11/20/1989-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES:City Council Minutes November 20,1989 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Pro-tem Jerry Jenkins,Councilman Carroll McNeill,Councilman Glenn Shaw,Councilman Danny McDaniel^and Councilman Harvey W.Thomas MEMBERS ABSENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,Etta Stogsdill,Bill McClellan -Parks Board,Burl Bourland -Parks Board,Benny Johnson -Frontier Waste Management and his secretary, Nick Cain and Ron Massey -Colonial Life &Accident Insurance Company,Sandra Lloyd -First National Bank and Charles Fenoglio -Sanger Bank 1.Mayor Pro-tem Jenkins called the meeting to order.City Manager John Hamilton gave the invocation.Mayor Pro-tem Jenkins led the pledge to the flag. 2.Minutes of November 6,1989 were approved with one correction-to correct spelling on Harvey Wendall Thomas’name. 3.Disbursements -Councilman McNeill made the motion that the disbursements be approved as presented.Councilman Shaw seconded.Motion carried.-.;:YV'.>' Citizen’s Input:4. Burl Bourland invited everyone to the Park for the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting,Monday evening,November 27th,at 7 p.m. 5.Presentation by Nick Cain Regarding 125 Insurance Plan Submitted by Colonial Life &Accident Ins,Co, After brief presentation by Mr ,Cain,it was the consensus of the City Council for City Manager John Hamilton to proceed further discussions with Colonial Life &Ace.Ins.Co.for City Employees regarding benefits and advantages offered. 6.Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Bids for Bank Depository. Motion was made by Councilman McNeill and seconded by Councilman Shaw to award the Bank Depository Bid to First National Bank.Motion carried with one abstaining - Councilman Thomas. 7.Consider and Possible Action on Frontier Waste Management Contract. City Manager John Hamilton mentioned several items he would like to see corrections on which are listed below: a)3A.change recognized to authorized (page 2) 3B.change recognized to authorized (page 2) c)3B.2nd paragraph to read rat all parks within the City(page 2) d)F.needs to have $1,000,000 in 1st blank and $2,000,000 in the second blank,(page 3) e)4 A.change 5th to the 10th day of each month on thepaymentdate(page 4) f)6.change pay the Contractor within five (5)days to ten(10)days (page 5) g)(page 6)change Mel to Nel b) and in the downtown area.-5 Benny Johnson mentioned that the holidays they normally observe is Thanksgiving Day which they pickup the day after and Christmas Day which is not made up. Councilman McDaniel made the motion to approve the Frontier Waste Management Contract with the changes as specified. Seconded by Councilman Shaw.Motion carried. 8.Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution #R14-89DisbandingtheCommunityCenterPolicyCommittee. RESOLUTION #14-89 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGER,DENTON COUNTY, 554 TEXAS,DISBANDING THE COMMUNITY CENTER POLICY COMMITTEE Motion was made by Councilman Shaw and seconded by Councilman McDaniel to approve Resolution #14-89 disbanding the Community Center Policy Committee.Motion carried 9.Consider and Possible Action by Adopting Ordinance #017-89 Amending Parks Board. CITY OF SANGER ORDINANCE NO.017-89 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER,TEXAS TO AMEND SECTION 4, CHAPTER 7,ENTITLED PARK BOARD,PROVIDING FOR A REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT ;PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE]AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion was made by Councilman Shaw to adopt Ordinance #017-89 Amending Parks Board and seconded by Councilman McNeill.Motion carried. 10.Any Other Such Matters: City Manager spoke regarding the Governors Community Achievement Awards for 1989-1990 which will be presented at the next meeting. a.W b.City Manager mentioned the freeport tax which will require an ordinance at the next City Council meeting as an agenda item. City Manager mentioned memo #394 informing the City Council that Hunter &Associates is ready to begin the preliminary work,including a survey,to install ourwaterlineforfutureuseunderthe1-35/455 overpass. This project is estimated at $23,000 to be funded fromreserves. c. The City Council gave their consensus for City Manager John Hamilton to proceed with Hunter &.Associatesonthepreliminaryworkfor1-35/455 overpass. d.City Manager mentioned Chief Erwin needed to confirm the following Police Reserves:Edgar Barrow,Kenneth Groves,Dale Moorehead,Don Petty,Robert Steinke and James Woodall,Sr. The above Police Reserves were in agreement with the City Council. City Manager mentioned that Jon Seek was elected to the Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors.e. f .City Manager noted that he had given them a memo on the variance request for Gene Hughes which would be on the agenda December 4 th. Mayor Pro-tem Jenkins mentioned that several right-of- ways needed mowing,particularly,the area north of Enderby. g* 11.City Administration Report: City Manager informed the City Council that Lee Lawrence had resigned with G.S.A.a. b.City Manager mentioned in the packet was correspondence from the Texas National Cemetery Commission which deals with the proposed establishment of a National Cemetery in the North Texas Area.4' City Manager John Hamilton mentioned that there are meetings with Centel and Lone Star scheduled to discuss opening an office in Sanger possibly in the Chamber Office. c. d.City Manager mentioned that Thanksgiving Holiday was being observed Thursday &Friday,November 23rd & 24 th.After discussion regarding the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Holiday,it was the consensus of the City Council for the City to observe Christmas Holidays on Friday, December 22,and Monday,December 25th where the ' City would be open on Tuesday,December 26th. City Manager mentioned that.Richard Yarbrough has been hired as a Sanger Police Officer. Meeting adjourned. »*>\- A?.V-" oCitySecretary /.4C.AL % Mayor 0