01/17/1989-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council Minutes January 17, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Wendall Thomas, Glenn Shaw, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton -City Manager, Rose Garcia - City Secretary, Merwyn Tucker, Burl Bourland, and E. Hupp, Ovid Neal, J.P. Hampton, Terry Jones, Eunice Gray, Ruth Marshall, and John Springer 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. John Hamilton gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes - approved. 3. Disbursements - Motion was made by Wendall Thomas to approve disbursements and also to pay the auditor a partial payment of $1,500.00. Jerry Jenkins seconded. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input - John Hamilton read a letter that D4r. Ovid Neal had written concerning a street sign on 4th and Elm. Apparently, he had worked on the sign; however, he did not know what the City had done with it. Mr. Neal also stated in his letter that everyone on the equare would like to see good quality embossed heavy gage medal signs that citizens would be proud of. 5. A petition was signed by some of the merchants requesting the sign to be placed back up. John Hamilton addressed the issue by stating that the City has undertal�en a five (5) year program to replace the street signs within our City. He also stated that because of volume they are aluminum brig with reflected lettering and a life span of 5 to 7 years. Discussion. Mr. Neal was advised that the sign would be replaced with another sign. Request from Downtown Business Association to Address the Council Concerning Proposed Lake Ray Roberts Marina. John Springer spoke on behalf of the Downtown Business Association. One issue addressed was that one of the things circulating in the community was that City Council was not for promoting a Marina at Lake Ray Roberts. In talking with the mayor, he found out that this was not true. John continued by stating that the Downtown Business Association does want the City Council to pursue this with caution and yet with any business risk there is an element of risk but they ask maybe a surety bond to overcome some of these risks and use their judgment on what must be done. They as members of the community are willing to share this risk with them so they will not bear all the responsibility of the risks. Mayor Armstrong did state City Council is definitely interested in the Marina. They found out that the Corp had agreed and -were ready to contract with the City about two weeks before the last city manager left. After he left, she visited with the Corp of Engineers and visited several people concerning the Marina. When the new city manager was hired everything was turned over to him. 1`Zr. Hamilton then did the same, he visited with these same people to get a better grasp of the issue. 490 Mayor Armstrong advised that Saturday, there will be a workshop and the marina is first item on the agenda. Everyone is invited to attend. She hopes when this workshop is over, City Council will leave with their minds made up. There is concern. They do not want to strap the City of Sanger root something that the City will be spending many many years in paying if things go wrong. Certainly, they all want it to benefit the City of Sanger; however, it will not benefit the City financially as a City. The City cannot make any money from the marina. 6. Discussion Regarding the Library - Collection Development policy. Tabled for next City Council meeting, Vickie Elieson, librarian, was not in attendance to address the issue. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request to Sale Ambulance by Fire Department. Fire Chief Tucker requested that the Fire Department be allowed to sell their 1979 Ambulance and purchase a rescue truck. The rescue -truck would be more functional for the current needs of the Sanger Fire Department. John Hamilton did state that a bid process would have to be conducted because of the value of the vehicle. Carroll McNeill made the motion and seconded by Jerry Jenkins that the fixe department be allowed to work with the city manager to do watever the law requires to sell the 1979 ambulance and to purchase one that's more veneficial. Plotion carried. 8. Establish of -Key Policy for Public Buildings Available for - Citizen Use. Mayor Armstrong stated that Richard Bourland, Safety Engineer with Employer's Ins., has recommended a key control policy for all city facilities. The policy to be addressed here is a formal key controll policy for people using both the Sullivan Senior Center and the Community Center. Mayor Armstrong stated Jo%,n Hami�,ton has made these suggestions for -key control for both the Community Center and the Sullivan Senior Center. 1). Persons using either facility would be required to check-out a non -duplicate pass key from City Hall during normal business hours. 