05/07/1990-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES:City Council Meeting May 7,1990 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Pro-Tern ..ferry Jenkins ,Councilman Barmy McDaniel,Councilman Carroll McNeill,Mayor Nei Armstrong (newly elected Mayor ),Councilwoman Margie Braxton (newly elected Councilwoman )and Harvey V, Thomas (newly elected Councilman )'*. OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,City Secretary Rose Garcia., Craig Waggoner ,Burl Bourknd ,David J.Strittmatter , J.P .Haskins,Chuck ‘Tucker ,Larry Toast ,Ed A Cindy •••*•••Barrow Mayor Pro-Tem Jenkins called the meeting to order .City Manager gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag, 1. -Canvass Motes Regarding City Election held on May 5 ,1990:3W W sis * MAYOR Mel Armstrong Mickey Mouse Jim Conley 132 1 1 COUNCILMAN ,PLACE 2 Haryey W.Thomas 128 COUNCILMAN,PLACE 4 Margie Cole Braxton Glenn A .Shaw 80 69 Motion was made by Councilman McNeill to accept canvass of the ballots,Seconded by Councilman McDaniel ,Motion carried , a ),Swear in Newly Elected Officials , City Secretary proceeded with swearing in Mayor Nel Armstrong ,Councilman Harvey W,Thomas,and Council woman Marjorie Braxton , o Minutes approved as printed. 4,Disbursements -Motion was made by Councilman Thomas to approve diebursernents for payment,Seconded by Councilman Jenkins,Motion carried , 5,Recognize J.P .Haskins for 20 Tears Employment . Council presented J.P .Haskins with a plague and a citizens wrist watch for his 20 wars of service with the City, Citizems Input -Hone.£•u. *7 Consider and Possible Action Regarding Sidewalk at Chamber= of Commerce Building. Burl Bourland representing Chamber of Commerce asked Council If they would be willing to volunteer the labor of the City employees to help renovate the sidewalk in front of the Chamber of Commerce Building.The Chamber would be responsible for pro- viding the material. Motion was made by Councilman provide the labor in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce purchasing material for renovation of the sidewalk.Seconded by Thomas.Motion carried. Jenkins that the Citv crews will_ •* 1' uncuman o Consider and Possible Action on Water Improvements Bid *Us Bidder Total Amount Eiid Security Days Murrav Const.*1 Tee 60y $84,94582 water Treatment $135,890 $70 ,573 Const ,Yes 180•H- «2 $147,000RhodeConst.#1 Yes 150 #2 $127,300 $147,216R,1,Davidson *1 V 150ses $87,805»2 $124,915Strittmatter Irrigation v..120sesi *2 J.D Zapata i $90,870.4682 Yea 80 «1 Tank &Pump i ir.a Motion was made by Councilman McNeill and seconded by Councilman Jenkins to award bid to Strittmatter on Pro iect *1 for $124,915 and to award bid to Water Treatment Construction Project »2 for $70,573.Motion carried with one no vote - Councilman Me Daniel , Vernon’s Civil pertv A •>* n Executive Session According to Article 6252-17 Statues,if ],Negotiations for Acquisition of Real P -3 =?w ro ::/ 7:29 p.m.,Mayor Armstrong convened Council into Executive Session, 7:39 p.m ,,Mayor Armstrong reconvened Council from Executive session. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to proceed with negotiations to try to obtain right-of -way from extension of Acker Street.Seconded by Council'woman Braxton ,Motion carried with one abstaining vote -Councilman McDaniel.- 10 Any Other Such Matters: &Councilman Jenkins stated he has had several complaints on 10th Street.Councilman Jenkins asked if City could do something about that street -concerning the drainage, possibly widening the street. i i 2 Mayor asked that she wouldn’t object to the staff doing a study of what it would cost to do curb &..gutter and maybe how much it would cost each home owner if the city did an assessment. h.Councilman Jenkins also stated that corning down 1-35 Service load and right there by Hughes Street,by intermediate school, people coming down that Service load do turn into that street ,Maybe the City needs to think about making that street a one-way street instead of just diming morning school hours and evening school hours, Councilman instructed staff to -draft an ordinance on making it a one way street , Mayor stated she felt that there would be some residents at Council meeting tonight to complain concerning sewer **hack - up-9 on Jaekilu ,If any Councilman gets a call ,they might take some time to explain that this is not the City’s fault. c. Mayor Armstrong stated Mrs.Millar had called concerning the building where Wayne's Automotive is.Mrs.Millar-stated2—1 -• when they bought the building it was with the consideration that the zoning be changed to Industrial and it was changed to Industrial,When the city did the rezoning,on the new map it was changed to B-3.At that time,she was not aware of the change and failed to come to Council. d. When they talked to City Manager,he advised that they had the choice to go to P &E and change zoning or go to Council and ask for a variance. City has had to lay off street patching due to the employee who operates;the machine was involved in an automobile accident and he has not been working and will probably be out for e. another eigiit weefcs. Major stated that Boss Littman from the Federal Emergency Office with Denton County contacted her concerning if the City had severe damage to the streets and maybe the City could get some emergency money to repair them , f . 11.City Administration deport: City Manager reported on the infiltration , having pump problems at sewer plant. They are stilla. The City did experience drainage problems due to the amount of rainfall.The damage to the streets was also tremendous. The heavy rains did cause electrical problems at water system downtown.Many wire deficiencies were revealed and are being corrected. Clean -up week was extended to May 11,1990 due to the rain - fall. b .Library has set Saturday,June 9 ,as Library Open House. Staff was instructed to finish up improvements and flower beds.Wednesday Stud]/Club has expressed that they want to help with planting of flower beds. The 200,000 gallon storage-tank at the yard has developed a leak.c « City crews will repair it to save on labor. City Manager did advise City is exempt from “sewer backing up ”into peopled properties. d. City Manager advised that there are still some Volunteers from the Fire Department that have not signed for the Pension Plan.As it stands now they will be sending in what they have. e = f .City Manager discussed the regulations pending for operations of Solid Waste l Landfill j. City Manager advised that if City chooses to keep landfill open it could become extremely expensive for customers. Council needs to make a decision concerning closure or other- alternatives for-the landfill. City Manager stated that Bob Hazzard of Texas Parks A Wildlife contacted him concerning an alternate site for marina construction.The alternate site will be FM 1190 boat ramp. City Manager advised he had no objections since marina is at Sanger Access site. h.The last item was a formal complaint from an unnamed citizen regarding a travel trailer located at Jones Street.Area r c is zoned SF -3 .Mr.Alexander owns the property and at City’s request lias fenced the property to shield neighborhood from the wrecking yard business being generated at the site. Does Council want staff to enforce zoning and other codas in the neighborhood ?If City started an enforcement program , they need to be consistent with everything in town. It has been suggested Council hold a neighborhood meeting to receive input from residents.City Manager suggested early June as tentative date.•-:. 12.Meeting adjourned. x G=CUJ OJ LU City Secretary z ..„ !*:**"..' -K ..J