11/01/1993-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COUNCIL AGENDA NOVEMBER 1, 1993 201 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order, Invocation and Pledge to the Flag 2. CONSENT AGENDA a). Approve Minutes b). Disbursements a 3. Citizen's Input 4. Roberts Addition (Brook Glen & Fairfield Circle) Drainage - Presentation by Residents 5. Discuss Position of Fire Marshall and Possible Action 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Awarding Bid for Dump Truck 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Interlocal Agreement, Library Services - Denton County and City of Sanger 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R13-93, Nomination to Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request For Use of the Community Center: (a) Cub Scouts (b) Girl Scouts (c) Pathfinders 10. City Administration Report 11. Any Other Such Matters 12. Adjournment Rosalie Chavez, City S�retary 10/29/93 2:00 p.m. Date &Time Posted MINUTES: City Council Meeting October 18, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Council Tommy Kincaid MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilwoman Margie Braxton OTHERS PRE(ZENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Esta Ashcraft, Edgar Barrow, Cindy Barrow, Jim Woodall, D elania Trigg - Sanger Courier, Alan Calvert, Doug McCowan, Justin Calvert, and Daniel McCowan 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Councilman Kincaid gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: a). Approve Minutes b). Payment #3 - All -Tex Paving, Inc. - Bolivar/Tenth/Seventh $113,324.55 c). Proclamation #P6-93 - "Stay In School, Stay Off Drugs" d). Resolution #R12-93 - Supporting School Prayer Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve Consent Agenda with the exception of Item #9 and take no action on this item, Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 3. C1tlzedS Input: James Woodall, Police Reserve, addressed City Council. Mr. Woodall was resigning as a Volunteer Police Reserve of the City. His reason was due to that fact that the reserves no longer had keys to access the Police Department. He felt since he had no access to the building he can no longer perform his duties as a Police Reserve. Mayor and City Council did not discuss this item since it was not on the agenda. Mayor Armstrong advised this would be on the agenda at next City Council Meeting. City Council Minutes 10/ 18/93, page 2 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Storm Drain Safety Program - Mr. Doug McCowan/Boy Scouts Doug McGowan, Scout Master of Troop 199, and two members of his troop, were present to discuss a storm safety program which is sponsored by N.T.C.O.G. Picture illustrations (stencil) were presented to City Council. The stencil illustrations is what they would be putting in the storm drains down by the curb. Discussion. Councilman Jenkins made a motion to accept offer from the Boy Scouts directed by Mr. McGowan regarding the labeling of our Storm Safety Program under promotion of N.T.C.O.G. Seconded by Councilman Madden. Motion carried. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #015-93, Amending The Animal Control Provisions of the Code of Ordinances ORDINANCE NO. #a 15-93 CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, fiEXAS AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY REPEALING CERTAIN ANIMAL CONTROL PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THIS ORDINANCE. Motion was made by Gouncilman Kincaid to adopt Ordinance #915-93. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. Motion carried. C. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #(} 16-93, Cable Television Regulations Cit;T Council Minutes la/ 18/93, page 3 Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to adopt Ordinance #016-93 adapting Cable Television Regulations with the correction noted which is to insert City of Sanger on all blanks and refer City Manager to City Administrator. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins, ORDINANCE N0. #016-93 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE RATES CHARGED BY CABLE TELEVISION OPERATORS WITHIN THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, FOR THE BASIC SERVICE TIER AND RELATED EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION CHARGES, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CABLE TELEVISION CONSUMER PROTECTION AND COMPETITION ACT OF 1992, PUBLIC LAW NO, 102-385; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; REQUIRING NOTICE OF BASIC TIER AVAILABILITY; REQUIRING CERTAIN INFORMATION ON CABLE MONTHLY BILLS; PROHIBITING NEGATIVE OPTION BILLING; PROVIDING FOR ITEMIZED SUBSCRIBER BILLS; PROVIDING FORMULA FOR CALCULATION OF BASIC SERVICE TIER RATES AND EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION CHARGES; PROVIDING FOR COST ACCOUNT AND COST ALLOCATION REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING FOR PASS -THROUGH OF COSTS OF SATISFYING FRANCHISE REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING GUIDELINES FOR CERTAIN CUSTOMER CHARGES; REQUIRING NOTICE OF PROPOSED RATE INCREASES; PROVIDING FOR REVIEW OF BASIC CABLE SERVICE AND EQUIPMENT RATES; PROVIDING PROTECTIONS FOR PROPRIETARY INFORMATION; PLACING BURDEN OF PROOF ON THE CABLE OPERATOR; PROVIDNG FOR WRITTEN DECISIONS BY THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR POSSIBLE RATE REDUCTIONS AND REFUNDS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE; AND ORDAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT MATTER HEREOF. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action Authorizing Bids for Solid Waste Collection Services Discussion. Mrs. Esta Ashcraft addressed City Council for consideration be given far recycling services. City Council Minutes 14/ 13/93, page 4 Motion was made by Councilman Madden to authorize proposal to be submitted for the City's Solid Waste Collection that would include recycling services. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. S. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Interlocal Agreement, Fire Service - Denton County and City of Sanger Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to adopt Interlocal Agreement for Fire Service with Denton County and City of Sanger. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request For Use of the Community Center Discussion followed regarding request for use of Community Center. Item was tabled to allow staff to present additional information on how often the Community Center is being used presently by our non- profit organizations and volunteer groups. Mayor's concern was tying the Community Center up on the weekends which is when the Community Center is used more often. The Sullivan Senior Center was considered as an alternative for these groups to meet, to free the Community Center to be used by citizens for weddings, showers, reunions, etcetera. 14. City Administration Report City Administrator reported on the following items: a}. City Administrator advised the 10th Street project was projected to be completed Friday the 15th by the contractor; however, the rain, during the middle of the week, has delayed the completion date. b}. Chuck Tucker, Public Works Superintendent, has had two resignations in Public Works and those two (2} positions are posted. c}. Lot on Kirkland Street was cleared up last week and it looks real nice. Cost was $2,174.9t7 and lien will be on property. 1 1. Any Other Such Matters a}. Councilman Richardson stated since Mr. Woodall's concern was not on the agenda, can we make sure this be added on the City Council Minutes 10/ 18/93, page 5 Mayor Armstrong advised that they cannot discuss this item; however, it will be on the next agenda. b}. Cduncilman Jenkins asked since 10th street has partially opened, has there been problems with speeding or parking? Benny Erwin replied there has been no problems. Buses are to be parking; however, football boys do come in the morning practice and that could be why the buses are parked there. 12. Meeting adjourned. not to CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN I`= LIST COMPANY 100 10/28/93 21*20 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO HUM DUE. DTE PURCH ANT DISC. ART 1276 ARA/HUMAN FACTORS, INC. 15312 SPENCERVILLE CT. SUITE 100 REGIS`1'RATION4IR 12987 10/03/93 12987 11/02/93 495.00 .00 439..1100 495.00 TOTAL 495.00 .00 1501 ARM COMMUNICATIONS P.O. BOX 50324 11.6 MAPLE: ST ANTENNA®PORT. RA 2869 10/01/93 13102 11/02/93 12.00 .00 456.0300 1.2.00 RADIO REPAIR SER 2874 10/11/93 .13154 11/02/93 162.00 .00 456.0300 1:62.00 RADIO CHARGERS 2886 10/16/93 1.3203 11/02/93 90.00 .00 440.1000 22.50 An4 "mate nn cm 421.0900 21.50 441.0800 22.50 RADIO ANT./COHN. 2893 10/19/93 13206 11/02/93 99.00 .00 412.1000 86.00 421.1200 8.00 421.1200 5.00 TOTAL 363.00 .00 2548 FIRESTORM 806 HARES EQUIP, TESTING 93378 9/29/93 12985 1.1/02/93 100.70 .00 449.1100 100.70 TOTAL 100.70 .00 3324 BAROO PUMP FOR T'AHKER 12389 10/12/93 477o l lOO 115156 00 TOTAL 3326 BARON LABS CHEMICAL. SUPPLIE 1422 10/13/93 470.0800 250.00 TOTAL 41.75 CALVERT AUTOMOTIVE, INC. ALTERNATOR 30291 10/11/93 419.0700 78.68 TOTAL 4230 CASCO INDUSTRIES INCOR. BRACKET' -FIRE 134833 4190 llOO TOTAL 6500 C&H JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANIT./PAPER SUP 6546 442.0I00 442.0300 442.0800 TOTAL 2205 S. INDUSTRIAL BLVD 13185 11/02/93 1,515.00 .00 1, 515.00 P.O. BOX 796726 1.3168 11/02/93 250.00 250.00 210 DALLAS DRIVE 13130 11/02/93 78.68 78.68 607 HEST 62ND ST. P.C7. BOX 8007 10/14/93 12986 1.1/02/93 17.00 1.7.00 P .O. BOX 1104 1:0/20/93 32.79 32, 78 32.78 13237 11/02/93 17.00 98.35 98.35 . 00 .00 .00 . 00 8826 DALLAS LABORATORIES, INC. P.O. BOX 152837 TlTRLY TESTING 8219 10/27/93 1.3218 11/0"l/93 421.1.100 90.00 CITY OF BANGER VENDOR II{V NO `TOTAL NUSINF;5:1 IE)RMS, GNC. DATA PROCESS. SO 130931 41It 1900 4,11.0300 TO"CAC, AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 1.0/28/93 PAGE 2 INv DTE PO NUM DUE DTF: 163- l67 HOWi;LL 10/26/93 '2,39.93 85.07 11525 DENTON BOLT' COMPANY BOLTS -ELECT. 1.5204 10/08/93 470.0800 16.80 TOTAL 21#20 PORCH ANT DISC. ANT 90.00 .00 P.O. BOX 565367 1328.1 11/02/93 325.00 .00 325.00 .00 1325 WILLOW SPIIINGS DR. 13065 11/02/93 16.80 .00 16.80 13000 CI"CY OF" DENTON, ACC. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 215 EAST MCKINNEY WATER TESTING 00777015 10/25/93 13275 11/02/93 60.00 456.0600 60.00 TOTAL 60.00 1.6260 DIXIE U.S.A. INC. EMS SUPPLIES 388593 477o llOO 424.1100 TOTAL 16526 ELC,iO1" ELECTRIC SUPPLY F"USESILOCKS�ELEC 02605 470.0800 TOTAL P.O. SOX 55549 10127/93 13222 11/02/93 1,272.91 1, 250.93 2l. 98 1, 272.91 P.O. BOX 630610 NACOGDOCHES, TX 75963 10/04/93 13066 11/02193 68.97 68.97 20350 HARCROS CHEMICALS CHLORINE CYL.INDE 16000543 10/12l93 415.0600 1,044.00 TOTAL 24510 INLAND 'I'RUGK PART5 CCi. PARTS-ST./FIRE 1810267 419.0500 419ollOO TOTAL 10iO4/93 25.00 77.64 2.4590 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 4802 ALEXANDER BATTERY-13 1909 9l30/93 419.0800 62.95 TOTAL 14601 J & K LIGHTING & SUPPLY BULBSICELI.S-ELEC 1257 470.0800 TOTAL 68.97 r 1,044.00 P,O. BOX 560901 13095 I1/02/93 102.64 102.64 0861 P. 0. SOX 56 13090 11/02i93 62.95 62.95 . 00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 P.O. BOX 166407 IRWI?1G, TX 75016�6407 10/04l93 13063 ll/02/93 974.70 .00 974.70 24637 MR. ,7EF"F JONE5 EGA 7`RAINING-F"IR 13220 10/27/93 439.1100 I, 000.00 TOTAL .00 25295 JACCI INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY P.O. SOX 500 #314 CLEANING/MAINT. 011718 10/12/93 13202 11/02/93 223.45 .00 CI E"Y OF SAIdGER VENDOR AP OPEN ITEM LIST GOMPAFIY 100 10/28/93 PAGE 3 S@dV HO 1NV DTE PO H4iN DUE DTE 421.1200 99.00 419.0600 31. 12 419.0(�00 31.11 41r3.0700 31.11 4%9.0800 31.11 TOTAL 26000 KRTZ DAMS CO. P.O. BOX 2500 SEALS/ANCHORS-EL 198626 3.0/12/93 13059 11/02/93 4709 0800 424. 90 TOTAL 7���as � �� � Paz n�rr.�•���avr° �v��°��� r p n �nx � a�� '(`AG5®POLICE 48580 10119193 13158 11102/93 424.0300 91.40 TOTAL 27510 LAWStItd PRODUCTS INC. P O BOX 300012 SCREWS/CLAMPS 7482291 10/01/93 13096 11/02/93 41960300 9.79 419.1100 9.79 419.1200 9.79 419.2000 9.79 419.1700 9.78 419.0500 9.78 419.0600 9.78 419.0700 9.78 419.0800 9.78 TOTAL 28275 LIBRARY STORE CATALOG CARDS-LI 193631 i0/13/93 442.0200 94.'