2). The responsible party checking out the key would be required to return the key following their use of the facility. If this use occurred during a business day, the key would have to be returned the same day. If the facility were used during hours other than business hours, the key would be returned prior to 11 a:m. of the next regular business day. 3). All keys would be numbered and sto-red at -City Hall. 4). If no building deposit is required for use of the City facility, a $5 key deposit could be required. 5). All keys must be signed for on an appropriate form -that requires- name, address -and telephone number. 6), A pass key may be issued to individuals that have. ongoing functions at a city facility with prior approval of the city manager. Discussion. Wendall Thomas made the motion to adopt the key control policy as recommended by the staff. Glenn Shaw seconded. Motion carried.. 9. Discussion of policies at Sullivan Senior Center. After a lengthy discussion between City Council members, Mrs. Gray, Ovid Neal, and Mr. Hampton, these issues were addressed: 1), The committee that City Council appointed consisted of Eunice Gray, Bertha Johnson, J.P. Hampton Leslie Browning, Russ zZollahan, Ruth Marshall, Margaret Sands, Francille Sullivan, and Ruth Hampton, has never been disbanded by City Council 2). Mr. Neal's constant letters to the mayor and his accusations of her harassment of the Senior Citizens at the center were a major issue of discussion. 3). The existing problems between the other committee appointed by City. Council and the new committee that was formed by the group consisting of J.P. Hampton, Ovid Neal, E.H. Miller and T.D. Fellers. 4). The new committee which was incorporated and is now calling themselves Senior Citizens of Sanger, Inc. constant demand that the funds consisting of $563.95 be turned over to them. The funds are in control of the committee that was appointed by the City Council. A . Issue of importance that City Council addressed was that they have no control over the use of these funds. b. The funds were raised by the original committee appointed by City Council. These funds were raised by fund raisers and private donations and the hard work put forth by the original committee. 5). City Attorneys opinion in his letter of correspondence to the city manager. stated: a. Senior Citizens of Sanger, Inc, should remove City of Stinger's mailing address from their letterhead, or b. Include a disclaimer on the letterhead stating they are not a part of the city government. 6). The use of the Senior Sullivan Center's telephone facilities by Mr. Neal for their private use of the organization. 7). 8). a. Telephone bill to Arlington consisting of $11.11. b. Ovid Neal confirmation that he made the call. c. Ovid real stated that he would reimburse the city. Possibility of Losing SPAN Program if Mr. Neal continues holding meetings when SPAN is over there. Request from the original, committee to call a meeting to meet with City Council and the citizens 492 over at the Sullivan Center to find a solution to this problem. 9). Council addressed the issue that the City is the owner of the building and there is no restrictions on the deed as to the use. If the problems continue, the city will not hesitate to "shut" the door to the Senior Center. --- All these issues were addressed and the final consensus of City Council was that the City Council has no control over the funds and the original committee appointed by the City Council has full control over that money. 10). Consider and Possible Action on Rate Reduction by Brazos Electric. 12). Tabled item #10 until City Manager, John Hamilton, gets further clarification. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Utility Board Recommendations on Deposits and Service Fees. John Hamilton briefly discussed this issue. The staff s recommendation to the Utility Board were approved unanimously. Those recommendations were: a). Letters of credit will be accepted for electric service; residential only, commercial remain as on current ordinance. b). Water/Sewer deposit for residential will be set at $25; no change for current co�-nmercial ordinance. Deposits will be required prior to service correction. c) . Connect/Reconnect fees will be est.