUTY MAXIMUM CAPICITYRADIATOR, PERMANANT ANTIFREEZE SHROUDED rAN AND COOLANT ''RECOVERY 'SYSTEM. '' DESCRIBE 13. TRANSMISSION: 4- SPEED AUTOMATIC WITH HEAVY DUTY 'COOLER. MAKE MODEL 14. AXLES: 1. 3 , 800 POUNDS , MINIMUM RATING FRONT 'AXLE DESCRIBE 2. 5,600 POUNDS MINIP1LJiv1 RATING REAR AXLE DESCRIBE 3. 3.73 REAR AXLE RATIO MINIMUM, LOCKING DIFFERENTIAL. DESCRIBE 15. SUSPENSION: HEAVY DUTY, FRONT COIL AND REAR COIL OR LEAF WITH SHOCK ABSORBERS, MAXIMUM AVAILABLE FRONT AND/OR REAR, STABILIZER; BARS. FRONT TYPE LBS RATING REAR TYPE LBS RATING 16: BRAKES: HEAVY DUTY, FADE RESISTANT, VACUUM OR IiYDRAULIC BOOSTER EQUIPPED FRONT DISC AND REAR DRUM. FRONT TYPE REAR TYPE -------------__ 17. TIRES: FACTORY INSTALLED LT235/85R16 BLACK SIDEWALL, STEEL BELTED RADIAL MUD AND SNOW TREAD. r MAKE --___.—_--. TYPE`%'�%` _ SIZE MEMORANDUM #24Q4 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrator December 17, 1993 Executive Session - Personnel If needed, this Executive Session is listed on the agenda to discuss applicants for the Fire Marshall's position. JH:es s TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT: CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the �' Council John Hamilton, City Administrator December 17, 1993 Consider Appointment - Fire Marshall The committee considering the three applicants for Fire Marshall met, Thursday, 12-16-93, to interview the candidates. This item is listed on the agenda if any appointment is recommended. JH:es CITY OF' SANGER P. d. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #24Q5 Td: Honorable Mayor +& Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE: December 17, 1993 SUBJECT: Administration Report 1). As a reminder, City Hall will be closed December 23rd, 24th and 31st for the Christmas Eve/Day and New Year's holiday. 2). Bill Spore, the City Auditor, has been working and will present the audit to Council as soon as completed, possibly the first meeting in February. JH:es MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Benny Erwin, Police Rosalie Chavez, City December 6, 1993 Warrants Chief Secretary LL Benny, as you are well aware, the Court has not issued any warrants in the last few months. Whenever Paula and myself were ready to issue warrants, I discovered several problems. The proper wording was not on most of these warrants. There were some that were being pulled by the computer that needed warrants and they had already been paid or dismissed by the Judge. I want you to fully understand this is no way any fault on Paula's behalf; but, of Cindy's failure to clear them out of the computer during these months and believe me some of these are old. In the process, I have decided to issue warrants on only the newer violations that we show that are not paid. Again, I have to scan these and get the computer to somehow pull only those for warrants. At present, it pulls everything. Your officers need not ask Paula about these