04/16/1990-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES:City Council Meeting April IB,1990 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Mel Armstrong ,Councilman Glenn Shaw , Councilman Danny McDaniel,Councilman Carroll McNeill,and Councilman Harvey W,Thomasi MEMBERS ABSENT: -—;' Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton ,City Secretary Rosalie Garcia,Dana &Chuck Renz ,and Garland Thornton - GNB-Sanger 1.Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order ,gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag, O Minutes of April 2,1990 stood approved as printed,i s s“s Disbursements:Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel to pay disbursements.Seconded by Councilman McNeill.Motion carried. 6 . Citizen 's Input -None4, 5,Consider and Possible Action Regarding Usage of Downtown Park for Youth Rally from 5:00 p.rn ,-12:00 a ,mu ,June 1st - Dana Renz ,Youth Director ,Sanger Pentecostal Church of God , Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel and seconded by Councilman Shaw to approve usage of Downtown Park for a Youth Rally,June 1st ,by Sanger Pentecostal Church of God,Motion carried . 6,Consider and Possible Action on Bank Depository Bids, Motion was made by Councilman McNeill and seconded by councilman Thomas to accept recommendation of staff and accept bid of GNB-Sanger as continued City's depository,Motion carried. r •7 Consider and Possible Action on 500 GPM Pump for Wastewater- Plant , .** Item Tabled , City Manager advised that Thursday when Agenda Packets was prepared that he was unaware that a representatiye from Groman Pump had come to Sanger ;and _,he also came down today.He did get both pumps.working and the lines were cleared.The tiling to do is to wait to see what results we get , o Any Other Such Matters:U , ;>n . c Mayor Armstrong stated that on the corner 7th shrubs need to be trimmed and also on the corner of of Willow anda. Diane and Houston. Mayor Armstrong asked if the Police Department can check the streets to see if shrubs are obstructing the view traffic.of t Clean -Up Committee has met again and she feels this committee will go on and grow into a beautification committee that will come up with some good recommendations to beautify our City. D. J_ •* n City Administration Report:a. City Manager advised he will be in a Compliance Workshop in Austin all a Thursday.Clay !City Manager advised there has been some discussion For clarification for staff ,does City Council want to proceed with low proposal of 3 &S or does City Council have further instruction ? D. the air condition replacement.concerning Mayor Armstrong stated that in the minutes at the last City Council Meeting ,the City Manager was given the latitude to make the decision since the bid was under 15,000 using his discretion. City Manager stated that the 014 landfill has finally passed State Inspection for final c. closure. d Bob Hauser of Texas Parks &.Midlife Dept ,telephoned Monday and stated that the Marina Proposal Packet has been completed been mailed notification of the process and a legal notice ran this weekend in newspapers in Dallas ,Ft.Worth Tyler ,Abilene, and will be mailed.All potential vendors have 5 Waco and Denison. Craig Waggoner conducted a fire drill for the Sullivan Senior Center .e. p Dwigh Bird of the Highway Dept ,met with at the corner of 5th and Loop 138 and -observed traffic mid -afternoon.Mr.Bird did say he would contact the 2.:iim in gangerLXS at proper department and advise them of the problem. T.Hamilton also discussed extensionii of Acker to Bolivar.Mr. Current budget has $8 ,,500 available for Street Improveme Mr.Hamilton also mentioned that in examining Acker Street ,it appears that the current 1 /2 block of paving,south of Elm needs to be redone also.Another option would be to extend Acker with a 27 ft.wide ,2 inch asphalt with 6'inch ii '.s J. C r s.- lime subgrade and a 24 inch concrete curb and gutter at a cost between $60 and $70 per linear foot. Consensus of City Council for staff to proceed. 10 .Meeting adjourned. /&>City Secretary ..'