05/16/2022-CC-Minutes-Regular� TEXAS MIlVUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MAY 165 2022 7:00 PM HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING 403 N 7TH STREET SANGER, TEXAS COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir and Councilmembers: Marissa Barrett, Gary Bilyeu, Dennis Dillon, and Victor Gann. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Allen Chick STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, Assistant City Manager Alina Ciocan, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, City Attorney Hugh Coleman, Finance Director Clayton Gray, Parks. & Recreation Superintendent Ryan Nolting, Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw, Marketing and Civic Engagement Director Donna Green, and Chief of Police Waylan Rhodes. 1. CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER, ESTABLISH A QUORUM, INVOCATION, AND PLEDGE Mayor Muir called the Regular Session toorder at 7:01 p.m. The invocation given by Councilmember Bilyeu, the Pledge of Allegiance, was led by Councilmember Gann. 2. CITIZEN INPUT: Dennis Johnson, Remax Real Estate, commented on the Future Land Use Map zoning, showing the 90 acres northeast of the Post Office zoned as Industrial stating he did believe it is a good fit for the property, thinking a better fit would be retail and residential. 3. SPECIAL ACTION ITEMS a. CANVASSING THE MAY 7, 2022, ELECTION Consider Ordinance OS-13-22, Canvassing the results of a General Election held for the purpose of electing candidates to the office of City Council in the City of Sanger, Texas, for an election having been held on May 7, 2022, declaring the results of that election. (Considere la Ordenanza 0543-22, Sondeando los resultados de una Eleccion Page 1 of 5 General celebrada con el proposito de elegir candidatos para el cargo de Concejo Municipal en la Ciudad de Sanger, Texas, para una eleccion que se haya celebrado el 7 de mayo de 2022, declarando los resultados de esaeleccion.) Mayor Muir read over Ordinance 0543-22 and the voting totals for each candidate provided by theDenton County Elections Administration. Motion made by Counciimember Gann to approve Ordinance OS-13-22, Canvassing the results of a General Election to elect a Mayor and Councilmembers for Place 2 and Place 4, inserting the Early Voting, Election Day totals, and percentages as provided in Exhibit A from the Denton County Election Administration. Councilmember Dillon seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A. CERTIFICATES OF ELECTION, STATEMENT OF ELECTED OFFICIAL, OATH OF OFFICE Issue the Certificate of Election, Statement of Elected Official, and provide the Oath of Office to newly elected Officials. (Emitir el Certificado de Eleccion, la Declaration del Funcionario Electo y proporcionar el Juramento del Cargo a los Funcionarios recien elegidos) City Secretary Edwards issued the Certifications of Election, Statement of Elected Official and gave the Oath of Office to Mayor Thomas E. Muir and Councilmember Place 2 Gary Bilyeu. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: A. MINi1TES REGULAR SESSION Consider the regular session minutes from the May 25 2022, meeting. B. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING Consider the minutes from the May 9, 2022, special meeting. C. FIBER OPTIC BACKBONE AGREEMENT WITH N O R T E X COMMUNICATIONS Consider a fiber optic backbone agreement with Nortex Communications to lease "dark fibers" to connect City -owned locations and authorize the Mayor or City Manager to execute the agreement. (Gray) D. DATA AND VOICE AGREEMENT WITH NORTEXCOMIVIIINICATIONS Consider a data and voice agreement with Nortex Communications to provide internet and phone services and install fiber between several City -owned locations and authorize the Mayor or City Manager to execute the agreement. (Gray) E. STC -AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Consider the First Amendment to the Professional Services Reimbursement Agreement between the City of Sanger and Stephens Towne Crossing, LLC, and authorize the Mayor to execute said amendment. (Ciocan) Page 2 of 5 6. Councilmember Bilyeu requested Item D be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Motion