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08/16/1993-CC-Agenda Packet-Work Session
CITY COUNCIL �TORKSHOP AGENDA MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1993 201 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 5130 P.M. 1. Call Meeting To Order 2. Discussion Regarding Proposed 1993J94 Budget Departments: 1.} Vehicle Maintenance 2.} Revenues and Expenditures 3.) Personnel 3. Any Other Such Matters 4. Adjournment Rosalie Chavez City Secretary August 1.3, 1993 10:10 a.m. Date &Time Posted C131 Y OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2319 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator CT DATE: August 13, 1993 SUBJECT: Draft Budget for FY 1993-1994 Attached are new pages as currently amended on the draft budget Please insert them in your working copy of the budget. These pages indicate changes that have been dicussed in the previous workshops. JH;eh Attachment i i?Crsonnei Total $'s 1, 002, 051 % of Budgct 26.0 % Utility Charges Currc�t 31l—dMaSte $7.10 (Residential) �kS 1, 903, 266 49.1 Wastcwat;cr_ $10.00 first. 1, 000 .90 per 1,000 $25 residential cap $125 commercial cap Water $10.00 first 1,000 1.60 1.001-4, 999 1. 80 5, 000-14, 999 2.20 15, 000-29, 999 3.00 30, 000+ i✓lect�ic Residential Small Commercial L,argc Commercial Fuel Adjustment $9.00 meter charge $.057Ulu 1 per KW $11.50 meter charge $.0639? per KW caPit-al 3 v_ings Dlcbl ContIng.rng7 135, 070 9, 384 763, 673 59, 576 3.5170 0.2% 19.7% 1.5% 1?xopa�cd $7.95 $10.50 first 1, 000 1.00 per 1,000 $25 residential cap $125 commercial cap $10.50 first 1, 000 1.70 1, 001-4, 999 1. 90 5, 00044, 999 2.30 15, 000-2%999 3.10 30, 000+ $9.50 meter charge $.0590744 per Kw $12.00 meter charge $.0652494 per KW $50.00 first 6 1�1V $50.50 first 6 xw $7.83 per KVt1H $7.99 per IiWH $.0224 energy charge $.022848 energy charge 0.0184 0.0184 All revenue projections based on 40 month average. ii. !1 UgUiRROLUUM �.*% •• . •now Mayor & C auncil 1,193 1 1, 850 0 13, 043 Administration 51, 588 47, 950 0 99, 538 Public Works Adin. 36,705 6,300 0 43,005 Veh. Maintenance 16, 334 3, 000 1, 000 20, 334 Library 18, 796 22, 660 6, 270 47, 726 Police 246, 681 25, 700 14,800 287, 181 Sanitation 8, 322 154, 750 0 163, 072 Street 49, 640 62, 48 2 7, 500 119, 622 Taxes 0 4, 700 0 4, 700 Ambulance 0 100000 0 10, 000 Health Services 0 1,800 0 1,800 Senior Center 0 9, 525 0 9, 525 Fire 19, 480 419620 15, 500 76, 600 Parks 2, 910 5, 850 2, 500 11, 260 Summer Youth 0 2, 000 0 2, 000 Pool 14, 023 8, 850 0 2Z 873 C ommunity Center 0 4,100 2, 500 6, 600 Animal Control 6, 000 3, 900 1, 000 lopgoo Sub -Total 471, 672 427, 037 51, 070 949, 779 Savings 5,100 5,100 Debt 536, 890 536, 890 Total G.F. 1, 491, 769 tJQ0021 PAGE 2, GF/ EF, 93/ 94 Pexsennel Scx_vikee_8& applies C_aPEW Total Water 947 477 105, 634 5, 000 205,111 W. W. Treatment 52, 701 48, 800 0 1010501 W. W. Collection 0 22, 765 3, 500 26, 