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06/21/1993-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular
CITY UQUNUIL AGENDA JUNE 21, 1993 201 BQLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 7000 P.M. 1. Call to Qrder, Invocation, and Pledge to the Flag 2. UQNSENT AGENDA a}. Approve Minutes b). Disbursements c). Payment #2 - 1st ABC Construction -Switzer Park - Restroom and Concession Stand - $31,417.45 d). Payment #2 - DRS Contractors -Switzer Park - Municipal Swimming Pool and Facilities - $18,623.19 AGENDA 3. Citizen's Input 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointments to Commissions and Boards 5. City Administration Report 6. Any Qther Such Matters 7. Adjournment 9:00 a.m. Date &Time Posted irk ®®®®® ®FXAS MINUTES: City Council Meeting June 7, 1993 . .. MayorNel Armstrong,Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman . • aCouncilman Councilmanand • kBSENTS Councilman :dd OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Jolene Watson -Sanger Courier, Billy Jack Hollingsworth, Steve Hollingsworth, and Fire Chief Bill Murrell Richardson gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the .+ a}. Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements c}. Payment #2-1st ABC Construction, Switzer Park -- Restroom & Concession Stand Facilities - $31,417.45 d)• Payment #7-J. L. Myers Co. - 300 GPM Water Supply Well - $10,921.10 e). Payment #8-Caldwell Tanks - 200,000 Gallon Elevated Storage Tank r $7,423.30 a • # • rt • M • Vlotion carried. vas discussed. Item wasforthe next City Council 3). Citizen's Input -None City Council Minutes 6/7/93, page 2 •&.30 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdayand on Wednesday, Frida ind Saturday will be special nights and it will close at 6#00 p.m, *000 p.m. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried., Denton County• + Agreements Discussion, 1). Six ft. wooden, screening fence far the materials storage yard an Railroad Avenue, 50/50 with City crews installing the fence, City Share $1,216,50, wooden screeningto be built around storag: i on Railroad Avenue with the City and County sharing 50/50 cost Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 2). Railroad Avenue, south from Uillaw, City Share - $1,237.00, w ITeriocal i ♦ ♦-17710777 V717N• ii •+i. ` outh of Willow, to bid the pavement where they will recycle nd apply two coats of chip seal on Railroad Avenue. Seconded •y Councilmanr • c: eeton Road, between FM 465 and Duck Creek Road, Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid that we go int hip seal Keeton Road from 465 to D * uck Creek Road, Seconded iy Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. City Council Minutes 6/7/93, page 3 r Armstrongadvised • ! ' Se ! : ! t will be at i cost to the City. greement with Denton County and the City of Sanger to do onl;� eal coat on Railroad, north between Willow and Bolivar, at no xpense to the City. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Authorizing !For New Library Site ENTON COUNTYI, TEXASo AUTHORIZING LIBRARYqEW l�iscussian. authorizingborrowing fundsfor . new Library Site. Seco ! ! by Councilman_• !s!Motion 1Vtayar advised Council that it will nvt be used until after the 1st of January and then it might nat be used at all. Cauncil will be informed if it will need to be used. item discussed at length. iscussion. This ordinance wil qotion was made by Councilman Jenkins to adopt Ordinance #05�9 city Council Minutes \ 6/7/93, page 4 ..$»:�.<.. ..»< #f#yZ*2Lei ? \22\e»2 e\#f»2\/\§\?}� ?@$$? ©2» 2e\2 $» A a- ■»< \�@?�2�$\\ +f#2�»�� «@+ : w,x■. +»$ 2#»° .- »»»: °®,-#T# �< :, « .m.»� «<�.# ?:,»■» �-■ :» ■�: ��<#»# f«:Q#n �■- f.!*�««j #:#«:#»<� *#«°° �� :»#� � ':,.a,«s Regarding _* False Alarms and Prohibiting Excessive Occurrences DiSCaSSio� E���» ;. »:»«- ,» 2. .»:>» -- «<� « ®«,»#<,::�»�' ■��� :i presented. # f toI IZFT11 �a »2 � /�■+a \�- °�■� © �$»:<�# » e ° -f e 2�2.$ »: e��.��»\»: \sue}#\ -!■<�$ » »e» : wax¢- . .�;a �e \� � \� � « a� �2�e »2 � » ■ -� e 2.$ ©:. �.. .� �l.. «�: 2«»..«'� �?■ f,i<� �f »-■� f:|:<#«J t,*�- � --# 2 �» y:.�;,°, ,<« ■■i°#: 11 $.i«.:�.■» «:i �«:»«# «� :j. .,x« > III # <Aw<or Armstrong advised staff 2<.t she would like to do i meal for .. �\:,7:«»`w,m�:«�»#.Q.,», � ~©».■m` �.«<-+ City Council Minutes 6/7/93, page 5 MWARgawm e billboard • on property on i of (across from i i Gas). r Commission rescheduled until # ♦ to receive further details fri Company of Plano. talking PIN • the pool contractors. c). Hunter Associates has inspected the new water well and expect the well and tower to be a line within ten (10) days. This will allow time for testing and sterilization of the system. Hopefully by Tuesday, it will be on line. d). Senate Bill 632 regarding EAS - John Hamilton, City Administrator, did contact Ken Amburn with Centel for a response. passed and by Friday e would have some sort of timetable preliminary plan. 11 !'Jill ♦0 10 elag Wig0 i Ei T. • OWWAIIIIIII 13. Any t7ther Stich Matters: adjacentif the city is 'ties may unilaterally annex M i ► « or Attached also is the cost to extend the services. Mayor Armstrong also advised be the cost when they actually ithe servicei neither Johnor City should not be out . kind of money, ordinance requiresowner to • s the Utility extenslona Tm IJAMAIM# : ► • Councilwoman • �'r . r i too r in the office. She asked that if we could 21 that came aal to ##♦'♦ i not need to • # it thisa ♦ i ♦ � # f fr 'e�` i Councilmembers will be held in Plano this year on July 22 to the 25th. If any councilmember wishes to attend, rplease 14. CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 6/17/93 PAGE i 11*59 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PORCH ANT DISC. ANT 175 A-1 RENTAL P.O. BOX 7878 RENTAL-GLOVES/RA 1003@1/2 5/06/93 12135 6/22/93 132.33 .00 418.2200 11.79 424.0500 49.00 446.2200 71.54 TOTAL 132.33 .@0 180 A&T BEARING SUPPLY PINION SEAL -DUMP 96835 6/04/93 419.@500 9.17 TOTAL 125 AMERICAPd PUBLIC POWER A55 ANNUAL DUES 5151 6/10/93 439.0800 545.90 TOTAL 736 ANERICAN TRADE HARK G0. CLIPS 3178 477.1100 TOTAL l5@1 ARN COMMUNICATIONS ANTENNA/EAR PIED 2739 456.0300 TOTAL 33@@ BAKER & TAYLOR COMPANY BOOKS 26922R 475.0200 TOTAL. 4125 BURROS SUPERMARKET CLEANING SUPFLIE 43 444.0300 COFFEE SUPPLIES 3100003 413.0100 413.0800 COFFEE SUPPLIES- 0224 413.0300 413.0800 DOG FOOD 8 444.0300 TOTAL 6500 C&H JANITORIAL SUFFLIES CLEANING 5UPPLIE 5346 442.@3@@ 442.0800 TOTAL 9.17 1 P.O. HOX 35 6/03/93 12122 6/22/93 67,83 67, 83 67.83 P.O. BOX 50324 116 MAPLE ST 6/14/93 12399 6/22/93 27.75 27.75 27.75 F .O. HOX 4160 6109193 12341 6J22I93 39.35 39.35 39.35 5f@4f93 12158 6I22/93 14.86 14,86 5/12/93 12210 6/22/93 20.08 1& 04 1@. @4 5/26/93 12253 6/22/93 67,19 33.60 33.59 5/27/93 12302 6/22/93 13.99 13.99 116.12 F.O. BOX 1104 61@8/93 12369 6/22/93 23.85 11.93 11,92 23.85 9.3000 CITY OF DENTON, ACC. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 215 EAST NCKINNEY WATER TESTING 12388 6/1@/93 12388 6122/93 6@:@@ 456.@60@ 6@.@@ TOTAL 60.00 .@@ ,@@ rir CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 6/17/93 PAGE 2 11s59 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUN DUE DTE PARCH ART DISC,`. ANT 19251 GREAT WF9TFRH SUPPLY CO. 2828 FOREST LN, STE. 2071 PENS-SANGER PD 343719 6/09/93 11980 6/22/93 54.34 .00 411, 0300 54. 34 TOTAL 54.34 .00 24590 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 4802 ALEXANDER P. O. BOX 560861 ADJUSTMENT -SEWER 5375 4/26/93 11943 6/22/93 15.00 .00 419, 0700 15. 00 BATTERY -MOWER SE 77367 5/07/93 12178 6/22/93 27.95 .00 419.0700 27.95 BATTERY-GENERATO 5845 5/25/93 12281 6/22/93 51.95 .00 419.0700 51.95 TOTAL 94.90 .00 24637 JESWOOD OIL COMPANY P.O. BOX 2026 FUEL PURCHASE -MA 12402 6/15/93 12402 6/22/93 2,097.25 .00 414.0300 724.54 414.0500 601.55 414.1000 142.61 414.1100 56.78 414.0600 125.83 4149 0700 35.11 414.0800 410.83 TOTAL 2,097.25 .00 2,5000 K-MART 2300 W UNIVERSITY CLEANING SUPPLIE 768347 6/02/93 12255 6/22/93 783.09 .00 420,1300 75. 59 415.1300 81.00 442.1300 626.50 TOTAL 783.09 .00 25300 JAGOE-PUBLIC COMPANY P.O. BOX 250 HOT MIX 4130 5/28/93 12148 6/22/93 919.83 .00 431.0500 919.83 TOTAL 919.83 .00 31,700 N. T. COG P.O. BOX 5888 GLASS REGISTRATI 18400 6iO3/93 439.1100 250.00 TOTAL .00 33000 PAYLESS CASHWAYS, INC.660333 BLDG. SUPPLIES 60717 4/27/93 12040 6/22/93 107.58 .00 423.1800 107.58 BLDG. SUPPLIES-L 61680 5/05/93 12165 6/22/93 40.93 .00 442.0200 40.93 SOCKET SETS 61952 5/07/93 12167 6/22/93 109.96 .00 412.0800 109.96 BLDG, SUPPLIES-S 63462 5/21/93 12264 6/22/93 45.91 .00 423.1800 45.91 'DOTAL 304.38 .00 33725 PERRICO TRAILER AND MFG. P.O. BOX 738 ENGINE REPAIR®FI 8337 6/07/93 12125 6/22/93 102.50 .00 419.1100 102.50 CITY OF SANGER VENDOR IHV HO METAL-URDERGROUH 8411 418,0800 TOTAL 3405m PLANT SYSTEMSI INC. A/C REPAIR4IRE 1204 423.1100 TOTAL LIGHT #28 35530 419.0500 BRAKE: PADS 36763 419.1200 419.0700 419.1700 CYLINDER HEAD -SE 36858 419.0700 WIRES -TRENCHER 36935 419.0800 TOTAL 35300 RITE -WELD SUPPLY INC. AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 6/17/93 PAGE 3 11*59 IHV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PORCH AMT DISC, ANT 6/09/93 12370 6/22193 388,50 .00 388,50 491.00 .00 9848 MONROE DR. 6/03/93 12121 6/22/93 87.00 .0m 87.00 512 H. LOCUSfi 5/07/93 12177 6/22/93 2.36 2.36 5/14/93 12218 6/22/93 76.03 14.53 14.53 46.97 5/19/93 12224 6/22/93 175.30 175.30 5/24/93 12227 6/22/93 9.99 9.99 263.58 2im1 W. UNIVERSITY DR. 5/28/93 12118 6/22I93 20.00 20.00 20.00 35350 ROADRUHHER TRAFFIC SUPPLY LENSES 11139 6/07/93 419.1100 178.00 TOTAL 37777 BANGER OFFICE SUPPLY PRINTER SUPPLIES 3 512 H. LOCUSfi 5/07/93 12177 6/22/93 2.36 2.36 5/14/93 12218 6/22/93 76.03 14.53 14.53 46.97 5/19/93 12224 6/22/93 175.30 175.30 5/24/93 12227 6/22/93 9.99 9.99 263.58 2im1 W. UNIVERSITY DR. 5/28/93 12118 6/22I93 20.00 20.00 20.00 35350 ROADRUHHER TRAFFIC SUPPLY LENSES 11139 6/07/93 419.1100 178.00 TOTAL 37777 BANGER OFFICE SUPPLY PRINTER SUPPLIES 3 9.99 263.58 2im1 W. UNIVERSITY DR. 5/28/93 12118 6/22I93 20.00 20.00 20.00 35350 ROADRUHHER TRAFFIC SUPPLY LENSES 11139 6/07/93 419.1100 178.00 TOTAL 37777 BANGER OFFICE SUPPLY PRINTER SUPPLIES 3 697 441.190m STAMP-BLDG, OFFI 456 442.1000 PAPER SUPPLIES 491 442.0200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 464 441.1900 411.1100 ENVELOPES-M/CC 462 411.1400 TOTAL 8500 SANGER DRUG STORE FILM DEVELOP 1I433 442.0300 FIRST AID KIT -OF 12021 411.0100 PAPER SUPPLIES 12199 411.0200 GLOVES 12389 442.0300 442.0800 r 116 5/13/93 37*89 5/13/93 1699 5/14/93 19068 P.O. BOX 958 3/04/93 5.67 4/14/93 10.50 4/20/93 2.91 4/22/93 18.75 18.74 t P.O. BOX 958 i2i32 6/22/93 239.4m 12200 6/22/93 16.95 12233 6/22/93 19.68klitm 11433 6/22/93 5.57 I2021 5/22/93 10.50 12199 5/22/93 2.91 12389 6/22/93 37.49 . mm CITY OF SANGER M U. P. S. -FIRE 12083 417.1000 U.P.S.-FIRE 12172 417.1100 U.P.S.-9EWER 12259 421.0700 TOTAL 42200 SMITH MOWING MOWING -WEED VIOL 28703 421.0500 TOTAL 4251.5 SOLOMON CORPORATION TRANSFORMER 37894 427.0800 TOTAL AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 6/17/93 PAGE 4 11:59 IHV DTE PO HUM DUE DTE PURCH ANT DISC. ANT 4/27/93 12083 6/22/93 11.09 1.1.09 5/12/93 12172 6/22/93 23.54 23.54 5/20/93 12259 6/22/93 13.54 13.54 104.74 F.Q. HOX 72 6/08/93 11979 6/22/93 54.00 54.00 54.00 fib 46707 JOE HAMPTON LAWN SERVICE MOWING�WEED VIOL 12400 6/14/93 421.0500 75.00 TOTAL 46708 JOE TIMS HEALTH INSPECTIO 1018346 6l10/93 44792300 350.00 TOTAL BOX 245 12417 6/22/93 895.00 75.00 50265 W.W. GRAIHGER, IHC. DEFT 192-824850119 BATTERY CHARGER 112352 6l01/93 I2287 6/22/93 39.90 .00 419.0700 39.90 TOTAL 39.90 .00 53265 WEBB AUTO PARTS P.O.BOX 355 BULBS/PLUGS-SEWE 1623 5/19/93 12223 6/22/93 36.20 .00 419.0500 1.74 419.0600 1.74 419.0700 1.74 41.9.0800 1.74 419.0500 3.95 41.9.0700 5.40 419.0300 19.89 BULBS/PLUGS 1595 5/20/93 12222 6/22/93 23.15 .00 419.0800 4.50 419.0300 2.07 41.9.1100 2.07 419.1200 2.07 419.2000 2.07 419.1700 2.07 419.0500 2.07 4199 0600 107 419.0700 2.07 419.0800 2.09 TIE ROD TOOL 1657 5/26/93 12288 6/22/93 10.95 .00 424.2000 10.95 TOTAL 70.30 .00 CITY OF SANGER VENDOR INV NO 54000 WII.,LIAMS TES'rIHG LAB SEWER ANALYSIS 1594 4159 0700 TOTAL. AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 6/17/93 PAGE 5 11:59 IRV HE PO HUM DUN DTE PURCH ANT DISC, ART 2106 JAMES STREET 6/16/93 12336 6/22/93 180.00 .00 180.00 180.00 .00 8,687.42 .00 TOTAL DUE WITH DISCOfIHTS TOTAL DUE- NO DISCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION-GF 1 20.54 LIBRARY 2 121.08 POLICE 3 927.39 5TREETS 5 1,718.67 HATER 6 189.64 WASTEWATER 7 562.49 ELECTRIC 8 2,442.80 PUBLIC WORKS 10 170.65 E'IRE 11 789.71 VEHICLE NAINT-GF 12 16.60 5WINNING POOL-GF 13 783.09 MAYOR & COUHCIL�GF 14 19.68 PUBLIC WORKS-EF 17 49.04 SULLIVAN CENTER 18 153.49 DATA PROCESSING 19 276.20 VEHICLE MAINT-EF 20 13.02 WASTE-WTR LOLL-EF 22 83.33 HEALTH SERVICES-GF 25 350.00 GENERAL FUND 5070.90 ENTERPRISE FUND 3,616952 Sheet 1 of 2 CONTRACTORS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PAY ESTIMATE NO.: Two DATE: June 1 # 1993 PERIOD: April 26, 1993 TO: May 31, 1993 PROJECT: Switzer Park -- Restroom ENGINEER: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. & Concession Stand Facilities Dallas, Texas N91038E OWNER: City of Sanger CONTRACTOR: 1st ABC Construction 201 Bolivar Street Specialists, Inc. Sanger, Texas 76266 1700 Precinct Line Rd #100 Fort Worth, TX 76180 BIDS RECEIVED: 02-15-93 CONTRACT DATE: 02-15-93 NOTICE TO PROCEED: 02-22-93 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $84,300.00 ADJUSTMENTS: REVISED AMOUNT: CALENDAR DAYS: 90 SUMMARY OF JOB STATUS DAYS USED: Total Work Completed $ 47,171.00 Material Stored on Site Contract Amount to Date Less 5 %Retained Subtotal Less Previous Payments $_ 47,171.00 $ 2,358.55 $ 44,812.45 $ 13 395 00 START CONSTRUCTION DATE: 03-04-93 COMPLETION DATE: SUBMITTED BY: By: For Contractor Date: Date • �.� z ig� APPROVED• For Owner Date• Amount Due This Period $ 31,417.45 % Time Used. Work Completed Sheet 2 of 2 CONTRACTORS ESTIMATE uWNER: City of Sanger PROJECT NAME & NUMBER: Switzer Park - N91038E Restroom & Concession Stand Facilities CONTRACTOR: 1st ABC Construction Specialists, Inc. PAY ESTIMATE NO.: Two FOR PERIOD ENDING• May 25� 1993 Item Description Unit of Amount Work Unit Value of No. Measure Bid Comp. Price Work Comp P.1 Restroom Building (Bldg. B) L.S. 1 .6142 $52,000.00 $31,938.40 P.2 Concession Building (Bldg. A) L.S. 1 .6142 24,800900 15,232.60 P.3 Arbor Structure L.S. 1 0 5,500.00 0.00 P.4 Wading Pool Pump Building L.F. 1 0 2,000.00 0.00 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED: $47,171.00 Recommended for Approval: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE ONE GLEN LAKES, SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231-4350 Approved Date TOTAL AMOUNT OF WORK COMPLETED Material Stored on Site Contract Amount to Date Less 5 % Retained Subtotal Less Previous Payments Balance Due this Period $ 47 171.00 $ 47,171.00 $ 2,358.55 $ 44 812.45 $ 13,395.00 $ 31 417.45 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR T� Hunter Associates, Attn: John Mears FROM: 1st ABC Construction Specialists, Inc. _ 7700 Precinct Line Road, Suite 100, FW, Tx 76180 PHONE 817498-5025 to PROJECT: Restroom/Concessi PAYMENT REQUEST NO. #2 PERIOD 4-26 STATEMENT OF CONTRACT ACCOUNT: 1. Original Contract Amount 19 93 To 5-31 19 . S 84, 300: 00 2. Approved Change Order Nos. -0- (As per attached breakdown) S 0.00, Vic? 3. Adjusted Contract Amount 4. Value of Work Completed to Date: (As per attached breakdown)'• S. Value of Approved Change Orders Completed: G. Materials Stored on•Site: (As per attached breakdown) 7. TOTAL TO DATE 8. Less Amount Retained 5 4) , 9. Total Less Retainage 10 Zotal Previously Certified (Deduct) 11. AMOUNT DUE THIS REQUEST Date: 5-28-93 Subscribed and'sworn before me this 28th day of May, 1993, Notary Public My Commission"Fxpires:_10-30-95 8430000 $ ,. S 479171000 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 S 47.,171. 00 $ 2,358.55 $449 81.2, 45 . $ 13,395.00 $ 31,417.45 1st ABC Construction Specialists, Inc. TITLE: President J 0 •_ . d h. v -iy�.. 1j U O C rt W Q M Ol • 1 MI ln, �� i- �i-> M M Ol Ol ' 1 ♦ 1 N • N � � mot' ?0 � 1 �. a.: z b �. O � 1L. � W i v� ��.. V U U � �' z�� •c za � b Q r ►. � o r. `- O �U c ��I� �� u � � o ao.r v i,, � r � � ` n' fV C yt � . I� ' ' O M � V.n O 'O 1 I 1 1 1 O 1 O 1 I 1 O � i —� , Ol O N .- W o 0 O' O O O N� O �t O O O �-' 1-- N N l0 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 ' I cf' u fit• .� I . � .. .. .. LsJ (�: I W _ J�� 1 O I I to 1• .� O O O O O! O 1 O O O O O M� O; � � � ��U O O O O •- O 11� O 1� O O O . O 1 O O O O � pO_� 1 � I 1 I.C) 1' � M N N � O� � L1') M l0 NO ,�. Z� I ��~ �' •N • I !2 � 2'G o � o o � rn o �� o �r _I � I iOw �A ' a" {� O -C •!- O •- O O 0 0 O 1 1 1 I 1 O 1 O 1 1 1 IN � H- �',]� O (\ O O O O O O O, O O O O O O O O O O `_ � O$ •i' c0 O L<7 M M N O I I 1 1 1 d' I CO 1 1 I O •} u�, "' I O0 V' ; M 1 ' t i� N }. ��•�-.WZW 1 1 1 I I 1 1 i I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I `',�'� O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ! L ���20 1 1 i 1 1 1 I 1 t i. 1 I' 1 11 1 1 1 1 i � � t o o . 0 0 o o w O W i r. O I o 0 0 0 0 0 � O lf) t.C) O M N O i 1 i I 1 O 1 O 1 1 1 N � I 1 � LI`) 00 O O O O O d' ' O Op O O O 00 � � � � N 't ?. 0 N 1� r. Y �� C i� O WOa;� O O 1 O '1 I O 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 '1 i I O Kam+ ��� .}. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Cy O O O O O .-• C�0 M i M i i 1 t 1 1 1 I .I I 1 1 1 1 � N �^ �^^ �=G �O v� , .S�p-1 � J u G b � �� � W � j� ^ S r , 8 � 4. $ ' �• g� O 'N g � g�j g g- g g r� � � � � � �' 00 N N CO I.f) cam, �D d' D � V w � '- fit' � �� ^ ' � `- � N .- CO �� .Y }N�[ � �.. +�.. i a� �� �, � � � . � .yam N •-' c S_ x b �- c v�i `p � CcC1 � � l � t=- C� cY> C� '� � ' l'�5 [i , � F� Q� ti � FU � e � " � g ��qq g � o� S o o � � o � � g �~ i� �� � � � � a`^o \a��i � o `c� � I" I O '.' ��" F � �; � � � J .� i> M N Q� a �. I 1 1 4 v �• 1r �C• N .0 �.. .}.- game S M cM 00 4,,0 �� J''� � ago N N OO-1�' S 1 J L1') d' �LV'• 0U v. J ' •t w float otog G c/� a O Q I li z tw� Lot SIMMONSU rMame 041 l,U �pzb�o mammal < of allows tools Z ry=CI�►.� °0 4i a rt I w L • w . • 1 u► yp 'ago }I. owns 1' 0 G r U �- f r. C 7Z all G "^ �Ago � allowing d J ago W N G: mIIda 0 .. W w ,gommol J ogo n u r_ w Malaga +� .ls ,� .. W w { r b � z� b V Lre i Samoa �- f-- dikk ommldP amalgam? Immir w �-oI o U � O b p % o C: �, 1 di"ON goggle, 11,41 W,�� �' c }"� ? o ° E t� zu 8011,110P F� u w o C I " i LI I __ t73 SNOW Z �r �a000 i 1 1 I 1 . MI �I OI I S o 1 1 i 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 •1 E 0 0 r �Lc. ■ HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. ■ ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS B IJO WA111l1T HILI. IANE • Ut/( Cl EN UNlS • `:UN C `AO • (lAtiAS, 1('%AS !!.?!1 Jl!q • � 1 J't1�9 i' '• ilgi (:IaYT<)N I.AHF •SUN I: Jl q: • AlIS11N, i(RAS 7fl 7[31pf;1• 512 J'.48)Ifi June 7, 1993 Ms. Catherine M. Gregory 1st ABC Construction Specialists, Inc. 1700 Pricinct Line Road, Ste. 100 Hurst, TX 76054 Re: Switzer Park Restroom and Sanger, Texas Dear Ms. Gregory: - N91038E Concession Stand Facilities HICI+nlin 1 � � nr, ,. ,' I'nui s lio! ul RI t+. �' snra c MCKI. Nil; , �,+ " clinlii.Cs w scul_t I t+. E' I iit;Fln HD K. •`; t. ;t ll'N, 1' CIInH(FS A. UAV'ti. I' Th9E CITY OF SAiVGER � JUN �.4 1993: V SANGER,TEXAS Contract time for the above referenced project is up and construction is not substantially complete at this time. It is imperative that the project is completed as soon as possible due to the importance the City places on opening the facilities for the summer months. We request that all possible efforts be put forth toward construction work and coordination with other contractors at the site. A meeting can be set up at your convenience to help expedite the remaining work. Thank you for your cooperation. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. � `��.,�. ,M.cj-.... John L. Mears, P.E. Project Manager JLM/akh cc: Mr. John Hamilton, City of Sanger BSN/B138FNSH.AKH/BSN I Sheet 1 of 2 CONTRACTORS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PAY ESTIMATE NO.: Two. PERIOD: April 26, 1993 DATE• June 2 1993 TO: May 31, 1993 PROJECT: Switzer Park -- Municipal ENGINEER: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. Swimming Pool and Facilities Dallas, Texas N91038E OWNER: City of Sanger CONTRACTOR: DRS Contractors, Inc. 201 Bolivar Street P.O. Box 2207 Sanger, Texas 76266 Sherman, TX 75091-2207 BIDS RECEIVED: 12-07-92 CONTRACT DATE: 12-07-92 NOTICE TO PROCEED: 02-15-93 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $96,126.00 ADJUSTMENTS: REVISED AMOUNT: CALENDAR DAYS: 100 SUMMARY OF JOB STATUS Total Work Completed DAYS USED: Material Stored on Site Contract Amount to Date Less 5 � Retained Subtotal Less Previous Payments $ 86,237.70 $ o.00 $ 86,237.70 $ 4,311.89 $ 81 925 81 $ 61,418.77 START CONSTRUCTION DATE: 02-25-93 COMPLETION DATE: SUBMITTED BY: By: For Contractor Date: ...