12/18/1989-CC-Minutes-RegularDecember 18,1989 %Mayor MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong,Councilman Glenn Shaw, Councilman Harvey W.Thomas,Councilman Danny McDaniel,Councilman Carroll McNeill,and Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,City Secretary Rose Garcia, Robert &Lydia Jobe &son Robbie Jobe,Matt Hamilton, Paul &Kim Earheart,Wendy -Sanger Courier,Jim Hatcher -attorney-at-law,Shari Walters -attorney-at- law,Elaine Schad and Larry Yoast Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order.City Manager gave the invocation.Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. Minutes of December 4,1989 were approved as printed.(Tape 1, Side A) 1. 2. 3.Disbursements:Motion was made by Councilman Thomas to approve disbursements for payment.Seconded by Councilman McDaniel.Motion carried. Citizeifs Input -None4. 5.Public Hearing -Personnel Appeal -Paul Earheart Mayor Armstrong declared Public Hearing Open.(Tape 1,Side A, *49 -7:05 p.m.) Discussion.(Tape 1,Side A,*73 -Jim Hatcher) Mayor Armstrong convened City Council into executive session.(Tape 1,Side A,*100 -7:12 p.m.), Council reconvened from executive session at 7:3b p.m. n Consider and Possible Action Regarding Executive Session - Personnel. J - “T Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilman Shaw that we table the Public Hearing until January 2 nd meeting to give Council and their attorney the opportunity to research and consider the information brought forward to them tonight.Motion carried.(Tape 1,Side A, #138) Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No.#19-89 In Recognition of the University of North Texas Centennial. 8. CITY OF SANGER ,TEXAS RESOLUTION #19-89 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGER,DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS RECOGNIZING THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS CENTENNIAL. Motion was made by Councilman -Shaw and seconded by Councilman Jenkins to adopt Resolution #19-89.Motion carried. 9.Consider and Possible Action Regarding Equipment Purchase - Sand Spreader. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins that City Manager and Chuck Tucker,Supt of Public Works,be allowed to purchase sand spreader out of funds that were not spent on dump truck. Seconded by Councilman Shaw.Motion carried. Council also gave consensus purchase not to exceed $8,000 on additional dump truck,-funds available from the Equipment Reserve Fund.This approval was originally given August,1989. 10.Any Other Such Matters: a.Councilman Thomas asked if anyone had called concerninggaspressureon2ndStreet.Mrs.Colevne Baker had called him to complain. b.City Manager stated that building on 5th &Wood has been used for as a business. City Manager stated the business has been disconnected from utility service for several months and it is presently zoned residential;however,the owners wanted to rent the building for commercial use. Staffs interpretation of ordinance that if use is interrupted the building cannot be rented for use as commercial purposes. 11.City Administration Report: a.City Manager stated that at the last meeting,the Howard'scamebeforeCouncilconcerningtheAnimartStorelocatedin 562 front of their property.City Attorney has reviewed zoningordinanceandit’s his opinion City can enforce sections of thecodedealingwithdustandstorageofvehicles/materials inrequiredsideyard.Mr.Neiman suggested give Animart15daystocomply.Building Official,Chuck Tucker ,will be issuing citations. b.Library Board Meeting was last Monday.Library needs some renovations.Projects include insulating the buildingsimprovinglighting,,and perhaps some furniture and carpet.City Manager asked Council if they wanted each separate project to be brought to them for approval or one blanket approval for renovations not to exceed $6,000. '"A 'v >' Discussion. City Council asked City Manager to get wholesale cost to repair the library. Consensus of City Council to insulate and improve the lighting. ........\12.Adjournment -8:05 p.m. £5% §co :^City Secretary x §'0-t ill%p** S&o-~rn.5* f