04/20/1992-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAG 1A MONDAY, April .. 0 BOLIVAR STREET, HALL 7v00 P.M. .C.r.k.,l1VaJ ` 1V t"4_ .,YIVlJti a). Apprc+ve Minutes h}. Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input 4. Consider and pc ssil le Action Re ; rdin aserrient - i.,ane MJ, Inc. Water Well Site f casement ! y Sewer Line) # !' w ! •! ! A ! '•iw'A • •-' * mil. - ! ► !!! Sewer Line) 9 . City Administration Repe rt 14. Any Clth.er Such. Matters City Secretary MINUTES: i City Council Meeting April 6, 1992 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman John Berndt, Councilman Tommy Kincaid and Councilman Jerry Jenkins Councilman Wendell Thomas City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Fublic Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Police Benny Erwin, Jack G. Richardson and Johnson ow Sanger Courier Rosalie Garcia, Chief of his wife, Betty 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. Consent Agenda: a}. Approve Minutes - 3/ 16/92 &Workshop - 3/ 11j92 b). Disbursements Councilman Kincaid asked for a correction to be made to the minutes of 31w*16-9:4 Item 5, minutes to state that Councilman Kincaid got up from his Council position and seated himself in the audience and did not vote on this issue. Motion was made by Councilman Berndt and seconded by Councilman Kincaid to approve Consent Agenda Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input: None 4. Consider and Possible Action Requesting Authorization for Bids - Water System Improvements - 12" Water Supply Line Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to advertise for bids on Item 6-10 on the Budget Justification which is the 12" Water Line and bidding process. Seconded by Councilman Berndt. Motion carried. 5. Consider and Possible Action Requesting Authorization for Bids - 200,000 Gallon Elevated Water Storage Tank Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to advertise for bid's on 200,000 Gallon Elevated Water Storage Tank. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 6. Consider and Possible Action Requesting Authorization for Bids - 300 GPM Water Supply Well Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to authorize advertisement for bids on the 300 GPM Water Supply Well. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action Requesting Authorization for Bids - Sewer Line Improvements - Ward/Willowood Addition Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to authorize bids for Sewer Line Improvements to Ward/Willowood Addition subject to receiving all easements signed properly. Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. Motion carried. 8. Consider and Possible Action Requesting Authorization for Bids - Municipal Swimming Pool Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to authorize bids for the Swimming Pool portion of our Park Grant. Seconded by Councilman Berndt. Motion carried. J. Consider and Possible Action Requesting Authorization for Bids - Acker Street Improvements Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Berndt to authorize three (3} separate bids for Acker Street Improvements, that include Acker, Pecan, and Elm Street Improvements. One bid, entire project as concrete; second being Acker Street as concrete, and Pecan and Elm Street as asphalt and the third bid for entire project to be asphalt. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 10. Consider and Possible Action Requesting Authorization for Bids - Keeton Road Improvements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to advertise for bids on Keeton Road Improvements as presented. Seconded by Councilman Berndt. Motion carried. 11. Consider and Possible Action Requesting Authorization to Advertise Sale of Property Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to advertise for sale for Surplus Property, Seconded by Councilman Berndt. Motion carried. TM,,2 12. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Land Donation - Lot 2, Block 46, Original Town Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to accept property donation of Catholic Diocese of Ft. Worth, Lot 2, Block 46, Original Town of Sanger. Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. 13. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Amended Contract with Upper Trinity Water District Discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to amend contract with Upper Trinity dater District by lowering our water request from a 1,000,000 to 200,000 and increasing it gradually until the year 2000 to 1/2 a million and maintaining a partnership status. Seconded by Councilman Berndt. Motion carried. 14. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Application to Texas Railroad Commission - Recyclable Materials Discussion. Item was tabled until staff can get a written opinion from City Attorney. 15. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Proposed Salary 5tep-Flan Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Berndt to accept Proposed Step -Plan. Motion died from lack of a second. 