02/06/1989-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council, Meeting February 6, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Net Armstrong, G7,enn-Shaw, 'FTendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Jerry Jenkins, and Carroll McNeill OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton -City Manager, Rosalie Garcia -City Secretary, Ruth McGuffin-Sanger Courier, Vickie Elieson, John Coker, John Springer, Elaine Schad - Denton Record -Chronicle, Vickie Lewis & Michael Adams- Sanger Courier, and John Graves-C.P.A. I 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. t Tendall Thomas gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes stood approved as printed. 3. Disbursements - Motion was made by -Carroll McNeill and seconded by Jerry Jenkins to approve disbursements. Motion carried. 4. Citizen Input - None. 5. Discussion Regarding the Library Collection Development Policy - Vickie Elieson. Vickie Elieson gave a brief discussion on the Collection Development Policy for the library. Jerry Jenkins made the motion to adopt the Collection Development Policy. Seconded by Glenn Shaw. Motion carried. 6. Issue Order of Elect -ion for May 8, 1989. Mayor Armstrong made one correction - to read three ', council persons instead of two of the order of election and notice of election. Motion was made by Danny McDaniel and seconded by Wendall Thomas to issue order of election for May 6, 1989. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Marina Lease Agreement with the Army Corp of -Engineers. Discussed briefly. Jerry Jenkins made the motion for JOhn Hamilton, City Manager to proceed to draw up lease agreement. with the Corp of engineers, first step securing a marina. Seconded by Glen Shaw. Motion carried. 8. Consider and Possible -Action to Approve Ordinance #O1-89 Amending Electric Service Connections. Briefly discussed. Wendall Thomas made the motion to adopt Ordinance #01-89 amending Electric Service Connections. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. #01-89 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 6 OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS CODE OF ORDINANCES ENTITLED ELECTRIC SERVICE CONNECTIONS, ESTABLISHING NEW FEES: PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT, PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE. 9. Consider and. Possible Action to Approve Ordinance #02-89 Amending Service to be Disconnected when Delinquent: Motion was made by Carroll McNeill and seconded by Jerry Jenkins to adopt Ordinance #02-89. Motion carried. CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. #02-89 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 14 OF THE CITY OF BANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES ENTITLED UTILITY BILLING PROCEDURES: MORE SPECIFICALLY SUBSECTION C, ENTITLED SERVICE TO BE DISCONTINUED WHEN DELINQUENT; ESTABLISHING A NEW FEE: PROVIDING FOR A REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE. 10. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Ordinance #03-89 Amending Water and Sewer Service Connection. Danny McDaniel made the motion to adopt Ordinance #03-89 amending water and. sewer. service connection. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE N0. #03-$9 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10 (UTILITIES) OF THECITY OF BANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES MORE SPECIFICALLY SECTION 2 ENTITLED WATER AND SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS ESTABLISHING NEW FEES: PROVIDING FOR A REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT, PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE. 11. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Ordinance #04-89 Amending Water, Sewer, and Electric Establishing New Deposit Schedule. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Danny McDaniel to adopt Ordinance #04-89. Motion carried. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. #04-39 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10 OF THE CITY OF BANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES, MORE SPECIFICALLY SECTION 5 ENTITLED WATER AND SEWER DEPOSITS AND SECTION 8 ENTITLED ELECTRIC DEPOSITS ESTABLISHING NEW DEPOSIT SCHEDULES FOR UTILITY SERVICES: PROVIDING FOR A REPEAL OF ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES, PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE. 496 12. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Audit for Fiscal Year 1987-1988 - John Graves. John Graves thanked City Council for letting him conduct the audit. A detailed explanation continued on the audit reports. After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Graves gave his findings and recommendations to City Counci. Issues that were addressed on Mr. Graves;s summary were that (1) There should only be two Fund. Groups, the General Fund and Enterprise Fund. (2) By reducing the number of funds operated, all transfers should be made from one checking account, i.e., General Fund or Enterprise Fund. (3) Audit reports should be reviewed by city manager, city secretary, city auditor, and city council. _ (4) There are too many bank accounts. (5) The financial statements generated by the computer are too complicated to understand and only a C.P.A. or an accountant can understand them. General Ledger needs to be scrapped and reformatted with the direction of a C.P.A. (6) All operations for the Fire Department need to be under the control of the City. Discussion. John Graves was instructed to present a bid for the General Ledger. Danny McDaniel made a motion to accept audit as presented. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion carried. _.._ 13. Other Such Matters: a. Jerry Jenkins asked about sewage stop on 5th and �55. John Hamilton stated that the City installed a clean out and the problem was taken care of. b. Glenn Shaw. asked about the situation on the maintenance bond on the streets. John Hamilton stated Tom Stang has met with Mr. Manning and Mr. Manning has been working on the streets. c. Jerry Jenkins stated that on 6th between Bolivar and Cherry, that. ditch is completely blocked; it looks .like the culvert was damaged. He asked if this could be checked into. John Hamilton stated he'll look at it tomorrow. Mayor Armstrong stated bar ditch on 7th Street by Chapman Drive also needs to be checked into. 14. Executive Session According to V.A.T.S. Article 6252-17 __.. to discuss (1) Personnel. Mayor Armstrong convened Council into executive session. i 15. Open Session to Take Action Items) Discussed in Executive Session. Mayor Armstrong reconvened Council from executive session. No action taken. 16. City Manager Report: a_. John Hamilton advised that it would be appropriate for City Council to appoint prospective members to the Board of Adjustment, possibly at a future meeting. b. John Hamilton notified of the water department's employee who is currently on worker's compensation with a neck and back injury. Employee has seen a specialist and is receiving worker's compensation. c. The Electric digger truck has been refurbished and is ready for use by the Electric Co. The total spent was $8,942.37 which was under budget. d. John Hamilton stated that Tom Stang had called him and reported Larry Manning was still supposed to do street work, but had not as yet. Also, there was a delay in shipping the pump for the lift station modification. A completion date is anticipated for mid -March. e. John mentioned that Denton Today Magazine would like Sanger Electric to purchase an advertisement for March, April, and May edition - cost of #267. Consensus of City Council was City could not afford to spend this money for advertisement. Meeting adjourned. GEC cretary MINUTES.: ..City Council Meeting February 20, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Wendall Thomas MEMBERS ABSENT: .Jerry Jenkins PRESENT: John Hamilton -City Manager, Rose Garcia -City Secretary, Vickie Lewis & Mike Adams -Sanger Courier, Ed Miller, Leslie Browning, Elaine Schad -Denton Record Chronicle, Charlie Roe, Eugene Hupp, and Burl Bourland. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and Zed the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes approved with one correction - date of City Council Meeting to be corrected to reflect February 6, 1989. 3. Disbursements - Motion was made by Carroll McNeill to pay disbursements of February 20, 1989. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input - Vickie Lewis from the Sanger Courier spoke in regards to the Jones Farm. A group of citizens, "Friends of Jones Farm" are promoting the transformation of the farm into a living history museum and have organized and are lobbying Austin for the museum development. Ms. Lewis stated Sanger would benefit from this and would like City Council to show their support of this project. John Hamilton was asked to include this on the next City Council agenda with a Resolution for support.