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07/19/1993-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular
CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MONDAY, JULY 19, 1993 201 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order, Invocation and Pledge to the Flag 2. CONSENT AGENDA a). Approve Minutes b). Disbursements c). Payment #9 (Final)- Caldwell Tanks - 200,000 Gallon Elevated Storage Tank - $24,496.15 d). Payment #3 - DRS Contractors, Inc.- Municipal Swimming Pool and Facilities - $139595.74 e). 1st ABC Construction Specialists- Restroom & Concession Stand Facilities - $35,272.55 AGENDA 3. Citizen's Input 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #07-93, Transportation of Hazardous Material 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Request for James Clay, East Texas Sign Company, to change Zoning From B-2 (Business - 2) to I-1 (Industrial - 1). Property is an 8 ft. X 40 ft. Tract located in the Southeast Corner of a 28.61 Acre Tract Described as A0071 A Burleson Tract 2, 2B 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request for James Clay, East Texas Sign Company, to change Zoning From B-2 (Business - 2) to I-1 (Industrial - 1). Property is an 8 ft. X 40 ft. Tract located in the Southeast Corner of a 28.61 Acre Tract Described as A0071 A Burleson Tract 2, 2B 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Water Conservation and Emergency Water Development Management Plan with UTRWD 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Reapplying for Texas4���sea���,� Community Development HOME Grants o � OF 9. City Administration Report 10. Any Other Such Matterstoo .. 1 i . Adj ournment n ®®•,®® �j ®, At0 Rosalie Chavez City Secretary 7/16/93 11:45 a.m. Date & Tirne Posted MINUTES: City Council Workshop July 6, 1993, 5:30 p.m. PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Jack Richardson OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, and Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Discussion Regarding Proposed 1993/ 1994 Budget Departments: 3. a). Revenue Projections b). Electric Department Operating Budget City Administrator discussed projected revenues with Council which was followed by a lengthy discussion concerning Electric Department line item expenditures for fiscal year 93/94. Any Other Such Matters -None 4. Meeting adjourned. MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT. OTHERS PRESENT. City Council July 6, 1993 Meeting Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins and Councilman Jack Richardson City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Delania Trigg - Sanger Courier, and Esta Lou Morgan 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CONSENT AGENDA a}. Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements c}. Payment #3 (Final)-J. L. Well - $10,513.57 My ers Co. - 300 GPM Water Supply Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input -None 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Approval of Proposed Library Design Estes Lou Morgan was present to represent the Library Board. Discussion followed concerning proposed Library Design. Mayor Armstrong advised that the Architect Gerald Stone needs approval on the design so he can construct a model to be used as a fundraiser. Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to approve proposed Library Design as recommended by the Library Board. Seconded by Councilman Madden. Motion carried. Council also agreed that acceptance of this proposal is for architect to proceed with a preliminary model. CC Min., 7/6/93, page 2 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #68493, Annexation Request for Joe and JoAnn Bell Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to adopt Ordinance #48-93. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. ORDINANCE #48-93 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, CERTAIN LANDS SITUATED IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY LIMITS OF SANGER, TEXAS, DESCRIBING SAID ANNEXED TERRITORY BY METES AND BOUNDS, AND PRESCRIBING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. Motion carried. 6. Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Service Plan On Annexation For Joe and JoAnn Bell Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to adopt the Service Plan on Annexation for Joe and JoAnn Bell. Seconded by Councilman Madden. Motion carried. City Secretary was instructed to notify Centel, Frontier Waste Management and Denton County Cooperative that this property is in the City Limits. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R7-93, Appointment to Denco 9-1-1 District Board Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to adopt Resolution #R7-93 supporting nomination of Mayor Olive Stephens of Shady Shores to the 9-1-1 District Board. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. RESOLUTION NO. #R7-93 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE DENCO AREA 9-1-1 DISTRICT. Motion carried. ooU o CC Min., 7/6/93, page 3 8. City Administration Report John Hamilton, City Administrator, reported on the following: a}. The new well and elevated tower is on line. Chuck will be bringing it to full service within the next few days. b}. City Administrator advised that on the next agenda, the draft Water Conservation Plan from the Upper Trinity Regional Water District for Sanger will need to be considered; this is required and needs to be in -place to satisfy Texas Water Development Board. c}. Tom Swartz, Pool Manager, called the Sanger Courier, our local newspaper, today, to advise on the opening of the Pool which is Thursday afternoon. He also gave information regarding swimming lessons. Splash Day will be on Saturday and should be free admission on that day. Ribbon cutting will be at 11:3i7 a.m., Saturday. Mayor stated she would like as many City Council Members there as possible. d}. City Administrator had no news on the marina. 9. Any Other Such Matters: a}. Mayor Armstrong stated that Mr. David Gray did not get appointed to the Beautification Board at the last Council Meeting and since did not get it on the agenda for tonight, she will be appointing Mr. David Gray to the Beautification Board. Council had no objection. b}. Mayor Armstrong asked if water line had been completed on 7th Street. Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast advised that he had heard Eddie Branham, Public Vtlorks Foreman, ask someone at 5*00 p.m. and they advised him it had been completed. City Administrator advised contractor will be notified first thing in the morning. c). Mayor Armstrong asked City Administrator that when he met with the State Biologist concerning the birds, what did he have to say regarding the problem. 000 CC Min., 7/6/93, page 4 City Administrator advised that the Biologist stated that once the birds are nesting, they are protected by Federal Law. He believes that something could be done prior to the nesting without breaking any federal regulations. Mayor Armstrong hopes that next year before the birds nest, the City can do something about the problem, d�. Mayor Armstrong asked Chuck Tucker status on chipper machine. Chuck stated that the chipper is broken and they will be renting one to help alleviate some of the problem. e). Councilman Madden asked status on community garden. Mayor Armstrong advised it is progressing. 10. Meeting adjourned. 000 0 CITY OF SANGER VENDOR AP OPEC, ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 7/15/93 PAGE 1 15*38 IidV [10 INV DTE PO NUN DUE DTE PORCH ART DISC, ANT 175 A�l RENTAL P.O. BOX 7878 PUMP RENTAL 20GO301 7/07/93 12492 7/20/93 87.20 ,00 446* 0500 87,20 TOTAL 87.20 .00 3300 BAKER & TAYLOR COMPANY P.O. BOX 4160 BOOKS 24054903 7/07/93 12535 7/20/93 34.67 .00 475.0200 34.67 TOTAL 34.67 .00 3786 BOLIVAR SPECIALTY PRODUCT P.O, BOX 288 OIL 1880 6/13/93 12359 7/20/93 255.80 .00 419.0300 25.58 419.1100 25.58 419,1200 25,58 419.2000 25, 58 419,1700 25.58 419.0500 25.58 419,0600 25,58 419,0700 25.58 419.0800 25,58 4569 0900 25. 58 TRANS* FLUID 1883 6/22/93 12427 7/20/93 24.45 .00 419, 0300 2.22 419*1100 2,22 419,1200 122 419,2000 2,22 419.1700 2.22 419.0500 2,22 419,0600 2.22 419,0700 2.22 419.0800 2.22 420.2000 4.47 TOTAL 280.25 .00 4125 BURROS SUPERMARKET P. 09BOX 708 SUPPLIES 12127 6/21/93 12127 7/20/93 7.37 .00 421. 1100 7.37 TOTAL 7,37 .00 4230 CASCO INDUSTRIES IMCOR. 607 BEST 6211D ST. P.O. BOX $007 FIRE EOIIIP. 129857 6/24/93 12485 7f20/93 383.25 .00 416.1100 383.25 TOTAL 383.25 .00 6500 C&H JANITORIAL SUPPLIES P,O. BOX 1104 MAIP,I SUPPLIES 5428 6/16/93 12429 7/20/93 23.70 .00 442.0300 7,90 442.0100 7,90 442.0800 7,90 PAPER SUPPLIES 5557 6/24/93 12511 7/20/93 35.50 .00 442.0100 8.87 442.0300 8,87 442.0800 8.87 442* 1000 8.89 JANIT, SUPPLIES 5720 7/09/93 1.2624 7/20/93 54.90 .00 CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 7/15/93 PAGE 2 15:38 VENDOR IRV NO IRV DTE PO NUN DUE DTE PURCH ANT DISC. ANT 442.0200 10,98 442.0300 10,98 442.1900 10.98 442.0800 10,98 442.1700 10,98 TOTAL 114,10 .00 7Ci50 EAG1,E EI<EC"•TROIiICS VCR MAIHT, 12534 7/07/93 464, 0200 60,00 TOTAL 11.000 DEH-TEX TRACTOR REPAIR BACKHOE REPAIR 4300 419*0500 TOTAL. 13000 CITY OF DENTON, ACC, WATER TESTING 12654 456, 0600 3RD OTR, ANBULAN A92023 447,3000 TOTAL 6/01/93 137, 70 308 BOLIYAR 12534 7/20/93 60,00 w 1120 WOOT)ROW LANE 12541 7/20/93 137.70 137.70 MURICIPAL BUII,DI31G 2l5 EAST° MCKILdLIEY 7/14/93 12654 7/20/93 132,00 132,00 7/14/93 12655 7/20/93 2,416.50 2, 416.50 1.6530 EHGRAYERS TROPHY SHOP PLAQUE 9075 7l11/93 424ollOO 60.00 TOTAL, 174300 G � G TRACTOR C"O. BLADES 77242 6f02i93 419, 0500 115, 40 MOWER HOSE 77671 6/09/93 419,0500 35,42 MOWER TARP 78626 7/07/93 421*0500 103.00 TOTAL 2p548,50 708 H, LOCUST 1.2500 7/20/93 60,00 60.00 1230 FT. WORTH DRIVE 12284 7/20/93 115.40 12353 7/20/93 35.42 12415 7/20/93 10100 18200 GENTRY, BOBBY MUFFLER & B 708 SOUTH LCIr,UST N.UFF'LER-CHIPPER 28807 6l16/93 12420 7/20t93 419.0500 30.00 TOTAL 1.8780 GOOI>YEAR TIRE. TIRF: 39535 6/1l/93 419.500 31.94 'TOTAL 0 19251. GREAT WESTERNWESTERNSCIPPI.Y CO, PEtIS 343720 7/06/93 442,0300 54.34 TOTAL 20350 HARC';ROS CHEMICALS CHL.,CIRIHE 3592 6/23/93 415, 0600 1, 044.00 30,00 30.00 7301 AMBASSADOR ROW 9.2418 7/20/93 31.94 31, 94 2828 FOREST I,H. STE. 2071 12453 7/20/93 54.34 .00 54,34 .00 71 BOX 419038 DEPT 060 000 4 12508 7/20/93 1,044.00 000 CITY OF SANGER VENDOR INV NO TOTAL 24505 INDUSTRIAL DISPOSAL SUPPL PARTS FOR CHIPPE 81605 419.0500 TOTAL 24550 INTL.Cola OF BLDG, OFFIC UBC ROOK C30212 424.1100 TOTAL, 24601 3 & K LIGHTING & SUPPLY CPR KITS 1138 418.1700 418.0900 418.0500 418.0600 418.0700 LIGHTS/BULBS 1152 470.0800 TOTAL 27555 LAWN LAND WEEDEATER PARTS 26218 BLADES 26877 456.0900 WEEDEATER LINE 27002 424.0900 TOTAL 30000 DEFT' MCNEILL BASE/SAND 313 431.0500 447.0600 447*2200 TOTAL,, 32`500 PADDACK, DONALD MALATHION 39571 41.59 0500 TOTAL 33725 PERRICO TRAILER AND MFG. NISC. IRON 8425 412.0600 TOTAL. AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 7/15/93 PAGE, 3 15:38 INV DTE PO NUN DUE DTE PORCH ANT DISC. ANT 1, 044.00 .00 P.O. BOX 8175 7/09/93 12549 7/20/93 300.50 .00 300,50 300950 , 00 5360 S. WORKMAN MILL ROAD 6/22/93 12130 7/20/93 50®25 .00 50.25 50.25 .00 P.O. BOX 166407 IRVING, TX 75016-6407 6/07/93 12540 7/20/93 159,00 .00 31,80 31.80 31.80 31.80 31 * 80 6/18/93 12437 7/20/93 814.50 .00 814,50 973.50 .00 714 DALLAS DRIVE 6108193 12257 7/20/93 64.26 64.26 6/23/93 12422 7/20/93 45.92 45.92 7/07/93 124.1.6 7/20/93 29.95 29.95 140.13 P.O.BOX 358 7/12/93 1, 468.04 604, 35 604.35 P.a. BOX 416 6/17193 40.50 P.a. BaX 738 6/15l93 4.40 35129 MOTOROLA, INC. PAGERS 610104 7/11/93 477.1100 979.46 TOTAL, 35264 R & R MOTOR SUPPLY ENGINE -SEW. MACL1 37235 61I0/93 12569 7l20193 2,676.74 2, 676.74 12407 7I20/93 40.50 40.50 12428 7/20/93 4.40 4.40 P.O. BOX 730023 12501 7/20/93 979.46 979.46 512 N. LOCUST 12424 7/20/93 122.80 . 00 .00 CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 7/15/93 PAGE 4 15:38 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DOE DTE PORCH ANT DISC. ANT 419* 0700 .122* 80 PARTS 37289 6/14/93 12358 7/20/93 8115 000 419,0300 41,58 4111700 41,57 TOTAL 205.95 ,00 36385 KEN MILLER AUTO REPAIR 233 S. JONES ST WHEEL 12544 6/29/93 12544 7/20/93 10000 .00 41.9.0500 10000 TOTAL 10,00 .00 37777 SANGER OFFICE SUPPLY 303 BOLIVAR P.O, BOX 958 OFFICE SUPPLIES 481 6/01/93 12204 7/20/93 25,76 ,00 41.1.0200 25,76 OFFICE SUPPLIES 190 6/02/93 12344 7/20/93 29,80 .00 411 * 1900 29. 