265 Electric 182, 909 1, 2150 130 667500 1, 464, 539 Ut. Bllg./ Data Proc. 94, 472 14, 800 8, 000 117, 272 Mayor/ C ity C outic il 1,193 11, 850 0 13, 043 Administration 51,588 47, 950 0 99, 538 Veh. Maintenance 16, 334 3, 000 1, 000 20, 334 Public Works Adm. 36, 705 69300 0 43, 005 Sub -Total 530, 379 1, 476, 229 84, 000 2, 090, 608 Contingency Savings 4, 284 Debt 226, 783 Total E. F. Total Budget Total Revenue 59, 576 4, 284 226, 783 2, 381, 251 3, 873, 020 3, 873, 020 U000;�2 Gerj' 6L-aUJ u"d Mayor tit. C ouncil Administration Public Works Admin. Vehicle Maintenance Library Police Sanitation Street Tax Services Ambulance Health Services Senior Center Fire Parks Summer Youth Pool Community Center Animal Control Sub -Total Savings Debt Service G. F. Total � %k �� W WWJAMAMI 110 943 13, 043 79654 99, 538 42, 554 43, 005 25, 390 20, 334 48, 782 47, 726 80899 287, 181 159, 380 163, 072 127, 865 1199622 4, 700 4, 700 9, 666 101000 1, 800 1, 800 9, 525 9, 525 64, 622 76, 600 13, 482 11, 260 4, 500 2, 000 24, 873 22, 873 5, 650 6, 600 0 10,900 941, 285 949, 779 5,100 5,100 283, 700 536, 890 1, 230, 085 1, 49 1, 769 E4)k1'EIVD_1TUEU1VlMARX,1'AGF.�2 l�,r_�te�-px�s�Func� Water 182, 741 205,111 Wastewater Treatment 105, 437 101, 501 Wastewater Collection 26,050 26,265 Electric 1, 451, 922 1, 464, 539 Utility Billing 118, 327 117, 272 Mayor & Council 1 1, 943 13, 043 Administration 107, 654 999538 Vehicle Maintenance 25, 390 20, 334 Public Works AdmirL 42,554 43,005 Contingency 124, 490 59, 576 Savings 4, 284 4, 284 Debt Service 225, 562 226, 783 E. F. Total 2, 426, 354 2, 38 1, 251 Total Expenditures 3, 656, 439 3, $73, 020 UUOU2� MAYOR & COUNCILkuare) ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCT. # NAME 91/ 92 92/ 93 93/ 94 Personnel 401014 Regular Salaries 1,100 1,110 1, l 10 407. 14 Worker's Compensation 28 83 83 Subtotal 1,128 1, 193 1,193 Services_&_Supplies 410. 14 XBoards � Commissions 0 1,000 1,000 411914 Office Supplies 719 400 400 413.14 Food 232 250 250 416. 14 rlWearing Apparel 127 150 150 417.14 Postage 726 300 300 430. 14 Maps & Subscriptions 114 100 200 436. 14 x Advertising 2,194 900 1, 500 439.14 Dues & Registration 194 1,250 1,400 440.14 Travel Expense 1,322 1,700 1,700 442,14 Other Operating Supplies 446 250 250 445. 14 X Legal Services 1, 801 1, 900 19900 447. 14 X Contractual Services 5,195 2,550 2,800 Sub -total 13, 070 10, 750 1 1, 850 Capital 472. 14 Furniture & Fixtures 0 0 0 Sub -total 0 0 0 Total 14,198 11, 943 13, 043 MAYOR &COUNCIL (E.F.) ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCT. # NAME 91/ 92 92/ 93 93/ 94 Personnel 401. 15 Regular Salaries 1,110 1,110 1,110 407,15 Worker's Compensation 264 83 83 Sub -total 1, 374 1,193 1,193 S�rv_zces _Supplies 410. 15 Boards &Commissions 0 1,000 1,000 411. 15 Office Supplies 699 400 400 413.15 Food 286 250 250 416.15 Wearing Apparel 0 150 150 417.15 Postage 518 300 300 430. 15 Maps & Subscriptions 239 100 200 436.15 Advertising 2v169 900 i, 500 439915 Dues & Registration 1, 320 1, 250 1, 400 440. 15 Travel Expense 1, 906 1, 700 1, 700 442. 15 Other Operating Supplies 382 250 250 445.15 Legal Services 2, 028 1, 900 1, 900 447. 15 Contractual Services 3, 880 2, 550 2, 800 Sub -total 13, 427 10, 750 11, 850 Capital 472. 15 Furniture & Fixtures 0 0 0 Sub -total 0 0 0 Total 14, 801 1 1, 943 13, 043 ADMINISTRATION (G. F. ) ACTUAL ACCT. # NAME 91/ 92 Personnel BUD GET 92/ 93 BUD GET 93/ 94 401.01 Regular Salaries 4U, 637 42, 815 43, 628 404.01 Social Security 2,926 3,275 3,338 405.01 Retirement 1,873 1,820 1,968 406.01 Health Insurance 2, 648 2, 400 2, 400 407.01 Worker's Compensation 123 209 209 408.01 T.E.C. 45, 210 45 Sub -total SerxiGe &supplies 48, 252 50, 729 5 1, 58$ 410.01 Health Maint. (Wellness Program) 100 500 400 411.01 Office Supplies 557 400 400 413.01 Food 80 200 200 417.01 Postage 307 275 300 423.01 R & M Building 950 2,600 1,500 430.01 Maps & Subscriptions 465 450 450 433.01 Telephone Service 6, 063 6, 000 6, 000 434.01 Electric & Gas Utilities 3,722 4,800 3,200 438.01 Other Insurance 270423 32,000 26,000 439.01 Dues & Registration 1, 205 1, 000 1, 000 440.01 Travel Expenses 1, 600 1, 600 1, 600 442.01 Other Operating Supplies 381 500 500 447.01 Contractual Services 3, 395 3, 200 3, 200 458. 0 l Auto Allowance 2, 700 2, 700 2, 700 466.01 Medical Services 426 700 500 G�ptal 472.01 Sub -total 49, 374 56, 925 47, 950 Furniture &Fixtures 0 0 0 Sub -total 0 0 0 Total 97696 107, 654 99, 538 �000�y ADMINISTRATION (E. F. ) ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCT. # NAME 91/ 92 92/ 93 93/ 94 I'_exsQnnel 401. 16 Regular Salaries 42,429 42,815 43,628 404.16 Social Security 3,031 3,275 39338 405.16 Retirement 1, 824 1, 820 1, 968 406.16 Health Insurance 2,156 2, 400 2, 400 407.16 Worker's Compensation 538 209 209 408. 16 T. E. C. 227 210 45 Sub -total Servlcejs.upplles 50, 205 50, 729 51, 588 410. 16 Health Maint. (Wellness Program) 100 500 400 411. 16 Office Supplies 483 400 400 413.16 Food 121 200 200 417.16 Postage 510 275 300 42& 16 R & M Building 389 2, 600 1, 500 430016 Maps & Subscriptions 584 450 450 433.16 Telephone Service 7, 072 6, 000 6, 000 434.16 Electric & Gas Utilities 731 4,800 3,200 438.16 Other Insurance SZ 981 32, 000 26, 000 439.16 Dues & Registration 848 10000 10000 440.16 Travel Expenses 1, 932 1, 600 1, 600 442016 Other Operating Supplies 444 500 500 447.16 Contractual Services 3, 289 3, 200 3, 200 458.16 Auto Allowance 2, 700 2, 700 2, 700 466.16 Medical Services 379 700 500 Sub -total 52, 563 56,925 47, 950 C ap►ial 47116 Furniture & Fixtures 0 0 0 Sub -total 0 0 0 Total 102, 768 107, 654 999538 000a�o POLICE DEPARTMENT (G. F. ) ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCT. # NAME 91/ 92 92/ 93 93/ 94 Personnel 401.03 Regular Salaries 169, 266 168, 673 179, 018 402.03 Overtime 3,765 4,000 3,OOO 403.03 Temporary Salaries 89503 9,180 2,880 404.03 Social Security 12, 792 130516 14, 001 405.03 Retirement 7,723 7,340 8,209 406.03 Health Insurance 15,821 169800 16,800 407.03 Worker's Compensation 30,390 22,458 22,458 408.03 T.E.C. 905 882 315 Sub -total 249,165 24Z 849 246, 681 5'Cvice.SSUpp*es 411.03 Office Supplies 755 750 800 413903 Food 112 300 300 414.03 Motor Vehicle Fuel 6,034 4,850 50000 416.03 Wearing Apparel 1, 741 10800 1, 800 417.03 Postage 303 300 300 418403 Safety Equipment 2, 514 1, 400 6,100 419.03 R & M Vehicle 3, 502 3, 250 3, 500 424.03 Minor Equipment L 114 900 900 429.03 Professional Services 150 350 350 433.03 Cellular Telephone 2, 342 2, 400 2, 400 439.03 Dues & Registration 820 1, 000 1, 000 440.03 Travel Expense 678 500 500 44103 Other Operating Supplies 1, 254 500 500 444.03 Dog Pound Expense 1,822 1,750 0 447, 03 Contractual Services 98 1, 400 1, 400 456.03 R & M Equipment i, 005 600 650 467.03 Juror Fees 0 0 200 Sub -total 24,244 22, 050 25, 700 apltai 471.03 Motor Vehicle 13, 664 140000 14, 000 472.03 Furniture & Fixtures 179 0 800 Sub -total 13, 843 14, 000 14, 800 Total 287, 252 278, 899 287,181 LIBRARY (U. F. ) ACCT. # personnel 401.02 403.02 404.02 405.02 406.02 407.02 408.02 Regular Salaries Temporary Salaries Social Security Retirement Health Insurance Vorker's Compensation T.E.C. Sub -total 411.02 Office Supplies 413.02 Food 417.02 Postage 420.02 Cleaning Supplies 430.02 Magazines & Subscriptions 434.02 Electric, Gas & Phone Service 437.02 Library Renovations 439.02 Dues & Registration 440.02 Travel Expense 442.02 Other Operating Supplies 464.02 R & M Office Equipment 465.02 Library Development Sub -total ap�.tal ACTUAL 91/ 92 1 1, 033 258 828 430 2, 422 327 105 15, 403 167 62 524 12 333 1, 687 1, 489 75 53 1,191 180 15, 000 20, 773 BUDGET 92/ 93 13,124 0 1, 004 400 2, 400 98 126 17,152 230 65 500 50 375 1, 500 3, 500 120 200 3, 600 250 15, 000 25, 390 BUD GET 93/ 94 14, 660 0 1,122 147 2, 100 98 69 18,?96 2so 60 500 0 380 2, 500 800 120 200 2, 570 250 15, 000 472.02 Furniture &Fixtures 2,635 1,740 1,470 475.02 Books 3, 733 4, 500 4, 800 Sub -total 6, 368 6, 240 6, 270 Total 42, 544 48, 782 47,726 uuo�38 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION (G.F.) ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCT. # NAME 91/ 92 92/ 93 93/ 94 Personnel 401610 Regular Salaries 25, 049 25,220 28,540 402.10 Overtime 1,336 250 0 404. 10 Social Security 1,956 1,950 2, 183 405. 10 Retirement 1,136 19083 1,287 406. 10 Health Insurance 2, 687 2, 400 2, 400 407. 10 Worker's Compensation 1, 534 2, 250 2, 250 408. 10 T.E.C. 77 126 45 Sub -total 33, 775 33, 279 36, 705 5=1QQf1A& Supplie-S 411.10 Office Supplies 141 50 200 41110 Minor Tools 62 300 Soo 414. 10 Motor Vehicle Fuel 10011 1, 000 1, 500 416.10 Wearing Apparel 150 150 175 417.10 Postage 0 0 100 418.10 Safety Equipment 53 100 100 419910 R & M Vehicle 73 500 500 439. 