11/21/1998-CC-Minutes-Regular479 MINUTES: City Council Meeting November 21, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, and Carroll rZcNeill MEMBERS ABSENT: Glenn Shaw and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton- City Manager, Rose Garcia - City Secretary, Ruth McGuffin-Sanger Courier, Jennifer McGuffin, and Jim Doss -Centel Telephone Co. 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order. John Hamilton gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. - 2. Minutes of November 7, 1988 stood approved as printed. 3. Disbursements - Motion was made by Carroll McNeill and seconded by Wendall Thomas that disbursements be paid. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input - None. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Bids Received on City Purchasing 1989 Pickup for the Water Department. City Manager briefed City Council on the bids that were received. Bids came in as follows: Dave Kraus Motors 89 Toyota Longbed 9819.00 Dave Kraus Motors 89 Dodge Dakota-S 9450.00 James Wood DZotors 89 GMC S-15 9042.00 Bill Utter Ford 89 Ford, Ranger 9202.00 Hilz-Snider 89 S-10 9809.00 Discussion. City Council discussed possibility of finding a used vehicle for under $5,000.00 City Manager did state that if they wanted to go with the new vehicle he recommended going with the low bid. r-Zayor Armstrong appointed City Manager, Carroll McNeill, and Chuck Tucker to a committee to try to locate a used vehicle under $5,000.00. If a vehicle is located then authorization was given to purchase it. Tabled action on this item. 6. Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Rules Regarding the Operation of the Sullivan Senior Center. Due to Jerry Jenl in's illness, this item tabled until Jerry can be in attendance to speak regarding this item. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Renaming Interstate 35 North and South and 455, Pilot Point Hwy., to Chapman Drive. Mayor Armstrong stated that Chapman Drive had been officially changed in 1986. City Council suggested that those people who live on Chapman Drive be notified that due to the 911 system will be going on line September 11, 1989, the City needs to have addresses that are easy to be found. Rose stated that Tommy Houchin from the Highway Department had advised that in Denton, Stemmons picks up at the split going to 35W and 35E. There is no records indicating it was ever called Stemmons. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong felt that City Council did not need to take . action; but, whatever the 911 needed to do, City would make these changes. 8. Status Report on Marina: John stated he had met with the Corps of Engineers, Real Estate Division, at Fort Worth. There was a lot of discussion but nothing has formally been - submitted to them. They felt that the Pond Creek site was not a desirable site for a marina. They also estimated cost I would be a quarter and a half million dollars. The City would be responsible for specification of plans and bid process which would be approved by the Corp prior to bid invitations. Any third party lease agreement must be approved by the Corp. The option that they had not discussed with the City was Leasing it as a City Park and doing a recreational development and not incurring the financial liability by a third party developer. Dicussion. John did advise he was meeting with Dewayne Williams tomorrow concerning the marina. 9. Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Resolution #R16-88 Recognizing City of Sanger as a Flag Stop on the Amtrak Route for Denton County. Wendall Thomas made the motion that the City adopt Resolution #R16-88 Recognizing City of Sanger as a Flag Stop on the Amtrak Route for Denton County. Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. 15. (10) Any Other such Matters: a. Carroll McNeill spoke concerning the connect fees and utility deposits. Carroll was concerned since they were so high. John advised that the City of Whitesboro is sending a copy of their utility rate study. John is going to prepare a -study and then some changes will be made as necessary. b. Jim Doss from Centel discussed the reasons as to why the Centel Office is closing in town. City Manager's Report: a. City will be converting to U.S. Sprint as the long distance carrier. b. City has purchased a bulk mail permit for mailing of utility bills. c. The Water and Electric Department will be converting -to a pager system. John further added that the saving on this would amount to $3,200.00 on an annual basis. d. John informed City Council that Bill was appointed by the School Board.`��i`+o Appraisal District . �������, C 17 . (12 ) l��eeting adjourned. ty Secretary Jack Hollingsworth enn Central