violations, they can ask you who can then ask me as to the status of the citations. Also, about two months ago, Danny advised Paula not to issue any of the old warrants until he lad a chance to look over the citations since he knew by looking at our list that some had paid in Court and some had been dismissed. Again, I know how important this is; however, need I remind you that this is not the first time this has happened to us in the past. RC: es cc: John Hamilton, City Administrator Paula Morales, Municipal Court Clerk L �'' SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Date: 12/7/93 Mr. Claud P. Elson III, P.E. Area Engineer Texas Department Of Tranportation 2624 W. Prairie Denton, Texas 76201 Dear Mr. Elson: The City Council and the Sanger Police Department have received several complaints in regards to the _intersection of Loop 138 and Willow. The School zones are marked on the North and South ends, If you make a left or. right turn onto Loop 138 from Willow, you are in a School zone and you do not realize it. We would appreciate your Department looking into this matter and advise. Tf you have any questions, I can be reached at 458-3300. /���,.J enn Er�w�i Police Chief Sanger Police Department i -IF 1 If Single Family Detached : Multi-Fanily Residential Building I 10/43 10/92 YTD 93 YTD 92 I0/93 10/92 YTD 93 YTD 921 Perm1�� -Construction NID CITIES AREA Arlington 08 117 .1143 1047 0 0 1p 0 StCit !I ■ n �t /'� /� Bedford 12 9 134 55 0 0 atistics Arid Analysis Colleyville 14- 25 _204 255 0 0 Q pIF Dalworthing Gardens 0 0 21 16 0 0 0 p Information Submitted by Respective City Euless 12 4 81 34 " ` ° ° o ° Grand Prairie 39 32 354 342 0 , 0 0 0 8 E Officials and W/F Research Grapevine 31 40 416 585 0 0 2 0 IV single Family Detached Multi -Family Hurst 15 11 '152 88 0. 0 4 "0 },IF 10single Fa YTD De YTD 92 10/93 10/92-YTD 93 YTD 92 Irving` 39 31 466 228 0 0 p 0 Although tk° i Kennedale 3 5 27, 18 o. o 0 o single family DAM METRO Pant o e9 0.., 0 1 1 0- 0 O 0 counted in 1' Addison 14 15 255 225 0 0 0 0 Southlake " 38 35 409 268 0 O {Allen 59 46 586 415 0 0 0 0 TtrTAL MID CITIES 297 309 3408 2938 0 0 16 0 yearwill finish 1 Balch Sprinqs 2 9 117 18 0 0 0 0 October the (' Carrollton , 59 59 606 510 0 0 0 0 EAST AREA NA 0 n11tS co pa re Cedar Hill 38 25 300 271 0 0 0 0 Athens NA NA 0 0 p 0 p Cockrell Hill NA NA 31 0 0 0 period lastye 39 NA 0 0 0 Canton NA NA 0 3 NA ,7 The 76 0 0 0 0 Commerce HA NA 0 2 HA 0 Dallas 92 9.66 938 1163 112 0 0 459 Kaufman 0 1 22 15 0 0 0 2 p builders In the Desoto 27 22 237 225 0 0 0 p Kemp 0 0 0 3 0 p 0 0 recorded 17( Duncanville 3 0 38 38 0 0 0 0 Longview% NA NA 0 0 NA 0 0 0 1696 permits' Fariers 3mch 1 0 12 13 0 0 0 0 Lufkin NA NA 76 45 NA 0 Ferris 0 0 7 0- 4)0 O, . 0 Nabank 0 0 1 3 _ 0 0 0 0 Does the clC Forney 6 8 59 33 0 0 n 0 Marshall NA 1 12 8 NA 0 0 0 slow down In Garland 55 29 581 276 0 0 0 0 Midland NA NA 0 0 HA 0 0 0 Heath 5 4• 44 37 n 0 0 0 Terrell 2 2 16 11 . 