� � i .... � -- -- n Date• bi3i�t3 APPROVED• For Owner Date: Amount Due This Period $ 18,623.19 % Time Used: � Work Completed '��t�'� Sheet OWNER: City of Sanger CONTRACTORS ESTIMATE PROJECT NAME & NUMBER: Switzer Park - N91038E Municipal Swimming Pool and Facilities CONTRACTOR: DRS Contractors, Inc. PAY ESTIMATE NO.: Two FOR PERIOD ENDING: May 31, 1993 Item Description Unit of Amount Work Unit Value of No. Measure Bid Comp. Price Work Comp. P.1 Swimming Pool L.S. 1 .8850 $79,896.00 $70,707.96 A.1 Wading Pool L.S. 1 .8852 6,100.00 5,399.74 A.2 Exposed Aggregate L.S. 1 1 10,130.00 10,130.00 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED, $86,237.70 Recommended for Approval: TOTAL AMOUNT OF WORK COMPLETED $ 86,237.70 HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. C ONSULTING ENGINEERS 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE ONE GLEN LAKES, SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231-4350 By, Date �.l3 /ate Approved Date Material Stored Sit on e Contract Amount to Date Less 5 � Retained Subtotal Less Previous Payments Balance Due this Period ooo $ . $ 86,237.70 $ 4 311.89 $ 81,925.81 $ 61,418.77 $ 18,623.19 Sheet 1 of 2 CONTRACTORS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PAY ESTIMATE NO.: Two PERIOD: April 26, 1993 DATE• June 2 1993 TO• May 31, 1993 PROJECT: Switzer Park -- Municipal ENGINEER: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. Swimming Pool and Facilities Dallas,`.Texas N91038E OWNER: City of Sanger CONTRACTOR: DRS Contractors, Inc. 201 Bolivar Street P.O. Box 2207 Sanger, Texas 76266 Sherman, TX 75091-2207 BIDS RECEIVED: 12-07-92 CONTRACT DATE: 12-07-92 NOTICE TO PROCEED: 02-15-93 CONTRACT AMOUNT: CALENDAR DAYS: 100 START CONSTRUCTION DATE: 02-25-93 $96,126*00 ADJUSTMENTS: REVISED AMOUNT: SUMMARY OF JOB STATUS Total Work Completed DAYS USED: Material Stored on Site Contract Amount to Date Less 5 %Retained Subtotal Less Previous Payments Amount Due This Period $ 86,237.70 $ 86,237.70 $ 4.311.89 $_ 81,925.81 $ 61,418.77 $ 18,623.19 COMPLETION DATE: SUBMITTED BY: By: For Contractor Date: Date • e,i � /� � APPROVED: Date: For Owner Time Used: % Work Completed Sheet 2 of 2 CONTRACTORS ESTIMATE OWNER: City of Sanger PROJECT NAME & NUMBER: Switzer Park - N91038E Municipal Swimming Pool and Facilities CONTRACTOR: DRS Contractors, Inc. PAY ESTIMATE_NO.: Two FOR PERIOD ENDING• May 31, 1993 Item Description Unit of Amount Work Unit Value of No. Measure Bid Comp Price Work Comp P.1 Swimming Pool L.S. 1 .8850 $79,896.00 $70,707.96 A.1 Wading Pool L.S. 1 .8852 6,100.00 5,399.74 A.2 Exposed Aggregate L.S. 1 1 10,130*00 10,130.00 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED: $86,237.70 Recommended for Approval: TOTAL AMOUNT OF WORK COMPLETED $ 86,237.70 HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE ONE GLEN LAKES, SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231-4350 I Date Material Stored on Site Contract Amount to Date Less 5 � Retained Subtotal Less Previous Payments Balance Due this Period $ 86,237.70 $ 4,311.89 $ 81,925.81 $ 61,418.77 $ 18,623.19 .•4 Z Lou w V w U 0 z O Q U Doss C1.• I , O ,• . . GG 0 ce t- loop *8 • W Z = z O¢o.D0.. A00000 N M O M M u1 � O z z V)o 0 O_ 0 loss Z t— F W H < Ammosh U r= .J r� Joom Iowa Woos z Coo a w up O < C t4 V H H as O a u, O 414 r-i a z444w p aH c�wx W N W OHO ZzZ loss u O WC EL U' H z 494 En O U o z• O H z H W fJ A H z rl ^a N wa � Qi H H W V] c�zOH HOun EW—Na W H u r. A 00 N o N W �• r-1 C9 H URN `.Ea IN ri I i 1 ww oo�`f' HNpy�s, C�NwO H ZII%O H O O Z H V U Oap aac�nz CU `;isaoo Isom, 0 ! o, do0o U, OOO� s a*% O ON Imo' L �' cM boomto u'", N 3 c O. O isO o O d 00 Cw w w w CO V C d L 3u 0= v n .a [ ' 3Cl C Cl r. UPI loss, Op swo 1p u E u � E o n O d ompos < " u `' u R E 'L N C O o� most O V C la C Comp 0 < ( ) O� O 00 O • H O v,rl ��� 00 00 t� O r-I r. . • ,—I c0 t` M �� M O� � ��� w .n v, ✓, .n M < v V — W < Fos o U 0 U 2 W �y � < Low 6400 u Q Y C n< V) 'C C imotol •G O 3 C •r moss,u F— O WIMP U C W� 1-- of p O 'O ,= r-; rC C w F— ^ G < c 0 U u c U u c Vl c, cc i-. 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J.NV C �+ m r� � r I � in m rwi ON N Above 0 NI�MO Q�COt�I� �DN n �D 7 r -- roll N 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O S 0 O c)O O O O O O 000 r c'�cc " Z2zce w ncbO Gw?C 0000 00�%00000 C 0000 OOt`�00%tDO M p 0 0 • • O 0 a a 0 0 • • O O O� `0 cc MOGINM CIOO M 0 W N n 0 w n I w N No�— S r-1 O Y� 0000 OOO�OO�tO M `Y O Z O OO.tO .tI�1�.t0•.'r0rwi O W c0 N *tom 0 M I� cT WIN C 3 a<+ m M m U0 to O r-i 1� cn GUNOW Q n w n w n w n w n w N �D N m co r'1 1*• N r=i O� Omw N 0 Moo 00C SSSSSSS S ) ogoo a j 00 c0 M r� ra 0 1*0 M 00 V C - m m �D r-i %It Vol to N M 1� => Now NI�MO mN OOcn�ON S r� roi O cca H C 0Ii r(U 1 cc 4 gNg D N EL 4 3 aa)i 0 a4)i pupb� 4 4 H W . O U C14 � tCio 000000 Cot a) ww Pool wwwww cx u r"I w ,Q) do W aO OC bD bD bD bci ^!'i. f 10 4 3 �y V W W V to to tn < Ci rpm' N M .'r to �D i� 00 m 0 Z rff4 ■ HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. ■ ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 6140 WALNUT HILL LANE • ONE GLEN LAKES* SUITE 500 • UALtAS, I EXAS IWAI -/3'A • W14.9699171 1106CLAYTON LANE *SUIT I: 110E • AUS11N. TEXAS 70123 )013 � 5120151 0716 June 7, 1993 Mr. Roy Spears DRS Contractors, Inc. P.O. Box 2207 Sherman, TX 75091-2207 Re: Switzer Park - N91038E Municipal Pool and Facilities Sanger, Texas Dear Mr. Spears: RICI ARD G. f AG IN, 1)L J. TRAVIS RODER TS, Jfi., P.C. .0 PAUL S. DOLDCKER, P. HAL R. JONES, P i. SAM C. MCKENZIC JR , PJ CHARLES W. SCII 11 R, PA RICHARD K. ST, JOIIN, P CHARLES A. DAVIS, I)G. JOHN L. WARS, 1)1 Tt-IE CITY OF BANGER J U N 1 4 1993 b E U E TEXAS Contract time for the above referenced project is up and construction is not substantially complete at this time. It is imperative that the project is completed as soon as possible due to the importance the City places on opening the facilities for the summer months. We request that all possible efforts be put forth toward construction work and coordination with other contractors at the site. A meeting can be set up at your convenience to help expedite the remaining work. Thank you for your cooperation. not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. John L. Mears, P.E. Project Manager JLM/akh Should you have any questions, do cc: Mr. John Hamilton, City of Sanger BSN/A138FNSH.AKH/BSNI MEMORANDUM #2293 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: C11 y OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council Jahn Hamilton, City Administrato June 18, 1993 Appointments to Boards & Commis cons This item is included if Council desires to take action. The following terms expire July 1, 1993: Bo rd Commission Name Continue to Serve/ Not To Serve Again P & Z, Place 5 Rick Powell NO P & Z, Place 7 Jack Richardson VACANT P & Z, Place 3 Beverly Howard NO P & Z, Place 1 Andy Garza YES Bd. of Adj. Royce Fain NO Bd. of Adj. Betty Jenkins YES Bd. of Adj. Francile Sullivan YES Bd. of Adj. Ben Weatherall YES Bd. of Adj. Fred Yeatts NO RESPONSE Parks Bd., Flace 3 Burl Bourland YES Parks Bd., Place 4 Peggy Sanford YES Parks Bd., Place 5 Randy Petterson YES Parks Bd., Place 7 Ruth McGuffin YES Library Bd., Place 1 Esta Lou Morgan YES Library Bd., Place 3 Helen Bounds YES Library Bd., Place 6 Dorwin Sargent YES Library Bd., Place 5 Sherry Muir NO RESPONSE Beautification Bd., Place 3 Dorothy Clarkson YES Beautification Bd., Place 4 Patricia Fleissner NO RESPONSE Beautification Bd., Place 2 Tweedi Jones NO Beautification Bd., Place 7 Linda Hewlett YES Beautification Bd., Place 5 Cindy Richardson CANNOT SERVE JH:es CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2292 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE. June 18, 1993 SUBJECT: Administration Report 1 }. All -Tex Paving is proceeding with the paving improvements on Seventh and should begin excavation on Tenth this coming week. The Electric Utility Relocation is on schedule; Centel has begun their relocation and Galaxy Cable is committed to their project to install fiber optics. Staff has talked with several resident along Tenth. 2). The new water tower is full of water and staff is awaiting the test results to be able to utilize the facility. The computer controls should be installed by mid -week that will integrate the new well and storage into the water system. 3}. The sales tax receipts for this cycle is $9,980.20. The following chart compares receipts for 1992J 1993: January February March April May June 5,663.36 10,645.68 10,975.79 8r709448 10,936.69 8,338.43 Total $55,269.43 This represents a 16.5% year compared to 1992. 993 1 8,205.84 14,504.95 9,486.56 8,489.59 13,696.35 9,980.20 increase in sales tax receipts for the calendar 4}. This is a light agenda as the proposed budget for 93/94. budget process? Workshops meetings? JH:es next several will be tUhat formats would before or after the dealing with the Council regularly prefer in the schedule d Your copies of the draft budget are being assembled and should be ready to distribute Monday evening. The number of citations issued in May that were paid 1 5 • hat were dismissed iat - pending • • i hat are pending for warrant Revenue �oNected in the month of May �2, 744.00 Revenue collected for citations issued in May $17110.00 OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION TEXAS JUDICIAL COUNCIL OFFICIAL MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT MUNICIPAL COURT FOR THE CITY OF _ Sanger Please check below if new judge or clerk: PRESIDING JUDGE Danny Spindle COURT CLERK Cindy Barrow MAILING ADDRESS OF COURT P • 0 . Box 57� CITY Sanger ,TEXAS 76266 ZIP THE ATTACHED REPORT IS A TRUE AND ACCURATE REFLECTION OF THE RECORDS OF THIS COURT. 1T. �� • all � 455-7930 A.C. PHONE PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM NO LATER THAN 20 DAYS FOLLOWING THE END OF THE MONTH REPORTED TO: OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION P.O. Box 12066 Austin, Texas 78711 512/463.1640 Revlsod OBl91 all � 455-7930 A.C. PHONE PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM NO LATER THAN 20 DAYS FOLLOWING THE END OF THE MONTH REPORTED TO: OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION P.O. Box 12066 Austin, Texas 78711 512/463.1640 Revlsod OBl91 OFFICIAL MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT MUNICIPAL TRAFFIC MISDEMEANORS NON -TRAFFIC MISDEMEANORS Sanger COURT OF - May 9.3 NON- STATE CITY FOR MONTH 19 PARKING PARKING LAW ORDINANCE 1. NEW CASES FILED DURING THE MONTH 53 9 ...v/.. ... f.:Y 2. DISPOSITIONS PRIOR RI R O T TRIAL• :;'r^ {::,2i9i:::R•r'ii;}: 64 is A. Deposit Forfeited B. Fined tell (Before trial only. Uthedelandant goes before the judge, enter In item 3.) 4 1 C. Cases Dismissed (Do not include here those dismissals which are reported separately In 30 and 4 below.) 3. DISPOSITIONS ATTRIAL >> ?:sir%Ezs>EE�z><>>_ •.> (it there is no appearance earancebefore ..... .. judge, enter S}•.::>:£?:<:;::?;::;>:::::::::::?:>:<::::'{•:::;<: Ile :..::::. i'::3:;?.::3ii�:•:.,:Y?:#i�f><�E>`: � isi•.',:'.,':%.'•.:5::::::: :?;•::it3i:'>::i::: Si2:'5:.::'i ) A. Trial by Judge (1) Finding of Guilty (2) Finding of Not Guilty Be Trial by Jury (1) Finding of Guilty (2) Finding of Not Guilty C. Dismissed at Trial 4. CASES DISMISSED* MIS SE D: A. AfterDriver v r SafetCou y rse 3 Be After Deferred Disposition (Art. 45.54 C.C.P.) C. AltarProof of o ' Financial Responsibility e s ns' ,l' Po ty (usually,liab,1ttY insurance) 3 ............ III ....:....:::::::.:::.:::.:::..::::::.>:.}:.:.: 5. CASES APPEALED 6. JUVENILE``> ACTIVITY: 11. SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY AND " DRIVERS LICENSE SUSPENSION A. Warnings Administered HEARINGS HELD 12. SEARCH WARRANTS ISSUED (Do not include warrants for arrest) Be Statements Certified (In accordance with Texas Family Code, sec. 51.09(b).) 13. ARREST WARRANTS ISSUED: *Co Detention Hearings Held A. Class C Misdemeanors Only 2 4 (in accordance with Texas Family Code, Be Felonies and Class A and B Misdemeanors Only Sea 54.011) 7. COUNTY COURT COMPLAINTS 14. STATUTORY WARNINGS GIVEN ACCEPTED (Complaints within jurisdiction of (Warnings given to defendants charged with County County Court accepted to magistrate capacity) or District Court offonsa) 8. FELONY COMPLAINTS ACCEPTED (Complaints within jurisdiction of District Court 15. EMERGENCY MENTAL HEALTH accepted in magistrate capacity) HEARINGS HELD 9. EXAMINING TRIALS CONDUCTED 16. TOTAL REVENUE (Include only preliminary hearings ot felony cases) (Include all revenues collected during month to be remitted to the city or state.) ('l fr) A 10. INQUESTS CONDUCTED $4 �t?. 0�_ Weldon Lugs $k�eriff Denton County SheXifE`� Department 06/09/93 Mayor Nel Armstrong City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mayor Armstrong: Please note the following to hold "Class C Misdemeanor" 71�1 `L �- T!-lE� C�� r''r' v� ��'���GL"R ,� , JUN 1 4 1993 C�C�L�Odf� SANGER,TEXAS change in our daily maintenance charge defendants in the Denton County Jail. Our charge at th i s t ime i s $5.00 for the first day and $1 .00 a day thereafter. Beginning on .1uly 1st, 1993 our charge will be $20.00 a day, or any portion of a day. This change is necessary to recoup a reasonable- part of the cost of maintaining an inmate in our jail. Additionally, please note the following items relating to actions taken with Class "C" Detainees. 