05/18/1992-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularI 2. 3. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MONDAY, MAY 18, 1992 201 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 7:00 P.M. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to the Flag CON SENT AGENDA a). Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements c). Proclamation #P4-92 - Citizen's Input "Buckle Up America! Week" AGENDA 4. Consider &Possible Action Regarding Designation on Voting Representative to North Central Texas Council of Governments 5. Preview of Economic Development Video 6 . City Administration Report 7. Any Other Such Matters 8. Adjournment Rosalie Garcia City Secretary MINUTES: City Council Meeting May 4, 1992 MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman John Berndt, Councilman Wendell Thomas, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and newly elected - Councilman Russell Madden City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Etta Stogsdill, Garland Thornton, Craig Snider, Brooke Snider, Laney Snider, Dale Pennington, Roseanne Cunningham, Fire Chief Bill Murrell, Keith Newton, Billy Hood, Jack Richardson, Joe Richardson, Betty Johnson - Sanger Courier, Elaine Schad - Ft. Worth Star Telegram, & City Engineer John Mears, Hunter Associates 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. City Manager Hamilton gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. Canvass Votes Regarding City Election Held on May 2, 1992 Mayor Pro-Tem Jenkins proceeded with the canvass of the votes: Mayor Jack G. Richardson 172 Mayor Net Armstrong 310 Council, Place 2 Russell L. Madden 366 Council, Place 4 Margie Cole Braxton 381 Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to accept the canvass of votes regarding City Election held on May 2, 1992. Seconded by Councilman Berndt Voted For: Voted For: Voted For. Voted For. Voted For. Motion carried. Councilwoman Braxton Councilman Thomas Councilman Kincaid Councilman Berndt Councilman Jenkins CCMin 5/4/92 Page 2 a). Swear in Newly Elected Officials City Secretary Rosalie Garcia proceeded in swearing in newly elected officials: Nel Armstrong, Russell Madden and Margie Braxton. 3. (4} Presentations Mayor Armstrong proceeded in presenting Councilman Thomas with a plaque for eleven years of dedicated service on the Council. Councilman Russell Madden was also presented a plaque for dedicated service on the Planning and Zoning Commission. 4. (3) Consider & Possible Action on Appointment of Mayor Pro -Tern Councilman Berndt made the motion to appoint Councilman Jenkins as Mayor Pro-Tem. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. Mayor Pro-Tem Jenkins awarded Certificates of Elections to Mayor Armstrong, Councilwoman Braxton, and Councilman Madden. 5. Consent Agenda: a). Approve Minutes b). Disbursements c). Proclamation #P3-92 - National EMS Week - May 1lth to 17th Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Berndt. Motion carried. 6. Citizen's Input -None 7. (8) Presentation -Seniors of 1997 (Earth/Arbor Day)Earbor Day Dale Pennington, 7th Grade, representing Middle School (Seniors of 1997) introduced Brooke Snider, Laney Snider, and Ms. Cunningham, Middle School Teacher. Students requesting assistance of John Hamilton and Chuck Tucker to assist in Earth/Arbor Day activities they are planning to do which are: a). Help clean up Sanger. b). Paint the benches at Kammie Patten Park. c). Make a map of Sanger and give it to students who do not know where it is. d). Educate some of the students in the Elementary on Earth/Arbor day. CC Min 5/4/92 Page 3 City Manager also suggested some ideas involving the Library that they might want to consider. Councilman Jenkins made a motion to thank the Seniors %J 1997 and accept their offer with gratitude and appreciation. Seconded by Councilman Berndt. Motion carried. 8. (9} Consider &Possible Action Regarding Request from Chamber of Commerce - Use of Downtown Park Billy Hood, President of Chamber of Commerce, spoke on this agenda item. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to allow the Chamber to use the Park on May 15th & May 16th for the Annual Auction and the llth & 12th of September for the Sanger Cellebration. Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. Motion carried. 9. (10) Consider &Possible Action regarding Keaton Road Improvement Bids The following bids were received on Keaton Road: BIDDER TOTAL BID NO DAYS Jeske Construction Base (Keaton}: $166,367.00 15Q Alternate {Keaton) None Drainage Alternate 1 (Keaton): $43,900 Drainage Alternate 2 (Keaton): $50,620 Asphalt Alternate (Keaton). $19,400 APAC-Texas Base (Keaton}: None 200 Alternate (Keaton}: $170,365.Q0 Drainage Alternate 1 (Keaton): $90,000.00 Drainage Alternate 2 (Keaton): $111v600.00 Asphalt Alternate (Keaton):ff $89v040.00 CC Min 5/4/92 Page 4 All -Tex Paving, Inc. Base (Keaton): $148,510.00 a Alternate (Keaton): $135,400.00 Drainage Alternate 1 (Keaton): $42,700.00 Drainage Alternate 2 (Keaton): $36,200.00 Asphalt Alternate (Keaton). $100550,00 JRJ Paving, Inc. Base (Keaton): $178,875.50 150 Alternate (Keaton): $176,909.50 Drainage Alternate 1 (Keaton): $56,700.00 Drainage Alternate 2 (Keaton): $62,700.00 Asphalt Alternate (Keaton). $12,174.00 Calvert Construction Base {Keaton): None 180 Alternate (Keaton): $129,815.00 Drainage Alternate 1 (Keaton): $44,200.00 Drainage Alternate 2 (Keaton): $5lv200.00 Asphalt Alternate (Keaton). $11,850.00 John Mears briefed City Council on this item. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to go with All -Tex Paving, Inc. bid with drainage alternate #2 of $36,200 and alternate bid of $135,040 and using $88,000 that is available as far as it will go, if the contractor agrees and if that point in time if additional funds are available they will proceed further. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 10. (11) Consider &Possible Action Regarding Municipal Swimming Pool Bids No bids were received for construction of the swimming pool. City Manager stated that this is the busiest season for contractors. The project will be put out far bids again in August with construction starting in the Fall and the City having a swimming pool for Summer of 1993. CC Min. 5/4/92 Page 5 Mayor Armstrong advised that the City had no part in this delay, that the State is responsible for the delay on the project. 1 1. (15) Consider & Possible Action Regarding Bids for Acker Street Improvements The following bids were received on Acker Street Improvements: BIDDER TOTAL BID NO DAYS Jeske Construction Base (Acker}: $2339929 150 Alternate (Acker): None APAC-Texas Base (Acker): None 200 Alternate (Acker): $291,520 All -Tex Paving, Inc. Base (Acker); $217,350 ? Alternate (Acker); $197,360 JRJ Paving, Inc. Base (Acker}: $241,684 150 Alternate (Acker): $238,384 Calvert Construction Base (Acker}: None 180 Alternate (Acker): $203,970 John Mears, Hunter Associates, addressed the City Council on this item. Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Berndt to accept bid from All -Tex Paving in the amount of $217,350. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 12. Consider &Possible Action Regarding Sewer Line Improvements - `lVard/�1Villowood Addition Bids The following bids were received regarding sewer line improvements: CC MIN. 5/4j92 PAGE 6 603 ■ ■ , ■ \ , , j j ■ Radich Construction X ? 102,150.00 Dickerson Construction X 75 83,1OO.00 Moss Construction Co., Inc. X 75 128,060.00 J. C. Evans Construction X 60 104,310.00 North Texas Contracting X 60 1011450xOO Bil-Mik, Inc. X 75 99,835.00 Mid -State Utilities X 100 76,118.80 Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to accept Mid -State Utilities bid for $76,118.80. Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. Motion carried. 13. (14) Consider & Possible Action Regarding 12" Water Supply Line Bids The following bids were received regarding 12" VtTater Supply Line: BIDDER BID BOND NO. DAYS TOTAL BID Radich Construction X 138,9OO.OQ Dickerson Construction X 13701QO.00 Mass Construction Co., Inc. X 75 130,375.00 J. C. Evans Construction X 60 132,400.00 North Texas Contracting X 80 141,71Q.00 Bil-Mik, Inc. X 60 110,025.00 Mid -State Utilities X 100 102,474.40 Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to accept Mid -State Utilities Sid of $102,474.40. Seconded by Councilman Berndt. Motion carried. 14. { 13} Consider &Possible Action Regarding Easement -Joe R. Falls (Ward%tlVillowood Sewer Line} Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to accept easement for Joe R. Falls, �ltlard/�1i11owood Sewer Line. Seconded by Councilman Berndt. Discussion. Motion carried. 15. { 7) Consider &Possible Action Regarding Fire Department Coloring Contest and Awards CC Min. Page 7 5/4/92 Keith Newton and Fire Chief Bill Murrell addressed City Council on this item. Keith advised that every child that is 12 years old or younger is another chance for the Sanger Fire Department to win an Emergency One Fire Truck. Council proceeded with the drawing for the $75.QQ and $5Q.Q0 Savings Bonds. Winners for the $75.Q0 Savings Bands was: Ashley Harmon, 1Q6 Gremlin Lane, Sanger, Texas and Michele Savage, 101 Paramount Dr., Sanger, Texas. Winners for the $SQ.QQ Savings Bonds was: Terra Janes, P. O. Box 915, Sanger, Texas and Donald Harrison, Rt. 1, Box 658, Sanger, Texas. 16. City Administration Report a}. City Manager did not report any news on the marina. b). There is no news from the Architectural Barriers Commission regarding approval of our design for Swimming Pool Concession/Bath House and Walking Trail. c). Staff is proceeding with plans to improve sidewalk access at the Senior Center in order to comply with the A.DA, regulations and to make necessary improvements as requested by their office. d). City Manager also gave a brief progress report 17. Any Other Such Matters: a). Councilman Berndt inquired about construction work at City Hall. City Manager replied that they will be taking care of this tomorrow afternoon. b). Mayor Armstrong thanked staff for flowers an behalf of Councilwoman Braxton, Councilman Madden, and herself. 