12/04/1989-CC-Minutes-Regular556 MINUTES:City Council Minutes December 4,1989 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong,Councilman Glenn Shaw, Councilman Wendall Thomas,Councilman Danny McDaniel, and Councilman Carroll McNeill MEMBERS ABSENT:Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,City Secretary Rose Garcia, Leslie Browning,Jim Dunlap-Centel,Ken Amburn-Centel, Jim Doss-Centel,Randall Houchin-Centel,Burl Bourland- Park Board,Joe and Patsy Howard,Terry Jones,and Mr.&Mrs.Gene Hughes Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order,gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag.1. Minutes of November 20,1989 were approved as printed.2. 3.Disbursements -Councilman Thomas made the motion to approve disbursements for payment.Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Motion carried. Citizen’s Input -None.4........... Presentation by Mr.Ambum with Centel Regarding EAS Study and Centers Plans for Growth in Sanger.5. Mr.Ambum,Vice President of Operations for Centel,made a brief presentation.Issues addressed were Centers plans for growth inSanger,investments,construction projects,service availability forfuturegrowthandfinancialstability. Mr.Ambum also addressed the issue of a business office in SangerwhichhestatedthatatthispointitwasnotfeasiblecostwisetooperateanofficeinSanger.If the activity was greater than it isatthistimetheywouldbegladtomeettheseneeds. Mr.Ambum also spoke regarding 9-1-1.He also addressed the issues on extended area service.He stated that the information would be completed by mid-January and at that time they willhavesomedefiniteinformation. v ...—’Conduct Public Hearing for Gene Hughes’Request for VarianceonLots1,2,3,and 4,Blk.49,0.Town of Sanger. 8. Mayor Armstrong called public hearing open to the public. City Secretary was asked how may people responded by mail tothevariancerequest. .- City Secretary stated four (4)people approved of the variance request and three (3)disapproved. City Manager stated Mr.Hughes is requesting a variance to construct three brick homes approximately 1048 sq.ft.living space each,on his property located on the north west corner of Peach and 8th, 1.Area is currently zoned SF2 required a 1500 sq.ft.living area. 2,One lot does not meet 60 ft.frontage requirement (assuming zoning was changed to SF4). 3.Two homes would have less than required set-back;8 ft. required. 4.Existing ordinance requires double car garage and these homes will have single car garage. Staff recommends approval. Mayor Armstrong asked if anyone wanted to speak against the variance request. Mr.Leslie Browning came before City Council to speak against the variance request His concern was the size of lots. Mayor Armstrong explained to Mr,Browning that the lots would be adequate for the size of house. Mr.Browning was also shown the plat. Mayor Armstrong again asked if anyone else had any objection to the request. Mayor Armstrong closed the Public Hearing. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Gene Hughes’Request for a Variance on Lots 1,2,3 and 4,Block No.49,0.Town of Sanger.7. Motion was made by Councilman McNeill that Council approve variances as requested with the stipulation that a privacy fence be built between Lots 4 B,4 A and 4 C at the back on the right on the plat and that a single car garage variance also be granted. Seconded by Councilman McDaniel.Motion carried. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Joe Howard’s Complaint 1-35 and 105 Acker Street.8. Mr.Howard addressed City Council and stated that his presence there was only to reinforce a letter he had sent to City Council. Mr.Howard addressed his complaint concerning the business 558 located in front of Ms property.Mr.Howard stated that the problems that they face with this business is the sawdust that is packaged and the construction junk that is left outside the business.Mr.Howard presented pictures to City Council. Discussion. City Council instructed staff to write our city attorney Ron Neiman,for his recommendation. MW .** 9.Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Ordinance No.#018-89;Freeport Tax. CITY OF SANGER,TEXAS ORDINANCE NO.