/5 `C'OTAL 31626 NATIOtdAL FIRE PROTECTION P.O. BOX 9143 FIRE PROTECT. MA 939873 9/21/93 442.1100 820.40 FIRE PROTECT, MA 0944724 9/29/93 442.1100 15.40 TOTAL 31639 HOR®Mk;D EMS SUPPLIES 115631 10/14/93 424.I.200 155.53 TOTAL 31700 tl. T. COG P.O. BOX 5888 RESERVE OFFICER 19343 �.0113/93 439.0300 275.00 TOTAL 3 2252 OUR DESIGNS, INC. SAF'ETX E®UIP.-FI 373610 10125/93 416.1100 91.00 TOTAL 21*20 PURCH ANT DISC. ANT 223.45 424.90 424.90 88.06 P.O. BOX 964 13146 11/02/93 94.75 r .00 .00 .00 .00 12984 11/02/93 15.40 .00 835.80 .00 P.O. BOX 3644 13184 11/02193 155.53 155.53 ARLIHTON, TX 76005-5888 139.55 11/02/93 275.00 ffm 00 to 275. P.O. BOX 17404 13187 11/02/93 91.00 91000 .00 .00 .00 CITY OF' SANGER VENDOR AP OPEN ITEM LIST CaNPARY 100 I0/28/93 PAGE 4 INV NCT IRV DTE PO Nl1N DUE D'l°E 3372.5 PF'RRICO TRAILER AHD NFG. P. a. BOX 738 MOVE AXLES -TANKS 8589 .10/21/93 477.1100 1,230.00 TOTAL 35215 REGHIER K ASSOCIAT°ES RENEWAL®COVERAGE 4352 10/01/93 406.1100 21379.00 TOTAL 21:20 PORCH ANT DISC. ANT 13218 11/02/93 1,230,00 1, 230.00 1701 SOUTH CONGRESS 12592 11/02/93 2,379.00 2, 379.00 35265 R � R UNTF'ORMS, ZNC. 3830 INNING BLVD, UNIFORMS�RESERVE 199303 10/27/93 131.60 11/02/93 129.17 419 MIMM t ?q 17 UNIFORMS-773/775 199G30 10/27/93 13162 11/02/93 225.00 416.0300 225.00 UNIFORM -RESERVES 198834 10/28/93 13161 11/02/93 220.52 416.0300 220,52 TOTAL, 574.69 ;T5355 ROBS INDUSTRIES, INC. FIRE DIVISION 60 STATE STREET FIRE PROTECT. MA 197493 9/29/93 12983 11/02/93 173.99 442.1100 173.99 TOTAL 173.99 36450 SARGER MEDICAL CENTER 401 N. STENMOHS P, a. BOX 507 MEDICAL SERVICES 13287 10f27/93 J3287 11/02f93 99.00 466.0100 59.00 466.1600 40.00 TOTAL 99.00 38585 SARGER RADIA'i'OR REPAIR RADIATOR 13089 9/28/93 419.1700 48.00 TOTAL 43098 STAR BOOK SALES BOOKS 106 10/1.8f93 475.0200 484.34 TOTAL 44027 'C'EXAS FORES"i' SERVICE HELMETS -FIRE DEP 104720 10/21/93 449.I100 72.00 TOTAL, P.O. BaX 461 13089 11/02/93 48.00 48.00 3512 CORTO AVE. 13148 11/02/93 484.34 P.a. BOX 310 13183 11/02/93 72.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 50255 V. F.I.S. P. 0. BOX 2726 TRAINING TAPES 13186 10/14/93 1.3186 1.1102/93 150.00 .00 449ollOO 150.00 TOTAL 150.00 .00 i4000 WILLIAMS TESTING LAB 2106 JAMES STREET }} SEWER ANALYSTS 1638 10/1.8/93 13226 11/02/93 220.00 .00 �I 0111 ) ) 19 415.0700 220.00 TOTAL 220.00 .00 55285 TEXAS WASTE MANAGEMENT P<a. BOX 650549 aC'C. CONTAINER C 286908 10/25/93 13274 11/02/93 50.00 .00 CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 10/28/93 PAGE 5 21*20 VENDOR IRV NO INV DTE PO NUN DUE DTE PORCH ANT DISC, ANT 447,0400 50000 TOTAL 50,00 ,00 55875 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICAL 1031 W, MAIN MAT�SHOP AREA 26507 10/01/93 13091 11/02/93 32,90 ,00 4211.200 32,90 TOTAL 32,90 ,00 65258 TEXAS MUNICIPAL COURT P.O. BOX 2605 SUBSCRIPTION 13276 10/25/93 13276 11/02/93 34,00 000 411 * 0300 34, 00 TOTAL 34.00 ,00 15, 763, 51 , 00 TOTAL DUE WITH DISCOUNTS J.5v 763, 51 TOTAL DUE- NO DISCOUNTS 15,763,51 6/1. DEPARTMENTS ADNINISTRATION�GF 1 91079 LIBRARY 2 979009 POLICE 3 1,276,73 SANITATION 4 50,00 STREETS 5 57,28 WATER 6 1,198.51 WASTEWATER 7 33157 ELECTRIC 8 1,894,49 PUBLIC WORKS 1.0 108,50 FIRE 11 91665,36 VEHICLE MAINT-GF 12 154,69 ADMINISTRATION-EF 16 40,00 PUBLIC WORKS-EF 17 57,78 DATA PROCESSING 19 239.93 VEHICLE MAINT-EF 20 179 GENERAL FUND 11,98144 ENTERPRISE FUND 3,780,07 kl �L.M ' ' � • TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable 1Vlayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrator October 29, 1993 Drainage - Brook Glen - Fairfield Circ e The enclosed letter requested this agenda item. As you are aware, three houses on Brook Glen did sustain water damage from the high water the 19th. Staff has no indication of what the residents specific requests are concerning improvements to eleviate any potential drainage problems. As a reminder, Council rules limit individual presentations to five minutes. I have spoken with our consulting engineers regarding a drainage study of the area, if Council so instructs. JH: es Enclosure October 269 1993 To Whom It May Concern; The residents and homeowners of Fairfield Circle and Brook Glen Drive would like to address the City Council about drainage problems in the community. Please schedule us on the agenda for the November 1, 1993 City Council Meeting. Thank You. 00A Dap ne Swartz Brook Glen Drive homeowner CITY OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the ity Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE: October 29, 1993 SUBJECT: Fire Marshall Position - Fire Depart nt The City Council appoints the position of Fire Marshall and the Fire Department is suggesting the enclosed changes in the position. They are suggesting that any and all arson investigations be assigned to the police department since this is a part-time position. Curtis Amyx has completed the required Arson Investigation School. If Council concurs, the position will be posted and applicants sought for your consideration at the November 15th meeting. The current budgeted salary for this position is $36QQ ($39(1 per month). JH:es Enclosures 0 i *wivaRl IKWI mtki coluill 0=00111WAVOLlu THE ASSISTANT CHIEF, FIRE PREVENr'IONa L. IS DIL�.GC1L1 LlL't7�V1veJ.L.D1aCe .LO Ld1L' lI1 d. P.iF ®F J. LiL'LJL'aCrili 1. 4'17�LVt FOR THE PROPER AND EFFICIENT DISCHARGE OF HIS RESPONSIBILITIES, AND MAKES DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS AND REFERS OFFICIAL MATTERS DIRECTLY TO THE CHIEF. 3. SERVES AS A STAFF OFFICER TOT CH.CEF OF THE; DEPAR N"I" AND ASSISTS IN THE FORMULATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE POLICIES, RULES, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES GOVERNING FIRE PREVENTION. 4. PERFORMS DUTIES OF 'l'BE CHIEF OF THE DEPARTMENT WHEN DESIGNATED. 5. IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENFORCING THE ORDINANCES AND LAWS OF THE CITY OF SANGER AND THE STATE OF TEXAS PERTAINING TO FIRE PREVENTION . 6. IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING 'D EVALUATING THE FIRE CODE OF THE GITi� OF BANGER ANI7 RECOMMENDS APPROPRIATE C GES AND ADDITIONS, AND DEFINES EQUIVALENCIES TO ACCOMPLISH THE OBJECTIVES OF THE FIRE CODE REQUIREMENTS. '7. IS RESPONSIBLE FOE: MAKING RECO ENDED CHANGES TO THE BUILDING CODE IN THESE AREAS TI-iAT PERTAIN TO FIRE SAE"ETY. 8. IS RESPONSIBLE FOR A FIRE EDUCATION PROGRAM TO PREVENT FIRES. 9. IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PLANNING COORDINATING AND PEAKING FIRE INSPECTIONS OF ALL, COMMERCIAL OCCUPANCIES. 10. IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL REPORTS AND KEEP SUCH RECORDS AS ARE NECESSARY TO ENSURE EFFICIENT OPERATION OF THE FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION. 1.. SEPARATE TIGATION. REASON: IN I ABOUT THE TIME AN INDIVIDUAL BECOMES A CERTIFIED PEACE OFFICER (ABOUT 1 1/2 YEARS AT NIGHT SCHOOL) HE/SHE FINDS OTHER EMPLOYMENT. RECOMMENDATION: CUT FART OF THE SALARY OF Z'HE FIRE MARSHAL (APPROX. $25-$50 PER MONTH) AND DEVELOP A POSITION LITMLTrM MUV prir If;E DV'PAVmMVMM FPT.TEY APV TTGN''L' Tn . TV J. Lb L 19 Ad" t MAKING ARREST AND ESTABLISHING A CHAIN OF EVIDENCE. SEND TWO FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMBERS TO FIRE CAUSE AND DETERMINATION SCHOOL PER YEAR FOR THE NEXT THREE YEARS TO ENSURE AN ARSON CASE IS NOT MISSED. HAVE THE D.A. AND THE COUNTY FIRE MARSHALL INSTRUCT THE FIRE DEPARTMENT ON ESTABLISHING A CHIN OF EVIDENCE, 2. DEVELOP THIS NEW POSI�.'ION INTO A STRONG EDUCATION POSITION FIRST AND THEN AN ORGANIZED INSPECTION PROGRAM TO ENSURE (QUALITY INSPECTIONS. REASON: IN ORDER TO KEEP INSURANCE RATES LOW, CITY TAXES LOW, AND KEEP FIRE LOSSES DOWN ENSURE A STRONG EDUCATION PROGRAM ENFORCED BY INSPECTIONS. C1TY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2371 TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE. October 29, 1993 SUBJECT: Bids on Lease Purchase - Dump True - Water Department �615 per month The bid opening on this lease/purchase is scheduled for 2 p.m., Monday. All bids wil be forwarded to Council for review and consideration. JH:es TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrator October 29, 1993 Interlocal Agreement - Denton County Library The enclosed Interlocal Agreement for Denton County Library funding is presented for your consideration. A copy of the proposed agreement was forwarded to the Librarian for review. JH:es Enclosures STATE OF TEXAS, ) )ss. COUNTY OF DENTON, ) INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR LIBRARY SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between DENTON COUNTY, a political subdivision of Texas, hereinafter referred to as "County," and the CITY OF BANGER, a municipality of Denton County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "Municipality." WHEREAS, County is a duly organized political subdivision of the State of Texas engaged in the administration of county gov- ernment and related services for the benefit of the citizens of Denton County; and WHEREAS, Municipality is a duly organized municipality of Denton County, Texas engaged in the provision of library service and related services for the benefit of the citizens of Municipality, and WHEREAS, County has requested and Municipality has agreed to provide library services for all residents of Denton County; and WHEREAS, County and Municipality mutually desire to be subject to the provisions of V.T.C.A., Government Code Chapter 791, the Interlocal Cooperation Act; and V.T.C.A., Local Government Code Chapter 323, County Libraries. NOW, THEREFORE, County and Municipality, for the mutual consideration hereinafter stated, agree and understand as follows: I. The term of this agreement shall be for the period from October 1, 1993 through September 30, 1994. kj0 )0 11 II. For the purposes and consideration herein stated and contem- plated, Municipality shall provide library services for the residents of County without regard to race, religion, color, age, Usability and/or national origin. Upon proper proof by individuals) of residence in Denton County, Texas, such individuals) shall be entitled to be issued, at no cost, a library card to be used in connection with said library services. County designates the County Judge to act on behalf of County and serve as liaison officer for County with and between County and Municipality. The County Judge or his designated substitute shall insure the performance of all duties and obligations of County herein stated and shall devote sufficient time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of County in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement, and shall provide immediate and direct supervision of Count's employees, agents, contractors, sub -contractors, and/or laborers, if any, in the furtherance of the purposes, terms and conditions of this agreement for the mutual benefit of County and Municipality. IV. Municipality shall designate Director of Library Services to act on behalf of Municipality and to serve as liaison officer of Municipality with and between Municipality and County to insure the performance of all duties and obligations of Municipality as herein stated and shall devote sufficient time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of Municipality in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement, and, shall provide management of Municipality's employees, agents, contractors, sub -contractors, and/or laborers, if any, in the furtherance of the purposes, terms and conditions of this agreement for the mutual benefit of Municipality and County. V. The Municipality shall be solely responsible for all tech- niques, sequences, procedures, and means and for the coordination of all work performed under the terms and conditions of this agreement, shall insure, dedicate and devote the full time and attention of those employees necessary for the proper execution and completion of the duties and obligations of the Municipality stated in this agreement and give all attention necessary fvr such proper supervision and direction. VI. The Municipality agrees that its library department shall assume the functions of a county library and agrees to provide a librarian who holds or secures a county librarian's certificate from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, Local Government Code, section 323.011(b). VII. County agrees to and accepts full responsibility for the acts, negligence and/or omissions of all County's employees, agents, sub- contractors, and/or contract laborers and for those of all other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with the County. 