18. Meeting adjourned. aiOM )AN`,' 100 ti5159 ` K HP TRANSACTIONS EDIT 5/ 1 a19� ' i= .:i 4 7 3 9 'Jf:NDOR Ih.IVOICE INV ME Pu NUlii DUE DTE f c'7 9L iiti(w)titit)98t:)iw 5 19 ` ,' Ar4TENNA MOUNT -•*GRASS 1 RLICK GL NO 4l7. 1100 4 18 92 titii)O009689 5 19 92 I' IGER REPAIR GL. NO 4:I. 1100 4 30 92 C)c)t= 000 94C5 5 19 9E A 4TENNA I NS T ALL-- 8.5 CHEV. GL NO 4 56. f..).:rt., 0 4 01 1 92 0000009517 5 19 92 f hIMON I A GL_ NO 415. tiG;t)0 4 01 92 tit )titir. o9518 5 19 92 E�tYl T RIES, ARMOR ALL GL NO 412mlOOO 4 5. l OOO 4 14 92' 0000009634 5 19 92 stjPPL I. ES GL NO 413u t_)i_`00 4 20 92 00u0u000970.36 5 19 ` 2 RINKS RE I i11B. f''. C. GL NO 413. I500 413m i600 4 213 92 0000 09737 5 19 92 COFFEE SUPPLIES GL NO 413. 0300 4 23 92 i )titi0009'738 5 19 92 CtJF F EE SUPPLIES GL NO 413a 0300 4 29 92 0000009712 5 19 92 COhJ'T' I NF N iAl_ RE;3EARCFI CiJRi GRF FiBE Gi_ NO 419. 1100 4.13. i_000 419. t_)GjOO t)7tat� 419. ) 41 `:.i. 0800 11 1t:260 301371 4, 2 1 9i42 0000009804 5 19 92D I X I E U. S. A. INC. EMS SUPPLIES G3)L NO 424. 1100 1 i�' 17100 100 501 92 0000009 788 5 19 92 FORT WORTH PUBLIC LIBRAMOOKS GL NO 47 . 0200 }...:; 17755 150514 4 r 7 9i : 0000009790 5 19 9E GARRETT EDLJCA1IONAL COR€'. BIOGRAPHIES GL NO 47 5. C)2OO 1 b L.L. }00 9444 5 12 92 0000009749 5 19 92 HIL7t-SNIDER CHEV., INC. WARR.IDEDUCTo~FlUBCAPS GL NO ii 419. 300 16 i'.: E=`loi 1496 4 15 9c: iit:)t:)tit; 09C74 5 19 92 R HOLLINGaJORTH GRAIN • TRUB( GAL.„ DIESEL GL NO 41.4, i)8QO t l C.32 ►0 15w. �:7 4 2 '342 tif:r00009 08 5 19 92 HOLLINGSWOI`dTH GRAIN & TRUDIE SEL GL NO 414a 1ltiti r'UF1CH A111T DISC Amf 1 5t )1 CCri4 MM COMMUNICAT I01*44S 15t.)1. L i�:CiCr f;Rll CGtMMUN I CAT I ONG 1 Ji)1 c:,r74 ARM COMMUNICATIONS 41.c:5 t�)1t?3 C3URRUS SUI:)ERMARKE T 41 r.�5 tit:)93 BURRUS SUPERMARKET CURRUS SUF'ERMARVET 41c5 ti1.59 BURRUS SUIDERMARKE'T L4UF RUS bU144 T C:URR►JS SUF'ERMARIiET 15. C'C) MOUNT 15v 2O AMOUNT 1'2Os OO 87. 50N MOUNT e.(a50 190 AMOUNT 7. `:�i ) i 5. 55 AMOUNT 7.4J 8. to 141 5'j A1'1OLINT 1.8.59 02 ANOLJI�IT IOU 10 41. 92 7. 64 AMOUNT 7. 84 401 AiIOUNT 75. ti 1 112 b APIOUN14 17.G5 17. 66 17.G5 17. 65 i 7. 65 1 7 . Q(w)18. tit_) 18. Ut_) 1' 9ii f 3MOUNT 19. 90 Oo 8:. FlMOUNT� 8 . 0O 3FS. 021 AMOUNT' :38. i 2 1 i Soo AMOUNT 1 o ). cm 1920 AMOUNT 3.3. `ti 3r.. 11 AMOUNT 34. 11 141 5'j A1'1OLINT 1.8.59 02 ANOLJI�IT IOU 10 41. 92 7. 64 AMOUNT 7. 84 401 AiIOUNT 75. ti 1 112 b APIOUN14 17.G5 17. 66 17.G5 17. 65 i 7. 65 1 7 . Q(w)18. tit_) 18. Ut_) 1' 9ii f 3MOUNT 19. 90 Oo 8:. FlMOUNT� 8 . 0O 3FS. 021 AMOUNT' :38. i 2 1 i Soo AMOUNT 1 o ). cm 1920 AMOUNT 3.3. `ti 3r.. 11 AMOUNT 34. 11 G0b'1Pf-1NY 100 TRANSACTIONS EDIT 1 `I L� t �If lxlLjuR :fNTERSTATE BATTERIES i9459{? 5i679 SNTFRSTAIE: IAI TERI.ES . L. MAT'THEWS CO., INC. RIZ DAVIS CO. I'RI Z DAVIS GO. 474885 I hfV i)`1 t Pu NUM D T E F U1= H HMI DISC' AINI I i.::.:} 'ii: BATTERY/REMOVAL GL NO AMOUNT 419. t„}5(}i) 50.95 .st:) BA1 TER'Y 9L {,)t:}{�}C}009596 1 `� GL 419. '�� NO 1100 7` s. 83 AMOUNT 79.83 5i 01 CLIN8ING 000000986 BOOT 5 19 GL 92 NO 210000 AMOUNT 412v 0800 210m oo 4 27 TAF'E/COt�N&•COVE:R/I;I 92 { )0 i00 )9497 IRE 5 19 GL 92 NO 945. 90 AMOUNT y.75t}SJi:".:�i 4 E9 92:' 000{.)0L?941D7 5 19 92 55. i}f? TERMINATOR/BRACKET GL NO AMOUNT 470w 0800 855. 00 v 2''7'555 i 0813 4 10 92 t:r{;. 0 0 )9638 5 19 2 9400 LAWN LAND LEVER GL NO AMOUNT 456. 0900 9n oo 24 i 7555 '.aim i`_6 4 15 92 0600009713 5 19 92 23'. 43 LAWN LAND WEED EA T E FtEPAI R GL NO AMOUNT G`'" f 5t its 92 tri?irir{?{)9884 5 19 921, c 17. 50 2l00 b8 c a 8 LEMONS NEWfRiPsAPE R, I NIC AP R I L NOT I i:;ES (ELEC . /BIDS) GL NO AMOUNT 43Ejo 15()t.) 608. 75 43C%. 1400 608„ 75 E; 't }i.)t r 208c.) J 1 -r ..r_ i.)U{_ 0 09885 J 19 2 4181 .'00 NOR14HWEST TRAN:SFOORHER CO.10 TRA%i=ORMERS GL NO AMOUNT 470u0800 44812.00 17'8 32(m) Q 9348 4 27 92 0000009886 5 19 9c: 11 306 50 NORTHWEST TRANSFORMER CO. TRANSFORMER MAIN*rENANCE GL NO AMOUNT r � - ;r`�933 5i 13 92 i)()t:)t,)trt_)`3`30 5 19 9c: 17. - . PADDACN,, DONALD DOG FOOD GI_ NO AMOUNT 444. s )300 i 7. {� o {_? .SC?{:) :) e4'33 4 {? ( '� taC}i )i_){ r{_r 'Sc `� 5 19 921 7 . i_ 0 PADDACK, DONALD DOG FOOD GL NO AMOUNT 4 r 4, Q300 17. 00 u1 32500 19990 4 21 92 {j{,)()[?t)09t(*12 : 5 19 92 17. oO PADDACK, DONALD DOG FOOD GL NO AMOUNT 444, 0300 17. Oo 33i.rt i() )%84 r�7 4 t_)i_` 92 {.)()0 )i }t )��}E:,{_}7 5 19 '92 -.34 a 99 PAYLESS CASHWAYS, INC. ENS K IT GL NO AMOUNT 424. 1100 0 34. 99 .:'i._r .�,3{„)i l{�) t_)iW 8546 4 t }�! *32 i.)t }{.){�x� 09519 5 19 9'c� 13480 PAYLESS CASHWAYS, INCn CEDAR GL I410 AMOUNT 40 9, O9{: O 13. 80 PAYLESS CASHWAYS, INfG EDGING/CEDAR/CAULKING GL NO AMOUNT 409. O9OO 89:, 90 409u irrJOO 51. 00 421.0500 41.88 3Lj l23000 28988 4 t_)9 9C 00000(d 9637 5 19 92 77. 95 PAYLESS CAST- WAYIS, INC. STAKES/TROWEL GL 1`40 AMOUNT 421. 05C}{_) t 7. 95 36 33000 029870 4 27 92 0000009643 5 19 92 4C9. 74 PAYLESS CAS41WAYS1 INC" Fr 114CE IYIATERIAL-tBALL FIELD GL NO AMOUNT t�09, � 100 4c'9.'74 COMPANY 100 t:61592 K AP T'RANSAC T I ONSI EI) I T SEQ NO VENDOR I NVO I LS I NV DIE PO MUM 7 3ut:?00 02'7352 : 18 92 t;?t:)t )t�)t_ii �9447 PAYLE.SuS CASf-lt�AYS9 INC. PAINIVELECI RIC 38 •✓wit.?C?ti ;: /7,"iJ ,:t i�� `.�i�: tttjt_at�7(}t)'��FC?3 PAYLESS CASHWAYS, INC.. CEMENT/CAULK GUN •.:{:i 33r at"�t_a ;V'88i55 4 c? ( 9L: t )t.)t�)s �i n'a9G3t:? PAYLE SS CASHWAY` v INC. SACK CRETE l+•ii ,51+•�/JJ �+�t:]14�i=t�a�. :+ 3�? '�1;_ t:?t)�atjt_a���177 L�UILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 41 3�a,55i) 977ti 4 3Ca 9i� tat�at�aiat.at�a9185 ROADRUNNER TRAFFIC SU PL.YMISC. SIGNS /+�: �ac,;rE;S 1E:,7789 4 �:'? 9;� t7Ca�ir.�tata'j747 R cry UNIFORMS, INC. TROUSERS, REPLACEMENT 43 38500 IOQA 4 0210 92 s._aCitu_009'5611 SANDER DRUG STORE UPS -RETURN 1 4J; 385t� 0 2812 4 06 92 t.?�J�tJtJ009E,f'8 SANGER DRUG STORE UI='5,-RETURN 45 385t. 0 c:811 4 06 91? Cat tt 000956G SANDER DRUG STORE UPS-RE.T'URN y,.5 7 7 7 / 1397 4 10 92 t it )titji}09C* 5i % SANGER OFFICE SUF'I,'L.Y CALCUL_AT'OR/IN►?. CARD/BIND 4i , f777 iu9iµ 4 08 Wow'i?t)i?�.at_?i)'S547 SANGER OFFICE SUPPLY RECEIPT EOOK/NOTEBOOK 49 3!f`r'7 114•-11.5 ,�. l.r '3� t,?t:)t)iacitl":�7t=?1. SAl!GER OFF= IC;E 5Ul-�1�?L.Y i'A8S/NAMEI�LATE 49 .30 777 137 ! 4 c: 92 t:)I ai.at ai 09a 104 15/92 DUE DIE PURCH ANT D I:"C AM F 5 CON IANY 100 051592 K AP i'R(={NSAC'TIONI:i EDI T SE Q NO VENDOR INVOICE I NV DTE Po NUM 55 377117 SANGER 1160 OFFICE SUPPLY 4 29 92 LABELS/CLASP' �)L)(..}(�i. 09767 ENVELOPES SANGER OFFICE SUPPLY POSTERBOARD/LE�r(ERS 57 38753 9109 4 29 92, C)Cl(=)OO i9723 ::)a t=1a V„ Ea BOOKS f:HERWIN'-"WILL_IANS PAINT FUR FIRI HALL st�llt'LI}.� �:tlUrdTRY C,'I'OkE PAINT B►:U3H/FAINT f=HITHI S C�UUNT RY SPORE. RUBBER GLOVES r=,1 14im[i�)t} C:37�'ti' tY (�7 r�ir ili_Y(„)tit)f)9�ii�l `3MITNI S UOUNI RY STOKE NAILS f:,id4•G{a)(_)(_} I.Ii::..a1:iGC 4 l.4 9i3 (;)i:)()C){)(_)'s�}•.:,'a SHI T HI S COUNTRY STORE FUNNEL. FOOL) Sr�IIT"i i9 S UoUUN'I'RY S17JRE Pr=i11911 L(RUSI-1I:IU.'RCliS/BOLT C,%+ ��•i-'(,)i)!i i_'�i`:�tt9 �i• C�. 1�C: {.1{"}(�}ij(.1(_Y�;3ir v==;hilTt-I�� �; c:r�rr�'f'I•i:�, �'ti�R� c►RANc�(r F'Alhrr �t-���y 4i=_'(_Yt„)(7 i'`.,":99 �: 4 i�'i:' 9C: (j{'jt')�;){;)tj`3�,.y.%} ;7r�il 1'L-i' . COUNT RY STORE: SAt`wK C,RI�'i C GG 4•i=C)t Yti 2 4i x�}7-1. �: 4 i34 '3i=: i�}i 1C1c:}(:1t Yr�741 `��I=iiTF14 S t::OUIV�rhY STURE. ELBOIJS/Ai�AC=''1"ER V ( 4,::t)C}�) ;�rdl1 r-I' S COUh! I RY I..aJ f tli.� S � ORF. 4 f�UL � �q � )L. 1;�A;aNERt3 'JL (:;C}i_}{�)C}t } 96c:C) 60 'fi_ 100 S (+ 1 THI S COUNTRY 23817 STORE. 4 GLOVES 07 92 C}(„)ii(,Yi_i{.9565 69 4c:(i00 SMITH'S COUNTRY 24005 STORE 4 3 FITTINGS 23 92 (�)(�1C�(�)i:09740 7Q U.r [r)(it i i=41. C:C1-;= 1. 4 c:9 9iw 0000009646 wir�ilTHti S [=UUN'rftY S'I.ORt� T1=(Ih'ir�iER LIh4L/ORTHO/L"-sC7LTS pl�E DIE: F'UR�. I H111T UIGr t:�MI J 19 ':2c, � Q A 0 GL NO AMOUNT 411 a 19 92 1400 EGa 3m99 5l GL NO AMOUNT 4'11a GL NO 0100 3499 Ai9OUNT 'v ()i:'(_1{_) LACEa l') J 19 921 GL NO 68372 AMOUNT 5 4r3a 19 92 1100 68a lUa 48 72 GL NO AMOUNT 4234 19 92 GL NO 1100 10m 12t,98 ANOUNI 48 418a i-.:i_(.}(_) 12,298 J 19 92 1096 GL NO AMOUNT 41813 i�C:(_ 0 1 a 98 1 19 92 5a 08 GL NO AMOUNT �! 425w 19 92 GL NO 0700 5008 l 8 a 3 l -MOUNT 419a 419v 41 r_ia 0 70(l) (}500 0800 a 1.05 a 4 '1 9 419a 419 e 419a 411)a 419a 1100 l l OO 05{)0 (_)/(_)(_) l l00 3a I a 2019 3a 1 a 49 39 49 88 J 19 92 3499 GL NO AMOUNT 41i72e GL NO t)bou 3a AMOUNT `39 4 4o9.0900 24 92 3E:a 11 a 85 '30 GL NO AMOUNT 425a 19 92 GL NO 0•700 11485 1010 AMOUNT 5 421 a 19 92 ()500 1 a 1. 47 1 0 GL NO AMOUNT 5 4.18a 0800 19 92 GL NO 1 a la47 AMOUNT 47 5 42`ia O7OO 19 92 GL. NO l a 98 20,198 AMOUNT 47 4 E:,a (?'300 20u 98 C;OrTil,ANY i00 05159c' K AP TRANSACTIONS EDIT 5/15/9i2' SEu NO 71 ( of •j 4 ( �J 77 VENDOR I NVO I ► E I NV .DIE PO tdUM V►�E DIE F'►. HUH Hill I V I SC t=� M I pC, Utomr(r t_rivLie 1 17.1 N, C. 9 9c' t7QCaCrCri)r164G 5 rl `21 �11ITH"S COUNTRY STORE BOLTS, NUTS GL NO 456. Cary 0 r i45000 38179 4 14 92 00u00009642 5 19 92 TEXAS MErlER & SELIER CO. T? WI`LSi1�1AS ER METER/VHt_VE t3L NO 427. 0600 45C)00 38242 4 10 92 CrCai )c a00978t_a 5 19 9�� 1 i=XAS METER X• SEWER CO. RE:SI Oi�K PARTS FOR WAI ER GI_ NO 42 7 . Ca{_100 y.�i00038334 5 9 i rCaC 0009 780 5 19 Sir TEXAS METLR i%• SEWER CO. GASKETS GL NO 4c:7, t 600 ,.�,,c.Gu) �.�r ��.� 4 Ca �� 92 CataCaCaCrj_a9L�6'.a 5 19 9�:. tal.jl, i�t.iT{� PARTS t�►i:l f=1LTERS/F'U��Eh GL NO 419. f?�,00 419. 0300 41.9. 1100 419. 1200 419. 2 00 419. 16700 419v 0500 419. OG00 4119,070o 41.9. 08vt:r 53265 2,337 4 15 92 t:aCrCn)t.'09E 78 5) 19 92 LJEE{h ClUTO 1~ARTS VALVE STF.NSISCRAPER GL NO 419. 1100 419. 1 '00 419. 2,00 r 41 ` w 0500 419. Ci800 424. cia00 _�{.i'iCjti 8753 5 11 92 Ca{:r00009i`8c' 5 19 9 WILLIAIr1S TE:STINO LAB APRIL. SEWER f�NALYSIS GL NO 415. 0700 7r5 5�-t1Ji1 ItiiitLi-tf�l'-i i;UL�O rt=t L)F' (,:,{a1 I?Et�a'FU�(L�LtaDFt,� �{� 1;� '�ii� i�CaCas;i.lCr�J711 5 i'� 9�_ GL SIG ('_t t11 54150 Zlr+it+IERER 6535 NATIONAL KUBOTA SEMINARS OF 7198 DENTONBE`'ARINGS 53115t 04 GROUP RELY. 4 4 •-F'. 13 27 �IOROLES/WgINSCOT 92 0000009671 x_ 92 0000009379 5 5 1 4)6 09uU 19 9L_ GL t-110 456. 0900 19 ` 2, GL NO 1;39m to100 439. iGO() Off: 6585 NORTH TEXAS I_IBRAR'Y` 1. SYS. FLYERS 4 30 FOR 92 0000 097C5 SUMMER READING 5 19 92 GL NO 442m U200 8,�, 3515 F► UEHAUF= 52556,. to 1 JL,J� WENCH q• c 1 �� + ��:: t:�Curt7Catj9G' 6 c �� r• _ c GL NO TOTAL_ (al•• I) ]: �iT 477. i i tau AMOUNT Icon !; 8 611,13 �. AMOUNT 61„ 13 iG AMOUNT 1, 528. 1 G 444. 91+ f�NOUNT 444.94 48. 