06/05/1989-CC-Minutes-RegularCity Council T'Ieeting June 5, 1989 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Glenn Shaw, Councilman Wendall Thomas, Councilman Danny McDaniel, Councilman Carroll McNeill and Councilman Jerry Jenkins City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rose Garcia, Burl Bourland, Cindy Barrow, Frank Rodgers, Jerry Fleming -First Baptist Church and Charles Burton 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Councilman Jenkins was sworn in. 3. Minutes of May 15, 1989 were approved with one correction that one Item 5 to insert that this would be a onetime allowance. 4. Disbursements - Councilman McDaniel made the motion to approve disbursements. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion carried. 5. Citizen's Input - None. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Request from First Baptist to Use Downtown Park. Motion was made by Councilman Thomas to allow First Baptist Church to use park on July 5, 1989 for what they hoped would become an annual patriotic musical. Seconded by Councilman Shaw. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Variance Request for Frank Rodgers - 808 Keaton Rd. Motion was made by Councilman McNeill and seconded by Councilman Thomas that we grant a variance to Mr. Rodgers that he be allowed to build a house with 1,077 sq. ft. living area and a single car garage. Motion carried. 8. Consider and Possible Action on TDOC Grant Application - Lee Lawrence. Discussion. Councilman Thomas made the motion to pursue the Grant Application and. the City do it on the recommended -sewer infiltration application and that the City Manager be given the authority to do some checking and bring some figures regarding the smoke testing. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Sign Ordinance. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins that Ordinance 0)6-89 be adopted with the revisions to Section C. Schedule of Uses Permitted. #9 to read: No sign shall be located or erected within the required front yard, execpt one (1) pole sign not exceeding eighty (80) square feet in area may be erected on sites utilized by gasoline service stations, drive-in groceries or similar quick service retail establishments; however, such businesses that are located on corner lots with appropriate zoning on all sides may erect a second general business sign in the side yard, provided the second sign does not exceed 65 sq. ft. in area, with no dimension exceeding 10 ft., and not exceeding 7 feet in height providing for safety, visibility and other relevant provisions the City Ordinance and regulations are observed. No portable sign shall be utilized on business lots where a second general business sign is erected. Seconded by Councilman Shaw and with the insertion of Section K. Motion carried. ORDINANCE �E016-39 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ADOPTING AN ORDINANCE GOVERNING SIGNS LOCATED OR TO BE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY AMD ITS EXTRATERRITOTIAL JURISDICTION; PROVIGING A PERMIT SCHEDULE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DELETING SECTION 31 OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING -ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER RELATING TO SIGN REGULATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution ��R5-89 for Approving 9-1-1 '88-89 Budget. Motion was made by Councilman Glenn Shaw to approve Resolution ��R5-89 for 9-1-1 '88-89 Budget. Seconded by Councilman Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Board & Commission Members. Item tabled to give staff an opportunity to contact members that are eligible to see if they Mould be willing to be reappointed or consider serving on another board. Mayor Armstrong also advised Eileen Brittain has called her to advise she is resigning effective immediately. 12 . Any Other Such Matter* 1. City Manager was asked to investigate whether our police can set up a traffic block for seat belt, driver's license and insurance check. 2. Councilman McNeill mentioned the telephone pole on the corner where the MHP is down again and that it needs to be looked into. 3. Councilman Jenkins stated he would like to complain about the damage caused by the dump truck in our streets. 4. Councilman McDanield asked in the City could start a 522 13. City Manager's Report: City Manager John -Hamilton discussed these issues: 1. Letter from Consulting Engineers, Hunter Sc Associates, identified several drainage and paving problem areas for Council's conside- ration. 2. Advised that he hoped to have the proposed draft budget available for inspection by June 19th. 3. Stated that the office continues to receive many requests for new street name signs. Staff is requesting $2,000 from G.F. Equip. Repl. to purchase 66.intersection, 137 separate street .name signs.. Consensus of City Council was to proceed with the purchase. 4. Staff also recommended purchase of a personal computer, printer, software, and portable stand to use for all word processing and budget reports. City Manager was given authority to. proceed with getting estimates on cost. 5. Discussed housing estimates and population estimates prepared by NIL - population 4050, 1511 housing units, 1238 SF, 123 Multi -family, and 150 Mobile Homes. 6.. Tom_Stang of Hunter & Associates will be con- ducting final inspection on lift station modifi- cations. 7. Hunter & Associates did review improvements to water system. John also stated that the drilling of the new well is economically not in the City's best interest. Discussion. 14 . Adjournment . 'A ae d. 4 City Secretary Mil yor MINUTES: City Council Meeting June 19, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Glenn Shaw, Council- . man Danny McDaniel, Councilman Wendall Thomas, Councilman Carroll McNeill and Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: _John. Hamilton=City Manager, Etta Stogsdill, Cindy Barrow, Larry Yoast, Benny Erwin, Paul Earheart, Mike Riley, Sheri Morrison, Delores White, Kenneth White, Don Sable II, Michael Cummings, Bill Marshall, Pam Harvey, Evelyn Shaw, Kenny & Kerin Groves, Elaine Schad -Denton Record Chronicle, Vickie Lewis - Sanger Courier and Tom Stang -Hunter Associates, Inc. and Ben Ablon