��is'�sre� �,� $10.00 each for both electric and water, for a total of $20.00. d). Temporary Service Fee will be $10 plus the responsible party will be billed for use in excess of the fee. e). Electric deposit for all residences will be $50.; commercial will remain as expressed in current ordinance. f). All schedule differences concerning residential customers will be eliminated; i.e. renters, homeowners, all electric and conventional. Glenn Shaw made the motion�arid Carroll McNeill seconded that John Hamilton be given the authority. to go ahead and make changes in the ordinances and have them ready for approval at the next City Council meeting. Motion carried. Consider and Possible Action Triple AAA Mobile Home Park. This item was a continuation which was tabled to allow the recommendation of the issue. to Remove Master Meter at of last City Council meeting Utility Board to make their John Hamilton informed City Council that the Utility Board did not make any recommendations on this issue. However, the Board did vote unanimously to. recommend to Council to review Section 7, M (1) of the Mobile Home Ordinance which requires all mobile homes to have a master water meter. Mr. Burle Bourland addressed the issue briefly. Discussion continued between some members of the City Council, Mr. Bourland, and Mr. Eugene Hupp. Commercial water rates were discussed; however, another issue addressed was the aprtments and what they do for the Mobile Homes must be done also for the apartments. Mr. Bourland stated that the city does have an easement going through his property. The city however doesn't have any record indicating such. Mr. Bourland did state he could provide those records to the city. Mayor Armstrong stated that -this item needs to be discussed at length and the easement situation does need to be clarified. Item was tabled: To be included on Saturday's workshop for January 21, 1989. 13.) Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Mobile Home Ordinance. John. Hamilton, City Manager, summarized this item by stating that in the city attorney's letter, he advises that it is not legal to require a permit before a mobile home is moved nor could the City require a payment of taxes before the home is moved as defined in Article 5221f Vernon's Revised Civil Statues. Discussion. No action taken. 14.) Any Other Such Matters. a. Mayor Armstrong stated that Elaine Schad from the Denton Record Chronicle has not been receiving copies of the agenda. Also, anyone who is on the agenda, needs to receive a copy of the agenda. b. Patchman - Glenn Shaw asked if it's running and in operation. John Hamilton stated that a couple of representatives from the Patchman Co. visited with Chuck. They advised they are willing to work with the City to get the problem corrected. At present, they are replacing some of the parts on the patchman at no charge to the City. 15). City Administration Report: a. John Hamilton informed the City Council that the grant application for the new water well site is scheduled at NCTCOG on Tuesday, January 31, 1989 between 12:45 and 5:00 p.m. b. John Hamilton also went over Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance of all the departments. c. The work has begaun on the lift station modification by Cole-Smithen. Project completion date is early February. d. Ad valorem taxes collected through Dec. 30, 1988 are $130,543.66. Represents 40.60 of the projected revenues of $321,288 for 88-89. e. He enclosed a letter from Denton YMCA for their information and director calling of meeting at the Community Center Policy Committee. Discussion. 494 Mayor Armstrong did state there is a Community Center Policy Committee. John Hamilton was instructed to call a meeting. 16) . Meeting was adjourned. �f���E�s�a�flttp�lrr�ir�gi ��,���� � Gi`� ���fjs, i c�.�a . �' _ �.�,. . Ci y Secretary = -�'' `°i a �; s+ s`' qy�„ � �= MINUTES: City Council Meeting February 6, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Net Armstrong, G1,enn Shaw, UTendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Jerry Jenkins, and Carroll McNeill OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton -City Manager, Rosalie Garcia -City Secretary, Ruth McGuffin-Sanger Courier, Vickie Elieson, John Coker, -John Springer, Elaine Schad - Denton Record -Chronicle, Vickie Lewis & Michael Adams- Sanger Courier, and John Graves-C.P.A. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Wendall -, Thomas gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes stood approved as printed. 3. Disbursements - Motion was made by Carroll McNeill and seconded by Jerry Jenkins to approve disbursements. Motion carried. 4. Citizen Input - None. 5. Discussion Regarding the Library Collection Development Policy - Vickie Elieson. Vickie Elieson gave a brief discussion on the Collection Development Policy for the library. Jerry Jenkins made the motion to adopt the Collection Development Policy. Seconded by Glenn Shaw. Motion carried. 6. Issue Order of Election for May 8, 1989. '� Mayor Armstrong made one correction - to read three ', council persons instead of two of. the order of election and notice of election. Motion was made by Danny McDaniel and seconded by Wendall Thomas to issue order of election for May 6, 1989. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Marina Lease Agreement with the Army Corp of -Engineers. Discussed briefly. Jerry Jenkins made the motion for JOhn Hamilton, City Manager to proceed to draw up lease agreement. with the Corp