09/05/1989-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES : City Council Fleeting September 5, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Glenn Shaw, Council- man Danny McDaniel, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Council- man Wendall Thomas and Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rose Garcia, Lee Lawrence with GSA and Elaine Schad from Denton Record Chronicle 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, Councilman Thomas led the invocation, and Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of Workshop for August 21, 1989 were approved with one correction to reflect that Councilman Jenkins was present. Minutes of August 21, 1989 were approved as printed. 3. Disbursements - Councilman Thomas made the motion to approve the disbursements. Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input - None 5. (12) Conduct 2nd Public Hearing on_Texas Development Grant Application. _ Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing opened on the Texas Development Grant Application. No one was present to voice an opinion. Mayor Armstrong declared Public Hearing Closed. Lee Lawrence with Governmental Service Agency gave a brief summary on the smoke test results that were conducted by RJN Engineers. Mr. Lawrence stated results weren't what they were expecting. Discussion. Mr. Lawrence also stated he could not give estimated costs due to the fact the smoke test results were not received in time to get those figures. 6. (13) Consider and Possible Action on Resolution Submission of 1989 Texas Community Program Grant Application. Councilman Jenkins made the motion that City Council pass the Resolution for submission of 1989 Texas Community Program Grant Application with the stipulation that the City's part would not exceed $26,250. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. 536 RESOLUTION N0. R6-89 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICA- TION FOR GRANT ASSISTANCE UNDER THE 1989 TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (TDCP), AUTHORIZING A LOCAL .MATCH, AND DESIGNATING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACT AS THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE IN ALL MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN THE TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAI"I. 7. (5) Consider and Possible Action on Sanger's Request for Extended Phone Area Service with Centel Co. Discussion. Council instructed City, Manager to write a letter to Cente; to see if they cofa:l_d possibly meet with him to discuss the delay by Centel -for .extended phone service in Sanger. Item 6-thru 11 were tabled for next City Council Meeting. 8. (14) Any Other Such Matters 1. Mayor Armstrong stated that Sanger has 3 utilities companies, Lone Star Gas, Centel and Galaxy that do not have an office in Sanger. She would like these three utilities to have a joint office in Sanger if possible. City Manager to contact these utilities to see if this is possible. 2. Other Matters that were mentioned: a. Mowing is needed on South of .Gateway between �' Loop 238 and Access Road. b. Some areas were mentioned concerning shrubs and trees that are obstructing traffic that need to be taken care of. c. All the exits need to be mowed. d. Complaints of mosquitos on 8th Street. e. The Mayor mentioned the smell on Loop 138 is really getting bad. City Manager advised that they -are going to vent it. They plan to replace all that and set it on concrete. 9. (15) City Manager's Report 1. City Manager advised that he had met with Planning Dept. of the City of Denton on Wednesday Aug. 30, 1989. They were not aware of the ETJ agreements Sanger had on file..As a result both cities will attempt to arrive at a agreeable ETJ line generally on our southern border. City Manager stated if Council occurs with this approach, staff will proceed and bring a specific prposal back to Council. 2. City Manager asked if he could get an infor- mative authorization to purchase conference room furniture. This will bring -final renova- tions costs to $12,500.00 City Council gave consensus to proceed with the purchase. 3. City Manager stated the Community Center needs new carpet and replacing it with 189 yards of 20 oz. or commercial carpet with 5 year stain guarantee would cost $1840.00. Council gave consensus for staff to purchase the carpet and expense it out of this year's budget. urnment. y Secretary '��ieall ��RS PRESENT. y • ouncilman Carroll McNeill, and Councilman Jerry Jenkins • ickie Lewis�Sanger Courier, Herbert Arledge, ohnson,, Elaine Schad�Denton Record Chronicle .i�Ir°�y tTe i ;n. vti0n Cal I + ouncil needed a contract to be drawn upbefo x onsider and Possible Action on Ord' nce '010�89 Establishing ■ of