25 AMOUNT c:4. 00 G9 r c:. 4a. r 2u 69 69 2. 6`'� 69 2. T3 1 c:. 9 AtrIOt.INT ;�'�Ca, OCi AI�IOUNT 2150. 00 t11+OUN'I' t �u 4 9, /� 24 ,MOUNT B.24 98. 00 F�MOUNT 49, 00 49. 00 1.7, 195. 14 Cs't1h11'faNY 100 ( tP TRANSACTIONS EDIT 5f /92 SEQ NO ENDOR IPIVOICE 1NV DIE Po 1.1►l1t1 DIE DJE 1i:�Y{.� . 1100 60200 a 1100 li 1 , 0800 l+7C}a 0800 45 00900 1500 1400 +4{F0i_}300 a +� 1 a o`3oo 0500 . is 1 t){_) 4'3. i 1i:Yt:r j+11 a 1900 .00500 417a 1100 1400 1900 0200 F°UI r:H H191T 3 i7, 7{_i 1.20. 00 G 7. 50 7a`0 7 45 a 81210 18v 59 ii)a 10 41a'3C: 8c 85 a i07a 73 i 1a 1;5 In 1=i 20 a 34 75a 33 1'3a V`.3 24n 63 l._2 u k3 .. 54•. 89 `747. L 1 130.. 27 1 33tt it{_) 34•. 11 i_ 10000 7, r)L8, 79 980 10 t,M. `r5 08. 75 51. 00 187. G0 16t), 86 4� `3a l�+ 31Sa 40 i 6a 24 95a 45 55. 8t3 44t.66 LJa tit Go 4 960 19 11i'a 17 7, 2'5 4 T3 3a 99 14t, 136 1C{a 41.0 1 a 47 C)a :)�j i 50400 4'3a iiii HI'lT GENERATE FCTND—$5,130.52 ENTERPRISE F[JND—$12, 064.62 Texas Department of Transportation P.O. BOX 3067 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75221-3061 • (214) 320 6100 May 5, 1992 "BUCKLE UP AMERICA! WEEK" - MAY 18 - 25, 1992 Honorable Nel Armstrong Mayor of Sanger PO Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mayor Armstrong: In recognition of "BUCKLE UP AMERICA! WEEK", The Texas Department of Transportation strongly encourages all motorists to use safety belts and child safety seats on every trip in a motor vehicle. "BUCKLE UP AMERICA' WEEK" is a national campaign highlighting the lifesaving potential of safety belts, child safety seats and air bags. This campaign will coincide with the Memorial Day weekend, which historically signals the beginning of the summer travel season. Many people do not realize how their chances of serious injury or death or reduced significantly by wearing safety belts. In 1982, before any State had a belt use law, 11% of Americans buckled up. Use of safety belts in Texas has reached 68%. We are very close to President Bush's goal of 70% by 1992. Through Law enforcement efforts, public information campaigns, and with your help, we will reach our goal. The reduction in serious injury and death is encouraging but 66% of the people killed on our highways in 1990 did not take the three seconds needed to buckle up. Enclosed is a sample proclamation for your use. We are asking cities to actively participate in this campaign by stressing to their communities the importance of buckling up every time on every trip. Please send me a copy of your proclamation for our files. If you have any questions, please contact Teresa Maurer or myself at 214/320-6235. Sincerely, Mike West Traffic Safety Specialist An Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS PROCLAMATION #P4-92 A Proclamation of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, recognizing May 18th - 25th, 1992, as _ "BUCKLE UP AMERICAI WEEK'; WHEREAS, in the United States, motor vehicle crashes are the greatest single cause of death for people between the ages of one to thirty-four; and, WHEREAS, in 1990, the lives of approximately 4,800 front -seat occupants over four years old were saved by safety belts; and, WHEREAS, from 1983 to 1990, an estimated 24,886 lives were saved by safety belts; and, WHEREAS, if the President's goal of reaching 70% safety belt use had been met by 1990, a total of 8,592 lives could have been saved; and, _______.10. V1 WHL+'1ti:AS, wnen used. lap and snouiaer UClla (:uct 1 cuuL.c u1G 1l01. vl lulw vl serious occupant injury by between 40 and 50%; and, WHEREAS, 66% of Texans killed in cars, trucks and buses during 1991 were not wearing safety belts when the fatal crash occurred, and, WHEREAS, forty-one States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have enacted safety belt use laws, and all 50 States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have enacted laws requiring the use of child passenger restraint systems; and, WHEREAS, 'BUCKLE UP AMERICAI WEEK' provides communities and organizations an opportunity to join together to work toward meeting the President's mandate of 70% belt use by 199Z and encourages them to increase their correct use of safety belts and child safety seats by focusing public attention on the lifesaving benefits of these systems, including automatic belt systems and air bags; NOW THEREFORE, I, Net Armstrong, Mayor of City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, in recognition of this national lifesaving opportunity, do hereby proclaim the week of May 18 - 25, 199Z as 'BUCKLE UP AMERICA] WEEK' and encourage our community to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies and activities to increase the correct use of safety belts and child safety seats with the goal of reaching and surpassing the 70% by 1992 target, and to support the efforts of enforcement agencies to increase compliance with State occupation protection laws. PASSED AND APPROVED on this 18th day of May, 1992. ATTEST: Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary Nel Armstrong Mayor, City of Sanger SAMPLE PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, May 18 - 25, 1992 has been declared "BUCKLE UP AMERICA! WEEK WHEREAS, in the United States, motor vehicle crashes are the greatest single cause of death for people between the ages of one to thirty-four; WHEREAS, in 1990, the lives of approximately 4,800 front -seat occupants over four years old were saved by safety belts; WHEREAS, from 1983 to 1990, an estimated 24,886 lives were saved by safety belts; WHEREAS, if the President's qoal of reaching 70% safety belt use had been met by 1990, a total of 8,592 lives could have been saved; WHEREAS, when used, lap and shoulder belts can reduce the risk of fatal or serious occupant injury by between 40 and 50%; WHEREAS, 66% of Texans killed in cars, trucks and buses during 1991 were not wearing safety belts when the fatal crash occurred; WHEREAS, forty-one States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have enacted safety belt use laws, and all 50 States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have enacted laws requiring the use of child passenger restraint systems; WHEREAS, "BUCKLE UP AMERICA! WEER" provides communities and organizations an opportunity to join together to work toward meeting the President's mandate of 70% belt use by 1992, and encourages them to increase their correct use of safety belts and child safety seats by focusing public attention on the lifesaving benefits of these systems, including automatic belt systems and air bags; Now, therefore, I (name of elected official), (title) of (name, city, county, State), in recognition of this national lifesaving opportunity, do hereby proclaim the week of May 18 - 25, 1992, as "BUCKLE UP AMERICA! WEER" and encourage our community to observe this week with programs, ceremonies and activities to increase the of safety belts and child safety seats with the goal and surpassing the 70% by 1992 target, and to support of enforcement agencies to increase compliance occupation protection laws. appropriate correct use of reaching the efforts with State CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2a47 TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: May 15, 1992 SUBJECT: Designation on Noting Representative to North Central Texas Council of Governments Every year the City is asked to designate our voting representative to the North Central Texas Council of Governments Annual Meeting. Our current voting representative is Mayor Armstrong. JH:es NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Designation of Voting Representative A$ a member of the North Central Texas Council of Governments, the hereby (county, city, school district, special district) designates Name: Title: Mailing Address Telephone io serve as its voting representative to NCTCOG's General Assembly. Signed: Title: Date: Under the Bylaws of the North Centre! Texas Council of Governments, each member government is entitled to one voting representative on the Genera) Assembly. The representative must be an elected official selected from the governing body of the member government. The voting representative serves as liaison between the local government and the Council of Governments; receives special publications and announcements from NCTCOG; and is eligible to vote on proposed Bylaws amendments and for candidates to serve on the Executive Board. A city or county official must be a designed voting representative in order to be considered for service on the Executive Board. Since some voting representatives may have retired from office — or some member governments may wish to select a different representative from the one now serving — it has been NCfCOG's representatives on an annual basis. This is usually accomplished immediately iollow foctice llowing municipalelections attempt to (pending necessary runoffs). Therefore, we are requesting the designation of (Pending any option is available to list your existing representative 9 without formalreappointment voting representative to or she I The longer In office ppolntment unless he or she is no Please return form to: NCTCOG P. O. Box 5888 Arlington, TX 76005-5888 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 SANDER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members o John Hamilton, City Manager May 15, 1992 Preview of Economic Developn The Chamber video on San This video w< of Commerce Development JH:es City Council t Video of Commerce's Economic Development Committee's new ;er is complete and will be presented for Council's reviewing. is produced by students at Sanger High School. The Chamber officers, directors and the members of the Economic Committee have been invited to attend. MEMORANDUM #2049 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members t e City Council John Hamilton, City Manage May 15, 1992 Administration Report 1 }. Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast will report to Council regarding the transformer changes accomplished in order to close our downtown sub -station and the project to relocate our electric lines due to the Acker Street improvements. 