10 Dues & Registration 45 300 400 440. 10 Travel Expense 354 400 300 442. 10 Other Operating Supplies 188 200 200 452.10 Engineering Services 166 1, 500 1, 500 455.10 Pagers 273 1, 025 1, 025 G �p�tal 47 1. 10 Sub -total 2, 516 5, 525 6, 300 Motor Vehicles 0 3,750 0 Sub -total 0 3,750 0 Total 36, 291 42554 43005 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION (&F.) ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCT. # NAME 91/ 92 92/ 93 93/ 94 PexQV "%e. 401. 17 Regular Salaries 230 948 257 220 28, 540 402. 17 Overtime 1,187 250 0 404. 17 Social Security 1,851 1,950 2,183 405. 17 Retirement 1,159 1,083 1,287 406e 17 Health Insurance 2,156 2, 400 2, 400 407. 17 Worker's Compensation 3,964 2, 250 2, 250 408. 17 T.E.C. 175 126 45 Sub -total 34, 440 33, 279 36, 705 Scx�ti�e� & SuplZli�� 411. 17 Office Supplies 93 50 200 412.17 Minor Tools 149 300 300 414. 17 Motor Vehicle Fuel 1,149 10000 1,500 416. 17 Wearing Apparel 151 150 175 417.17 Postage 0 0 100 418. 17 Safety Equipment 80 100 100 419. 17 R & M Vehicle 1,695 500 500 439. 17 Dues & Registration 75 300 400 440. 17 Travel Expense 25 400 300 442.17 Other Operating Supplies 271 200 200 45117 Engineering Services 1, 841 19500 1, 500 455.17 Pagers 365 1, 025 1, 025 Sub -total 5, 894 5, 525 6, 300 Q apaital. 471. 17 Motor Vehicles 0 3,750 0 Sub -total 0 3, 750 0 Total 40, 334 42, 554 43, 005 PARKS (G. F. ) ACCT. it NAME 1'eAr0annel ACTUAL 91/ 92 BUDGET 92/ 93 BUD GET 93/ 94 403.09 Temporary Salaries 1,179 2, 500 2, 500 404.09 Social Security 90 192 192 407.09 Worker's Compensation 450 205 205 408.09 T.E.C. 3 35 13 Sub -fatal Services � Supplies 1, 722 2,932 2,910 409.09 Landscape Materials 2, 026 1, 000 1, 250 415.09 Chemical Supplies 762 750 750 418.09 Safety Equipment 62 100 100 421.09 R & M Other 0 350 400 124009 Minor Equipment 1, 361 750 750 442.09 Other Operating Supplies 321 100 100 443.09 Christmas Lights 352 2, 500 1, 500 456.09 R & M Equipment 549 500 500 461.09 Vandalism Replacement 139 250 250 462.09 Building Supplies 0 250 250 5, 572 Capital 6, 550 5, 850 477.09 Park Expansion 569 1,000 2,500 478.09 Other Equipment 315 3,000 0 Subtotal 884 4,000 2, 500 Total 8,178 13, 482 11, 260 u000�� COMMUNITY C ENTER (G. F'. ) ACCT. # NAME Services &�S�Appes ACTUAL 91/ 92 BUDGET 92/ 93 IUD GET 93/ 94 409.21 Landscape Materials 1, 513 1, 000 1, 000 415.21 Chemical Supplies 55 300 500 421.21 R & M Other 0 500 500 423.21 R & M Building 3,066 500 500 424621 Minor Equipment 195 150 200 434.21 Electric Utility 805 750 800 435.21 Gas Utility 280 0 400 461.21 Vandalism Replacement 188 150 150 462.21 Bldg. Supplies 0 50 50 Sub -total 6,102 3, 400 4,100 ��.laital 472.21 Furniture & Fixtures 0 500 500 478621 Other Equipment 0 1, 750 2, 000 Subtotal 0 2, 250 2, 500 Total s, l02 5, 650 c�000�4 WATER D EPARTMENT (E. F. ) ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCT. # NAME 91/ 92 92/ 93 93/ 