16. City Administration Report a}. Absentee (Early) Voting in person begins Monday, April 13th and runs through April 2Sth. a. Ira '. Board Annual Easter •• Hunt will be held fit c). City applied for recycling grant several months ago and that grant was not funded, Electric Superintendent Larry�l-oas" T • Annual Municipal Electric Power Conference at Texas A&M. conversion Re on e Tolun ITT arc. r • • f + substation is out of service. f), Friday, ,April 1�, is designated City holiday. ). Vickie Elieson, City Librarian has resigned effective May 13, 1992, a}, Councilman Kincaid mentioned that the new grass at the building for the library needs to be mowed. Staff will instruct the Library Development ward since they control this. complaints concerning clean up day. Some people had take things to the dumpster and Benny♦! i . lhnson aid *I 111114800411i ... _ . -.... ; y WA f Discussion. Staff is to check this matter with the State, 004 t ;1'1'`r` OF SANGER }=�F' OPEN ITV .�i LIST COMPANY 100 4 f 15r 9�_ 1='AGE 16 no to 8 VENDOR INV NO INV CITE PO NUM DUE D14E PURE H AMT DIM OMT A• *! RENTAL R.O. BOX 7878 SHOVE:L4 E::I: GER4 FEN 659-061 4/08/92 9636 4/21/92' 129. 77 . 00 424. 0500 22a 95 4248 0500 3I u L3r 418. 05oo 75. oo I OTAL 12::9a 77 . 00 �SCrCa At.IS► IN BFIF;ER SAL.ESq ICdC. ��sai EXFaOSITIr:itJ R.O. 130X iC��C HEATER CORE 27610 3/30/9E' 9556 4/21/92 26. 32 „ 0o 419.0700 26.32 TOTAL 26. 32 .0o" 41�=5 Brr�RRUS SUF'1=RCIARC<E:T F'. 0. BOX 7iJ8 DRINKS-gREIMB. BY 111006 3/02/92 9383 4/21/92 38008 . t: 0 COFFEE SUPPLIES 0096 :_;/ 09/`32 9396 4/21/92 8. 73 000 413. O8OO 8073 COFFEE SUPPLIES 0101 ;3/101192 9429 4/21/92 8BU36 .00 413. 0300 29. 4.5 413. i l OO i 'S. 45 413. 0800 � 9. 46 COFFEE SUPPLIES 0049 3/10/92 B744 4/21/92 13. "o , oo 413. 08ir a 13v `Ca [)RINKS/SUPPLIES 0149 3/12/92 9480 4/21/92 28.85 moo 413. 1500 28. 85 MOUSETRAPS/BAIT 0116 3/E:6/92 9583 4/121/92 3a 96 .0o 4 a3. 0100 30136 MULCH c:010 ;./30/9c 9576 4/,�1/92 21"2:1Ca „oo 409. 0900 E' 1. 90 DRINKS 0127 3/31 /92 9603 4/21/92 28. 94 . oo 413. 1500 28. 94 TOTAL 23CM 02 , oo f.,5���:a CF;H IAt�{ITORIII-L_ SUF'F'LIES R,.O. BOX ii�:a4 C:ASF ft,I1'Ct-IE:Pd TO�.� 85L'•4 4r'i:?8/9E' 9658 �a/E`if9c: 38.3y iii /1,4 =. {-aiJt_a•JCS. 35 T 014AL 38. 35 „ 00 iG06ca L1T.XIE: tJ. vi. A. INC. F'. O. BOX 55549 �sVh1'S (REE;U'3CITA c:95469 3;/18/9�' 96t18 4•/cif9E' 1�a3.90 ait:a 4CM 1100 1033 95 1014AL_ 103. 95 .4 rCa 20251, FIALRR I N SUPPLY CO. 3804 90, BROAD JAY PLACE VALVE /HOSE ROLLE 80041 3/24/ 92 9444 4/21/92 154. 89 u oo 477. 1100 154.89 TOTAL_ 154. 89 . oo 23200 HOLL.INGSWORTH GRAIN R IRU PO BOX 384 DIESEL-68 GALLON 2689 3/10/` 2 9437 4/21/%"' 69.36 .00 414. O 8OO 69. 36 TOTAL 69. 3 G ,Cap r s.4.350 HoWu WILSON CO. 950 UNIVErRS114Y AVENUE SUBSCRIPTION•-RhA 366.31100 4/01 /92 9633 4/21/92 85. 00 , oo 005 C;:1i t OF SANGIR VENDOR INV NO C,cjtrC) KRI7 QAt'IS CO. 2'0 9KV ARRESTORS 417321 470, (.)n(. 0 3/25/30/5t; FUSE: 416345 470u O8t:O TOTAL. AP OPLN ITEM L I SI COMPANY 100 0 4/ 15/ 92 PAGE 16ma08 INV DIE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH A104T DISC. AMT F'.O. F:{!fix �StjCa 3/30/92 466u 20 3/3i]/ 9 ' 134. t5 .3j.�',t:a 1C1l.;SI�iSI��f"-�I 'ICIi�L �GUF'F'LY F'.0. D'Ox E�ta�+ CLINES 018989 3/30/9E' 9512 4/21/9c' 418. t::2t:0 179. iai_a 1 OTAL ,;�i_t�li )t„1 I�aUPt S)"{t�l{�,;,} { I K)•G�i`7)"UKSTi%R l.,U. C} �! 1tl I CI?';C.�7 1 �.7 TRANSFORMERS 9784 3/ 17/92 9495 4/21/92 /92 `f OlwAE_ ,J1=' ��)�) F't-lDDAt.,Kq DgNALD 100 LBS. DOG FOO 32407 444, i_)300 2 GALLONS ROUND- 324341 10x0 LBS. DOG FOO 32440 ROLIND- UP, SURFAC 32459 TOTAL !_a. Bf�x 416 /t_)9/92 1 !. 00 3/`o/9E 113= 30 3/20/9% 17. 00 3/27/92 128. 55 91i'I 4/i�1 /9i� 95iw7 4!i'1 /`�i? ,,3 �3Ca("a R 11'E_!1►C::I_D '�UF'F�L.Y I Nl:;. � 1. (:a 1 L#. LjN I VE:RS I •f'Y D R. CtxYGFN, ACEfYLElV 66E,33 3/1�>/9E' `:�3�45 4/E'1/9E: 4211 . 2000 t :1�. 40 TOTAL 466a C 179. is>~ra 113.3i�r �8. 4iY i�'tS. 4i_a 37777 SANf�iFR UFI=IC:E SUF'F'L_Y ?,Cap; DIM MAD F'.O„ FENS 1i'96 3/ta/+/aE: 938'=-a 4liY'1l9E: 13.77 „i�riY 411, ()8t)0 13. 117 COMPUTER DISKS 1302 3/05/92 9410 4/21/92 43.4) .(_)t) RIBBON CARTRIDGE 1338 3/10/9E' 9128 4/21/92 11.9E' ,Cat:) FILE FOLDERS —MIN 1311 3/10/92 943U 4/i_1 /92 c, 70 , 00 411. 1600 2.70 DRY —ERASE BOARD, 1341 3/ 13/92 `.�485 4/21/92 70u U4 . oo 442. 14t.0 70o O4 LABELS, PE'NC'ILS5 C 13447 3/19/92 9525 .4/21 /` 2 27a 69 000 411, 0800 E7. G9 E CASES COPY PAP' 1349 3/23/92 953b 4/21/92 MOO 000 HIGHLIGHTERS 132,7 3/26/92 9585 4/21/92 4m98 noo 411 a 1700 c, 49 MARKER SET FOR S 1328 3/E�l,7/9E' '9 8.3 4/21/92 2W80 , 00 441. 1900 2080 .TOTAL. 247. 3o � ` . ()o CITY OF SANGER VENDOR INV NO 38000 GANGER FARTS CENTER CIRCUIT BREAKERS RS 6898 419. 03t:0 SWITCHES 6945 HYDR. FITTING/WI 71t:)77119 419. t)5t)t.) MIRRONS/PAINT/AR 73707377 419v 0800 419, t7800 419. r._a3t.)ta SAND PAPER/VALVE 75657520 419m t 800 eta. a. i rt)i) 419. Q800 OuPs SWITCH 7701 419. 0500 BRAKE: ROTE:RS/RAD 47*77247776 419, 0500 419. 0300 SCREW DRIVERS 7850 424. 1200 H'YD. HOSE FITTIN 8041 421. 0600 FILTERS, METRIC 82148160 41`S. 11Oo STARTER, OIL F I L 82768289 419. 17t_)l) CUP, SCREWS 8240 4e:1. t200 TOTAL 385C?C? SclN��;ER DRUG �:37'atiC Li'E 4lASI-d-METtR F 1ci 411. 0800 HEALTH SUPPLIES 15 411. 0800 RUBBING ALCOHOL 1 419. 1100 ('LASH BAR/FILM 110 FILM, FLASH BARS 100 0 424, t:):;OO TOTAL AL 3 8778 SEARS I L) I'AL rt.;,t )teaCa ISM I T 6-}' S GOUN l RY "STORE i��tT'TERIES, Ti=3�'E Ca�:3;�47 ft1�7. tj7t7Ca EJOL1 Sq BELL REDU t_)23396 419. 03Gt=) OPEN ITEM LIST INV DIE PO NUM 311 N. filri *HlcmT 3/t_a.w/92 9335 8.81 3/04/92 9336 ;�tt, 81 3/04/92 9342 4. 02 34. 17 3/ 11 /`J2/ 943C. Liu 6L 3a 89 7. 30 3/ 1.3./92 9435 1. 64 i s 1Mn c GO 29. B6 3/14/92' `:3438 3. 71 3/17/92 9440 120 21 149. C6 3/ 18/'• 2 944c: v . 