made by Councilmember Bilyeu to approve Items A, B, C, and E of the consent agenda. Councilmember Gann seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Discussion regarding Item D of the consent agenda ensued regarding the installation costs and the monthly fees. Motion made by Councilmember Bilyeu to approve Item D of the consent agenda. Councilmember Dillon seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. REGULAR AGENDA - ACTIONITEMS A. ELECT A MAYORPRO-TEM Consider electing a Mayor Pro-Tem in accordance with the Charter, Article III, City Council, Section 3.02. Motion made by Councilmember Dillon to elect Councilmember Gary Bilyeu as Mayor Pro-Tem. Councilmember Gann seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-OA Councilmember Bilyeu abstained. B. CONSIDER APPOINTING MITNICIPAL COURT CLERK AND DEPUTY COURT CLERK Consider Resolution No. 2022-5 Appointing Christy Dyer as Municipal Court Clerk and Victoria Eakman as Deputy CourtClerk. Motion made by Councilmember Bilyeu to approve Resolution No. 2022-5 Appointing Christy Dyer as Municipal Court Clerk and Victoria Eakman as Deputy Court Clerk. Councilmember Barrett seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. jillilill 1 I I " 1 1 1 I' • 11 1 1 1 ►:_-- l�1 Consider Resolution No. 2022-6 Appointing Danny Spindle as Presiding Judge and Art Maldonado as Alternate Judge. Attorney Coleman recommended appointing both Judges. Motion made by Councilmember Bilyeu to approve Resolution No. 2022-6 Appointing Danny Spindle as Presiding Judge and Art Maldonado as Alternate Judge. Councilmember Dillon seconded the motion. Motion passedunanimously. D. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITJFIPARKIIILL Consider a Professional Services Agreement with Parkhill for renovations to Porter Park Softball Fields and, authorizing the Mayor or City Manager to execute said agreement. (Molting, Bradshaw) Director Notting provided an overview of the agreement, the process, and of the scope of services with Parkhill. Page 3 of 5 Discussion ensued regarding the renovations and ensuring the renovation specifications are met for tournament regulations. Director Nolting introduced Landen Bell, Project Manager Parkhill, who answered questions regarding the bidding process, Parkhill's responsibilities, and the time of construction. Motion made by Councilmember Barrett to a Professional Services Agreement with Parkhill for renovations to Porter Park Softball Fields and authorizing the Mayor or City Manager to execute said agreement. Councilmember Gann seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS: A. DECORP (DANNENBAUM) CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Construction update regarding the IH-3 / FM 455 Expansion Project. Mr. Danny Everett provided an update regarding the overall construction progress, including the Contractor's progress on the waterlines, outstanding bores located at the railroad crossing due to BNSF, locating existing lines, Atmos' status on moving utilities, and providing a copy of the final plans for letting the project. B. ATMOS RATE FILING - RIDER GCR Atmos Energy Rider GCR Dock No. 10170 - April 26, 2002 l i 1 C l: u i ►Y ' �: ��711f►•DI►•I►� E. CAPITAL PROJECTS REPORT -MAY 10, 2022 F. ALL AMERICAN DOGS REPORT - APRIL2022 All American Dogs Apri12022 report. � r 1: ►I i :� C� J1►1 f.`li Councilmember Barrett asked for a presentation on Emergency Services Districts. Councilmember Bilyeu asked for an update of the Capital Improvement Plan, specifically regarding roadway improvements. Councilmember Gann asked for an update regarding the marketing campaign educating the citizens about Waste Connections' recyclingrequirements. Page 4 of 5 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Sec. 551.087. DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS (1) to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by Subdivision (1). (2) Council convened into executive session at 8:10 p.m. 10. RECONVENE: OPEN MEETING: Council reconvened into open session at 8:56 p.m. No action taken. 11. ADJOiJRN There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 8:56 p.m. Thomas E. Muir, Mayor Kelly � Ed ar s, City Secretary ` �y O� SA�CF Page 5 of 5