2}. Mayor Armstrong has contacted Congressman Armey's Office in an effort to expedite the environmental study on the Pond Creek marina site. 3). In reference to the Keeton Road improvements, Commissioner Don Hill has been contacted and additional funds has been requested in order to complete the paving improvements to Brook Glen Drive. 4}. fihe Architectural Barriers Commission has completed their review of our swimming pool bath/concession building, walking trail and picnic tables. The needed corrective measures are under review by our engineers. JH:es Attachments „ Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation E.O. Thompson State Ogic a Building P.O. Box 12157 Austin, Texas 78711 (512) 463-3211 FAX (512) 475-2886 May 8, 1992 Mr. John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger P. 0. Box 578 Sanger; Texas 76266 THE CITY OF E ANQeR J1 MAY 1 3 1992 U c�Aklewr' � TFXAG RE: Switzer Park Swimming Pool Facility - EAB #22845 Dear Mr. Hamilton: The construction documents covering the referenced project have been reviewed by this office to determine if the design satisfies the provisions of Article 9102, Texas Civil Statutes, with regard to accessibility to the handicapped. The enclosed Plans and Spec- ifications Review Worksheets contain the results of our review of the plans dated February, 1992 and March 6, 1992 and specifica- tions dated April, 1992. It is our opinion that this facility has not been designed to be in compliance with all applicable accessibility standards and specifications. For this office to approve plans and specifica- tions as required by law, it is necessary that they be revised to reflect compliance with the items noted as unacceptable on the worksheet. Revisions may be confirmed by resubmission of appli- cable drawings and/or specifications, or by other written evidence including, but not limited to, addenda, change orders, copies of letters of instruction to contractors, or letters listing the specific items and certifying that revisions have been made. The Statement of Intent covering this project has been received, acknowledged. and is herein returned. The results of the review does not address compliance or non- compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), (P.L. 101-336). For information on the ADA contact the United States Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board at 1-800-USA-ABLE. If you have questions or need assistance in assuring compliance with state law, please call us at (512) 463-3211. Sincerely, George W. Ferrie, Accessibility Specialist. Elimination of Architectural Barriers GWF:bn Enclosures (2) • '0 Ann W. Richards Governor Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation E.O. Thompson State Office Building P.O. Box 12157 Austin, Texas 78711 (512) 463-3211 FAX (512) 475-2886 ELIMINATION OF ARCHITECTURAL BARRIERS t''C�.C: al:Ylr;UULF: Effective February 26,1992 , Project $0 Cost - $2001000 , Review Fee , ; $135 ; Inspection Fee --------------- $65 � ; Total Fed , $200 ' 200 001 - 500 000 185 90 1 275 500 001 - 1 000 000 235 115 350 11000,001 - 5 000 000 285 140 425 5,000,001 - 10,000r000 , 385 , 215 600 10,000L001 - 15,000,000 , 485 , 290 775; ' 15,000,001 - 25 000 000 635 440 1075 11 25 000 001 - 50 000 000 785 665 1450 50,000,001 > 75,000,000 - 75,000,000 , 985 , , Contact TDLR 890 _ 1875—} for negotiated fee , Note: Total fee must be submitted with construction documents. Note: All fees must ormed. The Elimination of Architectural Barriers office is located on the 4th floor of the E.O. Thompson State Office Building, 920 Colorado Street, Austin, Texas 78701. TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AiVD REGULATION P.O. BOX 12157 , Austin, Toxae 787t 1 ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT OF INTENT �/'�f3a.D EAB PROJECT M�a�s�s' City of Sanger, Switzer Park Swimming Pool NAME OF BUILDING OR FACILITY Switzer Park, Austin & Freese Sanger 76266 Denton LOCATION (ADDRESS) OF BUILDING OR FACILITY CITY ZIP CODE COUNTY City of Sanger � (817) 458-7930 BUILDING OWNER P. O. Box 578 Sanger Texas TELEPHONE NUMBER 76266 MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE John Hamilton t817) 458-7930 OWNER CONTACT PERSON TELEPHONE NUMBER Phelps and Wood t214)�335-9382 ARCHITECT TELEPHONE NUMBER 8992 N. Lebanon Rd. Frisco Texas MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE Lawrence Wood (214) 335-9382 ARCHITECT CONTACT PERSON TELEPHONE NUMBER July 15, 1992 _ Swimming Pool, Bath EST. DATE OF PROJECT COMPLETION PROJECT DESCRIPTION House, Walking Trail Having examined Article 9102 T.C.S. (previously codified as Article 7 0l Article 601b, Toxas Revised Civil 5tatutos), and boing Iamiilar with the provisions t drool, I horeby otify the Texas Department of Licensing end Regulailon of the described project and certify that I will perform, or caua perfor ,all se es cessary to complete said project so that It will comply with tho provisions of lho statute. jrtl '��V1'� �l-J City Manager IG ATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT TITLE City of Sanger 03-16-92 COMPANY OR FIRM DATE TEXAS DEPARTMENT RECEIVED F LICE�I�1G AND REGULATION THIS FORM IS ADOPTEp IN ACCORDANCE WITH RULE 116.66 PROMULGATED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 9102 T.C.S., AND IS TO ACCOMPANY 7HE PROJEC � ("__ PLANS AND SPECIFICATION91M1ENTHFY ARE SUOMI7TED 70 THE DEPARTMENT FOR REVIEW. (�' TDLR-EAB-0007 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REVIEW WORKSHEET ARTICLE 9102, T.C.S. PROJECT NO. ATTACHMENT N0. � PROJECT: "E5>:�ITZiZ ��c�K SI�IIMMI%IG i��LtC(UTY ARCHITECTI,I 1 (TEG'CS E� L7� (,c%CMD REVIEWER: DATE:. I�Z ACCEPTABLE V V UNACCEPTABLE TOILET ROOMS 1. Appropriate Number 2. Doors and Entrances 3. Accessible Space 4• Toilet Stall (A) Door (B) Width (C) Depth S. Water Closet 6• urmais Z Lavatories (A) Approach (B) Controls 8. Equipment (A) Mirrors (B) Dispensers/Disposals (C) Grab Bars 9. Showers (A) Size & clearance (B)• Seat' (C)i Grab bars' (D): Controls (E): Shower unit TOILET ROOMS 1• Appropriate Number 2. Doors and Entrances 3. Accessible Space 4. Toilet Stall (A) Door (B) Width (C) Depth 5. Water Closet 6. Urinals Z Lavatories (A) Approach (B) Controls 8. Equipment (A) Mirrors (B) Dispensers/Disposals (C) Grab Bars 9. Showers (A)! Size & clearance (B) , Seat' (C)' Grab bars' (D) Controls (E)! Shower unit !I Nair 1 1 1 t.• s► <i �� ' 1 ' 1 i••/I.A'l'a1lL.rYYaTJ�■ _ • ��.1a0•�ii.�"1�� .7 !I I �/!w 10TI TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REVIEW WORKSHEET PROJECT NO. oUd0g5" ARTICLE 9102, T.C.S. 3G E EVIEWER:• C G:" DATI ACCEPTABLE V V UNACCEPTABLE GENERAL 1. Accessible Routes 2. Hazards 3. Ground and Floor Surfaces PARKING 1. Appropriate Number 2. Location 3. Width 4. Designation 5. Passenger Loading Zones CURB RAMPS 1. Appropriate Number 2. Location 3. Slope SIDEWALKS TSt_ 1. Width 2. Surface 3. Slope RAMPS 1. Slope 2. Width 3. Landings 4. Handrails 5. Surface ENTRANCES 1, Appropriate Number 2, Platforms DOORS 1. Clear Width 2, Maneuvering Clearance 3. Thresholds 4. Hardware 5. Opening Force CORRIDORS AND PASSAGEWAYS 1. Width TOILET ROOMS (60�rglc M&4T) 1. Appropriate Number 2. Doors and Entrances 3. Accessible Space 4, Toilet Stall (A) Door (B) Width (C) Depth 5. Water Closet 6. Urinals 7. Lavatories (A) Approach (B) Controls 8. Equipment (A) Mirrors (8) Dispensers/Disposals (C) Grab Bars �M I►r� r0� �� �. YM i i ■it1�i`r7�■�,1�ilii��� � �- �C VA AMR %� II �M ELEVATORS 1. Call Button 26 AN Hall Lantern 3, I.D. at Hoistway 4, Cab Size/Door Width 5, Controls (A) Buttons (B) Identification (C) Mounting Height (D) Location (E) Position Indicators (F) Emergency Communication 6. Handrails DRINKING FOUNTAINS (' 1. Appropriate Number 2. Approach 3. Mounting Height 4. Controls TELEPHONES 1, Appropriate Number 2. Approach 3. Mounting Height 4. Controls STAIRS 1. Treads 2. Risers 3. Nosing 4. Handrails ALARMS 1. Audible 2. Visual CONTROLS 14 Approach 2. Mounting Height SIGNAGE (2 TbiuC; rtofvsNS 1. Character Proportion 2, Color Contrast 3. Character Relief 4. Mounting Height TACTILE WARNINGS ASSEMBLY AREAS 1. Spectator Areas (A) Appropriate Number (B) Location (C) Size and Configuration 2, Performing Areas PLATFORM LIFTS 1. Platform Size 2. Controls 3. Handrail 4, Wheelstop/Guardrail 5, Approach SPECIAL USE AREAS 1, �N��SstoN SLWC62. 2. f'�GNfL 5 CND') 3. 4. 5, BANGER AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MAY 1992 NEWSLETTER WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Welcome and thank you investment renewals: to our newest members and our Springer Real Estatells owned and operated by John D. & Liz Springer. John and Liz have completed their remodeling and are now located at the corner of Fin 455 �C hapiTiai� Drive P. and Fifth street. Go by and visit or call them at 458-7007. Corner Cupboard, owned and operated by Peggy Sanford. Peggy has crafts, gifts and speciality items for sale. The Corner Cupboard is located at the corner of Fifth and Bolivar. Peggy is a full time nurse, but keeps busy in her spare time, making and creating things for the store. Call Peggy for that "Special Gift" at 458-5071. Tober Heating and Air, owned and operated by Richard and Beverly Tober. Call Richard or Beverly at 458-5159 for your heating or air conditioning needs. Renewals for May include: %are Inn of Sanger North Texas P1aGtics Willie Keith and Peggy Pate Mike Thompson GOLF TOURNAMENT RECAP Sam Burrus and Robert Ashcraft reported a great time was had by all. Our net proceeds were approximately $1100.00. Thanks to the merchants, businesses, and individuals, that made donations and gave of their time to make this anni-her successful tournament. Also, congratulations to the winners. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MCDANIEL SCHOLARSHIP In our April meeting the board approved raising the amount awarded to the recipient of the Scholarship to $200.00. Pat Fleissner will serve as chairperson of the selection committee, which will be made up of herself & two Chamber members. Thank you, Jack and Nel Armstrong who Scholarship in memory of Mr. Sam Riggs contributed to the and Mr. Revy Matthews. QUARTERLY MIXER "CHAMBER CONNECTION" Final plans were announced Tuesday for our next Quarterly Mixer by Chairperson Staci Test as follows: Thursday, June 18th from 5 to 7 PM at the Wilfong building; Hostesses will be, Judy Webster,CPA, Dr. Staci Test, Gentle Dentistry and Pat Fleissner, Flei-Trap Upholstery. Remember the $50.00 door prize!!!! You must come by and register, but you need not be present to win. `� HAVE YOU HEARD �� The Sanger Courier has moved.....go by the new on I-35 service road in the Big Red Houselll Congratulations, to Sanger ISD Trusteese location wly CitOfficials all neelected y and ' Seniors 1992 are beginning the final count down.... I hope they realize that High School has been the best years of their lives!! Good Luck to all of them. Senior Awards night will be May 21st, Graduation is Friday, May 29th. .latch for our new sign.....we have just purchased a sign that can be draped across Bolivar Street or hung above the office that will display, dates of upcoming events. �nPaking of new signs, Mddle School sign, really made the Middle Thank you, Sanger Bank, totthe downtown areaw i have you noticed the new Sanger courtesy of Sanger Bankl tt School campus look nicee for making a such a nice addition AUCTION UPDATE !!!! _DUE TO A DATE CONFLICT WITH OUR AUCTIONEER, MIRE JONES, rvE HAVE C:;ANGED THE BATE OF OUR ANNUAL AUCTION 'Pn SATURDAY, JUNE 6TH, AT THE DOWNTOWN CITY PARR. BRISKET DINNER WILL BEGIN AT 5 PM AND AUCTION BEGINS AT 7PM. CONTACT KIM CLARKE IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR ITEMS THAT NEED TO BE PICKED UP. SEE YA THERE 111111 N BUSINESS OF THE QUARTER CONGRATULATIONS, to Gary and Betty Lynch, owners and operators of Snap Shop, Lynchs' Food Mart, and Snap Shop #2 on being selected as our Business of the Quarter. Gary and Betty have not only supported the Chamber, but many other community and school groups in Sanger for many years. Our warmest thanks for their continuing support. Folks like Gary & Betty help make Sanger "Someplace Special". LAST BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST, if you did not attend last Fridays, Booster Club 1st Annual Womanless Beauty Pageant, you really missed a "Fun" evening. Eight of Sangers most prominent men shed all dignity and became ladies for the evening. In some cases, they were "ladies of the evening". The Sanger Courier did a good job of displaying the "picture worth a thousand words"! Oh yes, the next time Charles turns you down for a loan....threaten him with a 8X10 Glossy published in "The Star"! See Ya next time....... SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT APRIL 1992 MONTHLY ANALYSIS YEARLY ANALYSIS INCIDENT THIS LAST % 1LAST YR THIS YR PERCENT CATAGORY MONTH MONTH CHANGE TO DATE TO DATE +/- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOMICIDE/SUICIDE 1 0 UP N/A ; N/A 1 N/A AGGRAVATED ASSAULT 1 0 UP N/A N/A 2 N/A ASSAULT 9 3 UP 200.0% ; N/A 15 N/A AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT 0 1 DN-100.0% SEXUAL ASSAULT / INDECENCY 0 2 DN-100.0% ROBBERY 0 0 NC N/A BURGLARY/ BUSINESS 1 2 DN -50.0% BURGLARY/ HABITATION 2 2 NC 0.0% BURGLARY/ VEHICLE 1 3 DN -66.7% THEFT $0 - $20 1 4 DN -75.0% THEFT $20 - $200 5 2 UP 150.0% THEFT $200 - $750 3 1 UP 200.0% THEFT OVER $750 0 1 DN-100.0% MOTOR VEHICLES STOLEN 0 0 NC N/A CRIMINAL MISCHIEF $0 - $20 0 1 DN-100.0% CRIMINAL MISCHIEF $20 - $200 3 4 DN -25.0% CRIMINAL MISCHIEF $200 - $750 1 2 DN -50.0% CRIMINAL MISCHIEF OVER $750 0 0 NC N/A HAZARDOUS CITATIONS ISSUED 23 26 DN -11.5% NON -HAZARDOUS CITATIONS 20 27 DN -25.9% WARNING CITATIONS ISSUED 34 23 UP 47.8% MUNICIPAL WARRANTS SERVED 0 0 NC N/A OTHER WARRANTS SERVED 27 10 UP 170.0% INJURY ACCIDENTS WORKED 1 3 DN -66.7% NON -INJURY ACCIDENTS 4 4 NC 0.0% HIT & RUN ACCIDENTS 0 0 NC N/A DWI ARRESTS 1 2 DN -50.0% PUBLIC INTOXICATION ARRESTS 3 0 UP N/A MINOR IN POSSESSION ARRESTS 0 1 DN-100.0% TOTAL ADULT MALE ARRESTS 7 11 DN -36.4% TOTAL ADULT FEMALE ARRESTS 4 4 NC 0.0% MALE JUVENILES DETAINED 0 5 DN-100.0% FEMALE JUVENILES DETAINED 0 0 NC N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 7 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A 9 N/A N/A 13 N/A N/A 8 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 1 N/A N/A 1 N/A N/A 11 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A 100 N/A N/A 77 N/A N/A 77 N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A 67 N/A N/A 8 N/A N/A 15 N/A N/A 1 N/A N/A 9 N/A N/A 7 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 41 N/A N/A 14 N/A N/A 6 N/A N/A 0 N/A SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY LOG CALL DATE TIME RECD OFFICERS CALL ADDRESS CALL TYPE CODE 01—Apr-92 01:16 AM 775 116 S 4TH VACATION WATCH 57 01—Apr-92 04*44 AM 775 215 JONES DISTURBANCE 12 01—Apr-92 05:45 AM 775 215 JONES DISTURBANCE 12 01—Apr-92 07*10 PM 775 201 BOLIVAR CITY BUSINESS 26 01—Apr-92 08*15 PM 775 200 BLK JACKILU SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE 10 01—Apr-92 09:16 PM 775 123 TAMMY MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 01—Apr-92 10*36 PM 775 200 ELM MEET COMPLAINANT 14 02—Apr-92 10*54 AM 774 ANIMART SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES 8 02—Apr-92 05:20 PM 774 PD CIVIL STANDBY 24 02—Apr-92 06:50 PM 772 117 ELM DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 13 02—Apr-92 07:05 PM 772 POLICE DEPT, ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 02—Apr-92 10:26 PM 776 2ND AND CHAPMAN ST. ARREST — MISDEMEANOR 2 03—Apr-92 08*42 AM 774 CHISAM RD AGENCY ASSIST 21 03—Apr-92 09054 AM 774 ACKER APT'S SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES 8 03—Apr-92 02:15 PM 774 PD SEXUAL ASSAULT 35 03-Apr-92 05:50 PM 774 208 DIANE THEFT U/ 20 37 03—Apr-92 06:55 PM 772 HIGH SCHOOL SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES 8 03—Apr-92 06*57 PM 776 102 PRESTON 911 HANG UP 47 03—Apr-92 08:00 PM 776 808 N.6TH. MEET COMPLAINANT 14 03—Apr-92 09:00 PM 772 5TH @ ELM OTHER ESCORT 23 03—Apr-92 10:50 PM 776 119 TAMMY MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 04—Apr-92 04:30 PM 772 113 S. 2ND THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 04—Apr-92 05:45 PM 772 502 S. 7TH MINOR ACCIDENT 5 04—Apr-92 07:45 PM 776 2450 AND 455 AGENCY ASSIST 21 04—Apr-92 08:15 PM 776 117 ELM ST MEET COMPLAINANT 14 05—Apr-92 01*30 AM 776 455 AT FIELDLARK LN ARREST — MISDEMEANOR 2 05—Apr-92 04:15 AM 776 800 1ST FIRE CALL ASSIST 7 05—Apr-92 12:08 PM 771 502 N. 3RD MESSAGE DELIVERY 19 05—Apr-92 01:11 PM 773 608 MARSHAL BURGLARY OF BUILDING 30 05—Apr-92 02:56 PM 773 KEATON AND LOOP 138 PARKING VIOLATIONS 27 05—Apr-92 06m41 PM 773 212 4TH. THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 05—Apr-92 07e52 PM 775 102 PRESTON 911 HANG UP 47 05—Apr-92 08*25 PM 775 403 WALNUT JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 05—Apr-92 08:42 PM 775 1613 FAIRFILD 911 HANG UP 47 06—Apr-92 05*30 AM 775 200 SOUTHSIDE MOTORIST ASSIST 20 06—Apr-92 08:10 AM 773 KEATON AND 138 MINOR ACCIDENT 5 O6—Apr-92 09:50 AM 773 STAR CLEANERS ASSAULT 33 06—Apr-92 10:16 AM 773 609 W.CHAPMAN BURGLARY OF HABITATION 29 06—Apr-92 12:46 PM 773 GNB BANK CITY BUSINESS 26 06—Apr-92 01:15 PM 773 GNB BANK CITY BUSINESS 26 06—Apr-92 03:55 PM 773 10TH. AND AUSTIN ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 06—Apr-92 05:08 PM 771 10TH. AND AUSTIN ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 06—Apr-92 06:27 PM 773 METS RD. FIRE CALL ASSIST 7 06—Apr-92 08:35 PM 775 817 VERNON CT AGENCY ASSIST 21 06—Apr-92 09:00 PM 775 102 PALOMINO MEET COMPLAINANT 14 06—Apr-92 09:30 PM 775 117 ELM MEET COMPLAINANT 14 06—Apr-92 10:33 PM 775 149 SHADY GROVE DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 13 07—Apr-92 12:56 PM 773 GNB BANK CITY BUSINESS 26 07—Apr-92 02*22 PM 773 CITY POUND ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 07—Apr-92 10:30 PM 775 900 N STEMMONS MEET COMPLAINANT 14 08—Apr-92 07:23 PM 776 SANGER INN MINOR ACCIDENT 5 08—Apr-92 08*27 PM 776 102 PALOMINO SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 08—Apr-92 08:35 PM 776 SANGER MOBILE HOME P DISTURBANCE 12 O8—Apr-92 09:31 PM 776 212 DAVID DR MEET COMPLAINANT 14 08—Apr-92 11:00 PM 772 S/B I35 @ LOOP 138 PARKING VIOLATION!33( 27 SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY LOG 09-Apr-92 01:15 AM 776 455 Al EAST CITY LIM 09-Apr-92 02:00 PM 772 DUCK CREEK RD 09-Apr-92 02:16 PM 774 455 & SAM BASS 09-Apr-92 02*37 PM 772 1609 W. CHAPMAN 09-Apr-92 04:03 PM 774 505 HOUSTIN 09-Apr-92 06:15 PM 774 I-35 S.at Cook Co. 09-Apr-92 08:48 PM 776 455 AT SAM BASS RD 09-Apr-92 09:15 PM 776 800 N STEMMONS 09-Apr-92 11:17 PM 776 I-35 SOUHT AT 138 10-Apr-92 07:44 PM 775 117 S 6TH 11-Apr-92 01:18 AM 775 1600 N STEMMONS 11-Apr-92 01:27 AM 775 805 PECAN 11-Apr-92 05:10 AM 775 102 KATHRYN 11-Apr-92 06:30 PM 772 455 ® BOLIVAR 11-Apr-92 08:01 PM 775 CLEAR CREEK 1 1—Apr-92 V8:ju PM 1 72 UANt 11V1\1 11—Apr-92 09:44 PM 772 907 N. 6TH 12—Apr-92 12:42 AM 775 205 ACKER 12—Apr-92 05:02 AM 775 207 SOUTHSIDE 12—Apr-92 07:55 AM 773 138 UNDER 35 OVERPAS 12—Apr-92 03@31 PM 771 1204 12TH. 12—Apr-92 04*00 PM 773 410 3RD. 12—Apr-92 10:40 PM 775 817 VERNON CT 13—Apr-92 04:12 AM 775 207 SOUTHSIDE 13—Apr-92 08:07 AM 773 109 SOUTHSIQE 13—Apr-92 01:59 PM 773 GNB BANK 13—Apr-92 04:13 PM 773 108 JAKILU 13—Apr-92 07*25 PM 775 1008 S 5TH 14—Apr-92 07:13 AM 773 POLICE DEPT. 14—Apr-92 11:30 AM 773 201 BOLIVAR 14—Apr-92 04:07 PM 773 800 7TH. 14—Apr-92 07:37 PM 775 600 N STEMMONS 14—Apr-92 08:50 PM 775 600 N STEMMONS 15—Apr-92 12:25 AM 775 112 HILLCREST 15—Apr-92 12:37 AM 775 903 N 6TH 15—Apr-92 05:16 AM 775 207 SOUTHSIDE 15—Apr-92 12:47 PM 773 GNB BANK 15—Apr-92 01:25 PM 773 512 MARSHAL 15—Apr-92 03:50 PM 773 GNB BANK 15—Apr-92 06:18 PM 773 816 MARSHAL 15—Apr-92 07:45 PM 775 204 SOUTHSIDE 16—Apr-92 07:30 AM 773 116 PRESTON 16—Apr-92 09:50 AM 773 204 SOUTHLAND 16—Apr-92 02:06 PM 773 GNB BANK 16—Apr-92 04:18 PM 773 N/A 16—Apr-92 10:20 PM 772 511 N 8TH 17—Apr-92 11*25 AM 772 303 BOLIVAR 17—Apr-92 11:50 AM 772 204 ACKER #3 17—Apr-92 11:59 AM 772 900 S. 3RD 17—Apr-92 03:50 PM 772 COLONIAL HTS. 17—Apr-92 05:45 PM 772 BURRUS 17—Apr-92 05:53 PM 772 1802 MELINDA MYRL 17—Apr-92 07a27 PM 776 135 LYNN 17—Apr-92 08:58 PM 776 SANGER PD 18—Apr-92 12:07 AM 776 204 ACKER 18—Apr-92 08:45 AM 772 CARE INN OTHER ESCORT 23 SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 MAJOR ACCIDENT 4 WELFARE CHECK 18 MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 MOTORIST ASSIST 20 AGENCY