04/02/1990-CC-Minutes-Regularr MINUTES:City Council Meeting April 2,1990 O MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Mel Armstrong ,Councilman Glenn Shaw, Councilman Harvey W,Thomas,Councilman Danny McDaniel,Councilman Carroll McNeill ,and Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton ,City Secretary Rosalie Garcia,Terry Jones_,Burl and Carmen Bourland ,and Craig Waggoner- Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order ,John Hamilton gave the invocation.Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag . 1. O Minutes were approved with one correction .On item *8 -the motion was made to appoint Biliye Hollingsworth as Election Judge and Wynema Schertz as Alternate and to appoint one election clerk , Disbursements -Councilman McNeill made the motion to pay- disbursements and the additional disbursements on memorandum. Seconded by Councilman Thomas,Motion carried. Citizen's Input -None4,•- 5,Consider and Possible Action for Downtown Merchant Representatives Requesting Downtown City Park for Spring Fling on May 5th -Terry Jones , Motion was made by Councilman Shaw to allow downtown merchants to use City Park for Spring Fling on May 5th , Seconded by Councilman Thomas,Motion carried , 6,Consider and Authorize Request for Bid for Water Improvements Project -Ground Storage and Water Line, Motion was made by Councilman Thomas and seconded by Councilman McNeill to authorize staff to print notice and advertise for bids on Water Improvements Project.Motion carried , rj.Consider and Possible Action to Award Bid for Protection Clothing for Sanger Fire Dept.iJ s Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel and seconded by Councilman McNeill to accept bid from Neel Associates,Inc .for1598,00 a set for Fire Dept ,Protective Clothing.Motion carried . Consider and Possible Action Regarding Proposals for the Replace - ment of Existing Central Heat and Air Conditioning Unit for City Hall. oU. t-e— < Discussion , Manager John Hamilton the latitude to make the decision since the bid is under $5,000 ,Seconded bv Councilman Shaw.Motion carried , Councilman McNeill made the motion to give Cityi Consider and Possible Action H Depository for City Funds, iegarding Request for Hid for Hankys Councilman Shaw made the motion to authorise the bidding for bank depository of City Funds ,Seconded by Councilman Thomas, Motion carried. 10 ,Consider and Possible Action Designating xAnnual Clean -Up Week Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel and seconded by Councilman Shaw to designate Friday,April 20th to April Annual Clean -Uo Week ,Motion carried , Ml1th.3.3 r n ,Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointment of Records Management Officer = Motion wae made b?CoiinciInia.n Jenkins and seconded •*s Councilman Shaw to appoint City Secretary Rose Garcia as oi Records Management Officer . TV- 12 Consider and Possible Action on Appointment to Serve on the Community Justice Council S Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to recommend Jim Alexander to be appointed to serve on the Community Justice Council ,Seconded by Councilman Shaw ,Motion carried , 13 Consider and Possible Action on Wastewater Plant Pumps,X Motion was made bv Councilman McNeill to get the companymi that represents Gromarx Pump to make a service call to tell us whars wrong with the pumps and to authorize City Manager John Hamilton to secure bids for new pumps for April 16th meeting with the stipulation that bids can be refused ,Seconded by Councilman Shaw ,Motion carried , City Manager was instructed to pursue the issue with Cole A Smithen , 14 ,Any Other Such Matters: Councilman McNeill reported on the meeting with Centel and the rest of the EAS Committee , a , Centel wants to offer $3,00 for Residential,$6,00 for business 5 plus 50$of total cost on billing. Discussion , .^ 15,City Administration Report: Annual Easter Egg Hunt scheduled for Saturday,April 14th , 10 a ,m.,Community Center , a , h.City Manager asked if 'City is interested in seeking a Tesas Community Development Program Grant for 1990, Consensus of City Council that they did not want to apply. Zoning Case involving Anirnart was appealed to Denton Count?, c. d .City Crews have been working to clean and repair our leased Santa Fe E .E.property?at Bolivar and 1st , Mr ,Bichard Will;was sent a letter concerning We Pack it's intentions with the Old Depot building .No reply as of this date. e. f.A letter was sent to the Health Department concerning final closing papers at the old landfill on south Railroad Avenue, Police Dept ,is working on junk vehicles, 4w--D1 18.Meeting ad,journed ,%%% //tf> A J < .CD X £SiCitySecretaryLUO-o %^OMayor ^7////%/n lmnvft'"'0