09/18/1989-CC-Minutes-RegularSEPTEMBER 18, 1989 MINUTES DISBURSEMENTS FRONTIER WAST MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE 10-89 ESTABLISHING AD VALOREM TAX RATE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989-1990 ORDINANCE 12-89 AMENDING CHAPTER 10 SEWER SERVICE RATE MULTI-FAMILY DWELLINGS ORDINANCE 09-89 WATER UTILITY RATES ■;, :;B: «18,1989 fio was madeby Councilman §« w 4w§ I 5!lv. to:««*t rdin «r #0989amending Water Rates. t on y «:Councilman ;t ,y Jenkins, Motion carried. Amending Electric Rates. n Electric Rates. )rdinance <t. 2. Amending Electric Ratesto allow 2< »% :ductioSeconded by Councilman <»$:»JlMotion did not nrry »e»e « no votes Councilman Shaw, Councilman cNeill and Councilman Thomas. nnnff6i t<§ .17 Solidwaste CoTection. ORDINANCE 13-89 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FEES ORDINANCE 14-89 TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM UPDATE SERVICE CREDITS 540 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 PAGE 4 OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS: Councilman Thomas made the motion to adopt Ordinance #014-89. ' Seconded by Councilman McNeill, Motion carried, 12. Consider and Possible Action on Adoption of Ordinance #015-89 for Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 1989-1990. 13. 14. ty Motion was made by Councilman Thomas. Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Motion carried.' Any Other Such Matters: a. Councilman Jenkins mentioned that there is a stump at the park that needs to be pulled. b. Centel will be here on Oct. 11th to discuss Office here in the City. c. City Manager briefed City Council on ETJ plat for Ms. Bur oon. Consensus of City Council to sign ETJ plat for Ms. Burgoon, d. Mayor Armstrong asked to write cemetery association a letter to advise that they will be patrolling -the cemetery. e. Mayor Armstrong stated on Oct. 6th is Economic Day and asked Council if they knew of citizen who was creative that could help. f. Councilman McDaniel asked about'moving the exit ramps. Mayor Armstrong asked staff to contact Highway Dept. to see about moving ramps. g. Mr. Bird from the State Highway Dept. stated that the sidewalk would be the responsibility of the City to construct. :.. •. ecretary MINUTES: City Council Meeting October 2, 1959 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Wendall Thomas, Councilman Danny man Carroll McNeill Glenn Shaw, Councilman McDaniel and Council- MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Jerry Jenkins __