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03/19/1990-CC-Minutes-Regularp r MINUTES:City Council Meeting March 19,1990 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Mel Armstrong,Councilman Glenn Shaw, Councilman Harvey W.Thomas,Councilman Danny McDaniel,and Councilman Carroll McNeill MEMBERS ABSENT: >—r • Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton ,City Secretary Rose Garcia , Vickie Lewis -Sanger Courier ,Ann Sparks ,Lynn Rogers , and Travis Roberts -Hunter Engineering Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order ,gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag , 1. Minutes of March 5,1990 approved as printed ,O i-i Disbursements:Motion was made by Councilman McNeill , Seconded by Councilman Thomas to pay disbursements.Motion carried , 5 , Citizen’s Input:None4.-1 Consider and Possible Action Regarding Water System Improve- ments -Travis Roberts, 5 . Travis Roberts stated that at a previous meeting they had discussed proposed improvements to water system which consisted of a $300,000 ground storage tank to be located at Acker Street Well Site and installing two 12 j high service pumps and a water line extended from that point at Acker Street North to 455 thence east on 455 to connect to the line that goes under the highway and connect to the east line under highway and hack to 10th Street , Travis continued by stating that after checking with the City that there is an S'”water line on Acker Street , Discussion , Rose instructed to research minutes to see if there is possibly an 8A?water line on Acker .„*—.• No action taken , 6 ,Consider and Possible Action Regarding Bids I -3 b Water Line Project. Mavor advised Citv Council that thev did meet withaj! T‘.~•-mavisiono:i esas[i.AV &AS a result or xm meeting^LJLXX s X*2> 1A vision frnaiLv c nseives to developing a s;te andV! bringing a marina .to the west side of Lake lay Roberts.Mr. Robinson will be here on Aoril 3rd ,1990 ,Wednesday,to makeX the site selection. City Manager statedS •o ro 1 c aA •?uArisimaersizeaasJisea&v repairman Consensus of City Council to authorize staff to seek Request for Proposal from all Sanger Area mechanical contractors to *w a n City Manager AA -‘-xA The newly fr^stalled flow meter has dramatically curbed thea infiltration to the sewer collection system and dramatically l JinrprovedthemonthlyreporttoTessasWaterCommissions b.John continued by stating that the City is still experiencing pump problems.Pump #1 &2.which were both rebuilt byr O fr,\:\V .\J! company repair the pumps,1.2 j bring suit against Cole & ''3 j replace and upgrade both pumps at a costsmithen,ana /or K of m •n A Smithen to i em to come aown an.d repair the pumpsheco' s Mayor stated that if City Council was in agreement City Council as to Cole A Trayis .514-1 frsdecision. Fax machine has been purchased and installedL- .1<1S Citv Manager advised Citv Council that he had visitece with Garland Thornton*Gainesville National Bank ,and it seems that depository agree:S'J Lity torney,ir Dams isi;A A U_-3 A..4.U’l .''O •'O'-_.A -._yJ r'' r W nP Q ,^^V *sJ Ur 04^^'.**"***.<&>Meeting adjourned.13.y/.G>%.V%\*#c)y >?• 'r^ /9i9 9i 0a«c '\9h*0 B0!9fls)n 9 9999 0City'Secretary"•<.*\%/^XAS | I 7 Mayor V