1. if your city has an adequate holding facility, you must keep your Class "C" Detainees and have them arraigned before transferring them to the county jail. 2. A warrantless arrest requires a determination of PROBABLE CAUSE within 48 hours or less of arrest. 3. We cannot hold detainees on failure to pay a fine if they are indigent. 4. These detainees must have a trial within 5 days from arrest or we must let them go. We regret this price increase, but it has become necessary due to increased costs in jail operation. Sincerely yours, �/f Weldon Lu Sheriff, Denton County 127 North Woodrow Lane, Suite 300 • Denton, Texas 76205-6397 • (817) 898-5700 • 434-1551 (Metro) • (817) 898-5605 (FAX) KIRK WI LSON PRECINCT I SANDY JACOBS PRECINCT 2 DENTON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT JUDGE JEFF MOSELEY scorn ARMEY PRECINCT 9 DON HILL PRECINCT 4 June 9, 1993 J U N 1 4 1993 John Hamilton Y Manager � City Mana r: c-xas �, City of Sanger P,O, Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Certified No. P 882 495 590 Dear Mr, Hamilton: On Tuesday, June 8, 1993, the Denton County Commissioners Court approved an Interiocal Cooperation Agreement with the City of Sanger, This Interlocai Cooperation Agreement was for one course seal coat on Keaton Road in a 50%/50% responsibility In the amount of $3,072,00, If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Barbara Looper, Aide to the Court at 817-56o-oo , Very truly, Enclosure cc: Commissioners Court Carmen Rivera -Worley, Assistant District Attorney/CHOS Mike Starek, Interim Public Works Director COURTTiOUSE oN TTTE S(�IIARE • ito W. FiiCRORY • DENTON, TF:%A3 7A2Q1 (81'nr>efi_8:tfi3 • (81'n696-888e • (BOo)348-3188 I KIRK R"I I PRECINCT SANDY BS PRECINCT 2 0 DENTON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT JUDGE JEFF MOSELEY June 90 1993 John Hamilton, City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas City Manager 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton: SCOTT ARMEY PRECINCT 3 DON HILL PRECINCT 4 THE. 0IS1( OF SAR�EP, J U N 1 6 1993 SANGER, TMS Certified No, P 882 495 591 On Tuesday, June 8, 1993, the Denton County Commissioners Court approved an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Sanger. This Interiocal Cooperation Agreement was for a two course seal coat on Railroad Avenue South in the amount of $1,187.00. if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Barbara Looper, Aide to the Court, at 8 1 7-565-8653. Very truly, Enclosure cc: Commissioners Court Carmen Rivera -Worley, Assistant District Attorney/CHOS Mike Starek, Interim Public Works Director COURTHOUSE ON TTII Sc�t)ARE • I10 W. FIICRORY • DENTON, Ti•RA.g 7R2ot (81'nFBFi-E�Fi3 • (B1T168b-B888' (800)348-3188 I RTRK R'IL` T PRECINCT 1 SANDY Jr.._ � S PRECINCT 2 DON RILL PRECINCT 4 DENTON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT JUDGE JEFF MOSELEY June 9, 1993 John Hamilton, City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas City Manager 76266 Dear Mr, Hamilton: THE CI'l�r OF SAh►CER J U N 1 6 1993 E��� SANGER,TEXAS Certified No• P 882 495 592 On Tuesday, June 8, 1993, the Denton County Commissioners Court approved an interiocal Cooperation Agreement with the City of Sanger, This Interiocal Cooperation Agreement was for fencing of storage site along North Railroad Avenue in the amount of $1,216,50• If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Barbara Looper, Aide to the Court, at 817-565-8653, Very truly, OSELEY i County Enclosure cc: Commissioners Court Carmen Rivera -Worley, Assistant District Attorney/CHOS Mike Starek, Interim Public Works Director COURTFIOUSE ON T1TF, S(�i1ARE • 110 W. ftICKORY • DENTON,'I�:CAS 7B2o1 (81'n68fi.RRti3 • (81'n68b-8868 • (800)3483188 SANDY dACOBS FRECTNCT 2 Ili DON FIILL PRECINCT 4 DENTON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT JUDGE JEFF MOSELEY June 90 1993 John Hamilton, City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas City Manager 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton; J U N 1 6 1993 SANGER,TEXAS Certified No. P 882 495 593 On Tuesday, June 8, 1993, the Denton County Commissioners Court approved the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with the City of Sanger. This Interlocal Cooperation Agreement was for a seal coat on Railroad Avenue North, 21' x 2,935' in the amount of $2,832.00. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Barbara Looper, Aide to the Court, at 817-565-8653. Very truly, M cjj ty so :ounty Judge crlci�sure cc; Commissioners Court Carmen Rivera -Worley, Assistant District Attorney/CHOS Mike Starek, Interim Public Works Director COURTHOUSE ON TTTF. Sc�tiARE • 110 W. HICKORY • DENTON, '[F.XAS 78201 (81'nRBfi-Rttri3 • (R1'n68b-88S8' (800)348-3188 G'AlL�' I:a TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS Ann W. Richards GOVERNOR Henry Flores EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR June 4, 1993 145 CITY OF SANGER JOHN HAMILTON CITY MANAGER P.O. BOX 578 SANGER TX 76266-0578 Dear Applicant, .i U N 1 4 1993 SANGER, TEXAS BOARD MEMBERS Paul R. Rodriguez Chairman Harvey Clemons Jr. Elizabeth Flores Richard C. Hile Joseph Kemp Walter Martinez Judith McDonald Mary Sanger Susan Sharlot Thank you for your interest in the State of Texas HOME Investment Partnership Program. At this time we are unable to approve your application for FY 1992 HOME Program funds. The HOME Program received over $115 million in requests while there was only $32 million available to award. Consequently, a number of good applications were not funded because there simply was not enough money available. We anticipate that the 1993 funding cycle will begin in the next sixty to ninety days. You will be contacted concerning application workshops in your region. If you have any questions or if we maybe of further assistance contact the HOME staff at (512) 475-3109. Again, thank you for your interest in serving the low and very low income citizens of Texas. Sincerely, David D. Garza HOME Program Manager 811 BARYON SPRINGS ROAD -SUITE 100 • P. O. BOX 13941 • AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711-3941 • (512) 475-3800 CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #229� TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the Ci Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrato DATE. June 18, 1993 SUBJECT: Request By Sanger Pentecostal Church of God Brother Dawson of the Pentecostal Church requested permission to use the downtown from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. for a Gospel Singing. JH:es located on Old Highway 77, has park on Saturday, June 26th, American General Life and Accident Insurance Company To A Subsidiary of American General Corporation FROM UCAN FO]GENE DATE 19 AGLA 29 REV 788 CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrato DATE: June 18, 1993 SUBJECT: Possible Annexation Along FM 455 'to Lake Ray Roberts The Consulting City Attorney has advised that upon petition of the affected property owners, the City can annex along FM 455 out to Lake Ray Roberts. The annexation petitions must contain metes and bounds as this should only be a 250 ft. wide strip rather than entire tracts of property. These survey costs would be borne by the City. Once annexed the City would have 4 1/2 years to extend utilities and sixty (60) days to provide fire, police and solid waste services. JH:es (lm) A. DENCO AREA 9 - 1 - 1 DISTRICT 250 S. Stemmons, Suite 260, Lewisville, Texas 75067 Phone/TDD (214) 221=0911 FAX (214) 420-0709 Board of Managers Meeting -Wednesday, June 23, Regular Session - 8:30 a.m. Denco Area 9-1-1 District Offices 250 S. Stemmons, Suite 260 Lewisville, Texas AGENDA Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance i € CIFSANGER J U N' 1 7 1993 in IJJt ;� i !i IJ F�q 1993 a. Consider. Approval of May 26, 1993 Regular Meeting Minutes Consider Approval of June 9, 1993 Special Meeting Minutes Consider Approval of May 26, 1993 Financial Statements E. Consider Authorizing the Executive Director to execute Interlocal Agreement with the Town of Flower Mound F. Staff Reports G. Telephone Company Reports H. Visitors Forum: At this time, any person with business before Board not scheduled may speak to the Board. No formal action may be taken. I. *Executive Session: Discussion of Real Estate Acquisition, Section 2(f) and Personnel Matters, Section 2(g) J. Consider Any Action as a Result of Executive Session K. Adjournment * Closed meeting to discuss pending or contemplated litigation, personnel matters and real estate acquisition pursuant to Article 6252-17, Sec. 2(e), 2(f), 2(g) V.C.S. A 1 250 S. Stemmons, Suite 260, Lewisville, Texas 75067 PhonerfDD (214) 221 -091 1 FAX (214) 420-0709 r r` . , y JUN 1 7 1993 Board of Managers Meeting -Wednesday, June 23, 1993 Work Session - 9:45 a.m. Denco Area 9-1-1 District Office 250 S. Stemmons, Suite 260 Lewisville, Texas AGENDA - Discussion of the FY 1994 Financial Plan. G� North Central Texas Council of Governments � � � 1993 Current Population Estimates for the North Central Texas Region � � I P� Compound Revised Revised Annual Final Final Final Estimated Estimated Estimated Growth COUNTIESI Census Census Census Population Population Population Rate Cities over 1,000 4I1170 411180 411190 111191 111192 111193 1990-1993 Collln County 67,421 145,255 264,036 274,300 287,600 304,100 5.27°0 Allen 1,940 8,314 19.198 19,750 21,350 22,800 6.45°0 Celina 1,272 1,520 1,737 1,750 1,750 1,750 Q27°o Fairview 463 893 1,554 1,600 1,650 1,800 5.49°0 Farmersville 2,311 2,360 2,640 2,650 2,700 2,650 0.14°0 Frisco 1,845 3,499 6.141 6,550 7,250 8,750 13.7490 Lucas 540 1,370 2.205 2,250 2,250 2,250 0.74°0 McKinney 15,193 16,256 21.283 21,700 22,250 23,050 2.94°0 Murphy 261 1,150 1,547 1,550 1,550 1,550 0.07°° Parker 367 1,098 1.235 1,250 1,250 1,300 1.88°0 Plano 17,872 72,331 128,713 135,200 140,600 149,100 5.49°0 Princeton 1,/05 3,408 2.321 2,350 2,400 2,400 t.22°-u Prosper 501 679 1,018 1,050 1,050 1,100 2.86°0 Wylie 2,675 3,152 8.716 8,800 8,550 8,700-0.0740 Remainder of Collin County 17,550 19,929 30,299 31,550 32,750 34,500 4.83°0 Spli! Cities 2,790 8,441 36,318 36,300 40,250 42,400 Dallas County 1,327,695 1,556,385 1,852.810 1,860,550 1,869,650 1,882,400 0.58°0 Addison 593 5,553 8.783 B,850 9,000 9,400 2 50°0 Balch Springs 10,464 13,746 17,406 17,400 17,500 17,550 0 30°0 Cedar Hill 2,610 6,849 19.976 20,650 21,300 22,050 3.66°0 Cockrell Hill 3,515 3,262 3.746 3,750 3,750 3,750 O.Oa°o Coppell 1,728 3,826 16,881 17,800 18,550 19,750 5.87°0 Dallas 844,401 904,078 1,006.877 1,008,350 1,010,050 1;013,550 0.24°° Desoto 6,617 15,538 30.544 31,150 31,200 32,000 1.71°0 Duncanville 14,105 27,781 35,008 35,800 35,000 35,150 0.15 40 Farmers Branch 27,492 24,863 24.250 24,300 24,350 24,400 0.22`0 Garland 81,437 138,857 180.650 181,300 183,550 184,450 0.76`0 Glenn Heights 257 1,033 4.564 4,600 4,550 4,550 •0.1t�o Grand Prairie 50,904 71,462 99.616 100,250 101,100 102,250 0.95°0 Highland Park 10,133 8,909 8.739 8,65D 8,650 8,650 •0.37°0 Hutchins 1,715 2,837 2,719 2,700 2.700 2,700 •0.25°0 Irving 97,260 109,943 155.037 155,350 159,000 160,250 1.21 °o Lancaster 10,522 14,807 22.117 22,150 22,200 22,350 0.38°0 Mesquite 55,131 67,053 101,484 102, 700 104,300 106,400 1 ]4°0 Richardson 4B,405 72,496 74.840 75,100 75.700 76,700 0.90°0 Rowlett 2,243 7,522 23.260 24,000 25.400 27,650 6.a9°° Sachse 777 1,640 5.346 5,400 5,550 5,850 3.33°0 Seagoville 4,390 7,304 8.969 9.000 9,100 9,200 093°0 Sunnyvale 995 1,404 2.228 2,250 2,250 2,300 1.16°0 University Park 23,498 22,254 22.259 22,250 22,250 22,200 •0.10°0 Wilmer 1,922 2,367 2,479 2,500 2,500 2,500 0.31°0 Remainder of Dallas County 18,940 9,152 6,1B5 6,200 6,250 6,300 0.67°0 Split Cities -6,214 •28,741 •31.893 •31,900 •36,100-39,500 Denton County 75,633 143,560 273.525 277,600 283,950 292,600 2.48°0 Argyle 443 1,111 1,575 1,600 1,650 1,700 2.82°0 Aubrey 731 94B 1,138 1,150 1,150 1,150 0.38°0 Carrollton 13,855 40,590 82,169 83,550 84,650 86,500 1.89°0 Corinth 461 1,264 3.944 4,000 4,050 4,150 1.B7°o Denton 39,874 48,063 66.270 66,600 66,900 67,350 0.59°0 Double Oak NI 836 1.864 1,650 1,650 1,700 0 7g°° Flower Mound 1,685 4,402 15.527 16,350 18A50 21,150 11.89°0 Hickory Creek 218 1,422 1.893 1,900 1,900 1,900 Highland Village 516 3,246 7,027 7,350 7 q00 0 13°0 Justin 741 8,350 6.47°0 920 1.234 1,250 1,250 1,250 0.47°0 Krum 454 917 1.542 1,550 1.600 1,600 1.35°° lake Dallas t,431 3,177 3.656 3,650 3.700 3,750 093°0 Lewisville 9,264 24,273 46,521 46,850 48.400 49,750 2 47°0 Lttlle Elm 363 926 1.255 1,250 1,250 1,200 L62°° PAot Point 1,663 2,211 2.538 2,550 2.550 2,550 0 t7°o Roanoke Bt7 910 1.616 1,650 t,750 1,750 2 9a°o Sanger 1,603 2.754 3.508 3,500 3.550 3,550 0 43`0 Shady Shores 543 813 1.045 1,050 1,050 1,050 0.17°0 The Colony NI 12.400 22.113 22,450 22,800 23A50 1.52°0 Trophy Club NI NI 3.922 3,950 4,000 4,050 1.17°0 Remainder of Denton County 12,826 19,521 29.056 29,450 3U,050 30,850 2.20"0 Sptil Cities 2,000 13,012 •25,688 •25,700 •25,900 •25,750 Ellis County 46,638 59,743 85,167 85,700 86,650 87,500 0.99°0 Ennis 11,046 12,110 13.883 13,950 t4,000 14,100 0.57°0 Ferris 2,180 2,22E 2.212 2,250 2,250 2,200 Italy •0.20`0 1,309 1,306 1.699 1,700 1,700 1,700 0.02°° Midlothian 2,322 3,21D 5,141 5,200 5,300 Ovilla 339 1,067 2,027 2,050 2,150 2,250 387°0 Palmer 601 1,187 1.659 1,650 1,65D 1,650, •0.20°0 Red Oak 767 1,882 3,124 3,150 3,300 3,350 2.57°0 VJaxahachie 13,452 14.624 1B.168 18,250 18.400 18.55U 0 76°0 confrnued •�` -� . ' ;: �. . ,M� /+1' �� 1 er:i/ �• • ', i r� 1/r "�, -i r r SIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS D CONSTRUCTION STATISTICS '�`` . AND ANALYSIS '�.t;`'' Information Submitted by Respective City Officials and MP/F Research `�.