3 �0 VIII. The Municipality agrees and accepts full responsibility for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all the Municipality's employees, agents, sub -contracts, and/or contract laborers, and for those of all other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with said Municipality. IX. This agreement is not intended to extend the liability of the parties beyond that provided by law. Neither Municipality nor County waives any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims by third parties. X. Municipality understands and agrees that the Municipality, its employees, servants, agents and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents and/or representatives of County. County understands and agrees that County, its employees, servants, agents and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents, and/or representa- tives of Municipality. XII. The address of County is: County Judge, Denton County 110 West Hickory Denton, Texas 76201 Telephone: 817-565-8687 The address of Municipality is. City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Tx 76266 Attention% Nel Armstrong Telephone. 817-458-7930 XIII. For the services hereinabove stated, County agrees to pay Municipality for the full performance of this agreement, FIVE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY FOUR DOLLARS ($5,174.00) to be payable in equal quarterly installments to the City of Sanger commencing October 1, 1993. In addition, the County agrees to pay Municipality an amount not to exceed SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($7,500) in matching funds upon the following conditions. Municipality shall attempt to secure funding from sources other than Denton County. Upon receipt of additional funding, Municipality shall provide proof of the receipt of such funds to the Denton County Auditor on a quarterly basis. Denton County shall match Municipality's additional funding in an amount not to exceed $7500.00. Payment by County to Municipality shall be made in accordance with the normal and customary processes and business procedures of County, and payment shall be satisfied from current revenues of the County. XIV. This agreement may be terminated at any time, by either party giving sixty (60) days' advance written notice to the other party. In the event of such termination by either party, Municipality shall be compensated pro rata for all services performed to 5 termination date, together with reimbursable expenses then due and as authorized by this agreement. In the event of such termination, should Municipality be overcompensated on a pro rata basis for all services performed to termination date or be overcompensated for reimbursable expenses as authorized by this agreement, then County shall be reimbursed pro rata for all such overcompensation. Acceptance of such reimbursement shall not constitute a waiver of any claim that may otherwise arise out of this agreement. XV. This agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between Municipality and County and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and/or agreements, either written or oral. This agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both Municipality and County. XVI. The validity of this agreement and any of its terms or provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Further, this agreement shall be performable and all compensation payable in Denton County, Texas. XVII. In the event that any portion of this agreement shall be found to be contrary to law, it is the intent of the parties hereto that the remaining portions shall remain valid and in full force and effect to the extent possible. 6 7_ " c XVIII. The undersigned officers and/or agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authoritI to execute this agreement on behalf of the parties hereto and each party hereby ceres to the other that any necessary orders or resolutions extending said authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. Executed in duplicate originals in Denton County, Texas by the authorized representatives. COUNTY COUNTY JUDGE Date• Acting on behalf of and by the authority of the Commissioners Court of Denton County, Texas ATTEST: Denton County Glerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Assistant District Attorney MUNICIPALITY By Name. Title: Date: Resolution # Dated ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Director, Library Services 7 000024 CITE OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 TO: Honorable Mayer &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE: October 29, 1993 SUBJECT: Resolution #R13-93 -Nomination to Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors The enclosed list of nominees needs to be considered by resolution and submitted to the D.C.A.D. prior to November 15th. This is the only opportunity for Council to act on this resolution. Mary Horn has telephoned the office and is soliciting your support. It will take about 1,000 votes to insure election. JH:es TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Candidates Directors name. DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT 3911 MORSE STREET P.O. BOX 2816 lTON, TEXAS 76202-2816 817-566-0904 All Taxing Jurisdictions Joe Rogers October 22, 1993 OCT 2 5 1993 l ! a TEXAS Candidates to Board of Directors - Denton Central Appraisal District to the Denton Central Appraisal District Board of are listed below alphabetically by each candidates last Each voting unit must cast its vote by written resolution and submit it to the Chief Appraiser by November 15th. The unit may cast all its votes for one candidate or may distribute the votes among any number of candidates. Some voting units may have enough votes to select several directors to the Board. To share representation on the Hoard, several units may wish to vote for the same candidate. The five nominees receiving the most votes will become Board members. A voting unit must cast its votes for a person nominated and named on the ballot. There is no provision for write-in candidates. The Chief Appraiser may not count votes cast for someone not listed on the official ballot. Candidates nominated by taxing jurisdictions. 1. Beck, Jon 2. Bolin, William 3. Brock, Horace 4. Clinton, Tracy 5. Cook, Richard 6. Horn, Mary Joe Rogers Chief Appraiser 'l. Hughes, Elbert 8. Miles, Thomas {Chris) 9. Myers, Clarence 10. Roberts, Vern 11. Smith, Rich 12. Thornton, aylord �. f poop 'I rip I tie CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION ItR13-93 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, CASTING THE CITY COUNCIL'S VOTE FOR CANDIDATES) TO THE DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS WHEREAS, the Candidates for the Beard of Directors of the Denton Central Appraisal District have been nominated, and WHEREAS, voting units must cast their vote by_ written resolution prior to November 15th, 1993, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER RESOLVES: TO CAST FOURTEEN (14) VOTES FOR THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATE(S): Garland Thornton Resolved this 1st day of November, 1993. Nel Armstrong Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez City Secretary MEMORANDUM #2377 TC_7: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I"J I Y CF BANGER P. 0. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayer &Members of the City Council Jahn Hamilton, City Administrator 6T October 29, 1993 Use of Community Center This item is to consider requests by non-profit groups to use the Community Center on a regular basis. Enclosed is a schedule of the confirmed rentals of the Center for the balance of the year. Also a copy of Community Center regulations is enclosed for your review. The Sullivan Senior Center is used in the evening on a very irregular basis. At this time there is no regularly scheduled evening programs except for Thursday evenings, 1st and 3rd of each month, there is an activity for Senior Citizens from 5 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. JH:es Enclosures COMMUNITY CENTER USAGE 1993/ 1994 1 1 2. M L11i 1 WED. 10/ 27/ 93 Lion's Club 12 - 1 p.m. FRI. 10/ 29/ 93 Wednesday Study Club -Garage Sale 8 a.m. NO 10 p.m. SAT. 10/ 30/ 93 W. S.C. ON, Garage Sale 8 a m. ON 2 p.m. SAT. 10/ 30/ 93 Citizen Rental 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. WED . 11/ 3/ 93 Lion's Club 12 - 1 p.m. WED. 11/ 10/ 93 Lion's Club 12 - 1 p.m. TUES. 11/ 16/ 93 WIC 1 - 5 P.m. WED. 11/ 17/93 Lion's Club 12 - 1 p.m. TTJTTVQ 1 1! 1Q/QQ T:)ArA 7 - 10 n m 111v 1\AJ'. a. f .a [ vv a cs .i r--- s WED. 11/ 24/ 93 Lion's Club 12 - 1 p.m. VVED. 12/ 1/ 93 Lion's Club 12 - 1 p.m. WED. 12/ 8/ 93 Lion's Club 12 - 1 p.m. SAT. 12/ 11/ 93 Citizen Rental 11 a m. On 3 p. m. WED. 12/ 15/ 93 Lion's Club 12 - 1 p.m. THURS. 12/ 16/ 93 PACA 7 - 10 p.m. FRI. 12/ 17/ 93 Citizen Rental 5 On 10 p.m. SAT. 12/ 18/ 93 Citizen Rental 6 - 10 p.m. SUN. 12/ 19/ 93 Citizen Rental 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. TUES. 12/ 21/ 93 WIC 1 - 5 p.m. WED. 12/ 22/ 93 Lion's Club 12 On 1 p.m. FRI. 12/ 24/ 93 Citizen Rental 3 - 4 p.m. WED . 12/ 29/ 94 Lion's Club 12 - 1 p.m. 1/ 18/ 94 WIC 1 - 5 p.m. 1/ 20/ 94 PACA 7 On 10 p.m. Commodity Distribution is scheduled for the 2nd Tuesday of every month. SANGER COMMUNITY CENTER RULES &REGULATIONS 1). LLQ.�, coho �.c Bevera�� are permitted on City Property at any tune. 2). Thank -you far not ����. 3). All silverware, dishes and other items belonging to the Community Center �T� n��� � removed from the premises. �). rieacie ieaiie the building ct�an awl n�. 5). The kitchen is to be used for �scarming fold only_ if the extra kitchen fie h�,� been n�� id_ 6). Any and all decorations shall be of a temporary nature and � removable. All Decorations shall be r�;moveti ir�ams's1i�.LelX following a function. 7). Extra Fjlrni r� e o�.�s��R�� needed by the user which the City does not typically provide shall be��flLnef1 �l�ay�, he 1.tF.�2. 8)• Al�xing�d_t.�l� shall be arranged to allow for free, ��a mo�c�menl; in and out of the Community Center. 9). Hour Available for Rental: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 a.m. Friday through Saturday 10). The City of 5anl;er reserves the right- to restrict or deny the use of the Community Center to those who disregard established Ruled and Regulations. The fc;llotvirlK policies as recornrnHr►rlTV by tt►f, Purl: 13vat•rl ar►rl a�1c,J�te�.l the City Council, City of Sanger, Texas shall govern the administr•atior► and use of the Sanger Corarminit.y Canter. SECTIc�N I: SCIiEUUL.INc; Pc)L1C[E5 1. All reservatlorrs will tie rr►acte ot► a "t'ir•st cc.►rrre first Sr,r•�'c,," Ix�sis. 2. t.►SERS must make reservations in pet•sr;rt at ttre c=ity Offi►::s l;y completing an Applic:atlon Form artcl paying the designat64-.l (:lepo-CAt and fees as recJuirect by the City. No reservatior4s �otill be clot eptr,d by telephrine. ��. The Corurnutlily Center will be leaseil cup an hotrt•1�� tale ns lisleil below. Before 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, $15 minimum charge fvr• 2 hours, $7.50 for ea. additional lu A $)o kitchen use feces is in addition to the basic rate. Kitchen use is limited to food 'A1nm r•}ng; no basic meal pr•epnrntion is permitted. After 5 p.m. and on Saturday and Snnilay, $�:", minimr.rm nc��t•gt, fot• hoUl'S, $10 for en. nctditlonal lu. A $20 kltrhet1 USO fi"• is ir► addition to the basic rate. Kitchen use is limileei to food wnrmfilg; i-io basic meal preparation is permitted, L)epos}t required is fifty iioilars ($5t1.(Ill) brenk:nge fei� t�/ill 1,� required of the tlSEll.building i� 1,� he Ic'ft in n cic ,�n Hurl OI•derly condition. C'nrnellatlons and refuncis will I-,io hnrr.11r,l in tl►e fuilutNi►►" i►u►►►nor•. Refunds or the deposit and rental fees Will be rr�tul•I,��il to this l7Sf.;R only when cancellations are received fifteen (1 ►) cinys pt•li,i• tc; thc� USERS scheduled activity, tiVhen cancellations are made less than fifteen (lE"il days l.