04/03/1989-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council Meeting April 3, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Carroll McNeill, Danny McDaniel, and Glenn Shaw MEMBERS ABSENT: Wendall Thomas OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton - City Manager, Etta Stogsdill, Burl Bourland, Mr. & Mrs. Benny Bridges, Mr. & Mrs. Scotty McMahan, Brandon Ellison, Don Sables, II, Michael Cummings, and Vickie Lewis 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to -the flag. 2. Minutes for March 20, 1989 stood approved as printed with one correction to #8, third paragraph, set the time for 8:00 a.m. 3. Disbursements - Councilman McNeill inquired about the purchase of 20 manhole covers. Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilman McNeill to approve disbursements for April 3, 1989. Motion carried. 4. Citizen Input: Burl Bourland who lives at 817 Keaton Road informed the City Council that there is a meeting scheduled for this coming Thursday night at 7 o'clock at the Chamber of Commerce Building to instigate the program of Neighborhood Watch. Burl invited the City Council to attend. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Sullivan Senior Center Advisory Board. Mayor Armstrong stated that the Sullivan Senior Center had met and as specified in Ordinance #89-6, they had elected the following for the Sullivan Senior Center Board: Ed Miller Marge Henry Leslie Browning Ruth Marshall Floyd Gideon Dave Fellers - Alternate Rose Reime - Alternate Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilman McDaniels that the list which was read be confirmed as the members of the Sullivan Senior Center Board. Mayor Armstrong explained that once confirmed, the new board members will elect their own Chairperson and draw for initial one or two year terms; however, after the first two years, the term will be one year on a regular basis. DZotion carried. 6. Conduct Public Hearing on Specific Use Permit at 910 Chapman Drive. (Pat Young) Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open... rZayor Armstrong stated that it had been requested by Pat Young asking permission to open_a retail business,. .antique mall, which is zoned Industrial 1. No one spoke for or against this request. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. 510 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Specific Use Permit at 910 Chapman Drive (Pat Young) Motion was made by Councilman Shaw and seconded by Councilman McNeill that the City Council grant the specific Use Permit for 910 Chapman Drive. Motion carried. 8. Conduct Public Hearing on Zoning Petition Z-#2-89 for Brandon Ellison Requesting Zoning Change from SF-1 to SF-1,SF-2, &SF-3. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public. Hearing open. Benny Bridges spoke before the City Council. He noted that he was a part-owner of property in this location and that he had no objection as with what the P & Z has recommended, SF-2; however, his family had no objections as long as it stays with SF-1, SF-2, or SF-3. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Zoning Petition Z-#2-89 for Brandon Ellison. Motion was made by Councilman McNeill and seconded by Councilman Jenkins that the City Council follow the Planning & Zoning Commission's recommendation and grant SF-2 zoning for Indian .Springs Subdivision. Motion carried. 10. Conduct Public Hearing on Zoning Petition Z-#1-89 for lotus Tool, Inc. Requesting Change from Agricultural to Single Family 4 and Multi -Family 1. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open. Don Sables, the developer, spoke in favor of his zoning petition. Mr. Sables discussed his plans for the size of houses; lots, and deed restrictions, etc. for this property. Councilman McDaniel mentioned that he has land that connects to this property. Discussion._. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Zoning Petition Z-#1-89 for Lotus Tool, Inc. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilman Shaw that the City Council accept the Planning and Zoning's recommendation that we grant the zoning of SF-3 with MF-1 zoning. as a buffer for the Railroad tracks and a variance granting 7100 sg. ft. lots. Councilman McDaniel mentioned that he had not been notified by letter as to the date and time P & Z had met on this zoning request. Discussion. Motion carried with Councilman.McDaniel abstaining. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Variance Request on Sign Requirements (Charles Burton). After much discussion, motion was made by Councilman McNeill and seconded by Councilman Jenkins that the City Council deny Mr. Burton's request for additional signs. Motion carried. 13. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Remodeling of City Hall. Mayor Armstrong mentioned to the City Council that the point of remodeling is not to make the City Hall appear prettier just for prettiness sake, although, the City Hall in Sanger is the only area of Sanger that some people really see when they come into town. She stated that we need to have pride in our own building which needs additional workspace, additional offices, and a conference room. Mayor Armstrong noted that figures were included in the packet as requested with two recommendations, the original request or an alternate to the original request. Mayor Armstrong then requested City Manager John Hamilton to speak on behalf of this agenda item. City Manager John Hamilton stated that the total recommended would not exceed $11,000.00. Mr. Hamilton mentioned that the real issue is efficiency of work space that we now have as the City grows. Discussion. Vickie Lewis, Sanger Courier, inquired as to what would affect the Police Department and are they on phase. City Manager John Hamilton stated that the Police Department would be getting new carpet, paint, and possibly new furnishings. Discussion. Vickie Lewis inquired as to the color scheme. City Manager John Hamilton stated blues and grays. changes this Discussion continued regarding ramps, handicapped signs, etc. It was discussed that ramps would be made for the City and The Sullivan Senior Center at the same time of remodeling. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins -and seconded by Councilman McNeill that the City Council accept staff s recommendation and that we do the remodeling to the City Hall and cost not to run over $11,000.00. Councilman Shaw inquired as to where funds are available. City Manager John Hamilton stated, reserve, funds are available from the Electric. Motion carried. 14. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Street Repairs. Discussion regarding street repairs performed by Larry Manning to satisfy the bond work originally performed by R.L. Roberts Construction Co. Hunter and Associates recommended final acceptance of Mr. Manning's work. Motion was made by Councilman McNeill and seconded by Councilman Jenkins that the City Council sign the release agreement to Indiana Lumbermems Mutual Insurance Company Motion carried. 15. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request for Waiver, 101 Stephen Drive. Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilman Shaw that the variance be granted at 101 Stephen Drive which is a waiver, this construction is 16'6" instead of 17' from the West building line. Motion carried. 16. Any Other Such Matters: a. Councilman Jenkins noted that street repairs were needed by the Aspen Apartments, east side, 7th Street. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that some of the staff is going to school for license purposes and they are also running short-handed. She noted that, hopefully, loth Street was also on the list for street repair. 512 b. Councilman Shaw inquired about the usage of the cold crack sealer. He mentioned that he had called Dallas for a price on a used boiler to melt the tar and to do all that's necessary; for a used boiler it would cost aroung $400 to $500. Councilman Shaw felt that the City ought to check into this purchase. 17. City Administration Report: a. City Manager John Hamilton mentioned that he had letters for the Mayor and the City Council to sign showing support of House Joint Resolution 2 which is a constitutional amendment requiring the State to pay for programs which it mandates if the Council is in favor of this proposed legislation. (letters were signed and maild to Senator Steven A. Carriker, Representative Ben Campbell, and Representative Dan Morales.) b. City Manager John Hamilton mentioned to the City Council that Jim Bob Ready has transferred from the Electric Department to the Sewer Department as Wastewater Plant Operator. c. City Manager John Hamilton informed the City Council that the City was not funded on our grant application for a new water well. After discussion, it was the approval of the City Council for the City Manager to proceed preliminary discussions with Hunter Associates regarding construction of additional ground storage and how it could possibly improve our pumping capabilities to improve our delivery system. d. City Manager John Hamilton mentioned to the City � Council that Travis Roberts recommends that we upgrade our chlorination process at our downtown storage sites ($2,400 expenditure)- and install a well -head chlorination system on Well #3 ($4600 expenditure). It was noted that this system should improve the overall quality of our drinking water and improve the residual chlorine content of the water as required by the State Health Dept. Discussion. City Council mentioned to have Travis Roberts them or for Travis to clarification. that they would either like to come and discuss this with give them a letter of e. City Manager John Hamilton also informed the City Council that Travis Roberts recommended the City terminate its annual maintenance contract for maintenance on our storage tanks. He noted this contract is an annual expense. of $2500 with a San Antonio firm, Allied Tank Services Inc. City Council instructed City Manager John Hamilton to write Allied Tank Services, Inc_ terminating the maintenance contract on City of Sanger's storage tanks. - f. John Hamilton mentioned that Cole and Smithen Construction had asked for an extension to April 20, 1989 for work at the Sanitary Sewer Lift Station. 512 g. City kdanager John Hamilton informed the Qity Council that Ruth McGuffin resigned March 31st to accept another position. h. City Manager John Hamilton discussed a letter he had received from the City Attorney where AMPCO is requesting a sales tax refund exemption. i. City Manager John Hamilton mentioned that enclosed in the: acket is a memorandum regarding report on the Wastewater Plant Operation.+.He mentioned that he will be attending a hearing before the Texas Water Commission on April 13, 1989, since they will be receiving testimony concerning effluent discharge into the area above Lewisville Lake. Mr. Hamilton stated that he will keep the Council informed as developments occur. j. -City Manager John Hamilton mentioned that Mr. Bohmann, who works on contract at the landfill, noted that the volume of waste is increasing over this time last year. k. City Manager John Hamilton discussed the proposed budget format for 89-90. Brief discussion on the present savings and deposits. He requested the Council to review the format. 1. City Manager John Hamilton mentioned that the City of Sanger's population estimate is 4,069. m. John informed the City Council that there is a TML dinner scheduled in Grandbury on April 7th and to let him know if anyone wants to attend. 18. Meeting adjourned. City ecretary ^ uOILU ° ? rj�� Ll a`vor MINUTES: City Council Meeting MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel and Carroll McNeill MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Jenkins and Glenn Shaw OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton -City Manager, Rose Garcia -City Secretary, George McCracken, Clay Montgomery, Charlie Roe.,. Steve Mosley and Ron Lewis 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. John Hamilton gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag.