12/05/1988-CC-Minutes-Regular481 DIINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: MEI _BERS ABSENT: City Council Meeting December 5, 1988 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Wendall Thomas, Danny P IcDaniel, and Carroll MCNeill Glenn Shaw and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton -City Manager, Rose Garcia -City Secretary, Ruth McGuffin-Sanger Courier, Jennifer McGuffin, and John Graves 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of November 21, 1988 were approved as printed. 3. Disbursements - Wendall Thomas made the motion disbursements be paid. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input - Burl Bourland addressed City Council on a matter regarding the moving of mobile homes in and out -of our city. He passed out some ordinances from two other cities as examples for City Council to study. M r. Bourland stated that the City is never able to collect taxes on many of these properties. f".r. Bourland suggested that if a mobile home permit was issued this could be resolved. He further stated that maybe utility requests could be held unitl-a permit is issued and inspection performed. Mr. Bourland would like some sort of committee to be appointed to study these ordinances and possible draft one for the city. Mayor Armstrond did state this is a concern of the City. Mayor Armstrong appointed Burle Bourland-as a citizen, V7endall Thomas, Carroll McNeill, and John Hamilton as ex-officio member to a committee to work on this matter and have it on the agenda for the first meeting in January. 5. Discussion regarding Don R. Patton Requesting to Move an Older Home into an Existing Lot within the City Limits. Don R. Patton addressed City Council on a matter regarding the moving of an older home into an existing lot he already owns in Sanger. Mr. Patton stated that his purpose for this, request is to allow him not to go into debt for a 20 or 30 year loan. He has a lot that is paid for and would like to move this home within the City limits. Mayor Armstrong did state that the City had a City Ordinance prohibiting the moving of an older home within the city limits of Sanger. Carroll McNeill stated that he would like Mr. Patton to bring some pictures of this home to see what condition it is in and the lot where it is to be placed. Mr. Patton stated this would not be a probelm. He also stated that he would even place a bond to guarantee that he would fix the home. Mayor Armstrong advised P'_r. Patton to be patient and give City Council the opportunity to review all the material. This item to be tabled for next City Council agenda.,_ 482 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Bids for Refurbishing_ Sanger Electric Boom Truck. Larry Yoast, Electric Supervisor, went over the bid since only one bid was received from Texoma Utility Equipment out of Durant, Oklahoma. The bid for the auger was $1,272.00, truck repair was $458.30, and the derrick repair was $7,729.19 - total bid was $9,459.49, Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Carroll McNeill that Texoma be awarded the bid for refurbishing the boom truck and the purchasing of the auger. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Bids on 1987-1988 Audit. Mayor Armstrong went over the bids. Hankins, Power, Eastup, Deaton & Tonn, P.O_ Box 33, Denton, Texas 76201 --- $4,000.00 John P. Graves, P.O. Box 33, Pilot Point, Texas 76258 --- $3,250.00 Mr. Graves was present at the City Council Meeting. Mayor Armstrong asked Mr. Graves if he had a problem if they put a time limit on the audit. Mr. Graves stated that he will definitely have it completed by Jana 31, 1989 which would be 120 days from the end of our fiscal year. Carroll McNeill made a motion that the audit bid be awarded to John P. Graves. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. r'}otion carried. Rode to include in his agreement that the audit will be completed by Jan. 31, 1989s 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Bids Received on City's Insurance, Property/Liability, and Worker's Compensation. Discussion. Bids were received as follows: Muir Agency - Public Official Liability annual premium Police Professional Liability -- 8,462.00 annual premium Mr. Muir could not obtain a quote on all coverage. Employer's Insurance -- Public Official -- 4,237.00 Auto Liability -- 22,032.00 General Liability -- 19,319.00 Property Coverage -- 2,201.00 Mobile Equipment -- 949.00 TOTAL 48,738.00 Worker's Compensation -- 21,994.00 Discussion. Rose was as}red to check. on .the Sewage Treatment Plant value and the contents on the Senior Sullivan Center, Community Center, and the City Hall. 483 Motion was made by Danny McDaniel and seconded by Carroll McNeill to accept bids from Employers of Texas, our current carrier on insurance. Motion to include that will be on a three (3) year term with an annual review with privilege of changing. 9. Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Resolution #17-88 Supporting the Draft Legislation for Upper Trinity Water District, Discussion. Motion was made by Danny McDaniel to adopt Resolution #R17-88. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 10. Preliminary Discussion on Brazos Temporary Rate Reduction. Mayor Armstrong instructed John Hamilton to take this matter to the Utility Board for their review. John was instructed to call a Utility Board P'�eeting. 11. Any Other Such Matters: a. John advised that Christmas lights top of downtown building are in very poor condition. Larry advised him that they are beyond repair. b. John Hamilton did advise he spoke with Nlx. Rob P?orris, Attorney from the Denton Co. Commissioner's Court regarding the Communication Interlocal Agreement as the City amended it. He said the'County could not accept the contract the way it was worded and shy wouldn't they believe the auditor's letter that there would not be a cost this year to the cities. John informed him that the City never received a copy of the auditor's letter. However, once received he felt the City would reconsider the contract and more than likely approve it. c. John also mentioned the Fl"IC sewer machine is in place, employees are using it. � F 12. Adjournme t. ���XNGFRI��',J��,- 1 . Cit SecretaryZZ — ! e s a o MINUTES: City Council Meeting December 19, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carroll McNeill, Glenn Shaw, Danny McDaniel, and Wendall Thomas MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Jenkins -- OTHER PRESENT: John Hamilton, Rose Garcia, and Ruth McGuffin - Sanger -Courier 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. John Hamilton gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag.