03/05/1990-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES:City Council Meeting March 5,1990 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong,Councilman Carroll McNeill,Councilman Jerry Jenkins,Councilman Glenn Shaw,Councilman Danny McDaniel,and Councilman HarveyW.Thomas OTHERS PRESENT:City.Manager John Hamilton,Etta Stogsdill,TravisRoberts-Hunter Associate,Inc.,Dave Denison,andChuckTucker '•.‘”—;-‘Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order.City ManagerJohnHamiltongavetheinvocation.Mayor Armstrong led thepledgetotheflag. 1. 2.Minutes for February 19,1990 were approved as printed. 3.Disbursements:Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel andsecondedbyCouncilmanMcNeilltoapprovethedisbursements.Motion carried. Citizen’s Input:None4. 5.Proposed Water System Improvements -Travis Roberts,Hunter Engineering. Mr.Travis Roberts with Hunter Engineering made a presentationontheproposedwatersystemimprovements. Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel and seconded byCouncilmanMcNeillthattheCityCouncilinstructstheengineerstopresenttothemabiddocumentatthenextmeetingontheprojectasproposed.Motion carried. ;' 6.Authorize Bid for Protective Clothing for Fire Fighters. Motion was made by Councilman Shaw and seconded byCouncilmanThomasthattheCityCouncilauthorizesthe bid for .w.".,w, protective clothing for fire fighters*Motion carried Consider and Possible Action on Appointment to Committee Regarding HAS Study* 7. Mayor Armstrong informed the Council the following have been appointed to serve on the committee.Mayor Armstrong mentioned she had talked with them and they are willing to serve: Steve Day,503 N.10th Galinda Powell,Diane Dr. Don Freeman on 455 Gayland Howell Terry Jones,Sanger Drug Store Debbie Spindle,Bolivar Water Supply Larry Yoast (City Staff ) Carroll McNeill (Councilman) Mayor Armstrong mentioned that a letter would be sent to Centel informing them of these names and addresses.Also,a letter will be sent to these members regarding tills committee and that Centel will be contacting them as to the meeting date,time,etc... 8.Any Other Such Matters: a*Mayor Armstrong mentioned that they had thought about giving the Beautification Program to the Park Board and they could select the members where they would have the power of making appointments for that program. Also,Mayor Armstrong mentioned she had thought about Clean-Up Week around the 15th of April. Mayor Armstrong informed the Council that Don Hill called her and stated they are going to appoint a citizens task force regarding roads in the county.She inquired if any City Council member would like to serve on this committee. b.Councilman McNeill inquired that he had heard that some are trying to incorporate a City outside of the City of Sanger near the lake,*and,could this be done? Mayor Armstrong instructed the City Manager to contact TML regarding this matter. c.Councilman McNeill inquired regarding the status on the marina. Mayor Armstrong stated that John and her are meeting with the Texas Parks &Wildlife regarding the marina Friday morning at 10 a.m. d.Councilman McNeill mentioned that he and Councilman Jenkins had met with Vickie Lewis -Sanger Courier,about 578 putting an article in the paper about the accident on 455 and the need for special equipment.They hope this article will bring in donations for special equipment that the fire department needs especially since Denton has the equipment and lias to be called out for certain accident assistance. a.Mayor Armstrong mentioned to the City Manager that we need to get someone to take pictures at the fast foods,car wash,etc.for reference to our traffic flow on the weekends since the lake has opened and even before summer begins. f .Councilman McNeill brought some pictures of tires behind Sims Tire,He mentioned that he felt that the City should notify Mr.Sims either by ordinance or some manner whereonceaweekoreverytwoweeksthetiresberemoved,not to let them pile up like they are right now. 8.City Administration Report: a.City Manager John Hamilton informed the City Council that the jury trial on the zoning case at Animart has been rescheduled for Monday,March 26th,7 p.m. b.City Manager mentioned 8,000 was authorized from the U,F. Equipment Replacement for the purchase of a Brush/Dump Truck.The purchase has been completed for a total of$5,600.For this total the City secured a truck,aircompressorandjackhammer,and a 48*back-hoe bucket for work in drainage ditches. c.City Manager mentioned that our health inspector,Joe Tims, has completed Ms first quarter inspections. Mayor Armstrong stated that the City does not inspect Daycares,Nursing Homes,and Schools where the State does these inspections.Ordinance *06-88 needs to be amended. Mayor Armstrong instructed City Manager to write a letter to those that we inspect explaining to them that throughnofaultofours,with personnel changes,etc.,that our inspection department has not gotten off the ground too well;but,we hope with our new inspector,Joe Tims,it will get off the ground. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that she had talked with onerestaurantowneraboutthefeesbeingcharged.She stated she had talked to City Manager and did he think there would be a problem with the City for the first year to go to a twiceayearprogram.That at the first of the year,permits be mailed out after inspection and then six months later they would be inspected which would be a nominal fee.Then ifwehavecomplaintsagainstthemduringthatsixmonths: they would go back and be reinspected.We would then notify them by letter that we had a valid complaint against v .w’:?C them and tills was why they were being inspected and why they had to pay. Mayor Armstrong instructed City Manager to check this matter out and to keep us within the State Laws and to also check with our inspector. d.City Manager mentioned his correspondence enclosed in the packet regarding unsafe buildings especially the house located on 2 nd and Church. e.City Manager John Hamilton mentioned his correspondence in the packet regarding his request for a consensus from the Council to purchase a fax machine for the approximate amount not to exceed $825.00. If approved^the purchase would be 1/2 from General Fund Equipment and 1/2 from Utility Fund Equipment. It was the consensus of the City Council to purchase the fax machine. i .City Manage!'mentioned that 1st National Bank is now GNB- Sanger and they will be honoring our depository contract with 1st National Bank and that the C.D.rates are guaranteed at 8%to 8.5%.vi -d %#VAM "%%I.S _10.Meeting adjourned..A X SdDCXfjJLwCiSecretaryO