ASSIST 21 FIRE CALL ASSIST 7 AGENCY ASSIST 21 MEET COMPLAINANT 14 SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE 10 JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 AGENCY ASSIST 21 AGENCY ASSIST 21 1�IEUIUAL LFIERGEIVIk.Y v MEET COMPLAINANT 14 QISTURBANCE 12 VACATION WATCH 57 ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 MESSAGE DELIVERY 19 MOTORIST ASSIST 20 MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 VACATION WATCH 57 THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 CITY BUSINESS 26 JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 DISTURBANCE 12 ASSAULT 33 MINOR ACCIDENT 5 MINOR ACCIDENT 5 THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 ARREST — MISDEMEANOR 2 MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 MEET COMPLAINANT 14 VACATION WATCH 57 CITY BUSINESS 26 MEET COMPLAINANT 14 CITY BUSINESS 26 MEET COMPLAINANT 14 WELFARE CHECK 18 MEET COMPLAINANT 14 MEET COMPLAINANT 14 CITY BUSINESS 26 CITY BUSINESS 26 JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 FIRE CALL ASSIST 7 INJURY TO CHILD/ ELDERLY 51 911 HANG UP 47 SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 MOTORIST ASSIST 20 SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 DISTURBANCE 12 MEET COMPLAINANT 14 DISTURBANCE 12 MEDICAL EMERGENCY F 6 SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY LOG 18—Apr-92 03:25 PM 772 455 WEST OF BOLIVAR AGENCY ASSIST 21 18—Apr-92 04:26 PM 772 400 RAILROAD THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 18—Apr-92 05:39 PM 772 CAROLYN DR. DISTURBANCE 12 18—Apr-92 06*25 PM 772 CITGO MOTORIST ASSIST 20 18—Apr-92 09:08 PM 776 1008 5TH ST MEET COMPLAINANT 14 18—Apr-92 09:48 PM 776 515 CHURCH WELFARE CHECK 18 18—Apr-92 10905 PM 776 CITGO GAS MEET COMPLAINANT 14 18—Apr-92 11:30 PM 776 AUSTIN AND KATHRYN MINOR ACCIDENT 5 18—Apr-92 11:45 PM 776 SANGER PD PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 18—Apr-92 11:55 PM 776 117 ELM ST MEET COMPLAINANT 14 19—Apr-92 02:00 AM 776 600 STEMMONS MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 19—Apr-92 02o38 AM 776 300 BLK MARSHALL SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE 10 19—Apr-92 03*51 AM 776 HORIZON'S ARREST — MISDEMEANOR 2 19—Apr-92 08:18 AM 773 COMM. CENTER CITY BUSINESS 26 19—Apr-92 02*35 PM 771 COMMUNITY CENTER CITY BUSINESS 26 19—Apr-92 03:2U PM 773 I17 KATHtRYNt ANIMAL UUMPLAINI 25 19-Apr-92 06:55 PM 775 205 RAILROAD DISTURBANCE 12 19—Apr-92 09:17 PM 775 400 RAILROAD 911 HANG UP 47 19—Apr-92 11*45 PM 775 100 FREESE DR MISC OFFENSE REPORT 56 20—Apr-92 12:55 AM 775 301 N STEMMONS SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES 8 20—Apr-92 01:11 AM 775 ELM ST @I-35 ALARM CALL 16 20—Apr-92 10*15 AM 773 SANGER P.D. ARREST MISDEMEANOR 2 20—Apr-92 10*30 AM 773 SANGER P.D. BURGLARY OF VEHICLE 31 20—Apr-92 12:54 PM 771 GNB BANK CITY BUSINESS 26 20—Apr-92 05:58 PM 773 700 WOOD PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 20—Apr-92 08*05 PM 775 600 N STEMMONS THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 20—Apr-92 10:58 PM 775 900 N 6TH SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 21—Apr-92 03:03 AM 775 207 SOUTHSIDE VACATION WATCH 57 21—Apr-92 07:15 PM 775 112 PARMA CT SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES 8 22—Apr-92 02:19 PM 774 503 MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 22—Apr-92 03*00 PM 774 817 KEATON CRIM MIS 0/20 U/750 43 22—Apr-92 07:10 PM 776 3RD AND CHAPMAN MINOR ACCIDENT 5 22—Apr-92 09:37 PM 776 RT 1 BOX 417—M AGENCY ASSIST 21 23—Apr-92 01*30 AM 776 2000 N STEMMONS ALARM CALL 16 23—Apr-92 05*30 PM 774 SNAP SHOP 2 THEFT U/ 20 37 23—Apr-92 06:32 PM 772 BURRUS 911 HANG UP 47 23—Apr-92 08*00 PM 772 S/B I35 @ LOIS RD MOTORIST ASSIST 20 23—Apr-92 08:55 PM 776 600 N STEMMONS SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 23—Apr-92 11:40 PM 772 MIDDLE SCHOOL OPEN BUILDING 17 23—Apr-92 11*54 PM 776 2ND AND WILLOW ST ARREST — MISDEMEANOR 2 24—Apr-92 03:47 AM 776 1102 BOLIVAR ST. MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 24—Apr-92 02:30 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. MEET COMPLAINANT 14 24—Apr-92 04:44 PM 774 116 S. PARK WELFARE CHECK 18 24—Apr-92 05:30 PM 772 7TH @ CHURCH WELFARE CHECK 18 24—Apr-92 05:32 PM 774 502 OAK WELFARE CHECK 18 24—Apr-92 07:30 PM 776 1100 AUSTIN ST 911 HANG UP 47 24—Apr-92 10:40 PM 776 1806 N STEMMONS MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 24—Apr-92 11:30 PM 772 HIGH SCHOOL OPEN BUILDING 17 24—Apr-92 11*43 PM 776 141 PRAIRIE DISTURBANCE 12 25—Apr-92 01:50 PM 774 CITGO MOTORIST ASSIST 20 25—Apr-92 01:54 PM 772 103 SHADY GROVE BURGLARY OF HABITATION 29 25—Apr-92 03*00 PM 772 SCHERTZ MILL FIRE CALL ASSIST 7 25—Apr-92 07:40 PM 772 POLICE DE4PT, ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 25—Apr-92 10:11 PM 772 HIGH SCHOOL OPEN BUILDING 17 26—Apr-92 12:24 AM 776 1100 AUSTIN MEET COMPLAINANT 14 26—Apr-92 01:15 AM 776 607 CHURCH MEET COMPLAINANT _F 14 e ice' SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY LOG 26-Apr-92 01:43 26-Apr-92 08:48 26-Apr-92 05:14 26-Apr-92 06:59 26-Apr-92 07:57 27-Apr-92 05:23 27-Apr-92 07:10 27-Apr-92 08:50 27-Apr-92 01:30 27-Apr-92 03:30 27-Apr-92 04:50 27-Apr-92 05:34 27-Apr-92 05:39 27-Apr-92 09*08 28-Apr-92 12:48 28-Apr-92 06:36 28-Apr-92 10:30 29-Apr-92 08:58 29-Apr-92 12:50 29-Apr-92 04*27 29-Apr-92 05*50 29-Apr-92 07:37 29-Apr-92 09:31 29-Apr-92 11:07 30-Apr-92 11:21 30-Apr-92 12:51 30-Apr-92 03:22 30-Apr-92 04:00 30-Apr-92 05:03 30-Apr-92 07:45 30-Apr-92 09:22 30-Apr-92 09:32 30-Apr-92 11:30 AM 776 102 PIONEER MESSAGE DELIVERY 19 AM 771 E.WILLOW FIRE CALL ASSIST 7 PM 773 514 S.7TH. MEET COMPLAINANT 14 PM 775 704 N 2ND WELFARE CHECK 18 PM 775 204 S 1ST MEET COMPLAINANT 14 AM 775 207 SOUTHSIDE VACATION WATCH 57 AM 773 211 SOUTHSIDE ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 AM 771 GNB BANK CITY BUSINESS 26 PM 773 SANGER HIGH THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 PM 773 CARE INN MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 PM 773 N.TEXAS PLASTIC CITY BUSINESS 26 PM 773 BRADLEYS AUTO PLEX CITY BUSINESS 26 PM 773 2026 BENJAMIN 911 HANG UP 47 PM 775 800 N STEMMONS CRIM MIS 0/20 U/750 43 PM 773 GNB BANK CITY BUSINESS 26 nAA 7w7O CAIAn Gunn of hi i UAnIel Iln AI 1 rl I I J %J14 PII %j1IVf 1 J i 1 I If1l IV%A V1 Y I PM 775 300 N 4TH SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 AM 773 GNB BANK CITY BUSINESS 26 PM 773 GNB BANK CITY BUSINESS 26 PM 773 SNAP SHOP 911 HANG UP 47 PM 773 202 PECAN MEET COMPLAINANT 14 PM 775 406 S 1ST CRIM MIS 0/20 U/750 43 PM 775 125 SOUTHSIDE CRIM MIS U/ 20 42 PM 775 1400 N STEMMONS ALARM CALL 16 AM 773 GNB BANK CITY BUSINESS 26 PM 773 GNB BANK CITY BUSINESS 26 PM 773 GNB BANK CITY BUSINESS 26 PM 772 105 TAMMY ARREST - FELONY 1 PM 773 903 N.8TH. 911 HANG UP 47 PM 776 106 MARSHALL 911 HANG UP 47 PM 772 1105 PECAN SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE 10 PM 776 202 PECAN ST APT 3 ARREST - FELONY 1 PM 772 106 S. 6TH DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 13 Morse Street Baptist Church 921 Morse Street Denton, Texas 76205 (817) 382-9207 Don J. Hayes, Senior Pastor Res: (817) 566-2656 To: The Honorable Mayor Nell Armstrong and Members of the Sanger City Council From: Morse Street Baptist Church THE CITY OF BANGER ('� �M AY 1 3 1992 U . �► t. l� l�l L� � V ,.-,---•-rrync� May 8, 1992 On Sunday, May 31, 1992, at 10:45 a.m., at Morse Street Baptist Church there will be an APPRECIATION SERVICE honoring the administrative, nrnfeecinna) and naranrnfeecinnal etaffc of the r1FnlTllnl KRI IAA and CAnIf�FR INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICTS. The purpose of the service is to not only acknowledge community -wide appreciation of our district workers, but to send a message to our youth that the home, school and community are united forces working together for the sake of the city and their future. It is our hope that this effort will serve as an example of how individuals of varying ages, races, religions and socioeconomic backgrounds can and must come together for the good and future of all. Finally, Mayor Armstrong, it is our hope that by opening the doors of communication, we will assist our. youth in realizing that their being responsible, civic -minded, positive adults begins with the positive choices they make TODAY. This invitation has been extended beyond the Denton community to area school boards, community leaders and the media. The awards will be many and the speeches will be short. We need only one thing to make this event a success --YOU! ! We would consider it an honor if you and other area leaders could be on hand to assist in saying thanks to our educators, assisting in the presentation of awards or offering a brief statement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the church number above or at my home phone # 817/482-6489. Respectfully yours, E� Carolyn ays Mohair Publicity Chairman, MSBC CMM/cfm �..f e-A .k.. "The Caring, Sharing Church Where Jesus Is Lord" ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Mr. John Hamilton, City of Sanger Post Office Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear `fr. Hamilton: THE CITY OF BANGER D: M AY 1 3 1992 LS ly 15 � U l5 SANGER,TEXAS City Manager Ivtay 12, 1992 4107 Texoma Parkway Sherman, Texas 75090 903-893-9471 RE: TPS-H0171 Listed below for your reference are the safety suggestions that were discussed with Mr. Larry Yoast, Electrical Superintendent, when a portion of your shops and yards was surveyed on May 5, 1992. It is hopeful that these suggestions will be of benefit to the City when they are added to the safety program. 