9'7 3/20/92 9534 3=.80 3/4:3/92 9450 4:8. uu 8V 3f i7�J/9�� 55 9JJ 69. 70 3/26/92 91i•52 In 06 4. 99 3/04/92 17.68 r , 1.57 3/ 4:4/ 9G 24. 27 3/26/92 33. 19 car+MANY 100 4/15/9iE PAGE 16008 I}UE DTE RURCH Af1T DISC. AM1.. F'. a. 4/ 1/` 2 41 •�t 4 4/ 1/9S 4/21/9c 4 f 1 / 9; 4fii. /9i= 4f;�1/9 939�) 4rir'1/9 pax 5r 8 8„ 81 208, 81 380 19 13481 4i�'. 15 3. 71 161.47 v.J 97 33, 80 28. 88 6, Ica 1.06 42 E,. 36 4. 99 17. 613 1.57 E'4. 27 �J. 19 Litt 70 DALf_.AS Cai�it�iE:RCIAL CREDITI# 5334 RaSS AVEP�lL1F 3r18/9c 9399 t)/c:1r9i:r 17.99 17. 99 17. 99 F.O. BOX 928 14. ;8 3/02/92 1. 12 9357 4/i1/9�' CITY OF SANGER VL•"NDOR INV NO AP OPEN I TEM L 16 E COMPANY 100 4/ 15/9c PAGES 16408 TNV DTE PO NUM DUE D14E PURCH AMT DISCO AMF 419. 0700 1. if BOLTS, ANCE•IORS, 023423 3/03/92 91.74 4/21./92 20.74 421. ir500 20. 74 NAI.I_S, STAPLES, 0223428 3/04/92 9184 4/21./92 11.88 421.0500 11.88 KEYS 23443 /05/92 941 4/21 /92 4. 50 p ��}( �) 424. ir3irir 4. 50 -]y ((,� { ROWEL, LOCrK, KEYS 023 532 3/0 J/ ': 2 './395 4/ 21 /91_ 32o 83 421.0500 7.99 42 1. 050ir 9219 421.0500 fir„ ix_r 421. 0600 5065 KElY9 MADE 023479 3/ 11 /9c 9375 4/21 / 92 c. 00 442. c 200 c, 00 C:h I e Llr MLl/JLKC W::}/ %JC:%:)JCZC J! 1Ci ?G =jtT J`r •'er A mow- T _ 424.0500 9.99 419. 0300 1. 78 4.19, ia300 2a'_39 424. ir500 1 C:. 99 424.0500 3. 19 4C' 1. 1200 i c. 99 SPARK PLUG, SPRA 023491 3/1.3/')c 9481 4/21/92 8.947 424.0`30v 8.97 SPRAY PAINT 023584 3/17/92 9398 4/21/92 19.44 421. Cr500 19. 44 S HOOKS, PINS, K 023505 3r118/92 9188 4/21/92 6.82 456,. ti900 6. 82 NI_ITS/i BOLTS, I7IETA 0235143 3/18/92 9507 4/21/92 4a 49 425„ ir7irir 4. 49 1�? E'1 PVC PIPE tJl.•.J �14 ,/ 18/9� 9510 4/c1/9c C 1. 00 426. cc0li 21. 00 SHEARS, TROWELS, 02369.3 3/•30/` 2 '1%5,74 4/;`'1/92 15. 66 424. ir900 15. 66 TOTAL 2ir8. 95 431 irir STOGY HOUSE t_�OI"�F'ORA T T ON 8I NDt�RY LAtlE C-�Ot:iE:S `:3lt5xr{�3 4•/t?3/9c 9546 /{•/ci/9f_' 61. c8 475, 0200 61. c8 TOTAL 61. C:6 4 40x00 "i"EMF'I_E INC. F'.O„ DO?4 2371 INS. %i'7"Ftll='PENS, cc998%+ 3/�:t=r/9� 91'34 •4/E'if9F.: 56E.8Cr 41c.0800 TOTAL. 56c. 80 5;_565 WE.Eil AU i'O PARTS WIND. �lASf-IE.R, l='LUG �'1�1 419. 1200 419. ir300 PATCHES, LUEIR I CA 2230 419. v300 419. 1100 419. 1200 419. cOOO 419. 1700 456. 0900 3/Ca4i9c 1. 9G 54. 45 3/C:5/'Vic 4. 66 4. 65 4.6; 4a 65 4. 65 4.65 P. O, BOX 355 r- c• c � •� r �- CITY OF SANDER AP OF'IvN ITEM L I S"i 4'ENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM 419. O5OO 4n 65 419a 0600 4, G5 419n i1700 4. 65 419, C 800 4. 79 TOTAL COMPANY 100 4/ 15/92 1='AGE 16boa DUE D'TE F'UR.CH AMT DISC. AMT 5r{'t1�.a�a WILLIt=sl+l:� TE�iTI.N3.:i LAD �:1i:?G J'AI+1>=S ST1-tirG;7' SEWER ANALYSIS-&M 8926 4/09/92 9641 4/E1/92 427. i a700 21 i a, 00 O1"AL. 1 ta3. t�ua 1 ti„ tjft a 4'1{�, iuEa :.�a415C. Z Itvli+ii=:RLR KUDOTA CaR' DCN1't�h! aGs�at� C{, C:. LGOF�' CI�:Ca CONCRETE BLADES 6827 3/02/92 91072 4/21/92 96. 70 r*,ra Th1h1 LiKinrC DCrtI '7 f'i -�� ?1'='C /{]0_0 {aAcl1= / 11 /aCt 0V ligign 1\I ql./S!, I\L.(q 1_(J/ JI... WT�O�v -If r.._A a� v 421, 0600 ba 96 456, 0900 68n O8 LINCH BINS 704ta 3/27/92 9575 4/21/92 1.38 421 n 0500 1 n 38 TOTAL 17 3 a 1 486500 T R' SONS 106 N. LOCUST A15111UNI'TION 6851 4/10/92 9469 4/21/92 208.30 424, sa:"ss_at_a 208n 3O TOTAL I AL 208030 16, 417a 66 TOTAL. DUE WITH DISCOUNTS 164 417. 66 TOTAL DUE: I110 DISCOUNTS 16q 417n 66 G/E_ DEPARTMENTS ADM I N I S'TRAT I OI+4-GF^ 1 42. 04 I_ IBPARY 2 148. 2B POLICE: 3 645n 81 STREETS 5 .357. 85 WATER G 51.OG WASTEWAI ER 7 c 79. Cap: ELECTRIC 8 13,584u43 PARKS 9 36'7n 93 PUBLIC WORKS 1 l'a 49 FIRE 11 323. 39 VEHICLE. MAIN'T**-GF 1E 24* 517 MAYOR & COUNC I L.—iiF 14 7OP 04 MAYOR & COUNCIL- Et= 15 57n 79 ADMINISTRATION—EF 16 21a 70 PUBLIC WORKS EF 1.7 76.84 DATA PROCESSING 19 116. O VEHICLE MA I NT—EF 20 67 n 22 WASTE•-WTR COL.LP-EF 22 200.00 GENERAL FUND 11 982m 40 ENTERPRISE FIND 149 435m 26 Ca(a t�asj n sasj r tfit t�lt�a Ofa TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 14F 5AAUNA' BOX 578 ANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members John Hamilton, City Manager April 16, 1992 Easements For Utilities' Exte City Council Our Consulting City Attorney has advised that Council formally accept all the utility easements the City has recently negotiated for our new water well and the Ward/Willowood sewer line. Each easement will be a separate agenda item and are listed as: 1 }. Lane EMJ, ,.Inc. - (Water W�11 Site} - Part of a tract or parcel of land, situated in the R. Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29 (North Part} Denton County, Texas, and being part of that 25.23 acre tract conveyed to Lane EMJ, Inc. as recorded in Volume 2055, Page 535 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas (a 200 fit X 200 ft. tract). 2). La�_e EMJ,_ Inc. - (3Q ft, easement from Well Site, south to McReynolds Road} - Being a 30 ft. wide strip of land situated in the R Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29 (North Part), in Denton County, Texas, and being part of that 25.23-acre tract conveyed to Lane EMJ, Inc., as recorded in Volume 2055, Page 535 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas. WA A Lou I •County,• • •. • f,328 acre tract . • . .recorded +684, Page 989, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas. �o Memo # 2032, Page 2 4). )1irg a Ronie - (Ward/Willowood Sewer Line) Being a 10 foot wide strip of land situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, and being part of Block 2, Lot 12 of the H. V. Ward, Jr. Subdivision, 2nd Section, as recorded in Volume 7, Page 34 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas. i .I , i # # # • Being a l0 foot wide strip of land situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, and being part of that 407.356 acre tract conveyed to Joe R. Falls as recorded in Volume 591, Page 54 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas. JH:es Attachments :� ,:�t Prcp�nd !