80 OFFICE SUPPLIES 147 6/03/91 12345 7/20/93 27.67 ,00 411.0800 27, 67 OFFICE SUPPLIES 494 6/04/93 12362 7/20/93 15010 ,00 411, 1400 15t I0 OFFICE; SUPPLIES 148 6/08/93 12376 7/29/33 70.00 .00 41191900 70,00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 184 6/10/93 12382 7/20/93 24.50 ,00 411*0100 24,50 OFFICE SUPPLIES 154 6/15/93 1.2404 7/20/93 1,59 e00 441,1900 1.59 OFFICE, SUPPLIES 162 6/21/93 12448 7/20/93 7, 48 .00 411,1400 7.48 OFFICE SUPPLIES 164 6/22/93 12466 7/20/93 4.63 .00 411.1900 4,63 TOTAL 206,53 900 38500 SANGER DRUG STORE P.O. BOX 958 SALT TABLETS 12286 6/01/93 12286 7/20/93 4,39 ,00 418, 0600 4,39 FILM/FLASH 12381 6/09/93 12381 7/20/93 18,22 ,00 442.0300 1.8, 22 OTHER SUPPLIES 1386 6/10/93 1 22386 7/20/93 11,98 ,00 442, 0300 11.98 UPS -WATER SAMPLE 12258 6/10/93 12258 7/20/93 23,00 900 447.0600 23,00 UPS -ELECTRIC 12465 6/21/93 12465 7/20/93 41,90 .00 442.0800 41.90 OTHER SUPPLIES 1.2425 6/22/93 12425 7/20/93 2.49 too 418,0900 149 TOTAL 101198 a00 38585 SANGER RADIATOR P.O. BOX 461 RADIATOR�CHIPPER 12547 7/06/93 12547 72/09/33 228,34 ,00 419* 0500 228. 34 TOTAL 228.34 ,00 42189 D014 A. SMITH, PH. D 4228 135 N. GREENWAY PL. TESTING®RESERVES 12452 7/06/93 12452 7/20/93 500.00 ,00 Qrl t� Q 0 {� a ' 429* 0300 500, 00 TOTAL 500.00 .00 CITY OF SANGER VEPdDuR AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 7/15/93 PAGE 5 INV NO INV DIE Pu NUM DIM DTE 5Ga265 W. W. GRAINGER, ItiC, DEP'1 191-82485+�119 TORCH DOLLY 339241 6/22/93 12421 7/20/93 421*2000 97,92 TOTAL. t SEWER ANALYSIS 1Fi21 415.0`JOO TOTAL 54060 DENTON BLDG, CO.BUILDERS SUPPLIES SUPPLY 3075 424.O5OO BLDG. BLDG. SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 3193 421.Q6O0 12268 470> O8V0 BLDG. SUPPLIES 12436 47Fr. 0800 BLDG. SUPPLIES 3322 PAINT SUPPLIES 423.1.200 3331 423.1200 BLDG. SUPPLIES 3342 412.17uO TOTAL 2106 DAMES STREET 7/12/93 12568 7/20/93 210.00 6/O4/93 16.49 6115/93 2.69 6/15/93 8, 55 6/17/93 .2O 6/25/93 5.89 6J28/93 51.20 7/07/93 12,67 5415� ZIMMERER KGBOTA uE° DENTON BELT 5�2316 6/24/93 421, 0700 29.15 TOTAL 85256 TOTAL FIRE & SAFETY AIRPACK BOTTLE 28376 7/1OJ93 42191100 10000 TOTAL 15c38 Pl1RCH ANT DISC. ANT 97.92 97.92 21�.00 P.O. BOX 733 12256 7/20/93 16.49 12333 7/20/93 2.69 . C3O 12268 7/2Oi93 8.55 ,OCi 12436 7J2Of93 .2�1 .GO 12488 712GJ93 5.89 .�� 12489 7/2C�/93 51.20 . � 12476 7/20193 12.67 .�� 97.69 .00 56OC� N, E. t,OOP 82O 12474 7/20193 29,15 29.15 P.O. BOX 271145 12499 7/29/33 10.00 11, 9943, 18 TOTAL DUE WITH DISCOUNTS 11,990,18 TUTAI DUE- Nu DISCOUNTS 11, 990. 18 G/L DEPARTMENTS ADMINISTRATION-GF 1 41.27 LIBRARY 2 131,41 POLICE 3 681,67 STREETS 5 2, 664.13 WATER 6 11874,43 WASTEWATER 7 42lo 55 ELECTRIC 8 948.37 PARKS 9 200.00 PUBLIC WORKS lO 8.89 FIRE. 11 1,518.1.3 VEHICLE MAINI'-GF 12 84.89 MAYOR & COUNCIL�GF 14 22.58 PUBLIC WORKS-FF 1.7 124.82 DATA PROCESSING 19 117.00 �i CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEH LIST COHPAHY 100 7115/93 PAGE 6 15:36 VENDOR IHV NO IHV DTE PO HUM DUE DTE PORCH ANT DISC. ANT VEHICLE MAINT,-EF 130.19 WASTE-WTR COS.,L-EF 22 604.35 AMBULANCE SERVICE-GF 30 2, 416. 50 GENERA[. FUND 7769 * 47 ENTERPRISE FUND 4,220,71 Sheet 1 of 3 CONTRACTORS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PAY ESTIMATE NO.: Nine & Final PERIOD: May 26, 1993 DATE• July 9, 1993 TO• July 6, 1993 PROJECT: Water System Improvements ENGINEER: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. 200,000 Gallon Elevated Storage Tank Dallas, Texas D91036E OWNER: City of Sanger CONTRACTOR: CALDWELL TANKS 201 Bolivar Street 4000 Tower Road Sanger, Texas 76266 Louisville, KY 40219 BIDS RECEIVED: 06-01-92 CONTRACT DATE: 06-01-92 NOTICE TO PROCEED: 08-25-92 CONTRACT AMOUNT: CALENDAR DAYS: 270 START CONSTRUCTION DATE: 09-04-92 $328,100.00 ADJUSTMENTS: DAYS USED: COMPLETION DATE: REVISED AMOUNT: SUBMITTED BY: SUMMARY OF JOB STATUS Total Work Completed $_328,100.00 By: For Contractor Date: Material Stored on Site $ 0000 Contract Amount to Date $ 328,100.0o APPROVED:_ F i Engineer Less 0 % Retained $ 0.00 Date • -7 Al a i y� Subtotal $__328,100*00 APPROVED: For Owner Less Previous Payments $ 303,603.85 Date* Amount Due This Period $_ 24,496.15 Time Used: % Work Completed -o a 12 Sheet 2 of 3 CONTRACTOR'S ESTIMATE OWNER: City of Sanger PROJECT NAME & NUMBER: Water System Improvements 200,000 Gallon Elevated Storage Tank - D91036E CONTRACTOR: Caldwell Tanks PAY ESTIMATE NO.: -Nine & Final FOR PERIOD ENDING• July 6 1993 Item Description Unit of Amount Work Unit Value of No. _ Measure Bid Comp Price Work Comp T.1 200,000 Gallon Water Tank L.S. 1 1 $2931100.00 $293,100.00 T.2 Yard Piping L.S. 1 1 17,000*00 17,000*00 T93 Site Grading/Gravel Drive L.S. 1 1 8/000600 8,000.00 T.4 Chain Link Fence L.F. 800 800 10,000000 101000.00 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED: $328,100.00 Recommended for Approval: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE ONE GLEN LAKES, SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231-4350 BY Date lag Approved Date TOTAL AMOUNT OF WORK COMPLETED Material Stored on Site Contract Amount to Date Less 0 %Retained Subtotal Less Previous Payments Balance Due this Period $ 328,100.00 $ _ 328,100.00 328 , 100.00 $' 303,603.85 $ 24,496.15 Sheet 3 of 3 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PROJECT: Water System Improvements 200,000 Gallon Elevated Storage Tank - D91036E PAY ESTIMATE NO: Nine & Final --- Ending July 6, 1993 OWNER: City of Sanger CONTRACTOR: Caldwell Tanks This contract has been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and we hereby recommend final acceptance of the work by the City and final payment to the Contractor. Final acceptance of final payment shall not relieve the Contractor of the requirements of the guarantee. In accordance with the Contract, the guarantee period shall extend for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the work by the City. Inspection for this project was performed by the City. The Contractor has submitted "As -Built" plans to the Engineer in accordance with the Specifications. APPROVED: DATE: 1 � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N II 11 M II tT II \ I lL II <D O 11 O ,.n\ un II O •• 11 "' W II U II W i Q 11 h a u a u � II 11 11 11 11 11 u .- U n N 11 O M .- '.. O II O to m n II m.-\ 1 U' II O V' tp M II 'd' O c0 . II •• M \ M 11 # I r ^. II W O V h u z II O N In •• Z u H#O •• # II h h v� - '< W IIQW Wh t1 UU0 W U � II H H O Z W II JOH (nH� oua>� �c�o nazw Qz� iouQHa wwa On � 11 Z � u O 11 � Q 11 H 11 11 M Q u w 4 I I H I I U ^ II O h II N 11 In Z II Q I I _w u w ,,. I I I I � =u w } II h II X Z Q u h � u x 1 a u 11 � .. n w -- II C7 !Y � u z w O IIfA Z <. LL II Q3 II h Z II U W II w W II -). 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C Y W N I I U' h Q Q N Q to 2 Q 4- N II w Q +� L U r J-1 II M +� Z h h i� h fn � J Ip L II O D� II �NOO W O O W O Q +�NO.N IIHy.�L; h N OII o z c.� h a N D ►- h J c.� m L .c � „ u u N z .c u N .G •° N II h N C N O +� +� 11 Ui� U }.1 11 L ;� O O•r II C '�' 3 � U II � � O i-t f QI ; II `' N M �t � tD r c0 01 L N D O N oE3c � �iwONv- Q CN omLln � y.i iic�v�° +gym Na o•r � u N �, o u L 4- H � 11 L O i� C i-t II d-t L C 11 i-t � •r C II C O Y •r r- O 4- L N r�-I •L' 11 M .0 IA N N N II U O L ii--Il II +� N 7 >E, 11 c 3 N ,� {� II a O N N II � o .c ,.� fn u � 3 4- w +� a 11 N'•' i- � II N H N II C� O C !� � II W N +� t LL U 4- II Ot N 4- ; �� II U L• }� H •r O 11 •r U O •• 11 W C N h 4- � 11_.. L r O N O a I I Z •O U A W •• }7 Ijp f� N Q+� h II L L N U � L 1 vaa+� c.� uHoN� w NNu C Q N c Q 11 U N N h W U +� II J L N � II C7 U C U Z Z Q II IA }t E h II N 'r •r � H N N II N •r C >, Z '•• II Z Ut'O O �7 �• •r U u tsoro o �u ccc� z >,ruu h�U a U m 11 WHW•rQ W fLh N 11 •� :� > > > 1 1 � TAl��IZS, INC. TANK BUILDERS SINCE 1887 FINAL RELEASE OF LIENS AND CLAIMS In connection with Caldwell Tanks, Inc.'s contract with the CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS which, contract together with alterations and change orders thereunder is known as Caldwell Tanks, Inc. job number E-3441, as follows: Construction of (1) 200,000 gallon pedesphere water tank. Caldwell Tanks, Inc. warrants that upon receipt of three hundred twenty- eight thousand one hundred dollars ($328,100.00) as payment in full that all materials used and work and labor performed by the undersigned, his subcontractors, workmen and materialmen in said erection and construction at the above -named location have been paid in full and that there are no claims due and owing for materials furnished or for work and labor workman and/or materialmen and the undersigned irrevocably releases and waivers any and every lien which he might or could have in connection with the above contract. Caldwell Tanks further warrants that upon payment in full for all work and labor performed and materials furnished in connection with the above contract, all liens and claims of lien which Caldwell Tanks, Inc. may have against the property are remised and released forever. Caldwell Tanks, Inc. i� By: c#�, Barry State of Kentucky ) SS County of Jefferson) L. Geswein, Controller Subscribed and sworn to me before this 6th day of July 1993. Beth Nash, Notary Public My commission expires: 25 September 1995 _ 4000 Tower Road, Louisville, KY 40219 / P.O. Box 35770, Louisville, KY 40232 / (502) 964-3361 /FAX (502) 966-8732 i WHEREAS, the undersigned watsco, Inc. furnished to Caldwell Tanks, Inc. the following: Electrical (services furnished) in connection with Caldwell Tanks, Inc. contract with the City of Sanger, TX has which contract together with all alterations and change orders thereunder is known as Sanger, Tx , Caldwell Tanks, Inc. Job No. E-3441 NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned Watsco, Inc. for and in consideration of � 4,682.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby waive and release any and all liens, or right to or claim of lien, on the above described proiect and premises, under any law, common or statutory, on account of labor or materials or both, heretofore or hereafter furnished by the under- signed to or for the accotmt of said Caldwell Tanks, Inc. for said pro,iect. TITLE: State of County of Texas Smith SS: Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20 C.E. WATSON Notary Public STATE OF TEXAS My Comm. Ex'. 6.31 P93 rftT Commission Expires Watsco� Inc. May Notary Public WHEREAS, the undersigned Cyclone Fence Company has furnished to Caldwell Tanks, Inc. the following: Installation of chainlink fencing and gates (services furnished) in connection with Caldwell Tanks, Inc. contract with the City of Sanger, Texas which contract together with all alterations and change orders thereunder is known as Sanger, Tx , Caldwell Tanks, Inc. Job No. E-3441 NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned Cyclone Fence Company , for and in consideration of $ 8,026.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby waive and release any and all liens, or right to or claim of lien, on the above described project and premises, under any law, common or statutory, on account of labor or materials or both, heretofore or hereafter fuLrnished by the under- signed to or for the account of said Caldwell Tanks. Inc. for said project. State of Texas ) SS: County of Tarrant ) r vnlnno Fonno BY: TITLE: Office Manager Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of .Tune ���$X 1993. Ify Commission Expires _ � � DIANNE L. JACKSON NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS My Commission Expires 9124J94 s Its.J • Sheet 1 of 2 CONTRACTORS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PAY ESTIMATE NO.: Three DATE. July 7, 1993 PERIOD: _June 1, 1993 TO: July 2, 1993 PROJECT: Switzer Park -- Municipal ENGINEER: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. Swimming Pool and Facilities Dallas, Texas N91038E OWNER: City of Sanger CONTRACTOR: DRS Contractors, Inc. 201 Bolivar Street P.O. Box 2207 Sanger, Texas 76266 Sherman, TX 75091-2207 BIDS RECEIVED: 12-07-92 CONTRACT DATE: 12-07-92 NOTICE TO PROCEED: 02-15-93 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $96,126*00 ADJUSTMENTS: REVISED AMOUNT: CALENDAR DAYS: SUMMARY OF JOB STATUS Total Work Completed DAYS USED: Material Stored on Site Contract Amount to Date Less 5 %Retained Subtotal Less Previous Payments Amount Due This Period 100 START CONSTRUCTION DATE: 02-25-93 $ 100,549.00 100 , 549.00 $ 5,027.45 $ __ 81,925.81 $_ 13,595.74 0 Time Used: COMPLETION DATE: SUBMITTED BY: By: For Contractor Date• APPROVED • ,,N-� L _ �_ Fo Engineer Date : -7 / -7 / q g APPROVED: Date: For Owner Work Completed 1 Sheet 2 OWNER: oI 2 City of Sanger CONTRACTORS ESTIMATE PROJECT NAME & NUMBER: Switzer Park - N91038E Municipal Swimming Pool and Facilities CONTRACTOR: DRS Contractors, Inc. PAY ESTIMATE NO.: Three FOR PERIOD ENDING: July 2 1993 Item Description Unit of Amount Work Unit Value of No• Measure Bid Comp Price Work Comp P.1 Swimming Pool L.S. 1 1 $79,896.00 $79,896.00 A.1 Wading Pool L.S. 1 1 61100*00 6/100000 A.2 Exposed Aggregate L.S. 1 1 10,130*00 10,130900 A.3 Tile Lanes L.S. 1 1 41423*00 4,423.00 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED: $1001549.00 Recommended for Approval: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE ONE GLEN LAKES, SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231-4350 Approved Date TOTAL AMOUNT OF WORK COMPLETED Material Stored on Site Contract Amount to Date Less 5 % Retained Subtotal Less Previous Payments Balance Due this Period $ 100,549.00 $ 100,549.00 $ _ 95,521.55 $' 81,925.81 $ _ 13,595.74 r, at OEM �z h O a< O.. 000000 QH M 0 z z tat V G { Z 1"f . d� a U"N O twounal 1"'1 w yy c.i Sq Y"t a cWi CrlWOd QUA w ti ;n © O w r V =or V car a o O H per, H tom-+ a H IMP,c ..aoa tota V. QOO a ��^� .Drn�I) oMANIF r WAR,a� o rn o+att . ., ` � I oamb ao��JJtoot oaO C PC N(.ca p L00% L o a o �. PaN ctot. oOwl.a .M otooNI • 1 U I G f: c v tH a t— END #• .I awa • toot ottA o :°• dows I V i Z�nIARP vat < Ott c E d CG � I `'c+ VI �Ow, d"'b folk c Cap �a Zo QUO ?aat Awn < _ .