1. Install a guard railing around the storage area being used over the office in the mechanic shop. (See attached design for safety on standard railing, stair railing, and hand rail construction.) L. Check and install where necessary covers on the electrical outlets and electrical boxes. (It was noted that the cover was missing over one of the electrical outlets on the work bench in the electrical storage area and several covers were missing from the electrical system in the building on the old Santa re yard.) Mr. Hamilton, it is always a pleasure for our Engineering Department to have the opportunity to work with your City on the safety program. Should you have any questions on these suggestions or if I may be of any assistance to you with your safety activities, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, r C` , Sam Moran � Safety Eng. Dept. SM:mek CC: Larry Yoast, Electrical Superintendent MEMQRANDUM TQ: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER R O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 #2a56 Honorable Mayor & Members a t John Hamilton, City Manager `, May 15, 1992 Board/Committee Appointment City Council It is time to begin considering appointments to our various Boards and Commissions. The attached list indicates the term expirations and known vacancies as of this date. JH:es attachments PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Place 2 - Charles Kesseler will have served his third term this year. Place 4 - Terry Jones will complete his first term this year. Place 6 - VACANT (Russell Madden) Place 7 - VACANT {Ken Howard} Place 2 - Allan Sweeney will complete his first term this year. Place 3 - VACANT (Rhonda Jackson} Place 4 - Lynn Spinks will complete his first term this year. Place 1 - VACANT (Bill McClellan} Place 2 - Steve Day will complete his first term this year. Place 6 - VACANT {Pauline Garrett} The Wednesday Study Club's representative is Margye Henry. The Ministerial Alliance's representative is Keith Boone. Rev. Boone does not attend. :-• cry •� Place 2 - Nancy Smith will complete her first term this year. Place 4 - Garland Thornton will complete his first term this year. Lib.Bd. Cont. Place 7 - Joe Skiles will complete his first term this year. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Two alternate members are needed. Wendell Thomas needs to be replaced by a Councilmember. No appointments or replacements are needed until 1993. MONTHLY REPORT SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY APRIL 1992 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: The Library was aWdLded a grant of. $6,000 from the J. Frank Dobie Trust. The grant is to be used for the purchase of books, and was announced at the Texas Library Association Conference on April 8. National Library Week was observed April 6 - 11 with the help of Scarborough Faire. Each day the Faire gave a free c.rhn nr I i oA env ncor r+a rtl i-hai- aa\7 pass via p 1 vaa wa.v uNr i u .. .,....., AllMINISTRATIUN: Consultation on the building program continued with Rodney Bland who was contracted by the North Texas Library System. Wrote a job description for the Libraihy Director. Lucille Houghton, Green Thumb enrollee, resigned because of ill health. Meetings attended. Denton County Library Advisory Board, 4/16, Sanger North Texas Library System Meeting, 4/23, Wichita Falls CIRCULATION: Check out and check in procedures were written, as well as patron registration procedures. PUBLIC RELATIONS: Put up a poster for National Library Week. Printed a flyer for the Summer Reading Club. Articles for the Sanger Courier attached. SPECIAL PROJECTS: Attended an orientation for JZ'PA Supervisors in preparation for getting a summer teen-age worker. Both Alice and Betty also attended an orientation because a trained supervisor must be at the library at all times that the teenager is working. PROGRAMS: '1'he Story Time theme was "Concepts". Children learned the deaf alphabet symbol for their own initial, counted stickers and put them on the right number., discovered what happens when colors are mixed, and learned about the spatial concepts of through, around, over, under, and across in an obstacle course. APRIL 1992 STATISTICS Apr 91 Apr 92 BOKROWER CARDS: Last month 1,426 1,613 New cards 26 27 Cards withdrawn 0 1 Cards reactivated 0 2 TOTAL 1,452 11641 CIRCULATION: Adult nonfiction 160 176 Adult fiction 132 151 Junior fiction 37 60 Child's nonfiction 86 116 Child's fiction 232 201 Paperback fiction 234 168 Maqazines 6 1 Crystal 0 1 Videos 134 180 Cassette players 1 5 Audio tapes 1 6 TOTAL 11023 1,065 PA`i'KON VISITS: 422 447 (getting books) 335 350 PROGRAMS: Number of programs 5 4 Total attendance 49 42 VOLUNTEERS: Number of adults 5 6 Total hours 8 72 COLLECTION: Last month 10,373 9,800 Books added 110 45 Books withdrawn 144 96 Total Hardbacks 10,339 9,749 Paperbacks 4,005 4,117 TOTAL COLLECTION 14,344 13,866 REVENUE: Overdue fines $33.95 $47.05 ILL postage 3.15 Lost materials 15.39 Donations 0.45 0.05 Copies 7.70 New Card Fee 0.75 TOTAL $49.79 $58.70 �lRI v gg� B�E� Johnson Sanger swimmers came one stroke closer to having a local municipal pool Monday night after a vote by the City incil to advertise for bids for the pool. The new municipal pool is being built next to the Sanger Community Center facing Austin Street, and it is being paid for by the city with an equal matching grant from the state. City officials hope to have opening splash sometime in June. The bids, like those for seven other projects approved Monday night, are due at Sanger City Hall by May 4. In other matters, during the City Administration Report, Hamilton. announced that Librarian Vicky Elieson },;vF, resigned effective Mecav I2• %&r 0.0-u, *j .e,, Aprll 2, 1892, 7 National Library week brings contests for children, families The Sanger Public Library will celebrate National Library WeekAuril 5-1 1 with th� ,.f e hami �Ay v v�,ua vim• V ub+ll 1' dll C, Channel 4 KDFW-TV and Jack -in -the -Box. These three sponsors are encouraging families to read and get library cards. At the end of each day of National Library Week, one name will be drawn from among those who filled out applications for new cards that day. The person's name who is drawn will be the recipient of a free pass to Scarborough Faire in Waxahachie. Saturday, June 6 has been declared Library Day at the Faire. Channel 4 news anchor persons will be there throughout the day to sign autographs and meet with Faire participants. Children under 12 may earn a special pass by reading six or more books between April 5 and May 25. Passes are good for one free child's admission with the purchase of one adult admission. Passes will be awarded to the first 25 children who qualify. Also as part of the special library programs, Sanger Public Library patrons may nominate themselves or another family in the community as an "Exemplary Library Family," The written nomination should explain what makes that family exemplary. Some examples could be using the library often, everyone having cards, giving volunteer time, etc. Jack -in -the -Box will provide coupons for free food for every family that enters. The winning nomination will be named "Exemplary Library Family of Sanger" and will be send to Fort Worth to compete with families from other cities in the North Texas Library System. That winning North Texas family will be the guest of Scarborough Faire on a pre -determined date in June and will be introduced to the crowd just before the daily Scarborough Faire parade that morning. Channel 4 will film the event as a news segment, and each member of the family will receive free admission, T-shirts, a special tour and other special treats. Nominations for the "Exemplary Library Family of Sanger" may be submitted to the Sanger Public Library by April 30. The winner will be announced in the May 7 Sanger Courier, and their nomination will be sent on to Fort Worth, The Sanger Public Library is at 7th and Elm Streets. For more information on any of the National Library Week activities, call 458-3257. Vicky Elieson is the Sanger librarian, Sponsored cooperatively by Ttie Texas State Library and Tt�e Sanger Public Library Texas Reading Club - 1 g92 Register starting May 2 6; rur►s throu� July 31. Open to grades 1 - 11. There will be a party on August 5 for all w2w read at least five books. Summer Story Time Story Time for children from 2 to 5 years old will be at 1 O:CC eqvvey Tuesday from June 9 through July 28. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Story time for children age 6 ar�,d up will be at 1 0:00 every Wedneaday from June 3 through July 29. There will be filrr� azui activitiea as well sa atories at Story Tirrie. MEMORANDUM #2055 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &. John Hamilton, City May 15, 1992 Zoning Change Req M ue Members of the M anage st on SF-3 to SF-4 - $13 Church City Council The five current members of the Planning and Zoning Commission were present and unanimously recommended approval of the zoning change to construct a 1008 sq. ft. single family home on a lot owned by Chester Wright at 813 Church. Mr. Bobby Ramsey spoke against the requested change. Mr. Wright had the couple that will own the house if constructed present, a Mr. & Mrs. Cox. Mr. Cox is employed by the Denton Water Department and Mrs. Cox by the D.I.S.D. They appear to be in their 20's. This item will be on the June lst agenda for your consideration. a . )ATE* 5- 1L5-92 7ASE NO, N/A tREPORTING OFFICER. C)ffi_cer Grove and Reserve Officer King- being involved in a ?pursuit of a stolen Teton County unit whick-, started at Rector road just South of Sanger. Our Of.fice.rs were requested by Denton County Sheriffs Department to stop the unit if possible. Officer Groves tried a rolling r_oca block at the on ramp at I--35 and the suspect tries. to ram our unit. `"he pursuit was continued Forth on 1 --3.5 and Higll,way patrol units From. Cooke County also tried a rolling road block, the suspect rammed both of the `Mil' units and at this point THP units shot out the tires on the stolen unit. Phe suspect came to rest in the front yard of a residence at the 493 mile marker, All of the units surrounded the stolen unit and the suspect came out with the Denton County Officers shotgun and fired twice, All officer at the scene fired back :striking the suspect several time. . Suspect was handcuffed and transported to the Cooke Countz, Hospital ar,.r3 was later reported that he was deceased: A furl investigation is under the control of Teiaas Ratr.ger FleYcuming f root Grayson County, Rath Sanger officers were sent home Any Me after a bLleting. On. 5-18-92 Sanger officer were .sent to Rangers office in Grayson County to give full dEtailed statements concerning the inciderit , enra.