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08/02/1993-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular
it 2. 3. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1995 201 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 7100 P.M. Call to Order, Invocation and Pledge to the Flag CON SENT AGENDA a}. Approve Minutes b). Disbursements c). Payment - Phase I The Architectural 1). Award for Volunteer Citizen's Input Collective, Inc. - $3,034.58 Fire Fighters 4. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding Submission of Grant Application to the Texas Department 01 Housing & Community Affairs (HOME Program) 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Contract and Maintenance Agreement on Operation 0f Safety Lighting 0n I.H. 35 Between fiexas Department of Transportation and the City of Sanger 6. City Administration Report 7. Any Other Such Matters 8. Adjournment Rosalie Chavez City Secretary 7/30/93 3:00 p.m. Date &TimePosted MINUTES: City Council Workshop July 19, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jack Richardson, and Councilwoman Margie Braxton MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Russell Madden PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Fire Chief Bill Murrell, and Police Chief Benny Erwin i. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Discussion Regarding Proposed 1993/94 Budget Departments: a}. Fire -Fire Chief Bill Murrell discussed his proposed budget for Fire Department. Council discussed the lease -purchase item on the new suburban. b}. Police -Police Chief Erwin briefly explained his line item expenses to Council Council increased his motor vehicle expense from $5,000.00 to $6,500.00. Council also inquired into his line item expense 418.03 that into purchases of safety cameras for three police units. There was also a capital purchase of one new police unit. c}. Public Works -Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker discussed proposed budgets for the following departments: Public Works Parks Community Center - Mayor Armstrong suggested that Council consider paving parking lot at Community Center. She stated that this year they could do from the Swimming Pool to the parking lot, east corner of Community Center and possibly next year, do some more until eventually they could extend it to the Tennis Courts. Streets Sanitation Water Wastewater Collection Wastewater Treatment and Animal Control 3. Any Other Such Matters: None 4. Meeting adjourned. MINUTES. City Council Meeting July 19, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jack Richardson, and Councilwoman Margie Braxton MEMBERS ASSENT: Councilman Russell Madden PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Delania Trigg -Sanger Courier, and James Clay 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. City Administrator John Hamilton gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: a). Approve Minutes b). Disbursements c). Payment #9 (Final) -Caldwell Tanks - 200,000 Gallon Elevated Storage Tank - $24,496.15 d). Payment #3 - DRS Contractors, Inc. - Municipal Swimming Pool and Facilities - $13,595.74 e). lst ABC Construction Specialists - Restroom & Concession Stand Facilities - $35,272.55 Brief discussion concerning payments of items d and e. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve Consent Agenda with exception of items d & e, the payment to DRS Contractors and lst ABC Construction Specialists and these payments be held until all final checklist be done and approved by the engineers and architects. Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input: None 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #07-93, Transportation of Hazardous Material Fire Chief Bill Murrell addressed City Council on this issue regarding Hazardous Material. Discussion. City Council Minutes 7/ 19/93 Page 2 Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to adopt Ordinance #07-93, with the exception of Article 10.1101 (b) 3, which would change from Second Street to State Highway 455 to Church Street. CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. #07-93 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANDER, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY REGULATING THE TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN THE CITY; PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Request far James Clay, East Texas Sign Company, to change Zoning From B-2 (Business - 2) to I-1 (Industrial - 1). property is an 8 ft. X 40 ft. Tract located in the Southeast Corner of a 28.61 Acre Tract Described as A0071 A Burleson Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open to allow anyone to speak for or against the request. Mr. Clay addressed City Council on his request. Mr. Clay stated he would like to build an outdoor advertising billboard sign in that location. Essential the same type of structure, advertising the Chamber of Commerce which can be seen as you're coming from Denton to Sanger. They built that sign and are providing that face free of charge to the Chamber for six (6) months. They would also make available at no cost to the City of Sanger any advertising space they do not have currently occupied by advertisement. They will also build at their expense, a Welcome to Sanger sign. This type of sign would be wood with raised letters, sandblasted, monument type which would be on the ground surrounded by masonary. They also provided an affidavit that they would not advertise alcohol, tobacco, or sexually oriented products or businesses, which is also contained within the lease agreement with property owner. City Council Minutes 7/ 19/93 Page 3 Whey also have agreed that if for some reason another billboard company comes in and files a lawsuit against the City in the event Council does not approve the same request for them, then they would voluntarily remove their sign to remove them from any liability. The sign structure would conform to all federal and state codes. Discussion followed. City Manager did state staff was recommending denial of request as "spot zoning." Mayor Armstrong declared the Fublic Hearing Closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Request far James Clay, East Texas Sign Company, to change Zoning From B-2 (Business - 2) to I-1 (Industrial - 1). Property is an 8 ft. X 40 ft. Tract located in the Southeast Corner of a 28.61 Acre Tract Described as A0071 A Burleson Discussion continued. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to deny request for James Clay, East Texas Sign Company, change zoning from B-1 to I-1 be denied. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Voted For - Two (Councilman Jenkins & Councilman Kincaid) Voted Against - Two (Councilman Richardson &Councilwoman Margie Braxton} Mayor Armstrong voted yes. Motion carried. Mayor Armstrong corrected herself by saying she meant to vote ncr, that the motion failed. Councilman Jenkins brought it to the Mayor's attention that someone could misinterpret the motion and the way she voted and it should be correctly stated. The motion was amended and Councilman Richardson made the motion to accept the change request for James Clay. Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. Motion carried with Voted For: Councilman Richardson, Councilwoman Braxton, and Mayor Armstrong. Voted Against: Councilman Jenkins and Councilman Kincaid City Council Minutes 7/ 19/93 Page 4 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Water Conservation and Emergency Water Development Management Plan with UTRWD Discussion followed. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins that the Water Conservation Emergency Water Development Management Plan be adopted as presented. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. Motion carried. $. Consider and Passible Action Regarding Reapplying for Texas Community Development HOME Grants Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to accept GSA offer to reapply for the HOME Grant through the Texas Community Development Program. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Councilman Jenkins amended motion to add - this would be at no cost to the City and it is for the purpose of rehabilitation of individual residences. Motion carried. 9. City Administration Report; a}, The pool is averaging over 1�Q patrons a day. b}. Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast gave a brief report on 10th Street. Larry advised he has all the wire out of the street and up on the termination places. Telephone has got all their wire in and Cablevision will have their last equipment in by sometime tomorrow. fihe Gas Company did move one meter over by the Leyhe's house. Other Such Matters a}. Councilman Richardson stated that a citizen, corner of lUth and Bolivar, keeps asking about his front yard. This citizen wants to know if it will be put back the way it used to be. Electric Superintendent advised they are not finished yet and they will try to get everything back the way it was. b}. Mayor Armstrong asked regarding the building with all the excess tires. City Administrator advised that he has to have an excess of 540 tires. City Council Minutes 7/ 19/93 Page 5 Mayor stated he does not have 500; however, he probably has 200. City Administrator advised he would try to figure out something to do about the situation. 11. Meeting adjourned. CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 7/30/93 PAGE 1 09*44 VENDOR IRV NO INV DTE PO HUM DUE DTE PUNCH ANT DISC. ANT 175 A-1 RENTAL P.O. BOX 7878 SEWER TAPE 2347701 7/07/93 12481 8/03/93 26.16 .00 42192200 26.16 CHIPPER RENTAL 2394401 7/12/93 12483 8/03/93 330.16 .00 446.0500 330.16 TOTAL 356.32 .00 2548 FIRESTORM 806 HAWES REPAIR GEAR 93299 7/22/93 12506 8/03/93 72.00 .00 416.1100 72.00 TOTAL 72.00 .00 3300 BAKER & TAYLOR COMPANY P.O. BOX 4160 BOOKS 20010093 5/27/93 12207 8/03/93 55.20 .00 475.0200 55.20 TOTAL 55.20 .00 3326 BARON LABS P.O. BOX 796726 CHEMICAL SUPPLIE 12575 7/23/93 12575 8/03/93 339.00 .00 415.2200 339.00 TOTAL 339.00 .00 3355 CINTAS UNIFORMS P.O. BOX 210037 UNIFORM SERVICE 12509 6/24/93 12509 8/03/93 264.85 .00 41690500 40.25 416.0600 48.00 416.0700 24.00 416.0800 78.00 416.1700 25.00 416.2000 12.00 42092000 37.60 TOTAL 264.85 .00 4030 BRISCOE TIRES P.O. BOX 1924 TUBE #27 23468 6/28/93 12491 8/03/93 15.95 .00 419.0500 15.95 TOTAL 15.95 .00 4125 BURRUS SUPERMARKET P. O.BOX 708 OTHER SUPPLIES-D i2368 6/07/93 12368 8/03/93 5.00 .00 413.1500 5.00 PAPER SUPPLIES 12340 6/09/93 12340 8/03/93 15.41 .00 442.0200 15.41 SPRAY/FILM 12334 6/15/93 12334 8/03/93 34.2.0 .00 418.1000 11.22 444.0300 22.98 OTHER SUPPLIES 12406 6/16/93 12406 8/03/93 31.92 .00 418.1700 31.92 DRINKS REIMB. BY 12408 6/18/93 12408 8/03/93 28.68 .00 413.0100 28.68 OTHER SUPPLIES 12449 6/21/93 12449 8/03/93 29.23 .00 413.1400 14.62 413.0100 14.61 STORYTIME SUPPLI 12342 6/22/93 12342 8/03/93 15.90 .00 4429 0200 15. 