02/20/1989-CC-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: _ City Council Meeting February 20, 1989 -- MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and 64enda1l Thomas MEMBERS ABSE1`1T: Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton -City Manager, Rose Garcia -City Secretary, Vickie Lewis & Mike Adams -Sanger Courier, Ed Miller, Leslie Browning, Elaine Schad -Denton Record Chronicle, Charlie Roe, Eugene Hupp, and Burl Bourland. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and .led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes approved with one correction - date of City Council Meeting to be corrected to reflect February 6, 1989. 3. Disbursements - Motion was made by Carroll McNeill to pay disbursements of February 20, 1989. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input - Vickie Lewis from the Sanger Courier spoke in regards to the Jones Farm. A group of citizens, "Friends of Jones Farm" are promoting the transformation of the farm into a living history museum and have organized and are lobbying Austin for the museum development. Ms. Lewis stated Sanger would benefit from this and would like City Council to show their support of this project. John Hamilton was asked to include this on the next City Council agenda with a Resolution for support. �`: 5. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Sullivan Senior Center Lia.son Committee . Mayor Armstrong stated that this was placed on the agenda mainly for discussion to possibly adopt an ordinance establishing a Senior Center Committee to serve as a liaison and Advisory Board for the Sullivan Center to the City Council; similar to the Library Board Committee. The proposed establishing ordinance should include number of committee members, their length of term, meeting frequency and times, and general duties. The committee member would be elected by Sullivan Center participants with official approval by the City Council. She also stated the ordinance would state the City would have no control of the funds they raised and that they would also be responsible for their fund raisers. Mr. Miller did ask if nominated members had to live within the City. Mayor Armstrong stated they did not have to and it was not a requirement. Mr. Miller stated that since the disbandment of their organization, their attendance has increased. by 250. Mayor Armstrong stated that as soon as John got the ordinance written, he would take it.to the Center for their review and suggestions. Item tabled until ordinance was -drafted. 6. (8). Consider and Possible Action to Approve Ordinance #05-89 for Food Service. -_ Mayor Armstrong stated there was one change to the original Ordinance Section I, F was amended to add item (2) all required inspections are subject to a fee consistent with the amount charged to the. City to have the inspections performed. The effected individual businesses will be billed an amount equal .to the inspection fee. Motion was made by Danny McDaniel to -adopt Ordinance #05-89 for Food Service adding the cost of the inspections. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion carried. CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE #05-89 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8, (FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHI`�IENTS) OF CHAPTER,6, (HEALTH AND. SANITATION) OF THE CITY OF BANGER CODE, ESTABLISHING A MUNICIPAL HEALTH AUTHORITY, ADOPTING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, PROVIDING FOR A_SCOPE OF _ RESPONSIBILITY, PROVIDING FOR A PERMITTING PROCESS, ESTABLISHING PENALTIES, PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND CREATING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. rt 7. (9). Consider and Possible action to adopt "Pollution Protection Policy.." Mayor Armstrong stated NCTCOG is requesting all local government to consider adopting their policy position of water supply reservoirs. Motion was made by Danny McDaniel and seconded by Glenn Shaw to adopt NCTCOG "Policy Position on Protection of Water Supply in our Reservoirs." 10. Discussion Concerning Vehicle Maintenance Cost. John addressed this issue and stated that during fiscal year 1987-1988 total maintenance expense was $36,752.13. John stated thru the 17th of January total spent was $4,671.71 which represents a monthly average of $1,334.78 for 88-89 compared to a monthly average of $3,062.67 for 87-88. John stated they are running behind in expenses compared to last year. John Hamilton also stated that if City Council intended to establish a maintenance worker in the City for vehicles and general equipment maintenance, there could be space of one stall in either the electric barn or the water dept. barn. Salary and start up expenses were discussed. John was instructed to pursue this equipment and costs to establish a John could report on this tiem. 11. (6). Consider and Possible Action Request Concerning the Water Usage at the Triple AAA M.H.P. and get prices of shop. Tabled until on Burl Bourland's During Fire Protection Motion was made by Wendall Thomas that in the Mobile Home Parks that are in the City if there are fire plugs situated in the Mobile Home Parks and if fire plugs are used to fight a fire then the last three months average water usage will be used to calculate their estimated usage for the current month and compared that to the estimated pumpage by the fire department. Seconded by Glenn Shaw. Motion carried. 12. (7). Consider and Possible Action on Master Meter Charges on Water Rates - Bur1 Bourland. Mayor Armstrong stated that they have discussed this item several times. They have discussed the possibility of the City taking over the Bourland meters and reading the meters; however, Mr. Neill does not have individual meters so that will create a problem. Then they talked about giving them a commercial rate which also created a problem. Since all multi -family units would also have to be considered, Mayor Armstrong felt that the Mobile Home Parks were like the rest of the town. She felt if the City accepted the feeder lines then the City would maintain those lines only if an easement was given by both Mobile Home Parks. Discussion. Danny McDaniel moved that we table the matter until the City can get an opinion from .the city attorney. Glenn Shaw gave the second. Motion carried. John Hamilton was instructed to check with other cities our size to see how they handled their mobile home parks. 