0 0 p 0 One thing, It v' S Highland Park NA HA 104 45 NA 0 builders be al 2 0 24 24 O 0 0 0 Tyler 0- 0 g HA 0 f Hutchins 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 dills Point NA HA 0 0 0 0 ') k Lake Dallas 1 3 7 10 O 0" Q 0 Wylie 3 2 50 37 0. 0 0 o at the time, Lancaster 2 4 57 43 0 0 . 0 0 TOTAL EAST :5 6 281 172 0 0' 0 0 traditional pul Lewisville 39 55 ` 301 406 0 0 0 0 Season. Mesquite. 64 73 640 646 O, 0 2 0 WEST AREA I } Plano 264 276 2297 1799 0 0 0 2 Abilene NA NA 105 71 HA 0 p o _ Thisyearthi } `i Richardson 17 17 125 161 " 0 0 0 0 Weatherford NA NA . 36 26 NA 0 0 O Is occurin SO %i. i Rockwall 12 9 ': 121 81 0 0 0 0 Wichita Falls NA NA 171 96 NA 0 p p g� Rowlett 169 113 564 770 0 0 0 0 TOTAL WEST 0 0 312 193 0 0 p 0 Cal months. Royce City , 3 2 19 9 0 0 0 0 SOUTH CENTRAL AREA Plus, It IS obi j Sachse -10 8 138 105 . 0 0 0 0 Belton' AV NA NA 30 18 NA 0 3 Seagoville 2 4 43 24 0 0 0 0 Bryan NA NA 117 48 NA 0 p 0 home builder' Shady Shores 0 1 2- 4 0 0, 0 0 Corsicana NA: HA. 7 3 NA 0 0 0` with excess ins f S%unnyvale 4 21 0 0 0 0 __ _ Ennis 0_ 0 29 22 0 0 0 i 0 0 University Park 4 4 78 40 0 0 0 0 Mansfield 18 19 290 123 0 0 p • 0 Overall, sales Milner NA NA NA NA NA ` NA 0 NA Midlothian 3 5 39 44 0 0 0 o sumers have k TOTAL DALLAS 799 798 8304 7487 112 0 2 461 Ovilla 4 / 6 41 39 ' 0 0 Red Oak 3 1 21 19 4 0 4" 0.' tCdordlnaCylOL } NA, NA 104 74_ NA 0 p 4, stay in the NsFT. WCRTH METRO Waco Alvarado 0 2 5 6 0 0 0 0 Waxahachie 2 3 50 41 ' 0 "0 0 0 Azle 4 2 43 18 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SOUTH CENTRAL 30 34 728 431 4 0 4 p future. Benbrcok 2 2 49 20 0 0. 0 0 Consumer _ Burleson 8 25 195 114 0 0 0 0 NORTH CENTRAL AREA O 0 Strong; as We 1 Cleburne 8 6 38 29 0 0 0 0 Aubrey 0`" 0 7 0 0 0 ' 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Bartonville 0 0 8 8 0" o p" 0 evident in the } .. Crowley I` Edgecliff Village 0 0- 6 2 0 0 0 0 Celina`- HA: HA 0 0 NA • 0 0 0 This is a boon Evernan 0 0 3- 0 0 0 0 0 Coppell 61 43 721 441 0 0 p p p p 0 0 0: 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 p capture some Forest Hill Copper Canyon Ft. Worth ` ' 113 101 1057 851 , , 2. 0 208 4 Corinth 12 " 1 107 26 0 0 0 0 . What Is re i Granbury HA NA 13 13 NA 0 0 - 0 Denison NA HA 0 13 HA �. 0 0 preowned sal( } Grandview 0 0 2 0 0. 0 0 0 Denton 24 23 253 " 171 2 0 p 0 C L Halton City 3 2 35 19 0 0 0 0 Double Oaks 0 0 9 5 0 0, p o' downward tre Keene 0 0 : 28 : 18 0 0 0 0 Faraersville 1 0 ,2 5 ' 0. 0 0 0' On the market 14, % Reller 23 26 248 - 294 - 0` 0 0 0 Flower Mound 11T 121 1462 920 0 0 0 0 . Lake Worth 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 Frisco 50. 85 674, 525 0 0 0 0 DallasAssocia, N. Richland Bills `, 40 24 385 255 0 0 - 0 0 Greenville NA NA 3 0 NA 0 p p Richland Hills 0 0 2 2 6 0 0" 0 Hickory Creek 1 0 ". 7, 6 0 0 0 p River Oaks. 1 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 IF IHighland Village 20 10" 194 " 124- 0 0 p p IF Roanoke 0 6 23 21 " 0 0% 0 0 Justin 2 2 . 1 3> . 0 0 p 0 Saginaw. 11 0 45 -1 p 0 0 0Krum.. 0 0 5 Z 0 0 V IV4 1. 9 Ig 0; p p p p p 7. 0 0 t0 t 30^ Trophy Club` 6 2 40 Little Elm Watauga 2 10 62 103 0 . 0 0 ,% 0 McKinney 68 54 643 466 0 0 0 %Westlake .' 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 IF 0 Pilot. Point 0 0 13 1 0 0 p 0 Westover Bills0" 0 0" :1 0 0 0 0 Sanger"1. 2: "�23., 11. 0 0 p1 IF p }Im IV, White Settlement -0 0 1, . _ 0 0,. 0 0 0 Shemn N? NA 21 . 31 . NA , 0 0 0 TOTAL FT.'WCRTH 222 205 2286; 1794 Z-_ 0 ,208 4 TOTAL NORTH CENTRAL'351 341 4176 2763:. 2 . 0 p11 p CITY OF SANGER P.O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 TO: Jahn Hamilton, City Manager FROM: Rose Chavez, City Secretary DATE. December 6, 1993 SUBJECT: Billing for 11-20-93 USAGE Total Water Gallons 9,639,900 Total Sewer Gallons 9,639,900 Total KWH 1,865,751 BILLING fiOTAL Electric Billing 147,238.49 Water Billing 29,499.54 Sewer Billing 210525.30 Sanitation Billing 13,688.18 $211,951.51 BRAZOS BILL $89,98 .6 WATER NO. OF METERS RESIDENTAL COMMERCIAL METER IN SERVICE SEWER SANfi. SEWER SANT. 1294 1442 1257 1274 126 144 ELECTRIC FUEL CALCULATED FUEL METERS ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT 1669 .Q 1840 OLD: a.Q 1398 NEW: Q.Q 184a 11 The "Bond Buyer's" 20-Bond Index is an important guide to the Municipal Bond Industry. It is used to determine trends and movements of interest rates in the market during a specific time period as compared to another. Each week a poll is taken of several large investment banking houses on the 20 year yield of the outstanding general obligation bonds of a select group of municipalities across the nation with an approximate average single A bond rating. Week 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 January 1 6.70 7.83 7.44 7.03 7.09 6.52 6.17 2 6.65 7.83 7.40 7.03 7a15 6.40 6.19 3 6.54 7.61 7.29 7.14 7.10 6.56 6.16 4 6.56 7.51 7.27 7.19 7.06 6.59 6.10 5 7.00 6.65 February 1 6.57 7.49 7.29 7.24 6.86 6.71 6.04 2 6.67 7.40 7.38 7.20 6.81 6.74 5.97 3 6.62 7.55 7.54 7.16 6.97 6.75 5.85 4 6.59 7.52 7.55 7.27 7.01 6.74 5.60 March 1 6.54 7A7 7.56 7.25 7.06 6.71 5.47 2 6.61 7.67 7.52 7.25 7.06 6.76 5.58 3 6.68 7.75 7.52 7.32 7.13 6.79 5.71 4 6.79 7.89 7.72 7.31 7.14 6.77 5.78 5 6.93 7.90 7.64 7.33 April 1 7.27 7.80 7.56 7.33 7.06 6.73 5.86 2 7.90 7.81 7.54 7.31 7.02 6.66 5.84 3 7.82 7.87 7.44 7.3Y 0.Y6 6.60 5.70 4 7.85 7.77 7.40 T51 7.01 6.68 5.67 5 �.69 5.75 May 1 7.86 7.84 7.36 7.54 6.95 6.64 5.71 2 7.82 7.85 7.36 7.39 6.93 6.54 5.69 3 8.31 7.97 7.18 7.29 6.94 6.51 5.77 4 8a03 7.96 7.11 7.26 6.98 6.58 5.73 5 7.15 7.26 6.97 June 1 7.97 7.87 6.95 7.21 7.06 6.57 5.67 2 7.83 7.78 6.88 7.20 7.19 6.52 5.68 3 7.63 7.73 7.08 7.28 7.15 6.46 5.61 4 7.72 7.77 7.02 7.27 7.13 6.42 5.57 5 7.81 7.74 July 1 7.67 7.75 7.00 7.24 7.10 6.38 5.55 2 7.66 TV 6.92 7.21 7.07 6.17 5.55 3 7.72 7.77 6.95 7.17 7.04 6.16 5.50 4 7.73 7.76 6.95 7a15 7.00 6.05 5.61 5 5.89 5.65 August 1 7.86 7.69 6.86 T08 6.99 6.06 5.61 2 7.79 7.83 7.02 7.22 6.94 6.05 5.45 3 7.81 7.85 T09 7.26 6.88 6.21 5.40 4 7.80 7.80 7.15 7.56 6.86 6.31 5.35 5 7.16 7.47 6.85 September 1 8.05 7.76 7.15 7.41 6.86 6.24 5.35 2 8.38 7.67 7.16 7.35 6.81 6.16 5.24 3 8.32 7.59 7.33 T41 6.78 6.27 5.27 4 8.30 7.62 7.40 7.53 6.73 6.33 5.30 5 8.53 7.64 5.30 October 1 8.66 7.53 7.27 7.48 6.64 6.27 5.30 2 9.17 7.52 7.19 7.56 6.66 6.29 5.20 3 8.72 7AS 7.19 7.48 6.67 6.34 5.20 4 8.43 7.36 7.22 7.43 6.73 6.53 5.31 5 6.69 6.62 November 1 T90 7.33 7.24 7.29 6.71 6.51 2 8.03 7.44 7.20 7.24 6.69 6.38 3 7.91 7.50 7.12 7.1S 6.75 6.28 4 7.96 7.58 7.08 7.13 6.78 6.26 5 T04 T08 December 1 7.90 7.66 7.00 7.06 6.80 6.28 2 8.10 T68 6.99 T05 6.71 6.22 3 8.01 7.66 6.96 7.11 6.66 6.25 4 7.95 7.57 6.97 7.14 6.58 6.19- 61 5 7.86 7.50 6.17 �t SOUTHWEST SECURITIES INCORPORATED MEMORAI`1DUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CTTY OF SANGE R P. O. BOX 573 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 All City of Sanl;cr T4,mployces John Hamilton, City Administrator Novcmbcr 19, 1993 City Holidays List:cd below arc tl�c City Holidays that City Employees will be observing in 1994-199 5: NCw 'i'ear's Day Martin Lut:hcr Ting Day Good Friday Memorial bay Tndcpcndcncc Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Extra Day (Holiday) Christmas Evc (Day l�cforc as :� holiday) Christmas Day (Day after as a holiday) Ncw Year's Day (Day after as a holiday) Friday, Dccembcr 31, 1993 Monday, January 17, 1994 Friday, April 1, 1994 Monday, May 30, 1994 Monday, July 4, 1994 Monday, September 5, 1994 Thursday, Novcmbcr 24, 1994 Friday, Novcmbcr 25, 1.994 Friday, DcccmUcr 23, 1994 Monday, December 26, 1994 Monday, January 2, 1995 Please let me know i f you have any questions or concerns. CC: Honorable Mayor �t Mcmbcrs of the City Council ►�►� C.CyHcntntntn�r xxx00�t17hhc�bd =� o o=' ° 0 nr� H•'ycti °- tTJt7i n cu o �nFt � nW y �Wtwo : le"kO ?sw-.n� �o (D tid H M 0. ee, ,,•�. �x,e" ' �V 0c�0° to vi S� ''r0 ov, o b � ' d v0 � r rA 'd �°aoW oC6�b (D ' i o ° UA o d Gva 0 r CD f D ai ro' to � o ca F �. �, • He o- � p u � ., gi p,CIA < p, � � N H pi ►-.+ �1 i-+ cn W c9 cn N � W ►-+ i--+ � �' ►-t CO tS7 t;q ►-�' N ;d �1 ►-' N ►-N c9 Go ,'�) N N .P ►-' art N©�N©©=-*r•©©II PPr ©p Oo©WII II �pW©4P�0000 rW W W?4 Coco �N©U,)m"0WN� Nr0,W0) )> 0rzl v� f � o 0 Ue �' ad t�J C, x ' t77 o O ?4 p r+ ref G; n o q DC p. fp n 'S �' C p' CQ'' DS �C �' t'� E1. C W d "'� � V " ° = i � cp �.t Cj Qi N U� �c�n A• U1 s* �. r rN � � Ul � W C � Ul �. r+ �, ``� d am " Ul CD :v 'd � � " cn oo � A o to 0 rn Ca '-t a ti a OQ 0 a Ul r � � OIQ 0 Ul ° si OQ CD y � o r '� w , o o by o� to 0 (' �` °CD11 to a Ora ►; b0 ' W x to � bd x 0 0 0 7 >4 ,� Oct >4 0 N Ul Uj In Oct OVo 0 N "s 0� V '� ,N, 0� N CVi) =r' y N N tc ►y N W '� CJt U) r Q in asM CD c�cnrnwcnc�cncncncncncncncnrncncnc�oocncncncncncncncr�cncncncncncncncn ooaoao.