� o ( • y ( stta o{ ¢�%SPLAR oplob Al. atta@ .attar c. , a U C'puC rCi rtUatmilo to C Q O "I6— .,tor rik % .0a tow)Woop =a 'k —-r✓ c` %o- r .4 JIMcof loot oph lowV U alwtao . o Cat >to E - a . O L) _ X I tr Q LamarPONEO— O Not 1 G C Q ? L W r i C, —— U _ .= C) Li , i at, m i n v,i_ itor qat I I S C two tow c c atat ^` O rtt C vMEN MEN& saw too �1 �= ONIF lort toot — N 10i at,_ C ✓ 4,6 tt sto I � - _ j o _ Oft got IrC. twooP _ } at C4 C ` C c v 4-0 of _ -�- `•% U (taw C .0 G c. U ��oto .7 C C r; 0 }, 4 o U G ar ' r ✓. C O C r ` ` Ott C ✓toi C C_ C C o 0 Z%at matt door Aps v c G as Qj "o CD Q W Nrr C C•• 1 i I 'v. ✓. V (� CC i.. c .0 .c VON ! c = o u Q c u ^ .- H tom. C} 0 no v �� 3 w Co' tor,U at" Q w a C G V G o d d < c u Ec ads 4- H I - , o G oaa �I V= rag Nato ao�a C �1OPLA 4 W _; p G i,=��•�- sac aa' v u a Star v � v r V U town,601 �; p ot-da CM Cat Aftow 110 Z I akdry A� l J r N IC. O t"1 M M 0 0� an III � O00 i3 I I 1 M t+. r►. . rnAc� :J C' W M•�ti00 N� "'� U Iw �zou � W W Q �/ V � C V �, U L F^ { W � u � a �. . Q O i � ,�{ C '? G o tr y. �. n z } v ._ � O c O -� W N � � m .� u c W �� � W Z V7 ZO •_. � e, � o � � �• � � O U � � = c N Fv1 C � I_ ti -- < � „ ,Q ' u ry > V a� S z u K a Q i-- 3 •a g F „ .. �;: � � ' l J � .� �: � C c ,.. _� 0 W 888� N��B��S __ ..__� u z va�c�. r�,.�c�y��`Qrn mot, ^'a M .�-+ � .7 � 1�..� N � .M-i K }.,{ �,� 8888�5888885 � _ t___._.. x z z,V O C7 4 C7 c� O 0 0 0 0 0 {�U :. + �W _ c�000 oaobaz5a Q� � W �p O VDOp Nh.t'�10 C10Np�cCv'��N '[ �� I��azw �� aZa a �tYN�a L 8888 8888888 ococ o000000 8888 88 888 88 -- o�oo o©����� f`-1 �('� 8�8$ 88Q8888• � � • � • • � �0�� r,����pMN O�i~IVDem-1 �N(�..r CTN Nh.MO Q�COf`�f�. �pN � N '� 8888 8S8 88 g� _�_ � 1 I � � N'h.t"1� Q�ONC�CCtn�.DN i Y �, G x o � V ,y� w � N 0 q � M I � j � � I � � i ' i ,..i - --- M Qj � M � i 1d r7' !d .� { I �► ��, v �, .n � u i I . � � U 0. � � .-i H as .y r-1 .y � .•, .-r g$g��� ,�,�,pC by ��,", �1 •� •�C , tz. s ��i �� ��„'�ti„ Iy. — _._.:ems - ..r .. v00 Sheet 1 oI 2 CONTRACTORS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PAY ESTIMATE NO.: Three DATE.:_ July 7, 1993 PERIOD: June 1, 1993 TO: June 30, 1993 PROJECT: Switzer Park -- Restroom ENGINEER: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. & Concession Stand Facilities Dallas, Texas N91038E OWNER: City of Sanger CONTRACTOR: 1st ABC Construction 201 Bolivar Street Specialists, Inc. Sanger, Texas 76266 1700 Precinct Line Rd #100 Fort ;dorth - _ _ _ '1 t\ IV1VV BIDS RECEIVED: 02-15-93 CONTRACT DATE: 02-15-93 NOTICE TO PROCEED: 02-22-93 CONTRACT AMOUNT: CALENDAR DAYS, 90 START CONSTRUCTION DATE: 03-04-93 $84,300.00 ADJUSTMENTS: DAYS USED: REVISED AMOUNT: SUMMARY OF JOB STATUS Total Work. Completed Material Stored on Site Contract Amount to Date Less 5 o Retained Subtotal Less Previous Payments Amount Due This Period $_ 84,300.00 84,300.00 44,812.45 35,272.55 0 Time Used: COMPLETION DATE: SUBMITTED BY: By: For Contractor Date: APPROVED • �.� M „_:, • F6r Engineer Date • �7 APPROVED: For Owner Date: , Work Completed Sheet 2 of 2 OWNER: City of Sanger CONTRACTOR�B ESTIMATE PROJECT NAME & NUMBER: Switzer Park - N91038E Restroom & Concession Stand Facilities CONTRACTOR: 1st ABC Construction Specialists, Inc. PAY ESTIMATE NO.: Three FOR PERIOD ENDING: June 30 1993 Item Description Unit of Amount Work Unit Value of No. Measure Bid Comp Price Work Comp P.1 Restroom Building (Bldg. B) L.S. 1 1 $52,000.00 $52,000.00 P.2 Concession Building (Bldg. A) L.S. 1 1 24,800.00 24,800.00 P.3 Arbor Structure L.S. 1 1 5,500.00 5,500.00 P.4 Wading Pool Pump Building L.F. 1 1 21000.o0 2,000.00 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED: $841300.00 Recommended for Approval: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE ONE GLEN LAKES, SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231-4350 Date / 2 / q3 Approved Date TOTAL AMOUNT OF WORK COMPLETED Material Stored on Site Contract Amount to Date Less 5 %Retained Subtotal Less Previous Payments Balance Due this Period $ 84,300.00 $ 4,215.00 $ _ 80,085.00 $` 44,812.45 $ 35,272.55 �1 1CONTRACTOR's APPLICATION FOR I PAYMENT. Hunter Associates, Attn. John Mears FROM: 1st ABC Construction Specialists, Inc. 7700 Precinct Line Rd., Suite 100, FW, Tx 76180 PHONE 817498-5025 PROJECT: Restroom & Concession Stand, Switzer Park, Sanger, Texas, PAYMENT REQUEST NO. #3 PERIOD 6-1 19 93 TO 6-30 19 STATEMENT OF CONTRACT ACCOUNT: 1. original contract Amount $ 84,300.0'0 2. Approved Change Order Nos. '�- (As per attached breakdown) $ 0000 3. Adjusted Contract Amount $ 84,300.00 4. Value of Work Completed to Date: (As per attached breakdown)'• $ 84,300.00 5. Value ofApproved �Change Orders Completed: "" S 0.00 6. Materials Stored ono Site: (As per* attached breakdown) $ 0000 •7. TOTAL TO DATE $ 84,300.00 ©. Less Amount Retained ( 5 Popa) S 4,215.00 9. Total Less Retainage S 805085000 Total Previously Certified (Deduct) $ 445812.45 11. AMOUNT DUE THIS REQUEST $ 35,272.55 Date: __ June 30, 1993 _ Subscribed and sworn, before me this. 30th day of une 1993. NoT`ry Pub 1 i c���� My Commission xpires. 0-30-15 "Y p` COLEEN YOW COMMISSION EXPIRES of W OCTQBER 30, 1995 93 1st ABC Con truction Specialists, Inc. TITCI--Press e'� nt— i d O —� Oo lD� �! v v tJt .A Ww V w O o23go8208o���d'wS�B cat ti -r, :. � ., �, � -� �. o • I i ' • „. .. N1 1 I OS 1 .A I I i 1 I O N W W O O O O O O O 0 0 O O O O 0 0 0 O I 1. i O 1 O I 1 I 1 i O O O O O -� •P N -+ N CIl W CTI 1 N ,' CIl W N N O� W I Ut N i 1 O O O O O O O O O V O (.Tl O -+ O O O O O O O I O O O O O O O 1 Ol O 1 1 I 1 1 •1 1 1 1 I i I� 1� 1 1 1 1 I I 1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C 1 1 i 1, I 1' 1 1 I 1 1. i 1 1 I i 1 ,� � �, 1 —► -P Ol W CJl OJ N O W N N 00 W O V Ul W Ul Ul O O O O O O O O O O V' O CTI O —+ O O O �l V O O O O O O O O O O O O O C31 O O O --� I �1 �\ i �\ �a J �\ �l �a IO O O ;O O O O IO O O O O •IO O .O O I � 1 1• I 1 I I I i I 1 1 1• 1 I I 1 I 1 1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O• I• 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 i� 1 1 1 I I 1 I . I � N I II N Ul N W N �P Ql U'I —a `•�P O 0� N • cr, o o vl cn O o � o cn w • o o cn • o0 o �, o � c� �� C7I ? �= ,� ('� ar -; � �, � c �� oc �M° ^� c«� � � � '�' �, � Its' _ n O u � _^..� z � c �;� H. N ' J ^ vi1 a', } � O}-s O N � c, NO N oZ `�cn-^—� 1 � 1 •c �, C� (� 1 .:f r n (�D � ' •a ' �1 F'-C CI '�'� " j: �C � � � m c � � O a 7 � %•- �� � �� � �', ~ � � -ice � 7� � � � � i O C' �i• C T� x �It z� v► C'1 ;G ' � � __ � t1 `. � r= �� x J � ('n { p Z �-- � rn { O a � Ct') rrt (f') �• I � � t ' to � C � � 1 � � (T! G "� � .; ! C --+ � .�� ! 1 � � �� , v Q. O trt C —1 r.--/ �, VIA I --1 .,•, . ov �rn,�OjQ.Z C � Gl —I "1 i G t7 � c o a.:x z' :-� � a � �C10 n x• � .. t r • �•� -. 1� 1 r 10 nO�•t ... �� i O,W �� i � � � y � � t--I. 1 W � ' . • �� . �� � �� t0 � _ � ^' y � ,00W . .., ,.. .. .. • � N O n n rn wq rn rn q CITY OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #23C1(? TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrato DATE: July 16, 1993 11 SUBJECT: Ordinance # 07-93 - Transportation of Hazardous Material The enclosed ordinance was requested by the Fire Department and is presented for your consideration. JH;eh Enclosure CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY REGULATING THE TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN THE CITY; PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION I: That Chapter 10 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger is hereby amended by the addition of an article, to be numbered Article 10.1100, which shall read as follows: "ARTICLE 10.1100 TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS § 10.1101 Transportation of Hazardous Materials Restricted (a) No person shall transport hazardous materials within the city unless the person's destination or point of departure is a Sanger terminal or other location within the city. (b) The prohibition contained in this section shall not apply if the hazardous materials are transported on: (1) Interstate Highway 35 (2) State Highway 455 (3) Second Street from State Highway 455 to Wayne Street (4) Sante Fe rail line through Sanger (c) No person shall transport hazardous materials requiring Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials warning placards on any other streets, public highways or segments of streets and public highways. (d) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be readily available on the vehicle for hazardous materials regulated by this article." § 10.1102 Penalty for Violations Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.105 of this Code." Page 1 of 2 SECTION II: That if any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word in this Ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, and the City Council hereby declares that it would have passed such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity. SECTION III: That any and all Ordinances of the City of Sanger heretofore adopted which are in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby expressly repealed insofar as the same are in conflict therewith. SECTION IV: That this Ordinance shall take effect immediately, from and after its passage and publication of the caption, as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED BY ORDER OF CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, THIS THE ._ 19939 ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY CITY OF SANGER THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE DAY OF, APPROVED: MAYOR CITY OF SANGER QUO Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 SANDER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2306 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE: July 16, 1993 SUBJECT: Billboard Request -James Clay The Planning &Zoning Commission voted to recommend approval of Mr. Clay's request for a zoning change in order to erect a billboard on the west side of I-35, south of Keeton Road. The P & Z vote was 5 in favor, Shaw, Haskins, Beli, Garza, Sims and Inman opposed. Staff recommends denial of the request as "spat -zoning." JH:es Enclosures EAST TEXAS SIGN COMPANY 1917 LAKE HILL LANE PLANO, TEXAS 75023 214-964-1998 5-12-93 CITY OF BANGER �1AY I 1993 CITY Ur BANGER I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST A VARIANCE WHICH WOULD ALLOW PLACEMENT OF A HIGHWAY BTLLBOARD ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: IH-35, IMMEDIATELY SOUTH OF KEETON ROAD, ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY(A0071A BURLESON TRACT 2, 2B 28.61 ACRES, DENTON COUNTY). THIS PROPERTY IS OWNED BY CAROLYN JANSSEN AND DAVID PATTERSON, FROM WHOM I HAVE A SIGNED LEASE FOR THIS PURPOSE IF IT IS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. THE SPOT WHERE I WOULD LIKE TO PLACE THE BILLBOARD IS AT THE EXTREME SOUTH END OF THE FIELD, NEXT TO THE HIGHWAY. THE SIGN STRUCTURE PROPOSED WILL BE A STEEL MONOPOLE, WHICH WILL AT ALL TIMES BE MAINTAINED IN A NEAT ATTRACTIVE CONDITION. YOUR CONSIDERATION OF THIS REQUEST IS APPRECIATED. SINCERELY, 94A i June 10, 1993 TO: City of Sanger Planning & Zoning Board FROM: James Clay - East Texas Sign Company SUBJECT: Variance Request ----------------------------------------------- The purpose of this letter is to confirm in writing the agreements and representations discussed in the P&Z meeting of Thursday, June 2, 1993. Specifically, in order to address the concerns of the Board, we agreed to the following: have I. The proposed outdoor advertising sign will not advertise alcohol, tobacco or sexually oriented products or businesses. II. We will provide the city of Sanger with a new, larger sandblasted wood sign with the message, "Welcome to Sanger" to replace the existing sign at our expense. Sign to be similar to the "Welcome to Denton" sign on U.S. 380 in Denton. III. We will make any unleased! sign face in Sanger available to the city for use in promoting civic events, city pride, Sanger utilities, etc. There will be no costs to the city as we will donate all design, painting, illumination and space. IV. In the event a lawsuit is filed against the city of Sanger as a direct result of this variance being approved, it is hereby agreed that we will remove the subject sign structure in order to relieve the city of such litigation. V. 