13. (11). Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Members to the Board of Adjustments. City attorney has advised City Council that they should not act as the Board of Adjustments. Mayor Armstrong felt that she would like each City Council member to suggest at least one person they would like to serve on the Board and she will get the list ready for the next City Council Meeting. 12. Any Other Such Matters: a. Mayor Armstrong asked status on the Old Landfill. John Hamilton stated Mr. Boyd Cole has not shown up for an inspection; he will probably surprise them like he did the last time. 500 13. b. Carroll McNeill stated that on the north end of First Street, a trailer is tied to a tree which is obstructing traffic. c. Glenn Shaw mentioned that a blue mustang is on blocks behind Kirby's. d. D'iayor Armstrong asked for Police Department to check the city. City Manager's Report: John Hamilton to get the on all the junk cars in a. John Hamilton stated that Mr. Brandon Ellison of Roanoke was present to discuss plans to purchase and develop Indian Springs Subdivision. This was just an informal non -binding discussion to giver Mr. Ellison an opportunity to meet City Council. Due to an oversight, the plat D�1x. Ellison had obtained from the City on Indian Springs was incorrect. His plat consisted of 73 lots and the original plat that was filed had less. Since this was such a significant change, he felt he needed to consult with his associates. b. John Hamilton briefed City Council on recycle program that the City of Frisco had started to benefit their park system. John Hamilton stated Mayor Armstrong had brought this to his attention and asked that this program be given our attention and coordinate a recycle effort. Mayor Armstrong stated if City Council had no objection she would like to appoint Nancy Roe as co-chairman of the Citizens Task Force Recycling Committee. The mayor also stated that if Council had some names of people they would like to see serve on this committee to let her know. c. John asked City Council to set a date for clean-up week. City Council agreed to set the week of March 19 as clean-up week. Mayor also suggested a committee be .appointed at the next City Council meeting by proclamation. d. John mentioned that Jerry Don Linn had resigned his position with the City on February 8, 1989 and Chuck Tucker had been appointed as Supt. of Public Works over water, wastewater, streets, sanitation, parks, and by summer, building inspector. John also mentioned that these areas are running short with one employee, Gary, still on Worker's Comp. and Mr. Linn`s resignation leaves one vacancy in the department. e. He also stated a street department employee has Type A hepatitis and all employees that came in contact with him were administered shots by Dr. Chapman. f. Tom Stang of Hunters Associates had telephoned and _advised that the pumps for the lift station modifications had still not arrived. g. Corp. of. Engineers have been contacted both by telephone and certified letter concerning our desire to pursue the marina lease agreement. As of yet, they have not heard from them. h. John also stated that Mr. Richard Wilkes from We Package It, one of the owners of the company, advised his she is personally interested in renovating the old depot. He stated they are facing a financial milepost and not sure when they'll start on the project. __. a __.._,�� �,,.. i. John also informed City Council that there is a problem with the reoccurring chlorine in our water. Westco Chlorine Equipment from Bedford sent a representative over and the City does have problems with both chlorinating spots. One is being fixed now and another will be fixed later in the week. j. John briefed City Council on John Graves, our CPA's quote of $4,950 to redo the General Ledger. He believed that with a minimum amount of consulting work this can be accomplished to meet CPA's recommendations. From staffs standpoint, he felt City did not need to spend this amount of money. k. John went over work order requests on water and electric departments and the time spent to correct the problem. 1. With Mr. Linn's resignation, they notified the Water Commission for wastewater and health department for drinking water because Mr. Linn was the only employee who possessed the appropriate license to operate those facilities. At present, there isn't a problem with wastewater. Within the next month, they'll have two people with a Class D. license to operate wastewater, however, they'll need someone with a Class C license to operate drinking water. John said he is trying to get someone to contract to do this and hopefully by October, Chuck will have the time required and necessary education to get a Class C water license. John stated then they'll worI� to get two employees licensed. 14. Meeting adjourned. tyi Secretary R'IINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: < /�ffli .L" yor City Council Meeting March 6, 1989 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Danny McDaniel, Wendall Thomas, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins John Hamilton - City Manager, Rose Garcia - City Secretary 1. Mayor Armstrong called meeting to order. John Hamilton gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes stood approved as printed. 3. Disbursements: Danny McDaniel made disbursements. Seconded by Wenda111 carried. 4. Citizen's Input - None the motion to approve Thomas. Motion 5. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #06-89 Establishing a Sullivan Senior Center Advisory Board. Discussion concerning the creation and appointment of board, qualifications of members and terms of office.