�r•i��r• to the LISERS schedulc'cl nclivity the USER shall be eatit, (N., to a iel'► id oi' (� the breakage deposit. Refunding of the rrntnl fee will bN ien to thib CC POLICIES PAGE 2 scr•etion of the Designated City Employeeo kefunds oIi the deposited breakage fee may lae picl:eil u}.► at the it�� C)ffice three (3) working days after the scheduled a�tivilSr t�:► �11�.►��• limp for the City's l:)esignated Staff to mako nil inspfd,tion. 5. All utility casts ar'e included In the rental feP. There will IWA no 'Idditiollni charge to the USER for nir-conditioning, lights, gas, or heat. 6. The Community Center will not be leased to a USER for• ccnumercl;�l activities for the purpose of selling a product or ser•v}c(�. IIE��wE�c�er•. non-profit organizations may use the ('ommrrnit•y Center for t'rrn►1 ralsing activities. SECTION II: USER RULES ANI) REGULATTC)iJS 1. Representatives and/or employees of the USER are to coruluct themselves in a manner generally acceptai.)le to the local community. �. The USER agrees that in its use of the l.'ommunity l.E'ilter' it t�•ill ir�derrlrllfy and bold har•nrl►1pss the PERNil I'1Veit 1?R (C:II•y of S;jIIg,"r) from any and all neglect or misconduct ►►n the I►art or 1111c,► 10 representing and/or in the employ of the tISEI�. 3 . The USER agrees that In its use of the Conurrunity Censer• it c:ill indemnify and hold harmless the PERMI'f'1'El? (City of Silligor•) from nil personal injury and/or properly (lmmngP nrising ('rnm Its use of said facility. l. Tile Designated City Employee ur• any other City Cmploy���rnder his direction shall have the authority to slop any program, nctivil•, or event, until the Designated City Employee's directive, written or otherwise with reference to file health, safety, and welfare c:,f persons in the concerned Community Center, has been cc>>rrl►lieil with. h. The USER is to staff its uwn oL�er•alions (program, nrtivilc• ►►r• event), as well ns supervise it, arrci its r�nri►I►.,yees ar e to I,,r I►»i,l CC POLICIES PACE 3 solely from the USi:Tt'S resources. El. No marries are to be left at the Conununit,y Center lay the' USER. i. Extra furniture ar equipttient deeded by the t1SER wl�lch the PERMITTER does not typically provide shall be obtained solely ai A expense of the USER and shall tie moved in and out only ul.,c,r, authorization by the Designated City Employ" and or any other' City Employee under his direction. £►. All seating inside fire Community Center• shall lie arrang�-i i�, allow for free, adequate movement in and out or the conimtuiity Center. All exits are to be left clear and unobstructed. ti. All dec:or•ations shall l:,e of a lt�rr,purar ;y natr.u•a, easily rer�,�,�•:�i.►1�, and of such a type that the Cornmunliv ('enter will not he deroce(1 when removed. (Note conditions specified under rule 11 l •l ). 1f1. Any itefacetnent by the USF.17 of the Cornmunit,y ('enter ►�r equipment beyond that of normal wear shall he rhargeshlp In Hip USER. 11. All decorations shall be removed lnrm,Nliatel,y following a 1'inirllnn. 12. Extraordinary CUStodialljanitoriai services, those t•equirecl a(ldition to that which the PCRMITTEI7 r•autinely provides, are to be provided and incurred by the USER. This Implies leavinl1, the Community Center• in the state it was in prior to usage by the USER. This includes removing all tr•nsh or (letwis from the Community Center. 13. Cooking is permitted in the Community Center, including, the preparation of tiever•ages or warming of prepared foo(Is tivhirh are served hot. is permitted as long as proper, safe dispensing units are used for such, with the payment of 1.1 hen use ree. 1t1. The USER shall comply with all of the most up -to--dale Fire Codes and Standards. 'fhe maximum occupan�•y limit shall b�� l 1FI p►�rso►is �� � E� CC FOtoA IES PACE 4 at one LirnN. Teritporary additior►s car "�licx�rations" shell I��, �+ai!.I�'�'�. to and contingent upon final inspectinn nail approval by the Cily Fire Marshall or duly authorized agent. 15. A lirr►ited nuritber of tables arul chairs will be rrtaile availal:►lf' to tt►►, USER. The use of this equipment will be up to the sole discretio►► of the PERMITTER. The piano shall be locked at all times and will be available for public use only after special provisions have been made with the PERMITTER. 1F�. A religious group or church as a USER shall lirrtit its use of the Cor4nunity Center to only that of a soci ial an(Vor recreal Tonal nature. 17. The USER agrees to use the Community Center• only for the Intents and purposes specified In the request and agreements. 113. ,j�n >a rn�j�jr may he sPrverl, consumeii nr ever► hN in the pi+s�ps�ii►r+ of Me USER or anyone connected with the USER'S use of the Cornrttunity Center and surrourlding prentisr:�s as per Cily Ordinance No. 75-2. Smoking is disci urfigi.4.l in the building. 19. [f the USER at any ttrne fails to comply will► one or nu!rr_• oi' thc� aforementioned terrrts and conditions, the USER'S permit will be cancelled and with aq r, tU(l of' monies paid prior to rancellatior►. 20. The FERNtITTER reserves the sole right to preerr►pt ar►y sc$Itrc.lulcK.l prugrarn, activity, evert or otherwisr� IC necessary, so lonit nt: reasonable advance notice is given to the USER. 21. Any other policies that the City Council, City of Sanger cleratl►s necessary to insure that the Community Center is propr�rly and safely used and is protected shall apply to its use. CC POLICIES FAGI: 5 22. Community Center shall lie available fir use durink the foll��tving hours: 13:00 a.m. t):00 a. rn. - 11:01) p. m. - 12.:30 a.m. Sunday througt► 'rt�rtr��l�y Friday through Saturday SECTION III: SPECIAL ARRANGEIvtENTS 1. The Cornrnunity Center may he used by �:orrtrnunity sere icc� organizations on a regular and extertcler.t basis. 2. All organizations requesting t,n Annuai Contract may be al���rt�vf���l by rnakitig application to the Parks Board. 3. Alt organizations approved fur an Annual Coutrart trtust l�t� reviewed and approved annually by IhP Parks flnarrt I�ri��r• icy January 1st. 9. The City Council may enter inl�� adrllti�.�n�il special at;rec�mettts t��ill� persons or groups as IhA C'oun�il dec�it�s in he hNneftcial to ih� l'OII�,1lurllty aIld in aCGUr'drinCe With the pUt'pose of the Ci►rn,nunit,y Center facility and wllh the Parks Iloar•�.i's rPcommendallc�n. SECTION fV: l='UL1CY 1. The Parks Board will be responsible for revlewing all reri►ntn►eniled changes of current or new policies and ,Yiakirrg favorablN �.�r unfavorable recommendations to the City Coun�ii far• final arlinn. 2. Tl�te Parks Board reviews, approves or �.Usapproves all r�xlite5t.s front groups petitioning fur an Annual Contract. 3. The Parks Board tuts the authr�rity to rr�slrict or deny llte use ul' the Community Center to USERS who disrNgard USER Rt�L.CS ARD �ir i Not Is IN 41 ' ��u � \' ; 1. ; \; • , � �, `•�� "Not, Not \ .� \� It j t�tot 44 �` tof It It 4114 � It toot tlow III \j .,� L �It ot cIt lo. � \J PIP ,. � , . �:� �-� -mow �,, , , yCc��l c'� 7'-c� � . O u�� _ . _ �v l.' . �CVv � .... _ .. o�� �� ���;�� s _ �y ��� ��,�s, sus .__._ d_�.. _ _ _ .. _ .._ _._ - .___. _ . o� y._....... ��! �� �' � ail � ��`�/2-- - _...'�`�vy=Jay._....------�-- y. _ _.. y ..... n_ .._ . __ .__._... _ . _. .._ ___...... _.__.------ o J��'c _..__.��. _�---.. o� ____ .._.._._.. _..-- ,�2 -. _..._._ l�����c".SS � S /vim T,��.P.�{�.�' ��'�'> ��'i�'�--.-_lii..J 's"���� _. __ ���1 �d v._. __ _._..-- �r�E cirr of BANGER ��.�. _ �_...,6 //c� {so--t---..-----. .. �' OCT 1.3- I993 �. __ .. _ _ . _. ___ ..________._.__._._._. _. ___ _._._.____...._�___-- . ... �I� - .3 1993 00, TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITyT OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council Bohn Hamilton, City Administrator October 29, 1993 Administration Report 1 }. I have asked the City's financial/bond adviser Dan Almon with Southwest Securities to prepare a basic report on possible funding options and costs for future street, library and water/sewer improvements. When that report is complete, Mr. Almon will present it to Council, hopefully in December, to better inform you as discussions on improvements in 1994 begins. 2}. This week, Hunter Associates and All -Tex Contractors are scheduled to make an inspection of the street work done so the project can be finished. (Bolivar Street still needs drainage improvement,) JH:es WHERE �--���L�L�, p c" % S�� '���� /O�/;" 71AAL' /�. S,�tdGER AREA Cf-��M�ER C1� C-��P�IERCE -- Sprint h' Uniled Telephone -Texas Cenlel4exas October 25, 1993 City Treasurer City of Sanger Sanger, Texas 76266 To Whom it May Concern: 1005 Congress Avenue, Suile 400 Austin, Texas 78701 (512) 4724597 FAX (512) 472-0524 OCT 2 9 1993 The Public Utility Commission of Texas has ordered, in Docket No. 9981, that Sprint/Centel Telephone - Texas change various rates charged to its customers. This has resulted in numerous rate reductions that were retroactively implemented to May 17, 1993 during the month of September, 1993. Also during October, 1993 a one time credit reflecting the rate reduction for the March 18, 1993 through May 16, 1993 period will be made to the customer. The retroactive rate reductions, one time credit, and prospective rate reductions will result in a decrease in the municipal franchise fee remitted. At this time it is not possible to determine either the dollar amount of or the percentage of the franchise fee decrease. This decrease will be reflected in future franchise fee payments. If you have specific questions regarding franchise payments, please contact Dave White with our Governmental Department, at 402/472-8616. Sincerely, om A . State TAJ/lfw ones ce President cc: Wanda Allen Brad Denton Jim Kite Bill McCullough Tile HUM r7l vi clit�ti��rr i� ��a�i� ire ��I�$�rrrl�e r that were paid T�1e rtt.drT�p�er �� ci�tic�rr� i���_ae�� ire Septer�'rk�er that were (lis missed 7 7�ir� Ftli'r�9i''f�F ry$ r'li�iir'�Yt� Iv;�;l➢€.�ri Itl .`~i�Y"r'if�i`1"Yi"5�?F that are pending in court 11-O83 93 Tile rjuri7r`�er c�i cit�tier�� i��uet� irr Septer��p�er that are pending or warrant 20 revenue ccailerted in tF�e month �� Septem�er E�everrue c�llectec� ��7r' cit��tic�rr� i��ueca in September $5iJ9.Clt� NO CARBON REQUIRED SUBJECT .: NOTE: Send White and Pink copies. Sender retains Canary copy. TRIPLICATE MESSAGE DATE io/1s/s�- or 4,w 4v� 0 si�r� VIM DAT` CET�kf�' k;'rITE S' MINTER i ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS October 21, 1993 Mr. John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger P_Q_ Rnx S7R Cajlge+^ � TX 762606 Re: Schedule for Pipeline to Sanger Upper Trinity Regional Water District Dear Mr. Hamilton: fllCHARD G. FAGIN, P.L". J. TRAVIS ROBERTS, JR,, P.E. PAUL S. BOEDEKER, P.L. HAL B. JONES, P.L. SAM C. MCKENZIE, JR., P.E. CHARLES W. SCHELER, P.L. IIICI-1ARD I(. S1, JOHN, P.G. CI IARLES A. DAVIS, P.E. JOHN L. MEARS, P.E. ty t� C�il(ei� �ANGc�i r, a 'OCT 2 2 1993 { i I f '! In reference to Tom Taylors memorandum dated October 11, 1993, Sanger will not need surface water from the Regional Treated Water Project until the summer of 1998• The City should annually review its water demand and production, as it could revise future surface water needs. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. u .thin . L' • a:�"a.f , ii • u Project Manager JLM/akh BSN/UTSFC498.AKIi/BSN l KIRK WILSON 00 tz utN""3?;•, SCOTT ARM]EY PRECINCT 1 I PRECINCT 3 SANDY JACOBS O b DON HILL PRECINCT 2 PRECINCT 4 DENTON COUNTY UOMMISSIONElR.S UL)UR,T JUDGE JEFF MOSELEY Y,N( G � October 19, 1993 Honorable Nel Armstrong City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 RE: INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNICATIONS Dear Mayor Armstrong: 0CT 2 5 1993 r;IN'tGC:R, TEXAS Currently, Denton County is providing dispatch services to the City of Sanger under an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Communications that has an automatic renewal clause. Over the last two years, the Commissioners Court has systematically been updating its standard contract forms by eliminating all language related to automatic renewals. In order to update the County's dispatch service contract, you are hereby formally notified that a new contract will need to be effective after September 301 1994. This notice and action is in compliance with paragraph XIV of the present Interlocal Cooperative Agreement for Communications and has been forwarded more that 90 days from September 30, 1994. A proposed Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Communications Services will be sent to you for your review. The Sheriff has created a committee specifically to work with subscriber cities so that costs associated with communications services can be determined before the individual 1994-95 Interlocal Cooperative Agreements are drafted. Please do not hesitate to contact Bob Powell at the Sheriff's Department at (817) 898-56221 if you have any questions or to provide input for the Committee. Very truly yours, v10SELEY County Judge cc: Weldon Lucas, Sheriff Carmen Rivera -Worley, Civil Attorney OOURTHOUSE ON THE SQUARE • 110 N. HICKORY • DENTON, TEXAS 7Q201 (817)bQb-SQb3' (B1?)b(ib•SQSQ • (800)34Q-3180 SSA October 14, 1993 GOVERNMENTAL SERVICE AGENCY, INC. OCT i J John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger P. 0. Box 575 Sanger, 'Texas 76266 Dear John: Please find enclosed your copy of the 1993 Texas Community Development Program application. Two copies of your application have been submitted to the Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs and two copies have been submitted to the North Central Texas Council of Governments. We have enjoyed working with you on this application and will keep you advised of the dates and times for the regional review committee meeting. In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments about your application, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, GOVERNMENTAL SERVICE AGENCY, INC. David K. Lewis President enclosure Lyndon Plaza 10035 1✓state lane, Suite 475 >�al}as, Texas 75238 (214) 553-7070 Fax (214) 553-7098 APPLICATION FOR TCDP ASSISTANCE PART I OMB Approval No. 0348-004. 1. TYPE OF SUBMISSION Application ( %�) Construction <_) Non -Construction 5. APPLICANT INFORI4ATION 0 Legal Name: City of Sanger Preapplicat ion (,_) Construction (_) Non -Construction Address (give city, state, zip code and county) 201 Bolivar Street P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Denton, Texas 76266 EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NU16ER (EIN): 7 5 - 14 0101 �® 8. TYPE OF APPLICATIC#i: ( X ) New (_) Continuation (_)Revision 2. DATE SUBMITTED 9/29/93 3. DATE RECEIVED BY STATE 4. DATE RECEIVED BY FEDERAL AGENCY Applicant Identifier State Identifier Federa l Identifier Organizational Unit: flunicipality Name and telephone rxnber of the person to be contacted on matters involving this application (give area code) John Hamilton, City Manager 817/458-7930 7. TYPE OF APPLICANT: enter appropriate letter in box ( A) A Municipal B County 9. NAME OF STATE AGENCY: Texas Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs 10. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE NUFiBER If Revision, enter appropriate A Increase Award B Decrease Award C Increase Duration t,w E [ITT D Decrease Duration Other (specify): 11. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE OF APPLICANTS PROJECT: Sewer System Improvements 12. AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT City of Sanger 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: a. Applicant 15. ESTIMATED FUNDING: Ia. TCDP Request S 85,680 .00 b. Federal S .00 C. State $ .00 d. Applicant S 15,120 .00 e. Local S .00 r f. Other S .00 G. TOTAL S 100,800 .00 TITLE: Texas Cormunity Development Program tta. TYPE OF APPLICATION: (check where appropriate below) Communit;• Development Fund X Colonic Fund Disaster Relief/Urgent Need Fund 13. PROPOSED PRO.:ECT: Start date Ending Date b. Project 16. IS APPLICATION SUBJECT TO REYIEV BY STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS? a. YES THIS PREAPFLICATION/APPLICATION WAS MADE AVAILABLE TO THE STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS FOR REVIEW ON DATE b. NO (_) PROGRAM 1S NOT COVERED BY E.O. 12372 PROGRAM HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED BY STATE FOR REVIEW 17. IS THE APPLICANT DELiN0t1EMT Cit ANY FEDERAL DEBT? (_) Yes If "Yes" attach an explanation 18. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOVLEDGE AND BELIEF ALL DATA BEEN DULY AUTHORIZED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF IN THIS APPLICATION/PREAPPLI GTICN ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. THE DOCUMENT HAS THE APPLICANT AND THE APPLICANT Ill COKPLY V1TH THE CERTIFJ CATIONS AND CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN 1NCllD ED IN THE PROCEDURES SECTION OF 411E TCDP APPLICATIOk GUIDE IF THE ASSISTANCE IS AWARDED a Typed Name of Authorized Representative b Title Nel Armstrong Mayor d Signature of Authorized Representative 'Ow� 17 e Telephone Number 817/458-7930 e Oate Signed J 9-20-93. STANDARD FORM 424 (REV-4.88) Previous Editions Not Usable 1 1� 1. Charles W. Jenness, G'hel Luau Wesley H. Pimmin, Vice (jhairman William 11. Madden, Alember Craig D. Pedersen, Noe Fernandez, Member Diane G. Umsread, Member Executive Administrator Orhon Medina, Jr., Alember October 12, Mr. John Ham1 1 t-nn _ (''i t-v Manarrcr City of Sanger 201 Boliver Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton: 1993 ,. OCT 2 1 1993, n rit ri rr-, ?' Re: Upper Trinity Regional Water District City of Sanger's Water Conservation and Emergency Water Demand Management Plan and Adopted Program Texas Water Development Board staff has reviewed the City's adopted water conservation and emergency water demand management plan and adoption resolution. Based on the contents of the City's plan and resolution, Board staff has determined that an acceptable water conservation and drought contingency program has been adopted. The City's water conservation and drought contingency plan and adopted program are approved and should be implemented. Enclosed is an approved copy of the plan. Thank you for your cooperation in implementing the Texas Water Development Board's water conservation and drought contingency requirements. Sinc ely, Craig D Pedersen Execu e'Administrator Enclosure cc; Mr. Thomas Taylor, Executive Director Upper Trinity Regional Water District P.O. 13ox 13231 • 1700 N. Congress Avenue • Austin, Texas 7t3711-3231 'Telephone (St2) 463-7fi47 • '1'elef'ax (5l2) 475-2053 1-500- RI:LAY'TX (for the hcarin�; impaired) WPitiuted ou Ree11 ed Paper W Ja�tEo ar���. i� Ti F PROSE UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 6 1445 ROSS AVENUE DALLAS, TEXAS 752024733 October 20, 1993 R F PT,V mn � mow- p.c John Hamilton, City Manager City of Sanger PO Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 �Z- (OCT 2 2 1993 F) ANGER, TEXAPj Re: NPDES Application No. TX0022403 - City of Sanger Dear Mr. Hamilton: Your application for a NPDES permit was received and, in accordance with the Environmental Permit Regulations, (40 CPR 124.3(c), 54 PR 18785, May 2, 1989), was reviewed and deter- mined to be administratively complete. Please note that at the time your permit is processed for issuance, we may request additional information including effluent testing. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have questions concerning this submittal, please contact me at (214) 655- 7518. Sincerely,, y Jacks Gree sage �=--�`�' Environmental Protection Assistant Permits Issuance Section (6W-PS) P.O. BOX 828 Jn�n �. Canker JUSTICE OF THE PEACE PRECINCT NO. 5 DENTON COUNTY 209 N. 5th STREET BANGER, TEXAS 76266 October 19, 1993 Honorable Mary Nel Armstrong City of Sanger Post Office Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mayor: (817) 458.7933 a i-i� Gi`V' ��' SA�IGE �� � OCT 2 5 199� ,� U SANGEI�, TEXAS Senate Bill # 632 also known as Local Calling Bill, was passed September 1, 1993. This new law allows for the TOLL FREE calling area of small towns to be expanded to twenty-two (22) miles. This permits rural Texans to call the next town within this radius without being forced to pay Long Distance charges, There are three (3) ways to initiate this service: 1) Citizens signing a petition for service, 2) The City asks County Commissioners to send a petition to PUC requesting the service and 3) `1'he City Council passes a resolution proclaiming this service, to the PUC. I believe this would Sanger City Council. Yours ve truly Coker be a worthwhile project for the ���� OGtGber' 21. , 1993 Ci-ty of Sanger Dox 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Att: p9r9 John Ham:i.ltor), City Manager Dear• p1r. Hamilton, Mi% Ur SANGE I 'OCT 2 5 1993 r This letter is to make sure that the City is acaar'e of a severe d r �1 i n a vy � „ r. ,1, 1 . a- i.... r� --_ :.;;. t,IICI,, e<iis is in the section of town in which my home is located and for which my taxes are paid each year, 1 have previously infornlecl the personnel in the City Office of tY)e fact that rain water wil.1 not drain off rapidly enough to prevent thewater from rising and entering my home through the weep holes in the brick and under the doors. To my knowledge, nothing has beer) done to alleviate this problem. Apparently, there are not sufficient ditches in our• area to divert the water away from my property, The water flows front the Soutth and the West and converge between Illy horse at 800 Willow Street. and the 1lOUSe immediately to the west on W1..11ow to flow to the street and go down the ditch.The rain) that falls should go to the d tch closest to where it has hit the ground. AS y0U pY'Qbab].y 1il"1GW, We. had a 1leavy r'clll"1 GCr the 111g11t Gf OC:tGber• 18tha When I got up the next morning, I was walking on wet floors, my furnishings were sitting on wet floors and soaking up water like a sponge. As you probably also know, wooden furniture and carpet don't survive well when soaked with dirty rain water. ply swi.rnn;.ing pool is now full of mud and deb-i is from the rushing wafter flowing through my yard. There Is considerable expense involved every time this happens because there is damage to my home; carpets, furnishings, baseboards, medical expenses due to walking on and living with wet; floors, and lost wages for the time involved in cleaning up the mess. Tt is likewise time consuming and expensive to remove the muddy water from my pool and replace it with clean water and then start aver with the chemicals necessary to maintain the clarity of the water in the pool.. T am extremely disappointed -in the lack of .results from complaints in the past and I believe that something must be. done .might away to Prevent this sort of destruction from happening again. I am anxiously awaiting a response to this problem. Sandra Sons 0 0 0 05 800 Willow St. ' Sanger, Ti 76266 ph4 458-3695 MethodistJorth Central Texas Services larris 301 Pennsylvania ort Worth,0- �a1lCjet F1LC Lej�artlllellt 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Crew: OCT 2 5 1993t 4.8�1�p E�6K8 i��re; Emergency Numbers 1.800.772.5840 1.800.442.6260 1 v817w882.4000 Administrative Number 1.817.882.4010 On 10-20-93, we responded with you to an accident involving a patient with a large neck laceration. The crew that responded with you were Kitty Back, RN, Tim McFarland, RN, and Phillip O'Rear, Pilot. The patient was flown to Harris and did well with no changes in flight. On examination in the E.R. , the patient was found to still have an arterial bleed to her neck. The laceration got both the jugular and carotid artery. Her ear was also damaged. She went to surgery last night and did well. She is going back today for ear surgery. You guys did a great job and we appreciate you calling us out. Keep up the good work. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Debra Grant, RN Flight Nurse RALPH M.HALL 4TH DISTRICT, TEXAS � � � COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE I-1 1 �� 1 1 1� October 19, 1993 Mr. John Hamilton City Administrator City of Sanger Post Office Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear John: Than}c you far Yrour SUBCOMMITTEES: ENERGY AND POWER HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND FINANCE COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, SPACE, AND TECHNOLOGY �flG �yl�� ®� �a�IVia�� � OCT 2 5 1993 �; `• C�C�L���� �� letter concerning unfunded federal mandates. I agree with the City Council that any new federal mandates should carry with them revenue sharing provisions to help local governments cope with the rising cost of regulation. I hope that the City of Sanger, the Texas Municipal League and the National League of Cities will contact me if they see a problem with upcoming legislation. I've worked with the League of Cities in the past, on such issues as cable television and environmental regulation. Without question, the advice of such organizations has been invaluable. Thanks once again City Council Resolution. me anytime I can be of personal regards, I am RMH:mee Please reply to: ❑ 2236 RAreuary HOB WAS HIN GTON, DC 20515-4304 (202) 225-6673 (202) 225-3332 FAX ❑ 1O4 NORTH SAN JACINTO ROCKWALL, TX 75087-2508 (214) 771-9118 (214) 722-0907 FAX for sharing Please feel assistance. a copy of the free to call With best Congress ❑ 119 FEDERAL BUILDING S HER MAN, TX 75090-5917 (903) 892-1112 (903) 868-0264 FAX i SUBCOMMITTEES: SPACE, CHAIRMAN SCIENCE 000054 ❑ 211 FEDERAL BUILDING TVLER, TX 75702-7222 (903) 597-3729 (903) 597-0726 FAX L4r ,'% ru xt.e .a Q 4r "likat.e a Q` Cxas Chairman Committee of the Whole on Redistricting, Ethics and Elections October 19, 1993 Mr. John Hamilton City Administrator City of Sanger P O Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton: `STruen (1. Tarrthex District 30 i'�� ��� t Y iii' •,,r�.�tV.�1 a OCT 2 1 199.3 0 SANGER, TEXAS 6 C' Thank you for sending me a copy of the resolution adopted by the Sanger City Council regarding unfunded mandates placed on local units of government. I certainly understand your concerns and I appreciate your dedication to this issue. I applaud the efforts of the National League of Cities and the Texas Municipal League to bring this issue to the public and I am pleased to see the City of Sanger playing such an active part in this process. As always, I welcome your input on the issues affecting the City of Sanger. and its citizens, and 1 hope tiiai you and iiie Ciiy Councii will continue to share your concerns and opinions with me. Sincerely, teven A. Carriker State Senator SC/lw P.O. Box 12068 Austin, Texas 78711 5121463-0130 FAX:512/463-7202 TDD: 512/475-3758 000055 P.O. Box 517 Roby, Texas 79543 915/776-2358 FAX:915/776-2516 100 N. Travis, Suite 201 Sherman, Texas 75090 903/892-3606 FAX:903/892-0716 1401 Holliday St., Suite 406 Wichita Falls, Texas 76301 817/322-8400 FAX:817/766-4759 of Someplace Special r October 270 1903 Mr. Buzz Elsom Texas Department of Highways and Transportation 2626 W. Prairie Denton, Texas 76201 Dear Mr. Elsom: On the 19th of October, three houses on Brook Glen Drive in Sanger sustained water damage as the result of a drainage branch exceeding it's banks. Does the State have any plans to improve this drainage way or any official position on eleviating any future problems on this area? Sincerely, Hamilton City Administrator JH:es cc: Mayor &City Council Chuck Tucker, PuUlic Works Superintendent John Mears, Hunter Associates, Inc. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT. CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 I1237 5 Est:a Ashcraft, Chair, Beautification John Hamilton, City Administrator October 27, 1993 Noise Abatement - I-35 Board According to the Denton Office of the Texas Highway Department, there are currently no funds available for any noise abatement programs on I.35 through Sanger. The Dcnt:on Office advised that noise studies and abatement only available when the Interstates have lanes added. cc: Mayor &City Council Chuck Tucker, P. W. Supr. Larry Toast, Electric Supt. programs are BID OPENING: BID I�ROPOSALS Truck DATE: November l , 19 9 3 TIME: 2: oo p.m. �OI�IFANY �. Ns�mc: Hilz-Snider Address; Sanger, TX Z, Nalue. Mahanay Intl. Address: McKinney, TX EMT_ ,_pID�'0 _PRO__ CT $32,356 no lease terms noted $30,066.24 48 months $694904 @ 5.120 (90/150 days) ------------------------------------- �. Nz�me: White GMC $32, 014 .00 60 months @ 61.2.70 Address: Dallas, TX 5.78 0 (90/120 days) ----------------------------------------- 4, Name: Address; ------------------------------------------- 5. Nr�mr; Address: ------------------------------------------ h. Name4 Address; ------------------------------------------- �' A`" x d` —�:� w �_ "�� �.�- � + �.:.� i �� � � ... October ?_�3, 19�)3 City of Sanger Sanger, Tx 76?_66 Subject: Bid request for dump truck /1ttn: Craig Waggoner -City of Sanger Maintenance Gentlemen: We are happy to submit our hid for the subject vehicle per yo�,m specifications. Our bid is good for 45 days from bid opening date. Should you have any questions regarding our hid please contact me. Very truly yours, HILZ-SPJIDER CNEVROLET, /�� �,t; �' W. E. Hi 1� ,--- -._ ;:�-. INC. LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger will accept scaled bids for the lease/purchase of one (1) Five (5) yard capacity, dump truck until 2 p.m., Monday, November 1, 1993. All bids must be returned in envelopes marked "Dump Truck" to City Nall, P. O. Box 578, 201 Bolivar Strect, Sanger, Texas 76266 prior to the scheduled opening time RUN IN SANGER COURIER: 10/7/93 10/ 14/93 '1'►Ir; C�r'r�,' car• :;nNc;r;lt c;1�;r�;r-;:; n-rn.; i�C)it �� nrJrlt� 'ri:UCa: Ptl:'T'i1 � wlltrr Cnn 'I'0 1�1 ii�;i?1) 11Y Ti113 �;T'1'i' O1' ;;ni`IrF;it i�Olt Tlil:; II/�UL7NC= O[` 120CI<,SnND nNp [,I%L, 1)TRT. I'f�f�1\:�T�; tir Tf)��T"1;D '1'11AT iJl3� '1'[If�; �;T'1'1' OI' �\Nt;f:;K, RC111.�T1[�, TIf1�T n[�i� �1i\N[11.'I�CTURCTtS 0['I'l;i: D:Ci'['T;RI:',N7' [;QUIn�11;1`'7' /�Ni) OPTTON:;,7'iir„l:, C;C1';CT1"T�;�\TIC)N; �l[;1:, Cil�,'11N'C Tr) 111'� GL�;NL;I./�(, IN N,\7'C1Rt', �O 1�„ TQ rTVI, �\Lt, VI�,N[)OR,J I�OtJnL ol'1�OR'I'CJN:17.'Y TC� i)].l). ON '1'fIL; L� IN11C� P/1t;1:, 1'[,i:;11;;C; I'1:ND `l'I1G IN[�ORM/�TIt�N P.L•;GU11RbING [3ID 1'RICi�S 11Nn I,l�,n^[ 1?iJRCIin�T; nrT<i,C'M1N7';� . Tiff; T!nTl:[PP1T;N't' LIf;T ['t?R T[it�; '1'P,tJCk W:[T.�T.� r\1'f'1�,nR t'�l�i '1'lft_, L1rfT ;.,:f.D1�, (Ji� T[(> 1'�1G1;. Ti11C NI�XT �'OL�UMN IJIt�L� ifnVi:�; /� ;;1'ACI�; TC) 1t1; Ut;131) J;1� ti'OUR NQCJTi'[1�;NT COPiI'1�.1:I�,;.:CC' ti'OU[: 1',QUa:['P1L;N'f' 1)Of.��S NOT OK t�/\NN�)7' CO�it'L�' U�r '['[I['; Tiltizn CC)1.�t1�1N t�ou AN ravel., n1.,'r[�rNn�rlvr rl,r;nr;l�; �,-,r�, ��,�Tr_►T.T, r,T�:.,,,,, i TTif^E ;i'f.•;CIt'ICATInN,", WILL [tl: POR T[I>; CAU 11NU CI}11SSIS,Z'lIC ALL LnU.T.['PICNT WILL L1E OF TFtr CA13 SPECS :CN 2 SECTIONS. 'I'}IC ['TRST SECTION WILL UB STJCONU POt2 T}iE DUM[' UT;D AND 1�SSEMIIT,IES. GATf;ST DESJ:GN AND nRAND NCtJ. 1. • ("}tA^"I� EQUiPI`tEAiT, C • L0, OUO PSI YIELD ST}�ENGT}�1 STL;EL t'RAC`IE . D. T;rINroRCErI�NT COR soit3o, o0o r �I rRAr}Es . r.',.,�'i'ANDnRD nUMP}',ft P11.7.NTED Wi}T'ri, O1, AT�GI�;NT :,ILVEi� r'.TINTTD GLJ15S ALIT WINDOWS. C . AM RADIO OR L;TIINDARU I�QtJI I' . It. f.'UL�L IdIUTIf aL:NCt( SEAT VINi'L I .VINYL rUI.,L I'LOOR MAT. �i .ALL GAtIGI IN ;TP,i�PiCNT 1� • �'l'ANI)ARD iII.;ATER L. WE T COAST TYLTS OUT SIUL' MIRROR, PI.1~UL•:i, TANi; �i0 GAL, ST}:�t' Ti'['}_� N.CAU L'AJ:N`I'liU W}IITT COMPLY AL7'. YES --Yt'� `-YES YE5 YES YES YES YES YE.. �- Y E--- S .-._ Y E--5 -,._ _YES ___ YES �- ,ENCTIN� AND DRIVC TRAIN A •DIE �rL ENGINC A7' LCA^T 175 I}[' YES G OI'. S C}'CINDER C<.}tL�\Vt� Dil'rl' rNC;INt; COOt_,CNG YES__ C.:. POtdf.;R ;;T[;1:;}?INc; YES �— n.r•ilr.,t, �\TR r�r.�\t<r•,� tJTTit srr;�-Nr. [,oA��YES PARKING AND t;MCRGI;NCI' LOtd AIR SBT. --- E.Low AIR WARNING. _YES _ L'.IIT;AV'�' UtJTI' 1,UL;L 1,ILTI:,RING >1' STEM YES WIT}T IJATt•.R ^ECI\RATOR. - (;.T11',AVY DUTY `-� ,^>Pi,CD TP.7�N;3�II,,;ON t�'iTJf OP};};T? REAR A`(LE. 11.AT LEJIST i11.00 Lin C�\t' 1'T:C)NT n�[,I; h�IT}I Tr\P}.',i�LD LEAP SI'RING�. 1(I�;i�VI' DiJTY I . AT LGA;T .1.9 , Of)p f,lJ CAP Rt�;AR AXLi; i�ITlt TAT'T;Ri✓D T,CA1' 1'I;TNr,^.,. J.}ifAVY D[1Ti' RCAF. AXLf� i?ATIO, STANDARD. K.ALTi;t?N11T01Z AT LEAN 10 i A(`tt'. L. STANDARD AIR C;LL:ANI;R 1'[ YES f� YES YES --Y� S �. CONTINUED COMPLY W}1r;f;Lt0 AND 71IDS A,AT LEAST 1.0.00/20 OR STANDARD YES EQUIP TUDELB" ; 11IG11WAY TREAD FRONT AND REAR. n. D.TSTYPO .10 IfOLC STEEL WltCliLri —YES___ nCD SPCCI['ICIITION� , 6 ya rd COM P 1.11' A. STE1_;L, GRAVEL TYPE SPX YARD CAPICITI',__ yam_-- n, LOCKING TAILGATE; WIT11 MANOALLY OPERATCD LATCH o T,CVCR LOCATED AT LEFT FRONT OF nL:D. ----- S C . MUD t'[.,AT'S MOUNTED BEHIND REAR TIRES... Y S D,lfYDRAULICALLY OPERATED DUMP MCCHANISht. E'OWCR TAKC OF[' OPERATED, C,CONTROLS FOR DUMPING LOCATED INSIDE —yES CAB _ F, ALL TAIL AND CE)ARANCC LUT[TS MOUNTED, Y F- S --_ SUh1MARY W}iE,N UET_IIVE;RL•;D THE'; TRUCK WILL, 11L COMPL ETC AN ALT DC .,L UILCIT'ICATInN; IN ORT)t3R.TRUCIC l�'ILI,A.L/1DI'WILLOUIRA7'IOIV WITI[ COMPL�I IINCC WI'f f [ Ai. L DCf'ARThiCNT OC' TRAN.", CORTAT LON LAWS AND STANDARDS L Tiff CITY OF SANGER R1.;SERVE THE RIG}IT 710 RC,fL•;CT ANY AND ALL DD OR OTI(ERWI>C A14ARD THE 13ID IN THE BEST INTEREST OF TIIE. CITX OE ,",11NGER. TIIANK YOU FOR i'OUT2 INTEREST, CRAIG WAGGONER OT' VEHICLE, h1AINT. TOTAL nIb'PRICf� FOr3 SrNr.0 LEASE T'E;RM IN C10NT11S• MONT1[LY PAYMENT INTEREST RATE NUhItil�It Oi' DA1'� UNTIL U[•;LIV[;[21' AUTfI0P,I7D AGENT SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME; days after receipt of order V COMCnNY er Chev ,Inc . Cork ANY nar,ESO 1405 N!! . Stemmons Sanger, Tx 76266 rrr,EPTIONE NUMBER (817 I 458 7431 LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger will accept scaled bids for t:he lease/purchase of one (1} Five (5) yard capacity, dump truck until 2 p.m., Monday, November 1, 1993. All bids must be returned in envelopes marked "Dump Truck" to City Hall, i1 Pl T_ r'"1" f/ 1 T . i r ". re l.l. DUX 010v ZV 1 DU11Var �JLrcet, Sanger, texas 76266 prior to the scheduled opening time. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary RUN II\l S/ANGER COURIER: 10/7/93 10/ 14I T1IE CITi' OP SA.NG1_;I; t;[EkS L'ID ; FOR A OC1�1P `CRUC1; WI'I'Tf A WITTTE CA[3 TO 13E TJSLU 13Y T1I1_'1 CITY OF SANGER FOR THE 11AUL1.NG 01" ROCK, SAND AND PILL DIRT. PLEASt� BE AT)VTSED THAT WE, TF1t CITY OF SAN(.1tFR, REALIZE THAT ALL MANUFACTURERS OFFER DIFFERENT EQTJIPMI;i`" l' AND OPTIONS . .J'IIESE CPECIFICATTON ; ARE, M1:;ANT To [11:f GENERAL IN N.\'F'URC'j SO AS TO GIVE ALL, VENDORS EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO 131D. ON THE FINAL, PAGE PLEASC; i."IND THE INPORMATI: NI REGUARDING BID PRTCES IMAND LEj PURCHASE PS . TITS T;nIF[PMENT LIST FOR TTTE TRUCK WTT.,T� APPEAR ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE", PAGE THE NEXT COLUMN WILL HAVE A ~,PACE TO J3G USUM IF YOUR EQUIPMENT COMPLTT ,; . IF YOUR EQUIPMENT DOGS NOT OR CANNOT COMPLY USE THU THIRD COLUMN FOR AN EQUAL, AI_,'TFPjRNATTVE. PLC'At,E TJS1-j, ANOTHER SHEET AS' Nrrrlr fIAPv TTfr;Sl�� rhf�;C:LT'i'C1�TInN WTT_,1:� TI P'OT? T111; C1t13 nND CIInS �I S , TIIL, 1tLL 1QTJiPr1TNT WILL Tjr O1, Ttf1J rnf_t SP)C 1 .('Fi�l�`,T� 1•;C)UTPi�tT;i`i'f 1\.l`.:i6" WIIITL T.37�I�. r.;0,OC)0 PSI 5'I]JLD STRI�,NC;T1T t� i;nrlr . l; ]�.1`I "I. �;fs"(.'�I'I:(ANT;. 7'i113 C.TRST STsCTION WILT_, L1B ;;L"CON11 C'O12 TTI1� DUMP P,i'sD 1�ND RS S�MI3LII�S. T.�nZ'I� ST DCSIrN 11ND I3I?1tND N1;W. COMPLY RL7'. — -- - --y. —�-� . _ t/ �� �r� STL1L_ �_ D.P�iINP'ORCIP1IJNT I'OR 50/a0,000 PSI I�r:nrl�s . Lti.,�;'1'�1vIf)nIZD 1tUMT'1'.R I'A:T.NTL:D W(11�.'1'l 01? �RcrNT s1 Lv�riz [� . T:TNTI?D GL,115 S 1�L1, WINDOWS . C� .11M I;nDIO OR STnNDI�RD NQUIP . I1.t'ULL t��IDTT( PIJNCIT SCUT \'IN5'L !r I.lTINYL, LULL I:LOOI: M1�T. �T . BALL Gr\UrF: INC;TRTJCi�NT K. ^TANDnRD T1T�,nTT'R �--- L.t�iC 7T C:O1�ST ^TYLL•� OUT SIDT�, _ ice- r�Tzr,ROR � �� rl.l•U1=,L T,1N1� �0 GnL, �Tr.;P Ti"t'T_', N . Ci\T3 I'/�1:N`I'liD lti'TIITT� __��-- F:NGiNT; �\ND Di2IV1J 7'PnIN 11.DI1;SGL 1NGIT�Tr 1�T LrnST 175 1TP ___� _ G 01: �J Ci'LINDI;R Lt.ilf��\`i`.i' DT)'t'Y i'JNCT:TNE COOLING ._�i�� --- h . T� UC,i, �\ 7 12 T11<<'t1<1'� � IJIT[[ 01'T:l f�iC: T-�O1�C).-----�/--- T'i\RI::TNC: nND 1•r1NRG1JNCi' LOh� nIR ,,T'I'. G.I_,Ottii �\IT? W�\P.N1NC. _ T' .11TJl�i"i DUTi' 1� UliL 1,1:LTrRING SY �T>JM__ WiTT1 t�'�\TfC; F;>JPA1?nTOIZ. G . TiF�I�\'Y DUTY L� SFT',1D TR11NT,r1I, �O1`i ________ _ t�'ITii :: �PEID P.Lill? nNLL�. 1(.r\T LF�,'l;;T Ti].00 L,1? Ci�T' I�P,ON'.T' �`�LL; �__ ___ h':LTI1 T�1P)JR)JD L�A1� SPRING . IlL��1V r DU`l'Y' �/ I . �\T LC�;1;T ]-9 , 000 L13 ('�\1' RL;[\T; �'tFLE__—_ t�lIT11 TTPiRIT) LT•:T,T' SPP.iN(„; . ,7 . TTt:nVY RUTS' RE1�P, �AYL�G P.nTIO , ___� TnND�P�D . 1� . ALTT�T:Ni\TO1; hT L1J�ST 10 5 �\f`11' . _� 1.