� k'rw�rr, Ch.r.ef MEMORANDUM #2058 TQ: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SINGER P. O. BOX 578 SINGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members John Hamilton, City Manager May 18, 1992 Keeton Road Improvements of the City Council The attached cost/funds available summary on Keeton Road was discussed by telephone today with County Commissioner Don Hill. Mr. Hill verbally committed to an additional $20,000 to construct a concrete street to the intersection of Keeton and Brook Glen. Mr. Hill stated he would inform me when the amount was formally released by the County for the project. JH:es Attachment JH:es Attachment KEETON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS $88,000 County Funds Available 88,000 -8,000 Engineering =36,200 Drainage $43,800 AVAILABLE FUNDS TO BroolcGlen: Bids - Concrete $148,510 $106.00/ft. Asphalt - $135,400 $97.00/f_t. Drainage - $36,200 Improvements To Melinda Myrl: 600 ft. x $i06 � $63,600 i400 it. X 06 - $i48,40^u 600 ft. X $97 = $58,200 1400 ft. X 97 = $135,800 1400 ft. From drainage corner North to Melinda Myrl. 600 ft. From drainage corner North to Brook Glen MEMORANDUM #2n57 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: U I Y OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor & Members he John Hamilton, City Manag May 18, 1992 Resolution #R4-92 City Council This Resolution can be added to the Consent Agenda as it does not require the expenditure of funds or commit Council to any future action. JH:es Attachment City of Sanger, Texas Resolution No. #R4-92 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas WHEREAS, Economic Development is essential to every Community, and WHEREAS. the Citv of Saner and the Saner Chamber of Commerce are committed to the growth and progress of our Community, and WHEREAS, the Business Information Processing Class of Sanger High School responded to the needs of the Economic Development Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, and WHEREAS, through the efforts and talents of these students, a marvelous video program highlighting Sanger was produced and completed, NOW THEREFORE, Be It Resolved By the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas that These Outstanding, Public Spirited Students; Dustin Lyon, Daniel Beck, Eric Atchison, Steven Dietz, Rena Dougherty, Madeline Garza, Sariah Heisey, & Jennifer Rodgers, Be Recognized for their contribution to the well-being and continued growth of our Community. PASSED and RESOLVED this 18th Day of May, 1992. Nel Armstrong M ayor ATTEST: On- xj Rosalie Garcia City Secretary 1800 MAI_ONE, DENTON, TEXAS 76201-1 146 John Hamilton, City Administrator City of Sanger 200 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear John, May 15, 1992 - 811100e-2224 THE CITY OF SANGER D. M AY 1 $ 1992 During April we conducted the annual evaluation of our programs at all the senior centers by asking the senior participants to complete questionnaires for us. We are required to conduct the survey, and we use the form provided by the Area Agency on Aging. We added the final three questions. One of the purposes of the evaluation is to assist us in planning future work. I thought that you would be as interested in the results at the Sullivan Senior Center as I am. I will appreciate your distributing this note among the Council members. Twenty-seven persons at the Senior Center filled out the forms. I will summarize their answers to the six questions: 1. Why do you attend this center? They generally spoke of the good food, the opportunity to meet people, to socialize with people, to get out of the house, and recreation. One person said, "Because I am lonely and I love the games." 2. How many days do you attend? Fourteen persons said they attend every day, three said 3 days a week, and nine said 1 or 2 days a week. 3. What aid has the program given you? They listed companionship, nutrition, affordable meals, meeting new people, a breaic from cooking, and home delivered meals when they were needed. Some simply said "enjoyment" or "fun." Some listed other services, such as house repair, home -delivered meals after illness, eye tests, and insurance counseling. Someone listed the books and magazines at the Center. 4. What services do you Chink are most beneficial? Greater Lewisville United Way, Inc. United Way of Denton. County, Inc. They listed meals first, the fellowship, social services (especially case management and benefits counseling), games, transportation, and health checks. 5. What are your likes and dislikes? The most frequent response was, "I .lilce everything" or "no dislikes." The only dislike was a person who was not fond of the food. 6. What activities are of interest to you? (from a list of 7) informational programs 17; sing-alongs 14; dance classes 5; nutrition education 18. Are you familiar with other services provided by SPAN? Two persons said they were not familiar with other services. We are pleased with this very SPAN'S work that participants reported. We hope to continue information in planning future hear any observations that you information. high level of satisfaction with at the Sullivan Senior Center have that success, and we will use this programs. We will be happy to or your colleagues have about this Sincerely, Al Murdock Executive Director ews A*Iert JT&S Loss Control Program �F.SA,4GER Helping Others Help Themselves -SHE 0 ? i MAY 1 a 1992 HOUSE BILL 62 The State of Texas passed House Bill 62 which enacted a law to implement an Extra Hazardous Employer Proeram. Included in that bill was the Reiected Risk Fund Reguirine Iniury Preventions Services Program. Under this program a Texas Workers' Compensation (TWC) policy holder who has an experience modifier of 1.25 or greater, or has had a loss ratio greater than .70 in at least two of the three most recent policy years, will be placed in a rejected risk pool. The organization/facility placed in the pool will be notified by Texas Workers' Compensation Commission (TWCC) and will have 30 calendar days to respond. Should you receive a notification from TWCC, your first response is to arrange a safety consultation to conduct a hazard survey. Next will be the design of an accident prevention plan. The safety consultant must be certified by TWCC under the electrical SIC code 4911. Larry Baker, Program Operations Coordinator, has completed his certification and Jesse Watson, Division Head, will be certified on June 17, 1992. We are scheduling the consultations on a first -call first -serve basis. The time to complete the material will vary with each organization/facility. We estimate a minimum of 40 hours. The consultation service fee depends on the time and expense incurred. We hope you will not be in the position to need these services. If you do, however, we will be pleased to serve you. Just call Larry Baker or Jesse Watson at the phone number below. 5/92 Electric Power Utilities Training Division 409 • 845 • 6508 Texas Engineering Extension Service The Texas A&M University System College Station, Texas 77843.8000 Conversion From Accident at Old 4160 Substation CONVERSION FROM ACCID ENT AT OLD 4160 SUBSTATION: 29 - Transformers (Rebuilt} - $120195.00 3 - 480 V 490.00 ea. - $1,470.00 Mist. $11 0000 00 $14,665.00 Cost of Material for Acker St. Underground Work Cost of Material far Acker Street Underground Work Underground Wire {Primary) 2.58 ft = 13, 545 3 - 50 KVA Padmount Transformers 885.00 = 2, 655 15 - 410 Primary Elbows 29.50 = 443 1 - Repair 225 KVA Padmount Transformer 1, 308 - 1, 308 3 - 200 AMP Cutouts 55.00 = 165 3 - Lightning Arrestors 25.00 = 75 5 - Underground Pedestals 88.00 = 440 15 - Primary Terminator Kits 49.00 = 735 15 T Terminator Brackets 8.00 = 120 15 - Connectors & Covers (Pedestals) 8.66 = 130 Misc. 2,.00 21,615 6 - Fiberglass Pole 550.00 = 3,300 2 wks. - Rental Backhoe 525 wk. 1,D50 25, 965 Material Returned to Stock from Overhead Line -Acker St. Cost of material to be returned to stock from Overhead Line on Acker Street 11 Poles 100 ea. = 1,100.00 10 Guy Attachments 150 ea. - 12. 50 175' 4/ 0 Quad Service Wire 1.25 ft. = 218.75 4 K10 Brackets 1.75 7.00 4 2" Spool Insulators 0.49 1196 3 Lightning Arrestors 26 = 78.00 50 Bell Insulators 6.25 = 31150 24 Dead End Shoes MO ,= 230. 40 38 Pin Insulators 5.50 209.00 10 Ridge Pins 5.40 = 54.00 28 Cross Arm Pins 3.50 = 98.00 30 Bolts 0.81 = 24.30 8 D. Clevis 1.69 = 13.52 12 3" Spool Insulators 0.95 - 11.40 10 Single Ups 4.95 = 49.50 8 Cross Arm Braces (Sets) 9.00 = MOO 5 Eye Bolts 4.25 - 21.25 10 D.A. Bolts 2.50 = 25.00 3 Cutouts 46.00 = 138.00 5000' 2/ 0 AC SR Wire . 81 ft. = 4, 050.00 800' #2 ACSR Wire .42 fL = 336.00 7 Cross Arms 25.60 - 179.20 ..lam • 1!' h 3 3?. 5 KVA 850. Q0 - 2, 550.00 1 75 KVA 1200.Q0 = 1,200.Q0 Total Recovered 100992.28 ..� [ t � SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFENSE: SHOOTING, OFFICERS INVOLVED DATE: 5-15-92 CASE N0: N/A REPORTING OFFICER: CHIEF BENNY ERWIN On 5-15-92 I received a call from Sat . Amvx i n rPc�ar�lR t-„ Officer Groves and Reserve Officer King being involved in a pursuit of a stolen Denton County unit which started at Rector road just South of Sanger. Our officers were requested by Denton County Sheriffs Department to stop the unit if possible. Officer Groves tried a rolling road block at the on ramp at I-35 and the suspect tried to ram our unit. The pursuit was continued North on I-35 and Highway patrol units from Cooke County also tried a rolling road block, the suspect rammed both of the THP units and at this point THP units shot out the tires on the stolen unit. The suspect camA to rest in the front yard of a residence at the 493 mile marker, All of the units surrounded the stolen unit and the suspect came out with the Denton County Officers shotgun and fired twice, All officers at the scene fired back striking r_he suspect several times. Suspect was handcuffed and transported t-o the Cooke County Hospital and was later reported that he was deceased. A full investigation is under the central of Texas Ranger Flemming from Grayson County. Both Sanger officers were sent home by me after a briefing. On 5-18-92 Sanger officer were sent to Rangers office in Grayson County to give full detailed statements concerning the incident. �, enn Erw n, Chief 1