'l'he sign structure will conform to all federal and tstate codes and will be installed exactly where in- dicated by stakes on the property. The above points are hereby confirmed and agreed to by the East Texas Sign Company and will be carried out in good faith. Respectfully submitted, EAST TEXAS SIl;N COMPANY James Clay V EAST TEXAS SIGN COMPANY 1917 LAKE HILL LANE PLANO, TEXAS 75023 (214)964-1998 L E A S E A G R E E M E N T AGREEMENT made this 13th day of April , 1993, by and between Carolyn Patterson Janssen and David Janssen as Landlord and the East Texas Sign Company as Tenant. IN CONSIDERATION OF $1000.00 per year, the Landlord leases and grants to the tenant the following privileges, to -wit: the right to build, paint and maintain an advertising sign structure on the premises known and described as: A0071A Burleson Tract 2, 2B 28.61 acres, located on IH 35(on the Wast side of the highway and immediately South of Keeton Road). Placement of the sign structure is to be on the extreme South end of the property. The length of the lease is to be for a twenty(20) year period from the date that construction of the sign structure is completed. Payments are to be made as follows: (1) $1000.00 at the time that a permit is granted by the State of Texas to erect said structure, (2) subsequent payments of $1,000.00 annually become due on the anniversary date of the completion of construction of the structure. The East Texas Sign Company agrees not to advertise any of the following on this sign structure: (1) Alcohol, (2) Tobacco, or (3) Sexually - oriented businesses. This lease shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon both parties and to their respective tenants, heirs, successors, and/or assigns. This lease is contingent upon the East Texas Sign Company being able to secure a permit from the state of Texas to erect said structure. East Texas Sign Company Owner, Tenant,�Agent Address Telephone �1 � c• scrtrnuLr or• uses Pcrual�rrsn The classes of zoning use districts in which the various types of signs are permitted are indicated by the following schedule: MAXIMUM AREA DISTRICT SPACING TYPE SIGN (Square Feet) PERMIT PERh1ITTED STANDARD RE UZRED Name Plate l All Districts None No Name Plate 50 B-1,B-2, D-3, None I-1, I-2 No Institutional 1G All Residential Districts None No Institutional 72 D-1, II-2, B-3, None I-1, I-2 No Apartment 50 All Districts (1) Per Street No Frontage Business 200 B-1, B-2, B-3, (1) Per I-1, I-2 Yes Dusiness Billboard Type 400 I-1, I-2 1000 feet apart Yes Agriculture 100 A (1) Per Farm Yes Real Estate 1© (1) Per Lot; All Districts On Acreage (1) No Per 200' Road Frontage Construction 60 All Districts None No Development 200 (1) Per Project All Districts or (1) For No Eac)i 100 Acres in Project Garage/Occasional 3 All Districts (1) Per Lot or No Tract Portable Advertising 72 0 D-1, D-2, B-3 (1) Per Lot or I-1, I-2 No Tract '� 3 5 86 MEMORANDUM #2304 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 573 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrator July 16, 1993 Vater Conservation Plan The enclosed water conservation plan was drafted by the Upper Trinity Regional Water District as a model for all the participants in the water supply project. Staff has reviewed the document and recommends adoption. Chuck Tucker will be available for any questions you might have on the plan. JH:es Enclosures ROUGH DRAFT ENCLOSED/FINAL WITH FIGURES WILL BE AVAILABLE MONDAY EVENING Al THE MEETING. DULY 16, 1993 City of Sanger, Texas • . A Model Plan Water Conservation & Emergency Water Demand Management Plan Page Section I INTRODUCTION 1.Q Overview The 69th Texas Legislature passed House Bill (HB} 2 and House Joint Resolution (HJR) 6 in 1985, commonly referred to as the "Texas Water Plan". this act requires a Water Conservation Plan and Emergency Water Demand Management Plan by political subdivisions seeking financial assistance from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB). The Water Plan as outlined in HB 2 was approved by Texas voters in a statewide election on November 6, 1985, becoming an amendment to the Texas Constitution. The TWDB has developed guidelines for Water Conservation and Emergency Water Demand Management Plans. Efficient utilization of all water resources is necessary if continued development is to occur on a statewide basis. Water, a basic human need, will be a major factor in development. Conservation of water is necessary if we are to meet future needs at a reasonable cost and without sacrificing quality of life standards. The need for conservation of water resources is generally recognized to be a high priority issue for the state of Texas and for the City of Sanger. The Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD} has applied for, and been granted, financial assistance from the TWDB for a water treatment plant and pipeline transmission system. The City of Sanger (Utility) is a member of UTRWD and has contracted to participate in the Regional Treated Water System being implemented by UTRWD. The Utility recognizes the need for water conservation and efficient utilization of water from all sources in order to meet the future needs at reasonable costs. This Water Conservation and Emergency Water Demand Management Plan pertains to the use of water produced and received from all sources and is intended to conform to the guidelines established by UTRWD and TWDB. This plan represents the policy of City of Saner, will serve the public interest and is intended to support the Water Conservation Plan adopted by UTRWD and to carry out the applicable provisions thereof and of the UTRWD Emergency Water Demand Management Plan. Model Plan Water Conservation Page & Emergency Water Demand Management Plan 1.1 Description of Upper Trinity Regional Water District The UTRWD was created by the Texas Legislature on June 16, 1989, and is composed of public agencies who have executed membership contracts. Some members executed contracts to participate in a project (City of Sanger); others executed contracts that contain an option to participate in a future project of the District (City of Sanger). Similarly, Water Supply Corporations are under contract with UTRWD, either as Participating Utilities or Contract Utilities. The membership period ended June 16, 1991; but, other public agencies may be permitted to become members of the UTRWD in the future. The UTRWD is composed of 9 Participating members, 2 Participating Utilities, 14 Contract Members, and 2 Contract Utilities. The County of Denton does not operate a utility but does appoint one representative to the Board of Directors. Of the 11 Participating Members and Utilities, 8 are participating in Phase 1 of the Regional Treated Water System. The UTRWD is implementing a Regional Treated Water System to supply its members. As a participating member of the UTRWD, City of Sanger is participating in the Regional Treated Water Project. In order to accomplish this, the UTRWD has entered into long term contractual agreements with the Cities of Dallas, Denton, and Commerce for purchase of raw surface water. In addition, the UTRWD has entered into a short term contract with the City of Denton for purchase of treated water. The TWDB has committed financial assistance to the UTRWD for the construction of the first phase of the Regional Treated Water System. City of Sanger has contracted for approximately mgd in phase I of the System. 1.2 service Area A map of City of Sanger's service area is shown in Exhibit A. INSERTIONS 1.3 Water Sup.�y Facilities INSERTIONS 144 Utility Evaluation Data (Water The following information for City of Sanger provides data needed for the development of a conservation plan and a water demand management plan. Model Plan Water Conservation & Emergency Water Demand Management Plan Page A. Population of Service Area Inside City Limits: Outside City Limits: Total B. Area of Service Inside City Limits: (Sq. Mi.) Outside City Limits: (Sq. Mi.) Total: (Sq. Mi.) C. Number and Type of Connections in Service Area (Inside and Outside City Limits) Water. Residential Commercial Industrial Public Wastewater: Residential Commercial Industrial Public D. Net New Connection per Year (Connections less Disconnects) 1991 199a 1989 1988 E. Percent of customers metered F. Usage and Sales Data 1. Average monthly production of water from all source (last five years): 000 41 Model Plan Water Conservation & Emergency Water Demand Management Plan Page 2. Estimated monthly water sales by user category gal.) for 1992": January February March April May June July August September October November December Total Note: Since 1992 was a wet year, these data may not be representative. Note: If Commercial data are not maintained separately, may combine with other categories. If so, TWDB suggests commercial data be maintained separately in the future. Also, indicate where data for apartments is reported. 5. Average Daily Sales (mod) To All Customers FY 1992 FY 1991 FY 1990 FY 1989 FY 1988 Model Plan Water Conservation & Emergency Water Demand Management Plan Page C. Peak Daily Use 7. Peak to Average use Ratio 8. Unaccounted-for water a. Average % over last 5 years b. Most recent year (1992) 9. Per Capita water use for previous five years: Year Residential Only Residential & Commercial Total (All Classes) FY 1992 FY 91 FY 1990 FY 1989 FY 1988 ILL 1C1. Projected Water Demands. Year Projected Feak Demand 1.6 Ut-��,ity Eva�tic�n Data (Wastewater) Population of Service Area Model Plan Water Conservation & Emergency Water Demand Management Plan Page A, Brief D escriptian B. Percent of potable water customers sewered by wastewater system: C. Percent of potable water customers who have septic tanks or other privately operated sewage disposal systems: D. Percent of potable water customers sewered by another wastewater treatment utility. E. Monthly volume of wastewater treated for previous five years (in 1,000 gallons). FY 1992 FY 1991 FY 1990 FY 1989 FY 1988 Janum Febr ary_ March April May June-- J ly_ A gust Se tembe Octo r Novembe Dee ber Total F. Average 1992 daily volume of wastewater treated: G. Peak day 1992 wastewater volume (If known): H. Estimated percent of wastewater flows to treatment plant that originate from the following categories. Model Plan Water Conservation +& Emergency Water Demand Management Plan Page Residential/Commercial Industrial/ Manufacturing Fublic/Institutional Storm Water Other (Explain) 1,7 Other Information A. Safe annual yield of water supply form wells and sources other than water contracted from UTRWD: B. Estimated peak daily design capacity of your existing water system: C. List your ten highest volume water customers: Customer D. Water rate structure: f,�uanitity E. Average annual revenues (Last three years) from water and wastewater rates: SECTION II LONG TERM WATER CONSERVATION PLAN 000 45 Model Plan Water Conservation & Emergency Water Demand Management Plan Page 2.1 Purpose and Goals The purpose of this Long Term Water Conservation Plan is to encourage and promote efficient use of water resources, and to outline a strategy for achieving such efficiency. The City of Sanger's system generates average sales of gallons per day or approximately gallons per capita. Excessive use does not appear to be a problem because water conservation has already been practiced and because of limited supply. Nonetheless, opportunities for conservation remain and it is urgent that all reasonable efforts be made to save water. This plan addresses various opportunities to conserve water and establishes specific strategies to realize the opportunities. The service area of City of Sanger is undergoing development at this time; it I s not stabilized and we don't have all the data we need. Furthermore, we have not always been able to meet the water demands of customers, especially at peak times. Consequently, it is difficult to set municipal goals for water conservation. Over the next two years, in cooperation with the UTRWD, the Utility will endeavor to establish reliable base operating data for purposes of future comparison. It is the goal of City of Sanger to reduce unaccounted-for water to 10% within 3 years. Also, it is the goal of City of Sanger to effect 5% water conservation by year 2000 and to achieve 15% water conservation by year 2020. This plan outlines a program to achieve these conservation goals on a per capita or per customer basis. 2.2 Conservation Methods The objective of water conservation is to permanently reduce the quantity of water required per person per day for living and business activities. The water conservation methods recommended by the TWDB Guidelines for Municipal Water Conservation and Emergency Demand Management are as follows: 1. Education of the public and information to each retail customer 2. Plumbing codes to promote conservation 3. Retrofit of existing plumbing devices where warranted 4. Conservation oriented rate structure 5. Universal metering and meter repair and replacement Model Plan Water Conservation & Emergency Water Demand Management Plan Page F. Water conservation landscaping practices 7. Irrigation practices 8. Water audits and leak detection 9. Recycling and reuse of treated wastewatear wherever practical 1t3. Conversion to surface water supply 11. Pressure control In addition, various methods recommended by the TWDB for saving water are listed in Exhibit C and will be made available to customers through an organized program. Conservation Program This water conservation program is organized according to the conservation methods outlined above, each method is described below. At the conclusion of this section, the steps involved in implementation and enforcement are outlined. In Section III of this plan, specific activities are identified for maximum benefit in a Short Term Water Conservation Plan. 2.3.1 Fublic Information and Education A better informed public and a better educated customer are wise goals for any water or wastewater system. However, one needs to be cautious and practical in designing and implementing a program to further those goals. If the program is overdone, it will lack credibility, will not be well received, and may set back the valid goals of water conservation. one of the best guidelines for any program is to "keep it simple:' For City of Sanger, it appears that the following strategies will be adequate and appropriate: A. Have a series of town meetings during the course of each major water and wastewater project to explain the purpose of the project and available alternatives, and how growth or usage is affecting the need for the project. 000 47 Model Plan Water Conservation &. Emergency Water Demand Management Plan Page B. Distribute a water conservation packet to each new customer. The packet will contain several water conservation brochures and relevant materials from other sources, including newspaper articles, and material provided by UTRWD. C. Have on display at Utility Offices at least three conservation items, conveniently organized to encourage customers to take one. Possible booklets or brochures available from TWDB include: * "A Homeowners Guide to Water Use and Water Conservation: " "How to Save Water Inside the Home" * "How to Save Water Outside the Home" * "Water Saving Ideas for Business &Industry The Utility will install the office display within six months of the adoption of this plan, and will install any additional displays as needed. D. Mail water conservation brochures appropriate for the season to each retail customer. In the first eighteen months after adoption of this plan, mail three brochures to each retail customer. Thereafter, the number of brochures mailed on an annual basis will be adjusted to maintain the effectiveness of the program. The program may include the following: Item -re * Water conservation message Annually * Water Conservation Brochure Annually or Bill Stuffers * Information on Conservation As Necessary Programs of City such as Leak Detection or Reuse * Instructions on how to obtain Included additional information with Utility Bills 00 48 Model Plan Water Conservation & Emergency Water Demand Management Plan Page The direct mail program will begin in first year after adoption of this plan, having full effect in the next year (the first full budget year). It is anticipated that most of the materials required for this program will be available free from the Texas Water Commission and the TWDB or at modest cost from other sources, including the UTRWD. E. In cooperation with UTRWD, initiate a program for bringing the message of water conservation to the students in the local school district once a year. The UTRWD will take the lead in program and City of Sanger will support it. 2 312 Water Conserving Plumbing Fixtures The City of Sanger will inform customers about water -conserving plumbing fixtures and encourage the use of such fixtures in new home% new commercial and public buildings, and when replacing fixtures in existing homes and commercial and public buildings. City of Sanger and water utility plumbing codes will require the use of water -conserving plumbing fixtures. The fixtures listed below meet new state water conservation standards, as specified in Senate Bill 587, 1991 Regular Session, Texas Legislature: mounted, flushometer types that have a maximum flush of 2.0 gallons, with all other types having a maximum flush that does not exceed 1.6 gallons of water. " Urinals: Maximum flush of 1 gallon of water. * Showerheads: Maximum flow rate of 2.75 gallons per minute at 80 pounds per square inch, except where necessary for safety reasons. " Fauc��: Maximum flow rate of 2.2 gallons per minute at 60 pounds per square inch, for all lavatory, kitchen, and bar sink faucets. " Hot Water Piping; All hot water pipes should be insulated. This program will be implemented by code inspectors, and monitored by the City Administrator. It is not expected to increase the costs of code enforcement. Model Plan Water Conservation & Emergency Water Demand Management Plan Page 2 3.3 Retrofit Programs City of Sanger encourages the retrofit of existing plumbing fixtures through the voluntary efforts of individual consumers for their homes and businesses. Adoption of a water conservation plumbing code will result in a gradual upgrading of plumbing fixtures in existing structures. �.3.4 Conservation Oriented Rate Structure City of Sanger recognizes that an increasing block rate structure will encourage water users to reduce water use and thereby increase water conservation. With an increasing block rate, the price per 2,000 gallons of water increases as the quantity used increases, thereby discouraging excessive and wasteful water use. 2.3.5 to i�,g and Meter Testing The purpose of metering is to measure the quantity of water being distributed to customers throughout the system, to account for all the water being produced, and to accurately bill for the quantity of water delivered to each customer. The Utility recognizes the need for universal and accurate metering. A recommended schedule for testing meters is as follows: * Master or production meters -Test, calibrate and repair annually. * Meters larger than 1" - Test, calibrate, and repair every 3 years. * Meters smaller than 1" -Test or replace every 1D years. These activities can be performed by the water utility as a part of the routine operation and maintenance activities. It will be monitored by City Administrator. It is expected that the costs will be offset by more accurate accounting and billing. Model Plan Water Conservation & Emergency Water Demand Management Plan Page 2.3.6 Water Conservation Landscaping Well designed and properly maintained demonstration landscapes located in parks and other highly visible areas will promote the water -conserving landscape concept. As opportunities occur, the City of Sanger will plan Xeriscape landscaping for its parks and other facilities. Such landscaping should emphasize native species and low water consuming types. Also, the City of Sanger will encourage garden clubs, developers, and customers to I mplement water efficient landscaping. We will participate with the UTRWD in demonstration gardens developed as part of the regional program. 2.3.7 �g�tion Practices Proper design and operational procedures are important for the irrigation of residential, commercial, and industrial landscaping features. To secure optimum irrigation efficiency, it is necessary to have certain standards and requirements. But, the most beneficial results are expected to be achieved by adequately informing the public regarding water saving practices, that will also save money. Therefore, the Utility will explore opportunities for conserving water through improved irrigation practices, including: (A) Avoiding: 10 over -watering lawns and gardens in excess of what is actually required; 2, watering during the heat of the day when losses due to evaporation are high; 3a the operation of sprinkler systems during periods of rainfall. (B} The partitioning of any given irrigation system so as to provide sequential operation of segments of the system rather than simultaneous operation. (C} The distribution of a brochure providing helpful tips when a permit is issued for a sprinkler system and periodically thereafter. Model Plan Water Conservation +& Emergency Water Demand Management Plan Page City of Sanger is aware of potential savings from leak detection studies and water audits. Based on a review of operating practices of utilities in this region, it appears that water audits will be more production at this time than would a formal leak detection program. The UTRWD plans to audit seminar for just participants. Later, if needed, the UTRWD will purchase leak detection equipment and will make the equipment and personnel available to participants. Technical assistance is available from the TWDB at no cost to the water utility. Leak detection and repair of leaks will reduce the quantity of water that must be pumped from aquifers and/or obtained from surface water sources. The Utility will begin a program to tighten the system in practical ways to lower the percentage of unaccounted-for water below 10% within 3 years. a The leading types of potential reuse projects are: " Use of wastewater effluent for irrigation of parks and/or golf courses. " Transmission of wastewater effluent to a surface water reservoir project for treatment and reuse as a public water supply. " Installation of gray water {water from the washing machine, showers, and bathtubs) tanks in homes for lawn and landscape watering. " Recycling and reuse of treated effluent by, or for, industrial, commercial and institutional customers -- as well as for irrigation of open space such as parks and golf courses. Each of these and other options will be explored by City of Sanger over the long term. 1 3.10 Conversion to Surface Water SupLply The Regional Treated Water Project of the UTRWD will make surface water available, allowing ground water to be conserved. Model Plan Water Conservation & Emergency Water Demand Management Plan Page 2.3.11 Pressure Control The Utility recognizes that adequate pressure control throughout its distribution system can improve water conservation. Based on evaluation of the utility data in the front of this plan and additional date to be developed over the next two years, the need for pressure control will be evaluated -- generally to maintain system pressures below 80 psi. As indicated, the City will begin a program to improve system -wide pressure control in practical ways over the next 5 years. 