90 OTHER SUPPLIES 12468 6/29/93 12468 8/03/93 4.97 .00 CITY OF SANGER VENDOR INV NO 442.0200 DOG FOOD 12526 444.0300 SUPPLIES BUDGET 12580 413.1500 CLEANING SUPPLIE 12594 4449 0300 TOTAL AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 7/30/93 PAGE 2 09,44 V DTE PO HUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. 4.97 6/29/93 12526 8/03/93 23.37 23.37 7/06/93 12580 8/03/93 25.10 25.10 7/07/93 12594 8/03/93 8.50 8.50 222.28 11500 DENTEX SUPPLY CO., INC. 1226 DUNCAN ST. STEEL TAPE 87127 7/20/93 12616 8/03/93 93.50 418.0700 93.50 TOTAL 93.50 17700 GALL'S INC. 2470 PALUMBO DRIVE P.O. BOX 55268 REARING APPAREL 54657618 7/22/93 12507 8/03/93 187.93 41691100 187. 93 TOTAL 187.93 18700 GENE GOHLKE P.O. BOX 165 FIELD MARKER 1303 6/23/93 12412 8/03/93 36.90 424.2100 36.90 TOTAL 36.90 22000 HILZ-SNIDER CNEV., INC. PARTS #24 102096 2/26/93 419.0500 112.00 419.1700 86.26 INSPECTION 22395 3/05/93 419.0300 13.25 INSPECTION 22449 3/18/93 419.1700 13.25 PARTS 102280 3/31/93 419*0800 49.25 INSPECTION 22736 4/12/93 419.0600 13.72 PARTS UNIT #2 102336 4/14/93 419.0300 52.50 PARTS #22 102345 4/15/93 419.1700 18.21 PARTS 102406 4/24/93 419.0800 18.20 SEAL KIT 12084 4/27/93 419.0800 17.50 FLAPS #28 102470 5/08/93 419.0500 45.00 COMP, CHECK�UNIT 17786 5/11/93 419.0300 24.95 PARTS -DUMP TRUCK 102590 6/03/93 4199 0500 29. 25 PARTS 12086 7/28/93 419.0300 89.50 TOTAL 11692 8/03l93 11829 8/03/93 11841 8/03/93 11928 8/03/93 11931 8/03/93 fj 8�; r» ; r0 ■ 13.25 13.25 49.25 13.72 52.50 1a. 21 18.20 17.50 45.00 24.95 29.25 $9.50 582.84 P.O. BOX 9738 12206 8/03/93 774.18 rprj rr, sir CITY OF SANGER J 1.0, r t a 475.0200 774.18 TOTAL 24510 INLAND TRUCK PARTS CO. RENAN, DIFFERENT 1652111 7/15/93 419.0500 11250.00 TOTAL 24590 INTERSTATE BATTERIES BATTERY/ADJUSTHE 6454 419.0500 419.1700 TOTAL 24632 JESWOOD OIL COItPANY FUEL 4671 414.1100 414.0500 41490300 4149 0700 414.1700 414.0600 414.0800 TOTAL 27510 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. PARTS -SEWER MACH 7441443 41% 0700 4199 0500 4199 0500 419.0600 419.0700 419.0800 DRILL BITS 1433409A 421.2000 TOTAL 0 44 CH AMT 1 774.18 38 rj y I it 4802 ALEXAHDER P. 0. BOX 560861 6/24/93 12493 8/03/93 95.94 36.95 58.99 P.Q. BOX 2026 7/12/93 12631 8/03/93 2,083.89 36.17 571.64 557.98 79.76 157.40 180.93 500.01 2, 083.89 6/09/93 12354 8/03/93 179.35 46.14 98.96 8.56 8.56 8.56 8.57 7/28/93 12698 8/03/93 7.66 7.66 187.01 31065 MIDLAND INTERNATIONAL SERVICE MANUAL 478419 7/16/93 423ollOO 14.15 TOTAL 31629 NATL, POLICE CHIEFS & DIRECTORY 932951 4119 0300 TOTAL 32250 OFFICE E®UIPNEHT CENTER REPAIR TYPEWRITE 31449 6/17/93 412.1900 137.00 TOTAL 33000 PAYLESS CASHWAYS, INC. MISC. ELECT. SUP 066513 6/18/93 470.0800 59.84 RISC. ELECT. SUP 066743 6/22/93 POBOX 263DEPT 12640 8/03/93 14.15 14.15 rr, rtrl r;r P.O. BOX 660333 12269 8/03/93 59.84 .00 12270 8/03/93 63.07 rr; CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 7/30/93 PAGE 4 09t44 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO HUM DUE DTE PORCH ANT DISC, ANT 470, 0800 63,07 TOTAL 122.91 .00 34754 QUALATEL ENTERPRISES 1504 HIGHLAND AVE. INTERCOM/HEADSET 02728 7/12/93 12632 8/03/93 1p603.36 .00 477o llOO 1, 603. 36 TOTAL 1, 603.36 .00 34755 QUILL CORPORATION P. 0. BOX 5900 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7852933 7/12/93 12643 8/03/93 38.29 .00 411.1900 38.29 TOTAL 38.29 .00 35000 RADIO SHACK TVA 410 BOLIVAR OTHER SUPPLIES 1865 2/24/93 424.0300 3.99 OTHER SUPPLIES 1873 3/04/93 456.0300 6.69 OTHER SUPPLIES 1872 3/04/93 41990300 1989 MIC.-BUNKER GEAR 1864 3/08/93 416.1100 33.00 OTHER SUPPLIES 1884 3/18/93 411.1400 66.20 411.1500 66.20 PARTS #13 1888 3/21/93 419.0800 9.96 RADIO MIC. 1885 3/29/93 477.1100 132.00 CLEANING SUPPLIE 822 4/21/93 4199 0300 3. 99 PAGER BATTERIES 823 4/30/93 42191100 5. 39 SPEAKER 833 4/30/93 419.0300 12.95 BATTERIES 57414 5/19/93 444.0300 8.76 SWITCHES 57422 6/03/93 423.1100 3.98 OTHER SUPPLIES 57429 6/07/93 411.1400 3.99 VCR CORD/REPAIR 57435 6/09/93 464.0200 6.99 BATTERIES-FOGGER 57448 6/18/93 45690900 7.77 BATTERY 58512 6/29/93 419.2000 39.98 OTHER SUPPLIES 58528 7/16/93 419ollOO 2.79 CLAMPS 58530 7/20/93 419.1100 4.47 TOTAL P.O. BOX 297 11430 8/03/93 3.99 .00 11713 8/03/93 6.69 .00 11691 8/03/93 1.89 .00 11613 8/03/93 33.00 .00 11854 8/03/93 132.40 .00 11837 8/03/93 9.96 .00 11891 8/03/93 132.00 .00 11940 8/03/93 3.99 .00 12106 8/03/93 5.39 .00 12095 8/03/93 12.95 .00 12247 8/03/93 8.76 .00 12356 8/03/93 3.98 .00 12367 8/03/93 3.99 .00 12320 8/03/93 6.99 .00 12419 8/03/93 7.77 .00 12551 8/03/93 39.98 .00 12678 8/03/93 2.79 .00 12686 8/03/93 4.47 .00 420.99 .00 BOX 245 000 10 12431 8/03/93 514.00 .00 [Iwlil ffitsm,11"Ngi fauffllis1 d 43701 TECHLIKE, INC. MIRE/MISC. ELECT 21178 4709 0800 TOTAL 45000 TEXAS METER & SEWER CO. MISC. WATER PART 46328 421.0600 TOTAL AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANYr t , PAGE 099044 1 HUM DUE DTE PORCH ANT DISCs AM 7/12/93 1, 819.45 54127 LAURA'S LOCKSMITH REPAIR SENIOR CT 1233 7/09/93 423.1800 58.99 TOTAL TOTAL DUE WITH DISCOUNTS 18,342.53 TOTAL DUE- NO DISCOUNTS 18,342.53 G/L DEPARTMENTS ADMINISTRATION-GF 1 LIBRARY 2 POLICE 3 STREETS 5 WATER 6 WASTEWATER 7 ELECTRIC 8 PARKS 9 PUBLIC WORKS 10 FIRE 11 MAYOR & COUNCIL-GF 14 MAYOR & COUNCIL-EF 15 PUBLIC WORKS-EF 17 SULLIVAN CENTER 18 DATA PROCESSING 19 VEHICLE MAINT-EF 20 COMM. CENTER-GF 21 WASTE-WTR COLL-EF 22 ENTERPRISE FUND jjr 125 43.29 872.65 886.30 2, 538.72 91081 251.96 3,137.85 7.77 11.22 2, 095.24 84.81 96.30 391.03 58.99 175.29 97.24 36.90 365.16 6, 635.89 ri. 18, 342.53 .00 THE ARCHITECTURAL COLLECTIVE INC. Cii:y of. Sanger Sanger., Texas RE: New City Library Sanger, Texas July ] 6 , �.99:1 INVOICE T1-�E CITY O� SAi��ER ~��� ' J U L 1 9 1993 .� ��. As Per Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect, 198? Edition, dated March 15, 1993: Phase I - 15°6 x 696 x $33? , 175* = $3 , 034 , 58 *Estimated Construction Cost wi11 be changed to Actual Construction Cost at the time of Owner/Contractor Contract, and our Fee adjusted accordingly. GERALD E. STONE, A.I.A. RUSSELL L. BATES, A.I.A. 1300 N. LOCUST DENTON, TEXAS 76202-1985 ARCHITECT ARCHITECT (817) 387-4881 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Jahn Hamilton, City Administrator July 30, 1993 Awards For Volunteer Fire Fighters Chief Murrell has requested this time to honor the hard work and dedication of these very special volunteers. JH:es Attachments 2■2» !<2»»'. JIM CONLEY, STEVE»e»:<NGSWO © >y � , a . »<. w ? y . «»« »;L , «1<< « ° » » KEITH WAGGONER, © » < :< � �� �, � e:�-<2!<-° <■f � <�k <��. a�»� )N THE \HAZARDOUS: ON . .,»±»«< AT AND .:,? 138o JOHN a <a»< 2■ LI YEFF y ,A,. . . y.. . y NEWTON,BOBBY « 2' !@-NI SWANSON, ft : 2f':<»<: AN I ILSO ■ TO .. 2 . ESTABLISHMENT ■ :. BY AND THE TEAMWORK )F THE FIRE DEPT, THE SITUATION WAS HANDLED CORRECTLY AND PHIS IS < ONE >.. . WHICH .CPRESS . Tt PHANKS. PLEASE BE THERE FOR THIS PRESENTATION. mg%NKt ov�. �tuuLctiv 2IGt MURRELL, FIRE CHIEF anqer Vol. Flre Dept, Date: JULY 26, 1993 From: Bill Murrell SuujecT: PI2L,,'i'N']'ATI��N OF' F'1}:F;F]:��1J'!'ER C'LI�TII�IC'I;TE;; ro. ALL FIRE DF.PT. MEMBERS ON MONDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 2ND, AT 7:00 PM RETIRED CHIEF TUCKER AND TRAINING OFFICER KENNTH SWINDLE WILL PRESENT THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS: JOHN BERNDT, JIM CONLEY, STEVE HOLLINGSWORTH, JEFF JACKSON, JEFF MCNEILL, KEITH NEWTON, BOBBY SWAN, CALVIN TIPTON, JIMMY WAGGONER, AND CRAIG WAGGONER THEIR BASIC CERTIFICATION. ALSO THAT NIGHT JIMMY WAGGONER AND CRAIG WAGGONER WILL RECEIVE THEIR INTERMEDIATE CERTIFIATION. MARK MCNEAL, CALVIN TIPTON, AND BILL MURRELL WILL RECEIVE TRIER INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION. KEITH NEWTON WILL RECEIVE HIS CERTIFICATION COORDNITOR CERTIFICATE. THIS REPRESENTS ALMOST FIVE YEARS OF TRAINING FOR THESE GUYS TO EARN THIS. THESE ARE ONLY HOURS EARN WHILE AS A MEMBER OF S.V.F.D, THE GUYS METIONED ABOVE PLEASE BE THERE FOR YOUR AWARD. ALL OTHER MEMBERS PLEASE BE THERE TO HONOR THESE GUYS. PLEASE WEAR YOUR F.D. SHIRT. SEE YA THER>;, CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2313 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE: July 3(], 1993 SUBJECT: Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed HOME Program Grant Application. This will be the first of two required public hearings on the grant application to rehabilitate substandard housing in the community. A copy of the 1992 grant application is enclosed for your review. JH:es Enclosures GOVERNMENTAL SERVICE AGENCY, INC. VA October 2, 1992 John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266-0578 Dear John: Please find enclosed. a copy of your HOME Program grant application prepared by our firm on behalf of your city. I personally delivered your application to Austin on September 30, 1992. I would recommend that you familiarize yourself with the application in case the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs requests any additional information. However, please feel free to direct any questions to me. Good Luck! Sincerely, GOVERNMENTAL SERVICE AGENCY David K. Lewis President Enclosure Lyndon Plaza 10935 Estate Lane, Suite 475 Dallas, Texas 75238 (214) 553-7070 Fax (214) 553-7098 HOME PROGRAM APPLICATION TYPE OF APPLICANT: ✓ Unit of General Local Government Community Housing Development Organization ❑ Other Not -for -Profit Organization ❑ Public Housing Authorities TYPE OF PROGRAM: ✓ Owner Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Funds Requested: 24 �Q ❑ Rental Housing ❑ New Construction ❑ Rehabilitation ❑ Acquisition Funds Requested: $ 0 ❑ Tenant Based ;Rental Assistance Funds Requested: $ 0 Applicant: City of Sanger (pop. 3,508) Contact Person: John I-Iamiiton Title: City Manager Address: P. O. I3ox 578 City: Sanger State: Texas Zip: 76266-0578 Telephone Number: (817) 4,58-7930 Fax Number: (817) 4584180 CHAS Region: 2 -1- Congressional District: 26 Congressman: Richard "Dick" Armey State Senate District: 3 0 State Senator: Steven Carriker State House District: 61 State Representative: Ben Campbell County Judge: Jcff Moseley Address: 401 W. Hickory St., Joseph A. Carroll Courts Building City: Denton State: Texas Zip: 76201 Telephone Number: (817) 582-2371 Mayor or CEO of Municipality: Mayor Nei Armstrong Address: 1'. O. Box 578 City: Sanger State: Texas Telephone Number: (817) 458-7930 Zip: 76266-0578 Are you requesting designation as a State Recipient?Yes List previous housing experience: The City of Sanger completed the rehabilitation of 21 owner -occupied units at a cost of Wsu,144,82 under its 1982 CDBG program. Also, under its 1983 TCDP, the city rehabilitated 42 units of owner -occupied and 14 units of renter -occupied units for a cost of $320,874. Past experience and .performance in utilizing HUD Cash Management Information (C/MI) System: The city does not have any direct experience, however, the city will contract with Governmental Service to assist it in utilizing the HUD Cash Management System. GSA has experience in setting tip C/MI systems. Certification by public official that municipality has experience and capacity to manage funds in accordance with applicable federal and state requirements: See Applicant Certification, Sec. 5 I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Statement detailing experience in developing, managing and owning affordable housing similar to the types of activities proposed to be undertaken with HOME monies. Include years of experience, roles and responsibilities (program administrator, developer, sponsor, manager, etc.), types of programs administered and/or utilized (rental rehabilitation, owner -occupied rehabilitation, Section 8, new construction, home : ownership, etc.), specific housing projects completed (list address, number of units, current status, average annual funding amount and number of units/households assisted per year, staff size and qualifications, any efforts which have included private monies or donations, any major findings concerning housing programs within last three years and how these have been resolved, types of financial assistance provided (loans, grants, deferred payment loans, interest subsidies, loan guarantees, etc.). The City of Sanger has previous experience in administering all aspects of housing rehabilitation programs. In 1982, the city successfully completed a $186,144.82 rehabilitation program for 21 owner -occupied housing units under a Texas Community Development Program grant. Also, the city rehabilitated 14 owner -occupied units and 14 renter -occupied units at a cost of $320,874 under its 1983 Texas Community Development Program. Grants were used for the owner -occupied units and 50% grants were provided to landlords. The city has also worked with private developers and the Farmer's Home Administration in securing FmHA assisted housing development within the city. Additionally, the city has maintained a regular city building inspection program. The city intends to contract with Governmental Service Agency, Inc. to assist in the general program administration and the preparation of work write-ups and final inspections. Governmental Service Agency, Inc. has signficant experience in administering housing rehabilitation programs funded through the Small Cities Community Development Program and HUD's Community Development Block Grant Program. Mr. Lewis, owner of the firm, has attended several rehabilitation training programs sponsored by the Department of Housing & Urban Development and has personally managed $996,310 in owner -occupied and relocation programs. Mr. Lewis also initiated the Section 8 while employed for the City of Ennis in 1979. The firm has also turn -keyed another $951,294 in housing rehabilitation for owner -occupied, renter - occupied, and optional relocation programs. In addition, the firm has written and assisted numerous other cities in managing housing rehabilitation programs amounting to over $3.2 million. Please see Appendix A of this application for GSA's housing rehabilitation program experience. B. What is the timetable for commitment of funds to projects? For each activities for which funds are being requested, provide a chart outlining the major steps involved and timeframe for each. Specifically list the approximate number of days when you will begin making funds available to property owners of rental housing. (HOME funds must be committed within 20 months from the date that funds are awarded. The state will award additional points to applicants that provided evidence of their ability.) The City projects that it will be able to complete die program in 20 months according to the following timeframe: Description of Activity Prepare program guidelines and forms. Publish application notice. Accept applications and verify eligibility. Rank applications and commit funding. Make initial inspections and prepare work write-ups. Solicit bids from construction contractors. Construction and progress inspections. Final Inspections and payments. Closeout Completion Date 1st month 2nd month 3rd-4th month Sth month 6tfi-8th month 7th-9th month 8th -1 8th month 8th -18th month 20th month -3- C. Describe the area In which housing activities will be conducted (e.g., city-wide, a particular neighborhood, etc.). Provide as much detail as possible on the characteristics of residents and the condition of housing that will be assisted. The rehabilitation work will be city-wide. D. Wiii housing activities be conducted in an area impacted by a desegregation order agreement? No If yes, provide a statement addressing the c(rcumstances of the violations and any potential impact the proposed program may have on implementing such desegregation order, agreement, or plan. E. Provide information on minority or woman owned enterprises that will be participating in your program and their role. Describe how you will address required procedures encouraging minority and women owned business participation in your program to the maximum extent possible. city will establish a M/WBE contracting goal of 20%. To accomplish this, the city will contact state and federal agencies (e.g., Texas Department of Commerce, Small Business Administration, General Services Agency, the Office of Minority Business Enterprise, and the Minority Business Development Agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce) in helping to identify potential M/WBE construction contractors and suppliers. The city will place announcements of bidding and procurement opportunities in newspapers of general circulation, the Texas Marketplace electronic bulletin board, and the nearest Minority Business Development Center. Also, contractors will be required to demonstrate a "good faith effort" to ensure the participation of M/WBE owned businesses and subcontractors in order to achieve the 20% M/WBE contracting goal. The city will also file Minority Business Enterprise Reports until the program is completed. F. Rehabilitation Standards 1 . Does your community have an adopted Housing Code? No if yes, name of code used: N/A 2. Does your rehabilitation program have written property rehabilitation standards and program specifications? Yes 3. Will the proposed rehabilitation of properties involve reconstruction? No If reconstruction is anticipated, provide an explanation of the conditions under which reconstruction will be conducted. Note that reconstruction is only allowed if it is not cost effective to rehabilitate the property. Include in your explanation a discussion of how cost effectiveness will be evaluated and documented. Also, provide a discussion of how cost effectiveness will be evaluated and documented. Also, provide a discussion of measures that will be used (e.g., photos, property inspections) to ensure that reconstructed property Is "substantially similar" to the structure being replaced. G. Program Priorities 1 Describe the need for the proposed housing In the area. Any documentation which supports the finding of need (including market studies, census data, Section a waiting lists, studies, rent surveys, vacancy information, etc.) should be submitted. All of the information presented below indicates a need for housing assistance and programs. 198U Ccnst� -According to the 198U Census, ol'thc 9U1 occupied housing units, 13U units (14.4%) were valued at less than $20,000. The 1980 Census reported that the household income for Sanger was only $13,877 compared to $16,708 for the State of Texas. Sanger's per capita income was only $5,791 compared to $7,206 for the State of Texas. Also, 12.5% of Sanger's residents fell below the poverty level. 1-iousin�Studv -According to a housing survey conducted in August 1987, of the 1,410 units identified, 256 units were classified as being substandard or dilapidated 1990 Census -According to the 1990 Census, there were 1,388 housing units in Sanger, of which 157 were vacant (11.3%). Of the 1,231 occupied units, 860 are owner -occupied and 371 are renter occupied. Of the owner -occupied housing units, 49% of the units were Zalued at less than $50,000, The average number of persons per household is 2.8. Over 15.7% of Sanger's population is over 60 years of age and 35% are below 21 years of age. Also, 22.3% of the households in Sanger are headed by females or person 65 years of older and living alone. 2. Describe community support for this proposal including the names of local government officials, neighborhood groups, public agencies, and/or private individuals who are supportive of this proposal. Discuss how you will involve a broad range of community representatives, including persons who may expect to reside in the proposed housing, in the development of housing under this program. This program has the full support of the entire governing body of the city. The City Council held a public hearing on August 31, 1992 to solict input from citizens regarding the submission and design of this HOME Program project. The city will also create a Housing Advisory Board to assist in the reviewing and ranking of all applications and to make funding recommendations to the City Council. This board will consist of a broad range of citizens of the community. 3. Describe how you will maximize private sector participation in the HOME program (examples of private sector participation may include financial support from lenders, a foundation, in -kind donations, involvement of private entities in the development and rehabilitation of properties or delivery of support services). The city intended to coordinate its program with Community Services, Inc. of Corsicana which offers grants for weatherization improvements in order to help leverage the HOME Progam funds. However, Community Services, Inc. refused to commit any weatherization assistance to the City of Sanger since they are committing all of the units for Denton County to the City of Denton. We believe the City of Sanger should not be penalized for leveraging. -5- The City Administrator and City Secretary will be responsible for accepting and processing applications received. The city will also absorb the cost of publishing notices and absorb the audit costs. The estimated value of this in -kind service is $5,172.60. 