+� the State Bar of Tcxa. for uac hi IuN•ycrr early. Rcvi,ed 10.83. �Malq.'r.'arNl.... WARRANTY DEED Date: April 9, 1992 Grantor: Lane EMJ, Inc. , a Texas Corporation Grantor's Mailing Address (including county): Grantee: City of Sanger, Texas Grantee's Mailing Address (including county): 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas, Denton County, 76266 Consideration: 1. Sio.on reach_ the ra_naint of cuhinh is botch.. ..Y.•..,...l.�A...,.a ,.,.a I a�+w.•avv ,.a.uy cu, uaau viac water distribution service�tap,rat+no�cost to Grantor. 2. Grantee, by acceptance and filing of this deed, agrees to reasonably and adequately landscape and screen the water well site to be hereinafter located on said property, but the exact plants or materials to be used for such screening shall be at Grantee's sole discretion. Properly (including any improvements): (See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference) Reservations from and Exttptions !o Conveyance and Warranty: 1. Any and all interest in the oil, gas and other minerals that are in and under the property are reserved for Grantor, unless hereto- fore conveyed by predecessors in title. 2. This conveyance is made and accepted subject to all restrictions, covenants and conditions and easements as shown of record in the office of the County Clerk of Denton County, Texas. Grantor, for the consideration and subject to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance and warranty, grants, sells. and conveys to Grantee the property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns forever. Grantor binds Gramor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the properly to Grantee and Grantee's hcin, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or toclaim tht same or any pan thereof, except as to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance and warranty. When the context requires, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. t t... �• i r,• r ,; I: ri ` LANE �MJ, INC. =•;. A Texas Corporation c yy�� ,�� /�� , Ti'�.'. '��"' *•^CEPTED: Preside:t CITY OF �,ANG�R, .TEXAS o n Hamilton, City t4anager As authorized by action on ��fU 1992 Ucknow ledYmtnl) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of , 19 9 2 by John Hamilton, City Manager,•City of Sanger, Texas, on behalf of said Citv. /) _ � n ROSAt.IE GARCIA ��av PUP., STATE OI TEXA NOTARY PUOLIC,1t � tnw.h 8t )ap3 ``���' My Cemmusien E►tl�'• s �,_�a. Nouiy Public• Sute ofTexas Noury's name (printed): Noury's commission expires: (Corporitt Ackoowted�tnenl) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF � Tf/t� _ This instry ent was acknow{cdg before me on the �b � day of i�Q�� , 19 g 2 by _ �U(.UUr(% �. hGYI � .President of Lane EMJ, Inc. . a Texas corporation, on behalf of said corporation. o�'"• ""Bo ROSALIE GARCIA t ^ NOTARY PUOLIC, STATE Of TEXAS `�\� Mq (innlhlllann fepitAx Mnt�h A1, 1PR� AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Notary Public, Sute of Tcxu Notary's name (printed): Notary's commission expires: PREPARED IN THE L.AW OFFICE OF: NEIPIAN & 9ARNES a professional corporation P. O. Box 777 Lewisville, Texas 75067 '��� t All that certain tract or parcel of land, situated in the R. Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29 (North Part) in Denton County, Texas, and being part of that 25.23-acre tract conveyed to Lane EMJ, Inc. as recorded in Volume 2055, Page 585 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being further described as follows: COMMENCING at the southwest corner of said 25.23-acre tract, said point also being in the north ri ahf-of-wAxy .,f „__ va a•a.a�cYaavltt.7 2CCJQ(1 (county), said point also being West, 445.65 feet, more or less, from the southeast corner of the Sanger Cemetery; THENCE North Ol°19'20" West, 200.00 feet, more or less, along the west line of said 25.23-acre tract, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE North Ol°19'20" West, 200.00 feet, along the west line of said 25.23-acre tract, to a point for corner, THENCE North 8804014011 East, 200.00 feet, to a point for corner; THENCE South O1°19'20" a point for corner; THENCE South 88*40140" the PLACE OF BEGINNING, acres, more or less East, 200.00 feet, to West , 200.00 feet, to and containing 0.918 aAAR fl!.W WqrAXz• NOW ALL KEN BY THESE PRESENTS* COUNTY• ' DENTON That Beane EMJ, Inc.. a Texas Corporation (hereinafter called "Grantor"), for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100 ($10.00) Dollars cash to it in hand paid by the City of Sanger, Texas, and other valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged, does hereby grant, sell and convey to the City of Sanger, Texas (hereinafter called "Grantee") an easement to construct, reconstruct, and perpetually maintain water system utilities upon and across the following -described property: BEING 30 foot wide strip of land situated in the R. Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29 (North Part), in Denton County, Texas, and being part of that 25.23-acre tract conveyed to Lane EMJ, Inc., as recorded in Volume 2055, Page 585 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being further described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of said 25.23-acre tract, said point also being in the north right-of-way of McReynolds Road (county), said point also being West, 445.65 feet, more or less, from the southeast corner of the Sanger Cemetery; THENCE North 01°19'20" West, 200.00 feet, along the west line of said 25.23-acre tract, to a point for corner; THENCE North 88°40140" East, 30.00 feet, to a point in the east line of said water system easement; THENCE South 01019120" East, 200.00 feet, along the east line of said water system easement, to a point in the south line of said 25.23-acre tract; THENCE South 88°40140" West, 30.00 feet, along the south line of said 25.23-acre tract, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing 0.138 acres, more or less. IN ADDITION to said 30-foot permanent easement, there shall be a temporary 30-foot construction .easement along each side (where applicable) of said permanent easement, which shall expire one (1) year after the execution date of the easement or upon completion of construction, whichever occurs first. -t- Grantor reserves the right to have ingress and egress across the hereindescribed easement, so long as such ingress and egress do not interfere with Grantee's use and enjoyment of the easement. In the event Grantee constructs a hard -surfaced roadway upon a portion of the hereindescribed easement and no longer needs the entire 30-foot width easement, Grantee agrees to release in favor of Grantor that portion of the easement which is no longer necessary. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with, all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, unto the City of Sanger, its successors and assigns forever, and Grantor is hereby bound, together with its successors and assigns, to warrant and forever defend, all and singular, the said easement unto the City of Sanger, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfuiiy C1aliuiliy, Ui` LU via:iii'i Luc aau=, yr aity paL La thereof. tA WITNESS MY HAND this LU day of I , 1992. LANE EMJ, INC., a Texas Corporation President ACCEPTED: CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS Hamilton, City Manager As authorized on O , 1992 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § This instrument was acknowledged before me on of 2� , 1992, by John Hamilton, City of Sanger, Texas, on behalf of said City. J - ,,- a :P� ROSALIE GARCIA Not�Publ is a�, State of Texas �� NOTARY pUBIIC, S1AtE Of TrrXAS y My C iffiNsian b0ires March 21, 1993 -2- the Manager, City �16 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § Thi instrument was acknowledg dlbefo � of �� , 1992, by GGc� v President of Lane EMJ, Inc., a Texas corporat corporation. _ RY,Pve' ROSALIE GARCIA ��� � NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF TEXAS �W .'y My 6amml�einn EM�fit�� Mereh 2!, �B9S srt' iiF 1�+ -3- l-- me on the %C� � day � �C[/?� >n, on behalf of said Notary Public State of Texas THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § I/WE, Mike Norman Investments, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($ 10.00) cash to us in hand paid by the City of Sanger, Texas, and other valuable considerations, receipt of which is acknowledged, do hereby give and grant to the City of Sanger, Texas, the right to construct, reconstruct, and perpetually maintain sanitary sewer utilities upon and across the following described property: BEING 10 foot wide strip of land situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, and being part of that 0.328 acre tract conveyed to Mike Norman Investments as recorded in Volume 1684, Page 989 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being further described as follows! COMMENCING at the northeast corner of said 0.328 acre tract, said point also being in the east Right -of -Way line of Loop 138 (Fifth Street), said point also being in the west line of the Willowood Addition, an addition to the City of Sanger as recorded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE South 02023140" East, 60.34 feet, more or less, along the east line of said 0.328 acre tract, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 02023140" East, 10.00 feet, along the east line of said 0.328 acre tract, to a point in the south line of said sanitary sewer easement; THENCE South 88051I45" West, 22.53 feet, along the south line of said sanitary sewer easement, to a point in the west line of said 0.328 acre tract, said point being in the said east Right -of -Way of Loop 138, said point also being on a curve to the left having a tangent bearing of North 19048/58/1 East at this points THENCE Northeasterly along the east Right -of -Way of Loop 138, along said curve to the left having a central angle of 00°43'37"a radius of 837.02 feet, a tangent length of 5.31 feet, and an arc , length of 10.53 feet, to a point in the north line of said sanitary sewer easement; THENCE North 88051145" East, 18.72 feet, along the north line of said sanitary sewer easement, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing 0.328 acres, more or less. IN ADDITION to said 10 foot permanent easement there shall be a temporary 30 foot construction easement along each side (where applicable) of said permanent easement, to expire one (1) year after the execution date of the easement or upon completion of construction, whichever occurs first. Page 1 of 3 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same perpetually to the City of Sanger, Texas, and its successors, together with the right and privilege at any and all times to enter said premises, or any part thereof for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, and maintaining the said sewer utilities, on the condition that the City of Sanger, Texas, and its successors will at all times, after doing any work in connection with construction, reconstruction and repairing of said sewer utilities restore said premises to the condition in which same were found before such work was undertaken and that in the use of said rights and privileges herein granted, the said City of Sanger, Texas, and its successors will not create a nuisance or do any act that will be detrimental to said premises. WITNESS MY HAND THAT the day off , J � //94/ma� ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF § BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in Texas, on this day personally me to be the person whose instrument, and acknowledged executed the same for the expressed. to and for �s` County, appeared'\ �n'v�e m known to name is subscribel, to the foregoing me that��' purpose and consideration therein GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS the \ �-o day of , Notary Public Page 2 of 3 ,County, Texas [�1 kTTA STOGSDILL [�1 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS Commission Expiros 1.26.95 'ACQUISITION'OF EASEMENT FROM MIKE NORMAN INVESTMENTS LOCATION: VOL: 16841 PG. 989 D ED RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY TEXAS EXHIBIT ' A ' ACREAGE: 0.328 ACRES SEWER SYSTEM!MPROVt:MEN'fS ACQUISITION: 0.005 ACRES WILL OWOOD ABSTRACT: HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY Abstr, 1241 01`f OF SANGER; TEXAS I I I Ii I IA E DRIVE 1 � ss I 1 P.0 .2 � S 02'23'40°i C Q 0-00'43'371 ' 60.34 R._ 837.02' / N 88 *� 2 45 E cJ C-10.52' / P.0.8. S 02'23'40"E M0 Q R 10 O f /k lhI I /ryMIKE NORMAN / INVESTMENTS I VOL 1684, PG. 989 I 0.328 Ac_ / HUNTER AS ENGINEERS/PLA. / 214 a340 u�DRAM DALLAs 88'S1'45"W 22.53' ATES. INC. • DRAMBY: , TLC SOME CAD ID, NORMAN APPROVED BYI � JOB NUMBER, DAIS N91039E 2-92 F1rf 17 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENT ON THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS 0 0 Virginia Ronje I/WE, , for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($ 10.00) cash to us in hand paid by the City of Sanger, Texas, and other valuable considerations, receipt of which is acknowledged, do hereby give and grant to the. City of Sanger, Texas, the right to construct, reconstruct, and perpetually maintain sanitary sewer utilities upon and across the following described property: BEING 10 foot wide strip of land situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, and being part of Block 2, Lot 12 of the H.V. Ward, Jr. Subdivision, 2nd Section, as recorded in Volume 7, Page 34 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being further described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of said Block 2, Lot 12, said point also being in the west Right -of -Way line of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroads THENCE South 83°58'22" L4est, 150.00 feet, along the south line of said ot 12; Block 2, Lot 121 to a point in the west line of said Block 2, L THENCE North 06°03'34" West, 10.00 feet, along the west line of said Block 2, I to a point in the north line of said sanitary sewer easement; THENCE North 83°58'22" East, 150.00 feet, along the north line of said sanitary sewer Block 2, Lot 12; easement, to a point in the east line of said THENCE South 06003134" East, 10.00 feet, along the east line of said Block 2, Lot 12, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 0.034 acres, more or less. IN ADDITION to said 10 foot permanent easement there shall be a temporary 30 foot construction easement along each side (where applicable) of said permanent easement, to expire one (1) year after the execution date of the easement or upon completion of construction, whichever occurs first. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same perpetually to the City of Sanger, Texas, and its successors, together with the right and privilege at any and all times to enter said premises, or any part thereof for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, and maintaining the said sewer utilities, on the condition that the City of Sanger, Texas, and its successors will at all times, after doing any work in connection with construction, reconstruction and repairing of said sewer utilities restore said premises to the condition in which same were found before such work was undertaken and that in the use of said rights and privileges herein granted, the said City of Sanger, Texas, and its successors will not create a nuisance or do any act that will be detrimental to said premises. WITNESS MY HAND THAT the 13th d Page 1 of 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF § BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for Denton County, Texas, on this day personally appeared Virginia