03/20/1989-CC-Minutes-RegularCity Council Meeting March 20, 1989 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Wendall Thomas Jerry Jenkins John Hamilton - City Manager, Rose Garcia - City Secretary, Ruth P IcGuffin, John Stevens, Benny Johnson and David Cooper - all with the Sanger Summer League, Ed Miller, Nancy Roe, Waynard Hyde with Texas Waste Management, Vickie Lewis and Mike Adams from Sanger Courier, Don Lewis and Steve Moser with Denton County Coop. 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes stood approved as printed. 3. Disbursements - Wendall Thomas made the motion to pay disbursements. Danny McDaniel seconded. _Motion carried. 4. Citizens. Input - none. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #06-89 Establishing a Sullivan Senior Center Advisory Board. Motion was made by Councilman Thomas to approve Ordinance #06-89 Establishing a Sullivan Senior Center Advisory Board. Councilman Shaw seconded. Motion carried. 6. Progress Report on Recycling Program in Sanger - Nancy Roe. Nancy Roe gave a quick review on what she had found out. In talking with Joanne Hill from Drywall Recycling in Dallas she said that the easiest way to do this was to get a cotton trailer and parking it somewhere. Then the people could be 506 informed an hour to recycle - put glass in one bag, plastic in another and newspapers in another. This way all of the bags can be dumped in the same trailer. She has had several people who have spoken to her about serving on the committee. However, she just hasn't had the time to schedule a meeting. Questions she has had is where do they get a trailer, will they have to lease or borrow one. She doesn't know what responsibility the City can take on this. She would like this to be a city management project. She also doesn't know whether the project will work. Another problem she thought might occur is vandalism and keeping people from just dumping their trash in there. Another issue she addressed was Public Relations. Joanne Hill in Dallas had told her she would help with Public Relations to make the community aware. City Council continued to discuss the issue. The possibility of maybe getting something besides a cotton trailer was discussed -due to the problem of pulling a cotton trailer to Dallas. Mayor Armstrong stated she is trying to get a newsletter together to inform the public. Mayor Armstrong stated maybe they can do it prior to clean-up week. Mayor Armstrong suggested that she get. her committee together -and then come back with a definite plan by the next City Council meeting. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request from Sanger Summer League . Ruth McGuffin spoke in behalf of the Sanger Summer League concerning their request for a baseball backstop at the Southwest Corner of the Community Center. Discussion. Councilman Thomas made the motion that the Sanger Summer League be given permission to build a baseball backstop at the Southwest Corner of the Community Center and that the city contribute $900:OJ to be paid upon completion. Councilman McNeill seconded. Notion carried. 8. Discussion - Texas Waste Management Addressing Any Complaints. Waynard Hyde from Texas Waste Management stated that he basically wanted to meet with City Council to address any complaints they might have or that any citizens might have. Councilman McNeill stated that under the old contract the time for them to start picking up the trash is 6:00 a.m. He asked if it would be possible that when -the new contract is drawn they can set the time for 7:00 a.m. Mayor Armstrong stated she would like to see if they could get another dumpster at Kammie Patten Park and maybe one at the Community Center. Another item mentioned was the weaving back and forth that the trucks do when picking up the trash. She knows it's not real safe if the trucks come down the middle of the street but the more the trucks zig Zag the harder it is on the streets. Mayor Armstrong did state as a whole they have been real pleased with their services. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Sewer Rates. Councilman Thomas made the motion that the City base the sewer rate on three lowest month water usage. Councilman Shaw seconded. Motion carried. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution in Support of Joint Medical Examiners District. Councilman Shaw made the. motion to table this item until further information is obtained. Councilman Thomas seconded. Motion carried. 11. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Remodeling of City Hall. Discussion. Councilman McNeill made the motion that the city install the drive-in window at an estimated cost of $4,000. Councilman Shaw seconded. Motion carried. Councilman Thomas abstained. The remodeling of the Adminstrative Building and Council Chambers was discussed and was tabled for further -discussion at the next City Council meeting. City Manager Jahn Hamilton was asked to get estimated costs on curtains and carpets. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Vehicle Maintenance Costs. Councilman Shaw -made the motion that the City go forward with the program starting May 1, 1989 with hiring a full time maintenance person, shop start up expense account of $3,500.00 and shop vehicle of $4,500.00 and parts would be bought as needed. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion carried with one no vote - Danny McDaniel. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Final Plat for Muir -Switzer Addition which is in our ETJ. Councilman McNeill made the motion to accept P & Z recommendation on final plat for Muir -Switzer Plat. that is within our ETJ. Councilman Thomas seconded. Motion carried. 14. Any Other Such Matters a. Councilman Shaw stated that Mrs. Gentle's house where the City dug all that up on the corner of 7th and Bolivar is still not fixed and also the street sign where he lives at now is in bad shape and needs to be replaced. b. Councilman Shaw asked if the City has a pound for cats. Mayor Armstrong stated that the City does have a pound. c. Mayor Armstrong stated that the Denton Group of the National Association for the Education of Young Children has asked her to do a Proclamation for the week of April 2-8 as the week of the Young Child. She will do that and publish it in the paper. 15. City Manager Report: City A'ianager addressed these issues. a. Clean-up week has been moved to the week of April 2. b. An application for weatherization has been given to Clarence Thomas for his father, Mr. Ed Thomas. c. Consulting Engineer Travis Roberts from Hunter & Associates will be at the City this week to discuss engineering support services and to address lift station 508 modification, bond work on streets and wastewater treatment plant. d. City Manager Hamilton spoke with Randy Roberts with Corp of Engineers on Wednesday the 15th and he stated that Denton and Dallas were being given the opportunity to reply to our acceptance of the Corps site development conditions for the proposed Marina. e. City of Denton has requested City consider a formal, written mutual aid agreement with the Electric Department. Larry Yoast is working with them to develop an acceptable document. f. City Manager Hamilton stated we are still havinthe reoccurrig ng problem with the chlorine in the drinking water. Supt. of Public Works, Chuck Tucker, has spoken to Mr. Roberts about this problem and he agrees that the problem needs to be addressed. The solution appears that a two-phase; $2,400.00 to improve chlorinator procedures in the downtown storage tanks and $4,600. to install a well head chlorinator system on Well #3 on the 200 GPM well. Mr. Roberts did agree that the first part needs to be corrected . Mayor Armstrong stated that the City Council would give an oral approval for them to proceed with the 1st phase and if there is a question about the 2nd Phase then it can be brought back to City Council. g. City of Arlington is leading TML legislative fight to have the franchise fee schedule increased. It would cost the city $42.00 to support this effort. City Council agreed to pay $42.00 in support of this issue. 16. City Council to Convene into Executive Session According to V.A.T.S., Article 6252-17 (g), to discuss: (1) Personnel Mayor Armstrong convened into Executive Session. 17. Consider and Possible Action to Take Action from Executive Session. Mayor Armstrong reconvened from Executive Session. Mayor Armstrong stated that this is what was agreed in Executive Session: however, if John did not agree they were open for discussion. This will be effective until October lst and at which time they caill be looking at it again. Item A - 2 months guarantee. Item D -.annual salary $38,000.00 Item C - monthly car allowance $350.00 ', Councilman Carroll McNeill made the motion that they accept employment as per stated with two months guarantee agreementI annual salary of $38,000 and monthly car allowance of #350. and this agreement last until October 1, 1989. Seconded by Councilman Glenn Shaw. Motion carried. Some of the City Council members mentioned they would like for the City to .purchase an automobile for the City Manager; they would -like for him tq,������}���,,�nto this for October l . 18 . Meetn. g adjourned. N� �j` : • '° °' Cit Secretary- ; o >< f04 • �fshs���a ��`���N