4. Have you applied for Texas Community Development Program funds for improvements related to the proposed housing program? Describe your plans to integrate CDBG funded activities with the proposed housing improvements. Yes, the city is applying for TCDP funds to assist it in the upgrading of sewer collection system improvements which will serve many of the substandard homes within the city and which are located within a low/moderate income neighborhood. 5. Describe how the proposed program reflects a particularly new or Innovative approach for meeting housing needs in the area served. This will be a new program which will aid the city in helping its citizens with conserving affordable housing units through the proposed rehabilitation efforts. l OWNER OCCUPIED HOUSING REHABILITATION 1. FINANCIAL DESIGN A. Describe below the amount %J HOME funds you are requesting for this activity. How many units do you expect to rehabilitate with these funds? The city is requesting $240,000 to undertake the rehabilitation of 20 owner -occupied units. B. Describe the forms of financial assistance your program will provide to homeowners (e.g., interest bearing or non -interest bearing loans, deferred payment loans, etc.). Include rate and terms and security instruments to be used and whether loans are assumable. Describe circumstances under which loans would be forgiven. (The State of Texas will only accept applications for loans or deferred payment loans of HOME funds. The deferred payment loans may be forgiven over time. Applicants may structure their loan program according to local needs and their ability to service loans. Tl�e city will offer deferred loans which will be forgiven over alive -year period at a rate of 20% per year. A loin will be filed for record at the County Courthouse indicating the terms and conditions of the note. C. What is the maximum dollar amount of assistance you will allow per unit? $13,000 (This will permit up to a $1,000 for change orders, if necessary) What is the average dollar amount of assistance projected for each unit to be assisted? $12,000 D. If you are providing loans which require monthly repayments, describe tl�e underwriting criteria you will use to determine feasibility. N/A E. Describe your procedures for loan servicing, (payment collection, late payments, etc.) N/A F. What procedures will you use to ensure that the rehabilitation performed continues to benefit low Income persons? For example, do you Intend to recapture a portion of the assistance provided upon sale of the property? All monies recaptured as a result of the sale or other disposal of the assisted property by the original owner will be returned to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, G. Attach a list of other sources of monies which will be provided to owner occupied rehabilitation (i.e., CDBG, private monies, donations, weatherization, general funds, administrative costs) attach evidence of funding for each source of monies. Include amount, terms, timing, and contact agency or person for each. Detail local contributions being made to this application. Specifically identify the source and amount of funds that will be used to administer the program. -7- The city intends to leverage the HOME program funds with in -kind labor for general administration and will absorb the cost of the publication of notices and audit costs. The estimated value is $5,172.60. City Secretary (19.86 his. @ $150) $ 2,979.00 City Administrator (40 hrs. @ $33.59) $17343.60 Notice and Advertisements $350.00 Audit Cost $500.00 II. INCOME TARGETING A. Please indicate the number of units targeted for HOME assistance on the table below. Note that HOME funds for owner occupied rehabilitation can only be used to assist persons earning no more than 80% of the Area Median Income. DESCRIPTION # of Units % of Totai Number of HOME assisted units between 61 % - 80% of median income 2 1 0 % Number of HOME assisted units between 51 % - 60% of median income 2 1 0 % Number of HOME assisted units less than 50% of median income 16 80% TOTAL: 20 100% B. Describe your procedures for selecting eligible recipients (e.g., first come first serve, lowest income, eic.) The city will advertise for applications in its local newspaper and accept applications for a period of 30 days. Upon receipt of the applications, each application will be screened for eligibility and completeness. After verification for eligibility, the applications will be scored in accordance with a pre -selected rating system which favors low and very low income persons, elderly persons, larger families, and disabled persons. The ranked applications will then be submitted to an advisory board composed of residents, city staff/officials, and other community leaders. The advisory board will then approve the final ranking all of the applications and submit their recommendations to the city's governing body for approval. C. What process will be used to verify income eligibility in order to restrict your owner occupied. rehabilitation assistance to low-income homeowners whose gross annual income does not exceed 80% of the median family income for your county. The city staff will require proof of income for all applicants to determine eligibility. All applicants will be required to sign an affidavit stating that they have reported all of their annual income and assets on their application filed with the city. Each applicant will also be required to sign verification forms releasing state, federal, and private agencies to provide the city with verification of income. (e.g., applicants receiving social security and medicare payments will request the Social Security Administration to provide proof of income, applicants employed will request that the employer provide proof of income, etc.) Only applicants with incomes that do not exceed 80% of the median family income for the county will be considered for assistance. -8- D. Do you groups: anticipate providing assistance to any of the following population DESCRIPTION # of Units % of Total Elderly 62+ 1 6 80% Larcie Families 5 or more ersons 2 1 0% Housing for Persons with Disabilities 2 1 0 % TOTAL: 20 100 E. How will ownership of individuals be determined and how will you verify that the unit to receive assistance is the principal residence of the owner? What forms of ownership will be accepted in your program? (If working with contract for deed, explain how ownership interest will be obtained prior to HOME funding.) Ownership will be determined by chccking deeds of trust and other forms of ownership records which are on file in the office of the County Records office. Deeds of Trust and fee simple titles will be the only acceptable forms of ownership accepted. III. REHABILITATION PROCEDURES A. What property rehabilitation standards will be used for owner -occupied rehabilitation? At a minimum the HOME program requires Section 8 Housing Quality Standards. If your program will provide substantial rehabilitation (greater than $25,000 per unit), what process will be used to ensure that HOME assisted units meet not only Section 8 Housing Quality Standards but • local codes, local rehabilitation standards, zoning ordinances, and cost effective energy conservation and effectiveness standards of 24 CFR Part 39? D's Section 8 Housing Quality Standards. B. Describe in general terms the types of repairs which would be undertaken with HOME funds on a typical unit. What is your estimate of the average cost for these repairs? The type of eligible repairs will include: foundation and other structural repairs and ical improvements, roof repairs, weatherization and energy -type improvements, electr system improvements and repairs, plumbing system improvements and repairs, heating and ventilating system improvements and repairs, the repairing of wall cracks and holes, the replacement of bad windows, the installation of window and door locks, the removal of lead paint, infestation control, and handicapped accessibility improvements. The actual cost per unit will be based on the required repairs. It is anticipated that the average cost will be approximately $12,000 per unit. C. Describe your procedures for qualifying and selecting contractors (e.g. reviewing past construction experience, checking references, verifying sources). For each contractor you have identified, provide a copy of the completed Contractor Eligibility Verification Form. All contractors must be cleared by the Department. Only certified contractors will be permitted to perform rehabilitation work. Contractors will be required to complete a local application for contractor certification prior to the awarding of any bid(s) to them. Each contractor will be required to furnish information regarding their legal status (corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship), length of time -9( in business, tax identification number, work and supplier references, proof of workers compensation and general liability insurance, credit references, a credit report, and proof of financial ability to complete the construction work. This information will be reviewed and verified for accuracy and completeness. Additionally, a Contractor Eligibility Verification Form will be submitted to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs prior the award of any bid to the contractor to determine to insure the contractor is not disbarred from receiving federal contracts. D. Describe procedures for performing housing inspections. Who will conduct initial property inspections to determine the type of work needed to address property rehabilitation standards if other than local housing official? Provide evidence of their qualifications to conduct Inspections. The city intends to contract with a qualified professional to perform the work write-ups and the interim and final inspections. Punch lists will be prepared by the rehabilitation inspector if work has not been satisfactorily completed. Before final payment is made to a rehabilitation contractor, the homeowner, the rehabilitation 'inspector, and the Mayor shall sign off that all work has been satisfactorily completed. The contractor will also furnish an all bills paid affidavit and release of lien forms from all laborers, subcontractors, and vendors before payment is released. The contractor will also be required to file a one-year warranty on workmanship and materials before final payment is released. E. What process will be used to determine appraised value? Who will perform this service? All properties will require a current appraisal prior to approval to verify that after rehabilitation value will not exceed the 203(b) limits for your area. (See Maximum Appraised Value, Exhibit 10 and Income Limits of eligible households, Exhibit 6.) The current tax valuation will serve as the basis for determining that the after rehabilitation value will not exceed the 203(b) limits. Where the current tax valuation is disputed, an independent appraiser will be consulted. F. Describe your procedures for payout on construction work completed, the timing of construction inspections, and certification for completion. Contractors will be paid upon completion of at least 50% of the work and the balance upon 100% completion and final inspection. Once the contractor has completed at least 50% of the work, the contractor may submit a partial pay request. Upon receipt of the partial pay request, a progress inspection will be conducted to insure that at least 50% of the work has been completed. Upon completion of all work, the contractor will submit a final pay request. Upon receipt of the final pay request, a final inspection will be conducted. If the final inspection reveals additional work which is necessary prior to final payment, a punch list wi11 be given to the contractor. All items on the punch list must be completed before final payment can be made. Also, the contractor must execute a one-year warranty agreement on his or her work and file an affidavit that all bills from laborers, subcontractors, and material suppliers have been paid along with a waiver of lien from all laborers, subcontractors, and material suppliers. G. Describe procedures for determining the cost reasonableness of work to be performed. Who will be responsible for reviewing construction costs and what are their qualifications? In determining the reasonableness for all work to be performed, each bid will be reviewed with other similar bids and compared with published cost estimator books. H. If you proposed to use self-help describe how your program will operate Including types of work performed and supervision and training provided. Describe your procedures for completion of work should self- help not prove satisfactory over anticipated timeframes. No self-help projects will be pernlitted. -11- APPLICANT CERTIFICATION Sec. 1: The applicant certifies that all Information in this application and all information furnished In support of this application is given for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the HOME Program and is true and complete to the best of the applicant's knowledge and belief, Sec, 2: The applicant understands and agrees that if false Information is provided in Its application which has the effect of Increasing the applicant's competitive advantage, the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs may hold the applicant ineligible to apply for HOME funds for a period of two years or until any issue of restitution is resolved and may terminate the applicant's contract and recapture all funds expended. Verification of any of ih© information contained In this application may be obtained from any source named herein. The State also reserves the right to require audited financial statements of each development team member as a part of its underwriting process. Sec. 3: The applicant shall not, In the provision of services, or in any other manner, discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, familial status or handicap. Sec. 4: The applicant will at ail times Indemnify and hold harmless the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDCHA) against all losses, costs, damages, expenses, and liabilities of any nature directly or indirectly resulting from, arising out of or relating to TDCHA's acceptance, consideration, approval, or disapproval of this result and the Issuance or non -issuance of HOME funds herewith, Sea 5: The applicant hereby certifies that it has sutficlent experience and capacity to manage funds in accordance with all applicable federal*and state requirements. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly auihori2ed, has caused this document to be executed In its name on the 24 day of September 1992, Signature: Title: Mayor, City of Sanger ti �.....::-..... ....._.......:..:..... _.. .. LLy Services, Inc. P. 0. Box 612 Tel. 903/872 2401 lt> lJilcm i.t, ht_�y �oncer;)� �zEaEEc� to eSezve Texas75151 September 18, 1992 It i.-: our understanding that the City of Sanger is submitting an application to the Texas Department of Community Affairs for HOME program funds to provide loans to low/moderate income families to rehabilitate substandard properties. The financial resources that will be made available to these persons through this application will fill.a significant need of our community. Our agency has worked hard for many years with the low/ moderate income families within the community by providing materials and .tabor for necessary structural repairs to make these homes safe and sanitary for families to continue to oc::cupy 1-heir houses, and we support the submission of the City of ranger HOME application. SinrelY, ,(u � 4') R . Kafrips�c. lI i� l.J J V APPI;NllIX A HOUSING IZCIIABILI'1'ATION LXI'1✓RICNCi; The following list represents programs which leave been personally administered by Mr. David K. Lewis while with the City of Ennis and Governmental Service Agency, Inc. Duties included the preparation of guidelines, processing and verification of applications, preparation of work -write ups, 1r1tCI'ltll and fltlal 111specttonS, and project close-out. Year Program ctcyicots,rry Unite Assisted Program Cost 1979 CDBG City of Ennis 14 owner $110,688.59 1980 CDBG City of Ennis 13 owner $99,883.10 1981 CDBG City of Ennis 27 owner $222,123.00 1981 CDI3G City of Itasca 10 owner $96,958.75 1982 CDBG City of Pilot Point 4 owner $22,632.50 1982 CDBG City of Pilot Point 6 relocations $217,029.50 1984 TCDP City of Forney 12 owner $99,432.71 1984 TCDP Navarro County 6 owner $117,562.20 Total: $986,310.35 The following list represents programs which have been personally administered by the staff of Governmental Service Agency, Inc. Duties included the preparation of guidelines, processing and verification of applications, preparation of work -write ups, interim and final inspections, and project close-out. Year Program CitylCounty Units Assisted Program Cost 1982 CDBG City of Franklin 16 owner $146,202.91 1982 CDBG City of Franklin 1 relocation $24,562.00 1982 CDBG City of Italy 25 owner $193,835.61 1982 CDBG City of Italy 3 renter $23,500.00 1982 CDBG City of Italy 5 relocations $112,600.85 1984 TCDP City of I-Iubbarcl 17 owner $138,826.17 1985 TCDP City of Ilubbard 14 owner• $115,215.26 1985 'TCDP City of I-lubbarcl 14 renters $96,55192 Total: $851,294.72 The following list represents other programs Ind clients which have been assisted by Governmental Service Agency, Inc. Duties included the preparrtion of guidelines, procedures and forms and staff training and general oversight. 1'enr Progrnnc CitylCourrty Units ns,risted Program Cost 1976 CDBG City of Corsicana 8 owner $30,000.00 1976 CDBG City of Kleberg 4 owner $23,866.00 1977 CDBG City of Corsicana 3 owner $15,000.00 1977 CDBG City of Ennis 14 owner $65,303.00 1977 CDBG City of Hillsboro 23 owner $88,000.00 1977 CDBG City of Jewett 16 owner $76,400.00 1977 CDBG City of Balch Springs 13 owner $69,107.00 1977 CDBG City of Kleberg 20 owner $101,134.00 1977 CDBG City of Dawson 22 owner $105,000.00 1977 CDBG City oI' Franklin 14 owner $59,530.00 1978 CDBG City of Worsham 22 owner $136,145.00 1979 CDBG City of Corsicana 30 owner $194,411.56 1979 CDBG City of Balch Springs 17 owner $1.15,688.59 1980 CDBG City of Franklin 15 owner $111,143..55 1981 CDBG City of Royce City 17 owner $116,493.24 1981 CDBG City of Royce City 5 relocations $88,495.97 1981 CDBG City of Blooming Grove 8 owner $37,511.14 1981 CDBG City of Blooming Grove 3 relocations $70,000.00 1982 CDBG City of Bnnis 27 owner $222,123.00 1982 CllBG City of Sanger 21 owner $186,144.82 1983 'TCDP City oC Sanger 5G owner $320,874.00 1983 TCDP City of Corsicana 13 owner $57,017.50 1983 TCDP Jobs Bill City of Corsicana 33 owner $150,000.00 1983 TCDP City of Terrell 65 owner $307,000.00 1983 TCDP City of Ferris 10 owner $96,514.50 1985 TCDP City of'I'errell 10 owner $97,730.00 1985 � 'I'RRP City of Terrell 21 rental $178,159.62 198G TCDP City of Ferris 10 owner $100,540.00 Total: $3,219,332.49 CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDiJM #231� TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE: July 30, 1993 SUBJECT: Maintenance Agreement for 1-35 Ligy1ting Larry Yoast has reviewed this agreement and notes no exceptions. Staff believes the Highway Department has submitted this document in reference to the City's efforts to have a light pole repaired on the West side of I-35 that was knocked down in November, 1992. JH:eh Attachments P.O. BOX 3067 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75221-3067 • (214) 320-6100 July 15, 1993 Control I.11. 35 Denton 195-2 County Mr. John Ilami-]_ton City Adm:ini.strat:or. City of Sanger P. 0. Drawer 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Nlr. Hamilton: The City and State current]_y have maintenance and operation of safety to safety ]_fighting on I.I[. 35 �.n the provides for the State to contract and power. A cony of this agreement i J U L 1 9 1993 �� ������ ;, �.-� �-r.�,1^ ,,.., an agreement for lighting which City of Sanger. thru the City f construction, is app]_icahle This agreement �r maintenance s attached for your reference. It has come to our attention that the City of Sanger no longer wishes to act as contractor for maintenance. Accordingly, we are transmitting to you three (3) conies of an agreement for your execution that provides for the State to maintain and contract for power. This new agreement will supersede the existing agreement. Please have this agreement executed and return two (2) counterpart copies with the resolution to this office for further handling. Attachments SinceY�e]�y, :� G��� �J' Ler y ,` Wallen, P.E. Dine b�' of Transportation �: Operations An Equal Opportunity Employer 1 AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF SAFETY LIGHTING SYSTEMS WITHIN MUNICIPALITIES (State Maintains and Contracts for Power) (Blanket Agreement) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TRAVIS This AGREEMENT dated this 19 , by and between the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "State," party of the first part, acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation, and the City of County, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized officers under a resolution or ordinance passed the day of , 19 hereinafter called the "City," party of the second part. W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, in order to provide a more adequate facility to the traveling public, the construction, maintenance and operation of certain safety lighting systems is required within the corporate limits of the City. Within the City, said safety lighting system hereinafter referred to as the "lighting system" is to consist of safety lighting to be built in sections as financed and designated by the Texas Transportation Commission; and WHEREAS, the Executive Director, acting for and in behalf of the Texas Transportation Commission, has made it known to the City that the State will construct, maintain and operate said lighting systems, subject to the conditions and provisions stated herein, as provided for in Highway Commission Minute Order No. 82420 and Article 6673b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes. 1 of 4 (.