#018-89 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER;DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS;PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF PROPERTY EXEMPT UNDER ARTICLE VIII;SECTION 1-j;TEXAS CONSTITUTION BEGINNING WITH THE 1990 TAX YEAR; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion was made by Councilman Shawr to adopt Ordinance #018-89.Seconded by Councilman Thomas.Motion carried. 10.Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No.#R 16-88 Accepting the Upper Trinity Regional Water District's Water Implementation Plan, CITY OF SANGER;TEXAS RESOLUTION NO,R16-89 A RESOLUTION of the City of Sanger;Denton County;Texas;accepting the report for the WATER IMPLEMENTATION PLAN of the Upper Trinity Regional Water District;and expressing theintenttoparticipateintheregionalwatersupplyproject. Motion was made by Councilman Thomas to adopt Resolution #R16-89.Seconded by Councilman Shaw.Motion carried. 11,Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No,#R 17-89 Honoring Jack Burkholder. CITY OF SANGER;TEXAS RESOLUTION NO.R17-89 A Resolution of the City of Sanger;Denton County;Texas;Honoring the Service to the Community of Mr.Jack Burkholder. Motion was made by Councilman McNeill and seconded by Councilman Thomas,Motion carried. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No.*R 15-89 Supporting the efforts of the Sanger Library Development Committee. 12, CITY OF SANGER,TEXAS RESOLUTION NO.R 15-89 A Resolution of the City of Sanger,Denton County,Texas Supporting the Fund Raising Efforts of the Library Development Committee. Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel to adopt Resolution No.*R 15-89.Seconded by Councilman Thomas.Motion carried. 13.Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No.#R18-89 Regarding Denco Area 9-1-1 Approved Budget for 1989-1990 & Financial Plan 1990-1994. CITY OF SANGER,TEXAS RESOLUTION #R18-89 Motion was made by Councilman Shaw to adopt Resolution No.*R 18-89.Seconded by Councilman McNeill.Motion carried. 14.Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request for Parks Board to Apply for 50 /50 Grant with Texas Parks &Wildlife to Construct a Municipal Swimming Pool/Community Center Park. Location was discussed. Councilman Shaw made the motion to allow the Parks Board to apply for 50 /50 Grant with Texas Parks &Wildlife to construct a Municipal Swimming Pool.Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Motion carried. 15.Consider and Possible Action Regarding 1989-1990 Governor’s Community Achievement Awards. Motion was made by Councilman McNeill to join in Keep Texas Beautiful and enter the city in the Governor’s Community Achievement Awards.Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. 16.Any Other Such Matters: a.Mayor Armstrong stated that there had been a complaint concerning Lone Star Gas:however,it has been resolved. City Manager’s Report:17. 560 a.City Manager stated that the Mayor and -himself will bemeetingwiththeExecutiveDirectorofTexasParks&Wildlife at 10 a.m.,Tuesday,Dec,5th,in Austin to discuss the status of a Marina on the West Bank,at Lake Ray Roberts. b.City Manager invited Cityj@o^cil to the annual employeeChristmasDinnerThursday,December 21. Meeting Adjourned.ov / //V f *%City Secretary r-***o %TEX^x#City Council Meetiif§flfflm®xx December 18,1989 % MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong,Councilman Glenn Shaw, Councilman Harvey W.Thomas,Councilman Danny McDaniel,Councilman Carroll McNeill,and Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,City Secretory Rose Garcia, Robert &Lydia Jobe Sc son Robbie Jobe,Matt Hamilton, Paul &Kim Earheart,Wendy -Sanger Courier,Jim Hatcher -attorney-at-law,Shari Walters -attorney-at- law,Elaine Schad and Larry Yoast Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order.City Manager gave the invocation.Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. Minutes of December 4,1989 were approved as printed.(Tape 1, Side A) 1. 2. 3.Disbursements:Motion was made by Councilman Thomas toapprovedisbursementsforpayment.Seconded by Councilman McDaniel.Motion carried. Citizen's Input -None4. 5.Public Hearing -Personnel Appeal -Paul Earheart Mayor Armstrong declared Public Hearing Open.(Tape 1,Side A,*49 -7:05 p.m.) Discussion.(Tape 1,Side A,*73 -Jim Hatcher) Mayor Armstrong convened City Council into executive session.(Tape 1,Side A,*100 -7:12 p.m.)V. Council reconvened from executive session at 7:35 p.m. n Consider and Possible Action Regarding Executive Session - Personnel. ..wow a-*