02/05/1990-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES:City Council Meeting February 5,1990 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong,Councilman Glenn Shaw, Councilman Wendall Thomas,Councilman Danny McDaniel, Councilman Jerry Jenkins and Councilman Carroll McNeill OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,City Secretary Rosalie Garcia,and Mr.George Gilkeson Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order.City Manager John Hamilton gave the invocation.Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 1. Minutes of January 26,la90 were approved as printed. Disbursements -Motion was made by Councilman Thomas and seconded by Councilman McNeill to approve disbursements. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input -None4. 5.Brief Council on Denton County Crime Stoppers -Mr.George Gilheson Mr.Gilkeson briefed City Council on Denton County CrimeV*Stoppers. Issues addressed were: lj-Effects this program has on crime control in the community. 2).95%of convictions as a result of the program. 3).Cash rewards are offered by Crime Stoppers for information that lead to an arrest and indictment. 4).Mr.Gilkeson would like someone in Sanger to serve on the Board. Mr ,Gilkeson stated that Lynn Holland,deputy sheriff at Denton Co,has been assigned to tills program on a full-time basis.She can be contacted at 898-5655. v Mayor Armstrong asked City Council if they had someone in mind to serve on the Board to please let her know. 6.Consider and Possible Action for Variance Request for Bolivar Water Supply -Lots 12,13,14,and 5'’of Lot 11 in Block 10 in Original Town of Sanger,310 N.3rd 570 This item was tabled'until February 19 th meeting due to the fact that there wasn’t anyone from Bolivar Water Supply present to clarify some issues on the request for variance. Consider and Possible Action for Mayor to Issue Election Order./* Mayor Armstrong issued Election Order for Mayor and two (2) Councilmen to be held Saturday,May 5,1990,in the Council Chambers from 7:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m. 8.Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Democratic Party to hold Primary Election in the Council Chambers on March 13,1990. Councilman McNeill made the motion to allow the Democratic PartytoholdtheprimaryelectiononMarch13,1990 in the Council Chambers.Seconded by Councilman Jenkins.Motion carried. 9.Consider and Possible Action on Youth Program. Mayor Armstrong stated that she would like the City to formulatesometypeofYouthProgramfortheyouthinSanger. City Manager stated maybe they could start with a Summer Program. Discussion. Consensus of Citv Council for Mavor to talk to the School Board Members to try to get them to participate with a Youth Program in Sanger. 10.Any Other Such Matters: l ).City Manager read a letter from Mrs.Edith Ballard concerning taxes on her property. She implied that a family friend had surgery and she left town and failed to pay her taxes by due date,Jan.31st.When shecametotheofficethenextdaytopayhertaxesshewastold she had to pay penalties and interest. City Manager read the State Law out of Property Tax Code - Section 33.011 -Waiver of Penalty and Interest.Governing Body of a taxing unit can waive penalty and interest on a delinquent tax if an act or omission of an officer,agent,or employee of the taxing unit cause taxpayer’s failure to pay tax before delinquency and if tax is paid 21 days after taxpayer knows or should know of delinquency. Discussion, Consensus of City Council for staff to write Ms.Ballard a letter and advise her she did have to pay the penalty and ........—*..;.o;..:..y interest. 2).Councilman Jenkins noted the other day on 10th Street in front of the house,that one of our city equipment was pulled into the front yard.His concern is that employees should not drive their equipment into peoples yards. 3).Mayor Armstrong stated (A)City needs to do something about the old tires in our community especially the ones at Sims Tire Service. Discussion.(B)There are also several garages that are becoming junk car dealers. Councilman Shaw stated that the City could call the Arlington Office.Department of Public Highways and see if these garages have dealer’s license to sell cars. 11).C ity Manager Report: a).County Commissioner Don Hill reported that project to repair bridges on Old Hwy.77 will take 12 months.When the larger bridge is repaired.Commissioner Hill stated road will be closed for 60 days. Commissioner Hill did state that the Keaton Road drainageconcerncouldbeajointCity/County project. City Manager stated that Tom Slang,City Engineer,was at the site on Monday to examine location for any comments and recommendations. bj.City Manager advised Health Inspector has resigned.He called Pilot Point and they are using Joe Tims and have been for over a year.If no objection he will call him to see if he can conduct city inspections. e).Consensus of City Council for the City to purchase flow meter for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. d).City Manager stated the enclosed letter from Texas Dept,of Health gives engineer firm approval of the design to constructwaterlineforfutureuseunder1-35 at 455. e),The Municipal Court Report was discussed.The report wasnotdetailedenough.City Co.uncil requested the Court toprepareanothermore,explanatc/r^reporjt and to include theyears88/89.A 'C '-*3^\•5?s> Meeting adjourned* t,:*-V V%A%% City Secretaryi