Ronje known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS the 13th day of March , 1992 nncXr 1[ n6OPln I/ P L�,pY Pp nuonu� vnnu,n 0 NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF TEXAS IC• QC —" r My Commission EXAirna Mnioh 81, i98a NotPublic Denton Notary +t y , ,County, Texas Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT 'A' ACQUISITION: 0.034 ACRES ABSTRACT: HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY Abstr, I TEXAS W.V. WARD JR. SUBDIVISION 1 2ND SECTION 1 VOL. 7, PG. 34 0 0 z Jw� I- 1 to 3 1 11 a Q I o z I V) I 1 12 Opp a 1 I S 06'03'34" E 10.0 , 22 1 1 PROP. 10' EASEMENT 150.00, N 829872 I I N 83'58' 2 E 00 150.0 ° 5aS 83'58'22 W ' P.O.B. QJPP N 06'03'34" W �P 100' •W' 10.0' 5' \ P4 >-�ii' PP LOTUS OIL TOOL, INC. VOL. 674, PG. 50 1.803 Ac. \ 1 HUNTERN ASSOCIATES. IN ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS OAUl,S AUSON TLC DRA164 BY: cAo io: LOTUS JOB NUMBER: N91039E SCALE: 1 "=40' APPfl01E0 BYt JLM DALE: 2-92 SNE THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § I/WE, Joe R. Falls, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($ 10.00) cash to us in hand paid by the City of Sanger, Texas, and other valuable considerations, receipt of which is acknowledged, do hereby give and grant to the City of Sanger, Texas, the.4• right to construct, reconstruct, and perpetually maintain sanitary sewer utilities upon and across the following described property: BEING 10 foot wide strip of land situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, and being part of that 407.356 acre tract conveyed to Joe R. Falls as recorded in Volume 591, Page 54 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being further described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of a 3.0 acre tract (sewage treatment plant) conveyed to the City of Sanger, as recorded in the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE South 33°32'08" East, 12.27 feet, along the southwest line of said 3.0 acre tract, to a point in the east line of said sanitary sewer easement; THENCE South 21002102" West, 616.31 feet, along the east line of said sanitary sewer easement, to an angle point; THENCE South 00025106" East, 334.05 feet, along the east line of said sanitary sewer easement, to a point in the north line of a 16.12 acre tract conveyed to the City of Sanger, as recorded in the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE South 89034/54/1 West, 792.52 feet, along the north line of said 16.12 acre tract, to a point in the west line of said 407,356 acre tract, THENCE North 06010127" West, 10.05 feet, along the west line of said 407.356 acre tract, to a point in the north line of said sanitary sewer easement; THENCE North 89034154" East, 783.53 feet, along the north line of said sanitary sewer easement, to a point in the west line of said sanitary sewer easement; THENCE North 00025106" West, 325.95 feet, along the west line of said sanitary sewer easement, to an angle point; THENCE North 21002102" East, 625.32 feet, along the west line of said sanitary sewer easement, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing 0.399 acres, more or less. �\ IN ADDITION to said 10 foot permanent. easement there shall be a temporary 30 foot construction easement along each side (where applicable) of said permanent easement, to expire one (i) year after the execution date of the easement or upon completion of construction, whichever occurs first. Page 1 of 2 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same perpetually to the City of Sanger, Texas, and its successors, together with the right and privilege at any and all times to enter said premises, or any part thereof for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, and maintaining the said sewer utilities, on the condition that the City of Sanger, Texas, and its successors will at all times, after doing any work in connection with construction, reconstruction and repairing of said sewer utilities restore said premises to the condition in which same were found before such work was undertaken and that in the use of said rights and privileges herein granted, the said City of Sanger, Texas, and its successors will not create a nuisance or do any act that will be detrimental to said premises. WITNESS MY HAND THAT the day o A �.. i�1Y V 1�1LEDGEM$N�l' THESTATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF § BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for County, Texas, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS the 19 Notary Public, Page 2 of 2 ,County, Texas EXHIBIT 'A' x �Ta�r v lnes nmr. ,v rA>aw. CD U Z U Q 1`1 rd N ED co Lim 0 3 w d'jr):r ,N U M �r M co 00 co N . Z � N O'25'06" W 325.95' S O'25'06" E 334.05' H EGIP NGR i DMWN st TLC DAD Wa FALLS2 I�n J00 xUYBEfC N91039E W ILpYI JOE FALLS VOL. 591, PG. 54 407.356 Ac. ASSOCIATES INC i�PLANNERS�SURVEYORS AUStIN 71 8,2-�5{-0716 $CALL• 1 "=100' APPROKD 811 DATF: 2-92 SHEET 2 OF 407.356 EXHIBIT 'A' POB S33'32'08"E 12.27 JOE FALLS YOL 501, PQ 54 407.366 AD. i 2 j••FL iLtt iCN7N i:MOMiE fEU.li MAI&W P"4T HUNTER A: ENGINEERS/PL Duos s»-xa-u�n uMMN aY: SCALE: TLC CAD APPRa FALLSI J0a NUYDER: DATE: 9 39 f• 00' INC. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: i Os ■ ! ' ... - TEXAS 76264 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Manager April 161 1992 Administration Report 1). The Corps of Engineers advised that they are currently preparing the Environmental Assessment Report for the Pond Creek marina site. Their representative stated that this report is one of the first being done under the new regulations, Once the report is completed, it has to be posted for thirty (30) days for public comment. Fallowing that period, the Texas Parks and Wildlife proposal for the marina site will be forwarded to the Corps' Dallas Regional Headquarters for signature. 2). Absentee (early) voting continues during regular business hours until 5 p.m., Tuesday, April 28th. JH:es �� 2 Gal) M P.O. BOX 517 : ARP, TEXAS 75750 . , ,,,aa,,X on April 6, 1992 Hon: Net City of P.O. Box Sanger, Armstrong, Mayor Sanger 578 TX 76266 THE CITY OFSANGER APR 131992 0 OAninr7r1 TIrVAq 214 859-4811 Great News! We have reached an agreement with HSE. -'HSE will become part of the Basic Cable service on May 1, 1992 If you have any questions please let me know.. Sincerely, homas M. Morris NE Texas Regional jbw/TM Manager �2� SANGER AREA CHAMBER OF COMMr;K( APRIL 1992 NEWSLETTER "BIES 3 CLINIC Ju%ebster chairman of our annual Rabies Clinic, reported a good turnout Saturday. Approximately 175 animals were vaccinated. A special Thank You, to Dr. Lynn Stuckey. Lynn offers his services free of charge each year. The money made has been designated to the Chamber of Commerce, McDaniel . s- - --'3 . J: Scholarship. At Tuesdays • UuaLu U.L meeting the scholarship amount was increased to $200.00. This scholarship is awarded to a Sanger High School senior that is active in Vocational Agriculture studies. The money is sent directly to the college once the receipent has enrolled. This scholarship is awarded at the Senior Awards Night in May. Auction Chairman, well underway for scheduled meeting Boardroom. Final attend!!! AUCTION Kim Clarke our annual will be at plans will reports auction. 7PM, May be made, that things are Our next 16th, in th(-, so plan now to GOLF ANYONE????? Sam Burrus reports that everything is ready to go on the Gainesville Municipal Golf Course, Sunday, April 26th. See Sam or Robert Ashcraft for details. Once again, Hilz-Snider Chevrolet has donated a 1992 Chevrolet Pickup, as a hole -In -One prize!! W-O-W!!! See ya there and Good Luck. BANGER COMMUNITY iiAS ABOUT 13 PTS. OF BLOOD TiiAT WILL BE OUTDATED TIiIS MONTH. IF YOU RNOW OF ANYONE THAT MIGHT NEED THIS PRECIOUS GIFT... PLEASE CONTACT KAREN AT THE CHAMBER OFFICEI!! THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPEMENT COMMITTEE met on March 9, in the board room. Chairman -Garland Thornton reported a good attendance and several topics were '. discussed. Sanger High School students are currently shooting a video of Sanger. Former chairperson-Nel Armstrong reported that the students were doing an outstanding job. Editing was to have begun this week. The Chamber and the City have both made a cash contribution to this project. If you are interested in serving on the E.D.Committee, please contact Garland and he will add you to the mailing list. WE HOPE you enjoyed our first "Mixer". The "Chamber Connection" was heralded as a success. The attendance was not as large as we had hoped, but those that.did attend seemed to enjoy themselves. Garland Thornton, Staci Test have already began plans for the next "Mixer" to be held on June 18th. To make things a little more interesting... the board approved a $50.00 cash door prize be awarded at each "Mixer Watch and listen for complete details to foiiow ctL a later datel =%W6%� DID YOU RNOW ? On April 22, 1980.....The first official Sanger Area Chamber of Commerce By Laws were adopted as drawn up by Esta Ashcraft and Nel Armstrong. The first recipient of the McDaniel Scholarship was awarded to Senior Mike Anthony. On April 2, 1985, the first board meeting was held in our newly acquired Chamber office building. NEWS ABOUT TOWN The Sanger Parks Board will be hosting the city-wide Easter Egg Hunt at the downtown city park on Sat. April 18th. CONGRATULATIONS to Justin Slider, 2nd in State Powerlifting competon held in Austin last weekend. Also, congratulations to all 6 of the boys that qualified for this meet. Good Work boyS111 The Sanger Athletic Booster Club will be sponsoring Bangers' lst Womanless Beauty Pageant on May 1st at Chisholm Trail Cafetorium. Be sure to mark your calendar....there will be several "Well Known" personalities participating. This will be their last event for this year. Please come out and support this program! The annual Athletic Banquet will be held on Sat. May 9th. and At Tuesdays' board meeting motion made by Judy Webster Youth Rodeo next year now, dates and available arenas the to due in wwill not be able to sponsor of scheduling conflicts. Next and better than everl e s t directors approved a et a date for our o conflicts with ou r area. This year that event, because year will be bigger Our monthly thanks to our faithful supporters: WELCOME..... our newest member, Ms. Debi Longoria. Debi is a Mary Kay Consultant. Call Debi at 458-4894 for all of your beauty needs. INVESTMENTS RENEWED.... Coker Funeral Home W.R. Chatfield Burl Bourland Gerald Christian Enderby Gas Forrest Trucking Sanger ISD Francile Sullivan Gentle Dentistry Webb Golston H & H Tomato Hilz-Snider Chev. Lone Star Gas Sanger Courier Joe Skiles Trivitt Consulting I hope all of you have a happy holiday. See ya next month. and safe Easter