2.3. �2 Enforcement The Water Conservation Plan will be implemented and enforced under the general direction of the City Administrator. Methods and costs of implementation are described below. Most of the programs are voluntary and cannot be "enforced". However, the Utility will undertake such efforts to promote voluntary participation as can be done. For example, the Utililty may establish an award for conservation efforts. The governing body will oversee such a program. Public Information and Education: The Utility will make copies of water conservation plan, including copies of the water conservation methods, available to customers, civic groups and other groups upon request. Also, copies of the Plan and literature will be given to the local newspapers for use in writing water conservation articles. Water Conservation Plumbing Fixtures: In 1991, the Texas Legislature adopted legislation which sets out conservation standards for plumbing fixtures sold within Texas. These standards are listed in section 2.3.2. With these standards in place, water conserving plumbing fixtures will be phased into use as new homes and commercial structures are built and older homes and businesses are remodeled or enlarged. Model Plan Water Conservation Page & Emergency Water Demand Management Plan Water Conservation Retrofit Program. The Utility encourages customers to replace existing low efficiency plumbing fixtures with water -conserving plumbing fixtures on a voluntary basis. Low flow showerheads and toilet tank dams to reduce the quantity of water used for these purposes can be obtained at a cost of about $5.00 each, and can be expected to reduce water use by about 16 gallons per person per day. These are the most effective and easily installed water conserving fixtures from the standpoint of retrofitting existing structures. City of Sanger is not now considering a mandatory retrofit program because it is not necessary and may not be acceptable to customers at this time. However, if necessary to meet the goals of this program, the City of Sanger will consider such a program in the future. Water Conserving Landscape: The Utility will cooperate with UTRWD in I nforming nurseries and the public of plants and shrubs that are native to the area. The budget for this activity will be included in the budget for public information and education. Leak Detection and Water Audits: The City of Sanger will be alert to leak detection and will emphasize water audits, and will repair leaks to save water and reduce operation costs. Technical assistance for leak detection and water audits is available from the TWDB and from UTRWD. We do not expect any budget increase will be necessary for this water conservation activity. Wastewater Reuse and Recycling: The use of wastewater effluent from the central sewage collection and treatment system for irrigation of parks, golf courses, or forage crops will be considered. Any such use must be planned and evaluated on an individual basis. Also, opportunities for recycling and reuse of effluent by, or for, industrial, commercial and institutional customers will be explored. The use of gray water systems in homes for lawn and landscape watering may be passible in some parts of the service area, but may not be acceptable within more densely populated portions of the service area. Gray water systems are most easily installed as homes are being built. Existing homes can be retrofitted with a gray water system at a higher cost. In the case of new homes, gray water tanks, piping, and pumping equipment for a family of four would cost approximately $1,600 to install. The costs to install such a system in existing homes may be considerably higher, since piping would need to be modified and pumps added. Modei Plan Water Conservation & Emergency Water Demand Management Plan Page The City of Sanger encourages water reuse and recognizes that the cost of water reuse will be borne by the beneficiaries. To the extent that water reuse saves water and lowers monthly water bills, the benefits can be used to repay the cost of reuse projects. Overall Enforcement: The City Administrator wili be responsible for implementation of the water conservation program. Punitive enforcement measures are not expected to be required. By adoption of this plan, the City of Sanger City Council is directing and authorizing the City Administrator to take all steps reasonably necessary to implement and enforce the plan. 2.3.13 Review and Evaluation The City of Sanger, through adoption of this plan, commits to report to the Executive Administrator of the UTRWD annually. The report to the Director will contain information describing: A. Progress in conservation plan implementation. B. A qualitative report of the plan's effectiveness and benefits being generated. C. A quantitative report regarding results being achieved. D. This report will be completed on an annual basis each October Win. In addition, the City of Sanger will undertake a comprehensive review with both staff and the governing body to review significant changes to the Utility's system and modify the conservation plan accordingly. 2.3.14 contracts V�ith Other Political Subdivisions City of Sanger does not sell water to other entities for resale. If we should be interested in doing so in the future, we will require as a condition of any such contract that the entity develop a water conservation plan consistent with this plan and acceptable to the TWDB. SECTION III SHORT TERM WATER CONSERVATION PLAN .1 Purpose and Goals 5 The purpose of the Short Term Water Conservation Plan is to identify those elements of the Long Term Plan that lend themselves to immediate implementation -- and to gain immediate public recognition of, and support for, the Water Conservation Plan. For more information, one can refer to Section II of this plan where all elements of the Long Term Plan are described. Public Education and Information The two areas of public information that can make the mast immediate impact are encouraging the installation of water conserving devices (including retrofit of plumbing fixtures), and the proper watering of lawns and landscaping. The Utility will undertake an aggressive first year program to encourage the installation of low -flow fixtures and toilet dams (where appropriate), and educate homeowners on proper techniques for watering lawns. The installation of low -flow fixtures can be accomplished for about $5.00 each, and can reduce water use by about 16 gallons per day. Proper watering of lawns can further reduce usage while improving the health of the lawns at the same time. 3.3 Water Conserving Plumbing Fixtures 3.4 Conservation Oriented Rate Structure EMERGENCY WATER DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN 000 56 Approved and Adopted this _ day of _ , 1993. Nel Armstrong, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez City Secretary CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE. July 16, 1993 SUBJECT: Consider Re -applying for Texas Community Development HOME Grants The enclosed material from Governmental Service Agency concerns reapplying for the HOME grants to rehabilitate individual's residences for up to $25,000 per unit. G.S.A. will provide this at no charge since the City was not funded during the last cycle. If Council desires to proceed, the first public hearing will be on August 2nd. JH:es Enclosures GSA July 13, 1993 GOVERNMENTAL SERVICE AGENCY, INC. Mr. John Hamilton City Manager City of S anger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266-0578 Dear John: Tiri1= GiTI(OF BANGER 1' J U L 1 5 1993 `1�,_����Od� s, �,'�,��R, TEXAS RE: 1993 TCDP Grant Application I have enclosed the following items for your first public hearing on the 1993 Texas Community Development Program and HOME grant applications: (1) Notice of Public Hearing -This notice needs to be published at least 72 hours before the date of the public hearing (August 2). A copy of the notice should also be prominently posted in City Hall. (2) Items to Discuss -This information should be covered at your meeting in order to satisfy the citizen participation requirements set forth by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. All the necessary information which must be made available to the public is covered on this sheet. (3) Eligible Activities Handout -This is a detailed list describing eligible activities under the Texas Community Development Program. The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs requires that these eligible activities be made available to the general public. I have enclosed one copy of the handout which should be distributed during the public hearing. Please make additional copies if necessary. (4) Public Hearing Register (and Minutes) -Please make sure that that everyone who attends the hearing signs the register. Also, keep minutes (or tape recording) of the public hearing. Keep this register on file with your minutes of the hearing. Since the first public hearing pertains only to fulfilling general requirements, we are not planning on having a representative at this first public hearing. However, we will be contacting you after this public hearing to discuss your applications for this year in detail. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any tune. Sincerely, GOVERNMENTAL SERVICE AGENCY, INC. �CZ�h �. � ��,5 David K. Lewis President _ UUO 59. Lyndon Plaza 10935 Estate Lane, Suite 475 Dallas, Texas 75238 (214) 553-7070 Fax (214) 553-7098 INSTRUCTIONS TO NEWSPAPER: The notice must be published in either a legal or non -legal section of the newspaper. It must be published a minimum of three (3) days (72 hours) before the date of the hearing as scheduled below in the notice. Please provide an Affidavit of Publication and a full page copy of advertisement (tear sheet) to the city as soon as possible after its publication. PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Sanger will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m, on August 2, 1993, at Sanger City Hall, in regard to the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs for a grant under the Texas Community Development Program and the HOME Program. The purpose of this meeting is to allow citizens an opportunity to discuss and provide input on local housing and community development needs prior to the development of the applications. Information on the amount of funding available, eligible activities, and the use of past grant funds will also be discussed. The city encourages citizens to participate in the development of these grant applications and to make their views known at this public meeting. Citizens unable to attend this meeting may submit their views and proposals to the City Manager during regular office hours. Handicapped individuals who wish to attend this meeting should contact John Hamilton, City Manager, at (817) 45&7930 to arrange for assistance. Bulletin Board Notice PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Sanger will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on August 2, 1993, at Sanger City Hall, in regard to the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs for a grant under the Texas Community Development Program and the HOME Program. The purpose of this meeting is to allow citizens an opportunity to discuss and provide input on local housing and community development needs prior to the development of the applications. Information on the amount of funding available, eligible activities, and the use of past grant funds will also be discussed. The city encourages citizens to participate in the development of these grant applications and to make their views known at this public meeting. Citizens unable to attend this meeting may submit their views and proposals to the City Manager during regular office hours. Handicapped individuals who wish to attend this meeting should contact John Hamilton, City Manager, at (817) 45&7930 to arrange for assistance. 1 T PUB I HE RINji DISCUSSION ITEMS Facts About The Texas Community Development Program & HOME Program 1. Goals & Objectives — The goal of the Texas Community Development Program is the development of viable communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income. The objectives of the Texas Community Development Program are: a. To improve public facilities to meet basic human needs, principally for low and moderate income persons. b. To improve housing conditions, principally for persons of low and moderate income; c. To expand economic opportunities by creating or retaining jobs, principally for low and moderate income persons. d. To provide assistance and public facilities to eliminate conditions hazardous to the public health and of an emergency nature. 2. Eli ibg le Applicants —The eligible applicants under the TCDP are units of local government which is generally limited to cities and counties. 3. Eligible Activities —The primary use of TCDP funds is to benefit persons of low and moderate income. For a complete listing of eligible activities, please see the attached handout. More Common Projects —Most cities or counties that apply under the TCDP request funds for: Water and Sewer System Improvements (most common) Housing Rehabilitation Street Improvements (few of these are funded these days) Drainage Improvements (few of these are funded these days) It should be emphasized that the state is heavily emphasizing water and sewer projects under the 1993 TCDP. Such water and sewer projects that are in violation of known standards (Texas Dept. of Health rules for water systems and Texas Water Commission/EPA rules for sewer systems) stand the best chance of funding (e.g. 2" water lines that serve more than 10 connections, treatment systems that cannot meet the permitted effluent standards, leaking sewer mains which have been tested for infiltration/inflow, etc.) 4. The total amount of funds available under the 1993 Texas Community Development Program is $72,210,590. The live funding categories are: 1. Community Development Fund $489454,420 2. Texas Capital Fund (Economic Development) $13,208,000 3. Colonia Funds (Not eligible to apply for.) $794549700 4. Planning/Capacity Building Fund $745,470 5. Disaster Relief/Urgent Need Fund $2,348,000 000 5 . Minimum/Maximum — The Regional Review Committee has historically established a maximum of $250,000 be set. The minimum amount that can be requested is $75,000. 6. HOME Program— The HOME program which provided a total of $32.4 million for housing assistance for the elderly and low and moderate income persons last year. A similar amount of funds are expected to be available for this program year. The funds may be used for the. • rehabilitation of owner -occupied housing, • construction and rehabilitation of rental housing, and • reconstruction of homes not suitable for housing rehabilitation. Financial assistance may be made in the form of low interest loans, deferred loans which are payable at the time the property is sold, or forgivable loans which are forgiven over a determined period of time (e.g., 20% per year). The maximum amount of financial assistance which may be provided for moderate rehabilitation ranges up to an average of $25,000 per unit. 7. The City of Sanger has received the following Community Development grants: Year Type of Improvements Grant Amount 1981 Neighborhood Revitalization $480,000 1982 Neighborhood Revitalization $480,000 1983 Housing, Streets $480,000 1986 Planning $195100 8. TCDP grant applications are due on September 29, 1993. HOME Program applications are anticipated to be due sometime in October. 9. Cities that apply for both the Texas Community Development Program and the HOME program will receive higher scores. ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES The following are samples of eligible and ineligible activities under the Texas Community Development Program. The federal regulation states that operations and general maintenance, however, are ineligible activities. ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Installation of new lines and fire hydrants. Replacement of existing lines (only if deteriorated or obsolete). Installation of larger capacity lines. Construction of new intake stations. Drilling of new wells. Replacement of facilities beyond their expected life. Plant expansions or modifications due to increased water demand or change in water source quality. Replacement of major equipment (e.g., clarifiers). Construction of elevated or ground storage tanks. Acquisition of real property (including ROWS/easements). INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Cleaning and general maintenance of lines. Maintenance/repair of existing ground and elevated storage tanks (including interior and exterior painting). Improvements made necessary because of poor maintenance or operational practices. Replacement of minor equipment (e.g., pumps). Repair of facilities. ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Installation of new lines. Replacement of existing lines (only if deteriorated or obsolete). Installation of larger capacity lines. Construction of new lift stations due to expanded capacity. Plant expansions or modifications due to changes in influent characteristics or capacity shortage. Construction of a new sewage treatment plant. Acquisition of real property (including ROWS/easements). INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Cleaning and general maintenance of lines. Rehabilitation of lift stations if no expanded capacity is being added to collection or treatment systems. Replacement of equipment (e.g., blowers and pumps). Repairing facilities. Improvements made necessary because of poor maintenance or operational practices. 1 ►Ii �► :►1 :t:► ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Rehabilitation of rental and owner -occupied dwelling units. Reconstruction of housing not suitable for rehabilation. Cost-effective energy improvements. Abatement of lead -based paint. Improvements for handicapped persons. Soft costs associated with rehabilitation Demolition of dilapidated and abandoned Clearance of lots. Code enforcement administrative costs. Temporary relocation costs. activities (financing costs, appraisals, work write-ups, inspections, etc.) structures. INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Rehabilitation of non-residential property. Cosmetic repairs only (e.g., painting). histallation of luxury items, such as a swimming pool. Furnishings and personal property not an integral structural fixture (window air conditioners, washers or dryers). STREET IMPROVEMENTS ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Construction of roadways at new locations, regardless of surface materials to be used. Construction of added width capacity in the form of additional lanes (not less than 10 feet of added width). Acquisition of additional rights -of --way for construction at new locations or for added width capacity. Projects that increase the structural strength of the roadway or improve service of the roadway. Generally, this refers to improvements in the surface material quality. (e.g., caliche to crushed rock, crushed rock to asphalt, etc.). Bridge/Culvert Replacement (where deteriorated or obsolete). Curb and gutter when done in conjunction with other eligible street activities (Note: curb and gutter, when eligible, will always be considered a street activity, and will for no reason be considered drainage). INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Sealcoating. Overlays. Resurfacing to return to the original design and condition of the roadway. Extensions of installations of curb, gutter, and/or sidewalks (except in conjunction with an eligible paving activity list Resurfacing, stabilizing, or widening roadway shoulders and side road approaches (except in conjunction with eligible drainage activities). DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Permanent drainage facilities (storm sewer lines, concrete structures, culverts, related ditch grading). tNote: curb and gutter, when eligible, will always be considered a street activity, and will for no reason be considered drainage). Acquisition of real property (including ROWs/easements). IN ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Ditch cleaning and other operation/maintenance activities. ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Installation of new lines. Replacement of existing lines (only if deteriorated or obsolete). Installation of larger capacity lines. Replacement of facilities beyond their expected life. Replacement of major equipment. Acquisition of real property (including ROWS/easements). INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Cleaning and maintenance of lines. Improvements made necessary because of poor maintenance or operational practices. Replacement of minor equipment. ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Site acquisition. Site preparation. The purchase of site specific equipment (bulMozer, compacter,etc.) that will remain at the landfill or transfer station site and is necessary to operate the landfill or transfer station. Fencing around the site. Enclosures for site specific equipment. 000 65 Page 2 INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: h f other than sitespecific equipment or equipment not necessary to operate the landfill or transfer station. Purcases o This includes the purchase of vehicles to transmit waste from a transfer station to a landfill site. Purchase of vehicles to collect waste for delivery to the landfill or transfer station site. Improvements made necessary because of poor maintenance or operational practices. Replacement of minor equipment. ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: All such activities that provide handicapped access to the facility. Sheltered workshops for the handicapped. INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Area -wide handicapped accessibility activities that do not provide full access, and benefit the applicant's entire jurisdiction, or are unrelated to providing such accessibility. FIRF PROTECTION FACILITIES ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Fire stations; fire trucks; fire equipment (limited to 15% of any funding request). INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Equipment and furnishings not necessary for fire protection. ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Construction of new buildings)/facilities. Rehabilitation of existing buildings. Acquisition of real property. Fixed equipment (limited to 15% of any funding request). (Note: All such projects must meet low and moderate income requirements [area benefit for community and possibly senior centers; income eligible benefit for social services and possibly senior centers]). INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: B 'ldi (new construction or rehabilitation) that will primarily be used for the conducting of general local m ngs government functions (portions of buildings are therefore also ineligible). Construction or rehabilitation of buildings where the 51%low and moderate income benefit requirement cannot be documented. Purchase of equipment such as furniture, chairs, tables, etc. (Note: In the event that a proposed activity does not fail into one of the above categories, eligibility will be determined on a case -by -case basis.) Page 3 lst PUBLIC HEARING Clty of: BANGER Date• August 2, 1993 Time. 7:00 P.M. Location of Public Hearing• city xall Name: Address: CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM # 2307 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE: July 1�, 1993 SUBJECT: Administration Report 1}. Electrie Superintendent Larry Yoast will brief Council on the Tenth Street utilities relocation. 