�a0000a0000aoaaooaoaocn000000�aoaoa�aoc�aoa000coaoa000aoa�0000 cn&bo�©�www�wwV,a�rn�cnwWcn�cn�w�cncn�,r�cnwV-��V OV V �NC7NQ.PC�0OCaV W Vt4Cn©©t��t9CnVACUtSl0D0oV W W .100► © 00 r + V W CFt ►-+ W r+ W Ut CTt fJl QD ©CJ� r -r-00 f1t (D CO Chi C� Go W CA V .A CQ V N V W V co w M ,p WcD N WcQ W mw ©.l, cs>-.t V tD W crlcsl Ca W cQ V Q '=1 '=1 'z1 '=l `Il `s! 'z1 '=l 'z7 C ►xj `=l '17 `zJ 'iJ ''d ''d '=l '=J 'rJ `b '=l HHHH►-3HHH►-3�HHHHHHHHH►-IHHHHH►-�H HH HHHHH He He HeH Hy H CD(D MEMORANDUM #2406 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the ity Council John Hamilton, City Administrator December 16, 1993 Water Dispute, Bolivar W.S.C: City of Denton As you may remember, Bolivar W.S.C. has applied for $2,000,000 FmHA grant/loan to improve their water system. As a result of this action, the City of Denton and Bolivar are in a dispute regarding service areas. It is my understanding that Bolivar has requested that Denton be removed from ever serving water customers in parts of their ETJ and that Bolivar W.S.C. be given exclusive service rights. This could be important to Sanger as the City grows into our ETJ and requires residents to convert from Bolivar Water to City Water. I have asked Tom Taylor, Executive Director of the Upper Trinity Regional Water District to keep Sanger advised on the developments of this dispute in case the Council needs to take a formal position on this issue. This dispute is being reviewed by the Texas Water Commission. JH:es (l.m.} X � _ _. 3 4 ! � t r - . . { i f 1r � t �� ,. �`. ,i ... .. .�...: i r 4 3 _. .. '� € s � I '� .. 0 _. E . � _ .. 6 j� } t z VAIV ,. If If .. ... .. ,r If ff If If s If �tI IV v IIf..x� y If Ie Ile I r, IV IV IF v IF IF I II IF I IV x , IF IF I a IF Fv .. .... . , , IF Iv FAV IV IF IV I �. FFF, VI ,_ 41 i VAI FrI VA I , VV IF , E ,. ,. t.. IV eV a< Ve 14 r i w s lee q d �V.. « VA I e, , v v IV IV t� zVl 41, II —AV VI, }Y 1— t . V V ..i ts_id € v Ile z "16 Si�3 XZ ile eV cv ,� T„✓ r FA VII , F,. ev IV VlV Ile I le r � i bpi s r- IV! ax _ Irj le I . ep elf 14 VV I Ile "5 Tell IV IV « r gg ", to w f 4-. r Y "s <; sx r. . ♦N r. , ram. a "F IN . t... ,. NI IN _. IN r .. ...INNI x= r '^ .. x w � t x s • S . IN . — r :. . . e wl v 21 .:.. .;. .. I, IV IV IV Nj �E �. _� .. .. � ,� m �r _- �. w ., ,. .: �, .� �_�+�s� .,- _; ._ -_ . .. � , ;: r ._ .. y .., � .� r, e �. _ ._ . �: � ,- , ,= r. �: _ ,, .. �. ., .. � ;sr - .~ � -fit s f� . 9 _ a� s . , _ .. "� i � t .o r _.. � _- � d _... s a��� !s� s •, a ., �, ,.. r ,y r �. �. - o P ,� u E�� ,, „_ � �, .. ,, .... . ,. ` ; z , ,� "a � � �� �, . . „ _ � �, ,. k Y � a =a �r r 3 ' k i x e ? 4} id .. � t x� g ". r v �.a*n sa - " ,.. ... . . _ w. n .. � R ,.. ;;;��� _, ` � _.. n .. ,.. ti �.� _ ', .� � � � , .:' .ft y 5�z� �"t 1, r _ _ z„ a >,�� .' _ • .�' _` ,� a_ . � ,. - _ ..A m, ,, � ,. .. - .� � f s .. i �., ? , _ , r � � �"S .. _ _. -. > a. ... -i ',. � .. � r �. ..« - �_ n � m f a � s X 's '' r .� „x7S s "� c i