�. ;;ThNDnI?D nI:T? C:T�i':�NT_'�R ____�% _ I CONTTN(li;D tJTtT i?LS AND 7'.T.I2ES A.AT LEA.)lT EOUIP TUDELES FRONT AND 1.0.00/20 REAR. J IIIGIIWA`i' OR STANDARD TREAD I1 . DTSC TYPE 10 TIOLE STEEL WiTEE1.11-) . COMPC,i' COi`1PLi' A.STEF,I GRAVEL TYPE ',i YARD Cr1PIC1_Tl"._ V - B.LOCKING TAILGATE WITH MANUALLY OPERATED LATCII. LEVER LOCATED AT LEFT FRONT OF BUD. C . MUD FT.,AP ' MOUNTED BEHIND P.EAP. TIRES. D.11YDP•.AULTCALI.,Y OPERATED DUMP MGCiir\ivl:C,>M. f.'OWI��R `L'A1�13 01.''1' 01,11;Itr�Ti:�[7. E. CONTROLS FOR DUMPING LOCATED INSIDE CAi3 F ALL TAIL AND CLEARANCE LTMITS MOUNTED. 'V — AL'I' SUMMAP.Y tJItEN DET.,TVEP.ED THE TRUCK tJILT_, TlE COMPLETE AND I2EADY FOI2 OPERATION WITH Ai,T, SP1. CTFTCATTONS IN ORDI R.TRUCK WTLL ALSO WILL ICE IN TOTAL COMPLIANCE' WITTI Ai.iL DEPAR'PMENT OF TRANSPORTAT LON LAWS AND STANDARDS. Tiir CIT`1' OFSANGT?,R RE S� ERVErTHERTGIJT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL T37DS OR OT(IERW:Ct,f� AWARD 'I'L(E PTD II`I T1IE E3ES':C INTEREST' '�F 'I'1TE CITY OF Sr1NGL•;R. TiTANK YOU FOR 5.'OL'R TNT;REST , CT2ATG Wr.AGGONI_�R C_T,`1'Y OF [IANGEP. VEIiICLE h1AINT. TOTAL r3ID PRzcT� Foy BANGER -,EAS E TERt`T IN MONTH MON'.CIILY I'AYMUN'I' 1 NTERES7:' RATE`/c? NUMB R OF DAYS UN'.l'IL DELIVUJRI" AUTiTOR77ED AGENT „iGNATURE P R T 1`I T L•� D N A l`'t t�; i_r ,� � e�t.r' e=-r��z COhiPnN'i NAME n rv COMPAN`i.' ,�[?I:13;; U o 'x_ _� '� C� / /1/A/E�/ TELEPHONE NUMBER Q (q) PPnM ASSOC I ATESA lUt I I c I PAL F I P I TO = 214 S42 5250 19931 10-28 031 40PI-I tfOe6 P . 02/02 LEASE/PURCHASE FINANCING PROPOSAL FOR Q14Y OF SAN+3FF3xJ1XM PROPOSAL #15408 UPTIdN #1 Payments in arrears Number of Payments 48 Payment Timing ; Monthly Payment Amount 6694,04 Payment Factor .023084 Underwriting Fee $300900 paid on execution of documents Total Amount Funded 530,066.24 A not ir.0 POfnnlnt:. no PRI P DpCUMI=NTATIaN ANC► FUNaING MUST f3E COMpLETEa RY APRIi 30, 1994 C?E��_[3L�T1S1�. i111ANIJF. TYI pELIVEF�Y DATE �4UIPM�NT ��QST 1994 bump Truck Internatioi7al 3/94 M,066.24 TOTAL EQUIPMENT CdST A!'TER pOWN/TRAt7E; 030,OGG.Z4 +c*xi��ciF1F*�w**�**�*,e+r#141tMM•xxx*1r*1�1Fu*�+a�a�•��t•��r�#F�iEi�x1�*xxxx•ww�w�w***��F#NkiF��c The above financing proposal has been arranged by The; Associates, for submission to ti7e City of Sanger, Texas. This proposal is for financing only and is subject to: 1. Completion of mutually acceptable documentation substantially In the form of the enclosed sample documents. 2. A review of the proposed essential use of tl7r, equipment and credit approval of the City of Sanger, Texas, prior to funding. 3, No material adverse change 11*1 the financing condition of the City of Sanger, Texas, prior to funding. �.. Eiecelpt of a copy of the last three years' audited financial statements and the current .year's budget far the City of Banner, Texas. 5, No changh in I=ederal or applicable state or local tax law, regulations, case law, rulings, or other interpretations by the Internal Revenue Service that would affect adversely any Federal, state, or local tax benefit assumed In determining the above proposal, 61 That the City of Sanger, Toxins, qualifies as a political subdivision as defined in the Internal Revenue Code. Illy t o/zR/Sf3 z it a. O W Z Cr F �LU. W W Z V Z " Z Z Q O U Q N 1 Q W N m m p N N C7 I d t0 N �N0U)th TN O C ro jj N aD LL m C� o� w 0 0 x � C �! N Q 07 �! WN qq N W N W N v AJ to o CD co rn v V rn v � w o mI U7 O (D I COfl1.1XV1 N11MT; �WHTTEGMC TRIICKS OF DALLAS-FORT WORTH COMPANY A1)kl1;;;; 2959 IRVII`G BLVD* DALLAS, TEXAS 75247 FELEPHONC NUMBER_(214) 905-9300 �OhITIhiUT:•;D C;OMPC,i' A L'.r l+�T11;1;L,; ANL) T.T.RI 11.E\T T.,l�\ �T 1.U.0[7/�Q Ot; '�ANn1�Rn 10-22.5 r L•:OtITT' TUTICLTSU I17GTiWA`,' TRT;AD `�°���-- rROhrr AND I;rAr--,. n . D>•;r, Ti'PC .LO TtOL,C; >Tt,TL BID ,,F'T;C1"t.'TC..ATTOT`T� . r01`1f'1.,Y ALT n. UTT:1T.,, GItAV1�L TTI'r ;i YARD C:�IPICITY•_ 5�i �_�ard cap. I). T�OC:h;ING TAII.,GATt; WL`r1[ MAN[IAT.,f,1' — OT�);RA7't,D 1.,A7'Ci1. L,IJVT;It LOCATED AT c �m[zl-�- - i.,t;T:'7' T'RONT nC' i)T�,D , r'.MUD ['LAT'S MOUN'I'I';D DC',TITND RT�AP, '.rIRGU._�_omp1T_ D.1IIDRAULIC11LLi.' OI'ts'RAT1�D DUh1P �tI�,C.i(i\h1I P1. f.'OIJI:,R 'I'nl�i�; OT:'1.' Ol.'F;k�TT;D. _�m���. _ [..CONTROLS 1'OR bUMI>ING J.,OCATI3D INUaD1:, Grd f�omply CATS ['.ALL TATL AND CL,T�.ARANCt� LIB:•11T;; h10UNI'i.•;D.S_trl � �� 1 P Y OPTION: 1.�2 CAB PROTECTOR ADD A A1�DI'I'IONAL $200.00 TO TOTAL BID PRICE. IF OP'1':[ON WANTED svh1h1A1:�' AMOUNT MUST BE PAID UPI'RON'I' OK LEASE MUST BE KEFIQUKED. t+�1[1�;N DCaT.,IVi,RliD TT-1t:; TRUGI� IJTT_,T., it[; C'Oh1i�LlTf� AND 1;�AnS' i'OTZ Oi'T;RATiON tJITl1 i\T.,1� ;;T'TCIhIC."ATTC�N,;_ TN �11?T1T;R.TP.t1Ch; tJTT,T_, Af.,,:,n WILT., 131:; IN TOTiit� COh11'L:TAN("[�; lJt'rii A1�L DT�;T'AR'rh1T;N'1' �?C' 'f'[?AN:;i'nRTA'r[Ohl T,AId,^, AND T;TANDARU;. Tlll; �'iT'� OT' SANGT.•;T: T2T.;,;1'RVi_;.; T[T15 RIG1iT TO Rf���C�CT 11N1' AND A1.,i, 1)IDS 012 OTiIt�R1J:[;>i� i\WARD 'I'Fi[=, I;ID II`T Tif[; T)C�;.;'.I' r.NTr.�;R[:,T �)[.� TiiT�, CT'['i' Of }�\N(:>R. TIIANi� YOT.1 fOR FOUR INTT;RiST, C'R�A'CG I+�AC;rON1.;R CITi' OP � ANG);t; VGIiICLG hI11IN'J'. 'I'C)'1';\C, fl1 D 1'RTCT�� ("CIS "��NCi�;i: LrA �r Tr1�hT IN h1oNTT[� INTCRI^T RATL NU[`[f)r:R CST' DAI', UN'l':CL D[�,C,(V1��1;5'90-17.0 days upon receipt of an order AU'rTIOR77TaD Ar}NT fiIGNATURI; i' R i:1`IT I_; � hr,\ M T�,_-_v _-- _ _ --- _ __- i�c`r,i:,R D. BTZ001<S 0 Ti1i?„,^.,r ";Pr';CII'7:CATION;; WILL flf�; I'Ol? TT1T CATS AND CIIA � �I � , TIII 111.,E I;�UIPhiI',NT WILL, BC O� Tlfr�: CAn SP1C" 7N > Cf�;C'(]:ON;;. Tlli� ['TCZI;T �I',CTTON tJTI:,L nE; ,;T�CONt) ['OR Tl)l DU1•lh n1:;D AND ASSIhinL,It�S. i-,�\'T'I�;;;T Di�;;;:LGN ANI) fll?AND NCW. COMPLY A L7' . 1 r"ti�rr!7^. rnrFr T1T1T�iT :. _, . r ... � .. .. r.� r_, .�. V _,. 1. L i U C r 1. . �� . ]. 5 6 " W111; r; L I� A > L•' �orri�l_Y _ n.It ;" r_;Ari To Axr,r, .c�1�I�e.LY__.... C . `.�0 , 000 1'SI YIISL,D STRi;NGTII STf:�;f:T,�pN�Y_1 _STD — -- r'RArtr. D. Rt;INr'ORCiMTJNT ['OR r�0/t10, 000 I':;I�j��ionc�_a__�_.comp]-y hRAh)rs . (:;.,;'l'ANDA►?D nUMr'I;R pA:CNTf;D Wifi'i'I; �t_�/ ��P-IY 01' ARGf�NT STLVI�R C'.'r:[NTID GL,A> ALT, tdTNDOtd nnrsn / r.omply G . AhT RADIO OR STANDAP,D LQtII P . �_p�n�/.�9mp 1y 1T. CULL i+'ID'r1( nL•;NCI( F;AT VINS'L Gr�l / rnmply I.VINi'L, ('Ur.,L I"LOOK MAT. Gr�l / c9mp1y -- �T . �\Lt, C;i\UGf� ThTCTRi�hiT�NT �.d_/_comp.ly _ K . ^7'ANDARTI 1I1.;AT1R .st.cL/—r�camply t,.l1Tr 7'r rnAST ^TYLt; OUT UIDI•, >td / �,,,�ly rizr,ROR — rt. hUL•;f., 't"t\Nr� >0 GAT., OTL•�P T'�"['t ��_�_.�mp1y N . CAn l.'�\] N�.'L''D lJlilTi.�; �r�t ��nlp_ly --_-_ f�NG:tPTT AND Dr?IVT; 'i'P,AIN� r 185 hp A . DiT:r;t�;t, TN�:IhTT', AT Lf',A,,T 1'I_� lit' S2n i �, �� torque G O1; t1 C\'T_,INDr�R il.ilia,\V\' DT1'T'i' rTl(;INI:� COOf_,.l'N(� aP.t�.an__/_comply s-t <1---�-e�>m}�-1-y T�. i'I1f,l, i\T R nRr\hF•;;t IJTT1t O1'i.1 N�: FrO11i)_ � ..._comp]-y O 3.-n-A - PARkING AND 1-�,r1>RGLNCi' LO1J AIR ,t�`1'. G. C,OW i\Il.; W�\P,N1NG. inc. / comply I'.l1i�AV'i DtJ'rI' i�Li%;L f ILTI�RING ,�i-s'rF�M-0pton—�-comply IJITiI tdATF�;i? :;f;t'lYl?ATOi? . ��.1i1:;At�Y DUT\' S >Pr•;C';D TRAN;;Fii;;;;Ora std / comply 1�'IT1i ;' ,,",PP;ID RiAR AXLr',. ----- - it.AT T_,F_„'1>'r fT].00 .[gin Ct\P t�T;ON'F' A;�LF�; std / comply 1+�_[T11 T�\.P1JhliD LC;A[' t'RINGC . i11',�1t�5" Dt7TY 1.. ;\�i' I,C;,1;T J.O , 000 i,1.3 Ci\1=' Ri•;,\i? A.`•;f_,L'; option / comp] y t�JI'I'll 'i'AT'Tl',1,D i,iAi' ,'>1'RTNr;�.------- ,7 . t11AV'�' DUT`,' RI��AP, A.'�f �t� RIl�rIO , 4. 11 / 5.61 ►:. ,� t,'r 1_, R hl,\�ro1: AT Lr•;A c; T .t o :; A r T I' . s�_�.-ten �1 n 1 � o 1, . ;;'rA N D A iZ I) AIR C; L (.;!\ N (•� 1?--st-El—/--c--0mp 1 y LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger will arcept �calcd bids for the lease/pu�•chase of one (1) Five (5) yard capacity, dump truck until 2 p.m., Monday, November 1, 1993. All bids must be returned in envelopes marked "Dump Truck" to City Hall. P. O. Box 573, 201 Bolivar Street, Sanger, Texas 76266 prior to the scheduled opening time, P(.(to I WAX" Rosalie Chavez City Secretary RUN IrT SANGER COURIER: 10/7/93 10/ l�l/93 1;ANGr1z r;tI11<0 r3Tn11 1.'OIZ A UU(1r' TRUCI. 141='('Ir A WiiT'i'11 Carl Pn r'l; 11'141) BY 91111' 'ITY 011 FOR TriL; 11A11L1 NG 0 F1 ROCK, SAND AND t'Tr_jt, hi.,1;A r [ir; ADVTSi D TifA7� tdr , TT(r, CT'n' nT SAl`IC%I?R, RLAT.IT:7t', TIiAT ALL, r1ANUT'ACTURras 0rP•ToR DITlPERrNT RQUIPMr91 ANT) 0PTT.0N;.'rrrr,;r CICrCTT'TCATTnN 7 AP,rS MEANT Tn iil GI;Nr11AL TN N.�Tt1T t'l SO AS TO GIVr ALL VI NDORS 13(7UAL OPPoRTTJNITI' Tn r:IJ:D. ON THE U.-INAL r.'AG I'LrAGC; UIND TIIE aNt'ORMAT1(IN PEGUAIMING 1111) 1.�RTCTjS ANT) LEASE PURCIIA ;r AGREolloMENT:--; . T'irr: ROTiI:PMENT LIST VOR THE TRUr1< WTT.IT, APPEAR ON THE UPT ^TTIE OT' T1rr r'AGT r'111 N11�T COLUMN WTi-IT_, HAVE A 'PACT? TO TIFF US1=1D TT' YOUR RQUTPMI;NT r;OMPt_,TrS . TC' YOUR rQL1:TPMl`jNT I)0r; ; NOT OR CANN/)7' COMPLY USL., THU, TIITRD Cr)T,UMN r0R AN rOtJAT., ALTl1jPNAT1 VR CTJrASL i-11°,t; AN0T1-iliR SiirT T A" �I Y.'r'•C r1 r� n�� It 1993 TOPKICK/ .CDIAK MEDIUM DUTY','�k 1k TRUCK AND CHASSIS WAR RANTYI ; r Please note: The following warranty information is intended as an overview Qr�yl for complete detailed warranty coverage and eligibilities refer to your GM Policies' and ' Procedures Manual or the GM Warranty Booklet.I It ; :t WARRANTY COVERAGE AT A GLANCE' An overview of warranty coverages on Topkick/Kodiak and P6SO42 are illustrated below. 111 Warranty Limitations (Time or Mileage, Percent of Dealer's Repair Vehicle Coverage Whichever Comes First) Charge Paid By Owner Time vehicle Miles Parts Labor • Basic Coverage (except tires & Allison Transmissions) • Air Conditioning 2 Years Unlimited No Charge No Charge • Drive train and Chassis (includes gasoline engine) • Diesel Engine Optional Equipment • 3116 Diesel Engine 3 Years 150,000 No Charge No Charge • Frame Rails 5 Years Unlimited No Charge No Charge • Cab Corrosion (Perforation) • Emissions (Gasoline Years 50,000 No Charge No Charge Engine) • Emissions (Diesel Years 100,000 No Charge No Charge Engine) • Noise Emissions The Life of The Vehicle No Charge No Charge *The warranty coverages applies until the maximum time or mileage, whichever comes first. The warranty remains with the vehicle regardless of ownership. PUBLISHED: JUNE, 1992 GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION INSTRUCTION PAGES G M C WHITEGMC TRUCKS OF DALLAS-FT.WORTH 2959 IRVING BLVD. DALLAS TX 75247 214-905-9300 PREPARED BY: ROGER D. BROOKS Description C7H042 1994 BASE MODEL T R U C K Page 1 of 10-29-1993 BANGER, CITY OF P.O.BOX 578 201 BOLIVAR STREET SANGER TX 76266 DENTON 817-458-7930 PREPARED FOR: ROSALIE CHAVEZ CITY SECRETARY S t a n d a'r d E a u i b m e n t Cab construction, robotically assembled & welded cab for improved control of dimensions. All anels, except roof, are two-sided gayvanized steel to resist corrosion. Cab framing, reinforced floor is welded to sill sides, making a solid foundation. Rear cross sill forms rigid box section when welded to floor panel & side members. Battery box located on right hand side under cab, has non-skid perforated top. Location allows for short starter cable as starters are R.H. engine mounted. Cab mounts, four -point with two rear mounts located centrally to reduce torsion input from frame. Cowl/dash, one piece dash panel welded in place & features improved sealing against water leaks. Bolted engine/transmission cover is fiberglass with acoustical & heat insulation. Door, frame formed from one steel piece for strength. Hinges are reinforced and welded to both door and frame. Increased door entry area for easier entry and exit. 11 G M C T R U C K Page 2 of 11 10-29-1993 PREPARED BY: ROGER D. BROOKS PREPARED FOR: ROSALIE CHAVEZ CITY SECRETARY Description Roof, double -wall construction Door latch, squeeze type. Door locks, slide tape with keyless locking feature. Cab assist entry handles. Black molded R.H. & L.H. ll" hanrllrlc Grille, molded plastic, dark argent (dark gray). Tilt hood, fiberglass with fenders Multi -piece design. Hood cut-outs allow ease of tilting with gloved hand. Replacable, flexible fenders bolted to hood. Hood and grille are mounted together and tilt forward as one to a minimum of 80 degrees. Lights, exterior Includes: Dual 5"x 8" headlamps mounted in housing integral with hood shroud, two front fender -mounted turn signals and side marker lamps & two separate rear lamp assemblies. Taillight & turn signal bulbs are shock -mounted. Mirrors, dual 7" x 16" with black molded heads & galvanized brackets painted black. Molding, hidden drip molding on inside of_ door