12/19/1988-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES. City Council Meeting December 19, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carroll McNeill, Glenn Shaw, Danny McDaniel, and Wendall Thomas MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Jenkins _ OTHER PRESENT: John Hamilton, Rose Garcia, and Ruth.McGuffin - Sanger -Courier 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. John Hamilton gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 484 2. Minutes approved with one correction. Item #4, last paragraph, Wendall Thomas was also appointed to this committee. 3. Disbursements - Approved on a motion by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 4. zen's Input - none. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request from Burl Bourland to remove the Master Water Meter from his Mobile Home Park, AAA Villa and on Keaton. Burl Bourland stated he would like to remove the master water meter from his trailer park. He stated the city currently had the right-of-way and a 15' foot easement on the sewer line and water line is included on the same easement. Presented a rough draft on a plat of the trailer park. Burl stated coming from his Bourland Addition, he came across the back end of those five acres and setting between the Bourland Addition and the Motrile Park with a sewer line and tied on to existing sewer line to where Lot 139 and Lot 140 came together on the west side of the Mobile Park. There is a manhole and runs right down middle of those two lots all the way to the streets. When he did this in his subdivision and tied on with the City, he gave a 15 foot easement all down the middle for the sewer and water lines. On the sewer line, they had one problem and the City did go out and correct it. Mayor Armstrong asked Mr. Bourland if the sewer line runs down the middle of the lots. Burl stated it runs on the back of the lots. The water line comes up on the lot, 18 feed; but, water me'; ers,are not under the trailers, they are out in the yard. They had a problem with the water lire last month, the City could not locate the water meter on Keaton Road and the City employees had to cut the water off on all of that part of town. If they had known where the stop was on the other side of meter or contacted him so he could have shown them, they could have just cut off at that Movile Home Park and not all that part of town. Mr. Bourland stated all the fire hydrants are in place and manholes are cleaned at every 500 feet. He also added request. that he would like the City to accept his Mayor Armstrong asked Rose if Mr. Bourland was Being billed for 66 meters. Rose replied that the city bills Mr. Bourland for however many trailers he has and they or_ly read one meter. Mr. Bourland then stated he then reads the customer's memter to collect the proper amounts. Mayor Armstrong asked Carroll McNeill if he did the same. He stated he doesn't since his customers do not have individual meters. Burl Bourland stated he does not want to be in the utility business. That is the city's business. Wendall Thomas stated that the City would have to maintain those lines that are on his property. Burl stated that its the City's lines and it's on City 485 6. 7. easements. Wendall Thomas stated the easement does not belong to the City except when the City has to work on that property. Mayor Armstrong stated that easement is owned by him and not the City and what he wants is for the City to take up lines and keep them up on his property. Mayor Armstrong stated that the City has.an ordinance that every Mobile Home Park have one master water meter. City Council did not take action on this since the ordinance would have to be amended. Eugene Hupp stated that they are paying the same rates for water, sewer, and garbage as the residents of Sanger who have their meters read. They have to maintain those individual water lines and replace meters when they break. He felt if they were billed a commercial rate instead of aying $9.00 mini pmum for each customer it would be fair to them. Discussion continued regarding street lights. Burl Bourland stated he dedicated the sewer line to the City when his subdivision came in. Mayor Armstrong suggested the Utility Board needs to look into this matter. Mayor Armstrong stated the options the City could do is: (1) City could do nothing. (2) The City could look at giving the trailer park a commercial rate. (3) The City could go ahead and accept the meters but not maintain the lines. Mayor Armstrong tabled the matter and send it to the Utility Board to allow City Council more time to do a little more research. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Communications with Denton County. Motion was made by Danny McDaniel to accept the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Communications with Denton County. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion carried. ) iscussion-Schedule first meeting in January for Jan. 9th It was the consensus of City Council to schedule the next City Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday, Jan. 3rd, 1989. Any Other Such Matters: Don Hill wished everyone a Happy Holiday. He continued by briefing City Council on Old Highway 77. Don Hill did state that Old Highway 77 will be closed Jan. 3rd. There are two alternatives - close it down permanently or fix the bridges to State specifications. Don went over the .cost projections for repairing the bridges. The money right now is not available to finance this project. If the County decides to fix them it looks like the first part of July before they can get the bridges fixed. � i i He's not sure what the majority of the people want to do. The reason they are having to close the bridges is that the State is saying you either colse them, fix them or penalty for this will be to hold Federal funds. Danny McDaniel asked why doesn't State Highway fix the bridges? -- Don replied that the Co. was given those bridges when I-35 �', was opened. At the same time, if they had made that road a Farm to Market Road that would have been possible but to get the State to relinquish on right-of-way that has been handed over is impossible. Discussion continued. Mayor Armstrong did advise Don that if he needed any resolutions or letters of support the City would be ready to assist. 9. City Manager's Report: a. In the matter of streets - Street Patching - they have completed several areas of patching up and roller was repaired for $350.00 and they will enable them to buy ready type mix to the larger type patches and be more economical. If the weather permits, they might catch up, but again, they might not. b. John asked City Council that Roy Lemons had asked if the City would like to run a half page Christmas greeting ad in the newspaper. Consensus of the City Council was that the City could not afford to. c. City Manager informed City Council on the 911 Board meeting held on Thursday, 12-15-88. John stated the purpose of the meeting was to receive public input on the possibility of raising the monthly residential telephone charge from 27 cents to as high as 45 cents. John stated that there is considerable resistance to both raising the fee charged and to reduce the hardware in the system. City Secretary did advise City Council that the letters would be mailed out soon on the assigned street addresses on Chapman & Stemmons. d. Mayor Armstrong stated she had received a letter from E.H. Miller stating that the board that City Council had appointed still controls the money and they're wanting the money turned over to the new group. Mayor Armstrong has talked to some of the people over at the Center and they do not want the money turned over to the new group. Mayor Armstrong stated when they change their by-laws then the money will be turned over to the new group to have a better control of the funds. 10. Adjo�� nment. r a Ci Secreta