� Form 1397 v 11-91 A G R E E M E N T NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties hereto to be by them respectively kept and performed as hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows: 1. CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES a. The State will prepare or provide for the plans and specifications, advertise for bids, let the construction contract, or otherwise provide for the construction, and will supervise construction, reconstruction or betterment work as required by said plans and specifications. As a project is developed to construction stage, either as a unit or in increments, the State will submit plans and specifications of the proposed work to the City and will secure the City's consent to construct the lighting system prior to awarding the contract; said City consent to be signified by the signatures of duly authorized City officers in the spaces provided on the title sheet of plans containing the following notation: "Attachment No. to special AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF SAFETY LIGHTING SYSTEMS WITHIN MUNICIPALITIES, dated The City -State construction, maintenance and operation responsibilities shall be as heretofore agreed to, accepted, and specified in the Agreement to which these plans are made a part." b. All costs of construction, maintenance and operation of the lighting system will be borne by the State, remain the property of the State. 2 of 4 and the lighting system will �It,� Form 1397 lJ t� 11- 91 1 .r,,, C�tu of -: �-'f�j�iV�a . July £3 , 1991 Mr. Leroy J. Wallen, P.E. District Traffic Safety Engineer State Department of Highway and Public Transportation P.O. Box 3067 Daiias, Texas 7522:1-3067 Dear Mr. Wallen: The State's payment for electrical energy of the safety lighting system shall be based on the rate schedule of: $ 9.00 facility charge winter rates (November thru May) summer rates (June thru October) 0.043769 0.054254 These rates went into effect October 1, 1990. per all KW per all KW If you need any additional information, please contact our office. Sincerely, �G2t�y Cindy //Barrow Billing Clerk 7u r� i; . �� :.�. � v . t; . J •,, �. _, _ _ . r,: ..------- ....--� ,: i3.0,W, �n�;Y'. �__._.___... .�:.. � i=n1:� � , v `�,s� t 1 � � Gr��;:�;:f;nt � � Pr c��� A n c? . t �` No�te�r�n. ( i -- see D . � . ,t; ;l� �i��%> �Q sos SOLtVAR STREET BANGER, TF.�CAS 76at66 a17.4S817930 P.O. Box 3067 Dallas, Texas, 75221-3067 October 28, 1988 Control: 195-2 Highway: I. H. 35 County : Denton Mr. Jerry D. Linn Director of Public Works City of Sanger P.O. Drawer 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mr. Linn: Please find attached for your files, a completely executed agreement for the installation of safety illumination on I.H.35 within the City of Sanger. We currently estimate that construction of this project can be let in June 1989. Attachment LJW:kw cc: Watters Bird RF C-8 (with agreement) By: Sincerely, Arnold W. Oliver, P.E. District Engineer Leroy �! Wallen, P.E. District Traffic Safety Engineer • �..i v . L1S61 . Dist nst . End F.O.W. End COMMISSION ROBERT H. DEDMAN, CHAIRMAN JOHN R. BUTLER, JR., P.E. RAY STOKER, JR. STATE DEI'ARTMIN"C OF 1-i1G1iWAYS AND 1'UIILIC TRANSPORTATION 1)I4:WI7T C. GI41,141t SfATP, IIIGIIWAY III,I)G. 11111 h IMAMS AUSfIN, TEXAS 78701-2483 October 21, 1988 Lighting Agreement City of Sanger Control: Highway: County : 195-2 I.H. 35 Denton Mr. Arnold W. Oliver District Engineer Dallas, Texas 75221 Dear Mr. Oliver: Tr�nS. No. I8 OCT ti7 1Q88 Dallas, Texas RECEIVED ENGINEER -DIRECTOR R. E. STOTZER, JR,, P.E. IN REPLY REFER TO: D-18ST0 Attached for your file and distribution is a copy of the subject agreement executed between the State and the City of Sanger. The original agreement is being retained for the files of the Safety and Traffic Operations Section of the Maintenance and Operations Division, CAR:clb Attachments Sincerely, Bob G. Hodge, P.E., Chief Maintenance and Operations Dist. Engr. Asst. Oist. i Const. Eng Dsgn. Engr --�ydm. Engr. aint. Eng R.O.W. End, FILE Engineer Division Action ( � Advise ( Comment Prep Ans. Note-rtn: See D. E. t AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF SAFETY LIGHTING SYSTEMS WITHIN MUNICIPALITIES (State Contracts thru City for Maintenance and Power) (Blanket Agreement) STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § THIS AGREEMENT dated this 15th day of August 19 g8 by and between the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "State", party of the first part, and the City of Sanger Denton County, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized officers under a resolution or ordi- Hance passed the 15th day of Auqust 19 88 hereinafter called the "City," party of the second part. W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, in order to provide a more adequate facility to the traveling public, the construction, maintenance and operation of certain safety lighting systems is required within 'the corporate limits of the City. Within the City, said safety lighting system hereinafter referred to as the "lighting system" is to consist of safety lighting to be built in sections as financed and designated by the State Highway and Public Transportation Commission; and WHEREAS, the Engineer -Director, acting for and in behalf of the State Highway and Public Transportation Commission, has made it known to the City that the State will construct, maintain and operate said lighting systems, subject to the conditions and provisions stated herein, as provided for in Highway Commission Minute Order No. 82420. 1-6 Form 1400 12-84 AGREEMENT Y0�1 THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties hereto to be by them respectively kept and performed as hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows: 1. CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES a. The State will prepare or provide for the plans and specifications, adver- tine for bids, let the construction contract, or otherwise provide for the construc- tion, and will supervise construction, reconstruction or betterment work as required by said plans and specifications. As a project is developed to construction stage, either as a unit or in increments, the State will submit plans and specifications of the proposed work to the City and will secure the City's consent to construct the lighting system prior to awarding the contract; said City consent to be signified by the signatures of duly authorized City officers in the spaces provided on the title sheet of plans containing the following notation: "Attachment No. to special AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF SAFETY LIGHTING SYSTEMS WITHIN MUNICIPALITY, dated The City -State construction, maintenance and operation responsibilities shall be as heretofore agreed to, accepted, and specified in the Agreement to which these plans are made a part." b. All costs of construction, maintenance and operation of the lighting system will be borne by the State, and the lighting system will remain the property of the State. 2 of 6 Form 1400 12-84 2. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION RESPONSIBILITIES a. The State hereby agrees to reimburse the City for the costs incurred by the City in maintaining and operating the lighting system, Those costs will be based upon the amount of electrical energy used and upon actual maintenance operations directly chargeable to the lighting system and shall not include a proration of admi- nistrative or overhead costs. b. The quantity of electrical energy used by the lighting system shall be determined by meters at each point of service. Alternately, when agreed upon by both parties, the amount of electrical energy for monthly billing purposes shall be deter- mined by multiplying the sum of the input wattages of the luminaires by 333 hours or other mutually agreeable operational hours. c. The State's payment for the electrical energy of the safety lighting system shall be based on Rate Schedule -0.051744 er kilowatt hour , dated August 15, 1988 of the Sanger electric System (utility company or municipal department) as shown on Exhibit II attached hereto and made apart hereof, and hereinafter referred to as the "rate schedule" plus other charges hereinafter described. At such time as the rate schedule is revised, the City shall forward a copy of the revised schedule to the State. d. Maintenance shall be provided for by the City or its authorised agent on a force account basis. The State will reimburse the City for: (1) the cost of all labor at the prorated payroll costs and for equipment rental costs for the actual time spent in maintaining the lighting system, and (2) the actual cost of the materials and parts used in maintaining the lighting system. This maintenance includes: 34 Form 1400 0 42 12-84 Replacement of illumination assemblies that are damaged or destroyed Replacement of transformer stations or service poles and appurtenances that are damaged or destroyed Repairing or replacement of underground conductors Luminaire glass breakage Replacement of obsolescent equipment for the safety lighting system Replacement of lamps and ballasts e. The City hereby agrees to operate, either directly or indirectly through the city's authorized agent, the lighting system in an efficient manner and to promptly make repairs and replacements as needed to maintain full and efficient operation of the lighting system. The City hereby agrees that assignment of maintenance and/or operating duties to a third party does not relieve the City of the repsonsibility for enforcement of these provisions. 3. PAYMENT a. All requests by the City for payment for electrical energy and main- tenance operations shall be properly certified and submitted by the City to the District Engineer of the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation at nalla G Texas. Such requests for payment shall be in accordance with forms prescribed by the State and shall be submitted at not less than monthly intervals. The City will maintain a system of records necessary to support and establish the eligibility of all claims for payment under the terms of this Agreement. When requested by the State, the City will permit and assist in an audit by an auditor of the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation of this record and any other records of the City which pertain to the costs of electrical maintenance and operational cost as covered by the terms of this Agreement. 4-6 Form 1400 12-84 b. The State's financial obligation for reimbursement for electrical power and maintenance to the City will not exceed an annual cost of 1 33500.00 4. INDEMNIFICATION To the extent permitted by law, the City shall indemnify and save harmless the State, its agents or employees, from all suits, actions or claims and from all -liabi- lity and damages for any and all injuries or damages sustained by any person or pro- perty in consequence of any neglect in the performance, or failure of performance of the City, its agents and employees under this Agreement. 5. GENERAL a. The State's obligation for operation and maintenance of the lighting system shall cease should the route on which it is located be dropped from the State Highway System. b. This Agreement will cease to apply to sections of the lighting system in the event that those sections are removed or become apart of a continuous illumination system. c. This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of two years from the date that it is signed by the State, and it is understood by both parties that at the end of the initial two-year period the Agreement will be automatically renewed for two year periods thereafter unless modified by mutual agreement of both parties. In the event that the lighting system installed in accordance with this Agreement becomes unnecessary or is removed for any reason, this Agreement will terminate. Form 1400 12-84 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have thereunto affixed their signatures, The City of Sanger, Texas on the 15th day of August 19 88 Public Transportation on the 19 ATTEST: A Rosalie Garcia City Secretary and the State Department of Highways and CITY OF Sanger, Texas A4ayor Net Armstrong iJ (Title of Signing Officia THE STATE OF TEXAS Certified as being executed for the purpose vand effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, established policies, or work programs heretofore approved and authorized by the State Highway and Public Transportation Commission: APPROVED: By: ' Chief Engineer Maintenance and Operations Division DATE: /D- 25-�8 F: 6-6 Form 1400 12-84 City ofi Sanger^ RESOLUTION ##R'�•-88 IrJHEF2EA5, the 5ar,gE�r City Ut i 1 it y Board recommended to the City Ccour,ci l of the City of Sanger that lighting of ift 335 f cgrll the South City 1ir,7its of Sanger to the North City limits be requested of the State Department Of Highways Arid Public I rarisp[,rtat ior, Of Texas, and bJHEREAS, the Sanger City Counci 1 is ir, aUreernent that Z:�_Ir_tI 1 ight ing wO„Uld be a safety factor for those traveling throuLi#-, _l�w city and those that exit into our city, and WHEKEAS, the C[,unci 1 agrees that street 1 fight in❑ ,_,F intersections Loop 138, SoLIth exit, Nc,rth exit, and Ffhl Hig#Iway f45tJ exit would be of benefit. NOGJ, "(HEREFORE BE S"f RESOLVED that the City C[„_inci l of tPie� City of Sanger does hereby pass Res olt_it ion R9: 88 reque3st ing the State Department Of Highways Arid Public Trar,spcirtat ion to ccir,struct all lightinq that conditions warrant and that the State. IDepwrtmer,t Of Highways Arid Public Transportation will appr•%c,ve d[iir,q PASSED AtJD A�'t`'ROVED the 15 day of August__ , 1"�8�.i by t#'te City Cc�_ir,ci 1 [,f the City o% Sar,yer. �� ilel Armstrong, May ft,_ _ ,a 1 i. e C.•arc i a, C i ty Secret ary MEMORANDUM #2311 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: W l y OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrate July 30, 1993 Administration Report 1}. Governmental Service Agency, at no cost to the City, is re -submitting a grant request to the 1993 Texas Community Development Program (TCDP) competition. In 1992, the City was not funded. This proposal is to construct a new sewer line from the GNB Building, east to about Second Street along FM 455. The estimated cost of the project in 1992 was $100,800 with the City's Share at $15,120. 2}. The Street work on Bolivar, Seventh and Tenth is proceeding. Concrete has been poured on both Bolivar & Seventh. 3}. On Monday, 7/26/93, the east side of town experienced a water pressure loss as the system had a connector leak from the new Lane Station Well to the overhead tower and a valve on the downtown yard primary booster pump malfunctioned. The system has been adjusted to work around these problems which should be completed repaired within the next several days. JH:eh TML QUARTERLY MEETING REGION VIII AUGUST 26, 1993 x...., MAYOR JERKY J. 0UNN and the CITY OF BENBROOK CIY� V1 S�NG�i Cordially invite you and your spouse to attend the TML Region VIII quarterly meeting Thursday, August 26, 1993 at the Green Oaks Inn and Conference Center. The evening will begin with a social hour at 6:00 p.m. followed by a Western Buffet. The Regional meeting will include election of officers. PLACE: Green Oaks Inn and Conference Center SOCIAL ROURa 6:00 p.m. Cash Bar DINNER: 7:00 P.M. $22.50 per person RSVP: August 12, 1993 Please coordinate reservations with your City Secretary by August 12, 1993. ��� T E X A S MUNICIPAL LEAGUE July 28, 1992 MEMORANDUM ��°��T�;���1 ,� �! �. � � 1��3 C��Y O� ������� TO: TML Member Cities TML Regional Officers TML Affiliate Presidents rzl Ex cu ive Director��J�✓��C`�'`^'"''� FROM: Frank J. Stu e t SUBJECT: Resolutions for the 1993 TML Annual Conference As you are probably aware, the TML Constitution requires that resolutions for consideration at the Annual Conference be submitted to the TML headquarters 45 calendar days prior to the first day of the Annual Conference. For 1993, this provision means that resolutions from any member city, TML region, or TML department must arrive at the TML headquarters no later than September 20�1993. The TML Board of Directors has adopted several procedures governing the resolutions process. Please review the following items carefully and thoroughly. 1. Any city or other entity which submits a resolution must complete a resolution cover sheet. The cover sheet to be used is attached. Please feel free to make as many copies of this cover sheet as you desire. 2. The cover sheet must be attached to the resolution throughout each step of the resolutions process, including a TML regional meeting at which the resolution is considered. 3. The city or other entity which submits a resolution is encouraged to send a representative to the Resolutions Committee to explain the resolution. The Resolutions Committee will meet at :0 .m on Wednesdax. November 3, in the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Cen er in San Antonio. If the procedures described above are not followed for any given resolution, that resolutlon is likely to be referred to some other TML committee for further study. In that case, the resolution would not be adopted during the 1993 conference. You should also be aware that resolutions received after the cut-off date of September 20, 1993, must not only have the attached cover sheet but also must "state the reason precluding timely submission." These late resolutions can be 211 East Seventh, Suite 1020 • Austin, Texas 78701-3283 • (512) 478-6601 �, y considered by the Resolutions Committee at the Annual Conference only if two- thirds of the Committee members present and voting agree to suspend the submission rule and consider the resolution. If you have any questions or would like my assistance, please call at any time -- (512) 47M601. cc: TML Board of Directors I993 TML RESOLUTION COVER SHEET Sponsoring Entity: City, Brief Background: Affiliate, and/or TML Region) What the Resolution is Intended to Accomplish: Statewide Importance: Submitted by: Name: Title: city: Telephone: =riends of the Family, Inc. A UNITED WAY AGENCY P.O. Box 623 Dentonjexas 76202 July 19, 1993 John Hamilton, City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton: o FIE CI11f Ur SANGER J U L 2 1 1993 On behalf of the Board of Directors, Staff and volunteers, I would like to express our sincere appreciation for the support the City of Sanger has provided to Friends of the Family this year. I am sure that you are well into your 1994 Budget Plans as we are. We are still waiting to hear what the effects the 1993 Legislative Session will have on our state funding sources. Unfortunately, the picture looks bleak as we know that family violence did not receive any increases. In 1992 we served 100 residents from the Sanger community. Through June of this year we have already provided services to 63 residents from Sanger. The cost for providing quality services to victims of family violence and sexual assault continue to increase. In 1992 the cost for services can be broke down as follows: Crisis Intervention and Counseling for Sexual Assault Victims: 24-Hour Hotline Individual and Group Counseling Homemaker and Parenting Services Residential Shelter $266.58 per client 4.62 per call 120.26 per client 198.62 per client 27.39 per client each day As you complete your 1994 budget, I respectfully request that you continue providing financial support for Denton County Friends of the Family. This support will directly benefit victims of family violence and sexual assault who are residents of Sanger. Denton Outreach 817/387-5131 . Metro 214/219-2829. Fax 817/381-1077 24-Hour Crisis Line 817/382-7273 or 1-800-572-4031 I would love the opportunity to come speak to you about our services and answer any questions you may have. I will also be happy to provide financial statements, budgets and audit reports at your request. I look forward to hearing from you concerning the Sanger's 1994 Budget allocation for Friends of the Family. S iIr}cerely, Cheryl �iiti Executive Director .A. COMMISSIONERS YGNACIO D. GARZA Chairman, Brownsville WALTER UMPHREY Vice•Chairman Beaumont LEE M.BASS Ft, Worth MICKEY BURLESON Temple RAY CLYMER Wichita Falls TERESE TARLTON HERSHEY Houston GEORGE C.'TIM" HIXON San Antonio WILLIAM P. HOBBY, JR, Houston JOHN WILSON KELSEY Houston PERRY R. BASS ChairmamEmeritus Ft. Worth TEXAS 0 U PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT �� 4200 Smith School Road • Austin, Texas 78744 • 512-389-4800 July 195 1993 rrsr A� ANDREW SANS011 Executive Director `l'}-1E Clil(OF SAiVGEA .