frame. Windshield, bonded to the frame for a water -tight seal. Windshield area is approximately 1,739 square inches. G M C T R U C K Page 3 of 7.1 10-29-1993 PREPARED BY: ROGER D. BROOKS PREPARED FOR: ROSALIE CHAVEZ CITY SECRETARY Description Rear window, solid modu]_ar flush design with 981 square inch glass area. Window is solid tempered safety glass. Door glass, one piece flush glass Windshield wipers, electric two -speed wipers include fluidic washer. Include 4 liter washer reservior located on firewall. Interior colors, same as the exterior lower color. Instrument panel is molded I?lastic and color -coordinated to interior trim. Instrument cluster face, steering wheel column and controls are black. Dash pad, color -keyed to interior color with padded grained instrument panel pad. Glove box, color -keyed to interior trim with soft PVC material covering door. Includes built in beverage holders on back side of door. Door trim, grained molded plastic panels, color -keyed to interior with integral vinyl covered armrests. Floor mat, vacuum -formed black, heavy duty rubber. Reinforced I n heavy foot wear area. Horn, single electric mounted behind bumper. Steering wheel activated. G M C T R U C K Page 4 of 11 10-29-1993 PREPARED BY: ROGER D. BROOKS PREPARED FOR: ROSALIE CHAVEZ CITY SECRETARY Description Shifter boot, double wall for noise suppression. Includes built- in air/electrical harness provisions. Steering column Includes multi -function switch with fingertip control of headlamp high beam, turn signals, hazard flasher switch and windshield wipers/washers Steering wheel is black, 18" diameter soft touch Instrument panel includes head lamp/park lamp/clearance lamp switch, instrument panel dimmer switch, slide type heater & defroster controls with fan switch. Instrument cluster is backlighted for easier reading with illuminated gage pointers, electric speedometer AMPH & KPH), odometer (7 digit "million mile"), coolant temperature gage, voltmeter oil pressure gage, fuel gage & provisions for up to 17 telltale warning lights. Lighting interior donne lamp is activated by left hand door switch or by instrument panel dimmer switch. G M C T R U C K Page 5 of 11 10-29-1993 PREPARED BY: ROGER D. BROOKS PREPARED FOR: ROSALIE CHAVEZ CITY SECRETARY Description Insulation, molded fiberglass insulation with sound barrier. Covers cab side of dash panel. Fiber insulation covering underneath floor mat. Bonded to interior trim panels, cowl kick, R.H. & L.H. rear corner panels, and upper window panels. Safety belts; two 1 an/�hnttl r9er assemblies with retractors and one lap belt in center position with no retractor. Sunvisors, left hand and right hand vinyl covered, color -coordinated with interior trim choice. Coat hook, right hand Ashtray, built in to lower instrument panel. Power air cab ventilation Provides increased driver comfort by drawing in outside air and distributing through four air ducts within the cab. Circuit breakers Non -cycling remote reset, provides protection from overloads. Replaces all the fuses in the panel fuse block. G M C T R U C K Page 6 of 11 10-29-1993 PREPARED BY: ROGER D. BROOKS PREPARED FOR: ROSALIE CHAVEZ CITY SECRETARY Description Standard engine equipment included Cooler Engine oil, integral in block Cooling 32 qt. capacity, 180 deg.F thermostat, 9 lb. pressure cap, low coolant level light and alarm, surge tank and all -season coolant, protected to -20 deg. F. Coolant Nalcool corrosion additive RPO VOW. Drain plug : Magnetic. Fan 24" 7-blade nylon, Eaton viscous drive with shroud. Filter,Fuel : Primary: Spin -on type. Mounted in component box. Secondary: Engine mounted spin -on type. Filter,oil Single, full -flow 2 qto spin -on type. Engine mounted. Starter Delco Remy 37 MT Series. Air inlet heater : Electric 1.2 kw, located in intake manifold, electronically controlled. Air cleaner restriction gauge: Filterminder, mounted on air cleaner. V e h i c l e A p p l i c a t i o n Truck Application B r a }c e S y s t e m G M C T R U C K Page 7 of 11 10-29-1993 PREPARED BY: ROGER D. BROOKS PREPARED FOR: ROSALIE CHAVEZ CITY SECRETARY Description Air system, cam type brakes Incl's dual air pressure gauge, low air pressure warning light and alarm, and front dust shields. Front: 15" x 4" (246 sq. in. Rear: 16-1/2" x 7" (440 sq. in.) Air tanks: Wet tank - 1434 cu in. (23.5 liter). Includes manual drain vatvP__ Front cPrvir_P ta_nlr - 1AIA r�„ ; (23.5 liter). Rear service tank 1434 cu. in. (23.5 liter). Includes Rockwell front and rear automatic slack adjusters. Includes air -activated spring -loaded parking brake E n g i n e 6.6 L Cat 3116 Diesel, 185 gross hp 403 cu in. Turbocharged/Aftercooled. 182 net hp @ 2600 rpm. 514 net/520 gross lb ft torque w/manual 489 net/495 gross lb ft torque w/auto E n g i n e E u i p m e n t Single hori7onta exhaust system Stainless steel with gas engine. Aluminized steel with diesel engine. Left hand mounted inside frame rail. Fuel -water separator Racor brand. Spin -on type with sight bowl and drain. Located in component box. Replaces primary fuel filter. Dry type air cleaner, Donaldson brand Includes pop-up restriction indicator G M C T R U C K Page 8 of 11 10-29-1993 PREPARED BY: ROGER D. BROOKS PREPARED FOR: ROSALIE CHAVEZ CITY SECRETARY Description Increased cooling system capacity Gas engine includes oil cooler and increased cooling capacity radiator. Diesel engine includes increased cooling capacity radiator. E n g i n e E l e c t r i c a l Dual batteries, 1500 amps. Delco Li nP_hattl (zrnii" '29 -9 '1 1 !1 �-.,r; . 1 i- v.v vi .a_. ,..... ..> 1c:::..�, 1G VV3.1.. 362 minute reserve capacity @ 27 C. 1500 amps cold cranking current @ -18C. Grounded directly to starter. 130 amp alternator Delco Remy 21 SI. T r a n s m i s 5 i n d E q u i p m e n t 1.52, 1.00 Includes magnetic drain plugs. Clutch, 13" (330mm) Line push type single plate cereltt a Lc. F r o n t A x l e a n d E q u 8,100 ]_b capacity front axle Includes Saginaw 710 gear with integral power assisted steering with 24:1 ratio and National brand unitized oil seals with grease lube. 8,100 lb front suspension. Tapered leaf Includes front shoclt absorbers. R e a r A x l e a n d E q u i p m e 19,000 lb Eaton two speed axle Eaton 19055T. Includes 75W-90 synthetic lubricant, magnetic filler and drain plugs and National brand oil seals. e n t n t PREPARED BY: G M C T R U C K Page 9 of 11 10-29-1993 ROGER D. BROOKS PREPARED FOR: ROSALIE CHAVEZ CITY SECRETARY Description 19,000 lb rear suspension. Tapered leaf (Rear multi leaf springs, aux. springs and a stabilizer bar are recommended on trucks with a high center of gravity or in heavy duty application.) Rear stabilizer bar Attached to frame, shaft ends linked to rear axle. Provides increased load stabilization, improves handling and reduces vehicle roll. Rear shock absorbers, heavy duty Mounted behind rear axle. Dampens the suspension. Included on all tapered leaf suspensions. Ratio: 2 speed 4.11/5.61 C h a s s i s E q u i p m e n t 156 Wheelbase, n CA, 135" CE 50,000 psi yield strength steel frame SAE J1392 - 050XLK steel. Dimensions: 9 1/2" x 3" x 1/411 . Section modulus 9.58 cu in RBM 4791000. Painted semi -gloss black. Reinforcement for 50/80,000 psi frame Inverted "L" reinforcement. With 50,000 psi frame; section mod. 17.39 cu in, RBM 1,339,000. With 80,000 psi frame; section mod. 20.36 cu in, RBM 2,2391600 A d d i t i o n a l C h a s s i s E q Standard bumper, painted dark argent (dark gray). Includes two tow hook slots. Full width steel front bumper. Dimensions: 89" length X 14 1/2" width. u PREPARED BY: ROGER D. Description G M C T R U C K Page 10 of 11 10-29-1993 BROOKS PREPARED FOR: ROSALIE CHAVEZ CITY SECRETARY 50 (U.5.) gallon L.H. step fuel tank Rectangular with integral step and top tread plate. B r a k e E q u i p m e n t Air compressor, TF550, 13.2 CFM Bendix Westinghouse brand. Two cylinder, water cooled. Belt driven with gasoline engine. Gear driven with diesel engine. C a b E q u i p m e n t Tinted Solar -Ray glass, all windows Includes shade band on upper part of windshield. Delco AM radio, electronically tuned with push buttons. Includes two front speakers. Full width bench seat Forward folding back. Includes two lap/shoulder safety belts w/retractors and center lap belt w/o retractor. P a i n t a n d I n t e r i o r T r i m Solid color exterior paint Lower paint color - White Upper paint color - White Vinyl interior trim - Gray T i r e s 10-22.5 E (10 Ply) Bias tubeless, front Front brand not specified Highway Tread PREPARED BY: ROGER D. Description G M C T R U C K Page 11 of 11 10-29-1993 BROOKS PREPARED FOR: ROSALIE CHAVEZ CITY SECRETARY 10-225 E (10 Ply) Bi.as tubeless, rear Rear brand not specified Highway Tread Single W h e e l s 2.5 x 7.5 Ar_riiri dP nrT Steel Disc 10-HoleStud Pilot, Front. 11.25 inch bolt circle, Ball Seat. 22.5 x 7.5 Accuride DCT Steel Disc 10-Hole Stud Pilot, Rear. 11.25 inch bolt circle, ball seat. A d d i t i o n a l W h e e l E q u i p m e n t Painted disc wheels.- Gray (E-Coat). GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT RATING (lbs.) Front 8,100 Rear 16,160 Total 24,260 Prices and Specifications Subject to Price does not include Federal Excise Taxes, License Fees, Special Items or Revised Date 08/17/93 Change W Tax ithout Notice. ,,State and Local Service. G M C WHITEGMC TRUCKS OF DALLAS-FT.WORTH 2959 IRVING BLVD. DALLAS TX 75247 214-905-9300 PREPARED BY: ROGER D. BROOKS T R U C K 10-29-1993 SANGER, CITY OF P.O.BOX 578 201 BOLIVAR STREET SANGER TX 76266 DENTON 817-458-7930 PREPARED FOR: ROSALIE CHAVEZ CITY SECRETARY L O A D E D S P E E D cl i G M C WHITEGMC TRUCKS OF DALLAS-FT.WORTH 2959 IRVING BLVD. DALLAS TX 75247 214-905-9300 PREPARED BY: ROGER D. BROOKS 2929 2scoo 1 2g7H T R U C K 10-29-1993 5A11 GER, CITY OF P.O.BOX 578 201 BOLIVAR STREET BANGER TX 76266 DENTON 817-458-7930 PREPARED FOR: ROSALIE CHAVEZ CITY SECRETARY `IV Mir 'Iffm S IV i i Suggested Retail Price Diesel Engine Powertrain Plus Coverage Single Axle Suggested Retail Price Diesel Engine Powertrain Plus Coverage Tandem Axle Suggested Retail Price Diesel Engine -Only Coverage Single Axle Suggested Retail Price Diesel Engine -Only Coverage Tandem Axle I9TopKick/KW*ak Lj �M Protection Plan 1Price �Chart diesel Engine Mileage 3 Years 4 Years r 5 Years 50,000 $267 $413 $553 RPO YU5 RPO YW7 RPO YX2 100,000 $463 $874 $1,204 RPO W3 RPO Y5O RPO ZP9 150,000 $659 $19337 $1,826 RPO ZR3 RPO ZW5 RPO ZX7 Mileage 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years 50,000 $407 $644 %P RPO YU5 RPO YW7 RPO YX2 100,000 $721 $1,379 $12911 RPO W3 RPO Y5O RPO ZP9 150,000 $1,036 $2,121 $29912 RPO ZR3 RPO ZW5 RPO ZX7 Mileage 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years 0 50700N/A $127 $168 RPO X6Y RPO Y5N 1007000 N/A $267 $399 RPO X9K RPO YG9 150,000 N/A $357 $575 RPO YX4 RPO Y5Z Mileage 5 Years 50$217 RPO X6Y RPO TON 1007000 N/A $336 $511 RPO X9K RPO YG9 1507000 N/A $455 $735 RPO YX4 RPO Y5Z ,000 N/A $155 4/91 MDT-0011 ��)1991 General Motors Corporation Mileage 5 Years 50$217 RPO X6Y RPO TON 1007000 N/A $336 $511 RPO X9K RPO YG9 1507000 N/A $455 $735 RPO YX4 RPO Y5Z ,000 N/A $155 4/91 MDT-0011 ��)1991 General Motors Corporation 4/91 MDT-0011 ��)1991 General Motors Corporation C co -x � O � 2 m W _ 3 - ca O _2 C 661 U -I m I 1�1 W I 101 w I 1 LO 1001 _I SlICIOEO 0101 O H �o w CZ 4, LLJmaa } Wm c W > ir�j C =Z� Z ix W U Cn O tL -. C 00 W M o Z w co J_ O J I"' p .J W _ �J-1JF' r _ = a L) (D x a g :) Z f- C ZQL)� O J iT -j H z ~ W WZO C: Q o a U m t 2mWOW ' W cn LiJwLL) 0 z r z j in I C) 1 Q tp M �O /Sp60 0 0 -- Z6 OSI S i I 4001 N \ co I > 1 OrO; tD I�O O r cDl � m 1 i, I 3„ZI,£Oe1ONl q' I C Y 0 01 o;LO �v III �L=L've2� iLl 1 ~: W S r) 91 I t�0 LO ,001 N9 m _' /0/MJ '�� to tib'6til Cm � I N 3 „91 ,b0 *90 N I t O \ q . j� w > - W <c',LO N N_ p IYW M CO � {{� m N m ro to o �' L� K SE 8 m N� N I 1 l M „89 1£1 oz0 S L m ,10 001 1 m co o LV n 3 �I o �I U I 0 = (� Q J cc Wt J z W 7`7 J crw W I_ C U 80'�1 ,80'ti1 J m cmv o C o 0 W )ft f W1 N 31 81 V A / FiF M „F9 ,£1 ez0 N e ,10'001 I a a m F2 C& _ N 10 I o f I I CO 101009 g 3 91 ! I Lj Cr O0 / � N O O � / 0 O U, o • � L— m 1n a) o Q d Q v! CD� 1 ,9£ 16z ,sl'zz£ i N01 d3� O 'a in Oy N r OD CD J N O ' O I z 510 40 01 O I CO Ox 0bNo ti C,— j O 5Z �L M Pig£I .20 S ,10'001 ,10'SZI rn � I � I m Q � o 0nr,an0e �Nne a