07/06/1992-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular1urmin i. MONDAY, JULY, +9 201 rSTREET,HALL P.M. 1. Call to Order, Inv©cation, and Pledge to the k'lag 2. CONSENT AGENDA a). Approve Minutes - Workshop Minutes 6/ 15/92, CC Minutes 6/ 15/92, and Workshop Minutes 6/29/92 b). Disbursements AGENDA 3. Citizen's Input 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Authorization to Advertise Bids for New Sewer Line - Cowling Road 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointments to Boards and Commissions 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #02-92, Amending Section I, 1.02 and 3.92, Personnel Policy 7. Executive Session Pursuant to V.A.T.S. Article 6252-17 Personnel - Police - Work Schedules 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Executive Session - Personnel. Police - Work Schedules 9. City Administration Report 10. Any Other Such. Matters 11. Adjournment Rosalie Garcia City Secretary MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT. MEMBERS ABSENT: City Council Workshop June 15, 1992 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman John Berndt, Councilman Jerry Jenkins and Councilman Tommy Kincaid Councilman Russell Madden OTHERS PRESENT. City Manager John Hamilton and City Secretary Rosalie Garcia 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Texas Municipal League -Video for Newly Elected Officials City Council proceeded with viewing the video. 3. Organization Chart for City Council made one change to the chart. The Data Processing and Utility Billing would come directly under City Secretary. 4. Discussion of Proposed Step Plan Tabled until Councilman Madden would be present to 4- pi 10n. 5. Discussion of Future Improvements to Sewer Collection Items discussed were: a). Homes inside City limits an Septic Systems, b}. Proposed Sewer Projects c). Cost Projections d). Pro -Rats Agreements e}. Funding for approximately 1800 ft. of 8" Sewer Line - extending down Old Highway 77 (Project B) Council agreed to place this on the City Council Agenda for next City Council Meeting. 6. Adjournment. MINUTES: w OTHERS PRESENT: City Council Meeting June 15, 1992 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Councilman John Berndt, Councilman and Councilman Tommy Kincaid Councilman Russell Madden Margie Braxton, Jerry Jenkins, City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Steve Day, Este Ashcraft, Ruth McGuffin and Betty Johnson - Sanger Courier 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a}. Approve Minutes -one correction to Others Present: Evelyn Wright is typed in twice (Evelyn Wright, Mrs. Chester Wright) - correct to indicate Mrs. Evelyn Wright as being present. b}. Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. Citizen's Input -None 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Proposed Christmas Light Project Steve Day, Chair for Christmas Lighting Committee, addressed City Council regarding the joint meeting between Beautification Board and Park Board. Their joint proposal for Council's consideration in the upcoming budget is to allocate $2500 as the City's commitment for Christmas lighting of the downtown area This project would be in two phases. Discussion. CC Minutes, 6/ 15/92, Page 2 Motion was made by Councilman Berndt and seconded by Councilman Jenkins for the City to budget $2500.00 to Phase I for Christmas Lighting for the downtown area. Motion carried. Ruth McGuffin asked if they could go ahead and write to the merchants to donate money for this project. Council gave their approval. 5. Discussion Concerning City's Underground Petroleum Storage Tank Craig Waggoner addressed the Council on the strict guidelines regarding the City's 2,000 gallon gasoline storage tank located on the west side of our yard at Cherry and Second. A division of our City's engineer {Hunter Associates, Inc.} has recommended that due to the proximity of our water system, the underground gasoline storage tank, could be replaced with a above ground tank with a concrete spill containment enclosure. Discussion. Summary: Craig identified three (3} options for supplying fuel to our vehicles. a}. Inspection of our existing tank and installation required monitoring equipment. b}. Removal of our existing tank and replacing it with an above ground system. c}. Removal of our existing tank and seeking a low bid for local supplies of fuel for an existing gasoline supplier. City Manager advised that for the next City Council meeting he can prepare a bid document for the advertisement. Consensus of City Council to table this then and to instruct staff to proceed with the bid on the fuel to see what bid of response the City would get. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointments to Boards and Commission Mayor advised that she will have a complete list prepared on the appointments prepared to the Boards at the next City Council meeting. t CC Minutes, 6/ 15/94 page 3 7. (9). City Administration Report a. The additional funds of $20,000 will be added to the $88,000 approved for Keeton Road Improvements were authorized by Denton County Commissioner's Court at the meeting, Tuesday, June 9, 1992. b. City Manager will be attending a one day workshop sponsored by the Texas Public Association on Thursday, June 25, 1992. c. City Hall will be closed Friday, July 3, 1992, for July 4th Holiday. 8. (10}. Any t7ther Such Matters: a Hours at the landfill were discussed. Council would like the landfill to be open at 10:00 a.m, to 7:00 p.m. b. Councilman Jenkins asked on the problem concerning Ampco and Frontier Waste. Mayor advised that staff will be taking care of the matter. Councilman Jenkins wanted to know if Industrial Roll -off Containers for Manufacturing Companies fall under the problem with the current contractor which has the exclusive right to haul off all refuse. City Manager stated that currently Frontier Waste, does not have a 30 roll on container. Councilman Jenkins stated most products at Ampco are recyclable and there are companies in the metroplex area that will bring their dumpster in with a contract through them. Executive Session Pursuant to VA-T.S. Article 6252 - 17, 2(e) Legal Mayor Armstrong convened City Council into executive session. 10. (8}. Consider and Possible Action regarding Executive Session - Legal Mayor Armstrong reconvened City Council from executive session at 8:19 p.m. 1Vo form of action taken at executive session. 11. Meeting adjourned. MINUTES: City Council Workshop June 29, 1992 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman John Berndt, and Councilman Tommy Kincaid OTHERS PRESENT. City Secretary Rosalie Garcia and Kirk Franklin - Attorney for Governmental Service Agency 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Review and Discuss Codification of All City of Sanger Ordinances Items discussed.. Ordinances regarding changes. {a} Index fees and page in the code to where it is accessible. {b} HoteljMotel Occupancy Tax { c } Sexually Oriented Businesses (d} Animal Control (1 } Limit on number of dogs { 2 } Animal Control Officer should be appointed by Chief of Police with consent of City Council (Article 2.9QQ) { e } Building and Construction {3.5Q2} ( 1) The Appointment of Electrical Inspector. { 2) Surety Bond for Electrical Inspector. (3) Journeyman's License (4 } License Fees need to be added to schedule. {f) Moving Houses, Buildings and Other Structures {1} Bonding Requirement (3.802 (1) ) (2} Liability Insurance Requirement (3.8Q2 (2} } (3) Building Standard Commission (1.1203) { g) Street Cut Excavation and Repair Standards { 1) permit Fees (h) Sign Regulations (1) Political Signs -location (i) tweeds, Grass, Rubbish, Brush and Other Objectionable Matter { 1) lots or parcels of land of five (5) acres or more - provisions don't apply (j) Exemption for Volunteer Fire Fighter's Relief and Retirement Fund - Article 8.200 (to be deleted) (1) composed of 7 members instead of 9 (1) Parallel Parking to be deleted -Article 10.�fJ5 (m) Zoning Ordinancesizes need to be checked to see if they are corrected. 3. Any Other Such Matters. Continued discussion. on changes to the Codification of City Ordinances. 4. Meeting adjourned. CI`k"Y GF SANDER VkMNDgR INV NO 250 ADAMS EXTERMINATING CO, I EXTERMINATE SENT 01-70372 447,1800 TOTAL AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 7/02/92 PAGE 13a5:3 IPdV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AM1 DISC e AMT P>O< BGX 13 4/1.4/92 9698 7/07/92 60oOO �00 60*00 60,00 ,00 715 AMERICAN LISRAk�Y ASSGCo 50 EAST HURON STREkI' MEMBERSHIP DUES 0080196 6/23/92 10126 7/07/92 75<00 000 439e0200 75<00 TOTt;L 75600 , 00 1055 FACTS ON FILE 460 PARK AVE. SOUTH BOOKS 86446 6/16/92 10127 7/07/92 378460 000 476,0200 378060 TO`AL 378.60 000 1501 ARM CQMMUNICA"iI OPdS 120 EXPgSITIGPd ST a MIC. CORD 2331 6/12/92 9913 7/07/92 20oOO 000 41961700 20o©O REPLACE BROKEN A 2345 6/23/92 10131 7/07/92 30*00 ,00 456*0300 :30000 TOTAL 50n00 00 1700 AAA/PRIORITY VIDEO P60o BOX 1007 VIDEO TAPE 122929 6/09/92 10124 7/07/92 15000 ,00 475<0200 15600 VIDEO TAPES 122817 6/12/92 10027 7/07/92 56400 000 475e0200 56a00 TOT AL 71, 00 000 3786 BOLIVAR SPECIALTY PRODUCT PoO< BOX 288 INJECTOR CLEANER 1665 6/02/92 9940 7/07/92 45903 000 419e0300 6e42 419ollOO 6<43 419,1700 6*42 419�0500 6,42 41960600 6o42 41-9 o 0700 6 , 42 41940800 6660 OI►_—HYDRO/GENERA 1668 6/05/92 9995 7/07/92 461o60 <00 47060800 404o89 425�0700 56,71 TOTAL 506. 63 a 00 4125 BURRUS SUPERMARKET Po GeBGX 708 SUPPLIES 100 5/1.2/92 9876 7/07/92 36<96 000 41.3 > 1600 6000 411>1600 16" 98 41.1. 0100 1.5 , 98 REIMB* BY PETTY 100A 5/12/92 9872 7/07/92 39691 000 413<0100 39491 SUPPLIES 100D 5/18/92 9898 7/07/92 24o31 000 41300100 9491 41.161600 4050 41.:3101600 9690 SUPPLIES 100E 6/22/92 9942 7/07/92 3084 600 442*0800 :3>84 CT1"V a� `�ANG�R VE�rVLaR IP•d`J hda �1P aP� l'd :[`(kM f_.l"S`i" Ca1�1C��h�Y lnn 1/n� j92 E�AG� G rr�v a�r"I+ Pa r�U>� aue ass= SUPPLIES 1nnR �/n:3/92 �t:1`I`Fs L �'liS CALVERI" RU�C�Ma"I"IVF�, IPJG. INSF'EC"f Z:O�! 256a:2 4 f ?fit f 92 4�.9 e :l'Inn :�1. Sn `I't1 "I"P� L ���an CASE PawER FJ E�,]uzPr��r��P" SF'RaCKE`I`, IDLER C5S:3675 �119 < ns�nn �ar��SF�ERS cS��n�� '}�a�9 . Hann I a YI �,� Bann CF�I�I .�ra>�z�raRl�l_ suPPLIt:S DISz:ivr~Ec`rnrar/I�La ��gn C:/�l'�I LINE:F2S, 1'aWE 58E5 �11.16nn (C1"I`f,L 13;5� PURCI-I AMA' LI;CSC , t�M�l" �nnns 7/n7/92 2,$8 �.n�.9n 2:Ln aRLLAS (?RIVE �,a. I�ax a�n�2r, �/�>/92 9��z �/n�/9 292>51 >/:�"a/9� 9az� ��/n�/9� ��.�� P,a. I�ax �.�.na /��/9z �Pz.�n a/�"r/9z �9<6Fi 92Sn Dt�`I'(� k�US1`Ni=SS f;aR1�iS, CNC.1.65--�67 Ha4J��L P�YRaLL CF4ECKS 1.23383 6/25/92 a��.,�9na �a�e�a "I"a`l`� L 1n5nn DEALi�RS ELEC"I"RIC SUPPLY cauPLlr�c, E��aw, �ananarn 6/��/9 �Irn.as�nn �n�.a9 �a���n DEr�ca P.o, aax r��� I�F�DCES, al_uE, F.� D�a�97n ��/��/9� �az.n?nGi 37>d1S �t"a�r� � � D7nn (�{^NE t1aNLKF' �7�F�LE�rr.c hiPRF:ER �9��n a/n�P/9� azda.za�nn :��.9n "1"C),I_h� L �n,�,n I-It�RCRt1S CHLI�iICflL�� a.!:in',�,` CFILaRItdE CY n:�.�:1.��. 6/1.�5/92 �a.l��.zznn �,n�a.nn �ra.r r� L. 7n375 f-I(�RPaaL {=ARI�i f� (��RL7EN CEPS (=' I_ A P+hl"S r31'r�� An9>n9nn i�1T:f:1t11_E SCF�aaL PF2 F�195--9Ei +�n9.n9nn 1"D "i" F � L F,/�,2/92 1SC�<3n S/a.:�/9� fa:�S . 39 9948 7/n�r/9� a.nn9r 7/n7/92 :��.�n z92,�� iae7� �n! e �J 41",7n �9,a� 9�,:�5 }�aa. r�ax 555367 99ta1 7fn7/92 ?36<14 rs�.a.� I>.a. Fax zr7c �.nn55 �/nr/9z �"na.�P9 a.n�,a9 �1�n �aRDEr� f1VE , 1nn26 �/nr/9z >r,�1� 3% . �P5 Pea. F3aX 1Ei5 9911 i�/n7/92 S6.9n a6�9n pax a�9naa DEP`I non a.nnr� �/n7/9� i,n��.nn �,r�a�,nn ��2n E e I�iCK�P�PdEY S�`. 9�s75 7/n7/92 1,f3a-03n 954� r/n7/92 �:��a:�9 71S>69 .nn �nn ,nn .na ,nn ,nn ,nn .na .nn ,nn .nn ,nn ,nn �nn .nn enn ann onn .nn ann .nn ���. �x J ,nn �:35nn Ha'1'Fia �� Ca > P > a , 6aX 973�3 F�aaK a.S���S s/r�/9z �.nn�� �/ar/92 �.E>.i9 .nn CITY OF SANGER VENDOR INV NO 475.nzan TOTAL 2459n INTER51'A`tL BATTEi�:1:ES BATTERY SAVER 6746 4196/200 419.2nnn BATTERY CABLE EN 7030 419.0300 419.11nn 419.1200 41962000 419.1700 41960600 419,0600 41960700 41940800 'FOTA L AP OPEN ITEM LIS TCOMPANY Inn 7/02/92 PAGE 3 13>53 INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 48&�2 ALEXANDER 5/26/92 19.98 19.97 6/08/92 1.50 1.50 1.5n 1060 IA50 1.50 10 50 1.50 I. 80 1.6,79 P < a . 8a',� 56n861 9935 7/07/92 39.95 9997 7/n7/92 253nn JAGQE--PUBLIC GQMPAtdY P.0< �30X 25n 200 GALLONS TACK A3816 7/01.(92 10017 7(07(92 431.0500 400600 TOTAL 26' ,; i<RI1 DAMS CO> P.O. 8QX 25nn F3AGKQRDER iERMIP! 475247�5 fit too/ 92 470oO8OO 244.29 INSERTS, CAPACIT 475412 6/08/92 470.0800 88.00 TOTAL. 2�"37"5n r�ICrdAHAN QIL CO(�PANY FUEL DELIVERED 6 n57595 41400500 41.4.n3nn 41.4.12nn 41460800 414o06OO 414.n7nn 414.1700 0I..A r 983n 7/n7/92 9831 7(n7/9ti? 53<75 4nn.nn 4nn,nn 244.29 88.nn 332.29 412 BELL AVE:rdUE P.Q. DRAWI=R •�. 6(19(9'?_ 1n113 7fn7f92 1,5:1n>2n 149.32 461.n4 112.84 3n4.14 252614 82.54 148,18 30000 h1ChdEILL ,JEi=F P.Q.t3aX 358 ASPf-IAL (", FLEX �3A 22n 6/29/92 1nn77 7/n7/92 431.0500 1,916.05 f0-TAL 31610 MURRAY LILIGHTING� F'�PPLIAN 520 LQQ{' 288 FLOQDLI:Gi-1`C" FOR L 58:>a.2 5(14(92 442.n2nn 34,n2 TOTAL 32500 PADDACK, DONALD DOG FOOD/ RAF PO 30049 44A.0300 BARE SPOT 34907 P.O. BOX 416 5/n1/92 19.5�'i 5/10/92 1,5a.n.2n 1,916.n5 1,9a.6<n5 P. a. aaX 1544 9822 7/n7(92 34.n2 9731 7/n7/92 9848 7fn7(92 34 < n2. a.9.5n 55,an .nn .nn .nn .nn .nn .nn ,nn ,nn CITY OF SANGER vI.NDnR AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 7/02/92 PAGE 4 13<53 INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCN AMT DISC, AMT 415.or, 1dd 55.dd DOG FOOD 34912 5/11/92 9730 7/07/92 17.00 444.d3dd 17,00 DOG FOOD 34937 5/18/92 9752 7/07/92 17.00 444.d3dd 17.00 DOG FOOD 34938 6/18/92 9729 7/07/92 17.00 444.0300 17<00 DOG FOOD 34967 5/29/92 9728 7/07/92 17.dd 444n0300 17,dd TOTAL 142.5d 37777 SANGER nFFICE SUPPLY 3d3 BOLIVAR P.O, BaX 958 NOTEBOOKS, PENS 1232 6/10/92 10031 7/07/92 13>69 411.1700 13>69 COPY PAPER 1234 6/10/92 10040 7/07/92 70,dd 441.1900 70.00 HANGING FILE FOL 1.231 6/11/92 10041. 7/07/92 18011 411>0800 18611 01"Y TAGS 1229 6/11/92 10052 7/07/92 6,d8 411.1ddd 6.d8 ElilVF LOPES,WHITE 1237 6/12/92 10025 7/07/92 10008 411.0200 10>08 E3L1r..LETIN BOARD 1249 6/16/92 10085 7/07/92 21014 411.1600 21..14 TOTAL p 139410 38752 SARGENI'-SOWELL, INC. 1186 108TH ST. TRASH CANS, LINE 2057780 6/11/92 9893 7/07/92 461*75 461o2100 122.65 461.od9dd 122*65 424.d9dd 122.65 424o2100 93480 TOTAL 461<75 38753 S. A. V. En 2630 GRAVEL DRIVE BOOKS 9179 6f1d/92 1d125 7/d7/92 159.82 476e0200 159.82 TOTAL 159�82 38875 SERVICE MERCHANDISE DRAWER CS 100425 COMPu'rimR CORD 4481755 6f1df92 1dd14 7/t�7/92 9<96 411,1700 9�96 TOTAL 9>96 4:3701 TECI-ILIrdE, INC. BOLTS, WIC�E, BRA 125a.9 6 f 23/92 470.0800 327.50 TOTAL P"7 10 "I"ONI' S GENERAL STORE R]:BBON FOR PROCL 8345 6/26/92 411.15dd 7.75 TOT L P.n. BOX 9249 1dd56 7/d7�'92 :327o5d 327.5d 8aX 956 a.da_44 7/d7f92 7.75 7.75 .dd .dd ,dd dd add ,dd <dd 5415d 7IMr9ERER KUBa'r"A OF DEN'I'OrJ 56dd rd>E. LnnP 82d BELT' 76a.3 5/22 f 92 99:�a, 7 f d7 f 92 15> 55 , dd CITY OF SANGER VLNDOR :IP4V Pd0 456aQ9QQ TO`rA L Rf OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 7/02/92 PAGE 5 13653 INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC, AM`4' 55285 V4'EXAS WASTE MAPdAGEPiEP�`i' CONTAINER SERVIC 027729 6/22/92 447,Q4QQ 101050 .1.0_L.A L 55875 REIPdER`r PAPER £� CHEMICAL OIL. ABSORBENT 14642 47000800 CASE PAPER TOWEL. 15011 42Qa12QQ TOTAL -rOTAL DUE WIT41 n:4�scuuP�Ts I'OTAL DUE— NO DISCOUNTS G/L OEPAR'rMEPd`l-S ADMI:NIS'rRATION—GF LIBRARY P0L.I:CE SANITATION STREETS E`I S WATER WASTEWATER ELECTRIC PARKS PUBLIC WORKS FIRE VEHICLE MAINT--GF MAYOR & COUNCIL—EF ADMINISTRATION--EF PUBLIC WORKS- EE SULLIVAN CENTER DATA PROCESSING VEHICLE MAINT—EF C01+1M . CENTER, GF WASTE44TR CQLL-_EF GENERAL FUND EN`P"ERPRISE FUPdD 6/1Q/92 29>94 Ei/24/92 43e90 9ry56Qa25 9ry660425 15<55 P0O0 BOX 719 1Q148 7/07/92 101050 1Q31 Wo P9AIN 1Q043 7/07/92 29o94 1Q1Q6 7/Q7/92 65e8Q 782o76 586*46 1Q1<5Q 2,473*29 26Q,Q6 147"<17 1,841e73 979e54 6<Q8 39*43 178e22 7,75 15Q>75 199*76 6QoOO 3Q6,14 21>47 308635 1,0441000 5,581o43 3,978>8;_> 43,9Q 73e84 9,56Qa25 ,QQ CITY QF SANGER P.Q. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: July 2, 1992 SUBJECT: Authorize Advertisement for New Sewer Line -Cowling Road Froject Estimate �. 20,0� The enclosed advertisement for this Sewer Collection Line project would open sewer service to at least four (4) customers along Cowling Road as well as service the front part of the Planned Development Industrial Park located east of the Pentecostal Church. Funding for the project would be from unexpended bond funds. Note: The sewer tap is $350.00. The water tap is $300.00. Section 10(B} (3} of the City Code states: "Each house or building within the City of Sanger shall be served by a separate and independent water and sanitary sewer connection: JH:cg attachment SECTION A ADVERTISEMENT FQR BID9 sealed proposals addressed to the Mayor and City council of the City.of Sanger, 201 Bolivar Street, Sanger, Texas, 76266, will be received at the office of the Mx. John Hamilton, city Manager until 4:o p.m., on Monde Au ust 1992 , for the following project: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS OLD HIGHWAY 77 Bidders must submit with their bids a Cashiers Check in the amount of five percent {5�) of the maximum amount bid, payable without recourse to the City of Sanger or a Proposal Bond in the same amount from a reliable surety Company as guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute bond and guarantee forms provided within ten (�.Oj days after notice of award of contract to him. The successful Bidder must furnish performance and payment bonds each in the amount of 100 percent (100�) of the contract price from an approved Surety Company holding a permit from the State of Texas, to act as surety and be acceptable according to the latest list of companies holding certificates of authority from the Secretary of Treasury of the United States, or other Surety or Sureties acceptable to the Owner. All unit prices must be stated in both script and figures. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive formalities. In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating the price in the bids, the Owner reserves the right tv consider the most advantageous construction thereof, or to reject the bid. Unreasonable or unbalanced unit prices will be considered sufficient cause of rejection of any bid or bids. • Bidders are expected to inspect the site of the work and to inform themselves regarding local conditions and conditions under which the work is to be done. Attention is called to the provisions of the Acts of the 43rd Legislature of the State of Texas and subsequent amendments concerning the wage scale and payment of prevailing wages specified. Prevailing wage rate will be as established by the City of Sanger for this project. Instructions to Bidders, proposal Forms, Specifications, Plans and Contract Documents, etc., may be examined without charge, or may be obtained at the office of Hunter Associates, Inc., Consu�.ting Engineers, 8140 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 7523�., for a fee of Thirty Dollars ($ 30.00), non-refundable. ATTEST; CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS ram. n� �x �.�s ;. Nel Armstrong, Mayor City of Sanger A-1 D92421E CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 11 iJA_l� ;ll TO: Members of the City C�iuncil r DATE: Juiy 2, 1992 SUBJECT: Appointments to Boards and Commissions The following are the appointments to the various boards and commissions: Place 7 Jack Richardson {to complete a 1 year term of Ken Howard) Place 2 Glenn Shaw (moved from Utility Board to Planning & Zoning Commission} Place 4 Freddy Inman (check w/him) Place 6 Karen Lambert Place 2 Steve Day -reappointment Place 2 Nancy Smith -reappointment Place 4 Garland Thornton -reappointment Place 7 Joe Skiles - reappointment Jerry Jenkins as Mayor Pro-Tem be appointed. Allan Sweeney NA:eS attachments � TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members oche City Council Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary June 29, 1992 Appointments to Boards & Commissions Attached are memorandums #2Q56 and #2971 which shows the boards and commissions that have positions that either need to be reappointed or a new appointment. Brief listing noted below: P & � Commission Place 2 Appointment Place 4 Appointment Place 6 Appointment Place 7 Appointment Utility Board Place 2 Place 3 Place 4 ibrary Board Place 2 Place 4 Place 7 Reappointment Appointment Reappointment/Appointment Reappointment Appointment Reappointment Reappointment Reappointment Board of Adjustment 2 Alternate Members Industrial Development Board Replacement by Councilmember Also, the City Municipal Judge Position needs to be reviewed as a separate agenda item. RG: es CITY OF SANGER - P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2071 TO: Honorable Mayor &City Council Members FROM: John Hamilton, City Manage DATE. June 12, 1992 SUBJECT: Appointments to Boards &Commissions Attached is a copy of Memo #2056 regarding term expirations and known vacancies. Letters have been sent to board and commission members whose terms expire and new appointments will be considered at this meeting. Appointments will be sworn into office at the July 6th meeting. As of this date, letters from Mayor Armstrong were mailed to the following: Planning & Zoning Commission Place 2 - Charles Kesseler - 3 year term expires (recognization at the July 20th Meeting) (need appointment for this Place) Place 4 - Terry Jones - 1 year term -reappointment (decline -will not be able to serve another term - very involved with Library Site and other functions.) (need appointment for this Place) Place 6 - VACANT (need appointment for this Place) Place 7 - VACANT (need appointment for this Place) tilt Board Place 2 - Allan Sweeney - 1 year term -reappointment (Earlier in May, he stated he would like to serve another term.) Place 3 - VACANT (need appointment for this Place) Place 4 - Lynn Spinks - 1 year term - reappointment (He has not called to state if he would like to serve another term if reappointed.) Place 1 - Sam Burrus - CC Appt. 2/ 17/92 - 1994 toy Place 2 - Steve Day - 1 year term - reappointment � t5et'4 (He has not called to state if he would like to serve another term if reappointed.) ' Place 6 - VACANT {need appointment for this Place) Place 2 - Nancy Smith - 2 year term -reappointment (She would like to serve again if reappointed.) Place 4 - Garland Thornton - 1 year term - reappointment (He would like to serve again if reappointed.) Place 7 - Joe Skiles - 1 year term -reappointment (He would like to serve again if reappointed.) Two alternate members are needed. Wendell Thomas needs to be replaced by a Councilmember. JH:es MEMORANDUM #2056 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members %J the City Council John Hamilton, City Manager May 15, 1992 Board/Committee Appointments It is time to begin considering appointments to our various Boards and Commissions. The attached list indicates the term expirations and known vacancies as of this date. JH:es attachments PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Place 2 - Charles Kesseler will have served his third term this year. Place 4 - Terry Jones will complete his first term this year. Place 6 - VACANT (Russell Madden} Place 7 - VACANT (Ken Howard} UTILITY BOARD Place 2 - Allan Sweeney will complete his first term this year. Place 3 - VACANT (Rhonda Jackson) Place 4 - Lynn Spinks will complete his first term this year. f7_�iii�7_�:i7 Place 1 - VACANT (Bill McClellan) Place 2 - Steve Day will complete his first term this year. Place 6 - VACANT (Pauline Garrett) The Wednesday Study Club's representative is Margye Henry. The Ministerial Alliance's representative is Keith Boone. Rev. Boone does not attend. LIBRARY BOARD Place 2 - Nancy Smith will complete her first term this year. Place 4 - Garland Thornton will complete his first term this year. Lib.Bd. Cont. Place 7 - Joe Skiles will complete his first term this year. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Two alternate members are needed. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD Wendell Thomas needs to be replaced by a Councilmember. BEAUTIFICATION BOARD No appointments or replacements are needed until 1993. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX. 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 t TO: Members of the City Council FROM: Mayor Nel Armstrong DATE: July 2, 199�2 SUBJECT: Ordinance #tit-92, Amending Personnel Policy In accordance to your instructions, I have written the attached amendment to Section I, 1.02 and 3.02, of the Personnel Policy. I believe this will meet your approval. NA: e s attachment CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. #02�92 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION I, 1.d2, AIIMINI5TRATION AND APPOINTIVE AUTHORITY, AND 3.02, OVERTIME, PERSONNEL POLICIES PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANDER, TEXAS: SECTION I THAT SECTION I, 1.02 and 3.02, OF THE SANDER CODE OF ORDINANCES. PERSONNEL POLICIES, IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: 1.02 Administration and Appointive Authority (A) The City Administrator is appointed by the City Council to be the Chief Administrative Officer of the City Government. He shall be responsible to the Council for the proper administration of all affairs of the City. He shall appoint and/or remove Department Heads or Municipal Officers upon advise and consent of the Council The City Administrator may authorize a department head to appoint and/or remove subordinates in their department. (B) No individual City Council Member shall direct the appointment of any person to, or his removal from office, by the City Administrator or by any of his subordinates. Overtime Supervisory personnel are exempt positions and are eligible for overtime compensation as approved by City Council and authorized by City Administrator. All compensatory time approved must be taken during the budget year in which it is accrued. SECTION II All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION III It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared, unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION IV This Ordinance will take effect July 6, 1992, after its passage. PASSED AND APPF20VED this 199Z by the City Council of the City ATTEST: City Secretary day of , of Sanger, Texas. APPROVED: Mayor ���x•�Q���i�17tT�� � � � _.1. ��7: ��nn.t�Yraf;:�� ���.vor, Ci � "taurz�,i.� CJ�<���"�' 1 : �2t�co��mr��.c��.� o��, rJ ���ar�m�r�� ��r iti�J E� r �t�or��.cY,i���cio�-�, o� ��J,I_��rew Tr�� _.� �. r�t�o�Y�tl�:riC���a.ox� for c}_i�11C�`c�v �a����� �h�� f�olits� ����rrm�n� ��Jt��.ct� �ho��1t� :r,n����ary ��ovi��e for thy_ .���e,t�q n�t�r�� o� ����' C.o�mu�-1 i t� . 1 f'ro�ri��.� � :��;roizc� o�a�r�.titJr,,�1 �Y asp fCir �o�.�.~.��ytririce, �~,1. � � r? � r.� t� � ,7. rrz l� 1 � �Y � n. t ,� t� �_ c �, C� f �w p z �. t� - i� � x �� � t� �� � r � iYi � �� t �.1� w. , -, E_L `t:� �"E3C',C.i:C[ltt1.E'.LIC�.Eri t;lci� rVt, U�l.� � ���;' C�1�? Z,�.c'�.1J�P71.��7. mho :L t2o�� �� �'�`oV, Fit.' O�i�l: � _le � �L't��rt^�`eT? �i.riit C3 � t�c`�? �� rJ���: �.f:;i t`i2� �Ylr� *o Y:;,=.z.�� ���. �:���.F�f a.n ���e ,'.o��,� �c_--:rsrn �1��.�� E�� o� �oa1�, ��c� �;���1=�ct?v�� for �i�� Dcm��.���n�r���t:. �r�.��:i_Y,�t�� i.�. �n� r��itiC�a�, o`f �lity zF1�f t�tWr�'�c++.il.� F'T� ! � HiC', r�C�.TY111"1� ��irl�,1VE' Z'E;U�Qo,c,i iJ # �.l_�'�T �oL �u 7_,t11.1�:C�.i. � i �T rz , � t� t t� 1 �� :1� r Y� �; c� �1 ��. � r � � i� 1 � 1 �� , � �`? � T� � E� � i"z t� �'J :!m .� �� ,� Y_ O v � t? t� t" J,. i� :m � �_ l i�. 'Y 7,'( �7 f.�'- t� V �. �; � o Ll t�5 j7' � �.� J r?. �'. �` iJ �. Y„1_ C, �'�.: ly °J � f. �.. E� C v. i I t_� rv`% .1 .!_ �.. �' E':;' � CJ � � fi F) � L`). C; f� , ,�^� it ��, .� Y; c, �: �� cJ �: _l_ S7 `' �� r i �: �'F E ,� f3 C} �i t�; G'T C7 LI �. f�� �� t� � O LI t`. 1. �. 2. � E' � i4' C) r, i- t�,k F? �. 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Below you will find the list turned in to me on 6-18-92. SIGNS DOWN Freeze and David 1OTFI And Austin Freeze and Austin Elm and 9th S/B lOth and Bolivar ---School Zone signs faded loth between Bolivar and Wood --Parking signs down,covered by limbs loth and Willow -- Street Sign missing N/B W/B W/B S/B S/B S/B N/B N/B 8th W/B 5/B N/B N/B 600 N/B S/B N/B N/B N/B N/B N/B S/B E/B W/B N/B LIMBS COVERING SIGNS 3rd at Marshall Marshall at 5th Wood at 2nd 6th at Willow 6th at Wood 11th at Hughes 9th at Pecan 8th at 455 at 455 ( North side of Peach at 7th 4th at Peach 4th at Peach 4th at Elm road) Elm-- limbs blocking children's crosswalk sign 7th and Elm-- Blocking children's crosswalk sign 7th at Bolivar 7th at Bolivar Denton at Willow 9th at Bolivar 9th at Elm Walnut at Willow loth at Bolivar Elm at 7th Pecan at 5th loth at Elm =. r. v� ��'- 1 Peach East N/B 3rd at N/B 7th at S/B Walnut E/B Church E/B Austin Hillcrest Bound at 5th Church Willow at Wood at loth at 5th at Houston 114 3rd 7th at Wood Cherry at 6th 13th at Elm 802 Keaton 214 David 101 Diane W/B Church at 5th--Two needs to be cut down Church at 7th-- pile of of street 5th St. East of Oak and Marshall 315 5. 7th PILES OF LIMBS tree stumps limbs, tree Enlows Garage 601 Houston -two piles 214 Hillcrest- trees 221 Hillcrest 106 Kathryn B/B service road at Holt & Berry N/B service road at 1st and Cherry on North & 5outh of roadway trunk in ditch on other side extending over roadway -needs to be trimmed STREET LIGHTS OUT Stephen 10th 200 Block of Diane Dr. S/B Service road at Austin S/B Service road at Southland 500 Block of Oak St. South Manor & South Meadow 802 Keaton road LU u 0 c 0 uj z CD U) DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT 3911 MORSE STREETf••� P.O. BOX 2816 ;q ` e� TON, TEXAS 76202-28 j 817-5MO904 MErto DATES DUNE 24, 1992 TOs ALL TAXING JURISDICTIONS FROM: JOE ROGERS SUBJs CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Z66! W�l (0 [1111 kilo THE DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS IS REQUESTING YOUR CURRENT CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS NAMES AND ADDRESSES, IN ORDER THAT INFORMATION CAN BE MAILED TO THEM ON APPRAISAL DISTRICT OPERATIONS. To: Lt. Amyx, Sgt. From: Benny Erwin, Date: 6-16-92 Subject: Vehicular 92-99 Yarbrough Chief $� Amplified Music I want you to instruct each of your officers to watch the area of Snap Shop # 3 on the South end of town. Complaints of loud music from this area as the person or persons drive by and stop inside this store. I want tickets issued under Disorderly conduct 42: O1 PC, page 91 of the Texas Penal Code. Each of you will prepare a report and leave this report in my door each day on any citations or violations that are handled. If any officer receives a formal complaint over the radio, verbal, etc. the officer will follow the proper steps in filing this complaint in our City Court. These steps will be followed. 1. Any Complaints from citizens shall be put into writing and a complaint will be signed before our City Court Clerk. 2. After the complaint has went through our City Court Clerk, the officer or officers will issue a summons for the complainant to appear in Court and the officer will be there to backup the complainant. 3. When the officer or officers make contact with any violators, the officer will issue a hard copy citation and follow the proper steps in our City Court. 4. If the violator is a Juvenile, the parents will be contacted and advised of the nature of the complaint and what they can expect from the officer and City Court. ��� -� �� �� 4- CITY OF SANGER EMPLOYEES & MOST FREQUENT CALLED NUMBERS 6-30-92 ELECTRIC DEPT. CITY COUNCIL Larry Yoast 458-5007 Mayor Nel Armstrong 458-7739 pager 383-9939 Office 458-7007 Willie Foster 458-4012 Jerry Jenkins 458-3934 pager 383-9938 Office 458-3339 Jack Kimmel 458-3799 Russell Madden 458-3600 pager 383-9938 Margie Braxton 458-3194 Ronnie Swanson 458-3811 Office 458-7473 pager 383-9938 John Berndt 458-4773 Gerald McClain 458-5950 Tommy Kincaid 458-3304 pager 383-9938 Office 458-3381 Ricky Gray 458-4835 pager 383-9938 Craig Waggoner 458-3037 pager 383-9937 EMERGENCY NUMBERS WATER DEPARTMENT CITY MOBILE PHONE 366-8529 Chuck Tucker 458-4423 SHERIFF'S DEPT. 458-3299 pager 383-9940 JUSTICE OF PEACE 458-7933 J.P. Haskins 458-4497 FIRE DEPT. 458-3333 pager 383-9936 /or 458-3299 Mike Stepan 458-7755 AMBULANCE 458-3299 pager 383-9936 COKER FUNERAL 458-3311 Eddie Branham 458-3085 SANGER FIRE HALL 458-7595 pager 383-9936 Bobby Swan 458-4142 OTHER IMPORTANT NUMBERS pager 383-9936 Larry Goode 458-3805 Sanger City Hall 458-7930 pager 383-9936 458-7939 Vince Villanueva 458-3285 458-3300 pager 383-9936 City Barn 458-7131 m phone 994-6922 Sewer Plant 458-4433 Tony Vega 458-3015 Landfill 458-3999 pager 383-9936 Senior Center 458-3128 Steve Wooley 668-6717 Library 458-3257 Garry Rogers 665-6752 Post Office 458-3381 Charlie Haskins 458-5520 Bill Murrell /Fire Chief 458-4985 Danny Spindle SANGER CITY HALL /City Judge 458-3619 Jim Conley John Hamilton 458-5969 /Fire Inspect. 458-7473 Rose Garcia 458-7776 Sanger I.S.D. 458-7438 Etta Stogsdill 458-7034 High School 458-7497 Cindy Barrow 458-4723 Middle School 458-7916 Kellie Wainscott 458-4273 Intermediate 458-7476 Paula Morales 458-5509 Elementary 458-5297 POLICE DEPARTMENT Benny Erwin 458-3823 Jim McDaniel 458-5615 Richard Yarbrough Chris Humble 458-4316 Curtis Amyx 458-7197 Kenny Groves 458-4883 ` Jeff Jackson 458-4661/214-801-6165 Bobby Faglie 458-5769 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT. USAGE CITY OF SANGER P.O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Jahn Hamilton, City Managers (y Rase Garcia, City Secretary 1U June 30, 1992 Billing for & 15-92 Total Water Gallons Total Sewer Gallons Total KWH BILLING Sanitation Billing Sewer Billing Water Billing Total Electric ELECTRIC METERS m*01 VA 9,463,700 9,463,700 1,787,304 13,341.87 21,827.27 29,443.51 150,957.76 FUEL AIlJUSTMENT f �f 1221 1329 Citu of — �v � r V�---,-� DATE: July 10, 1992 Frontier `Waste Management P. O. Box 758 Sanger, Texas 7fi266 Gentlemen: Enclosed is a City of Sanger check in the amount of $� 80 8.43 representing payment to Frontier Waste Management for the contract agreement provided for in the City of Sanger/Frontier Waste Management Agreement. This payment covers the month of June 1992 and is computed as follows: /:� �[�li1�l��i Total Residential Customers Billed �2Z at $ 7.10 rate per customer �$,711.7Q Less $0.28 per customer billed as per Contract $ 343.56 Total Other Customer Classes $�,63Q.17 Balance ��,�$,�l Less 7% Franchise Fee $ 909.88 NET CONTRACT PAYMENT $12.088.43 Approved for payment Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary ��� 'tia� , zos BOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TEXAS 76�t66 8��-458-�930 P.O. BOX 5ti8 Si7.4S8-4s8o FAX Citu of V��U June 18, 1992 Mr. Al Murdock SPAN 1800 Malone Street Denton, Texas 76201 SUBJECT: Section 18 Grant Program SPAN, Inc. Matching Funds TO: State Department of Highways &Public Transportation Dear Sir, SPAN has requested $5,000 from the City of Sanger for SPAN Services for the budget period of October 1, 1992 through September 30, 1993. Because the budget for the City of Sanger for the coming year is still under consideration, it is not possible at this time to make a statement concerning allocations, however, the City of Sanger did fund $5,000 for SPAN during our current fiscal year. As soon as the budget is completed, SPAN will submit the required information to your office. ohn Hamilton City Manager zo1 BOLIYAR STREET BANGER, TEXAS 76�66 8=�-458-7930 P.O. Bt1X 57$ ei�•4S8-4zSo FAX allWAALP May 1991 1902 June 1991 1980 July 1991 1975 August 1991 1985 September 1991 1696 C7ctober 1991 1958 November 1991 1620 December 1991 1924 January 1992 2020 February 1992 1680 March 1992 1821 April 1992 1957 May 1992 1955 24,473 Total Gallons Average gallons: 1883 Average price per gallon: Average Cost: $ 1830.00 FUEL PURCHASES MAY 1991-1992 Pricc Per. Gallon Cost 102.4 1947.65 95A 1888.92 94.7 1870.32 100.9 2002m86 109.9 1626.46 98.7 1932.54 102.9 1666098 93.7 180 2.7 8 94.9 1916.98 94.9 1594.32 93.9 1709.91 96.9 1896.33 98.9 1933.49 Total Paid $ 23,789.54 Diesel Gallons Price Per Gallon September 1991 433 73.9 February 1992 447 68.5 Cost 319.98 306.19 Sheet 1 of 2 CONTRACTORS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PAY ESTIMATE NO.: One DATE:June 26, 1992 PERIOD:_ June 1, 1992 PROJECT: Water System Improvements 1211 Water Supply Line D91036E OWNER: City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 TO• June 24, 1992 ENGINEER: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. Dallas, Texas CONTRACTOR: MID -STATE UTILITIES, INC. P.O. Box 1160 Waco, Texas 75706 BIDS