08/07/1989-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council August 7, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: I Zayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Glenn Shaw, Councilman Danny McDaniel, Councilman Carroll McNeill, and Council- man Wendall Thomas MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Herbert E. Arledge, Eunice Gray, Billye Hollingsworth, Waynard Hyde, David Pomykal, Merwyn Tucker, Craig Waggoner, Jeff Jackson, Benny Johnson - Frontier Waste, David Cooper -Frontier Waste, Randy Johnson and Vickie Ellieson 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invo- cation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes approved as written. 3. Disbursements - Councilman Danny. McDaniel made a motion to approve payment of disbursements. Seconded by Councilman Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input: None 5. Recognition of Service of Former -Board and Commission Members. Plaques of appreciation were awarded to the following for years of service on City of Sanger Boards and Commissions: NAME BOARD YRS OF 'SERVICE Herbert Arledge Utility Board 5 Billye Hollingsworth P&Z Commission 12 Eunice Gray Library 5 Jackie Echols Park Board 5 Joe Higgs and Sam Burrus were not present, but, both have served five (5) years on the Park Board and Plaques would be awarded to them also. 6. Confirmation of Chair for Library Board. Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel to appoint Esta Lou Morgan to chair the Library Board. Seconded by Councilman Shaw. Motion carried. 7. Confirmation of Nominees to North Texas Library System. Board. Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel to appoint Nancy Smith as lay representative to the North Texas Library System Board and Helen Bounds as alternate. Seconded by Councilman Shaw. Motion carried. 532 8. Request by Sanger High School Cheerleaders to Use Downtown Park. Motion was made by Councilman McNeill to allow Cheerleaders to use downtown park. Seconded by Councilman Shaw. Motion carried. 9. Consider and Possible Action on bids for Solid Waste Disposal. City Manager stated Frontier Waste, BFI, and Texas Waste did bid on this contract. Bids were as follows: FRONTIER 1-11 ACCEPTED RES. 6.25 _ 4 Yards _._ COM. 9.50 2 pickups 32.00 1 pickup 19.00 3 pickups 51.85 8 yds. 28.50 5 P.U. per 71.70 12 yds. wk. 3 YD. $27.00 1 P.U. per wk. 44.50 1 P.U. per wk. 61.50 9 yd. per wk. BFI 1-11 ACCEPTED RES. - $8.35 PER MONTH 4 Yards 49.00 1 COM. 13.50 2 P.U. per wk:. 83.00 20.50 3 P.U. per wk. 116.00 35.00 5 P.U. per wk. 3 YD. 44.00 1 P.U. per wk. __ 76.00 2 P.U. per wk. 107.00 3 P.U. per wk. TEXAS WASTE 1-11 ACCEPTED RES. - $5.25 per month 30.00 2 P.U. per wk. 90.40 3 P.U. per wk. 180.00 5 P.U. per wk. (attachment) TEXAS WASTE MANAGEMENT ADDENDUM Containers - FEL 3 cu. vd. containers: 1 pickup per week 57.20 2 pickups per week 110.00 3 pickups per week 162.90 6 cu. yd. containers: 1 pickup per week 2 pickups per week 3 pickups per week 8 cu. yd. containers 1 pickup per week 2 pickups per week 3 pickups per week 74.30 141.90 109.40 85.60 163.00 240.40 P.U. Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel that the awarding of bid for Solid Waste Management be_tabled for the next City Council Meeting to allow Councilmembers time to study the bids. Seconded by Councilman Shaw. Motion carried. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Dump Truck. (Minute Order) Craig Waggoner gave a brief explanation of the equipment that is now in use and the condition it is in. Discussion. Councilman PIcNeill made the motion that Craig Waggoner, City Mechanic, be given a top figure of $8,000.00 to purchase a dump truck. Seconded by Councilman Shaw. Motion carried. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Sid for Smoke Test Work for TDCA Grant Application. The following bids were as follows: A. GSW - $3,000.00 B. BJN - $2,500.00 Councilman McNeill made the motion to award bid to GSW for smoke testing on the sewer line. Seconded by Councilman Shaw. Motion carried. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Handicapped Ramps. M.A. stated that it would cost approximately $475.00 for the handicapped ramps at City Hall and Sullivan Senior Center. Discussion. Councilman Shaw made the motion to close Senior Sullivan Center Account and that the $475.00 to build the handicap ramps at Senior Sullivan Center at the main entrance at City Hall be expenses out of General Fund. 13. Any Other Such Matters: a. Councilman Shaw reported on a old 72 Chevy PU that needs a junk car letter. b. The stop sign at Hughes and fifth is leaning real bad. c. Corner of Diane and Houston, no street sign. d. Mayor Armstrong stated weed letters probably need to be sent out again. e. Roy Lemons, Sanger Courier, asked if there was anyway City Council could ask the Highway Department to give dates when the 455 crossing would be closed for con- struction especially since school is starting. City Manager asked to contact them on this. 14. City Manager Report: a. City Manager presented a report on the traffic activities in the Municipal Court. Discussion. b. City Manager enclosed an informative survey on water and sewer rate study that Plano conducted. c. City Manager discussed the letter from Hunter & Associates _.concerning_.a project for future_improvement of the water system. Hunter & Associates advised that a 12" line be brought across the Highway at 455 under existing bridge. Mr. Dwight Bird from .State Department of Highways and Public Transportation will allow the City to do this as long as regulations. were followed. Funding for -this will come from surplus bond funds. ___ City Manager instructed to proceed_on this project. Some discussion was conducted concerning Highland Village's aluminum Water Storage Tank. 532 d. John Hamilton stated he has finally scheduled a meeting in Dallas for Wednesday, August 9th, to try to get the Marina off dead center. He will be picking up the executive director of Utilities in Denton and meet with the Water Utility Staff to find out objections to their Marina. e. Galaxy TV did respond to his letter concerning technical problems the residents are having. 15. Budget Workshop. �� L�t���s���st�aaF��r� 16 . j Adjournment . �;;�� '�, ��'�f�,����i® �. _� � ��` o �; � ; �� �� c€� City Secretary _ � . " r �. a � ; ti `.� _� ✓ f �^ . % 1 MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS _ PRESENT: 1 �v1 i6 City Council Workshop August 21, 1989 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Glenn Shaw, Council- man Danny McDaniel, Councilman Carroll. McNeill and Councilman Wendall Thomas City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rose Garcia, Texas Waste Management-Waynard Hyde, Fred Hill, John Gustafson, and David Pomykal and Frontier Waste Management - David Cooper and Randy Johnson and Kayce Fisher -Sanger Courier 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Discussion Regarding Solid Waste Disposal Bids. Discussion continued and issues addressed were: (1) Commercial Rates (2) Equipment (3) Liability Insurance (4) Possible areas of alternative where Frontier to dump the waste. Several areas of concern were stated. Frontier was the low bidder on commercial rates; however, if they get the contract with the City, Sanger_will be the City they will be serving. _ Discussion. 3. Meeting adjourned. l' tyJSecretary r