03/06/1989-CC-Minutes-RegularT 'lINUTES: City Council Meeting March 6, 1989 w MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Danny McDaniel, Wendall Thomas, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton - City Manager, Rose Garcia - City Secretary 1. Mayor Armstrong called meeting to order. John Hamilton gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the - flag. 2. Minutes stood approved as printed. 3. Disbursements: Danny McDaniel made the motion to approve disbursements. Seconded by Wendalll Thomas. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input - None 5. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #06-89 Establishing a Sullivan Senior Center Advisory Board. Discussion concerning the creation and appointment of board, qualifications of members and terms of office. 502 Mayor Armstrong stated she would like this item tabled until they can discuss the ordinance with the citizens at the Service Center and get their recommendations. 6. Progress Report on Recycling Program in Sanger - Nancy Roe. Nancy Roe could not attend the meeting due to the snow on the roads. However, she did talk to John Hamilton about the recycling program. John stated Nancy had talked to the recycler that the City of Frisco is using and who he also recommended. The first step he suggested was to secure a colter trailer. The recycler in Dallas also stated he would be glad to come and help with Public Relations in the community. City Council also agreed to let Nancy appoint her own committee. Tabled for the March 20th Meeting. 7. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Committee for Clean -Up week. Mayor Armstrong stated that she would like to see instead of appointing individuals, a representative from Chamber of Commerce, Wednesday Study Club, Lions Club, City Council, Downtown Business Association, and one from each school campus. The committee must be made aware_ of the .fact that they are not to do the cleaning up themselves. .They are to come up with ideas and ways that might improve the city. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that they appoint representatives from the. following groups: - Chamber of Commerce 1 Wednesday Study Club Lions Club City Council Downtown Business Association and a representative from each of the school campuses. to serve on the Clean -Up Committee. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Mayor Armstrong stated they'll talk to them to possibly get a meeting to be scheduled within this next week. Motion carried. Mayor Armstrong stated that she needed a motion to adopt the proclamation to declare the Clean -Up Week for DZarch 19th - March 25th. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 8. Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Resolution #R1-89, "Friends of Jones Farm." Jerry Jenkins made the motion to adopt resolution #R1-89, "Friends of Jones Farm." Seconded by Wendall Thomas. i Motion carried. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request from Sanger Summer League . Item tabled, representative from the Summer League could not attend. 10. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Members to Board of Adjustments. This item was discussed and possible members to the Board were mentioned; however, Council did not take action on this item. 11. Consider and Possible Action to Delete Penalties and Interest on Taxpayer's Request - Susan Gehrlein. City Council reviewed Mrs. Gehrlein's request. The letter from the Post Office certainly added validity to her letter. The Post Office in Denton had apparently made an error in the delivery of her mail. The payments she had mailed in January arrived late; however, her payment of taxes to the City never did arrive. Glenn Shaw made the motion to delete the interest and penalties on Mrs. Gehrlein's.request. Discussion continued. Glenn Shaw withdrew his motion. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that the city delete the $11.60 interest and penalties of Mrs. Gehrlein's tax statement because of the letter from the U.S. Postal Service stating the fact that they had made an error in the delivery of her mail. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Acceptance of Easements from Mobile Home Parks. Councilman McNeill excused himself as a member of Council from this particular agenda item due to conflict of interest. John Hamilton stated he had contacted the City Attorney concerning the acceptance of water and sewer easements. Mr. Nichols stated there would not be a problem with the City accepting the easements; however, it would be at the expense of the property owners to have the legal descriptions of the easements drawn. City Attorney can then prepare the deed to the easements. Discussion. Jerry Jenkins made the motion to accept minimum of loft. easements, city maintenance of the feeder line water and sewer of the two Mobile Home Parks. Wendall Thomas seconded. Motion amended to include that the property owners must present the easements at their expense within 90 days of it becomes null and voided. Brief discussion. Wendall Thomas withdrew his second to. the motion due to the fact if Bourland easement does not have that manhole he wants him.to put it in at his expense. Jerry Jenkins also withdrew his motion due to the terminology used in the motion. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that the City accept the feeder lines if 10 foot easements are provided at the expense of the present owners and if any engineering plans as are available. Any inspections that were done be given to the City or if engineering plans are not availabe, that the owners give the city a detail sketch or description of all the lines that are there within 90 days for possible evaluation by city engineer. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion carried with one no vote - Danny McDaniel. 13. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Election Judge for the May 6, 1989 Municipal Election. Wendall Thomas made the motion that we ask Billye Hollingsworth if she would like to be Election Judge for the May 6, 1989 election and that she be allowed to appoint two (2) clerks. The rate of pay for Municipal Judge to be $5.00 an hour and $4.50 for the clerks. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 504 14. Any Other Such Matters: a. Wendall Thomas stated he had talked with Mr. Porter concerning the drive-in window. He said he would check and see what it cost him less depreciation and that is what he would sell it to the City for. b. John Hamilton gave a preview sketch on the proposed zoning request on Indian Springs. c. John Hamilton also briefed City Council on monthly report covering the end of February on line item expenses and revenues. d. Mr. Hamilton also informed City Council that Boyd Cole from Texas Dept. of Health did come down for another inspection at the landfill. He did advise that the City will be in compliance for one year. 15. City Manager Report: John Hamilton informed City Council on the following issues: a. Park Board met on February 27, 1989 and established Saturday, March 25th at 10:00 a.m. in the Downtown Park as the site for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt. The Board requests $50.00 to cover administrative fees for the prizes. b. The City spends an average of $130.00 a month for Coffee Service. A commercial coffeemaker can be purchased for $230.00 at the office and the one for the breakroom at the shop for $45.00. The coffee _ supplies can be purchased at the local grocery store. This could be a significant savings. c. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund of Texas is requesting a donation of $1,000.00. This is not a budget item, Council might want to consider a smaller donation of perhaps $100.00. d. City Council agreed to sell the tractor and to take bids. e. John Hamilton went over start up costs for the mechanic which would be around $3,500.00. Discussed. City Council agreed to proceed on this issue. f. John advised he had -met with the Fire Dept. officers, Thursday evening on 3/2/89, and discussed reallocation of existing budgeted funds withing the Fire Dept. in order to provide needed protective clothing for their personnel. This purchase would provide enough protective clothing for their participating members. This would reflect a significant overage on line item account 416.11 - clothing. The Fire Dept. also indicated they would purchase their own foam equipment from their funds. g. Consulting City Engineer Tom Stand and Larry Manning were in town to inspect Mr. Manning's street repairs. Mayor Armstrong stated Tom called her Friday and advised her that the City Council has just about gotten everything they will get from Manning concerning the street repairs. h. John Hamilton discussed Fireman Pension Commission regarding a pension fund for volunteer firefighters which will be presented in more detail- during 89-90 budget meetings. i. John stated that he talked to Matt Carr, Engineer with the Highway Dept. and he stated paperwork is still in Austin concerning the Pedestrain Walkway over Int. 35 at Bolivar. The Highway Dept. is doing -an impact study. Since the study was initiated, Denton Savings has indicated their interest in constructing a new facility on the lot located on the east side of Int. 35 at Bolivar. Mr. Carr of the Highway Dept. assured him he would keep him notified of any information or possible changes. j. John briefed City Council on the letter the City Attorney wrote Mr. Cowan concerning Exemption Certificate and Claim for Refund on Sales Taxes from the City of Sanger, Texas for Ampco.. k. Mayor Armstrong declared a Proclamation for Green Thumb 16. Adjournment. MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: y Secretary LLZL Mayor City Council Meeting March 20, 1989 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Wendall Thomas Jerry Jenkins John Hamilton - City Manager, Rose Garcia - City Secretary, Ruth P�IcGuffin, John Stevens, Benny Johnson and David Cooper - all with the Sanger Summer League, Ed Miller, Nancy Roe, Waynard Hyde with Texas Waste Management, Vickie Lewis and Mike Adams from Sanger Courier, Don Lewis and Steve Moser with Denton County Coop. 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes stood approved as printed. 3. Disbursements - Wendall Thomas made the motion to pay disbursements. Danny McDaniel seconded. .Motion carried. 4. Citizens. Input - none. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #06-89 Establishing a Sullivan Senior Center Advisory Board. Motion was made by Councilman Thomas to approve Ordinance #06-89 Establishing a Sullivan Senior Center Advisory Board. Councilman Shaw seconded. Motion carried. 6. Progress Report on Recycling Program in Sanger - Nancy Roe. Nancy Roe gave a quick review on what she had found out. In talking with Joanne Hill from Drywall Recycling in Dallas she said that the easiest way to do this was to get a cotton trailer and parking it somewhere. Then the people could be