01/03/1989-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council Meeting January 3, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Wendall Thomas, Glenn Shaw, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and -Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton -City Manager, Rose Garcia- City Secretary, and Ruth McGuffin - Sanger Courier 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flad. 2. Minutes approved as printed. 3. Disbursements - Wendall Thomas made the motion to approve payment of disbursements. Seconded by Glenn Shaw. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input. - None. 5. Clarification of Council Action on October 21, 1985 Regarding Fair Labors Standards Act. John addressed City Council as stated that in reviewing the minutes of October 21, 1985, a resolution was adopted to adopt the provisions of Fair Labors Standards. However, it was not quite specific enough to protect the City in case the Fair Labors Dept. ever conducts and audit. John stated that the City is currently operating under 7 (K) exemption. which is 171 hours in a 28 day work cycle. John felt. that City Council needed to state that Police Dept. is currently working under 7K (exemption). Jerry Jenkins made the motion, seconded by C.G. McNeill, that it is duly noted that .the police -department has been operating under 7(K) exemption of the FLSA since Oct. 21, 1985 and .also under the employment benefits and personnel policy that paragraph 2 - 86 hours. be changed to read 85.5. Motion carried. 6. Request from Auditor for Financial Records. John stated that John Graves who is conducting our audit has requested for the Volunteer Fire Department, Police Reserves, and Library to submit their financial records in order to conduct a complete audit. for the city. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong stated that probably the only fund that financial records are not kept in control of the city is the Volunteer Fire Dept. They do receive County and City monies. Discussion continued concerning fire dept. equipment. Since the city pays the insurance on those vehicles then the titles to that equipment should be in control. of the city. The city also pays worker's comp. on all the volunteers, maintains all their equipment, and any expenses that are incurred. Mayor Armstrong did state the auditor will be needing this information real soon. Glenn Shaw made the motion to allow the city manager to have the authority to open all accounts to the accountant and anything that deems necessary that he needs for the audit. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. DZotion carried. 7. Proposed Council Workshop during January, 1989. Consensus of City Council to schedule workshop for January 21, 1989. 8. Any Other Such Matters: a. Jerry Jenkins mentioned that he wanted to address the problem concerning billiards. Last couple of years there has been small kids hanging out at these places. He felt this was an issue that needed to be looked into. Mayor Armstrong stated that our present ordinance does not have regulations for coin operated billiards and most of these billiards are coin operated. Mayor Armstrong did state John has added this to his list of items that needs to be addressed at the workshop. b. John Hamilton stated that the city will have to purchase at least 20 more loads of dirt at $50.00 a load for the old landfill. The work will be done in-house with city tractor. When the vegetation dies at the landfill, some bags could still be seen at the surface. This will need to be done before final inspection. c. Mayor Armstrong addressed the problems at -the Senior Sullivan Center. She feels that if the problem continues SPAN will eventually pull out. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong stated that if she had City Council support she was going to go to some of these people that attend the Senior Sullivan and discuss the problem that exists and ask them what they are wanting to do to correct it. - John Hamilton did state he would contact the City Attorney and discuss the problem and would also advise him that this person is using City of Sanger stationery to obtain information that City Council is not even aware of . 9. City Managers Report: a. John asked Council members McNeill and Thomas what would be a convenient date and time for them to meet with Mr. Bourland concerning the Mobile Home Park Ordinance. Date was set for Jan. 5, 1989 at 7:00 a.m. b. John Hamilton briefed City Council on the prices and styles of uniforms for the City of Sanger Water, Streets, and Electric Departrnent. c. He also stated that after following acceptance of the audit, a new monthly revenue/expenditure reprot will be developed for monthly presentation to Council members. d. John also advised Council -members -that the ambulance bill for $9,625.00 owed to the City of Denton has been paid. 10. Meetinq adjourned. � .E.aa�31llE9�lia�=A.. City' secretaryiLL `�. 7� ` Mayor m `R