06/15/1992-CC-Agenda Packet-Work SessionCITY COUNCIL twORKSHOP MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1992 201 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 5:39 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Texas Municipal League -Video For Newly Elected Officals 3. Organization Chart for City 4. Discussion of proposed Step Plan 5. Discussion of Future Improvements to Sewer Collection 6. Adjournment Rosalie Garcia City Secretary CITY OF SANGER P.O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM # 2a76 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE. June 12, 1992 SUBJECT: Workshop, June 15, 1992 2). Texas Municipal League Video - This is a basic, fifteen minute video that discusses the organization of municipal governments. 3) . Organization Chart for City - This is an update of our organizational chart. 4}. Step Plan - This is the latest proposal for discussion to establish a step plan for our city employees. Staff recommends a step plan in some form in order to accommodate Equal Opportunity, Comparable worth issues and to build our employee base with career, tenured members. 5}. Sewer Project - Included is a list of all our current utility customers, within the City limits, that do not have sewer service. The two identified projects would address some of these customers and encourage additional growth. JH:cg CITY SECRETAR TAX SERVICE HEALTH SERVICES ELECTRIC DEPT. POLICE IIMAL CONTROL CITY OF BANGER ORGANIZATIONAL CHART MAY, 1992 MAYOR &COUNCIL SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM MAINTENANCE SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER FII E PUBLIC STREET WORKS AMBULANCE WATER ATTORNEY ENGINEER AL NDGE NNING &ZONING COMMISSION : I i►• i � :i•I, BARD OF AD.TUSTMENT DATA PROCESSING/ UTILITY BILLING ASTEWATER COLLECTION ASTEWATER TREATMENT r CENTER SWIMMING POOL 'ATION MEMORANDUM #2075 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor & John Hamilton, City June 12, 199 2 Proposed Step -Plan F I Members of the Manager or Full -Time Employees City Council During budget hearings for our current fiscal year, Council instructed staff to develop a step -plan for merit pay and seniority for all full-time employees of the City. The basics of such a plan provide for the following features: 1). A written Jab Title and Job Description for each identified position. 2}. A set salary schedule that includes each Job Class for the City. 3). A minimum and maximum salary for each Job Class. The schedule would be adjusted when a cost of living increase was approved by Council. written annual employee performance review. 5}. Council commitment to annual merit increases based on written evaluations for each employee covered by the Step -Plan, separate and apart from cast -of -living increases. As this is a new experience for the City, a basic plan is proposed by Staff. Attached is a list of eighteen identified, full-time jab titles for the City. Each job title has a written job description that has been prepared by our department heads. A per month pay schedule has been formulated to accommodate our existing salary structure and possible expansion of job titles within the City. Each of the 16 pay groups has 13 pay steps. There is a 5.0% difference between the pay groups and a 2.5% difference between each pay step. The plan would operate under these guidelines: 1}. The Step Plan is intended not to exceed S years from the initial date of hire. (Some employees, based on merit, could reach the maximum salary in less than 7 years}. #2075 Proposed Step Plan June 12, 1992 Page 2 2}. The maximum allowable increase per employee per fiscal year will be 7.5% based upon written recommendation of the department head. A more normal annual increase would average 2.5%. All increases must be approved by the City Manager. 3}. performance evaluations will be prepared on each employee of the City, both full and part-time employees, in March of every year. These evaluations will become part of the employee's permanent personnel file. 4}. Entry level for new employees, based on experience, training and other specific qualifications related to the particular I ob title, will be no higher than Step F. 5). The merit program can be frozen at any time by Council action. �}. Each rating of "unsatisfactory" on the written evaluations would disqualify any proposed merit increase. 7). If any employee separates from employment for more than thirty (30) days and returns to City employment, their prior service time shall not be a factor in the Step -Plan. If Council concurs with the basic plan, upon direction, staff will prepare either an ordinance or resolution whichever is preferred and submit it for your consideration at the conclusion of our budget process. JH:es attachments Class Title Clerk I Clerk II Administrative Assistant City Secretary Police Officer Police Supervisor I Police Supervisor II Chief of Police Firefighter Public Works Superintendent Utility Worker I Utility Worker II Wastewater Operator Electric Superintendent Mechanic Electric Worker III City Manager -electric Supervisor Public Works Supervisor Job Titles Monthly Salary_ Gra p Entry_ Maximum 1 1,000 1,345 3 1,103 1,483 9 1,478 1,989 16 29081 2,798 9 1,478 1,989 1 1 19630 2,192 12 1,712 Z302 16 2,081 21798 9 1,478 10989 16 2,081 2,798 6 1,277 1,718 7 1,341 1,805 7 1,341 1,805 16 2,081 2,798 9 1,478 1,989 9 1,478 1,989 Set By Council 10 1,552 2,088 10 11552 2,088 ►.1 C7 �►t A w % o �N w w W W� M W WW a o U3 -P t�Jt v � � ® 00 W SJ W N CU, w CIt 0- P- Ch w Ch %D m w Ch v'1 N N �—. f.. f+ r► �+ r+ �+ w rs �+ w+ r, �+ w OD t�D w�+ W U1 v -wP � Ch O N w �D w �+ U►' m o o w �• cn w C, T c� t� t� o� to a� �D oo ao - •.a N N N N �+ r• r° r' �' r+ w r+ r-• w �•' w+ -p w C1 4 -a Ul �j w w w cUl C1 I-` w m N N N N N �-. �.. �. r+ a r+ r+ w � �-+ r+ �-► w Cqp+ �qqD0�0 00 0 � W �Oho� Ch W 01 � �o Oo O Lh W C1 w A Ch 00 CJt 00 �+ 00 1D A (A O O C� Ct N p m CA m IN" N 4 V'd �o Oo Ch 00 Cl1 W C1 1D �) O M C!1 w %J W �D W -P w tWJt CNr W t~J .P O N N N N N N N r+ in+ t-+ w0� F•+ *' p.+ *� �O C1 W r-• O �D 00 Oo u7 O r• W G1 00 � A 00 Ch �D � N N 00 �D Ch C� Oo Ch 0o w N Ch 0 ,J 0 0 0 0 EMPLOYEE PERFORMA11iCE EVALUATIOI�i Employee Name � Department Check One Date of hire ❑ Scheduled Evaluation ❑ Promotion Key to Ratings: Date of last review E. EXCELLENT -Individual performs all tasks in an ' exceptional manner. Requires little or no supervision. Gi GOOD -Individual performs mangy tasks well, and all other tasks adequately. Requires Irttle or no supervisit I. RESP011iSIBt�.ITIES II. ACCOMPLISHMENTS III. JOB KI\IOWLEDOE Overall Rating _(circle one) �E Comments: Employee No. Date Job Title ❑ New Employee ❑ Other: Date employee began present position Date of next review S2 SATISFACTORY -Individual performs all tasks satisfactorily. Requires normal supervision. F. FAIR -Individual performs most tasks satisfactorily, but ' not all. Requires more than normal supervision. U. UNSATISFACTORY - Indivitluai fails to perform many _ 'tusks well. Requires close and constant supervision. sheet fnr emm�lPtP o„�1 ,;,.l. ..F a.r_:.. r._____ '—' � -"Y-^'-" •+ •�+� yav e: uSc, Vlur1J l.Urlrl, Emptoyee possesses clear understanding of the responsibilities and tasks he or she must perform. N. JOB PERFORMAIIICE Overall Rating. -,{E �, -- (circle one) Comments: V. JOB PRODUCTIVITY Overall Rating: F` . Comments: VI. DEPENDABILITY Overall Rating: ' ``'F" `�;I Comments: (QUALITATIVE) The neatness, thoroughness, accuracy and overall quality of the employee's work. G�—L< S ' :'I I ,F, ,.) �,'; V ;; � (see key above) (QUANTITATIVE) The employee demonstrates a commitment toward achieving results. Tasks are completed efficiently and effectively. ,G ,' S '� F ' U �' (see key above) Employee can be relied upon to complete assigned tasks, and is conscientious about their attendance and timeliness. Employee demonstrates a willingness to work with associates, subordinates, supervisors and others. VII. COOPERATION Responds willingly to changes in procedure, process, responsibility and assignments. Overall Rating: E G S F U (see key on reverse side) (circle one) Y Comments; VIII INITIATIVE Demonstrates an ability to think and act independently. Originates innovative ideas and methods to improve job or complete tasks better. Overall Rating: E A G S F U see ke on reverse side) (circle one) ( Y Comments: IX. WORK ENVIRONMENT AND SAFETY Maintains a safe and pleasant work environment, Follows safety regulations, and actively contributes towards a safe workplace. Overall Rating: (riri �npl ' E '' G S F U (see keyon reverse side) �.. .,� Comments: X. OVERALL PERFORMANCE Overall appraisal of the employee's job performance. Overall Rating: E„ G S JAF U (circle one) Comments: (see key on reverse side) The criteria above is important in order to properly evaluate the employee's performance. The following Action Plan ACTION PLAN: describes the employee's specific strengths and weaknesses, and addresses wat can be done to improve their position toward continued growth. Major weak points are: These weak points can be strengthened y: Major strong points are: These strong points can be more effectively utilized y: Supervisor Date Reviewing Officer Date AAA Has this report been discussed with employee ? IF " NO ", Reason why: If "YES", Employee's comments; ❑ YES NO ❑ Employee I Date Copyright 1990 Amsterdam Printing and Litho Corp., Amsterdam, N.Y. i2010 Reorder Form w23350 TC7: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. CITY OF SANUER P. +O. BOX 578 SANUER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the John Hamilton, City Manage June 12, 1992 Ir Proposed Sewer Projects City Council The two identified projects would meet a need to provide sewer service to existing customers and open a new area for development. Council could also consider a "finance" plan far existing residences that would allow new sewer customers the option of paying their $300.00 sewer p charge in monthly installments on their City utility bill. Ptaff would recommend funding from unexpended revenue bond funds. JH:es ��, h1'�IViE� A�ta��ATE� IN�� ENriNEERS/RLANNERS�S(JRVEYc�R� � , blaOwALraUTHILLLANE ONflGLEhlLAKES SUItF,5g4 UALLAS,TY,)5291.4?YU 21ar3E9�F�7� I IUE CLAYTQIJ LANE SUITE JIOC AUSi'IPl, TErAS 7flTQ3.1033 S12�J$�t�G716 ,T1ano 11, 1992 Mr Tnhr� Natn� 1 i�nr{ i • vviial 41µ,1{µ.�Yvll City Manager city of sangex P,o, sox 57$ sangex, 7�'X 7�256 Fe: Sewer connections Fifth Street (Old Hwy. 77) Sa,ngex', TeXas Dear Mr. Hamilton: RICHARp (j.FAC?IPJ, P,E, J. TRAYIS RO�FRT.�, JR„ P,E, ' HAI, 8. JONES, P,E. SAM G. tdGKENZIE, JR„ P.E. JOHIJ D. FRIEBELE, P.E. DAvip J� PREwETT, P.E. CHARLES W. SCHELER, P.E. RIGHARU K, 9T. J4HN, P.E. CNARI,ES Q, 4AvtS, P,E. JOMN L. MEARS, P.E. Residential lots along the east lido of Fifth Street (Old Hwy, 77} south of Loop 138 can be sewex'ed south and west to the soutkls�.de Drive lift station. The sew�x sErvice for the first lot south of Loop 138 can bE connected directly to the manho�.e immediately in front of the lot. Tho line for the remaining lots running south w�.11 cost approximately $25,op0 with a bore under old I�wy. 77. Should you have any p�.ea: e feel free to Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOCIATES, John L. Mears, PiE, P�:�oj ect Manager J%M/akh BSNlSTHSWkCN,At.I{/QSN 1 questions, ar rec�uix�e additional information, contact u.s. INC. UTILITY CUSTomE S WITH NO SEWER SERVICE JUNE 9, 1992 a J_ : 1 ? .1. � (!_t1 T iw0 1I r) 7I60 I.Jo R, Il0RR01A l0oob rowl'ING RC) 71 /1815 R.0 3Y K I:ROY 100 F .. C 1-11ApiviIt) N 1.74700 �ICFZF:vA r11PlDER50N ct.OQ) Rt11Ii R 0 A 0 81,//000 .J0 L E=AI_l_'v CFmL1F " in, RY RO(';I) C;179b0 0 RIlC::' T 1-1F,At T1-1 RAI.L- LOAD f'O,\/F 9 179000 JAMS R.. Pf.-olN1N NG1"0k! 200 E a CHAIPMAN }"J_ 1,t �41 }t';PdCsF'h2 ! x A c 0 1.1 03 I! u ;1 F:I M0N`d )1c")02G' 0 0 , E_ a J01-1I'S0N 1,02 S o KF,nT0N 91.90360 MAR.1LU L Y 0Pil DUCK: CRFF K ROAD 1,`:3493 ;t1 J.,!_, I•,iR1'(,h11' 20(rj f='R1_tl iF RO, OF"I I)Ut ht C:K 919101)9 C) C;'r2 'riF l.'10N 1.02 1i0L,T. C) 91.107 RILL. RTcF 803 I\F.f;TON 91.91,511 J0'r!N GR(�Y 2002 =; o `iTf=M110P! 31 )1.F 26 7;;C1: (E1 1=h! 2C7G?? S<. t:MM0NfS s"l.(.)7,' 4fi `i 1: I:Pd�tKc"IIJF�!J :1.0!J (`F.MM0P!S 9290000 R & R RAlNcIJ DUCK C R F LK 1 1,1_000+0 F'fMF�Ft].G0 I"R('t]:I..� I`,.`_ 261 ;W , C:hlf;F'P+( PJ :i, 'i_ "L t;9 4 0 Gi F! 1 ! %' a rJ :C I)ItHR i 46 t'a, o S T !~ MI m 0 r1 CITY ur BANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2(78f� TO: Honorable Mayor +&. Members of tjie City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manage DATE. June 12, 1992 SUBJECT: Denton County Transportation ub-Committee Prior to the November County Road Bond Election, I was appointed to the Denton County Transportation Sub -Committee by Judge Jeff Moseley. Over the last several weeks this Committee, composed of members from all over Denton County, has been meeting to address the issue of County crews doing road work within the various cities and towns of the County. As you can image, this diverse group representing north and south, urban and rural, has not been able to agree on anything other than the need to maintain some sort of interlocal agreement system. Commissioner Don Hi11 presented his plan at our meeting of June 11, 1992, and realizing that our committee is only an advisory board to the Commissioner's Court, eleven rural and small cities representatives interrrupted an agenda dominated by Commissioner Sandy Jacob's appointees and