03/11/1992-CC-Agenda Packet-Work SessionCITY COUNCIL WORT{SHOP AGENDA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1992 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER 7:00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Water Projects 3. Anv Other Such Matters 4. Adjournment Rosalie Garcia City Secretary ELEMENTS OF PROPOSED AGREEMENT TO CONSTRUCT A PIPELINE FROM DENTON TO SERVE THE CITY OF SANGER March 11, 1992 • UTRWD will provide for the proposed line to Sanger in the Regional Water System and include it in the package to TWDB for 50o cost participation. • Capacity requirements for Sanger = �..5 mgd peak day (year 2010). Pipe size = 12" diameter. • The District will design, construct and own the line. Denton will share 50o in the cost and capacity of the line. • The District will install a booster pump to raise pressure enough to deliver water into Sanger's elevated tank. • The line will be scheduled to be in service by June 1, 1993. • Denton may oversize any portion of the line at their cost (or raise their participation level to offset). • Sanger will contribute $100,000 to the cost of the project (and receive credit against water bill for amount of debt service thereof). • The water is to be purchased from Denton during a 6-year interim period according to surplus water price (approximately $1.25/1,000 gallons). Denton will forego the raw water component (approximately $0.38/1,000 gallons) for one year after service starts. After the interim period the District could purchase permanent water from Denton, or Denton could transfer the District's water. • Denton will pay the District its pro-rata share of the debt service owed by the District on the 50 0 local share and is obligated to repurchase the TWDB 50o share to Denton's City limits. C;fWP51�DOCUMENT�PIPE-BLM,PRO March 11, 1992 Elements of Proposed Agreement To Construct Pipeline From Denton to Serve City of Sanger Page 2 of 2 • Denton would have the right to use the line to serve Denton customers within its City limits. Upon beginning such use, Denton would have the duty to purchase all of the TWDB share in the line from Denton to the point of use. Denton would continue to pay its pro rata debt service for the local share (or purchase that part also). • Denton would have a continuing option to purchase the line to its City limits at District's actual cost. Denton would be required to purchase the entire line to the City limits when sales by Denton to Denton customers reaches an average of 150,000 gallons per day. That part of debt service attributed to principal which has been paid by Denton will be credited to the purchase price of the line. • Sanger would take or pay for 150,000 gallons per day. • The price to Sanger would be based on actual cost until such time as other elements of the Regional Water Project are in service. At which time, the price to Sanger would be the average regional price. Preliminary Estimate of Price (per 1,000 gallons) _ Less Credit for $100,000 Participation in Project Estimated Net Price Less Special Raw Water Credit (First Year) 0.20 0.38 When other customers are served by District, the price will be averaged. Denton would assure delivery of 1.5 mgd when needed, reinforcing the system as needed in future years. TET:jlf C,1WP511DOCQMENT/PIPE-E(,M,PRO March 11, 1992