05/01/1989-CC-Minutes-RegularCity Council May 1, 1989 yor Meeting Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Carrol McNeill and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton -City Manager, Rose Garcia -City Secretary, Terry Jones -Sanger Drug Store, Charles Burton and ..Charlie Roe 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of April 17, 1989 stood approved as printed. 3. Disbursements - Councilman Jenkins made the motion to approve the disbursements for payment. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. [i.. Citizen's Input - None. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request from Downtown.. Business Association to conduct "Spring Festival" in the Downtown Park. Terry Jones representing Downtown Business Association was requesting to conduct "Spring Festival" in the Downtown Park. 516 Discussion. Councilman Thomas made the motion that Council grant the request for the Downtown Business Assocaition to conduct "Spring Festival" in the downtown park on May 6. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request from Charles Burton for a Variance to the Sign Ordinance. Discussion. Items was tabled for next City Council agenda. 7. Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Resolution R��3-89 to Request the Highway Department to install a Traffic Control Device at the Intersection of 455 & Loop 138, Chapman & 5th Street. Councilman McNeill made the motion to adopt Resolution R#3-89. Seconded by Councilman McDaniel. Motion carried. 8. Any Other Such Matters: a. City Manager, John Hamilton, requested that Council authorize the closing of some inactive savings accounts. Denton Co. Amtrack - ��185108 - Balance $194.49 to _ transfer to General Fund. Sanger Industrial Development Corp. - #196196 - Balance $135.70 to transfer to General Fund. Sanger Park Donation - 4199505 - Balance .75 transfer to General Fund. Sanger Street Fund - #160069 - Balance $17.09 transfer to General Fund. Planning Grant - #0013730 - Balance $25.00 transfer to Utility Fund. It was the Councils consensus to give City Manager authorization to close these savings accounts; however, Mayor Armstrong stated that the staff needed to check by-laws on the Sanger Industrial Development Board Corp. to make sure these monies could be transferred. b. Councilman Thomas read a letter concerning a complaint on the street conditions cf Oak Street. Mayor Armstrong stated she had talked to City Manager about two suggestions she had and she was going to talk to City Engineers to see what the City needed. (1) First, Dunnick Brothers is doing the highway and she - had suggested that they be contacted to see what kind of a deal they could give to see if possibly the City could afford to do two or three more streets; Railroad Ave., north and south end, and Oak Street would now be added to the list. (2) Another suggestion was that the County has an overlay machine; however, it is not in this precinct. Maybe the City should rent the machine from the County and possibly do the streets. 3. City Manager Report: City Manager addressed these issues. (1) Concerning surface water of the Upper Trinity LTater Authority. (2) Denton County has undertaken a project to develop a County -wide solid waste plan in conjunction and upon the recommendation of the NTCOG. (3) OI 4 O2 89, during a meeting with City Attorney, Louis Nichols, Mr. Nichols advised that the City modify our written minutes to reflect only items and not discussion. Mr. Nichols also recommended that we discontinue regarding executive sessions and adopt a certified agenda. (The meetings 10. Meeting adjourned. �z % City/Secretary to be recorded.) yor MINUTES: Special Called City Council iZeeting May 11, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carroll McNeill, Danny McDaniel, Glenn Shaw and Wendall Thomas MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton -City Manager, Rosalie Garcia -City Secretary l.. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Canvass Votes regarding City Election held May 6, 1989. Mayor Armstrong canvassed the votes as follows: PLACE 1 Danny McDaniel 67 Ralph Cole 1 John Henry 1 PLACE 3 Jerry Jenkins 67 Andy Wilson 1 PLACE S Carroll McNeill 70 Ed Thomas 1 Motion was made by Councilman Shaw to accept the vote of the canvass of the City Election. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion carried. Mayor Armstrong continued by swearing in Carroll McNeill for Place 5 and Danny McDaniel for Place 1. . 3. Authorize payment of election personnel. Councilman McNeill made the motion to pay election personnel. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. 4. Adjournment.