RECEIVED: 05-04-92 CONTRACT DATE: 05-04-92 NOTICE TO PROCEED: 05-25-92 CONTRACT AMOUNT: CALENDAR DAYS: 100 START CONSTRUCTION DATE: 06-04-92 $102,474*40 ADJUSTMENTS: .REVISED AMOUNT: SUMMARY•OF JOB STATUS Total Work Completed DAYS USED: COMPLETION DATE: Material Stored on Site Contract Amount to Date Less 5 %Retained Subtotal Less Previous Payments SUBMITTED BY: $ 93 637.40 By: ' For Contractor Date• $ 0000 $ 93 , 637.40 APPROVED: �,....,�.4 F r Engineer $ 4,681.87 $ 88,955.53 $ 0.00 Date • 6 6�t / Z /'Z APPROVED• For Owner Date• Amount•Due This Period $ 88,955.53 20 % Time Used: 91 % Work Completed Sheet 2 OWNER: oI 2 City of Sanger CONTRACTOR'S ESTIMATE PROJECT NAME & NUMBER: Water System Improvements 12" Water Supply Line - D91036E CONTRACTOR: Mid -State Utilities, Inc. PAY ESTIMATE NO.: One FOR PERIOD ENDING: June 24 1992 Item Description Unit of Amount Work Unit Value of No. Measure Bid Comp Price Work Comp W1.1 12" SDR 18 PVC Water Pipe L.F. 31500 31400 $ 19.56 $66,504.00 W1.2 6" SDR 18 PVC Water Pipe L.F. 20 20 $ 6.10 $ 122.00 W1.3 12" Gate Valve Each 5 5 789.00 3,945.00 W1.4 6" Gate Valve Each 5 5 306.60 11533.00 W1.5 Fittings Tons 3 3 1,500.00 41500.00 W1.6 8" x 8" Tapping Sleeve and 8" Gate Valve Each 1 1 11346.40 11346.40 W1.7 Connect 12" Water Line to existing water line Each 1 1 1,260.00 11260.00 .8 Fire Hydrants Each 5 5 11259.40 61297.00 ►.'.9 1" Water Service Each 7 0 408.00 0.00 W1.10 Concrete Encasement C.Y. 20 20 114.00 21280.00 W1.11 Bore L.F. 100 0 38.00 .0.00 W1.12 Bore and Steel Encase L.F. 100 100 50.00 5/000900 W1.13 Cut and Plug Existing Lines Each 1 0 200.00 0.00 W1.14 Trench Safety L.F. 3,500 31400 0.25 850.00 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED: $93,637.40 Recommended for Approval: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE ONE GLEN LAKES, SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231-4350 TOTAL AMOUNT OF WORK COMPLETED Material Stored on Site Contract Amount to -Date Less 5 % Retained Subtotal DateLess Previous Payments $ 93 637.40 $ 0.00 $ 93.637.40 $ 4,681.87 $ 88.955.53 $ 0.00 Date Balance Due this Period $ 88 955.53 � MIDISTATD UT�LITIDS, INC. � � 1 P.O. [30X 1160 * WACO, TEXA$� ; ESTIMATE FOR 76703�1160 ,' PARTIAL PAYMENT i; e ,..i.4 .,, . ,., ..,...._ . Estimate No," t Period�''�IJ 7.P i i 99'J'�'1 'f�i `''I;liinP �4 . ] 99 � � � , .� �---J-----,-_�._ Vame of Owner: —City of Sander .�ia.�a�,,� , _ ,�»�:�.'i'�'`:k':�;:•, ... '�"` ``&"y'`:. 4ddress: ?.O1 Bolivar Street 5anc�er,7exas 76266 fypeofProject: 12" Wafer line Improvements Estimated Contract Cost:$-102,474,�,Q_ hem Mo Defcrlption of I(em � Qugn111y 'Orl Inel Quen(I(y Completed Unit Vdu. of ComDl�trd . � !F" to .. 3500" to gae Pr�ro Work .... .... J`; 1 � �i - .--- • -- 11 ' 5DR 18 PVt; � Water Pipe � 3400 19 56 _ 66; 5b`4.I �f.2 6" SDR 18 PVC Water PIpe lF 20 20 G,10 122.t d.3 1?." 'Gate Valve Ea 5 5 789.00 3,945.t J.4 6" Gate Valve Ea. 5 5 306,60 1,533.t d.5 Cast or Ductile Iron Fittings Tons 3 3 500.00. 4,500.t J � 8" x 8" Tapping Sleeve & 8" Gate Ea. 1 1 ," 346,40• 1-,346.E valve ;� J.7 Connect Proposed 12" to Exist. 12" Ea 1 1 1260.00 1 260 , .�t J,8 Fire Hydrant Ea 5 5 1259.40 6,297.t J,9 1" Water Service Ea •7 0 408,0 t 10 Concrete Encasement around propose CY 20 20 114,00 2,280.t Water :lines eore-streets,driveways � structur lF 100 p 38.00 - t .11 Bore & Steel Encase under streets, lF 100 100 50.00 5,000.( ,12 driveways, and structures .13 Cutting & Plugging existing Dines Ea 1 0 200,00 t Trench Safety !F 3500 3400 ,25 850.t .14 )0 )0 )0 )0 )0 ►0 )0 l0 )0 )0 0 )0 Total Value of Ori final Contract Performed ..... , .. , , 93.637 ,�0 � '`mate Prepared by and 9 h.,,:ommended,.for Payment _ 00 Extra Work Performed —Attached Statement .... , .... /n����! �,`„J Materials on Hand —Attached Statement ...... . ... . .. 00� 8y.,,,,�11 tY'= Value of Work to Date ......... . ........ 93 637 - 40., Total 8y: 5 96................. 4,681.87 Less: Amount Rete�nad eY� — Net Amount Earned on Contract .. . .. . .... . . . .... 88 , 955.53 Date: Less: Amount of Previous Payments ................ 00 ;:. AR_955.53 BALANCE DUE THIS ESTIMATE ................. '� J MINTAN UTILITMO, In$ P.O. BOX 1160 * WACO, TEXA$• I ESTIMATE FOR 76703'1160 PARTIAL PAYMENT If >; r, Estimate No. 1 Period ntrne 1 1 9'9''�`"'" 't16 "ail'nP �_!}_,_1952 Name of Owner, City of Sang e r . � "i ':x .fit .• _ , .. ImplemwAs so ,- Address: 201 Bolivar Street Sanger,Texas 76266 Type of Project: 12" Water tine Improvements Estimated Contract Cost: $ 102, 474 .40 Ir o No Description of Item 'Ot III" Orff bse Quentity Completed unit Price :�9IUe of Completed .. to to ate Work W,1 12" SDR 18 PVC Water Pipe tam 3500� 3400 19,56 66;504,( W.2 6" SDR 18 PVC Water PIpe dF 20 20 6.10 122.( W.3 12" Gate Valve Ea 5 5 789.00 3,945.t tl.a 6" Gate Valve Ea. 5 5 306.60 19533.( W.5 Cast or Ductile Iron Fittings Tons 3 3 500.00 4,500.t 'W 6 8" x 8" Tapping Sleeve h 8" Gate Ea. 1 1 346�40 '' Valve 1-,346.E W.7 Connect Proposed 12" to Exist. 12" Ea 1 1 1260.00 1 260 , .-( W 4 8 Fire Hydrant Ea 5 5 1259.40 6,297.( W.9 1" Water Service Ea 7 0 408.0 .10 Concrete Encasement around propose CY 20 20 114#00 21280.( Waterlines Borerstreets,driveways & structur itF 100 0 38.00 CIO .II )0 )0 l0 )0 )0 40 )0 )0 )0