01/01/1989-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council Meeting MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, TAT Thomas, Danny McDaniel and Carroll McNeill MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Jenkins and Glenn Shaw OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton -City Manager, Rose Garcia -City Secretary, George McCracken, Clay Montgomery,. Charlie Roe,- Steve Mosley and Ron Lewis 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. John Hamilton gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 514 2. Minutes for April 3, 1989 stood approved as printed. 3. Disbursements - Motion was made by Councilman Danny McDaniel and_seconde=d by Councilman Wendall Thomas to pay disburse- ments. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input: Charlie Roe addressed the City Council as to the possi- bility of getting a flashing red light on Fifth Street and Chapman Drive. Mr. Roe stated that this is a dangerous intersection and needs to be addressed. Mayor Armstrong stated that the state would have to be 'informed since 5th Street and 455 are State Highways. Maybe if a resolution was passed, it could get them to do something. Mayor Armstrong stated that they would contact Dwight Bird in Denton and that a resolution would be passed. 5. Adopt resolution R��2-89 to urge State to Keep Access Roads With Two Way Traffic. Mayor Armstrong read the minute order of June 3, 1989 where City Council had passed an ordinance ��83-5 declaring I-35 service road as one way. Mayor Armstrong continued also by reading a Resolution where the City desires to keep the access roads with two way traffic. Mayor Armstrong stated that those people that are involved - Texaco, W.W. Gri11, and Hilz-Snider Chev. need to write letters to the Highway Department to encourage them to keep the highway two way. Councilman Thomas stated that the reason that this was agreed upon was due to the fact that the State said this is what we are going to do and there really wasn`t anything City Council could do. George McCracken, owner of Texaco, spoke against the one way streets since this would affect his business. Councilman Thomas made the motion to adopt Resolution ��R2-89 to urge State_to keep _access roads two way traffic. Councilman McNeill seconded.- Motion carried. 6. Discussion of Proposed Budget Format and Budget Workshops for FY 89'90. City Manager stated the,�auditor did recommend that we change format in the budget which is what we had done. City Council agreed on the budget format. - City Manager John Hamilton stated he would -have a draft budget within the next 30 days. �_ 7. Any other such matters. None. 8. City Administration Report: John Hamilton addressed these issues. a. Travis Roberts, Presidetn of Hunter & Associates, .the City's consulting engineers, will draft a preliminary recommendation concerning our water supply addressing suggested modification that would allow the City to rely on surface water in the early 90's. b. City Manager John Hamilton stated that the City's response to the Texas Water Commission concerning their January 3, 1989, inspection of our waste- water plant is being prepared both by staff and Mr. Roberts. The response will be mailed in time to meet the 60 day limit imposed on February 21, 1989. c. Craig Waggoner was hired as the City's new mainte- nance worker to begin on May 4. d. City Manager John Hamilton stated he had talked to Mr. Dwight Bird of the Texas Dept. of Highways and he stated that construction on I-35 would proceed through Sanger as the next phase. e. John Hamilton briefly went over correspondence that had been submitted by Chuck Tucker concerning clean- up week. Mayor Armstrong did state that clean-up week was abused this year. She stated next year they will have to work out a plan for those people who use the landfill. f. City Manager John Hamilton also briefed the City Council on Larry Yoast, Electric Superintendent's report for modification to the electric department. ti a 9 . Adjournment. City Secretary u-= �1 ti MINUTES: METiBERS PRESENT: City Council May 1, 1989 or Meeting Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Carrol McNeill and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton -City Manager, Rose Garcia -City Secretary, Terry Jones -Sanger Drug Store, Charles Burton and Charlie Roe 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of April 17, 1989 stood approved as printed. 3. Disbursements - Councilman Jenkins made the motion to approve the disbursements for payment. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input - None. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request from Downtown -Business Association to conduct "Spring Festival" in the Downtown Park. Terry Jones representing Downtown Business Assocaation was requesting to conduct "Spring Festival" in the Downtown Park.