02/19/1990-CC-Minutes-Regular572 MINUTES:City Council Meeting February 19 .,1990 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nei Armstrong.Councilman Glenn Shaw, Councilman Harvey W.Thomas^Councilman Danny McDaniel,and Councilman Carroll McNeill MEMBERS ABSENT:Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,City Secretary Rose Garcia, Herb Arledge,Jim Doss,Ken Ambum,Brad Denton, Randall Houchin,and D.L.Bowles,Sandra Day, Vickie Lewis-Courier &Elaine Schad-Denton Rec.Chron. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order,gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 1. 2 ,Minutes of the February 5,1990 Workshop stood approved as printed.Minutes of February 5,1990 regular City Council Meeting stood approved as printed. 3.Disbursements:Motion made by Councilman Thomas and seconded by Councilman Shaw.Motion carried. Citizen’s Input:None4. 5.Centel Representatives to Brief City Council on EAS Study, Ken Ambum,Vice President of Operations in Centel introduced himself ,and also introduced Mr,Randall Houchin and Mr.JimDossalsofromCentel. Mr.Ambum continued with a summary of their findings on the 90 day EAS Study.Mr.Ambum gave percentage statistics on howmanycommercialcustomersandresidentialcustomersareplacing rails to Denton. He asked that City Council appoint a committee to a citizen’s task force.The committee ran include some people from businesses inSanger,some residential customers and at least two residents from outside the city limits.The purpose of this committee was to formulate a plan that everyone can agree on and that can be submitted to the PUC. Mr.Amburn requested a target date of possibly 3-31-Si and then it can go to City Council for review.If Council and Centel agree and there are no interveners to the plan after 80 days then it can be submitted as is to the Public Utility Commission which would be around May of 1991, Mayor Armstrong stated that she thought that Centel already had ::..i::.... facilities to a direct line to Denton. Mr.Doss stated there will be no installation costs only programming. Once the Commission approves,it could take six (8)months to 18 months. Mr.AmfoutTi assured City council that they would do everything possible to expedite the process. Mayor Armstrong stated she would like two business people, two residents,two from out of town,and maybe two City Councilmen or one councilman and one staff member. Mayor Armstrong assured Mr.Amburn she would try to appoint the committee either before the next City Council Meeting or at the next City Council Meeting, 6 ,Consider and Possible Action for Variance Request for Bolivar Water Supply -Lots 12,13,14,and 5''of Lot 11 in Block 10 in Original Town of Sanger ,310 N.3rd. Mr.D.L.Bowles,President of Bolivar Water Supply,was presenttoanswerquestions. Discussion. Councilman Thomas made the motion to grant the variancerequestforBolivarWaterSupply-Lots 12,13,14,and o5 of Lot 11 in Block 10 in Original Town of Sanger,310 N.3rd. Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Councilman Thomas amended the motion and Councilman McNeill amended the second to include all of the above with the exception of the door on the east side to be changed to the north side.Motion carried. 7.Consider and Possible Action for Variance Request for Charley Rogers -Hampton Addition,Blk.5,Lot Pt.W 1/2 of N 1/2 generally located at 502 Denton in Sanger. City Secretary reported that nine (9)property owners out of twelve (12)responded in favor of the variance request. Mayor Armstrong stated Mr.Rogers needs variance request on the required setback. Motion was made by Councilman Shaw to grant variance request for Charley Rogers -Hampton Addition,Blk.5,Lot Pt ,W 1/2 ofN1/2 located at 502 Denton,to construct a carport,with the stipulation that it will not be on city property and it is at least10feetfromthenorthsideofpropertyline.Seconded by Councilman Thomas.Motion carried. 574 8.Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Nominee for the Crime Stoppers Board Consensus of City Council to appoint Edgar Barrow.Chief of Police Reserves.,as a nominee to the Crime Stoppers Board, 9.Consider and Possible Action Regarding Library Improvements. City Manager asked City Council for the following improvementstotheLibrary.. $444.00 600.00 200.00 75.00 250.00 350.00 Check-Out Desk &Counter Exterior Paint 5'1 Round Conference Table Landscape Timbers for Flowerbeds Shrubbery and Plants A /C Window Unit $1,919.00 City Manager also stated,the library needs a new roof on the building and some repair needs to be done to the wall in the front room which has rotted due to a severe roof leak.Estimate cost is $1,300.00. Motion was made by Councilman Shaw to accept recommendation by staff to make library improvements as recommended at an approximate cost of $3,200.00.Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. 10.Authorize Bid for Water Line 1-35 and 455. Motion was made by Councilman McNeill to accept bid document as presented.Seconded by Councilman Shaw.Motion carried. 11.Any Other Such Matters: a.Mayor Armstrong stated she has had several citizens call her about the newsletter. These people want to be involved in the community.She would like to appoint a citizens task force committee.ThepurposeofthiscommitteeistocomeupwithaKbrainstorm3 to instigate for Spring -Clean-up.She would like to appointapersonfromeachsectionoftowntoserveonthecommittee. b.Mayor Armstrong also informed City Council that on Feb.22at7:30 p.m.at S.H.S.Gvm,Chief Erwin will be showing a film on drugs and alcohol.She would really like for City Council to be there to show’their support. ;' Also on March 8,199U at 7:00 p.m,at the S.H.S.there will be a speaker,Lt.Mantel B.Williams,who is a retired c, u*>w*;*> intelligent officer.The school is asking parents and the community to sponsor students to this program.Cost is $7.00 per student. 12,City Administration Report: The zoning case based on the complain by Mr.&Mrs.Joe Howard has been rescheduled for March 6;1990,City Attorney will be present. a. New flow meter at Wastewater Treatment Plant has been installed. b. Travis Roberts and Tom Stang of Hunter Engineers made a on-site inspection of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Tuesday,2 /13/90,They will be forwarding recommendation to the City Council. c. d.On the next City Council Meetings March 5,1990;Travis Roberts will be present to comment on ground storage projecttoimprovewaterdeliverycapacity. On 2-12-90;Billye Hollingsworth came to the office and requested City undertake condemnation proceedings on Mrs.Tratfs house at 2 nd and Church. e. City Manager advised that he had informed her that he would review"any available legal procedures and notify her of any recourse. f ,Staff has begun preliminary work on draft budget proposal for FY 90-91. If City Council has any specific project that they would like done,this is the time to let him know". City Manager reviewed the letters from the Texas Water Commission and the Texas Department of Health.g - The letter from Texas Water Commission was real favorable on the sewage treatment facility.They reported no deficiencies. The letter from Texas Department of Health stated site is being operated in compliance with “Municipal Solid Waste Management Regulations.” li.Tom Stang lias resigned Ms services with Hunter and Travis Roberts will be handling our account in the future. Representative Ben Campbell is working with Chairman of the Parks &Wildlife Commission to secure project site and complete data for any T.P.&W.D.marina on Lake Ray Roberts. i. 576 %t:.:? eting adjourned.13. CD"'jyL/d /</g «5•\City Secretary C •4 /A|j/f5t4' %</ , MINUTES:City Council Meeting March 5,1990 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrongs Councilman Carroll McNeill,Councilman Jerry Jenkins,Councilman Glenn Shaw, Councilman Danny McDaniel,and Councilman HarveyW.Thomas OTHERS PRESENT:City,Manager John Hamilton,Etta Stogsdill,TravisRoberts-Hunter Associate,Inc.,Dave Denison,andChuckTucker '.—:1 1.Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order.City ManagerJohnHamiltongavetheinvocation.Mayor Armstrong led thepledgetotheflag. 2.Minutes for February 19,1990 were approved as printed. 3.Disbursements:Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel andsecondedbyCouncilmanMcNeilltoapprovethedisbursements.Motion carried. Citizeifs Input:None4. 5.Proposed Water System Improvements -Travis Roberts,Hunter Engineering. Mr.Travis Roberts with Hunter Engineering made a presentationontheproposedwatersystemimprovements. Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel and seconded byCouncilmanMcNeillthattheCityCouncilinstructstheengineerstopresenttothemabiddocumentatthenextmeetingontheprojectasproposed.Motion carried. .......... 6.Authorize Bid for Protective Clothing for Fire Fighters. Motion was made by Councilman Shaw and seconded byCouncilmanThomasthattheCityCouncilauthorizesthe bid for ;j:a