2}. The Pool is averaging over 100 paid patrons per day. JH:es 000 6 MUIR AGENCY, INC. % /G P.O. Box 8 6 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 DATE July 12 , 1993 Phone: (817) 458=7434 To ATTN : Ke 11 y City of Sanger PO Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 llear Kelly:- TFIE CITY %0 BANGER J U L 13 1993 T`} 54 IJ L I ! SUBJECT Lion Club Circus Thank you for sharing the visit about the permit needed by our Lion's Club for the one day circus. Those people will be here on September 18, and will have two shows.that afternoon. The location will be on the land south of Burrus supermarket. Their time in town will be from late Friday evening until late Saturday evening. Since this is a money making project for our club, we thank you for the assistance that the city has offered. Please forward the permit to my attention at the above address. Thanks for your help. Sincere y, SIGNED PRESS RELEASE FOR WARNING SIRENS BEGINNING IN AUGUST THE WEATHER WARNING SIRENS WILL BE TESTED ON THE FIRST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH AT APPROXIMATLY 12 NOON IF THE WEATHER IS CLEAR.IF NOT IT WILL BE TESTED ON THE NEXT CLEAR DAY.THE TEST WILL CONSIST OF TWO BURSTS OF 30 SECONDS EACH.REMEMBER THE SIGNAL TO TAKE COVER FOR TORNADOS OR OTHER DANGEROUS WEATHER IS ONE CONTINOUS SOUNDING OF THE SIRENS. Tyler G. Grider 516 S.W. 151 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 July 5, 1993 It Benny Er♦viil Chief of Police Sanger Police Department Sanger City Hall Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Chief Erwin, I am writing this letter to inform you of a recent experience I had with one of your officers while on the way from Oklahoma City to San Antonio, on June 27, 1993. The officer I am referring to is officer K. Groves. At Approximately 7:00 P.M. my wife and I experienced a flat tire and exited 1-35 into a local Texaco in Sanger. After finding our tire with a hole, and our spare in worse shape, we inquired with the Texaco attendant if there were any tire shops or service stations that would possibly be open this time on a Sunday evening. Auer we were told by the clerk that there were no places open that could help officer Groves arrived at the Texaco. . . Officer Groves inquired as to Qur situation and went above and beyond the call of duty. After officer Groves looked at our tire, he advised that he worked o(f duty at a body shop and that he could probably find us another tire there. Officer Groves the invited my wife and I to go with him to the body shop where he searched for a tire, aired it up, balanced it ,rind then took up back to our vehicle and helped us put in on. Officer Groves refused to accept any compensation for his hard work and trouble. .. Chief Ervin, you should be pleased to have such a fine man as officer Groves represent your department and community. Officer Groves was extremely kind, polite, friendly, and helpful. i sincerely appreciate officer Groves and hope that you will help pass along a big thanks from two Oklahoma's who truly experienced Texas hospitality, all thanks to officer K. Groves Sincerely, I it Tyler. Grider n MUNICIPAL COURT INFORMATION FOR THE MONTH OF June 1993 The number of citations issued in June that were paid 4 The number of citations issued in June that were dismissed 2 The number of citations issued in June that are pending in court 7-12-93 4 The number of citations issued in June that are pending for warrant 22 Revenue collected in the month of June $2,g15.00 Revenue collected for citations issued in June $356000 OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION TEXAS JUDICIAL COUNCIL OFFICIAL MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT MUNICIPAL COURT FOR THE CITY OF �RlqSanger Please check below it new judge or clerk: PRESIDING JUDGE nanny Spindele COURT CLERK Cindy Barrow MAILING ADDRESS OF COURT P • � Box 57R CITY Sanger ,TEXAS 76266 ZIP THE ATTACHED REPORT IS A TRUE AND ACCURATE REFLECTION OF THE RECORDS OF THIS COURT. 7-7-A'I DATE 317 / 458-7930 A.C. PHONE PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM NO LATER THAN 20 DAYS FOLLOWING THE END OF THE MONTH REPORTED TO: OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION P.O. Box 12066 Austin, Texas 78711 512/463-1640 Revised oas� 317 / 458-7930 A.C. PHONE PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM NO LATER THAN 20 DAYS FOLLOWING THE END OF THE MONTH REPORTED TO: OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION P.O. Box 12066 Austin, Texas 78711 512/463-1640 Revised oas� OFFICIAL MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT _= —� _=__ TexasDepartment of Transportation P.O. BOX 3067 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75221-3067 • (214) 320-6100 July 9, 1993 Control 195-6 Business I.H. 35 Denton County Mr. John Hamilton City Administrator City of Sanger P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Subject: Traffic Signals Dear Mr. Hamilton: Th1E CITY OF BANGER f� � JUL 1 2 1993 0 U � vAPvCxER, TEXAS Reference is made to your letter requesting traffic signals at the intersection of Business Loop I.H. 35 with F.NI. 455 in the City of Sanger. This letter is to advise your office that a traffic signal study indicates that signals are not warranted. Attached for your information is a copy of the traffic survey -count analysis showing the results of the study. Sincerely; 1 ! c ���� ' ' � ��C�� ��- � ���� Leroy ,� Gallen, P.E. Direct�� of Transportation Operations Attachments t,! ® � 1 An Equal Opportunity Employer 0 toot UI- PAtt,Ivlr vT n HT�,HWAYS A(tD °UR�TC r�At�SPuu rnr Iu�) TRff-'Ct4T TkAt-F 1C S1,,PVf Y most C P u N T ANALYSIS — 13 2 n I VFk 5.0 UCf tS7 0 9 1 u Ir' F:SEc'I W S L'US. 35 in! SAFk UFivTUti f.UtINTY ,. Ft- FTL.rh.._.l.{nUF',M1 _^,NJCip_'_ST• (�..-^Qf'�:_ C it r; T r rl C._: Tr 1 r, C r. f T iJ UATF nl SI?F:LY:C!6 z2103 ,�Tf°t. i-lIfti ifrL)k -MINuF ST- - -- -- -- ! t,,.- -Jt,n . ST EE1. e — - v- -JU o --S I' R E� E � -t•A 35^t 3U P10, 455 11US IH 3'� -- ►., u T E` T Iv r I r A T E r r`i T S T I t`: � I: n, i `'- I T I I)1•I C ( U P h A t.I .. V S . I I k M1 } -A T41-._T R_W�r"C-T_. f, ._ f l F C -A Fv E 5 .... _. _ too I.,Ito' U VEt.,l CuI. a!' V U L 0 E -_. -- --- - t'!U'`'Grh UP �•iAJ!'i. 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D z zm m(A 20 o � _ D r- r D Z m O QO O N r D D z z m m (A QO N Nr f D D z zm m cn Est. I.D. [1-10) County Dist. Est.No. Owner Name: Address: _ PURPOSE Follow-up ....... 2 Complaint ....... 3 Investigation ..... 4 Other ........... 6 ITEM NO. TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Food and Drugs Census Tract MISS*Sanit.Code Yr. 17- — 11A3 14-16 22 Inspec.Time 26-28 food Service Estab 'shrine t Inspect"on report C Based on art inspection this day, the items circled below identity the violatibns in operations or facilities which must be corrected by the next routine inspection or such shorter period of time as may be specified in writing by the regulatory authority. Failure to comply with any time limits for corrections specified in this notice may result in cessation of your Food Service operations. ITEM WT, COL. NO. WT. COL. FOOD 'Ot Source, sound condition, no spoilage 6 30 E 02 Original container; properly labeled 1 31 FOOD PROTECTION Polonluuly hazardous food moats temperature requirements during storage, preparation, display, service transportation 6 32 604 Facilities to maintain product temperature 4 33 06 1 hermomelers provided and conspicuous 1 34 09 Potentially hazardous food properly thawed 2 35 '07 Wiwiapped and potentially hazardous food not ro-sorvod 4 36 00 Food protection during storage, preparation, display, service, transportation 2 37 09 Handling of food (ice) minimized 2 38 10 in use, rood (ice) dispensing utensils properly stored 1 39 PERSONNEL '11 Personnel with infections restricted 5 40 '12 Hands washed and clean, good hygienic practices 5 41 13 1 Clean clothes, hair restraints 1 42 FOOD EQUIPMENT & UTENSILS 1, Food (ice) contact surfaces: designed, constructed, main- � 43 rained, installed, located 16 Non-food contact surfaces: designed, constructed, main- 1 14 tamed, Installed, located 10 Dishwashing facilities: designed, constructed, maintained, 2 45 installed, located, operated 1i Accurate thermometers, chemical lest kits provided, gauge cock (1/4" IPS valve) i 48 U Pro-Ilushod, scraped, soaked 1 47 19 Wash, rinse water: clean, proper temperature 2 48 .20 Sanilization rinso: clean, temperature, concentralion, ex- posuro time; equipment, utensils sanitized 4 49 21 Wiping cloths: clean, use restricted 1 5o 22 Feud -contact surfacos of equipment and utensils clean, 2 tree of abrasives, detergents 51 23 Non-food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils clan 1 52 24 Storage, handling of clean equipment/utensils 1 53 25 Single -service articles, storage, dispensing 1 No reuse of single service articles 2 ]5429 WATER 'Water source, sale: hot d cold under pressure "6 58 FOLLOW-UP RATING SCORE 75-77 gCTION Yes .. 74-1 100 less weight of Change . 7f1 C No 2 items violated *.. DPlete . 'Critical tiaras Requiring Immediate Attention. Remarks on back (80.1) r--oHnn rw. E-z 4/84 SEWAGE '201 Sewage and waste water dl�posal Pt.11MB1 ri§lalla mainlatneq��j�fiC�--QjGLi _ 1 58 . %cion, back siphonago, bac� 5 59 TOILET & HANDWASHING FACIL TIES 'a1 bib M�Ilj Number, convenient, accessible, designed, Installed 4 60 oilet rooms enclosed, self -closing do rxt good pair, clean; hand cleanser, sr�nisd Is/ti►wos/hond- 01 drying devices provided, props? iGeit DWI GARBAGE &REFUSE DISPOSAL Containers orreceplacl , cove . adequate nu R insectirodent proof, frog clean �,L i4 Outside Outage area enclosures properly constructed, j2 8 clean; controlled incineration 1 SECT, RODENT, ANIMAL CONTROL .y P�orance of i'aaclel�oJeile— nlnB 'p � .� Presence of insects/rodents — ningpro led, 4 � t no birds, turtles, other animals � FLOORS, WALLS &CEILINGS -� 1 ,constructed, drained, clean, good repair, covering i instailalion, dustless cleaning methods 85 Walls, ceiling, attached equipment: constructed, good ro ir, clean, surfaces, dusliass cl ning methods 1 LI TING (SZ,, v >a Lighting provided as required, fixtures shiolded 1 07 VENTILATION i9 Rooms and equipment —vented as requfrod 1 08 DRESSING ROOMS 10 Hooms clnan, lockers provided, lacililies clean, located Or 1 09SO. OTHER OPERATIONS eived •41 Toxic items properly stored, labeled, used 6 70 Premises maintained free of litter, u �• rt�c e , cieaning.mainlenance a tfp(n t pr party d. A ho 1 7i ized petsonnoi to g q Complete separation from flvinglaloeping q anoia. Laundry. 1 72 N Clean, soiled linen pr periy orail 1 73 tine Inspected by: name 000 ta Dav tole, a& SI IS Y glas Y d t Irect !` R Poster said es%=:Ir 0, 6 0 n Uel tar ley DaY has re Signed from hi. Position ward to it,•' �'' I'm looking for- Belleville pro - No Mr• Day sad of his west Ohio ject and rthFy - newposition as director of util- bons. Telecouirnunica_ !ties for .Hillsci�e but, I hind of hateleavin Building the r wit h g B�' through electricate b a s e the city to ac_ an aY said he has been o exec utFdansion haws also bbeen Hillsdale, with over the Pas al °her coast = Mr With Mich. IIIto make his weeks. mental Y has been ins re th deepest said there Neer decision capital to establishing a �' Bretood , Bryan Plying for were 35 People le for �pTOvernent ro rarn City Board of g the Hillsdale job. and ing anderedistribution• Repl n acceptedIic Mr, Stanley was narrowedselected after the field is an ongoing Pairing water mains Da Mr, jay cants. to live aPPh- continue fo g project which w� resY's resignation Tuesday "I've thorn bng down Yam' while cut- gnation is eilectiv y' The servingthe uglily enjoyed bon the costs of e JuIY 26. He e pity'. Mr. Da Yed Mr. and customer co °Pena- .9 lt,,:We tried PAoC� hirn rzn out of P e and . has the At AtDaY Bald. rnplaints, try Pen 1 mas Foster, an Tho- P°rtivestaff, Praised his sup- oversee a�5' Mr Day will want to hold but we didn't "Stan has accepting hire back." After director. He been an excellent seed power plan gaeTh, cam_ the resi has tiro P uprny This is a board thanked resignation the titles a long way tight the Hillsdale ha career, he said. Years of se Mr' DaY for }lam Years he has Y !n the five more a larger nice to b been here," meters and rnore c System the city w board member Robe said ers and Mr, Da ustorn_ kips. "I really hate b see w h e o Y will also have g°• We wish him rite PpOrtunity to direct luck." him the best of Mr. Day operations. sure Mr. Day said it October of 19 me to Bryan in to see the BpAas a Plea- John Curtin who and replaced council and city gust 198g_ prior retired in Au- gether to make g closely to- Bryan utility to becomin Pen during his tor P�eWithhap. he served as utilitiesidir rector DaY of Bryan, Mr. Da the San ger, Texas, ector for ph hm nts a number of accoe agree iHe tnwill Lisa both his wife His accomplishments in elude completion of the Curtin Substation, construction of Fountain City Water Tower, _ Pansion of the Baker Str Substation, completion Street 69 KV transition loop, Wils of the Street Substation expon ansion, and Participation a the in t be harder fen th Bryan after five year, ving was leaving t}1etr home than it Texas after 30 state of said, Years, Mr. Day According to Mr Foster, the BPA is not new director He s sh to hire a fob a f names to start is a applications, " with for best met we'll just try tothis Point Person available." find the TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SAIVGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor �t Rosalie Chavez, City August 2, 1993 Lewisville Meeting, City Council Members Secretary Monday, August 9, 1993 Mr. Jeff Carey from Commissioner Kirk �7ilson's Office called regarding forming a Denton County Lake Safety Committee Meeting and would like for Sanger to be a Part of this committee. They will be meeting on Monday, August 9, 1993, in Lewisville at 3:Ci4 p.m. at Sneaky Peaks (right off the highway in Lewisville). They would like for the Fire Chief or Police Chief to attend along with any Councilmembers who wishes to attend. Please let me know so I can call Mr. Carey. Fire Chief Bill Murrell has been informed and he will be attending this meeting. RC:es