10/10/1988-CC-Minutes-Special472 MINUTES: Special Called Meeting October 10, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Danny McDaneel, Jerry Jenkins, Glenn Shaw, and Carroll McNeill MEMBERS ABSEBT' Wendall Thomas OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton and Rose Garcia 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Improvements to Old Landfill as Mandated by the Texas Department of Health. Mayor Armstrong stated first Phase has been seeded, approved, and accepted and now the City is ready to move to Phase II and III which is not to exceed $4900 for each phase. The City has until the 31st of October; otherwise, the City will be fined $10,000 a day. Jerry Jenkins made the motion to proceed with Phase II of the improvements to the Old Landfill and upon the successful complectori of Phase II which is not to exceed $4900. Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. City