94 Personnel 40 L 06 Regular Salaries 639704 64,780 64, 790 402.06 Overtime 2, 917 2, 700 27700 404e 06 Social Security 5, 068 5,162 5,163 405.06 Retirement 2, 967 2, 870 3, 044 406.06 Health Insurance 9, 245 9, 600 9, 600 407.06 Worker's Compensation 12,748 %000 90000 408.06 T.E.C. 497 504 180 Sub -total 97,146 94, 616 94, 477 411.06 Office Supplies 73 75 150 412.06 Minor Tools 566 500 500 414.06 Motor Vehicle Fuel 2, 861 2, 550 2, 550 415.06 Chemical Supplies 1,622 3,000 4,000 416.06 Wearing Apparel 462 900 1, 050 418.06 Safety Equipment 146 350 350 419.06 R & M Vehicle 1, 007 1, 250 1, 250 420.06 Cleaning Supplies 21 50 50 421.06 R & M Other 29, 499 250000 32, 500 427.06 Water Mains & Valves 10,757 10,000 100000 434.06 Electric Utility 21,385 23, 750 26, 000 439.06 Dues & Registration 500 650 450 440.06 Travel Expense 319 300 300 442.06 Other Operating Supplies 94 150 150 447906 Contractual Services 18, 685 15, 000 20, 334 452.06 Permit Fees 0 10000 1,000 455.06 Water Meters & Boxes 4, 365 3, 000 3, 000 456.06 Water Testing 948 600 2, 000 C �pCai, 470.06 Sub -total 93, 310 88,125 105634 Other Improvements 0 0 5, 000 Other Equipment 2,672 0 0 Sub -total 2, 672 0 5, 000 Total 193,128 182, 741 205,111 00004'7 ELECTRIC (E.F.) ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCT. # NAME 91/ 92 92/ 93 93/ 94 Personnel 401.08 Regular Salaries 137, 215 141, 620 1430214 402.08 Overtime 4, 596 3, 750 2, 700 404.08 Social Security 10,830 11,121 11,163 405.08 Retirement 6, 344 60180 6, 581 406.08 Health Insurance 13, 209 14, 400 14, 400 407v O8 Worker's Compensation 6, 274 4, 641 4, 641 408.08 T.E.C. 820 760 210 Sub4otal 179, 288 182,472 182, 909 Servdc" &.Sup -pales 411e08 Office Supplies 466 350 400 41108 Minor Tools 3, 734 3, 000 2, 000 413608 Food 75 300 300 414.08 Motor Vehicle Fuel 4, 933 39500 3, 500 416608 Wearing Apparel 813 900 1, 200 417.08 Postage 351 100 150 418.08 Safety Equipment 745 80000 3, 000 419.08 R & M Vehicle 9, 930 50000 3, 500 423.08 R & M Bldg. 0 0 1, 500 427.08 Transformers 10, 095 6, 000 59000 428.08 Substation Breakers 0 10000 0 432.08 Meter Maintenance 5, 489 10000 2, 500 433608 Cellular Telephone 0 800 600 434.08 Electric Utility 1, 785 1, 500 21600 439.08 Dues & Registration 7, 025 5, 000 5, 000 440.08 Travel Expense 1,171 10500 19500 442.08 Other Operating Supplies 19156 400 400 446.08 Equipment Rental 0 250 0 447.08 Contractual Services 22, 424 27, 000 35, 280 45& 08 Economic Development 3, 394 3, 000 2, 500 454.08 Hazardous Waste Disposal 0 109000 0 455.08 Pagers 545 550 600 460.08 Franchise Fee 57, 091 600300 63, 600 465908 Power Purchase 10065, 301 1, 0800 000 i, 080, 000 Sub -total 1,196, 523 1, 219, 450 1, 215,130 C-apetal 470.08 Other Improvements 122,826 50, 000 66, 500 471.08 Motor Vehicles 8, 000 0 0 Sub -total 130, 826 50, 000 66, 500 Total 1, 506, 637 1, 451, 922 1, 464, 539 �rJ'��f,, Fla J�,7C rc-✓ fr, jy,: / f ,f 000053