05/11/1989-CC-Minutes-SpecialMINUTES: Special Called City Council fleeting May 11, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carroll McNeill, Danny McDaniel, Glenn Shaw and Wendall Thomas MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton -City Manager, Rosalie Garcia -City Secretary 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Canvass Votes regarding City Election held May 6, 1989. Mayor Armstrong canvassed the votes as follows: PLACE 1 Danny McDaniel 67 Ralph Cole 1 John Henry 1 PLACE 3 Jerry Jenkins 67 Andy Wilson 1 PLACE S Carroll McNeill 70 Ed Thomas 1 Motion was made by Councilman Shaw to accept the vote of the canvass of the City Election. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion carried. Mayor Armstrong continued by swearing in Carroll McNeill for Place 5 and Danny McDaniel for Place 1. 3. Authorize payment of election personnel. Councilman McNeill made the motion to pay election personnel. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. 4. Adjournment.