voted 11 to 6 in favor of recommending Commissioner Hill's plan to the Court as a discussion vehicle. Only time will tell as to what if any, County assistance will be available in the future for road repair in Sanger. As new developments occur, staff will pass along that information. JH:es attachments (lm) f �r 000* 18 46 f. DON HILL COMMISSIONER PRECINCT 4 DATE: JU\'E �, 1992 T0: TRANSPORTATION C0�1`1ITTEE FROy1: COMMISSIONER DO'�T HILL RE: IV'TERLOCAL CONTRACTS RECOMMENDED POLICY FOR INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS ON ROAD CONSTRUCTION 1. ICA'S will be funded using an amount equal to 30% of revenue collected from the optional $10.00 vehicle registration fees. 2. Construction on Interlocal Projects will be limited to 10 working days per year per City. 3.* ICA must be submitted prior to April 1st one year in advance to allow County to schedule all work and materials in next fiscal budget. �. Priorities can be established by scope of project. Small one or two day projects will be scheduled first with longer more involved projects scheduled as time permits. 5. Cities shall provide all engineering and construction specifications. Cities will be encouraged to do as much preliminary construction work as possible in order to finish a project within the 10 day limit. 6. Cost of project would be shared on a 50-50 basis. Cities being responsible for cost of materials and gasoline. Labor intensive projects would require City reimbursement for labor and machinery based on reasonable cost analysis and charged on an hourly rate. Only the use of specialized high maintenance machinery would be subject to reimbursement. A. motor graders B. grade -all C. asphalt recycler D. bull dozer y ALL CURRENT ICA'S WILL BE SCHEDULED FOR COMPLETION THIS YEAR A�'D IV 1993. NEW REQUESTS WOULD BE SUBJECT TO THE APRIL 1 DEADLINE AND DUE APRIL 1, 1993 FOR THE 93-94 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET, CO URTHO USE ON THE SQUARE • 110 WEST HICKORY • DENTON, TEXAS 76201 817.3834399 • TX WATTS 800.346.3189 0 FAX 817.382-0845 THE FOLLOWING WORK . SUMMRRI IS 3 BRIEF SU`I�IARY OF 4JHY I THINK THIS POLICY WOULD I. FENDING: It is apparent that in order to continue ICR'S and continue any substantial progress toward our unincorporated roads we need more money. Using 30% of the optional $10.00 vehicle registration fee is the best source of funding because: 1. It is simplistic. There is no complicated formula involved and it can be stated that $3.00 of every $10.00 goes toward City projects. 2. It is enough to do the job. (30% equals approximately $600,000.00). This is adequate funding to hire a 10 man crew with basic machinery and operating equipment. 3. It is consistent. We can use this number every year and it will perpetuate itself as time goes by to enable the County to provide more services to Cities as incorporation grows. It also gives the County the ability to adjust the budget through advalorem tax. 3a. In order to replace $600,000.00 in the Road & Bridge Budget, we could use new property income or one time expenditures in current budget or raise advalorem taxes by 2.1% or 6/10ths of 1 cent. II. TIME PARAMETERS FOR PROJECTS: Limiting work to 10 days per year per City, basically provides all limitations that have been suggested. There is only a certain amount of money and a certain amount of work that can happen on a project in 10 days. This time limit would provide some equality in that there would be plenty of time for smaller cities and enough time for substantial work in the larger ones. CITY OF SANDER P.O. BOX 578 SANDER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM # 2�77 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE. June 12, 1992 SUBJECT: Denton County Fire/EMS Funding As discussed by Fire Chief Bill Murrell at the June 1st Council meeting, Commissioner Don Hill was contacted regarding any changes in County funding for our fire department. Commissioner Hill stated that he opposes funding reductions and that the issue was not scheduled for County discussion in the immediate future. He stated that he would keep us informed on developments. Interestingly, as a result of the newspaper coverage Don Alexander, Director of Administration, for County Judge Jeff Moseley telelphoned regarding your concerns on this matter and asked what his office could do to help. Mr. Alexander stated that he did not have a copy of the County Fire Chiefs letter that was presented in your agenda, so a copy was faxed to him.