05/21/1990-CC-Minutes-Regular...>-• w- MINUTES:City Council Meeting May 21,1990 MEMBE1S PRESENT:Mayor Mel Armstrong ,Councilwoman Margie Braxton. Councilman Wendell Thomas,Councilman Danny McDaniel , Councilman Carroll McNeill ,and Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT;City Manager John Hamilton,City Secretary Rose Garcia , Duane and Twyla Brown 1 .Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order ,gave the invocation ,and led the pledge to the flag. o Minutes were approved as printed ,iss Disbursements;Motion was made by Councilman Thomas to approve disbursements for payments ,Seconded by Councilman Jenkins ,Motion carried , o vs Citizen’s Input:None4, 5.Conduct Public Rearms to Consider Ordinance «02-90 Establishing-wOne-Way Streets Within the City Limits of Sanger Mayor Armstrong called the Public Hearing open to the public. Duane Brown at 205 11th Street spoke against the Ordinance «02-90 establishing a one way street on Hughes. Mayor Armstrong did explain as to why the City is declaring Hughes as a one way.She stated that the exit ramp is so close to that street that when people need to turn on Hughes,they’ll make a right turn off that exit which Council feels if something is not done there will be a severe accident at that inter-section , Discussion. Mayor Armstrong called the Public Hearing closed. Mayor Armstrong asked the City Council if they could table this item to allow time for investigation with the Highway Department to see if they could possibly install a no right turn sign at that intersection to allow that street to remain the way it is at present , -J.r.vv..-8 .Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #02-90, Item tabled , n Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #01-90 - Warrant Fees.a c c Motion made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilman McNeill to pass Ordinance *01-90 to which states: CITY OF SANGER ORDINANCE NO.*01-90 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER ,DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AMENDING CHAPTER 1,SECTION 16,E (2 )OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF SANGER ESTABLISHING WARRANT FEES CONSISTENT WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS;PROVIDING FOE THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCE *86-6 AND ANY AND ALL OTHER SECTIONS IN CONFLICT AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE: Motion carried. Consider and Possible Action Designating Dangers Voting Representative to MCTCOG , oU * Motion was made by Councilman McNeill to nominate Mayor Armstrong to be appointed as the Voting Representative to NCTCOG.Seconded by Councilman McDaniel, Motion carried. 9,Consider and Possible Action on Approving Resolution *Bl -90 - Grant Programs This item was tabled due to the fact that the City needs to hold two Public Hearings before the Resolution is passed. 10 ,Executive Session According to Article 62 h 2-i ‘/,Vernofos Civil Statues,(ej Legal Counsel Mayor Armstrong convened Council to executive session at 7:37 p.m , Mayor Armstrong reconvened Council from executive session at 7:51 p.m. No Action Taken. 11.Any Other Such Matters: (a ]Councilman McDaniel asked what is the estimated cost of the pool and where it will be located , City Manager stated that lie had just received an estimated cost from Hunter Associates at around $213,000 for everything;however ,he feels this will be lower once it is out for bid. The location will be at the par Center , &over by the Community >''r Cost to the City to operate etcetera would be around 18,000-a-3 •j Mayor Armstrong asked is the City going to <.4 A -r\~,2rT"i--V -J &on the streets? City Manager adyised that in the morning they will be working on the streets, S—^ JL wa r City Manager advised that some representatives from theV.5 Federal Emergency A i nun mis morning ,O'v.-s advised that if the river did not come through the>1sSTT.Aw yA could not provide Emergency Aid to ourstreetsthey community, (u )W )Hunter Associates is working to get contracts signed on the Water Improvement Project , (cj The leak at the 200,000 water storage bank has been locate^•.it There was a person that came down from Red Oak who had done work like this for the City years ago. cost to repair the tank was $30,000Hisestimated He talked to the engineers and because of the time of the fix it ,sweep it up as beat they could ,If there are some bad, put some pCQzy?fill the tank then super chlorinate itareas •.is address this item on next yearnsThiswillallowCouncilwJbudget City Manager did state that the cost could be lowered if it would be ut out for bid ,K Old landfill is officially closed 13 eting adjourned.A ?Aa %% %I?.1 «$'T /5 CO ;*cl«*Cit^”Secretary r,<£S:><= */irf iLL.S \^O \ n ru*t-.vis?e<9 9 9 4*8 A * (^#Mayor%