+ Single Family Deteched' Nultl-Family 4/97 4/92 YTD 97 YTU 92 4/9] 4/92 YTD 97 YTD 92 g NFTIio I)AI d.A. 0 ;� �:. �Artd i::on � 17 77 115 00 ,O 0 I AIIm+ 57 55 204 204 0 0 ° ° ' ❑nlch `Iprinyv 11 O � 44 5 o 0 0 o Carrollton 77 50 2]7 261 -0 0 0 0 ' cedar 11111 � �.]I 17 !00 60 0 0 0 �0 Cockrell Iil l l � 7l � NA 71 14 0 0 0 , 0 Tho Colony , O 9 1J 47 0 0 0 0 �Uai las 172 107 � 40l 615 2� 290 00 ]300 UeFoto � 5J 27 11'1 99 0 �'��' '. Uunennvll la , . �0 7 � IG 14 0 0 0 0 Farmers, ilraneh 2 o e 4 0 0 0 � 0 ' Ferris o' 0 2 ° ° ° ° � 0 Forney 6� 5 15 'IA ' 0 0 . 0 0 '•� �• �•' Garland 05 77. 214 � 1]0 � O 0 0 0 Ileatn ] G IG 20 0 0 0 0_ IIIghlanJ Cark � 7 ° 9• 9 ° O O 0 •1i': Ilutrhlns `. 0 � � � O O 0 O Lake Dalla+r Id+nraster 4 �" 7 lfi � 10 0 O ° ° Lewisville 4ri 45 IG4 172 0� 0 O 0 'Nesqultr• � G1. 6A 272 )12 O 10 2 /0 , Pinno � 2G2 19G 010 77fl O 0 0 � 0 ,,�� Richa r+l+:on ,. -ll 22 66 70 O .Rockwall ]n l0 49 77 0 o 0 0 Ruwl ett _ 91 07. � 299 ]59 0 Royce City 7 0 8 2 0 0 0 Saohse 17 27 77 47 ° ° 0 U . �Reagovflle fi 2 15 ° � p 0 0 ' Shn4y Shnres O o ° 1 . Nunnyvate o d o e o 0 0• o �'-UnlVers{ty Pnrk�•. ., � 5.. 5 29 LA.: 0 O 0 0 ' Wilmer NA 0 NA �� �0 0 0 O TOTA1. DALt.A3 � � � 1071 897 7]17 � ]777 � , 2 708 7 � 720 ' � ' =,1FT. WORTN METRO,.... ,. , .. O i �• � p . p ' p •' Alvarnao ,' o 0 2° o 0 0 0 • At.le' ] 4 12 10 •♦ 7 20 to 0 0 0 0 Renbrook p p 0 0 Rurieson 19 14 G7 75 0 p 0 0 �.- Cloburne 0• 2 14 . 9 .' 0 O 0 0 t , � Crow) ey O o l � / . ��. Btlgecllff Village -4 0 2 0 0' O O 0 I:VermaO • o 0 1' O�' o o 0 0, -�}�._� Forest ilill 0 � O" 0 0 O 0 0 0 9 Ft. Wnrth �I7i �111 ]5G !J54 !. •.0 O 208 � 0 ?`l ' GranMrry .. ,i r ....� 0. . 2 7 -. 5� p O 0 0 GYnndvley ° O� O ,. 0 0. � .' O 0 0 ' 0 ' Ilaltom city �� - � 7 7 19 G O o 0 0 . Koene t 5 6 . G .. ' O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kellar 70 ,I 40 .05 17Y o .' 4 0 0 Lake Worth 0 ,;'� ° t ' 1 p 0 � 0' N. Richland Nllla '. , `44 `�, 77 17, - - „1�i .. , o ' o o o �: Richland 11111s 0 �, 1 0 O ° ° � r;,.:��lilver•oaks ' 0 � 1 '. 1 ]- 0 .Roanoke 7 '.. 0 11 - ?lr.. .,,.� .. 0 0 0 ::yr,� G :.�p. 14 �. 0 'Trophy club � 6 2 17 5 0 'z...•Watsuyn 7 1" 10 ]G :44 ..: 0 0 0 .l1 ;Westlako '� +. ..0 ;'.. - 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 '� Westovnr Illlls 0 0 0 1 0° ° ° White Settlement ° 0 O. 0 O O 0 O � TOTAL FT WOIiTII 270 275 804 759 O 0 20fl 0 �, r .+<+�trYlt,�w.tu�1`"r :+,tt^� )"iisJ"!{'F,ye�'rnl�i4ni In,t. ;,, ,,ra..., o�n4#MhltMtrthtr,�„�wu!,++s.;" c^ t t •lc�'j.{ �' t.�+k. ,1'-M771-CITI FS 'AREM�" t G p ���'• .'•Art (ngton �ecv `� ���120 �'�/77 4GG ,. ; 4477, ,! '.4 0 ' �.�,j ) � Dedford t 10' � i 45 17 ". ° � p 0 0 �f Colleyville ��, b,.. 70.�� 77 96 174 0 -0 0 �`; P i Uaiwnrthing Gardena � 2 ! 10 0 .0 0 p� 0 _. 4 9 IG � 14 '1 '• GrandsPralrle+i 1.�•>.4G �' 50 - 117 1fl2 ° � 2 1 . 1 Grnpevine � � ri� 40 : 44' - 107. l74 ,, o � 2 , O i Ilurst , _1 ; 29 G 64 )2 • + irvinq � '�..50 20 174. 99 444 O 0 ° Kennrdale -2 0 10 2 '°' 0 0 -0 Ponteyo ���. - p 0 0 0 Southlake 70 15 � 177 95 p 10 .. �1 �.. 'FOTAi. N1U-CITI ES��- 772.' ]t6, 1747 � 1197 450" , ' � 'EAST AREA - - �° � NA. 0 NA 0 U 0 0 ' 'Athens p NA 0 NA , ° ' .. Canton. �� .• p .2 � ° r ° O O • commorce 0 � NA 12 4 . ` - 0 � 0 U ;. 0 • Kaufman , � 9. 2 p - p •. 0 0 .v - 'Kemp r�:, � ' � ° � .0 NA. , 0 0 p p Lonyvlew i � °' NA ��. :' 0 O p l ' Lufkin 4 NA ]•7 2G O 0 ° 0 -� Nabank U � 6 j. �.., p O 0 U Marshall O NA. 0 0 0 . NidlanA � .. 0 NA 5 1 0 p p 0 ' � � Terrell 26 15 77 �� 45 � 0 0 0 O Tyler NA O ° ° � O W{Ils. Polnt�• � N± 16 22 0 0 0� 0 Wylie 4G� 27 157 � 105 `0 0 0 2 7.O'I'Ai. EAST � '- j .: WEST AREA .. :. �]7 29 � � � 0 � ° O O . An{lene 0. NA � 0 p 0 0 ..� Weatherford � 0 4 27 - 17 rl_ � By Alex L. Home and apartmen Texas%rged intothese� year by permitting mor multi -family units than Riding on moment) interest rates, strongs<�I ing home sales pace, 2,245. single and 452 compared with 1,t164 spectively, in llpril 19! Through the first foi we have seen a very permit pace with 7,i corded. Multi-Tamily until April when the permitted in the Mid-� the total to 452 units Single family permi multi -family 673 Goi and 355, respectively 'period. What the interest r most perplexing pro year rate hovering m range, new home sal hard to tell how mai contracts now fearin taut, those potenti ling on the fence'ha� t3UILDE �Re�c wrra,t . ...Ism4^;1+way,± USE THIS RED INFORMATIO THE NUMBEF DESCA1PT10� INSURE PROi 1 SEND ME D i 1 2. 3 11 12 - 13 1 21 22 23 i 31 32 33 1 41 42 4: 51 52 5: 1 61 62 6: 1 71 72, 7: 1 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT: CITY OF SANUER P. O. SOX 578 SANUER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council Kellie Wainscott, Accts. Payable NO June 21, 1993 1Oth St. Disbursement Please add to disbursements, payment to Kriz-Davis totalling $19,849.97 for electric cable and other necessary equipment for work on lath Street Project. Thank you. KW: eh Attachment t0 2( olivar St. P. .Box 578 S� rn er, TX 76266 (8 458-7930 �' l �� h S-%', �o p�G���1��C ©G�DC�G� CODE Show this Purchase Order Number on all correspondence, invoices, � � i C O shipping papers and packages. 1. V DATE REQUISITION NO. SHIP TO REQUISITIONED WHEN SHIP _ SHIP VIA F.O.B. POINT ACCTG. CODE TERMS OTY. ORDERED «n ' OTY RECEIVED STOCK NO.lDESCRIPTION � UNIT PRICE TOTAL �' I � � � o � �- 11CJ f� / � C l: 1. Please send copies of your invoice. 2. Order is to be entered in accordance with prices, delivery and specifications shown above. __ 3. Notify us immediately if you are unable to ship as specified. I � � � � m A T m o c � D i m ,,,i m �.. X 'Ont7 �-i�7TJ y�{�mm O� rZ rni7� �XY=1 "=y X � � 2 ,�, 1 f'J f.L V m D z m -� H C'� r� r� �. c� U c� o o � o � ..� L n uJ m �- v, n ,i �J L � IlJ � m i O ��� T " �: c, • ,❑ w u .. :, w ]� �.l � r7 t UTHORIZED BY u _ i� ' 1 � ~ �" O r y r ;; 1 N v � y L 1 L O W �- ii ;: �i j � � � y is to y t � J. Ui L � W � �� � � ` Cl L U. (i �� Ui U� � U 1 L Y �-' I 111 II „' o� TO i l �;' -ill WHEN SHIP �2 Bolivar St. ' .O. Box 578 anger, TX 76266 (817) 458-7930 STOCK f;� 1. Please send copies of .your invoice. 2. Order is to be entered in accordance with prices, delivery and specifications shown above. 3. Notify us immediately if you are unable to ship as specified. o � � O T m 0 0 � y m � m 0 m v c J � -{ � � � y�.�-yimm r z m t7 t7 {Xy1-=i iy �oZ x p�[�C�G���C OO[�DCI� CODE Show this Purchase Order Number on all correspondence, invoices, 12 2 4 3 shipping papers and packages. DATE REQUISITION NO. 7 SHI TO tJ .ta ►.. p. �0 W .p F+ C9 O OD �-+ t-+ Ja Cn CR hJ � >b O V1 �0 N V O ''D � O O O O V .Zs W O � QJ O 0 0 0 � .A V � a a" � � � n a n a a a m m m m m m m m m m m m m -i -i -� -i --1 -i -� -t -� -i --t --t -I ca � cn a tJ t� ►-� w �0 .A O �.+ W Q. W .p W O W � � V O t� V �O ►-� O W - O O QV. O O O O t tpJp CO CODE TERMS n u� m �;v;, �r W r m r O r � -n V :• �. (�� ), U W m - rr, �J a G� m ��� 1 HORIZED BY rn ti ..� O N u• N T D� m S 3 li O y, O 1 L V1 .. O _ — V•_ _ Cr '' n •' r ij N , c� n z n ` W .l T fl � - - u U 2 n� W Y "' y () y • h it W "L u ,� L y (i W y 1 3' T D 4. � �� i �: IA � U. � O I� 4 UI