� J U L 2 1 1993 Mr. John Hamilton � City of Sanger r Ir V E L� P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mr. I-Iamilton: Thank you again for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with me on June 29, 1993 to discuss and look at the problem your city is currently having with a nuisance heronry located on the eastern edge of Sanger. I would like to take this opportunity to present my recommendations on how you can legally deal with this situation. Please remember that in 1992 recommendations were given to city officials by Mr. Jim Dillard, TPWD Wildlife Biologist in regards to this same situation. Very little was done to satisfy these recommendations, and consequently the birds have returned to the same site again tills year. My recommendations will follow closely those previously presented by Mr. Dillard. This particular nuisance heronry is located in a small block of upland woods of approximately 25 acres in size. The vegetation of this woodland heronry consists of an overstory of primarily sugar hackberry, along with cedar elm and honey locust trees. The understory is made up of several shrub species indigenous to the Eastern Cross Timbers physiographic region. The estimated size of this heronry is approximately 750-1250 birds. Bird species composition of this particular heronry is primarily cattle egrets, however little blue herons, snowy egrets and black -crowned night -herons have been observed in association with this heronry. There are approximately 12 houses located in this area which are currently effected by this heronry. It must be noted that the above -mentioned species of' birds are protected under both state and federal laws. federal regulations pertaining to management of nuisance heronries are specified in Title 50 of the Code of federal Regulations. "These birds also are protected by Chapter 64, Texas Parks and Wildlife Code from being killed, possessed, commercialized or disturbed at breeding sites. Mr. John Hamilton Page 2 July 19, 1993 At the present time, there are only two methods of preventing herons and egrets from establishing or reusing an established heronry that I am able to recommend to you. The first involves using scaring methods to try and deter the birds from using a particular site. This type of method includes the use of disturbing noises, colored streamers in trees or on tall poles, bright lights at night, smoke, water sprays, tethered balloons and display of hawk silhouettes. These types of scaring devices can be extremely effective if used when the birds first arrive at the heronry site during the spring months. At that time, they are very nervous and easily disturbed. My second recommendation in dealing with this problem involves trimming, thinning or clearing nest -site vegetation during the winter months before the birds return to breed. Since this particular site is densely vegetated, I feel that you can make this site unattractive to the birds by thinning the vegetation to provide spaces between trees and by the removal of understory vegetation. You have expressed your concerns in that you do not want to remove all the trees from this location. I do not recommend that you remove all of the trees. Dramatic changes are usually not necessary and I feel that with proper thinning and limited clearing of the trees you will be able to accomplish your objectives. Such changes to this particular element of the habitat in a heronry will usually produce longer lasting prevention than other methods. Please remember that once the birds establish themselves in a heronry and begin breeding activities you will have to cease both scaring and vegetation -control methods. Also keep in mind that even if you are successful in detering these birds from their current location, they might well establish themselves in another undesirable location and you will still be faced with the same problems. [ hope that these recommendations will be of help to you in dealing with this particular nuisance heronry. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to give me a call at anytime at 817/637-2290. Sincerely C j Tim A. Lawyer Wildlife Biologist Valley View cc: Larry Holland George Litton Jim Lundberg 000 55 L L. North Central Texas Council Of Governments TO: County Judges City Managers Interested Parties FROM: Michael Morris Director of Transportation SUBJECT: Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program d 1-IE CITY OF SANGER J U L u 3 p 1993 nn , U SANGER, TEXAS DATE: July 29, 1993 The Texas Transportation Commission has recently adopted a Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program. The statewide competitive program is designed to implement the provisions specified in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, by setting aside funds to be used for transportation enhancement activities. Enclosed is a copy of the program rules. We anticipate a call for projects by the Texas Department of Transportation to be published in the Texas Register in the next couple of weeks. This call will begin a 90-day window in which project proposals need to be developed and submitted to the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) of the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) for evaluation, ranking, and nomination for funding to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). It is our desire to provide this information to you as early as possible, so that you can begin developing candidate projects. If you would like help in developing your project proposal before submitting it for nomination, the Environmental Resources Department at NCTCOG will provide you with assistance. Kathleen Graham can be reached at 817-640-3300 (ext. 194). The Environmental Resources Department is currently assisting the Transportation Department in developing enhancement projects as part of our regional transportation plan update, and specific candidate projects should be contained in this planning document. Pages 5-7 of the rules outline project eligibility and define transportation enhancement activities as: • Provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles; • Acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic sites; • Scenic or historic highway programs; • Landscaping and other scenic beautification; • Historic preservation; • Rehabilitation and operation of historic transportation buildings, structures or facilities (including historic railroad facilities and canals); 616 Six Flags Drive, Centerpoint Two l.Y 0 I? O. Box 5888, Flrlington, Texas 76005.5888 j817) 640.3300 FAA 817-640-7806 (,�recyclead paper Page 2 July 29, 1993 • Preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including the conversion- and use thereof for pedestrian or bicycle trails; • Control and removal of outdoor advertising; • Archaeological planning and research; and • Mitigation of water pollution due to highway runoff. The Regional Transportation Council (MPO) of the North Central Texas Council of Governments serves as the proper nominating entity for candidate projects. The Council will be conducting a priority ranking of all eligible projects. The Transportation Department at NCTCOG will be accepting final project proposals and performing the evaluative ranking and project nominations as outlined in the rules. We will be in contact with you soon regarding the project submittal deadline. If you have any questions regarding project eligibility or the nomination and selection process, please call Dan Rocha in our Transportation Department at 817-640-3300 (ext. 227). Please note the information (see pages 1 0-1 3 of the rules) which needs to accompany candidate projects. Again, your contacts are Kathleen Graham for development of candidate projects and Dan Rocha for project evaluations and selections. We look forward to working with you in developing candidate projects and reviewing the merits of specific proposals. Our goal is to maximize funding for the Dallas -Fort Worth region from this statewide program. We plan to hold several information workshops once the call for projects is issued by TxDOT. We will be getting back to you with more details as they become available. DR:kdc Enclosure Ywl LCwooeo 1, DATE: JULY 25,1993 TO: CHIEF BENNY ERWIN FROM: OFFICER WALLER SUBJECT% WEED LETTERS WEED ORDINANCE LETTERS FOR JULY'S 1993 FOLDERS MISC ANDERSON WILLIAMS 101 DAVID SPRINGER SIMS 1213 ELM SPRINGER 1 FORTENBERRY 114 4TH CHATFIELD DEWEY 303 3RD HALEY BECKMAN 203 SOUTHSIDE HOFFPAUER BROWN 904 N. 8TH KRUGER WEST 913 N. 8TH McIYRE YOUNG 119 S. 2ND ORTER McCOY 110 DAVID DR. ,ORTER 1 HADDOCK 218 5TH SADUA TDIC LOT TR.1 R117520 SCHAFFER LUNK 906 CHURCH THOMAS B SIMS EMPTY LOT OF JONES SANGER JOINT VENTURE WATTS YATES SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT APRIL 16, 1993 - MAY 157 1993 MONTHLY ANALYSIS YEARLY ANALYSIS INCIDENT THIS LAST % ; LAST YR THIS YR PERCENT CATAGORY MONTH MONTH CHANGE ; TO DATE TO DATE +/- _____________________________________________________ _ HOMICIDE/SUICIDE 0 0 NC N/A ; N/A 4 N/A AGGRAVATED ASSAULT 0 0 NC N/A ; N/A 6 N/A ASSAULT 2 2 NC 0.0% ; N/A 32 N/A AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT 0 0 NC N/A ; N/A 5 N/A SEXUAL ASSAULT / INDECENCY 0 0 NC N/A ; N/A 8 N/A ROBBERY 0 0 NC N/A ; N/A 1 N/A BURGLARY/ BUSINESS 2 3 DN -33.3% ; N/A 33 N/A BURGLARY/ HABITATION 0 3 DN-100.0% ; N/A 28 N/A BURGLARY/ VEHICLE 0 0 NC N/A ; N/A 22 N/A THEFT $0 - $20 2 3 DN -33.3% ; N/A 38 N/A THEFT $20 - $200 2 2 NC 0.0% ; N/A 33 N/A THEFT $200 - $750 1 1 NC 0.0% ; N/A 25 N/A THEFT OVER $750 0 1 DN-100.0% ; N/A 10 N/A MOTOR VEHICLES STOLEN 0 1 DN-100.0% ; N/A 2 N/A CRIMINAL MISCHIEF $0 - $20 1 0 UP N/A ; N/A 20 N/A CRIMINAL MISCHIEF $20 - $200 2 3 DN -33.3% ; N/A 36 N/A CRIMINAL MISCHIEF $200 - $750 1 1 NC 0.0% ; N/A 23 N/A CRIMINAL MISCHIEF OVER $750 0 0 NC N/A ; N/A 11 N/A HAZARDOUS CITATIONS ISSUED 35 20 UP 75.0% ; N/A 438 N/A NON -HAZARDOUS CITATIONS 46 22 UP 109.1% ; N/A 348 N/A WARNING CITATIONS ISSUED 45 14 UP 221.4% ; N/A 349 N/A MUNICIPAL WARRANTS SERVED 3 4 DN -25.0% ; N/A 62 N/A OTHER WARRANTS SERVED 7 7 NC 0.0% ; N/A 234 N/A INJURY ACCIDENTS WORKED 5 0 UP N/A ; N/A 35 N/A NON -INJURY ACCIDENTS 3 9 DN -66.7% N/A 69 N/A HIT & RUN ACCIDENTS 0 0 NC N/A ; N/A 1 N/A DWI ARRESTS 1 1 NC 0.0% ; N/A 31 N/A PUBLIC INTOXICATION ARRESTS 3 3 NC 0.0% N/A 55 N/A MINOR IN POSSESSION ARRESTS 3 0 UP N/A ; N/A 23 N/A TOTAL ADULT MALE ARRESTS 14 9 UP 55.6% N/A 323 N/A TOTAL ADULT FEMALE ARRESTS 2 2 NC 0.0% ; N/A 40 N/A MALE JUVENILES DETAINED 2 2 NC 0.0% ; N/A 23 N/A FEMALE JUVENILES DETAINED 1 0 UP N/A ; N/A 4 N/A FELONY CASES FILED: 0 MISDEMEANOR CASES FILED: 7 (ASSAULT, DWI, PI, OWLS, DRUG POSSESSION) 00 59